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synced 2025-03-24 13:43:32 +00:00
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164 lines
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import QtQuick 2.2
import Material 0.1
import Material.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWindow
title: "RetroArch"
width: 1280
height: 720
color: "#211822"
visible: true
theme {
primaryColor: Palette.colors["blue"]["500"]
primaryDarkColor: Palette.colors["blue"]["700"]
accentColor: Palette.colors["red"]["A200"]
tabHighlightColor: "white"
/* temporary top level folder list */
property var folders: [
"C:\\", "D:\\"
property var sections: [ collections, cores, folders ]
property var sectionTitles: [ "Collections", "Cores", "File Browser" ]
property string selectedItem: collections[0]
initialPage: Page {
id: page
title: "Qt!"
tabs: navDrawer.enabled ? [] : sectionTitles
actionBar.maxActionCount: navDrawer.enabled ? 3 : 4
actions: [
Action {
iconName: "action/search"
name: "Search"
enabled: true
Action {
iconName: "image/color_lens"
name: "Colors"
onTriggered: colorPicker.show()
Action {
iconName: "action/settings"
name: "Settings"
hoverAnimation: true
Action {
iconName: "action/language"
name: "Language"
enabled: true
Action {
iconName: "action/account_circle"
name: "Accounts"
backAction: navDrawer.action
NavigationDrawer {
id: navDrawer
enabled: page.width < Units.dp(500)
Flickable {
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: Math.max(content.implicitHeight, height)
Column {
id: content
anchors.fill: parent
Repeater {
model: sections
delegate: ListItem.Standard {
width: parent.width
ListItem.Subheader {
text: sectionTitles[index]
Dialog {
id: colorPicker
title: "Pick color"
positiveButtonText: "Done"
MenuField {
id: selection
model: ["Primary color", "Accent color", "Background color"]
width: Units.dp(160)
Grid {
columns: 7
spacing: Units.dp(8)
Repeater {
model: [
"red", "pink", "purple", "deepPurple", "indigo",
"blue", "lightBlue", "cyan", "teal", "green",
"lightGreen", "lime", "yellow", "amber", "orange",
"deepOrange", "grey", "blueGrey", "brown", "black",
Rectangle {
width: Units.dp(30)
height: Units.dp(30)
radius: Units.dp(2)
color: Palette.colors[modelData]["500"]
border.width: modelData === "white" ? Units.dp(2) : 0
border.color: Theme.alpha("#000", 0.26)
Ink {
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: {
switch(selection.selectedIndex) {
case 0:
theme.primaryColor = parent.color
case 1:
theme.accentColor = parent.color
case 2:
theme.backgroundColor = parent.color
onRejected: {
// TODO set default colors again but we currently don't know what that is