mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 16:14:03 +00:00
Fixed SR close match refresh bug. Added menu high resolution option. Fixed desktop restore bug cuusing endless resolution change requests. Fixed file conflicts Added destop restore resolution back in for manu only. Pulled Switchres fixes. Added better PI rsolution support. Ver 0.7 SR2 (Switchres API) Implimantation Removed HH experimetal check. This is better done via teh switchres.ini at present. Fixed refresh rate bug. Now new resolution and refesh is added correctly. Removed SR deinit from menu restore. Meanu now stays at last content resolution. Ver 0.6.2 SR2 (Switchres API) Implimantation Fixed super resolution bug casuing abnormal video size and aspect ratio Fixed logging issue casuing seg falts on RA exit Ver 0.6 SR2 (Switchres API) Implimantation Ver 0.2 SR2 (Switchres API) Implimantation Added forced super resolutions. Added Multi-monitor/monitor selection support. Added desktop resolution restore when switching back to menu only. Added new menu items for 31KHz standard and 120hz monitor profiles. Added new menu item INI. load monitor profile from switchrss.ini. Fixed winraw driver. Coordinates new refreshed after a resolution change. Fixed Menu aspect ratio in super resolutions. Removed static glabals. These have been added to videocrt_switch struct. Ver 0.1 SR2 (Switchres API) Implimantation Removed old CRTSwitchRes method. Added new SR2 API implimantaion. Resolution swithcing is now done by switchres libs. Both Linux and Windows working with native and super resolutions. Working multi-monitor support with monitor index selection. Working 31KHz support with standard and 120Hxz modes. The monitor index selection is still done via the RA UI. Only choose native and 15KHz form the CRT options in the RA UI as all options are now set in the switchres.ini. All other CRT optoins in the RA UI currently do nothing. Added SR wrapper to fix compile issues. Added back RPi functionality Fixed windows resize/scaling issues on resolution change Thanks @Calamity no more need for crt_switch_driver_refresh() Fix broken case after prevous commit Monitor preset options 15/31KHz now active. Added new meu option. Moitor persets can now be choosen fom the RA UI. 15KHz and 31KHz will set arcade_15 and aracde_31 respectivly. New option INI, if this is chosen your monitor preset will be selected from your switchres.ini file. Added 3KHhz, 120Hz. for old RA users. Renamed 31KHz to 31 KHz, Standard Fixed winraw input coordinates after switching resolution. Code cleanup Fixed menu aspect ratio issue Added menu resolution restore after closing content Fixed aspect ratio after menu resolution restore. code clean up Fxed menu Resulition Restore Aspect Ratio. When SR uses non integer scalled resolution. super width bug with restoring menu resolution fix added super resolution check after setting desktop resolutoion variables when menu active only sr_deinit() used to restore desktop mode. Fixed menu sr_deinit bug. now setting sr_active false Removed static globals, added them to video_switch struct Fixex compile bug due to comment // Fixed compile issues doe to c++ comments in teh switchres_wrapper.h Temporarily removed SR2 logging to fix compile isses for c90 added logging back in. Removed support for winnt and osx Added define for C89. Disabled SR if defined C89 Removed all RA compile fixes fro C89 C90 etc. Swithing now working again. Put Switchres behind HAVE_SR2. HAVE_SR2=no by default. --enable-sr2 Ver 0.5 SR2 Implimentation. Ver 0.4 SR2 Implimantation. Bake SR inside RA Removed temporary log files Disable switchres when C89/C99 builds. Removed C89 and C90 checks for SR Fixed switchres_wrapper.h location Ver 0.3 SR2 Implimenation Dissable logging for C89 __STDC__ Fix For RPi fixed missing EOL fixed RPi function definition added vidrocrt_switch stuct to RPI funcion fixed xoffset for RPi Removed old RPi function call SR disabled for videocore until VC4 switching ported Reverted back to state 5c8a56c Bake SR inside RA Use native win32 api for threads. Fix static lib linking LIBERROR would be defined twice otherwise + improper function names prefixed by __imp_ Added lidstc++ to makefile.common for switchres Fixed RPi switching. Disabled Switchres for videocore unill it is ported. removed RAA.log. Should not exist Added check for when SR fails to set mode with an aspect ratio fix. added video driver re init for RPi GB, GBA and GBC core check, adjusted reseolutions and scale. Please turn on integer scalling in the RA UI Added logas back in. Checking STDC verstion >= C11 Fixed c89 for loop declaration. Code clean up. Added new functions Fix resolution switching bug introduces with HH code clean up. Fixed menu restore bug on closw content after code clean up Moved SR logging to relevant RA logs Update makefile. Checks for X11 and xrandr fixed makefile Use native win32 api for threads. Fix static lib linking LIBERROR would be defined twice otherwise + improper function names prefixed by __imp_ Update switchres_wrapper.* header comments Update year copyright DRMKMS: build only if libdrm has the required version XRANDR: build only if xrandr is available Simplified maklefile Fixed RPI compile error with unsued functions. As before Disable Griffin. No switching support available. Never has been Removed log file 1 Added Win32 static define Added SR source Removed Videocore check on destroy SR Moved SR deinit to trigger earlier on RA exit. Fixed compile error after upstream rebase Fixed aspect ration bug cused by super resolutions. Temporarily disbabled SR logging Re inabled runtim eSR loggind. Disableed all RARCH logging on retro_deinit_drivers Removed srdeinit from menu restore. Menu stays in current reolution until a fix can be found Fixed refresh rate changes when no reolution change is detected. Forgot to add teh resolution cahge in with the refresh change oops Fixed endless no detection log. Removed HH check. This can been better adjusted using the switchres.ini fixed compile issue Added better PI crt switching and fixed typo Pulled Swicthres fixes. Updated desktop restore resolution. removed unused makefile Lockec menu refresh to 60hz fixed missing new line Fixed file conflicts Forced 640x480@60 for menu Added high resolution menu option Removed item logg checker Fixed typos Removed unused functions Fixed SR close match refesh bug. Fixed typo
