// // Created by loki on 6/21/19. // #include "sunshine/platform/common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sunshine/config.h" #include "sunshine/main.h" #include "sunshine/task_pool.h" #include "vaapi.h" namespace platf { using namespace std::literals; void freeImage(XImage *); void freeX(XFixesCursorImage *); using ifaddr_t = util::safe_ptr; using xcb_connect_t = util::safe_ptr; using xcb_img_t = util::c_ptr; using xdisplay_t = util::safe_ptr_v2; using ximg_t = util::safe_ptr; using xcursor_t = util::safe_ptr; using crtc_info_t = util::safe_ptr<_XRRCrtcInfo, XRRFreeCrtcInfo>; using output_info_t = util::safe_ptr<_XRROutputInfo, XRRFreeOutputInfo>; using screen_res_t = util::safe_ptr<_XRRScreenResources, XRRFreeScreenResources>; class shm_id_t { public: shm_id_t() : id { -1 } {} shm_id_t(int id) : id { id } {} shm_id_t(shm_id_t &&other) noexcept : id(other.id) { other.id = -1; } ~shm_id_t() { if(id != -1) { shmctl(id, IPC_RMID, nullptr); id = -1; } } int id; }; class shm_data_t { public: shm_data_t() : data { (void *)-1 } {} shm_data_t(void *data) : data { data } {} shm_data_t(shm_data_t &&other) noexcept : data(other.data) { other.data = (void *)-1; } ~shm_data_t() { if((std::uintptr_t)data != -1) { shmdt(data); } } void *data; }; struct x11_img_t : public img_t { ximg_t img; }; struct shm_img_t : public img_t { ~shm_img_t() override { delete[] data; data = nullptr; } }; void blend_cursor(Display *display, img_t &img, int offsetX, int offsetY) { xcursor_t overlay { XFixesGetCursorImage(display) }; if(!overlay) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't get cursor from XFixesGetCursorImage"sv; return; } overlay->x -= overlay->xhot; overlay->y -= overlay->yhot; overlay->x -= offsetX; overlay->y -= offsetY; overlay->x = std::max((short)0, overlay->x); overlay->y = std::max((short)0, overlay->y); auto pixels = (int *)img.data; auto screen_height = img.height; auto screen_width = img.width; auto delta_height = std::min(overlay->height, std::max(0, screen_height - overlay->y)); auto delta_width = std::min(overlay->width, std::max(0, screen_width - overlay->x)); for(auto y = 0; y < delta_height; ++y) { auto overlay_begin = &overlay->pixels[y * overlay->width]; auto overlay_end = &overlay->pixels[y * overlay->width + delta_width]; auto pixels_begin = &pixels[(y + overlay->y) * (img.row_pitch / img.pixel_pitch) + overlay->x]; std::for_each(overlay_begin, overlay_end, [&](long pixel) { int *pixel_p = (int *)&pixel; auto colors_in = (uint8_t *)pixels_begin; auto alpha = (*(uint *)pixel_p) >> 24u; if(alpha == 255) { *pixels_begin = *pixel_p; } else { auto colors_out = (uint8_t *)pixel_p; colors_in[0] = colors_out[0] + (colors_in[0] * (255 - alpha) + 255 / 2) / 255; colors_in[1] = colors_out[1] + (colors_in[1] * (255 - alpha) + 255 / 2) / 255; colors_in[2] = colors_out[2] + (colors_in[2] * (255 - alpha) + 255 / 2) / 255; } ++pixels_begin; }); } } struct x11_attr_t : public display_t { xdisplay_t xdisplay; Window xwindow; XWindowAttributes xattr; mem_type_e mem_type; /* * Last X (NOT the streamed monitor!) size. * This way we can trigger reinitialization if the dimensions changed while streaming */ int lastWidth, lastHeight; x11_attr_t(mem_type_e mem_type) : xdisplay { XOpenDisplay(nullptr) }, xwindow {}, xattr {}, mem_type { mem_type } { XInitThreads(); } int init() { if(!xdisplay) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Could not open X11 display"sv; return -1; } xwindow = DefaultRootWindow(xdisplay.get()); refresh(); int streamedMonitor = -1; if(!config::video.output_name.empty()) { streamedMonitor = (int)util::from_view(config::video.output_name); } if(streamedMonitor != -1) { BOOST_LOG(info) << "Configuring selected monitor ("sv << streamedMonitor << ") to stream"sv; screen_res_t screenr { XRRGetScreenResources(xdisplay.get(), xwindow) }; int output = screenr->noutput; if(streamedMonitor >= output) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Could not stream display number ["sv << streamedMonitor << "], there are only ["sv << output << "] displays."sv; return -1; } output_info_t out_info { XRRGetOutputInfo(xdisplay.get(), screenr.get(), screenr->outputs[streamedMonitor]) }; if(!out_info || out_info->connection != RR_Connected) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Could not stream selected display because it doesn't seem to be connected"sv; return -1; } crtc_info_t crt_info { XRRGetCrtcInfo(xdisplay.get(), screenr.get(), out_info->crtc) }; BOOST_LOG(info) << "Streaming display: "sv << out_info->name << " with res "sv << crt_info->width << 'x' << crt_info->height << " offset by "sv << crt_info->x << 'x' << crt_info->y; width = crt_info->width; height = crt_info->height; offset_x = crt_info->x; offset_y = crt_info->y; } else { width = xattr.width; height = xattr.height; } lastWidth = xattr.width; lastHeight = xattr.height; return 0; } /** * Called when the display attributes should change. */ void refresh() { XGetWindowAttributes(xdisplay.get(), xwindow, &xattr); //Update xattr's } capture_e snapshot(img_t *img_out_base, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, bool cursor) override { refresh(); //The whole X server changed, so we gotta reinit everything if(xattr.width != lastWidth || xattr.height != lastHeight) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "X dimensions changed in non-SHM mode, request reinit"sv; return capture_e::reinit; } XImage *img { XGetImage(xdisplay.get(), xwindow, offset_x, offset_y, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap) }; auto img_out = (x11_img_t *)img_out_base; img_out->width = img->width; img_out->height = img->height; img_out->data = (uint8_t *)img->data; img_out->row_pitch = img->bytes_per_line; img_out->pixel_pitch = img->bits_per_pixel / 8; img_out->img.reset(img); if(cursor) { blend_cursor(xdisplay.get(), *img_out_base, offset_x, offset_y); } return capture_e::ok; } std::shared_ptr alloc_img() override { return std::make_shared(); } std::shared_ptr make_hwdevice(pix_fmt_e pix_fmt) override { if(mem_type == mem_type_e::vaapi) { return egl::make_hwdevice(width, height); } return std::make_shared(); } int dummy_img(img_t *img) override { snapshot(img, 0s, true); return 0; } }; struct shm_attr_t : public x11_attr_t { xdisplay_t shm_xdisplay; // Prevent race condition with x11_attr_t::xdisplay xcb_connect_t xcb; xcb_screen_t *display; std::uint32_t seg; shm_id_t shm_id; shm_data_t data; util::TaskPool::task_id_t refresh_task_id; void delayed_refresh() { refresh(); refresh_task_id = task_pool.pushDelayed(&shm_attr_t::delayed_refresh, 2s, this).task_id; } shm_attr_t(mem_type_e mem_type) : x11_attr_t(mem_type), shm_xdisplay { XOpenDisplay(nullptr) } { refresh_task_id = task_pool.pushDelayed(&shm_attr_t::delayed_refresh, 2s, this).task_id; } ~shm_attr_t() override { while(!task_pool.cancel(refresh_task_id)) ; } capture_e snapshot(img_t *img, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, bool cursor) override { //The whole X server changed, so we gotta reinit everything if(xattr.width != lastWidth || xattr.height != lastHeight) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "X dimensions changed in SHM mode, request reinit"sv; return capture_e::reinit; } else { auto img_cookie = xcb_shm_get_image_unchecked(xcb.get(), display->root, offset_x, offset_y, width, height, ~0, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, seg, 0); xcb_img_t img_reply { xcb_shm_get_image_reply(xcb.get(), img_cookie, nullptr) }; if(!img_reply) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Could not get image reply"sv; return capture_e::reinit; } std::copy_n((std::uint8_t *)data.data, frame_size(), img->data); if(cursor) { blend_cursor(shm_xdisplay.get(), *img, offset_x, offset_y); } return