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#ifndef _RGL_PRIVATE_H
#define _RGL_PRIVATE_H
#include "../export/RGL/rgl.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "ReportInternal.h"
#define OS_VERSION_NUMERIC 0x160
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern RGL_EXPORT RGLcontext* _CurrentContext;
extern RGLdevice* _CurrentDevice;
extern RGL_EXPORT char* rglVersion;
// only for internal purpose
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_4_4 0x4A00
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_4_4_REV 0x4A01
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_6_2 0x4A02
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_6_REV 0x4A03
#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_12_4 0x4A04
#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_12_REV 0x4A05
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_2_2_2 0x4A06
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_2_2_2_REV 0x4A07
#define GL_FLOAT_RGBA32 0x888B
typedef void( * RGLcontextHookFunction )( RGLcontext *context );
extern RGL_EXPORT RGLcontextHookFunction rglContextCreateHook;
extern RGL_EXPORT RGLcontextHookFunction rglContextDestroyHook;
extern RGLcontext* rglContextCreate();
extern void rglContextFree( RGLcontext* LContext );
extern void rglSetError( GLenum error );
extern GLuint rglValidateStates( GLuint mask );
void rglAttachContext( RGLdevice *device, RGLcontext* context );
void rglDetachContext( RGLdevice *device, RGLcontext* context );
void rglInvalidateAllStates (void *data);
void rglResetAttributeState(void *data);
void rglSetFlipHandler(void (*handler)(const GLuint head), RGLdevice *device);
void rglSetVBlankHandler(void (*handler)(const GLuint head), RGLdevice *device);
// Texture.c
rglTexture *rglAllocateTexture (void);
void rglFreeTexture (void *data);
void rglTextureUnbind (void *data, GLuint name );
extern int rglTextureInit( RGLcontext* context, GLuint name );
extern void rglTextureDelete( RGLcontext* context, GLuint name );
extern GLboolean rglTextureHasValidLevels( const rglTexture *texture, int levels, int width, int height, int depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLenum internalFormat );
extern GLboolean rglTextureIsValid( const rglTexture* texture );
GLenum rglGetEnabledTextureMode (const void *data);
extern rglTexture *rglGetCurrentTexture (const void *data, GLenum target);
RGL_EXPORT void rglUpdateCurrentTextureCache (void *data);
void rglReallocateImages (void *data, GLint level, GLsizei dimension);
extern int rglGetImage( GLenum target, GLint level, rglTexture **texture, rglImage **image, GLsizei reallocateSize );
static inline rglTexture* rglGetTexture (RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name)
return ( rglTexture* )LContext->textureNameSpace.data[name];
static inline rglTexture* rglGetTextureSafe (RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name)
return rglTexNameSpaceIsName( &LContext->textureNameSpace, name ) ? ( rglTexture* )LContext->textureNameSpace.data[name] : NULL;
static inline rglFramebuffer *rglGetFramebuffer( RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name );
static inline void rglTextureTouchFBOs (void *data)
rglTexture *texture = (rglTexture*)data;
RGLcontext *LContext = _CurrentContext;
if (!LContext )
return; // may be called in psglDestroyContext
// check if bound to any framebuffer
GLuint fbCount = texture->framebuffers.getCount();
if ( fbCount > 0 )
rglFramebuffer *contextFramebuffer = LContext->framebuffer ? rglGetFramebuffer( LContext, LContext->framebuffer ) : NULL;
for ( GLuint i = 0;i < fbCount;++i )
rglFramebuffer* framebuffer = texture->framebuffers[i];
framebuffer->needValidate = GL_TRUE;
if (RGL_UNLIKELY( framebuffer == contextFramebuffer))
// Image.c
GLboolean rglIsType( GLenum type );
GLboolean rglIsFormat( GLenum format );
GLboolean rglIsValidPair( GLenum format, GLenum type );
void rglImageAllocCPUStorage (void *data);
void rglImageFreeCPUStorage (void *data);
extern void rglSetImage(void *data, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLsizei alignment, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels );
extern void rglSetSubImage( GLenum target, GLint level, rglTexture *texture, rglImage* image, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLsizei alignment, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels );
extern int rglGetPixelSize( GLenum format, GLenum type );
static inline int rglGetStorageSize( GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth )
return rglGetPixelSize( format, type )*width*height*depth;
extern int rglGetTypeSize( GLenum type );
extern int rglGetMaxBitSize( GLenum type );
extern int rglGetStorageSize( GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth );
extern void rglImageToRaster( const rglImage* image, rglRaster* raster, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z );
extern void rglRasterToImage( const rglRaster* raster, rglImage* image, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z );
extern void rglRawRasterToImage (const void *in_data, void *out_data, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z);
// FramebufferObject.c
rglFramebuffer *rglCreateFramebuffer( void );
void rglDestroyFramebuffer (void *data);
static inline rglFramebuffer *rglGetFramebuffer( RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name )
return ( rglFramebuffer * )LContext->framebufferNameSpace.data[name];
static inline rglFramebuffer *rglGetFramebufferSafe( RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name )
return rglTexNameSpaceIsName( &LContext->framebufferNameSpace, name ) ? ( rglFramebuffer * )LContext->framebufferNameSpace.data[name] : NULL;