1191 lines
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1191 lines
39 KiB
custom_video_xrandr.cpp - Linux XRANDR video management layer
Switchres Modeline generation engine for emulation
License GPL-2.0+
Copyright 2010-2021 Chris Kennedy, Antonio Giner,
Alexandre Wodarczyk, Gil Delescluse
#include <stdio.h>
#include <exception>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "custom_video_xrandr.h"
#include "log.h"
// library functions
#define XRRAddOutputMode p_XRRAddOutputMode
#define XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration p_XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration
#define XRRCreateMode p_XRRCreateMode
#define XRRDeleteOutputMode p_XRRDeleteOutputMode
#define XRRDestroyMode p_XRRDestroyMode
#define XRRFreeCrtcInfo p_XRRFreeCrtcInfo
#define XRRFreeOutputInfo p_XRRFreeOutputInfo
#define XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo p_XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo
#define XRRFreeScreenResources p_XRRFreeScreenResources
#define XRRGetCrtcInfo p_XRRGetCrtcInfo
#define XRRGetOutputInfo p_XRRGetOutputInfo
#define XRRGetScreenInfo p_XRRGetScreenInfo
#define XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent p_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent
#define XRRQueryVersion p_XRRQueryVersion
#define XRRSetCrtcConfig p_XRRSetCrtcConfig
#define XRRSetScreenSize p_XRRSetScreenSize
#define XRRGetScreenSizeRange p_XRRGetScreenSizeRange
#define XCloseDisplay p_XCloseDisplay
#define XGrabServer p_XGrabServer
#define XOpenDisplay p_XOpenDisplay
#define XSync p_XSync
#define XUngrabServer p_XUngrabServer
#define XSetErrorHandler p_XSetErrorHandler
#define XClearWindow p_XClearWindow
#define XFillRectangle p_XFillRectangle
#define XCreateGC p_XCreateGC
// error_handler
// xorg error handler (static)
int xrandr_timing::ms_xerrors = 0;
int xrandr_timing::ms_xerrors_flag = 0;
static int (*old_error_handler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
static __typeof__(XGetErrorText) *p_XGetErrorText;
#define XGetErrorText p_XGetErrorText
static int error_handler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *err)
char buf[64];
XGetErrorText(dpy, err->error_code, buf, 64);
buf[0] = '\0';
xrandr_timing::ms_xerrors |= xrandr_timing::ms_xerrors_flag;
old_error_handler(dpy, err);
log_error("XRANDR: <-> (error_handler) [ERROR] %s error code %d flags %02x\n", buf, err->error_code, xrandr_timing::ms_xerrors);
return 0;
// id for class object (static)
static int s_id = 0;
// screen management exclusivity array (static)
static int s_total_managed_screen = 0;
static int *sp_shared_screen_manager = NULL;
// desktop screen positions (static)
static XRRCrtcInfo *sp_desktop_crtc = NULL;
// xrandr_timing::xrandr_timing
xrandr_timing::xrandr_timing(char *device_name, custom_video_settings *vs)
m_vs = *vs;
// Increment id for each new screen
m_id = ++s_id;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (xrandr_timing) creation (%s)\n", m_id, device_name);
// Copy screen device name and limit size
if ((strlen(device_name) + 1) > 32)
strncpy(m_device_name, device_name, 31);
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (xrandr_timing) [ERROR] the device name is too long it has been trucated to %s\n", m_id, m_device_name);
strcpy(m_device_name, device_name);
if (m_vs.screen_reordering)
if (m_id == 1)
m_enable_screen_reordering = 1;
else if (m_vs.screen_compositing)
m_enable_screen_compositing = 1;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (xrandr_timing) checking X availability (early stub)\n", m_id);
m_x11_handle = dlopen("libX11.so", RTLD_NOW);
if (m_x11_handle)
p_XOpenDisplay = (__typeof__(XOpenDisplay)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XOpenDisplay");
if (p_XOpenDisplay == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (xrandr_timing) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XOpenDisplay", "X11_LIBRARY");
throw new std::exception();
if (!XOpenDisplay(NULL))
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (xrandr_timing) X server not found\n", m_id);
throw new std::exception();
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (xrandr_timing) [ERROR] missing %s library\n", m_id, "X11_LIBRARY");
throw new std::exception();
// xrandr_timing::~xrandr_timing
if (s_total_managed_screen == 0)
if (sp_desktop_crtc)
if (sp_shared_screen_manager)
// Restore default desktop background
XClearWindow(m_pdisplay, m_root);
// Free the display
if (m_pdisplay != NULL)
// close Xrandr library
if (m_xrandr_handle)
// close X11 library
if (m_x11_handle)
// xrandr_timing::init
bool xrandr_timing::init()
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) loading Xrandr library\n", m_id);
if (!m_xrandr_handle)
m_xrandr_handle = dlopen("libXrandr.so", RTLD_NOW);
if (m_xrandr_handle)
p_XRRAddOutputMode = (__typeof__(XRRAddOutputMode)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRAddOutputMode");
