mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:14:30 +00:00
* Prepare to update deps/switchres * Squashed 'deps/switchres/' content from commit ca72648b32 git-subtree-dir: deps/switchres git-subtree-split: ca72648b3253eca8c5addf64d1e4aa1c43f5db94 * Add CRT modeswitching to KMS Display the real refresh rate Enable the CRT SwitchRes menu Add another switchres.ini path for Lakka
325 lines
13 KiB
325 lines
13 KiB
import argparse
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import os
import logging
import platform
CTR_modifier = 1<<7
class mode:
def __init__(self, w:int = 640, h:int = 480, rr:float = 60):
self.width = int(w)
self.height = int(h)
self.refresh_rate = float(rr)
def __str__(self):
return "{}x{}@{}".format(self.width, self.height, self.refresh_rate)
def __repr__(self):
return "Mode: {}".format(str(self))
class geometry:
def __init__(self, h_size:float = 1.0, h_shift:int = 0, v_shift:int = 0):
self.h_size = float(h_size)
self.h_shift = int(h_shift)
self.v_shift = int(v_shift)
def __str__(self):
return "{}:{}:{}".format(self.h_size, self.h_shift, self.v_shift)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.h_size == other.h_size and self.h_shift == other.h_shift and self.v_shift == other.v_shift
def set_geometry(self, h_size:float, h_shift:int, v_shift:int):
self.h_size = float(h_size)
self.h_shift = int(h_shift)
self.v_shift = int(v_shift)
def set_from_string(cls, geom:str):
geom should be in the form of 1.0:-5:2
hsize, hshift, vshift = geom.split(':')
return cls(hsize, hshift, vshift)
def inc_hsize(self, step = 0.01, factor:int = 1): self.h_size += step * factor
def inc_hshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.h_shift += step * factor
def inc_vshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.v_shift += step * factor
def dec_hsize(self, step = 0.01, factor:int = 1): self.h_size -= step * factor
def dec_hshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.h_shift -= step * factor
def dec_vshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.v_shift -= step * factor
class crt_range:
def __init__(self, HfreqMin:float = 0.0, HfreqMax:float = 0.0, VfreqMin:float = 0.0, VfreqMax:float = 0.0, HFrontPorch:float = 0.0, HSyncPulse:float = 0.0, HBackPorch:float = 0.0, VFrontPorch:float = 0.0, VSyncPulse:float = 0.0, VBackPorch:float = 0.0, HSyncPol:int = 0, VSyncPol:int = 0, ProgressiveLinesMin:int = 0, ProgressiveLinesMax:int = 0, InterlacedLinesMin:int = 0, InterlacedLinesMax:int = 0):
self.HfreqMin = float(HfreqMin)
self.HfreqMax = float(HfreqMax)
self.VfreqMin = float(VfreqMin)
self.VfreqMax = float(VfreqMax)
self.HFrontPorch = float(HFrontPorch)
self.HSyncPulse = float(HSyncPulse)
self.HBackPorch = float(HBackPorch)
self.VFrontPorch = float(VFrontPorch)
self.VSyncPulse = float(VSyncPulse)
self.VBackPorch = float(VBackPorch)
self.HSyncPol = int(HSyncPol)
self.VSyncPol = int(VSyncPol)
self.ProgressiveLinesMin = int(ProgressiveLinesMin)
self.ProgressiveLinesMax = int(ProgressiveLinesMax)
self.InterlacedLinesMin = int(InterlacedLinesMin)
self.InterlacedLinesMax = int(InterlacedLinesMax)
def set_from_string(cls, range:str):
range is in the form of 15625.00-16200.00,49.50-65.00,2.000,4.700,8.000,0.064,0.192,1.024,0,0,192,288,448,576
HfreqRange, VfregRange, HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch, VFrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch, HSyncPol, VSyncPol, ProgressiveLinesMin, ProgressiveLinesMax, InterlacedLinesMin, InterlacedLinesMax = range.split(',')
HfreqMin, HfreqMax = HfreqRange.split('-')
VfreqMin, VfreqMax = VfregRange.split('-')
return cls(HfreqMin, HfreqMax, VfreqMin, VfreqMax, HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch, VFrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch, HSyncPol, VSyncPol, ProgressiveLinesMin, ProgressiveLinesMax, InterlacedLinesMin, InterlacedLinesMax)
def new_geometry_from_string(self, adjusted_geometry: str):
range is in the shape of the switchres output: "H: 2.004, 4.696, 8.015 V: 0.447, 0.383, 2.425"
#hfp, self.HSyncPulse, self.HBackPorch, vfp, self.VSyncPulse, self.VBackPorch = adjusted_geometry.split(', ')
hfp, self.HSyncPulse, hbp_and_vfp, self.VSyncPulse, self.VBackPorch = adjusted_geometry.split(', ')
self.HFrontPorch = hfp[3:]
self.HBackPorch, _, self.VFrontPorch = hbp_and_vfp.split(' ')
def __str__(self):
return "{}-{},{}-{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format(
self.HfreqMin, self.HfreqMax, self.VfreqMin, self.VfreqMax, self.HFrontPorch, self.HSyncPulse, self.HBackPorch, self.VFrontPorch, self.VSyncPulse, self.VBackPorch, self.HSyncPol, self.VSyncPol, self.ProgressiveLinesMin, self.ProgressiveLinesMax, self.InterlacedLinesMin, self.InterlacedLinesMax)
def switchres_output_get_monitor_range(output:str):
for l in output.splitlines():
# The line to parse looks like:
# Switchres: Monitor range 15625.00-16200.00,49.50-65.00,2.000,4.700,8.000,0.064,0.192,1.024,0,0,192,288,448,576
if l[0:25] != "Switchres: Monitor range " : continue
logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[25:]))
return crt_range().set_from_string(l[25:])
logging.warning("Couldn't find the monitor range!")
