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synced 2025-03-29 13:20:30 +00:00
2934af8af0 Added Patreon sponsor link. c8f18b6f0f Getting current program only when required for vglDrawObjects. 4c5d136b0d Added directive to enable vitaShaRK usage from cmd. 4a10df3be5 Minor adjustments and bugfixes. 14a0124acf Added GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS support. 40c8c6205e Added GL_NONE def and fixed glUniform4f impl. 868079c51e Added glUniform4f implementation. 0a682cbad2 Typo fix. be3ce61ae7 Added GL_DEPTH_BITS and GL_STENCIL_BITS support. 21e6d1d330 Added runtime shader compiler support. 696e40bc62 Beautify error handler code. 537b37b110 Added glUniform3fv implementation. 7dd1403015 Fixed GLenum size and added missing types defines. 0c75f27ff1 Moved to NEON optimized memcpy usage. 98951895de Added gluPerspective implementation. 23e0b0b309 Fix for vglInitExtended not working on sys app mode. 4989c33ef5 Run clang-format. 429f1c1d8a Added system mode support. 9231680d02 Initializing sceGxm before free mem checking on vglInitExtended. 091e5e7882 Added vglInitWithCustomSizes. f4c646ea78 Added vglSetParamBufferSize. 1b9a063c41 Beautify some code. 089e81efc5 Fix for duplicated symbols 789dcbf812 Typo fix in readRGBA4444. 1514a4b2cb Disabling lto due to it being broken on vitasdk with gcc 9.1. fca18d9ab7 Added support for RGBA4444 texture format. d449f12808 Added support for RGB565 texture format. git-subtree-dir: deps/vitaGL git-subtree-split: 2934af8af083a9acf598ab75233c518a251c6f0d
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72 lines
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* This file is part of vitaGL
* Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Rinnegatamante
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* state.c:
* Initial config of the openGL machine state
#include "shared.h"
// Blending
GLboolean blend_state = GL_FALSE; // Current state for GL_BLEND
SceGxmBlendFactor blend_sfactor_rgb = SCE_GXM_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE; // Current in use RGB source blend factor
SceGxmBlendFactor blend_dfactor_rgb = SCE_GXM_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO; // Current in use RGB dest blend factor
SceGxmBlendFactor blend_sfactor_a = SCE_GXM_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE; // Current in use A source blend factor
SceGxmBlendFactor blend_dfactor_a = SCE_GXM_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO; // Current in use A dest blend factor
// Polygon Mode
GLfloat pol_factor = 0.0f; // Current factor for glPolygonOffset
GLfloat pol_units = 0.0f; // Current units for glPolygonOffset
// Texture Units
int8_t client_texture_unit = 0; // Current in use client side texture unit
// Miscellaneous
glPhase phase = NONE; // Current drawing phase for legacy openGL
vector4f clear_rgba_val; // Current clear color for glClear
// Fogging
GLboolean fogging = GL_FALSE; // Current fogging processor state
GLint fog_mode = GL_EXP; // Current fogging mode (openGL)
fogType internal_fog_mode = DISABLED; // Current fogging mode (sceGxm)
GLfloat fog_density = 1.0f; // Current fogging density
GLfloat fog_near = 0.0f; // Current fogging near distance
GLfloat fog_far = 1.0f; // Current fogging far distance
vector4f fog_color = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Current fogging color
// Clipping Planes
GLint clip_plane0 = GL_FALSE; // Current status of clip plane 0
vector4f clip_plane0_eq = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Current equation of clip plane 0
// Cullling
GLboolean cull_face_state = GL_FALSE; // Current state for GL_CULL_FACE
GLenum gl_cull_mode = GL_BACK; // Current in use openGL cull mode
GLenum gl_front_face = GL_CCW; // Current in use openGL setting for front facing primitives
GLboolean no_polygons_mode = GL_FALSE; // GL_TRUE when cull mode is set to GL_FRONT_AND_BACK
// Polygon Offset
GLboolean pol_offset_fill = GL_FALSE; // Current state for GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL
GLboolean pol_offset_line = GL_FALSE; // Current state for GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE
GLboolean pol_offset_point = GL_FALSE; // Current state for GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT
SceGxmPolygonMode polygon_mode_front = SCE_GXM_POLYGON_MODE_TRIANGLE_FILL; // Current in use polygon mode for front
SceGxmPolygonMode polygon_mode_back = SCE_GXM_POLYGON_MODE_TRIANGLE_FILL; // Current in use polygon mode for back
GLenum gl_polygon_mode_front = GL_FILL; // Current in use polygon mode for front
GLenum gl_polygon_mode_back = GL_FILL; // Current in use polygon mode for back
viewport gl_viewport; // Current viewport state