if (p_XRRAddOutputMode == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRAddOutputMode", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration = (__typeof__(XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration");
if (p_XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRCreateMode = (__typeof__(XRRCreateMode)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRCreateMode");
if (p_XRRCreateMode == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRCreateMode", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRDeleteOutputMode = (__typeof__(XRRDeleteOutputMode)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRDeleteOutputMode");
if (p_XRRDeleteOutputMode == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRDeleteOutputMode", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRDestroyMode = (__typeof__(XRRDestroyMode)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRDestroyMode");
if (p_XRRDestroyMode == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRDestroyMode", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRFreeCrtcInfo = (__typeof__(XRRFreeCrtcInfo)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRFreeCrtcInfo");
if (p_XRRFreeCrtcInfo == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRFreeCrtcInfo", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRFreeOutputInfo = (__typeof__(XRRFreeOutputInfo)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRFreeOutputInfo");
if (p_XRRFreeOutputInfo == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRFreeOutputInfo", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo = (__typeof__(XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo");
if (p_XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRFreeScreenResources = (__typeof__(XRRFreeScreenResources)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRFreeScreenResources");
if (p_XRRFreeScreenResources == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRFreeScreenResources", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRGetCrtcInfo = (__typeof__(XRRGetCrtcInfo)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRGetCrtcInfo");
if (p_XRRGetCrtcInfo == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRGetCrtcInfo", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRGetOutputInfo = (__typeof__(XRRGetOutputInfo)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRGetOutputInfo");
if (p_XRRGetOutputInfo == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRGetOutputInfo", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRGetScreenInfo = (__typeof__(XRRGetScreenInfo)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRGetScreenInfo");
if (p_XRRGetScreenInfo == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRGetScreenInfo", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent = (__typeof__(XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent");
if (p_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRQueryVersion = (__typeof__(XRRQueryVersion)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRQueryVersion");
if (p_XRRQueryVersion == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRQueryVersion", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRSetCrtcConfig = (__typeof__(XRRSetCrtcConfig)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRSetCrtcConfig");
if (p_XRRSetCrtcConfig == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRSetCrtcConfig", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRSetScreenSize = (__typeof__(XRRSetScreenSize)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRSetScreenSize");
if (p_XRRSetScreenSize == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRSetScreenSize", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XRRGetScreenSizeRange = (__typeof__(XRRGetScreenSizeRange)) dlsym(m_xrandr_handle, "XRRGetScreenSizeRange");
if (p_XRRGetScreenSizeRange == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XRRSetScreenSize", "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing %s library\n", m_id, "XRANDR_LIBRARY");
return false;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) loading X11 library\n", m_id);
if (!m_x11_handle)
m_x11_handle = dlopen("libX11.so", RTLD_NOW);
if (m_x11_handle)
p_XCloseDisplay = (__typeof__(XCloseDisplay)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XCloseDisplay");
if (p_XCloseDisplay == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XCloseDisplay", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XGrabServer = (__typeof__(XGrabServer)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XGrabServer");
if (p_XGrabServer == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XGrabServer", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XOpenDisplay = (__typeof__(XOpenDisplay)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XOpenDisplay");
if (p_XOpenDisplay == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XOpenDisplay", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XSync = (__typeof__(XSync)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XSync");
if (p_XSync == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XSync", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XUngrabServer = (__typeof__(XUngrabServer)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XUngrabServer");
if (p_XUngrabServer == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XUngrabServer", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XSetErrorHandler = (__typeof__(XSetErrorHandler)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XSetErrorHandler");