return None
def switchres_output_get_adjusted_crt_geometry(output:str):
for l in output.splitlines():
# The line to parse looks like:
# Adjusted geometry (1.000:0:0) H: 2.004, 4.696, 8.015 V: 0.223, 0.191, 1.212
# We need what is behind H:
if l[0:19] != "Adjusted geometry (" : continue
Hpos = l.find('H: ')
logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[Hpos:]))
return l[Hpos:]
logging.warning("Couldn't find the adjusted crt geometry!")
return None
def switchres_output_get_adjusted_geometry(output:str):
for l in output.splitlines():
# The line to parse looks like:
# Adjusted geometry (1.000:0:0) H: 2.004, 4.696, 8.015 V: 0.223, 0.191, 1.212
# We need what is between parenthesis
if l[0:19] != "Adjusted geometry (" : continue
Hpos = l.find('H: ')
logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[Hpos:]))
return l[19:Hpos - 2]
logging.warning("Couldn't find the adjusted geometry!")
return None
def switchres_output_get_command_exit_code(output:str):
for l in output.splitlines():
# The line to parse looks like:
# Process exited with value 256
if l[0:26] != "Process exited with value " : continue
logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[26:]))
return int(l[26:])
logging.warning("Couldn't find the app exit code!")
return None
def launch_switchres(mode:mode, geom:geometry = geometry(), switchres_command:str = "switchres", launch_command:str = "grid", display:int = 0):
return_list = dict()
# The command line may not require launching a program, just to get the crt_range for example
cmd = [ switchres_command.split(" ")[0], str(mode.width), str(mode.height), str(mode.refresh_rate), '-v' ]
if switchres_command.split(" ")[1:]:
cmd.extend(switchres_command.split(" ")[1:])
if display > 0:
cmd.extend(['-d', str(display)])
if launch_command:
if display > 0:
launch_command += " {}".format(display)
cmd.extend(['-s', '-l', launch_command])
cmd.extend(['-g', str(geom)])
logging.debug("Calling: {} with text: {}".format(" ".join(cmd), os.getenv('GRID_TEXT')))
return_status = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True)
default_crt_range = switchres_output_get_monitor_range(return_status.stdout)
adjusted_geometry = switchres_output_get_adjusted_crt_geometry(return_status.stdout)
user_crt_range = default_crt_range
grid_return = None
if launch_command:
grid_return = switchres_output_get_command_exit_code(return_status.stdout)
return_list['exit_code'] = grid_return
return_list['new_crt_range'] = user_crt_range
return_list['default_crt_range'] = default_crt_range
return_list['geometry'] = switchres_output_get_adjusted_geometry(return_status.stdout)
return return_list
def update_switchres_ini(range: crt_range, inifile:str = ''):
if not inifile:
logging.info("Updating {} with crt_range {} (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)".format(inifile, str(range)))
def readjust_geometry(geom: geometry, range:crt_range, return_code:int):
wanted_factor = 10 if return_code & CTR_modifier else 1
factor_message = " with CTRL pressed" if return_code & CTR_modifier else ''
# Disable the modifier
return_code = return_code & ~CTR_modifier
# This syntax requires python >= 3.10
match return_code:
# Pressed PAGEUP
case 68:
geom.inc_hsize(factor = wanted_factor)
# Pressed PAGEDOWN
case 69:
geom.dec_hsize(factor = wanted_factor)
# Pressed LEFT
case 64:
geom.dec_hshift(factor = wanted_factor)
# Pressed RIGHT
case 65:
geom.inc_hshift(factor = wanted_factor)
# Pressed DOWN
case 67:
geom.inc_vshift(factor = wanted_factor)
# Pressed UP
case 66:
geom.dec_vshift(factor = wanted_factor)
# Pressed ESCAPE / Q
case 1:
# Pressed ENTER / RETURN
case 0:
logging.info("Final geometry: {}".format(str(geom)))
logging.info("Final crt_range: {}".format(str(range)))
#update_switchres_ini(range, switchres_ini)
case 2:
geom = geometry(1.0, 0, 0)
# Pressed R
case 3:
logging.debug("Refreshing with the same geometry values if your screen was scrolling")
logging.debug("Readjusted geometry: {}".format(str(geom)))
return geom
