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* A header-only typesafe dynamic array implementation for plain C,
* kinda like C++ std::vector. This code is compatible with C++, but should
* only be used with POD (plain old data) types, as it uses memcpy() etc
* instead of copy/move construction/assignment.
* It requires a new type (created with the DA_TYPEDEF(ELEMENT_TYPE, ARRAY_TYPE_NAME)
* macro) for each kind of element you want to put in a dynamic array; however
* the "functions" to manipulate the array are actually macros and the same
* for all element types.
* The array elements are accessed via dynArr.p[i] or da_get(dynArr, i)
* - the latter checks whether i is a valid index and asserts if not.
* One thing to keep in mind is that, because of using macros, the arguments to
* the "functions" are usually evaluated more than once, so you should avoid
* putting things with side effect (like function-calls with side effects or i++)
* into them. Notable exceptions are the value arguments (v) of da_push()
* and da_insert(), so it's still ok to do da_push(arr, fun_with_sideffects());
* or da_insert(a, 3, x++);
* The function-like da_* macros are short aliases of dg_dynarr_* macros.
* If the short names clash with anything in your code or other headers
* you are using, you can, before #including this header, do
* and use the long dg_dynarr_* forms of the macros instead.
* Using this library in your project:
* Put this file somewhere in your project.
* In *one* of your .c/.cpp files, do
* #include "DG_dynarr.h"
* to create the implementation of this library in that file.
* You can just #include "DG_dynarr.h" (without the #define) in other source
* files to use it there.
* See below this comment block for a usage example.
* You can #define your own allocators, assertion and the amount of runtime
* checking of indexes, see CONFIGURATION section in the code for more information.
* This is heavily inspired by Sean Barrett's stretchy_buffer.h
* ( see: https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stretchy_buffer.h )
* However I wanted to have a struct that holds the array pointer and the length
* and capacity, so that struct always remains at the same address while the
* array memory might be reallocated.
* I can live with arr.p[i] instead of arr[i], but I like how he managed to use
* macros to create an API that doesn't force the user to specify the stored
* type over and over again, so I stole some of his tricks :-)
* This has been tested with GCC 4.8 and clang 3.8 (-std=gnu89, -std=c99 and as C++;
* -std=c89 works if you convert the C++-style comments to C comments) and
* Microsoft Visual Studio 6 and 2010 (32bit) and 2013 (32bit and 64bit).
* I guess it works with all (recentish) C++ compilers and C compilers supporting
* C99 or even C89 + C++ comments (otherwise converting the comments should help).
* (C) 2016 Daniel Gibson
* This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
* license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
* publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
* No warranty implied; use at your own risk.
* So you can do whatever you want with this code, including copying it
* (or parts of it) into your own source.
* No need to mention me or this "license" in your code or docs, even though
* it would be appreciated, of course.
#if 0 /* Usage Example: */
#define DG_DYNARR_IMPLEMENTATION /* this define is only needed in *one* .c/.cpp file! */
#include "DG_dynarr.h"
DA_TYPEDEF(int, MyIntArrType); /* creates MyIntArrType - a dynamic array for ints */
void printIntArr(MyIntArrType* arr, const char* name)
/* note that arr is a pointer here, so use *arr in the da_*() functions. */
printf("%s = {", name);
if(da_count(*arr) > 0)
printf(" %d", arr->p[0]);
for(int i=1; i<da_count(*arr); ++i)
printf(", %d", arr->p[i]);
printf(" }\n");
void myFunction()
MyIntArrType a1 = {0};
/* make sure to zero out the struct
* instead of = {0}; you could also call da_init(a1);
da_push(a1, 42);
assert(da_count(a1) == 1 && a1.p[0] == 42);
int* addedElements = da_addn_uninit(a1, 3);
assert(da_count(a1) == 4);
for(size_t i=0; i<3; ++i)
addedElements[i] = i+5;
printIntArr(&a1, "a1"); /* "a1 = { 42, 5, 6, 7 }" */
MyIntArrType a2;
da_addn(a2, a1.p, da_count(a1)); /* copy all elements from a1 to a2 */
assert(da_count(a2) == 4);
da_insert(a2, 1, 11);
printIntArr(&a2, "a2"); /* "a2 = { 42, 11, 5, 6, 7 }" */
da_delete(a2, 2);
printIntArr(&a2, "a2"); /* "a2 = { 42, 11, 6, 7 }" */
da_deletefast(a2, 0);
printIntArr(&a2, "a2"); /* "a2 = { 7, 11, 6 }" */
da_push(a1, 3);
printIntArr(&a1, "a1"); /* "a1 = { 42, 5, 6, 7, 3 }" */
int x=da_pop(a1);
printf("x = %d\n", x); /* "x = 3" */
printIntArr(&a1, "a1"); /* "a1 = { 42, 5, 6, 7 }" */
da_free(a1); /* make sure not to leak memory! */
#endif /* 0 (usage example) */
#ifndef DG__DYNARR_H
#define DG__DYNARR_H
/* ######### CONFIGURATION #########
* following: some #defines that you can tweak to your liking
* you can reduce some overhead by defining DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL to 2, 1 or 0
/* 0: (almost) no index checking
* 1: macros "returning" something return a.p[0] or NULL if the index was invalid
* 2: assertions in all macros taking indexes that make sure they're valid
* 3: 1 and 2
/* you can #define your own DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(condition, msgstring)
* that will be used for all assertions in this code.