if (p_XSetErrorHandler == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XSetErrorHandler", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XGetErrorText = (__typeof__(XGetErrorText)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XGetErrorText");
if (p_XGetErrorText == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s\n", m_id, "XGetErrorText", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XClearWindow = (__typeof__(XClearWindow)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XClearWindow");
if (p_XClearWindow == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XClearWindow", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XFillRectangle = (__typeof__(XFillRectangle)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XFillRectangle");
if (p_XFillRectangle == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XFillRectangle", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
p_XCreateGC = (__typeof__(XCreateGC)) dlsym(m_x11_handle, "XCreateGC");
if (p_XCreateGC == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing func %s in %s", m_id, "XCreateGC", "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] missing %s library\n", m_id, "X11_LIBRARY");
return false;
// Select current display and root window
// m_pdisplay is global to reduce open/close calls, resource is freed when class is destroyed
if (!m_pdisplay)
m_pdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if (!m_pdisplay)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] failed to connect to the X server\n", m_id);
return false;
// Display XRANDR version
int major_version, minor_version;
XRRQueryVersion(m_pdisplay, &major_version, &minor_version);
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) version %d.%d\n", m_id, major_version, minor_version);
if (major_version < 1 || (major_version == 1 && minor_version < 2))
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] Xrandr version 1.2 or above is required\n", m_id);
return false;
// screen_pos defines screen position, 0 is default first screen position and equivalent to 'auto'
int screen_pos = -1;
bool detected = false;
// Handle the screen name, "auto", "screen[0-9]" and XRANDR device name
if (strlen(m_device_name) == 7 && !strncmp(m_device_name, "screen", 6) && m_device_name[6] >= '0' && m_device_name[6] <= '9')
screen_pos = m_device_name[6] - '0';
else if (strlen(m_device_name) == 1 && m_device_name[0] >= '0' && m_device_name[0] <= '9')
screen_pos = m_device_name[0] - '0';
if (ScreenCount(m_pdisplay) > 1)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [WARNING] screen count is %d, unpredictable behavior to be expected\n", m_id, ScreenCount(m_pdisplay));
for (int screen = 0; !detected && screen < ScreenCount(m_pdisplay); screen++)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) check screen number %d\n", m_id, screen);
m_screen = screen;
m_root = RootWindow(m_pdisplay, screen);
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
if (m_id == 1)
// Prepare the shared screen array
sp_shared_screen_manager = new int[resources->noutput];
for (int o = 0; o < resources->noutput; o++)
sp_shared_screen_manager[o] = 0;
// Save all active crtc positions
sp_desktop_crtc = new XRRCrtcInfo[resources->ncrtc];
for (int c = 0; c < resources->ncrtc; c++)
memcpy(&sp_desktop_crtc[c], XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->crtcs[c]), sizeof(XRRCrtcInfo));
// Get default screen rotation from screen configuration
XRRScreenConfiguration *sc = XRRGetScreenInfo(m_pdisplay, m_root);
XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration(sc, &m_desktop_rotation);
Rotation current_rotation = 0;
int output_position = 0;
for (int o = 0; o < resources->noutput; o++)
XRROutputInfo *output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->outputs[o]);
if (!output_info)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] could not get output 0x%x information\n", m_id, (unsigned int)resources->outputs[o]);
// Check all connected output
if (m_desktop_output == -1 && output_info->connection == RR_Connected && output_info->crtc)
if (!strcmp(m_device_name, "auto") || !strcmp(m_device_name, output_info->name) || output_position == screen_pos)
// store the output connector
m_desktop_output = o;
// store screen minium and maximum resolutions
int min_width;
int max_width;
int min_height;
int max_height;
XRRGetScreenSizeRange (m_pdisplay, m_root, &min_width, &min_height, &max_width, &max_height);
m_min_width = min_width;
m_max_width = max_width;
m_min_height = min_height;
m_max_height = max_height;
if (sp_shared_screen_manager[m_desktop_output] == 0)
sp_shared_screen_manager[m_desktop_output] = m_id;
m_managed = 1;
// identify the current modeline and rotation
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, output_info->crtc);
current_rotation = crtc_info->rotation;
for (int m = 0; m < resources->nmode && m_desktop_mode.id == 0; m++)
// Get screen mode
if (crtc_info->mode == resources->modes[m].id)
m_desktop_mode = resources->modes[m];
m_last_crtc = *crtc_info;
// check screen rotation (left or right)
if (current_rotation & 0xe)
m_crtc_flags = MODE_ROTATED;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) desktop rotation is %s\n", m_id, (current_rotation & 0x2) ? "left" : ((current_rotation & 0x8) ? "right" : "inverted"));
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (init) check output connector '%s' active %d crtc %d %s\n", m_id, output_info->name, output_info->connection == RR_Connected ? 1 : 0, output_info->crtc ? 1 : 0, m_desktop_output == o ? (m_managed ? "[SELECTED]" : "[UNMANAGED]") : "");
// Check if screen has been detected
detected = m_desktop_output != -1;
if (!detected)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (init) [ERROR] no screen detected\n", m_id);
