# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 # artifacts: true # platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8 # platforms_pr: linux/amd64 # no-cache-filters: sunshine-base,artifacts,sunshine ARG BASE=ubuntu ARG TAG=22.04 FROM ${BASE}:${TAG} AS sunshine-base ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive FROM sunshine-base AS sunshine-build ARG BRANCH ARG BUILD_VERSION ARG COMMIT # note: BUILD_VERSION may be blank ENV BRANCH=${BRANCH} ENV BUILD_VERSION=${BUILD_VERSION} ENV COMMIT=${COMMIT} SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] # copy repository WORKDIR /build/sunshine/ COPY --link .. . # cmake and cpack RUN <<_BUILD #!/bin/bash set -e chmod +x ./scripts/linux_build.sh ./scripts/linux_build.sh \ --publisher-name='LizardByte' \ --publisher-website='https://app.lizardbyte.dev' \ --publisher-issue-url='https://app.lizardbyte.dev/support' \ --sudo-off apt-get clean rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* _BUILD # run tests WORKDIR /build/sunshine/build/tests # hadolint ignore=SC1091 RUN <<_TEST #!/bin/bash set -e export DISPLAY=:1 Xvfb ${DISPLAY} -screen 0 1024x768x24 & ./test_sunshine --gtest_color=yes _TEST FROM scratch AS artifacts ARG BASE ARG TAG ARG TARGETARCH COPY --link --from=sunshine-build /build/sunshine/build/cpack_artifacts/Sunshine.deb /sunshine-${BASE}-${TAG}-${TARGETARCH}.deb FROM sunshine-base AS sunshine # copy deb from builder COPY --link --from=artifacts /sunshine*.deb /sunshine.deb # install sunshine RUN <<_INSTALL_SUNSHINE #!/bin/bash set -e apt-get update -y apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends /sunshine.deb apt-get clean rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* _INSTALL_SUNSHINE # network setup EXPOSE 47984-47990/tcp EXPOSE 48010 EXPOSE 47998-48000/udp # setup user ARG PGID=1000 ENV PGID=${PGID} ARG PUID=1000 ENV PUID=${PUID} ENV TZ="UTC" ARG UNAME=lizard ENV UNAME=${UNAME} ENV HOME=/home/$UNAME # setup user RUN <<_SETUP_USER #!/bin/bash set -e groupadd -f -g "${PGID}" "${UNAME}" useradd -lm -d ${HOME} -s /bin/bash -g "${PGID}" -u "${PUID}" "${UNAME}" mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/sunshine ln -s ${HOME}/.config/sunshine /config chown -R ${UNAME} ${HOME} _SETUP_USER USER ${UNAME} WORKDIR ${HOME} # entrypoint ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/sunshine"]