#include <assert.h>
#define DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(cond, msg) assert((cond) && msg)
/* you can #define DG_DYNARR_OUT_OF_MEMORY to some code that will be executed
* if allocating memory fails
* it's needed only before the #define DG_DYNARR_IMPLEMENTATION #include of
* this header, so the following is here only for reference and commented out
#define DG_DYNARR_OUT_OF_MEMORY DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(0, "Out of Memory!");
/* By default, C's malloc(), realloc() and free() is used to allocate/free heap memory
* (see beginning of "#ifdef DG_DYNARR_IMPLEMENTATION" block below).
* to provide alternative implementations like Win32 Heap(Re)Alloc/HeapFree
* it's needed only before the #define DG_DYNARR_IMPLEMENTATION #include of
* this header, so the following is here only for reference and commented out
#define DG_DYNARR_MALLOC(elemSize, numElems) malloc(elemSize*numElems)
// oldNumElems is not used for C's realloc, but maybe you need it for
// your allocator to copy the old elements over
#define DG_DYNARR_REALLOC(ptr, elemSize, oldNumElems, newCapacity) \
realloc(ptr, elemSize*newCapacity);
#define DG_DYNARR_FREE(ptr) free(ptr)
/* if you want to prepend something to the non inline (DG_DYNARR_INLINE) functions,
* like "__declspec(dllexport)" or whatever, #define DG_DYNARR_DEF
/* by defaults it's empty. */
/* some functions are inline, in case your compiler doesn't like "static inline"
* but wants "__inline__" or something instead, #define DG_DYNARR_INLINE accordingly.
/* ############### Short da_* aliases for the long names ############### */
/* this macro is used to create an array type (struct) for elements of TYPE
* use like DA_TYPEDEF(int, MyIntArrType); MyIntArrType ia = {0}; da_push(ia, 42); ...
#define DA_TYPEDEF(TYPE, NewArrayTypeName) \
/* makes sure the array is initialized and can be used.
* either do YourArray arr = {0}; or YourArray arr; da_init(arr);
#define da_init(a) \
/* This allows you to provide an external buffer that'll be used as long as it's big enough
* once you add more elements than buf can hold, fresh memory will be allocated on the heap
* Use like:
* DA_TYPEDEF(double, MyDoubleArrType);
* MyDoubleArrType arr;
* double buf[8];
* dg_dynarr_init_external(arr, buf, 8);
* dg_dynarr_push(arr, 1.23);
* ...
#define da_init_external(a, buf, buf_cap) \
dg_dynarr_init_external(a, buf, buf_cap)
/* use this to free the memory allocated by dg_dynarr once you don't need the array anymore
* Note: it is safe to add new elements to the array after da_free()
* it will allocate new memory, just like it would directly after da_init()
#define da_free(a) \
/* add an element to the array (appended at the end) */
#define da_push(a, v) \
dg_dynarr_push(a, v)
/* add an element to the array (appended at the end)
* does the same as push, just for consistency with addn (like insert and insertn)
#define da_add(a, v) \
dg_dynarr_add(a, v)
/* append n elements to a and initialize them from array vals, doesn't return anything
* ! vals (and all other args) are evaluated multiple times !