else if (m_enable_screen_reordering)
// Global screen placement
modeline mode = {};
mode.type = MODE_DESKTOP;
return detected;
// xrandr_timing::update_mode
bool xrandr_timing::update_mode(modeline *mode)
if (!mode)
return false;
// Handle no screen detected case
if (m_desktop_output == -1)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (update_mode) [ERROR] no screen detected\n", m_id);
return false;
if (!delete_mode(mode))
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (update_mode) [ERROR] delete operation not successful", m_id);
return false;
if (!add_mode(mode))
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (update_mode) [ERROR] add operation not successful", m_id);
return false;
return true;
// xrandr_timing::add_mode
bool xrandr_timing::add_mode(modeline *mode)
if (!mode)
return false;
// Handle no screen detected case
if (m_desktop_output == -1)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [ERROR] no screen detected\n", m_id);
return false;
if (!m_managed)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [WARNING] this screen is managed by <%d>\n", m_id, sp_shared_screen_manager[m_desktop_output]);
return false;
// Check if mode is available from the plaftform_data mode id
XRRModeInfo *pxmode = find_mode(mode);
if (pxmode != NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [WARNING] mode already exist\n", m_id);
return true;
// Create specific mode name
char name[48];
sprintf(name, "SR-%d_%dx%d@%.02f%s", m_id, mode->hactive, mode->vactive, mode->vfreq, mode->interlace ? "i" : "");
// Check if mode is available from the SR name (should not be the case, otherwise it means that we recevied twice the same mode request)
pxmode = find_mode_by_name(name);
if (pxmode != NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [WARNING] mode already exist (duplicate request)\n", m_id);
mode->platform_data = pxmode->id;
return true;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) create mode %s\n", m_id, name);
// Setup the xrandr mode structure
XRRModeInfo xmode = {};
xmode.name = name;
xmode.nameLength = strlen(name);
xmode.dotClock = mode->pclock;
xmode.width = mode->hactive;
xmode.hSyncStart = mode->hbegin;
xmode.hSyncEnd = mode->hend;
xmode.hTotal = mode->htotal;
xmode.height = mode->vactive;
xmode.vSyncStart = mode->vbegin;
xmode.vSyncEnd = mode->vend;
xmode.vTotal = mode->vtotal;
xmode.modeFlags = (mode->interlace ? RR_Interlace : 0) | (mode->doublescan ? RR_DoubleScan : 0) | (mode->hsync ? RR_HSyncPositive : RR_HSyncNegative) | (mode->vsync ? RR_VSyncPositive : RR_VSyncNegative);
xmode.hSkew = 0;
// Create the modeline
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
ms_xerrors = 0;
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x01;
old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler);
RRMode gmid = XRRCreateMode(m_pdisplay, m_root, &xmode);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
if (ms_xerrors & ms_xerrors_flag)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [ERROR] in %s\n", m_id, "XRRCreateMode");
return false;
mode->platform_data = gmid;
// Add new modeline to primary output
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x02;
old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler);
XRRAddOutputMode(m_pdisplay, resources->outputs[m_desktop_output], mode->platform_data);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
if (ms_xerrors & ms_xerrors_flag)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [ERROR] in %s\n", m_id, "XRRAddOutputMode");
// remove unlinked modeline
if (mode->platform_data)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) [ERROR] remove mode [%04lx]\n", m_id, mode->platform_data);
XRRDestroyMode(m_pdisplay, mode->platform_data);
mode->platform_data = 0;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (add_mode) mode %04lx %dx%d refresh %.6f added\n", m_id, mode->platform_data, mode->hactive, mode->vactive, mode->vfreq);
return ms_xerrors == 0;
// xrandr_timing::find_mode_by_name
XRRModeInfo *xrandr_timing::find_mode_by_name(char *name)
XRRModeInfo *pxmode = NULL;
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
// use SR name to return the mode
for (int m = 0; m < resources->nmode; m++)
if (strcmp(resources->modes[m].name, name) == 0)
pxmode = &resources->modes[m];
return pxmode;
// xrandr_timing::find_mode
XRRModeInfo *xrandr_timing::find_mode(modeline *mode)
XRRModeInfo *pxmode = NULL;
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
// use platform_data (mode id) to return the mode
for (int m = 0; m < resources->nmode; m++)
if (mode->platform_data == resources->modes[m].id)
pxmode = &resources->modes[m];
return pxmode;
// xrandr_timing::set_timing
bool xrandr_timing::set_timing(modeline *mode)
if (m_enable_screen_compositing)
return set_timing(mode, 0);
return set_timing(mode, XRANDR_DISABLE_CRTC_RELOCATION);
// xrandr_timing::set_timing
bool xrandr_timing::set_timing(modeline *mode, int flags)
// Handle no screen detected case
if (m_desktop_output == -1)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] no screen detected\n", m_id);
return false;
if (!m_managed)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [WARNING] this screen is managed by <%d>\n", m_id, sp_shared_screen_manager[m_desktop_output]);
return false;
if (m_id != 1 && (flags & XRANDR_ENABLE_SCREEN_REORDERING))
flags = XRANDR_DISABLE_CRTC_RELOCATION; // only master can do global screen preparation
XRRModeInfo *pxmode = NULL;
if (mode->type & MODE_DESKTOP)
pxmode = &m_desktop_mode;
pxmode = find_mode(mode);
if (pxmode == NULL)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] mode not found\n", m_id);
return false;
// Use xrandr to switch to new mode.
