Yoshi Sugawara a18512375b Support for tvOS
- add tvOS target
    - support code signing tvOS cores by adding an argument to the code signing cores script
    - use NSCachesDirectory for the documents directory
    - add some mfi controller handling logic to set non-game controllers to the last index to avoid interfering with operation
    - autodetect mfi controller for apple tv on startup - added autodetect to hid joypad
    - added a webserver to transfer files for tvOS
    - xcode: clean up project, remove unused folders
    - remove HAVE_MATERIALUI setting for tvos build, make it use XMB as default
    - added retroarch app icon courtesy of @MrJs
    - added auto-detect of mfi controller for apple tv
2019-01-29 10:13:46 -10:00

92 lines
3.3 KiB

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