#define da_addn(a, vals, n) \
dg_dynarr_addn(a, vals, n)
/* add n elements to the end of the array and zeroes them with memset()
* returns pointer to first added element, NULL if out of memory (array is empty then)
#define da_addn_zeroed(a, n) \
dg_dynarr_addn_zeroed(a, n)
/* add n elements to the end of the array, will remain uninitialized
* returns pointer to first added element, NULL if out of memory (array is empty then)
#define da_addn_uninit(a, n) \
dg_dynarr_addn_uninit(a, n)
/* insert a single value v at index idx */
#define da_insert(a, idx, v) \
dg_dynarr_insert(a, idx, v)
/* insert n elements into a at idx, initialize them from array vals
* doesn't return anything
* ! vals (and all other args) is evaluated multiple times !
#define da_insertn(a, idx, vals, n) \
dg_dynarr_insertn(a, idx, vals, n)
/* insert n elements into a at idx and zeroe them with memset()
* returns pointer to first inserted element or NULL if out of memory
#define da_insertn_zeroed(a, idx, n) \
dg_dynarr_insertn_zeroed(a, idx, n)
/* insert n uninitialized elements into a at idx;
* returns pointer to first inserted element or NULL if out of memory
#define da_insertn_uninit(a, idx, n) \
dg_dynarr_insertn_uninit(a, idx, n)
/* set a single value v at index idx - like "a.p[idx] = v;" but with checks (unless disabled) */
#define da_set(a, idx, v) \
dg_dynarr_set(a, idx, v)
/* overwrite n elements of a, starting at idx, with values from array vals
* doesn't return anything
* ! vals (and all other args) is evaluated multiple times !
#define da_setn(a, idx, vals, n) \
dg_dynarr_setn(a, idx, vals, n)
/* delete the element at idx, moving all following elements (=> keeps order) */
#define da_delete(a, idx) \
dg_dynarr_delete(a, idx)
/* delete n elements starting at idx, moving all following elements (=> keeps order) */
#define da_deleten(a, idx, n) \
dg_dynarr_deleten(a, idx, n)
/* delete the element at idx, move the last element there (=> doesn't keep order) */
#define da_deletefast(a, idx) \
dg_dynarr_deletefast(a, idx)
/* delete n elements starting at idx, move the last n elements there (=> doesn't keep order) */
#define da_deletenfast(a, idx, n) \
dg_dynarr_deletenfast(a, idx, n)
/* removes all elements from the array, but does not free the buffer
* (if you want to free the buffer too, just use da_free())
#define da_clear(a) \
/* sets the logical number of elements in the array
* if cnt > dg_dynarr_count(a), the logical count will be increased accordingly
* and the new elements will be uninitialized
#define da_setcount(a, cnt) \
dg_dynarr_setcount(a, cnt)
/* make sure the array can store cap elements without reallocating
* logical count remains unchanged
#define da_reserve(a, cap) \
dg_dynarr_reserve(a, cap)
/* this makes sure a only uses as much memory as for its elements
* => maybe useful if a used to contain a huge amount of elements,
* but you deleted most of them and want to free some memory
* Note however that this implies an allocation and copying the remaining
* elements, so only do this if it frees enough memory to be worthwhile!