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
XRROutputInfo *output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->outputs[m_desktop_output]);
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, output_info->crtc);
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) DISABLE crtc relocation\n", m_id);
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) GLOBAL desktop screen preparation\n", m_id);
else if (m_last_crtc.mode == crtc_info->mode && m_last_crtc.x == crtc_info->x && m_last_crtc.y == crtc_info->y && pxmode->id == crtc_info->mode)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) requested mode is already active [%04lx] %ux%u+%d+%d\n", m_id, crtc_info->mode, crtc_info->width, crtc_info->height, crtc_info->x, crtc_info->y);
else if (m_last_crtc.mode != crtc_info->mode)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [WARNING] unexpected active modeline detected (last:[%04lx] now:[%04lx] %ux%u+%d+%d want:[%04lx])\n", m_id, m_last_crtc.mode, crtc_info->mode, crtc_info->width, crtc_info->height, crtc_info->x, crtc_info->y, pxmode->id);
*crtc_info = m_last_crtc;
// Grab X server to prevent unwanted interaction from the window manager
unsigned int width = m_min_width;
unsigned int height = m_min_height;
unsigned int active_crtc = 0;
unsigned int reordering_last_y = 0;
ms_xerrors = 0;
XRRCrtcInfo *global_crtc = new XRRCrtcInfo[resources->ncrtc];
XRRCrtcInfo *original_crtc = new XRRCrtcInfo[resources->ncrtc];
// caculate necessary screen size and of crtc neighborhood if they have at least one side aligned with the mode changed crtc
for (int c = 0; c < resources->ncrtc; c++)
// Prepare crtc references
memcpy(&original_crtc[c], XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->crtcs[c]), sizeof(XRRCrtcInfo));
memcpy(&global_crtc[c], XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->crtcs[c]), sizeof(XRRCrtcInfo));
// Original state
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info0 = &original_crtc[c];
// Modified state
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info1 = &global_crtc[c];
// clear timestamp
crtc_info1->timestamp = 0;
// Skip unused crtc
if (output_info->crtc != 0 && crtc_info0->mode != 0)
// Relocate all crtcs
// Super resolution placement, vertical stacking, reserved XRANDR_REORDERING_MAXIMUM_HEIGHT pixels
crtc_info1->x = 0;
crtc_info1->y = reordering_last_y;
if (crtc_info1->height > XRANDR_REORDERING_MAXIMUM_HEIGHT)
reordering_last_y += crtc_info1->height;
crtc_info1->timestamp |= XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_REORDERING;
// Switchres selected desktop output
else if (resources->crtcs[c] == output_info->crtc)
crtc_info1->timestamp |= XRANDR_SETMODE_IS_DESKTOP;
crtc_info1->mode = pxmode->id;
crtc_info1->width = pxmode->width;
crtc_info1->height = pxmode->height;
if (mode->type & MODE_DESKTOP)
if (!m_enable_screen_compositing && (crtc_info1->x != sp_desktop_crtc[c].x || crtc_info1->y != sp_desktop_crtc[c].y))
// Restore original desktop position
crtc_info1->x = sp_desktop_crtc[c].x;
crtc_info1->y = sp_desktop_crtc[c].y;
crtc_info1->timestamp |= XRANDR_SETMODE_RESTORE_DESKTOP;
// Use curent position
crtc_info1->x = crtc_info->x;
crtc_info1->y = crtc_info->y;
if (crtc_info0->mode != crtc_info1->mode || crtc_info0->width != crtc_info1->width || crtc_info0->height != crtc_info1->height || crtc_info0->x != crtc_info1->x || crtc_info0->y != crtc_info1->y)
crtc_info1->timestamp |= XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_DESKTOP_CRTC;
else if (mode->type & MODE_DESKTOP && m_enable_screen_reordering && (crtc_info1->x != sp_desktop_crtc[c].x || crtc_info1->y != sp_desktop_crtc[c].y))
crtc_info1->x = sp_desktop_crtc[c].x;
crtc_info1->y = sp_desktop_crtc[c].y;
for (int c = 0; c < resources->ncrtc; c++)
// Original state
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info0 = &original_crtc[c];
// Modified state
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info1 = &global_crtc[c];
// Skip unused crtc
if (output_info->crtc != 0 && crtc_info0->mode != 0)
if ((flags & XRANDR_DISABLE_CRTC_RELOCATION) == 0 && (crtc_info1->timestamp & XRANDR_SETMODE_IS_DESKTOP) == 0)
// relocate crtc impacted by new width
if (crtc_info1->x >= crtc_info->x + (int)crtc_info->width)
crtc_info1->x += pxmode->width - crtc_info->width;
crtc_info1->timestamp |= XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_OTHER_CRTC;
// relocate crtc impacted by new height