def set_grid_text(top_txt:str = '', bottom_txt:str = '', geom:geometry = geometry()):
help_txt = """H size: {}
H shift: {}
V shift: {}
Arrows: shift screen - Page Up/Down: H size
ENTER: validate - ESC: cancel - DEL: reinit - R: reload
CTRL+key: step x10""".format(geom.h_size, geom.h_shift, geom.v_shift)
os.environ['GRID_TEXT'] = "\n \n{}".format("\n \n".join(filter(None, [top_txt, help_txt, bottom_txt])))
def switchres_geometry_loop(mode: mode, switchres_command:str = "switchres", launch_command:str = "grid", display_nr:int = 0, geom:geometry = geometry()):
working_geometry = geom
top_txt = ''
while True:
# This launch is to confirm the geometry
sr_launch_return = launch_switchres(mode, working_geometry, switchres_command, launch_command = "", display = display_nr)
ret_geom = geometry.set_from_string(sr_launch_return['geometry'])
if ret_geom != working_geometry:
top_txt = "Geometry readjusted, was out of CRT range bounds"
logging.info("Warning: you've reached a crt_range limit, can't go further in the last direction. Setting back to {}".format(str(ret_geom)))
working_geometry = ret_geom
os.environ['GRID_TEXT'] = "\n".join([os.getenv('GRID_TEXT') or "", "({})".format(str(geom))])
set_grid_text(top_txt, '', working_geometry)
# Now is the real launch with the grid
sr_launch_return = launch_switchres(mode, working_geometry, switchres_command, launch_command, display_nr)
grid_return_code = sr_launch_return['exit_code']
sr_geometry = geometry.set_from_string(sr_launch_return['geometry'])
working_geometry = readjust_geometry(sr_geometry, sr_launch_return['new_crt_range'], grid_return_code)
os.environ['GRID_TEXT'] = ""
top_txt = ''
# The default switchres.ini file depends on the platform
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
default_switchres_ini = '/etc/switchres.ini'
default_switchres_ini = 'switchres.ini'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Switchres wrapper to adjust a crt_range for switchres.ini')
parser.add_argument('mode', metavar='N', type=float, nargs=3,
help='width height refresh_rate')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--launch', metavar='launch', type=str, default='grid',
help='The program you want to launch')
# parser.add_argument('-i', '--ini', metavar='ini', type=str, default=default_switchres_ini,
# help='The switchres.ini file to edit')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--switchres', metavar='binary', type=str, default='switchres',
help='The switchres binary to use')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--display', metavar='display', type=int, default=0,
help='Set the display to calibrate')
#parser.add_argument('-m', '--monitor', metavar='monitor', type=str, default='arcade_15',
# help='The monitor preset base, to override the switchres.ini (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--geometry', metavar='geometry', type=str, default='1.0:0:0',
help='Start with a predefined geometry')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Verbose mode')
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
raise Exception("Must use Python 3.7 or later")
if sys.version_info.minor < 10:
raise Exception("Must use Python 3.7 or later")
#args = parser.parse_args(['320', '240', '59.94'])
args = parser.parse_args()
# Set log level according to wanted verbosity
loggingLevel = logging.INFO
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=loggingLevel, format='%(message)s')
if args.verbose > 0:
loggingLevel = logging.DEBUG
logger = logging.getLogger()
for handler in logger.handlers:
for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=loggingLevel,
format='[%(levelname)s] %(filename)s/%(funcName)s(%(lineno)d): %(message)s')
logging.debug("Specified logging level: {}".format(args.verbose))
logging.debug("Command line arguments: {}".format(args))
command_mode = mode(args.mode[0], args.mode[1], args.mode[2])
geometry_arg = geometry.set_from_string(args.geometry)
switchres_geometry_loop(command_mode, args.switchres, args.launch, args.display, geometry_arg)