#define da_shrink_to_fit(a) \
/* removes and returns the last element of the array */
#define da_pop(a) \
/* returns the last element of the array */
#define da_last(a) \
/* returns the pointer *to* the last element of the array
* (in contrast to dg_dynarr_end() which returns a pointer *after* the last element)
* returns NULL if array is empty
#define da_lastptr(a) \
/* get element at index idx (like a.p[idx]), but with checks
* (unless you disabled them with #define DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL 0)
#define da_get(a, idx) \
/* get pointer to element at index idx (like &a.p[idx]), but with checks
* and it returns NULL if idx is invalid
#define da_getptr(a, idx) \
dg_dynarr_getptr(a, idx)
/* returns a pointer to the first element of the array
* (together with dg_dynarr_end() you can do C++-style iterating)
#define da_begin(a) \
/* returns a pointer to the past-the-end element of the array
* Allows C++-style iterating, in case you're into that kind of thing:
* for(T *it=da_begin(a), *end=da_end(a); it!=end; ++it) foo(*it);
* (see da_lastptr() to get a pointer *to* the last element)
#define da_end(a) \
/* returns (logical) number of elements currently in the array */
#define da_count(a) \
/* get the current reserved capacity of the array */
#define da_capacity(a) \
/* returns 1 if the array is empty, else 0 */
#define da_empty(a) \
/* returns 1 if the last (re)allocation when inserting failed (Out Of Memory)
* or if the array has never allocated any memory yet, else 0
* deleting the contents when growing fails instead of keeping old may seem
* a bit uncool, but it's simple and OOM should rarely happen on modern systems
* anyway - after all you need to deplete both RAM and swap/pagefile.sys
#define da_oom(a) \
/* sort a using the given qsort()-comparator cmp
* (just a slim wrapper around qsort())
#define da_sort(a, cmp) \
dg_dynarr_sort(a, cmp)
/* ######### Implementation of the actual macros (using the long names) ##########
* use like DG_DYNARR_TYPEDEF(int, MyIntArrType); MyIntArrType ia = {0}; dg_dynarr_push(ia, 42); ...
#define DG_DYNARR_TYPEDEF(TYPE, NewArrayTypeName) \
typedef struct { TYPE* p; dg__dynarr_md md; } NewArrayTypeName;
/* makes sure the array is initialized and can be used.
* either do YourArray arr = {0}; or YourArray arr; dg_dynarr_init(arr);
#define dg_dynarr_init(a) \
dg__dynarr_init((void**)&(a).p, &(a).md, NULL, 0)
/* this allows you to provide an external buffer that'll be used as long as it's big enough
* once you add more elements than buf can hold, fresh memory will be allocated on the heap
#define dg_dynarr_init_external(a, buf, buf_cap) \
dg__dynarr_init((void**)&(a).p, &(a).md, (buf), (buf_cap))
/* use this to free the memory allocated by dg_dynarr
* Note: it is safe to add new elements to the array after dg_dynarr_free()
* it will allocate new memory, just like it would directly after dg_dynarr_init()
#define dg_dynarr_free(a) \
dg__dynarr_free((void**)&(a).p, &(a).md)
/* add an element to the array (appended at the end) */
#define dg_dynarr_push(a, v) \
(dg__dynarr_maybegrowadd(dg__dynarr_unp(a), 1) ? (((a).p[(a).md.cnt++] = (v)),0) : 0)
/* add an element to the array (appended at the end)
* does the same as push, just for consistency with addn (like insert and insertn)
#define dg_dynarr_add(a, v) \
dg_dynarr_push((a), (v))
/* append n elements to a and initialize them from array vals, doesn't return anything
* ! vals (and all other args) are evaluated multiple times !
#define dg_dynarr_addn(a, vals, n) do { \
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT((vals)!=NULL, "Don't pass NULL als vals to dg_dynarr_addn!"); \
if((vals)!=NULL && dg__dynarr_add(dg__dynarr_unp(a), n, 0)) { \
size_t i_=(a).md.cnt-(n), v_=0; \
while(i_<(a).md.cnt) (a).p[i_++]=(vals)[v_++]; \
/* add n elements to the end of the array and zeroe them with memset()
* returns pointer to first added element, NULL if out of memory (array is empty then)
#define dg_dynarr_addn_zeroed(a, n) \
(dg__dynarr_add(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (n), 1) ? &(a).p[(a).md.cnt-(size_t)(n)] : NULL)
/* add n elements to the end of the array, which are uninitialized
* returns pointer to first added element, NULL if out of memory (array is empty then)
#define dg_dynarr_addn_uninit(a, n) \
(dg__dynarr_add(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (n), 0) ? &(a).p[(a).md.cnt-(size_t)(n)] : NULL)
/* insert a single value v at index idx */
#define dg_dynarr_insert(a, idx, v) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidxle((a),(idx)), \
dg__dynarr_insert(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (idx), 1, 0), \
(a).p[dg__dynarr_idx((a).md, (idx))] = (v))
/* insert n elements into a at idx, initialize them from array vals
* doesn't return anything
* ! vals (and all other args) is evaluated multiple times !