capture_e::ok; } } std::shared_ptr alloc_img() override { auto img = std::make_shared(); img->width = width; img->height = height; img->pixel_pitch = 4; img->row_pitch = img->pixel_pitch * width; img->data = new std::uint8_t[height * img->row_pitch]; return img; } int dummy_img(platf::img_t *img) override { return 0; } int init() { if(x11_attr_t::init()) { return 1; } shm_xdisplay.reset(XOpenDisplay(nullptr)); xcb.reset(xcb_connect(nullptr, nullptr)); if(xcb_connection_has_error(xcb.get())) { return -1; } if(!xcb_get_extension_data(xcb.get(), &xcb_shm_id)->present) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Missing SHM extension"sv; return -1; } auto iter = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(xcb.get())); display = iter.data; seg = xcb_generate_id(xcb.get()); shm_id.id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, frame_size(), IPC_CREAT | 0777); if(shm_id.id == -1) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "shmget failed"sv; return -1; } xcb_shm_attach(xcb.get(), seg, shm_id.id, false); data.data = shmat(shm_id.id, nullptr, 0); if((uintptr_t)data.data == -1) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "shmat failed"sv; return -1; } return 0; } std::uint32_t frame_size() { return width * height * 4; } }; std::shared_ptr display(platf::mem_type_e hwdevice_type) { if(hwdevice_type != platf::mem_type_e::system && hwdevice_type != platf::mem_type_e::vaapi) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Could not initialize display with the given hw device type."sv; return nullptr; } // Attempt to use shared memory X11 to avoid copying the frame auto shm_disp = std::make_shared(hwdevice_type); auto status = shm_disp->init(); if(status > 0) { // x11_attr_t::init() failed, don't bother trying again. return nullptr; } if(status == 0) { return shm_disp; } // Fallback auto x11_disp = std::make_shared(hwdevice_type); if(x11_disp->init()) { return nullptr; } return x11_disp; } ifaddr_t get_ifaddrs() { ifaddrs *p { nullptr }; getifaddrs(&p); return ifaddr_t { p }; } std::string from_sockaddr(const sockaddr *const ip_addr) { char data[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; auto family = ip_addr->sa_family; if(family == AF_INET6) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((sockaddr_in6 *)ip_addr)->sin6_addr, data, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); } if(family == AF_INET) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((sockaddr_in *)ip_addr)->sin_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } return std::string { data }; } std::pair from_sockaddr_ex(const sockaddr *const ip_addr) { char data[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; auto family = ip_addr->sa_family; std::uint16_t port; if(family == AF_INET6) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((sockaddr_in6 *)ip_addr)->sin6_addr, data, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); port = ((sockaddr_in6 *)ip_addr)->sin6_port; } if(family == AF_INET) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((sockaddr_in *)ip_addr)->sin_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); port = ((sockaddr_in *)ip_addr)->sin_port; } return { port, std::string { data } }; } std::string get_mac_address(const std::string_view &address) { auto ifaddrs = get_ifaddrs(); for(auto pos = ifaddrs.get(); pos != nullptr; pos = pos->ifa_next) { if(pos->ifa_addr && address == from_sockaddr(pos->ifa_addr)) { std::ifstream mac_file("/sys/class/net/"s + pos->ifa_name + "/address"); if(mac_file.good()) { std::string mac_address; std::getline(mac_file, mac_address); return mac_address; } } } BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Unable to find MAC address for "sv << address; return "00:00:00:00:00:00"s; } void freeImage(XImage *p) { XDestroyImage(p); } void freeX(XFixesCursorImage *p) { XFree(p); } } // namespace platf