void rglFramebufferGetAttachmentTexture( RGLcontext* LContext, const rglFramebufferAttachment* attachment, rglTexture** texture, GLuint* face );
GLenum rglPlatformFramebufferCheckStatus (void *data);
void rglPlatformFramebufferGetParameteriv( GLenum pname, GLint* params );
void rglGetFramebufferSize( GLuint* width, GLuint* height );
// VertexArray.c
void rglVertexAttrib1fNV( GLuint index, GLfloat x );
void rglVertexAttrib1fvNV( GLuint index, const GLfloat* v );
void rglVertexAttrib2fNV( GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y );
void rglVertexAttrib2fvNV( GLuint index, const GLfloat* v );
void rglVertexAttrib3fNV( GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z );
void rglVertexAttrib3fvNV( GLuint index, const GLfloat* v );
void rglVertexAttrib4fNV( GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w );
void rglVertexAttrib4fvNV( GLuint index, const GLfloat* v );
void rglVertexAttribPointerNV( GLuint index, GLint fsize, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid* pointer );
void rglVertexAttribElementFunc( GLuint index, GLenum func, GLuint frequency );
void rglEnableVertexAttribArrayNV( GLuint index );
void rglDisableVertexAttribArrayNV( GLuint index );
GLint rglConvertStream( rglAttributeState* asDst, const rglAttributeState* asSrc, GLuint index,
GLint skip, GLint first, GLint count,
const void* indices, GLenum indexType );
void rglComputeMinMaxIndices( RGLcontext* LContext, GLuint* min, GLuint* max, const void* indices, GLenum indexType, GLsizei count );
// Platform/Init.c
extern void rglPlatformInit (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformExit (void);
// Device/Device.c
extern void rglDeviceInit (void *data);
extern void rglDeviceExit (void);
extern PSGLdeviceParameters * rglShadowDeviceParameters (void);
// Device/.../PlatformDevice.c
extern GLboolean rglPlatformDeviceInit (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformDeviceExit (void);
extern int rglPlatformDeviceSize (void);
extern int rglPlatformCreateDevice (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformDestroyDevice (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformMakeCurrent (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformSwapBuffers (void *data);
extern const GLvoid* rglPlatformGetProcAddress (const char *funcName);
// Raster/.../PlatformRaster.c
void* rglPlatformRasterInit (void);
void rglPlatformRasterExit (void* data);
void rglPlatformRasterDestroyResources (void);
void rglPlatformDraw (void *data);
GLboolean rglPlatformNeedsConversion (const rglAttributeState* as, GLuint index);
// [YLIN] Try to avoid LHS inside this function.
// In oringinal implementation, indexType and indexCount will be stored right before this function
// and since we will load them right after enter this function, there are LHS.
GLboolean rglPlatformRequiresSlowPath (void *data, const GLenum indexType, uint32_t indexCount);
void rglPlatformRasterGetIntegerv( GLenum pname, GLint* params );
void rglPlatformRasterFlush (void);
void rglPlatformRasterFinish (void);
void rglValidateFragmentProgram (void);
void rglValidateFragmentProgramSharedConstants (void);
void rglValidateClipPlanes (void);
void rglInvalidateAttributes (void);
GLuint rglValidateAttributes (const void* indices, GLboolean *isMain);
GLuint rglValidateAttributesSlow (void *data, GLboolean *isMain);
// Raster/.../PlatformTexture.c
extern int rglPlatformTextureSize (void);
extern int rglPlatformTextureMaxUnits (void);
extern void rglPlatformCreateTexture (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformDestroyTexture (void *data);
extern void rglPlatformValidateTextureStage (int unit, void *data);
void rglPlatformValidateVertexTextures (void);
extern GLenum rglPlatformChooseInternalStorage (void *data, GLenum internalformat);
extern GLenum rglPlatformTranslateTextureFormat( GLenum internalFormat );
extern void rglPlatformCopyTexSubImage3D( GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height );
GLenum rglPlatformChooseInternalFormat( GLenum internalformat );
void rglPlatformExpandInternalFormat( GLenum internalformat, GLenum *format, GLenum *type );
void rglPlatformGetImageData( GLenum target, GLint level, rglTexture *texture, rglImage *image );
GLboolean rglPlatformTextureReference (void *data, GLuint pitch, void *data_buf, GLintptr offset);
// Raster/.../PlatformFBops.c
extern void rglFBClear( GLbitfield mask );
extern void rglValidateFramebuffer( void );
extern void rglValidateFFXVertexProgram (void);
extern void rglValidateFFXFragmentProgram (void);
extern void rglPlatformReadPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLboolean flip, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels );
extern GLboolean rglPlatformReadPBOPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLboolean flip, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels );
// Raster/.../PlatformTNL.c
void rglValidateVertexProgram (void);
void rglValidateVertexConstants (void);
// Raster/.../PlatformBuffer.c
int rglPlatformBufferObjectSize (void);
GLboolean rglPlatformCreateBufferObject( rglBufferObject* bufferObject );
void rglPlatformDestroyBufferObject (void *data);
void rglPlatformBufferObjectSetData (void *buf_data, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, GLboolean tryImmediateCopy );
GLvoid rglPlatformBufferObjectCopyData (void *dst, void *src);
char *rglPlatformBufferObjectMap (void *data, GLenum access );
GLboolean rglPlatformBufferObjectUnmap (void *data);
void rglPlatformGetBufferParameteriv( rglBufferObject *bufferObject, GLenum pname, int *params );
// this is shared in glBindTexture and cgGL code
RGL_EXPORT void rglBindTextureInternal (void *data, GLuint name, GLenum target);
#ifdef __cplusplus