#define dg_dynarr_insertn(a, idx, vals, n) do { \
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT((vals)!=NULL, "Don't pass NULL as vals to dg_dynarr_insertn!"); \
dg__dynarr_checkidxle((a),(idx)); \
if((vals)!=NULL && dg__dynarr_insert(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (idx), (n), 0)){ \
size_t i_=(idx), v_=0, e_=(idx)+(n); \
while(i_ < e_) (a).p[i_++] = (vals)[v_++]; \
/* insert n elements into a at idx and zeroe them with memset()
* returns pointer to first inserted element or NULL if out of memory
#define dg_dynarr_insertn_zeroed(a, idx, n) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidxle((a),(idx)), \
dg__dynarr_insert(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (idx), (n), 1) \
? &(a).p[dg__dynarr_idx((a).md, (idx))] : NULL)
/* insert n uninitialized elements into a at idx;
* returns pointer to first inserted element or NULL if out of memory
#define dg_dynarr_insertn_uninit(a, idx, n) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidxle((a),(idx)), \
dg__dynarr_insert(dg__dynarr_unp(a), idx, n, 0) \
? &(a).p[dg__dynarr_idx((a).md, (idx))] : NULL)
/* set a single value v at index idx - like "a.p[idx] = v;" but with checks (unless disabled) */
#define dg_dynarr_set(a, idx, v) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), \
(a).p[dg__dynarr_idx((a).md, (idx))] = (v))
/* overwrite n elements of a, starting at idx, with values from array vals
* doesn't return anything
* ! vals (and all other args) is evaluated multiple times !
#define dg_dynarr_setn(a, idx, vals, n) do { \
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT((vals)!=NULL, "Don't pass NULL as vals to dg_dynarr_setn!"); \
size_t idx_=(idx); size_t end_=idx_+(size_t)n; \
dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),idx_); dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),end_-1); \
if((vals)!=NULL && idx_ < (a).md.cnt && end_ <= (a).md.cnt) { \
size_t v_=0; \
while(idx_ < end_) (a).p[idx_++] = (vals)[v_++]; \
/* delete the element at idx, moving all following elements (=> keeps order) */
#define dg_dynarr_delete(a, idx) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), dg__dynarr_delete(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (idx), 1))
/* delete n elements starting at idx, moving all following elements (=> keeps order) */
#define dg_dynarr_deleten(a, idx, n) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), dg__dynarr_delete(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (idx), (n)))
/* TODO: check whether idx+n < count? */
/* delete the element at idx, move the last element there (=> doesn't keep order) */
#define dg_dynarr_deletefast(a, idx) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), dg__dynarr_deletefast(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (idx), 1))
/* delete n elements starting at idx, move the last n elements there (=> doesn't keep order) */
#define dg_dynarr_deletenfast(a, idx, n) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), dg__dynarr_deletefast(dg__dynarr_unp(a), idx, n))
/* TODO: check whether idx+n < count? */
/* removes all elements from the array, but does not free the buffer
* (if you want to free the buffer too, just use dg_dynarr_free())
#define dg_dynarr_clear(a) \
/* sets the logical number of elements in the array
* if cnt > dg_dynarr_count(a), the logical count will be increased accordingly
* and the new elements will be uninitialized
#define dg_dynarr_setcount(a, n) \
(dg__dynarr_maybegrow(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (n)) ? ((a).md.cnt = (n)) : 0)
/* make sure the array can store cap elements without reallocating
* logical count remains unchanged
#define dg_dynarr_reserve(a, cap) \
dg__dynarr_maybegrow(dg__dynarr_unp(a), (cap))
/* this makes sure a only uses as much memory as for its elements
* => maybe useful if a used to contain a huge amount of elements,
* but you deleted most of them and want to free some memory
* Note however that this implies an allocation and copying the remaining
* elements, so only do this if it frees enough memory to be worthwhile!
