#include #include #include #include #include #include "utility.h" #include "config.h" #define CA_DIR "credentials" #define PRIVATE_KEY_FILE CA_DIR "/cakey.pem" #define CERTIFICATE_FILE CA_DIR "/cacert.pem" #define APPS_JSON_PATH SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR "/" APPS_JSON namespace config { using namespace std::literals; namespace nv { enum preset_e : int { _default = 0, slow, medium, fast, hp, hq, bd, ll_default, llhq, llhp, lossless_default, // lossless presets must be the last ones lossless_hp, }; enum rc_e : int { constqp = 0x0, /**< Constant QP mode */ vbr = 0x1, /**< Variable bitrate mode */ cbr = 0x2, /**< Constant bitrate mode */ cbr_ld_hq = 0x8, /**< low-delay CBR, high quality */ cbr_hq = 0x10, /**< CBR, high quality (slower) */ vbr_hq = 0x20 /**< VBR, high quality (slower) */ }; enum coder_e : int { _auto = 0, cabac, cavlc }; std::optional preset_from_view(const std::string_view &preset) { #define _CONVERT_(x) if(preset == #x##sv) return x _CONVERT_(slow); _CONVERT_(medium); _CONVERT_(fast); _CONVERT_(hp); _CONVERT_(bd); _CONVERT_(ll_default); _CONVERT_(llhq); _CONVERT_(llhp); _CONVERT_(lossless_default); _CONVERT_(lossless_hp); if(preset == "default"sv) return _default; #undef _CONVERT_ return std::nullopt; } std::optional rc_from_view(const std::string_view &rc) { #define _CONVERT_(x) if(rc == #x##sv) return x _CONVERT_(constqp); _CONVERT_(vbr); _CONVERT_(cbr); _CONVERT_(cbr_hq); _CONVERT_(vbr_hq); _CONVERT_(cbr_ld_hq); #undef _CONVERT_ return std::nullopt; } int coder_from_view(const std::string_view &coder) { if(coder == "auto"sv) return _auto; if(coder == "cabac"sv || coder == "ac"sv) return cabac; if(coder == "cavlc"sv || coder == "vlc"sv) return cavlc; return -1; } } namespace amd { enum quality_e : int { _default = 0, speed, balanced, //quality2, }; enum rc_e : int { constqp = 0x0, /**< Constant QP mode */ vbr = 0x1, /**< Variable bitrate mode */ cbr = 0x2, /**< Constant bitrate mode */ cbr_ld_hq = 0x8, /**< low-delay CBR, high quality */ cbr_hq = 0x10, /**< CBR, high quality (slower) */ vbr_hq = 0x20 /**< VBR, high quality (slower) */ }; enum coder_e : int { _auto = 0, cabac, cavlc }; std::optional quality_from_view(const std::string_view &quality) { #define _CONVERT_(x) if(quality == #x##sv) return x _CONVERT_(speed); _CONVERT_(balanced); //_CONVERT_(quality2); if(quality == "default"sv) return _default; #undef _CONVERT_ return std::nullopt; } std::optional rc_from_view(const std::string_view &rc) { #define _CONVERT_(x) if(rc == #x##sv) return x _CONVERT_(constqp); _CONVERT_(vbr); _CONVERT_(cbr); _CONVERT_(cbr_hq); _CONVERT_(vbr_hq); _CONVERT_(cbr_ld_hq); #undef _CONVERT_ return std::nullopt; } int coder_from_view(const std::string_view &coder) { if(coder == "auto"sv) return _auto; if(coder == "cabac"sv || coder == "ac"sv) return cabac; if(coder == "cavlc"sv || coder == "vlc"sv) return cavlc; return -1; } } video_t video { 0, // crf 28, // qp 0, // hevc_mode 1, // min_threads { "superfast"s, // preset "zerolatency"s, // tune }, // software { nv::llhq, std::nullopt, -1 }, // nv { amd::balanced, std::nullopt, -1 }, // amd {}, // encoder {}, // adapter_name {}, // output_name }; audio_t audio {}; stream_t stream { 2s, // ping_timeout APPS_JSON_PATH, 10, // fecPercentage 1 // channels }; nvhttp_t nvhttp { "lan", // origin_pin PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, CERTIFICATE_FILE, boost::asio::ip::host_name(), // sunshine_name, "sunshine_state.json"s // file_state }; input_t input { 2s, // back_button_timeout 500ms, // key_repeat_delay std::chrono::duration { 1 / 24.9 } // key_repeat_period }; sunshine_t sunshine { 2, // min_log_level 0 // flags }; bool whitespace(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } std::string to_string(const char *begin, const char *end) { return { begin, (std::size_t)(end - begin) }; } std::optional> parse_line(std::string_view::const_iterator begin, std::string_view::const_iterator end) { begin = std::find_if(begin, end, std::not_fn(whitespace)); end = std::find(begin, end, '#'); end = std::find_if(std::make_reverse_iterator(end), std::make_reverse_iterator(begin), std::not_fn(whitespace)).base(); auto eq = std::find(begin, end, '='); if(eq == end || eq == begin) { return std::nullopt; } auto end_name = std::find_if(std::make_reverse_iterator(eq), std::make_reverse_iterator(begin), std::not_fn(whitespace)).base(); auto begin_val = std::find_if(eq + 1, end, std::not_fn(whitespace)); return std::pair { to_string(begin, end_name), to_string(begin_val, end) }; } std::unordered_map parse_config(std::string_view file_content) { std::unordered_map vars; auto pos = std::begin(file_content); auto end = std::end(file_content); while(pos < end) { auto newline = std::find_if(pos, end, [](auto ch) { return ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'; }); auto var = parse_line(pos, newline); pos = (*newline == '\r') ? newline + 2 : newline + 1; if(!var) { continue; } vars.emplace(std::move(*var)); } return vars; } void string_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, std::string &input) { auto it = vars.find(name); if(it == std::end(vars)) { return; } input = std::move(it->second); vars.erase(it); } void string_restricted_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, std::string &input, const std::vector &allowed_vals) { std::string temp; string_f(vars, name, temp); for(auto &allowed_val : allowed_vals) { if(temp == allowed_val) { input = std::move(temp); return; } } } void int_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, int &input) { auto it = vars.find(name); if(it == std::end(vars)) { return; } auto &val = it->second; input = util::from_chars(&val[0], &val[0] + val.size()); vars.erase(it); } void int_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, std::optional &input) { auto it = vars.find(name); if(it == std::end(vars)) { return; } auto &val = it->second; input = util::from_chars(&val[0], &val[0] + val.size()); vars.erase(it); } template void int_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, int &input, F &&f) { std::string tmp; string_f(vars, name, tmp); if(!tmp.empty()) { input = f(tmp); } } template void int_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, std::optional &input, F &&f) { std::string tmp; string_f(vars, name, tmp); if(!tmp.empty()) { input = f(tmp); } } void int_between_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, int &input, const std::pair &range) { int temp = input; int_f(vars, name, temp); TUPLE_2D_REF(lower, upper, range); if(temp >= lower && temp <= upper) { input = temp; } } bool to_bool(std::string &boolean) { std::for_each(std::begin(boolean), std::end(boolean), [](char ch) { return (char)std::tolower(ch); }); return boolean == "true"sv || boolean == "yes"sv || boolean == "enable"sv || (std::find(std::begin(boolean), std::end(boolean), '1') != std::end(boolean)); } void bool_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, int &input) { std::string tmp; string_f(vars, name, tmp); if(tmp.empty()) { return; } input = to_bool(tmp) ? 1 : 0; } void double_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, double &input) { std::string tmp; string_f(vars, name, tmp); if(tmp.empty()) { return; } char *c_str_p; auto val = std::strtod(tmp.c_str(), &c_str_p); if(c_str_p == tmp.c_str()) { return; } input = val; } void double_between_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, double &input, const std::pair &range) { double temp = input; double_f(vars, name, temp); TUPLE_2D_REF(lower, upper, range); if(temp >= lower && temp <= upper) { input = temp; } } void print_help(const char *name) { std::cout << "Usage: "sv << name << " [options] [/path/to/configuration_file]"sv << std::endl << " Any configurable option can be overwritten with: \"name=value\""sv << std::endl << std::endl << " --help | print help"sv << std::endl << std::endl << " flags"sv << std::endl << " -0 | Read PIN from stdin"sv << std::endl << " -1 | Do not load previously saved state and do retain any state after shutdown"sv << std::endl << " | Effectively starting as if for the first time without overwriting any pairings with your devices"sv; } int apply_flags(const char *line) { int ret = 0; while(*line != '\0') { switch(*line) { case '0': config::sunshine.flags[config::flag::PIN_STDIN].flip(); break; case '1': config::sunshine.flags[config::flag::FRESH_STATE].flip(); break; case 'p': config::sunshine.flags[config::flag::CONST_PIN].flip(); break; default: std::cout << "Warning: Unrecognized flag: ["sv << *line << ']' << std::endl; ret = -1; } ++line; } return ret; } void apply_config(std::unordered_map &&vars) { for(auto &[name, val] : vars) { std::cout << "["sv << name << "] -- ["sv << val << ']' << std::endl; } int_f(vars, "crf", video.crf); int_f(vars, "qp", video.qp); int_f(vars, "min_threads", video.min_threads); int_between_f(vars, "hevc_mode", video.hevc_mode, { 0, 3 }); string_f(vars, "sw_preset", video.sw.preset); string_f(vars, "sw_tune", video.sw.tune); int_f(vars, "nv_preset", video.nv.preset, nv::preset_from_view); int_f(vars, "nv_rc", video.nv.rc, nv::rc_from_view); int_f(vars, "nv_coder", video.nv.coder, nv::coder_from_view); int_f(vars, "amd_quality", video.amd.quality, amd::quality_from_view); int_f(vars, "amd_rc", video.amd.rc, amd::rc_from_view); int_f(vars, "amd_coder", video.amd.coder, amd::coder_from_view); string_f(vars, "encoder", video.encoder); string_f(vars, "adapter_name", video.adapter_name); string_f(vars, "output_name", video.output_name); string_f(vars, "pkey", nvhttp.pkey); string_f(vars, "cert", nvhttp.cert); string_f(vars, "sunshine_name", nvhttp.sunshine_name); string_f(vars, "file_state", nvhttp.file_state); string_f(vars, "external_ip", nvhttp.external_ip); string_f(vars, "audio_sink", audio.sink); string_restricted_f(vars, "origin_pin_allowed", nvhttp.origin_pin_allowed, { "pc"sv, "lan"sv, "wan"sv }); int to = -1; int_between_f(vars, "ping_timeout", to, { -1, std::numeric_limits::max() }); if(to != -1) { stream.ping_timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(to); } int_between_f(vars, "channels", stream.channels, { 1, std::numeric_limits::max() }); string_f(vars, "file_apps", stream.file_apps); int_between_f(vars, "fec_percentage", stream.fec_percentage, { 1, 100 }); to = std::numeric_limits::min(); int_f(vars, "back_button_timeout", to); if(to > std::numeric_limits::min()) { input.back_button_timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds { to }; } double repeat_frequency { 0 }; double_between_f(vars, "key_repeat_frequency", repeat_frequency, { 0, std::numeric_limits::max() }); if(repeat_frequency > 0) { config::input.key_repeat_period = std::chrono::duration {1 / repeat_frequency }; } to = -1; int_f(vars, "key_repeat_delay", to); if(to >= 0) { input.key_repeat_delay = std::chrono::milliseconds { to }; } std::string log_level_string; string_restricted_f(vars, "min_log_level", log_level_string, { "verbose"sv, "debug"sv, "info"sv, "warning"sv, "error"sv, "fatal"sv, "none"sv }); if(!log_level_string.empty()) { if(log_level_string == "verbose"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 0; } else if(log_level_string == "debug"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 1; } else if(log_level_string == "info"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 2; } else if(log_level_string == "warning"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 3; } else if(log_level_string == "error"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 4; } else if(log_level_string == "fatal"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 5; } else if(log_level_string == "none"sv) { sunshine.min_log_level = 6; } } auto it = vars.find("flags"s); if(it != std::end(vars)) { apply_flags(it->second.c_str()); vars.erase(it); } if(sunshine.min_log_level <= 3) { for(auto &[var,_] : vars) { std::cout << "Warning: Unrecognized configurable option ["sv << var << ']' << std::endl; } } } int parse(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *config_file = SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR "/sunshine.conf"; std::unordered_map cmd_vars; for(auto x = argc -1; x > 0; --x) { auto line = argv[x]; if(line == "--help"sv) { print_help(*argv); return 1; } else if(*line == '-') { if(apply_flags(line + 1)) { print_help(*argv); return -1; } } else { auto line_end = line + strlen(line); auto pos = std::find(line, line_end, '='); if(pos == line_end) { config_file = line; } else { auto var = parse_line(line, line_end); if(!var) { print_help(*argv); return -1; } cmd_vars.emplace(std::move(*var)); } } } std::ifstream in { config_file }; if(!in.is_open()) { std::cout << "Error: Couldn't open "sv << config_file << std::endl; return -1; } auto vars = parse_config(std::string { // Quick and dirty std::istreambuf_iterator(in), std::istreambuf_iterator() }); for(auto &[name,value] : cmd_vars) { vars.insert_or_assign(std::move(name), std::move(value)); } apply_config(std::move(vars)); return 0; } }