# Introduction Sunshine is a Gamestream host for Moonlight [![AppVeyor Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/cgrtw2g3fq9b0b70/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/loki-47-6F-64/sunshine/branch/master) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/Loki-47-6F-64/sunshine/total)](https://github.com/Loki-47-6F-64/sunshine/releases) You may wish to simply build sunshine from source, without bloating your OS with development files. These scripts will create a docker images that have the necessary packages. As a result, removing the development files after you're done is a single command away. These scripts use docker under the hood, as such, they can only be used to compile the Linux version #### Requirements ``` sudo apt install docker ``` #### instructions You'll require one of the following Dockerfiles: * Dockerfile-2004 --> Ubuntu 20.04 * Dockerfile-2104 --> Ubuntu 21.04 * Dockerfile-debian --> Debian Bullseye Depending on your system, the build-* scripts may need root privilleges First, the docker container needs to be created: ``` cd scripts ./build-container.sh -f Dockerfile- ``` Then, the sources will be compiled and the debian package generated: ``` ./build-sunshine -p -s .. ``` You can run `build-sunshine -p -s ..` again as long as the docker container exists. ``` git pull ./build-sunshine -p -s .. ``` Optionally, the docker container can be removed after you're finished: ``` ./build-container.sh -c delete ``` Finally install the resulting package: ``` sudo apt install -f sunshine-build/sunshine.deb ```