#define dg_dynarr_shrink_to_fit(a) \
/* removes and returns the last element of the array */
#define dg_dynarr_pop(a) \
(dg__dynarr_check_notempty((a), "Don't pop an empty array!"), \
(a).p[((a).md.cnt > 0) ? (--(a).md.cnt) : 0])
/* returns the last element of the array */
#define dg_dynarr_last(a) \
(dg__dynarr_check_notempty((a), "Don't call da_last() on an empty array!"), \
(a).p[((a).md.cnt > 0) ? ((a).md.cnt-1) : 0])
/* removes and returns the last element of the array */
#define dg_dynarr_pop(a) \
(dg__dynarr_check_notempty((a), "Don't pop an empty array!"), \
/* returns the last element of the array */
#define dg_dynarr_last(a) \
(dg__dynarr_check_notempty((a), "Don't call da_last() on an empty array!"), \
#else /* invalid DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL */
#error Invalid index check level DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL (must be 0-3) !
/* returns the pointer *to* the last element of the array
* (in contrast to dg_dynarr_end() which returns a pointer *after* the last element)
* returns NULL if array is empty
#define dg_dynarr_lastptr(a) \
(((a).md.cnt > 0) ? ((a).p + (a).md.cnt - 1) : NULL)
/* get element at index idx (like a.p[idx]), but with checks
* (unless you disabled them with #define DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL 0)
#define dg_dynarr_get(a, idx) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), (a).p[dg__dynarr_idx((a).md, (idx))])
/* get pointer to element at index idx (like &a.p[idx]), but with checks
* (unless you disabled them with #define DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL 0)
* if index-checks are disabled, it returns NULL on invalid index (else it asserts() before returning)
#define dg_dynarr_getptr(a, idx) \
(dg__dynarr_checkidx((a),(idx)), \
((size_t)(idx) < (a).md.cnt) ? ((a).p+(size_t)(idx)) : NULL)
/* returns a pointer to the first element of the array
* (together with dg_dynarr_end() you can do C++-style iterating)
#define dg_dynarr_begin(a) \
/* returns a pointer to the past-the-end element of the array
* Allows C++-style iterating, in case you're into that kind of thing:
* for(T *it=dg_dynarr_begin(a), *end=dg_dynarr_end(a); it!=end; ++it) foo(*it);
* (see dg_dynarr_lastptr() to get a pointer *to* the last element)
#define dg_dynarr_end(a) \
((a).p + (a).md.cnt)
/* returns (logical) number of elements currently in the array */
#define dg_dynarr_count(a) \
/* get the current reserved capacity of the array */
#define dg_dynarr_capacity(a) \
((a).md.cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB)
/* returns 1 if the array is empty, else 0 */
#define dg_dynarr_empty(a) \
((a).md.cnt == 0)
/* returns 1 if the last (re)allocation when inserting failed (Out Of Memory)
* or if the array has never allocated any memory yet, else 0
* deleting the contents when growing fails instead of keeping old may seem
* a bit uncool, but it's simple and OOM should rarely happen on modern systems
* anyway - after all you need to deplete both RAM and swap/pagefile.sys
* or deplete the address space, which /might/ happen with 32bit applications
* but probably not with 64bit (at least in the foreseeable future)
#define dg_dynarr_oom(a) \
((a).md.cap == 0)
/* sort a using the given qsort()-comparator cmp
* (just a slim wrapper around qsort())
#define dg_dynarr_sort(a, cmp) \
qsort((a).p, (a).md.cnt, sizeof((a).p[0]), (cmp))
/* ######### Implementation-Details that are not part of the API ########## */
#include <stdlib.h> /* size_t, malloc(), free(), realloc() */
#include <string.h> /* memset(), memcpy(), memmove() */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
size_t cnt; /* logical number of elements */
size_t cap; /* cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB is actual capacity (in elements, *not* bytes!) */
/* if(cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB) the current memory is not allocated by dg_dynarr,
* but was set with dg_dynarr_init_external()
* that's handy to give an array a base-element storage on the stack, for example
* TODO: alternatively, we could introduce a flag field to this struct and use that,
* so we don't have to calculate & everytime cap is needed
} dg__dynarr_md;
/* I used to have the following in an enum, but MSVC assumes enums are always 32bit ints */
static const size_t DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB = ((size_t)1) << (sizeof(size_t)*8 - 1);
static const size_t DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB = (((size_t)1) << (sizeof(size_t)*8 - 1))-1;
/* "unpack" the elements of an array struct for use with helper functions
* (to void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize)
#define dg__dynarr_unp(a) \
(void**)&(a).p, &(a).md, sizeof((a).p[0])
/* MSVC warns about "conditional expression is constant" when using the
* do { ... } while(0) idiom in macros..
