
246 lines
6.0 KiB

Title : "$(APP_TITLE)"
CompanyCode : "00"
ProductCode : "$(APP_PRODUCT_CODE)"
ContentType : Application
Logo : Nintendo # Nintendo / Licensed / Distributed / iQue / iQueForSystem
# Specifies the root path of the file system to include in the ROM.
# HostRoot : "romfs"
UniqueId : $(APP_UNIQUE_ID)
Category : Application
MediaSize : 128MB # 128MB / 256MB / 512MB / 1GB / 2GB / 4GB / 8GB / 16GB / 32GB
MediaType : Card1 # Card1 / Card2
CardDevice : None # NorFlash(Pick this if you use savedata) / None
UseOnSD : true # true if App is to be installed to SD
FreeProductCode : true # Removes limitations on ProductCode
MediaFootPadding : false # If true CCI files are created with padding
EnableCrypt : false # Enables encryption for NCCH and CIA
EnableCompress : true # Compresses exefs code
ExeFs: # these are the program segments from the ELF, check your elf for the appropriate segment names
- .rodata
- RO
- .data
- RO
- .init
- .text
PlainRegion: # only used with SDK ELFs
# - .module_id
# UseOtherVariationSaveData : true
# UseExtSaveData : true
# ExtSaveDataId: 0xffffffff
# SystemSaveDataId1: 0x220
# SystemSaveDataId2: 0x00040010
# OtherUserSaveDataId1: 0x220
# OtherUserSaveDataId2: 0x330
# OtherUserSaveDataId3: 0x440
# UseExtendedSaveDataAccessControl: true
# AccessibleSaveDataIds: [0x101, 0x202, 0x303, 0x404, 0x505, 0x606]
# - CategorySystemApplication
# - CategoryHardwareCheck
# - CategoryFileSystemTool
- Debug
# - TwlCardBackup
# - TwlNandData
# - Boss
- DirectSdmc
# - Core
# - CtrNandRo
# - CtrNandRw
# - CtrNandRoWrite
# - CategorySystemSettings
# - CardBoard
# - ExportImportIvs
- DirectSdmcWrite
# - SwitchCleanup
# - SaveDataMove
# - Shop
# - Shell
# - CategoryHomeMenu
# - FsMountNand
# - FsMountNandRoWrite
# - FsMountTwln
# - FsMountWnand
# - FsMountCardSpi
# - UseSdif3
# - CreateSeed
# - UseCardSpi
IdealProcessor : 0
AffinityMask : 1
Priority : 16
MaxCpu : 0x9E # Default
CpuSpeed : 804mhz
EnableL2Cache : true
SystemMode : $(APP_SYSTEM_MODE)
# SystemModeExt : $(APP_SYSTEM_MODE_EXT)
DisableDebug : false
EnableForceDebug : false
CanWriteSharedPage : true
CanUsePrivilegedPriority : false
CanUseNonAlphabetAndNumber : true
PermitMainFunctionArgument : true
CanShareDeviceMemory : true
RunnableOnSleep : false
SpecialMemoryArrange : true
CoreVersion : 2
DescVersion : 2
ReleaseKernelMajor : "02"
ReleaseKernelMinor : "33"
MemoryType : Application # Application / System / Base
HandleTableSize: 512
- 1ff50000-1ff57fff
- 1ff70000-1ff77fff
- 1f000000-1f5fffff:r
ArbitrateAddress: 34
Break: 60
CancelTimer: 28
ClearEvent: 25
ClearTimer: 29
CloseHandle: 35
ConnectToPort: 45
ControlMemory: 1
CreateAddressArbiter: 33
CreateEvent: 23
CreateMemoryBlock: 30
CreateMutex: 19
CreateSemaphore: 21
CreateThread: 8
CreateTimer: 26
DuplicateHandle: 39
ExitProcess: 3
ExitThread: 9
GetCurrentProcessorNumber: 17
GetHandleInfo: 41
GetProcessId: 53
GetProcessIdOfThread: 54
GetProcessIdealProcessor: 6
GetProcessInfo: 43
GetResourceLimit: 56
GetResourceLimitCurrentValues: 58
GetResourceLimitLimitValues: 57
GetSystemInfo: 42
GetSystemTick: 40
GetThreadContext: 59
GetThreadId: 55
GetThreadIdealProcessor: 15
GetThreadInfo: 44
GetThreadPriority: 11
MapMemoryBlock: 31
OutputDebugString: 61
QueryMemory: 2
ReleaseMutex: 20
ReleaseSemaphore: 22
SendSyncRequest1: 46
SendSyncRequest2: 47
SendSyncRequest3: 48
SendSyncRequest4: 49
SendSyncRequest: 50
SetThreadPriority: 12
SetTimer: 27
SignalEvent: 24
SleepThread: 10
UnmapMemoryBlock: 32
WaitSynchronization1: 36
WaitSynchronizationN: 37
Backdoor: 123
- $hioFIO
- $hostio0
- $hostio1
- ac:u
- am:u
- boss:U
- cam:u
- cecd:u
- cfg:u
- dlp:FKCL
- dlp:SRVR
- dsp::DSP
- frd:u
- fs:USER
- gsp::Gpu
- gsp::Lcd
- hid:USER
- http:C
- mic:u
- ndm:u
- news:u
- nwm::UDS
- ptm:u
- pxi:dev
- soc:U
- ssl:C
- y2r:u
- ldr:ro
- ir:USER
- ir:u
- ir:rst
- csnd:SND
SaveDataSize: 0KB # It doesn't use any save data.
RemasterVersion: 2
StackSize: 0x40000
# JumpId: 0
ac: 0x0004013000002402L
am: 0x0004013000001502L
boss: 0x0004013000003402L
camera: 0x0004013000001602L
cecd: 0x0004013000002602L
cfg: 0x0004013000001702L
codec: 0x0004013000001802L
csnd: 0x0004013000002702L
dlp: 0x0004013000002802L
dsp: 0x0004013000001a02L
friends: 0x0004013000003202L
gpio: 0x0004013000001b02L
gsp: 0x0004013000001c02L
hid: 0x0004013000001d02L
http: 0x0004013000002902L
i2c: 0x0004013000001e02L
ir: 0x0004013000003302L
mcu: 0x0004013000001f02L
mic: 0x0004013000002002L
ndm: 0x0004013000002b02L
news: 0x0004013000003502L
nim: 0x0004013000002c02L
nwm: 0x0004013000002d02L
pdn: 0x0004013000002102L
ps: 0x0004013000003102L
ptm: 0x0004013000002202L
ro: 0x0004013000003702L
socket: 0x0004013000002e02L
spi: 0x0004013000002302L
ssl: 0x0004013000002f02L