#include <thread> #include <opus/opus_multistream.h> #include "platform/common.h" #include "audio.h" #include "config.h" #include "main.h" #include "thread_safe.h" #include "utility.h" namespace audio { using namespace std::literals; using opus_t = util::safe_ptr<OpusMSEncoder, opus_multistream_encoder_destroy>; using sample_queue_t = std::shared_ptr<safe::queue_t<std::vector<std::int16_t>>>; struct audio_ctx_t { // We want to change the sink for the first stream only std::unique_ptr<std::atomic_bool> sink_flag; std::unique_ptr<platf::audio_control_t> control; bool restore_sink; platf::sink_t sink; }; static int start_audio_control(audio_ctx_t &ctx); static void stop_audio_control(audio_ctx_t &); int map_stream(int channels, bool quality); constexpr auto SAMPLE_RATE = 48000; opus_stream_config_t stream_configs[MAX_STREAM_CONFIG] { { SAMPLE_RATE, 2, 1, 1, platf::speaker::map_stereo, }, { SAMPLE_RATE, 6, 4, 2, platf::speaker::map_surround51, }, { SAMPLE_RATE, 6, 6, 0, platf::speaker::map_surround51, }, { SAMPLE_RATE, 8, 5, 3, platf::speaker::map_surround71, }, { SAMPLE_RATE, 8, 8, 0, platf::speaker::map_surround71, }, }; auto control_shared = safe::make_shared<audio_ctx_t>(start_audio_control, stop_audio_control); void encodeThread(sample_queue_t samples, config_t config, void *channel_data) { auto packets = mail::man->queue<packet_t>(mail::audio_packets); //FIXME: Pick correct opus_stream_config_t based on config.channels auto stream = &stream_configs[map_stream(config.channels, config.flags[config_t::HIGH_QUALITY])]; opus_t opus { opus_multistream_encoder_create( stream->sampleRate, stream->channelCount, stream->streams, stream->coupledStreams, stream->mapping, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, nullptr) }; opus_multistream_encoder_ctl(opus.get(), OPUS_SET_VBR(0)); auto frame_size = config.packetDuration * stream->sampleRate / 1000; while(auto sample = samples->pop()) { buffer_t packet { 1024 }; // 1KB int bytes = opus_multistream_encode(opus.get(), sample->data(), frame_size, std::begin(packet), packet.size()); if(bytes < 0) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't encode audio: "sv << opus_strerror(bytes); packets->stop(); return; } packet.fake_resize(bytes); packets->raise(channel_data, std::move(packet)); } } void capture(safe::mail_t mail, config_t config, void *channel_data) { auto shutdown_event = mail->event<bool>(mail::shutdown); //FIXME: Pick correct opus_stream_config_t based on config.channels auto stream = &stream_configs[map_stream(config.channels, config.flags[config_t::HIGH_QUALITY])]; auto ref = control_shared.ref(); if(!ref) { return; } auto &control = ref->control; if(!control) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't create audio control"sv; return; } std::string *sink = config::audio.sink.empty() ? &ref->sink.host : &config::audio.sink; if(ref->sink.null) { auto &null = *ref->sink.null; switch(stream->channelCount) { case 2: sink = &null.stereo; break; case 6: sink = &null.surround51; break; case 8: sink = &null.surround71; break; } } // Only the first to start a session may change the default sink if(!ref->sink_flag->exchange(true, std::memory_order_acquire)) { ref->restore_sink = !config.flags[config_t::HOST_AUDIO]; // If the client requests audio on the host, don't change the default sink if(!config.flags[config_t::HOST_AUDIO] && control->set_sink(*sink)) { return; } } auto samples = std::make_shared<sample_queue_t::element_type>(30); std::thread thread { encodeThread, samples, config, channel_data }; auto fg = util::fail_guard([&]() { samples->stop(); thread.join(); shutdown_event->view(); }); auto frame_size = config.packetDuration * stream->sampleRate / 1000; int samples_per_frame = frame_size * stream->channelCount; auto mic = control->microphone(stream->mapping, stream->channelCount, stream->sampleRate, frame_size); if(!mic) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't create audio input"sv; return; } while(!shutdown_event->peek()) { std::vector<std::int16_t> sample_buffer; sample_buffer.resize(samples_per_frame); auto status = mic->sample(sample_buffer); switch(status) { case platf::capture_e::ok: break; case platf::capture_e::timeout: continue; case platf::capture_e::reinit: mic.reset(); mic = control->microphone(stream->mapping, stream->channelCount, stream->sampleRate, frame_size); if(!mic) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't re-initialize audio input"sv; return; } return; default: return; } samples->raise(std::move(sample_buffer)); } } int map_stream(int channels, bool quality) { int shift = quality ? 1 : 0; switch(channels) { case 2: return STEREO; case 6: return SURROUND51 + shift; case 8: return SURROUND71 + shift; } return STEREO; } int start_audio_control(audio_ctx_t &ctx) { ctx.sink_flag = std::make_unique<std::atomic_bool>(false); if(!(ctx.control = platf::audio_control())) { return -1; } auto sink = ctx.control->sink_info(); if(!sink) { return -1; } // The default sink has not been replaced yet. ctx.restore_sink = false; ctx.sink = std::move(*sink); return 0; } void stop_audio_control(audio_ctx_t &ctx) { // restore audio-sink if applicable if(!ctx.restore_sink) { return; } const std::string &sink = config::audio.sink.empty() ? ctx.sink.host : config::audio.sink; if(!sink.empty()) { // Best effort, it's allowed to fail ctx.control->set_sink(sink); } } } // namespace audio