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005 and newer
/* people claim MSVC 2005 and newer support __pragma, even though it's only documented
* for 2008+ (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d9x1s805%28v=vs.90%29.aspx)
* the following workaround is based on
* http://cnicholson.net/2009/03/stupid-c-tricks-dowhile0-and-c4127/
#define DG__DYNARR_WHILE0 \
__pragma(warning(push)) \
__pragma(warning(disable:4127)) \
while(0) \
#else /* older MSVC versions don't support __pragma - I heard this helps for them */
#define DG__DYNARR_WHILE0 while(0,0)
#else /* other compilers */
#define DG__DYNARR_WHILE0 while(0)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#define dg__dynarr_checkidx(a,i) \
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT((size_t)i < a.md.cnt, "index out of bounds!")
/* special case for insert operations: == cnt is also ok, insert will append then */
#define dg__dynarr_checkidxle(a,i) \
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT((size_t)i <= a.md.cnt, "index out of bounds!")
#define dg__dynarr_check_notempty(a, msg) \
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(a.md.cnt > 0, msg)
/* no assertions that check if index is valid */
#define dg__dynarr_checkidx(a,i) (void)0
#define dg__dynarr_checkidxle(a,i) (void)0
#define dg__dynarr_check_notempty(a, msg) (void)0
#else /* invalid DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL */
#error Invalid index check level DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL (must be 0-3) !
/* the given index, if valid, else 0 */
#define dg__dynarr_idx(md,i) \
(((size_t)(i) < md.cnt) ? (size_t)(i) : 0)
/* don't check and default to 0 if invalid, but just use the given value */
#define dg__dynarr_idx(md,i) (size_t)(i)
#else /* invalid DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL */
#error Invalid index check level DG_DYNARR_INDEX_CHECK_LEVEL (must be 0-3) !
/* the functions allocating/freeing memory are not implemented inline, but
* in the #ifdef DG_DYNARR_IMPLEMENTATION section
* one reason is that dg__dynarr_grow has the most code in it, the other is
* that windows has weird per-dll heaps so free() or realloc() should be
* called from code in the same dll that allocated the memory - these kind
* of wrapper functions that end up compiled into the exe or *one* dll
* (instead of inline functions compiled into everything) should ensure that.
dg__dynarr_free(void** p, dg__dynarr_md* md);
dg__dynarr_shrink_to_fit(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize);
/* grow array to have enough space for at least min_needed elements
* if it fails (OOM), the array will be deleted, a.p will be NULL, a.md.cap and a.md.cnt will be 0
* and the functions returns 0; else (on success) it returns 1
dg__dynarr_grow(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t min_needed);
/* the following functions are implemented inline, because they're quite short
* and mosty implemented in functions so the macros don't get too ugly
dg__dynarr_init(void** p, dg__dynarr_md* md, void* buf, size_t buf_cap)
*p = buf;
md->cnt = 0;
md->cap = 0;
md->cap = (DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB | buf_cap);
dg__dynarr_maybegrow(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t min_needed)
if((md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB) >= min_needed) return 1;
else return dg__dynarr_grow(arr, md, itemsize, min_needed);
dg__dynarr_maybegrowadd(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t num_add)
size_t min_needed = md->cnt+num_add;
if((md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB) >= min_needed) return 1;
else return dg__dynarr_grow(arr, md, itemsize, min_needed);
dg__dynarr_insert(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t idx, size_t n, int init0)
/* allow idx == md->cnt to append */
size_t oldCount = md->cnt;
size_t newCount = oldCount+n;
if(idx <= oldCount && dg__dynarr_maybegrow(arr, md, itemsize, newCount))
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)*arr; /* *arr might have changed in dg__dynarr_grow()! */
/* move all existing items after a[idx] to a[idx+n] */
if(idx < oldCount) memmove(p+(idx+n)*itemsize, p+idx*itemsize, itemsize*(oldCount - idx));
/* if the memory is supposed to be zeroed, do that */
if(init0) memset(p+idx*itemsize, 0, n*itemsize);
md->cnt = newCount;
return 1;
return 0;