if (crtc_info1->y >= crtc_info->y + (int)crtc_info->height)
crtc_info1->y += pxmode->height - crtc_info->height;
crtc_info1->timestamp |= XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_OTHER_CRTC;
// Calculate overall screen size based on crtcs placement
if (crtc_info1->x + crtc_info1->width > width)
width = crtc_info1->x + crtc_info1->width;
if (crtc_info1->y + crtc_info1->height > height)
height = crtc_info1->y + crtc_info1->height;
if (width > m_max_width)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] width is above allowed maximum (%d > %d)\n", m_id, width, m_max_width);
width = m_max_width;
if (height > m_max_height)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] height is above allowed maximum (%d > %d)\n", m_id, height, m_max_height);
height = m_max_height;
if (crtc_info1->timestamp & XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_MASK)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) crtc %d%s [%04lx] %ux%u+%d+%d --> [%04lx] %ux%u+%d+%d flags [%02lx]\n", m_id, c, crtc_info1->timestamp & 1 ? "*" : " ", crtc_info0->mode, crtc_info0->width, crtc_info0->height, crtc_info0->x, crtc_info0->y, crtc_info1->mode, crtc_info1->width, crtc_info1->height, crtc_info1->x, crtc_info1->y, crtc_info1->timestamp);
else if (crtc_info1->timestamp & XRANDR_SETMODE_INFO_MASK)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) crtc %d%s [%04lx] %ux%u+%d+%d flags [%02lx]\n", m_id, c, crtc_info1->timestamp & 1 ? "*" : " ", crtc_info1->mode, crtc_info1->width, crtc_info1->height, crtc_info1->x, crtc_info1->y, crtc_info1->timestamp);
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) crtc %d [%04lx] %ux%u+%d+%d\n", m_id, c, crtc_info1->mode, crtc_info1->width, crtc_info1->height, crtc_info1->x, crtc_info1->y);
// Disable crtc with pending modification
for (int c = 0; c < resources->ncrtc; c++)
// Modified state
if (global_crtc[c].timestamp & XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_MASK)
if (XRRSetCrtcConfig(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->crtcs[c], CurrentTime, 0, 0, None, RR_Rotate_0, NULL, 0) != RRSetConfigSuccess)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] when disabling crtc %d\n", m_id, c);
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x01;
ms_xerrors |= ms_xerrors_flag;
// Set the framebuffer screen size to enable all crtc
if (ms_xerrors == 0)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) setting screen size to %d x %d\n", m_id, width, height);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x02;
old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler);
XRRSetScreenSize(m_pdisplay, m_root, width, height, (int) ((25.4 * width) / 96.0), (int) ((25.4 * height) / 96.0));
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
if (ms_xerrors & ms_xerrors_flag)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] in %s\n", m_id, "XRRSetScreenSize");
// Refresh all crtc, switch modeline and set new placement
for (int c = 0; c < resources->ncrtc; c++)
// Modified state
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info1 = &global_crtc[c];
if (crtc_info1->timestamp & XRANDR_SETMODE_UPDATE_MASK)
if (crtc_info1->timestamp & XRANDR_SETMODE_IS_DESKTOP)
XFillRectangle(m_pdisplay, m_root, XCreateGC(m_pdisplay, m_root, 0, 0), crtc_info1->x, crtc_info1->y, crtc_info1->width, crtc_info1->height);
// enable crtc with updated parameters
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x14;
old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler);
XRRSetCrtcConfig(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->crtcs[c], CurrentTime, crtc_info1->x, crtc_info1->y, crtc_info1->mode, crtc_info1->rotation, crtc_info1->outputs, crtc_info1->noutput);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
if (ms_xerrors & 0x10)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] in %s crtc %d set modeline %04lx\n", m_id, "XRRSetCrtcConfig", c, crtc_info1->mode);
ms_xerrors &= 0xEF;
// Release X server, events can be processed now
if (ms_xerrors & ms_xerrors_flag)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] in %s\n", m_id, "XRRSetCrtcConfig");
// Recall the impacted crtc to settle parameters
crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, output_info->crtc);
// crtc config modeline change fail
if (crtc_info->mode == 0)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (set_timing) [ERROR] switching resolution failed, no modeline is set\n", m_id);
// save last crtc
m_last_crtc = *crtc_info;
return (ms_xerrors == 0 && crtc_info->mode != 0);
// xrandr_timing::delete_mode
bool xrandr_timing::delete_mode(modeline *mode)
// Handle no screen detected case
if (m_desktop_output == -1)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (delete_mode) [ERROR] no screen detected\n", m_id);
return false;
if (!m_managed)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (delete_mode) [WARNING] this screen is managed by <%d>\n", m_id, sp_shared_screen_manager[m_desktop_output]);
return false;
if (!mode)
return false;
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
int total_xerrors = 0;
// Delete modeline
for (int m = 0; m < resources->nmode && mode->platform_data != 0; m++)
if (mode->platform_data == resources->modes[m].id)
XRROutputInfo *output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->outputs[m_desktop_output]);
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, output_info->crtc);
if (resources->modes[m].id == crtc_info->mode)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (delete_mode) [WARNING] modeline [%04lx] is currently active\n", m_id, resources->modes[m].id);
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (delete_mode) remove mode %s\n", m_id, resources->modes[m].name);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
ms_xerrors = 0;
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x01;
old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler);
XRRDeleteOutputMode(m_pdisplay, resources->outputs[m_desktop_output], resources->modes[m].id);
if (ms_xerrors & ms_xerrors_flag)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (delete_mode) [ERROR] in %s\n", m_id, "XRRDeleteOutputMode");
ms_xerrors_flag = 0x02;
XRRDestroyMode(m_pdisplay, resources->modes[m].id);
XSync(m_pdisplay, False);
if (ms_xerrors & ms_xerrors_flag)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (delete_mode) [ERROR] in %s\n", m_id, "XRRDestroyMode");
mode->platform_data = 0;
return total_xerrors == 0;
// xrandr_timing::get_timing
bool xrandr_timing::get_timing(modeline *mode)
// Handle no screen detected case
if (m_desktop_output == -1)
log_error("XRANDR: <%d> (get_timing) [ERROR] no screen detected\n", m_id);
return false;
XRRScreenResources *resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(m_pdisplay, m_root);
XRROutputInfo *output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo(m_pdisplay, resources, resources->outputs[m_desktop_output]);
// Cycle through the modelines and report them back to the display manager
if (m_video_modes_position < output_info->nmode)
for (int m = 0; m < resources->nmode; m++)
XRRModeInfo *pxmode = &resources->modes[m];
if (pxmode->id == output_info->modes[m_video_modes_position])
mode->platform_data = pxmode->id;
mode->pclock = pxmode->dotClock;
mode->hactive = pxmode->width;
mode->hbegin = pxmode->hSyncStart;
mode->hend = pxmode->hSyncEnd;
mode->htotal = pxmode->hTotal;
mode->vactive = pxmode->height;
mode->vbegin = pxmode->vSyncStart;
mode->vend = pxmode->vSyncEnd;
mode->vtotal = pxmode->vTotal;
mode->interlace = (pxmode->modeFlags & RR_Interlace) ? 1 : 0;
mode->doublescan = (pxmode->modeFlags & RR_DoubleScan) ? 1 : 0;
mode->hsync = (pxmode->modeFlags & RR_HSyncPositive) ? 1 : 0;
mode->vsync = (pxmode->modeFlags & RR_VSyncPositive) ? 1 : 0;
mode->hfreq = mode->pclock / mode->htotal;
mode->vfreq = mode->hfreq / mode->vtotal * (mode->interlace ? 2 : 1);
mode->refresh = mode->vfreq;
mode->width = pxmode->width;
mode->height = pxmode->height;
// Add the rotation flag from the crtc
mode->type |= m_crtc_flags;
if (strncmp(pxmode->name, "SR-", 3) == 0)
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (get_timing) [WARNING] modeline %s detected\n", m_id, pxmode->name);
// Add the desktop flag to desktop modeline
if (m_desktop_mode.id == pxmode->id)
mode->type |= MODE_DESKTOP;
log_verbose("XRANDR: <%d> (get_timing) mode %04lx %dx%d refresh %.6f added\n", m_id, pxmode->id, pxmode->width, pxmode->height, mode->vfreq);
// Inititalise the position for the modeline list
m_video_modes_position = 0;
return true;
// xrandr_timing::process_modelist
bool xrandr_timing::process_modelist(std::vector<modeline *> modelist)
bool error = false;
bool result = false;
for (auto &mode : modelist)
if (mode->type & MODE_DELETE)
result = delete_mode(mode);
else if (mode->type & MODE_ADD)
result = add_mode(mode);
if (!result)
mode->type |= MODE_ERROR;
error = true;
// succeed
mode->type &= ~MODE_ERROR;
return !error;