dg__dynarr_add(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t n, int init0)
size_t cnt = md->cnt;
if(dg__dynarr_maybegrow(arr, md, itemsize, cnt+n))
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)*arr; /* *arr might have changed in dg__dynarr_grow()! */
/* if the memory is supposed to be zeroed, do that */
if(init0) memset(p+cnt*itemsize, 0, n*itemsize);
md->cnt += n;
return 1;
return 0;
dg__dynarr_delete(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t idx, size_t n)
size_t cnt = md->cnt;
if(idx < cnt)
if(idx+n >= cnt) md->cnt = idx; /* removing last element(s) => just reduce count */
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)*arr;
/* move all items following a[idx+n] to a[idx] */
memmove(p+itemsize*idx, p+itemsize*(idx+n), itemsize*(cnt - (idx+n)));
md->cnt -= n;
dg__dynarr_deletefast(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t idx, size_t n)
size_t cnt = md->cnt;
if(idx < cnt)
if(idx+n >= cnt) md->cnt = idx; /* removing last element(s) => just reduce count */
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)*arr;
/* copy the last n items to a[idx] - but handle the case that
* the array has less than n elements left after the deleted elements
size_t numItemsAfterDeleted = cnt - (idx+n);
size_t m = (n < numItemsAfterDeleted) ? n : numItemsAfterDeleted;
memcpy(p+itemsize*idx, p+itemsize*(cnt - m), itemsize*m);
md->cnt -= n;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* DG__DYNARR_H */
/* ############## Implementation of non-inline functions ############## */
/* by default, C's malloc(), realloc() and free() is used to allocate/free heap memory.
* to provide alternative implementations like Win32 Heap(Re)Alloc/HeapFree
#define DG_DYNARR_MALLOC(elemSize, numElems) malloc(elemSize*numElems)
/* oldNumElems is not used here, but maybe you need it for your allocator
* to copy the old elements over
#define DG_DYNARR_REALLOC(ptr, elemSize, oldNumElems, newCapacity) \
realloc(ptr, elemSize*newCapacity);
#define DG_DYNARR_FREE(ptr) free(ptr)
/* you can #define DG_DYNARR_OUT_OF_MEMORY to some code that will be executed
* if allocating memory fails
#define DG_DYNARR_OUT_OF_MEMORY DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(0, "Out of Memory!");
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
dg__dynarr_free(void** p, dg__dynarr_md* md)
/* only free memory if it doesn't point to external memory */
if(!(md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB))
*p = NULL;
md->cap = 0;
md->cnt = 0;
dg__dynarr_grow(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize, size_t min_needed)
size_t cap = md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB;
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(min_needed > cap, "dg__dynarr_grow() should only be called if storage actually needs to grow!");
if(min_needed < DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB)
size_t newcap = (cap > 4) ? (2*cap) : 8; /* allocate for at least 8 elements */
/* make sure not to set DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB (unlikely anyway) */
if(newcap >= DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB) newcap = DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB-1;
if(min_needed > newcap) newcap = min_needed;
/* the memory was allocated externally, don't free it, just copy contents */
if(md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB)
void* p = DG_DYNARR_MALLOC(itemsize, newcap);
if(p != NULL) memcpy(p, *arr, itemsize*md->cnt);
*arr = p;
void* p = DG_DYNARR_REALLOC(*arr, itemsize, md->cnt, newcap);
if (!p) DG_DYNARR_FREE(*arr); /* realloc failed, at least don't leak memory */
*arr = p;
/* TODO: handle OOM by setting highest bit of count and keeping old data? */
if(*arr) md->cap = newcap;
md->cap = 0;
md->cnt = 0;
return 0;
return 1;
DG_DYNARR_ASSERT(min_needed < DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB, "Arrays must stay below SIZE_T_MAX/2 elements!");
return 0;
dg__dynarr_shrink_to_fit(void** arr, dg__dynarr_md* md, size_t itemsize)
/* only do this if we allocated the memory ourselves */
if(!(md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_MSB))
size_t cnt = md->cnt;
if(cnt == 0) dg__dynarr_free(arr, md);
else if((md->cap & DG__DYNARR_SIZE_T_ALL_BUT_MSB) > cnt)
void* p = DG_DYNARR_MALLOC(itemsize, cnt);
if(p != NULL)
memcpy(p, *arr, cnt*itemsize);
md->cap = cnt;
*arr = p;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */