mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 22:13:25 +00:00
1853 lines
56 KiB
1853 lines
56 KiB
#include <tamtypes.h>
#include <loadcore.h>
#include <thsemap.h>
#include <intrman.h>
#include <thbase.h>
#include <loadcore.h>
#include <sifman.h>
#include <sifcmd.h>
#include <ioman.h>
#include <cdvdman.h>
#include <sysclib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sysmem.h>
#include "cdvd_iop.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
enum PathMatch {
//#define DEBUG
// 16 sectors worth of toc entry
//static u8 cdVolDescriptor[2048];
static sceCdRMode cdReadMode;
int lastsector;
int last_bk = 0;
struct rootDirTocHeader
u16 length;
u32 tocLBA;
u32 tocLBA_bigend;
u32 tocSize;
u32 tocSize_bigend;
u8 dateStamp[8];
u8 reserved[6];
u8 reserved2;
u8 reserved3;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct asciiDate
char year[4];
char month[2];
char day[2];
char hours[2];
char minutes[2];
char seconds[2];
char hundreths[2];
char terminator[1];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct cdVolDesc
u8 filesystemType; // 0x01 = ISO9660, 0x02 = Joliet, 0xFF = NULL
u8 volID[5]; // "CD001"
u8 reserved2;
u8 reserved3;
u8 sysIdName[32];
u8 volName[32]; // The ISO9660 Volume Name
u8 reserved5[8];
u32 volSize; // Volume Size
u32 volSizeBig; // Volume Size Big-Endian
u8 reserved6[32];
u32 unknown1;
u32 unknown1_bigend;
u16 volDescSize;
u16 volDescSize_bigend;
u32 unknown3;
u32 unknown3_bigend;
u32 priDirTableLBA; // LBA of Primary Dir Table
u32 reserved7;
u32 secDirTableLBA; // LBA of Secondary Dir Table
u32 reserved8;
struct rootDirTocHeader rootToc;
u8 volSetName[128];
u8 publisherName[128];
u8 preparerName[128];
u8 applicationName[128];
u8 copyrightFileName[37];
u8 abstractFileName[37];
u8 bibliographyFileName[37];
struct asciiDate creationDate;
struct asciiDate modificationDate;
struct asciiDate effectiveDate;
struct asciiDate expirationDate;
u8 reserved10;
u8 reserved11[1166];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct dirTableEntry
u8 dirNameLength;
u8 reserved;
u32 dirTOCLBA;
u16 dirDepth;
u8 dirName[32];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct dirTocEntry
short length;
unsigned int fileLBA;
unsigned int fileLBA_bigend;
unsigned int fileSize;
unsigned int fileSize_bigend;
unsigned char dateStamp[6];
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned char fileProperties;
unsigned char reserved2[6];
unsigned char filenameLength;
unsigned char filename[128];
} __attribute__((packed)); // This is the internal format on the CD
// a file with a single character filename will have a 34byte toc entry
// (max 60 entries per sector)6
// TocEntry structure contains only the important stuff needed for export
struct fdtable
iop_file_t *fd;
int fileSize;
int LBA;
int filePos;
struct dir_cache_info
char pathname[1024]; // The pathname of the cached directory
unsigned int valid; // TRUE if cache data is valid, FALSE if not
unsigned int path_depth; // The path depth of the cached directory (0 = root)
unsigned int sector_start; // The start sector (LBA) of the cached directory
unsigned int sector_num; // The total size of the directory (in sectors)
unsigned int cache_offset; // The offset from sector_start of the cached area
unsigned int cache_size; // The size of the cached directory area (in sectors)
char *cache; // The actual cached data
static struct dir_cache_info CachedDirInfo;
enum Cache_getMode {
static struct cdVolDesc CDVolDesc;
static unsigned int *buffer; // RPC send/receive buffer
struct t_SifRpcDataQueue qd;
struct t_SifRpcServerData sd0;
static struct fdtable fd_table[16];
static int fd_used[16];
static int files_open;
static iop_device_t file_driver;
/* Filing-system exported functions */
int CDVD_init(iop_device_t *driver);
int CDVD_open(iop_file_t *f, const char *name, int mode);
int CDVD_lseek(iop_file_t *f, int offset, int whence);
int CDVD_read(iop_file_t *f, void *buffer, int size);
int CDVD_write(iop_file_t *f, void *buffer, int size);
int CDVD_close(iop_file_t *f);
/* RPC exported functions */
int CDVD_findfile(const char *fname, struct TocEntry *tocEntry);
int CDVD_stop(void);
int CDVD_trayreq(int mode);
int CDVD_diskready(void);
int CDVD_GetDir_RPC(const char *pathname, const char *extensions, enum CDVD_getMode getMode, struct TocEntry tocEntry[], unsigned int req_entries);
int CDVD_getdir_IOP(const char *pathname, const char *extensions, enum CDVD_getMode getMode, struct TocEntry tocEntry[], unsigned int req_entries);
// Functions called by the RPC server
void *CDVDRpc_Stop();
void *CDVDRpc_FlushCache();
void *CDVDRpc_TrayReq(unsigned int *sbuff);
void *CDVDRpc_DiskReady(unsigned int *sbuff);
void *CDVDRpc_FindFile(unsigned int *sbuff);
void *CDVDRpc_Getdir(unsigned int *sbuff);
void *CDVDRpc_GetSize(unsigned int *sbuff);
/* Internal use functions */
int isValidDisc(void);
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int limit);
int CDVD_GetVolumeDescriptor(void);
void _splitpath(const char *constpath, char *dir, char *fname);
void TocEntryCopy(struct TocEntry *tocEntry, struct dirTocEntry *internalTocEntry);
int TocEntryCompare(char *filename, const char *extensions);
enum PathMatch ComparePath(const char *path);
int CDVD_Cache_Dir(const char *pathname, enum Cache_getMode getMode);
int FindPath(char *pathname);
void *CDVD_rpc_server(int fno, void *data, int size);
void CDVD_Thread(void *param);
* Optimised CD Read *
int ReadSect(u32 lsn, u32 sectors, void *buf, sceCdRMode *mode)
int retry;
int result = 0;
cdReadMode.trycount = 32;
for (retry = 0; retry < 32; retry++) // 32 retries
if (retry <= 8)
cdReadMode.spindlctrl = 1; // Try fast reads for first 8 tries
cdReadMode.spindlctrl = 0; // Then try slow reads
if (!isValidDisc())
return FALSE;
if (sceCdRead(lsn, sectors, buf, mode) != TRUE) {
// Failed to read
if (retry == 31) {
// Still failed after last retry
memset(buf, 0, (sectors << 11));
// printf("Couldn't Read from file for some reason\n");
return FALSE; // error
} else {
// Read okay
result = sceCdGetError();
if (result == 0)
cdReadMode.trycount = 32;
cdReadMode.spindlctrl = 1;
if (result == 0)
return TRUE;
memset(buf, 0, (sectors << 11));
return FALSE; // error
* Determines if there is a valid disc inserted *
int isValidDisc(void)
int result;
switch (sceCdGetDiskType()) {
case SCECdPS2CD:
result = 1;
result = 0;
return result;
* The functions below are the normal file-system operations, *
* used to provide a standard filesystem interface. There is *
* no need to export these functions for calling via RPC *
int dummy()
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: dummy function called\n");
return -5;
int CDVD_init(iop_device_t *driver)
printf("CDVD: CDVD Filesystem v1.15\n");
printf("by A.Lee (aka Hiryu) & Nicholas Van Veen (aka Sjeep)\n");
printf("CDVD: Initializing '%s' file driver.\n", driver->name);
memset(fd_table, 0, sizeof(fd_table));
memset(fd_used, 0, 16 * 4);
return 0;
int CDVD_deinit(iop_device_t *driver)
return 0;
int CDVD_open(iop_file_t *f, const char *name, int mode)
int j;
static struct TocEntry tocEntry;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: fd_open called.\n");
printf(" kernel_fd.. %p\n", f);
printf(" name....... %s %x\n", name, (int)name);
printf(" mode....... %d\n\n", mode);
// check if the file exists
if (CDVD_findfile(name, &tocEntry) != TRUE) {
return -1;
if (mode != O_RDONLY)
return -2;
// set up a new file descriptor
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
if (fd_used[j] == 0)
if (j >= 16)
return -3;
fd_used[j] = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: internal fd %d\n", j);
fd_table[j].fd = f;
fd_table[j].fileSize = tocEntry.fileSize;
fd_table[j].LBA = tocEntry.fileLBA;
fd_table[j].filePos = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("tocEntry.fileSize = %d\n", tocEntry.fileSize);
printf("Opened file: %s\n", name);
return j;
int CDVD_lseek(iop_file_t *f, int offset, int whence)
int i;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: fd_seek called.\n");
printf(" kernel_fd... %p\n", f);
printf(" offset...... %d\n", offset);
printf(" whence...... %d\n\n", whence);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (fd_table[i].fd == f)
if (i >= 16) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_lseek: ERROR: File does not appear to be open!\n");
return -1;
switch (whence) {
case SEEK_SET:
fd_table[i].filePos = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
fd_table[i].filePos += offset;
case SEEK_END:
fd_table[i].filePos = fd_table[i].fileSize + offset;
return -1;
if (fd_table[i].filePos < 0)
fd_table[i].filePos = 0;
if (fd_table[i].filePos > fd_table[i].fileSize)
fd_table[i].filePos = fd_table[i].fileSize;
return fd_table[i].filePos;
int CDVD_read(iop_file_t *f, void *buffer, int size)
int i;
int start_sector;
int off_sector;
int num_sectors;
int read = 0;
// int sector;
// int size_left;
// int copy_size;
static char local_buffer[9 * 2048];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: read called\n");
printf(" kernel_fd... %p\n", f);
printf(" buffer...... 0x%X\n", (int)buffer);
printf(" size........ %d\n\n", size);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (fd_table[i].fd == f)
if (i >= 16) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_read: ERROR: File does not appear to be open!\n");
return -1;
// A few sanity checks
if (fd_table[i].filePos > fd_table[i].fileSize) {
// We cant start reading from past the beginning of the file
return 0; // File exists but we couldnt read anything from it
if ((fd_table[i].filePos + size) > fd_table[i].fileSize)
size = fd_table[i].fileSize - fd_table[i].filePos;
if (size <= 0)
return 0;
if (size > 16384)
size = 16384;
// Now work out where we want to start reading from
start_sector = fd_table[i].LBA + (fd_table[i].filePos >> 11);
off_sector = (fd_table[i].filePos & 0x7FF);
num_sectors = (off_sector + size);
num_sectors = (num_sectors >> 11) + ((num_sectors & 2047) != 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_read: read sectors %d to %d\n", start_sector, start_sector + num_sectors);
// Skip a Sector for equal (use the last sector in buffer)
if (start_sector == lastsector) {
read = 1;
if (last_bk > 0)
memcpy(local_buffer, local_buffer + 2048 * (last_bk), 2048);
last_bk = 0;
lastsector = start_sector + num_sectors - 1;
// Read the data (we only ever get 16KB max request at once)
if (read == 0 || (read == 1 && num_sectors > 1)) {
if (ReadSect(start_sector + read, num_sectors - read, local_buffer + ((read) << 11), &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from file for some reason\n");
last_bk = num_sectors - 1;
memcpy(buffer, local_buffer + off_sector, size);
fd_table[i].filePos += size;
return (size);
int CDVD_write(iop_file_t *f, void *buffer, int size)
if (size == 0)
return 0;
return -1;
int CDVD_close(iop_file_t *f)
int i;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: fd_close called.\n");
printf(" kernel fd.. %p\n\n", f);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (fd_table[i].fd == f)
if (i >= 16) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_close: ERROR: File does not appear to be open!\n");
return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: internal fd %d\n", i);
fd_used[i] = 0;
return 0;
static iop_device_ops_t filedriver_ops = {
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy,
(void *)&dummy};
int _start(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
struct _iop_thread param;
int th;
// Initialise the directory cache
strcpy(CachedDirInfo.pathname, ""); // The pathname of the cached directory
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // Cache is not valid
CachedDirInfo.path_depth = 0; // 0 = root)
CachedDirInfo.sector_start = 0; // The start sector (LBA) of the cached directory
CachedDirInfo.sector_num = 0; // The total size of the directory (in sectors)
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset = 0; // The offset from sector_start of the cached area
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = 0; // The size of the cached directory area (in sectors)
if (CachedDirInfo.cache == NULL)
CachedDirInfo.cache = (char *)AllocSysMemory(0, MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS * 2048, NULL);
// setup the cdReadMode structure
cdReadMode.trycount = 0;
cdReadMode.spindlctrl = SCECdSpinStm;
cdReadMode.datapattern = SCECdSecS2048;
// setup the file_driver structure
file_driver.name = "cdfs";
file_driver.type = IOP_DT_FS;
file_driver.version = 1;
file_driver.desc = "CDVD Filedriver";
file_driver.ops = &filedriver_ops;
param.attr = TH_C;
param.thread = (void *)CDVD_Thread;
param.priority = 40;
param.stacksize = 0x8000;
param.option = 0;
th = CreateThread(¶m);
if (th > 0) {
StartThread(th, NULL);
} else
* The functions below are not exported for normal file-system *
* operations, but are used by the file-system operations, and *
* may also be exported for use via RPC *
int CDVD_GetVolumeDescriptor(void)
// Read until we find the last valid Volume Descriptor
int volDescSector;
static struct cdVolDesc localVolDesc;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_GetVolumeDescriptor called\n");
for (volDescSector = 16; volDescSector < 20; volDescSector++) {
ReadSect(volDescSector, 1, &localVolDesc, &cdReadMode);
// If this is still a volume Descriptor
if (strncmp(localVolDesc.volID, "CD001", 5) == 0) {
if ((localVolDesc.filesystemType == 1) ||
(localVolDesc.filesystemType == 2)) {
memcpy(&CDVolDesc, &localVolDesc, sizeof(struct cdVolDesc));
} else
#ifdef DEBUG
switch (CDVolDesc.filesystemType) {
case 1:
printf("CD FileSystem is ISO9660\n");
case 2:
printf("CD FileSystem is Joliet\n");
printf("CD FileSystem is unknown type\n");
// sceCdStop();
return TRUE;
int CDVD_findfile(const char *fname, struct TocEntry *tocEntry)
static char filename[128 + 1];
static char pathname[1024 + 1];
struct dirTocEntry *tocEntryPointer;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_findfile called\n");
_splitpath(fname, pathname, filename);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Trying to find file: %s in directory: %s\n", filename, pathname);
// if ((CachedDirInfo.valid==TRUE)
// && (strcasecmp(pathname, CachedDirInfo.pathname)==0))
if ((CachedDirInfo.valid == TRUE) && (ComparePath(pathname) == MATCH)) {
// the directory is already cached, so check through the currently
// cached chunk of the directory first
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
for (; tocEntryPointer < (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048)); tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length)) {
if (tocEntryPointer->length == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Got a null pointer entry, so either reached end of dir, or end of sector\n");
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (((((char *)tocEntryPointer - CachedDirInfo.cache) / 2048) + 1) * 2048));
if (tocEntryPointer >= (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048))) {
// reached the end of the cache block
if ((tocEntryPointer->fileProperties & 0x02) == 0) {
// It's a file
TocEntryCopy(tocEntry, tocEntryPointer);
if (strcasecmp(tocEntry->filename, filename) == 0) {
// and it matches !!
return TRUE;
} // end of for loop
// If that was the only dir block, and we havent found it, then fail
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size == CachedDirInfo.sector_num)
return FALSE;
// Otherwise there is more dir to check
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_offset == 0) {
// If that was the first block then continue with the next block
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(pathname, CACHE_NEXT) != TRUE)
return FALSE;
} else {
// otherwise (if that wasnt the first block) then start checking from the start
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(pathname, CACHE_START) != TRUE)
return FALSE;
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Trying to cache directory\n");
// The wanted directory wasnt already cached, so cache it now
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(pathname, CACHE_START) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Failed to cache directory\n");
return FALSE;
// If we've got here, then we have a block of the directory cached, and want to check
// from this point, to the end of the dir
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("cache_size = %d\n", CachedDirInfo.cache_size);
while (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > 0) {
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_offset == 0)
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length);
for (; tocEntryPointer < (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048)); tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length)) {
if (tocEntryPointer->length == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Got a null pointer entry, so either reached end of dir, or end of sector\n");
printf("Offset into cache = %d bytes\n", (char *)tocEntryPointer - CachedDirInfo.cache);
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (((((char *)tocEntryPointer - CachedDirInfo.cache) / 2048) + 1) * 2048));
if (tocEntryPointer >= (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048))) {
// reached the end of the cache block
TocEntryCopy(tocEntry, tocEntryPointer);
if (strcasecmp(tocEntry->filename, filename) == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Found a matching file\n");
// and it matches !!
return TRUE;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Non-matching file - looking for %s , found %s\n", filename, tocEntry->filename);
} // end of for loop
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Reached end of cache block\n");
// cache the next block
CDVD_Cache_Dir(pathname, CACHE_NEXT);
// we've run out of dir blocks to cache, and still not found it, so fail
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_findfile: could not find file\n");
return FALSE;
// Find, and cache, the requested directory, for use by GetDir or (and thus open)
// provide an optional offset variable, for use when caching dirs of greater than 500 files
// returns TRUE if all TOC entries have been retrieved, or
// returns FALSE if there are more TOC entries to be retrieved
int CDVD_Cache_Dir(const char *pathname, enum Cache_getMode getMode)
// macke sure that the requested pathname is not directly modified
static char dirname[1024];
int path_len;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Attempting to find, and cache, directory: %s\n", pathname);
// only take any notice of the existing cache, if it's valid
if (CachedDirInfo.valid == TRUE) {
// Check if the requested path is already cached
// if (strcasecmp(pathname,CachedDirInfo.pathname)==0)
if (ComparePath(pathname) == MATCH) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CacheDir: The requested path is already cached\n");
// If so, is the request ot cache the start of the directory, or to resume the next block ?
if (getMode == CACHE_START) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" and requested cache from start of dir\n");
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_offset == 0) {
// requested cache of start of the directory, and thats what's already cached
// so sit back and do nothing
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" and start of dir is already cached so nothing to do :o)\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = TRUE;
return TRUE;
} else {
// Requested cache of start of the directory, but thats not what's cached
// so re-cache the start of the directory
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" but dir isn't cached from start, so re-cache existing dir from start\n");
// reset cache data to start of existing directory
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset = 0;
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = CachedDirInfo.sector_num;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS)
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS;
// Now fill the cache with the specified sectors
if (ReadSect(CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset, CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.cache, &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from CD !\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // should we completely invalidate just because we couldnt read first time?
return FALSE;
CachedDirInfo.valid = TRUE;
return TRUE;
} else // getMode == CACHE_NEXT
// So get the next block of the existing directory
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset += CachedDirInfo.cache_size;
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = CachedDirInfo.sector_num - CachedDirInfo.cache_offset;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS)
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS;
// Now fill the cache with the specified sectors
if (ReadSect(CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset, CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.cache, &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from CD !\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // should we completely invalidate just because we couldnt read first time?
return FALSE;
CachedDirInfo.valid = TRUE;
return TRUE;
} else // requested directory is not the cached directory (but cache is still valid)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Cache is valid, but cached directory, is not the requested one\n"
"so check if the requested directory is a sub-dir of the cached one\n");
printf("Requested Path = %s , Cached Path = %s\n", pathname, CachedDirInfo.pathname);
// Is the requested pathname a sub-directory of the current-directory ?
// if the requested pathname is longer than the pathname of the cached dir
// and the pathname of the cached dir matches the beginning of the requested pathname
// and the next character in the requested pathname is a dir seperator
// printf("Length of Cached pathname = %d, length of req'd pathname = %d\n",path_len, strlen(pathname));
// printf("Result of strncasecmp = %d\n",strncasecmp(pathname, CachedDirInfo.pathname, path_len));
// printf("next character after length of cached name = %c\n",pathname[path_len]);
// if ((strlen(pathname) > path_len)
// && (strncasecmp(pathname, CachedDirInfo.pathname, path_len)==0)
// && ((pathname[path_len]=='/') || (pathname[path_len]=='\\')))
if (ComparePath(pathname) == SUBDIR) {
// If so then we can start our search for the path, from the currently cached directory
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Requested dir is a sub-dir of the cached directory,\n"
"so start search from current cached dir\n");
// if the cached chunk, is not the start of the dir,
// then we will need to re-load it before starting search
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_offset != 0) {
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset = 0;
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = CachedDirInfo.sector_num;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS)
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS;
// Now fill the cache with the specified sectors
if (ReadSect(CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset, CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.cache, &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from CD !\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // should we completely invalidate just because we couldnt read time?
return FALSE;
// start the search, with the path after the current directory
path_len = strlen(CachedDirInfo.pathname);
strcpy(dirname, pathname + path_len);
// FindPath should use the current directory cache to start it's search
// and should change CachedDirInfo.pathname, to the path of the dir it finds
// it should also cache the first chunk of directory sectors,
// and fill the contents of the other elements of CachedDirInfo appropriately
return (FindPath(dirname));
// If we've got here, then either the cache was not valid to start with
// or the requested path is not a subdirectory of the currently cached directory
// so lets start again
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("The cache is not valid, or the requested directory is not a sub-dir of the cached one\n");
if (!isValidDisc()) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("No supported disc inserted.\n");
return -1;
// Read the main volume descriptor
if (CDVD_GetVolumeDescriptor() != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Could not read the CD/DVD Volume Descriptor\n");
return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Read the CD Volume Descriptor\n");
CachedDirInfo.path_depth = 0;
strcpy(CachedDirInfo.pathname, "");
// Setup the lba and sector size, for retrieving the root toc
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset = 0;
CachedDirInfo.sector_start = CDVolDesc.rootToc.tocLBA;
CachedDirInfo.sector_num = (CDVolDesc.rootToc.tocSize >> 11) + ((CDVolDesc.rootToc.tocSize & 2047) != 0);
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = CachedDirInfo.sector_num;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS)
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS;
// Now fill the cache with the specified sectors
if (ReadSect(CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset, CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.cache, &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from CD !\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // should we completely invalidate just because we couldnt read time?
return FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Read the first block from the root directory\n");
// FindPath should use the current directory cache to start it's search (in this case the root)
// and should change CachedDirInfo.pathname, to the path of the dir it finds
// it should also cache the first chunk of directory sectors,
// and fill the contents of the other elements of CachedDirInfo appropriately
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Calling FindPath\n");
strcpy(dirname, pathname);
return (FindPath(dirname));
int FindPath(char *pathname)
char *dirname;
char *seperator;
int dir_entry;
int found_dir;
struct dirTocEntry *tocEntryPointer;
struct TocEntry localTocEntry;
dirname = strtok(pathname, "\\/");
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("FindPath: trying to find directory %s\n", pathname);
if (!isValidDisc())
return FALSE;
while (dirname != NULL) {
found_dir = FALSE;
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
// Always skip the first entry (self-refencing entry)
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length);
dir_entry = 0;
for (; tocEntryPointer < (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048)); tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length)) {
// If we have a null toc entry, then we've either reached the end of the dir, or have reached a sector boundary
if (tocEntryPointer->length == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Got a null pointer entry, so either reached end of dir, or end of sector\n");
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (((((char *)tocEntryPointer - CachedDirInfo.cache) / 2048) + 1) * 2048));
if (tocEntryPointer >= (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048))) {
// If we've gone past the end of the cache
// then check if there are more sectors to load into the cache
if ((CachedDirInfo.cache_offset + CachedDirInfo.cache_size) < CachedDirInfo.sector_num) {
// If there are more sectors to load, then load them
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset += CachedDirInfo.cache_size;
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = CachedDirInfo.sector_num - CachedDirInfo.cache_offset;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS)
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS;
if (ReadSect(CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset, CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.cache, &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from CD !\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // should we completely invalidate just because we couldnt read time?
return FALSE;
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
} else {
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE;
return FALSE;
// If the toc Entry is a directory ...
if (tocEntryPointer->fileProperties & 0x02) {
// Convert to our format (inc ascii name), for the check
TocEntryCopy(&localTocEntry, tocEntryPointer);
// If it's the link to the parent directory, then give it the name ".."
if (dir_entry == 0) {
if (CachedDirInfo.path_depth != 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("First directory entry in dir, so name it '..'\n");
strcpy(localTocEntry.filename, "..");
// Check if this is the directory that we are looking for
if (strcasecmp(dirname, localTocEntry.filename) == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Found the matching sub-directory\n");
found_dir = TRUE;
if (dir_entry == 0) {
// We've matched with the parent directory
// so truncate the pathname by one level
if (CachedDirInfo.path_depth > 0)
if (CachedDirInfo.path_depth == 0) {
// If at root then just clear the path to root
// (simpler than finding the colon seperator etc)
CachedDirInfo.pathname[0] = 0;
} else {
seperator = strrchr(CachedDirInfo.pathname, '/');
if (seperator != NULL)
*seperator = 0;
} else {
// otherwise append a seperator, and the matched directory
// to the pathname
strcat(CachedDirInfo.pathname, "/");
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Adding '%s' to cached pathname - path depth = %d\n", dirname, CachedDirInfo.path_depth);
strcat(CachedDirInfo.pathname, dirname);
// Exit out of the search loop
// (and find the next sub-directory, if there is one)
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Found a directory, but it doesn't match\n");
} // end of cache block search loop
// if we've reached here, without finding the directory, then it's not there
if (found_dir != TRUE) {
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE;
return FALSE;
// find name of next dir
dirname = strtok(NULL, "\\/");
CachedDirInfo.sector_start = localTocEntry.fileLBA;
CachedDirInfo.sector_num = (localTocEntry.fileSize >> 11) + ((CDVolDesc.rootToc.tocSize & 2047) != 0);
// Cache the start of the found directory
// (used in searching if this isn't the last dir,
// or used by whatever requested the cache in the first place if it is the last dir)
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset = 0;
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = CachedDirInfo.sector_num;
if (CachedDirInfo.cache_size > MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS)
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = MAX_DIR_CACHE_SECTORS;
if (ReadSect(CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset, CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.cache, &cdReadMode) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Couldn't Read from CD, trying to read %d sectors, starting at sector %d !\n",
CachedDirInfo.cache_size, CachedDirInfo.sector_start + CachedDirInfo.cache_offset);
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // should we completely invalidate just because we couldnt read time?
return FALSE;
// If we've got here then we found the requested directory
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("FindPath found the path\n");
CachedDirInfo.valid = TRUE;
return TRUE;
// This is the getdir for use by IOP clients
// fills an array of TocEntry stucts in IOP memory
int CDVD_getdir_IOP(const char *pathname, const char *extensions, enum CDVD_getMode getMode, struct TocEntry tocEntry[], unsigned int req_entries)
// TO DO
return FALSE;
// This is the getdir for use by the EE RPC client
// It DMA's entries to the specified buffer in EE memory
int CDVD_GetDir_RPC(const char *pathname, const char *extensions, enum CDVD_getMode getMode, struct TocEntry tocEntry[], unsigned int req_entries)
int matched_entries;
int dir_entry;
struct TocEntry localTocEntry;
struct dirTocEntry *tocEntryPointer;
int intStatus; // interrupt status - for dis/en-abling interrupts
struct t_SifDmaTransfer dmaStruct;
int dmaID;
dmaID = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("RPC GetDir Request\n");
matched_entries = 0;
// pre-cache the dir (and get the new pathname - in-case selected "..")
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(pathname, CACHE_START) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_GetDir_RPC - Call of CDVD_Cache_Dir failed\n");
return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("requested directory is %d sectors\n", CachedDirInfo.sector_num);
if ((getMode == CDVD_GET_DIRS_ONLY) || (getMode == CDVD_GET_FILES_AND_DIRS)) {
// Cache the start of the requested directory
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(CachedDirInfo.pathname, CACHE_START) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_GetDir_RPC - Call of CDVD_Cache_Dir failed\n");
return -1;
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
// skip the first self-referencing entry
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length);
// skip the parent entry if this is the root
if (CachedDirInfo.path_depth == 0)
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length);
dir_entry = 0;
while (1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_GetDir_RPC - inside while-loop\n");
// parse the current cache block
for (; tocEntryPointer < (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048)); tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length)) {
if (tocEntryPointer->length == 0) {
// if we have a toc entry length of zero,
// then we've either reached the end of the sector, or the end of the dir
// so point to next sector (if there is one - will be checked by next condition)
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (((((char *)tocEntryPointer - CachedDirInfo.cache) / 2048) + 1) * 2048));
if (tocEntryPointer >= (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048))) {
// we've reached the end of the current cache block (which may be end of entire dir
// so just break the loop
// Check if the current entry is a dir or a file
if (tocEntryPointer->fileProperties & 0x02) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("We found a dir, and we want all dirs\n");
// wait for any previous DMA to complete
// before over-writing localTocEntry
while (sceSifDmaStat(dmaID) >= 0)
TocEntryCopy(&localTocEntry, tocEntryPointer);
if (dir_entry == 0) {
if (CachedDirInfo.path_depth != 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("It's the first directory entry, so name it '..'\n");
strcpy(localTocEntry.filename, "..");
// DMA localTocEntry to the address specified by tocEntry[matched_entries]
// setup the dma struct
dmaStruct.src = &localTocEntry;
dmaStruct.dest = &tocEntry[matched_entries];
dmaStruct.size = sizeof(struct TocEntry);
dmaStruct.attr = 0;
// Do the DMA transfer
dmaID = sceSifSetDma(&dmaStruct, 1);
} else // it must be a file
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("We found a file, but we dont want files (at least not yet)\n");
if (matched_entries >= req_entries) // if we've filled the requested buffer
return (matched_entries); // then just return
} // end of the current cache block
// if there is more dir to load, then load next chunk, else finish
if ((CachedDirInfo.cache_offset + CachedDirInfo.cache_size) < CachedDirInfo.sector_num) {
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(CachedDirInfo.pathname, CACHE_NEXT) != TRUE) {
// failed to cache next block (should return TRUE even if
// there is no more directory, as long as a CD read didnt fail
return -1;
} else
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
// Next do files
if ((getMode == CDVD_GET_FILES_ONLY) || (getMode == CDVD_GET_FILES_AND_DIRS)) {
// Cache the start of the requested directory
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(CachedDirInfo.pathname, CACHE_START) != TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_GetDir_RPC - Call of CDVD_Cache_Dir failed\n");
return -1;
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
// skip the first self-referencing entry
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length);
// skip the parent entry if this is the root
if (CachedDirInfo.path_depth == 0)
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length);
dir_entry = 0;
while (1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD_GetDir_RPC - inside while-loop\n");
// parse the current cache block
for (; tocEntryPointer < (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048)); tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)((u8 *)tocEntryPointer + tocEntryPointer->length)) {
if (tocEntryPointer->length == 0) {
// if we have a toc entry length of zero,
// then we've either reached the end of the sector, or the end of the dir
// so point to next sector (if there is one - will be checked by next condition)
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (((((char *)tocEntryPointer - CachedDirInfo.cache) / 2048) + 1) * 2048));
if (tocEntryPointer >= (struct dirTocEntry *)(CachedDirInfo.cache + (CachedDirInfo.cache_size * 2048))) {
// we've reached the end of the current cache block (which may be end of entire dir
// so just break the loop
// Check if the current entry is a dir or a file
if (tocEntryPointer->fileProperties & 0x02) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("We don't want files now\n");
} else // it must be a file
// wait for any previous DMA to complete
// before over-writing localTocEntry
while (sceSifDmaStat(dmaID) >= 0)
TocEntryCopy(&localTocEntry, tocEntryPointer);
if (strlen(extensions) > 0) {
// check if the file matches the extension list
if (TocEntryCompare(localTocEntry.filename, extensions) == TRUE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("We found a file that matches the requested extension list\n");
// DMA localTocEntry to the address specified by tocEntry[matched_entries]
// setup the dma struct
dmaStruct.src = &localTocEntry;
dmaStruct.dest = &tocEntry[matched_entries];
dmaStruct.size = sizeof(struct TocEntry);
dmaStruct.attr = 0;
// Do the DMA transfer
dmaID = sceSifSetDma(&dmaStruct, 1);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("We found a file, but it didnt match the requested extension list\n");
} else // no extension list to match against
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("We found a file, and there is not extension list to match against\n");
// DMA localTocEntry to the address specified by tocEntry[matched_entries]
// setup the dma struct
dmaStruct.src = &localTocEntry;
dmaStruct.dest = &tocEntry[matched_entries];
dmaStruct.size = sizeof(struct TocEntry);
dmaStruct.attr = 0;
// Do the DMA transfer
dmaID = sceSifSetDma(&dmaStruct, 1);
if (matched_entries >= req_entries) // if we've filled the requested buffer
return (matched_entries); // then just return
} // end of the current cache block
// if there is more dir to load, then load next chunk, else finish
if ((CachedDirInfo.cache_offset + CachedDirInfo.cache_size) < CachedDirInfo.sector_num) {
if (CDVD_Cache_Dir(CachedDirInfo.pathname, CACHE_NEXT) != TRUE) {
// failed to cache next block (should return TRUE even if
// there is no more directory, as long as a CD read didnt fail
return -1;
} else
tocEntryPointer = (struct dirTocEntry *)CachedDirInfo.cache;
// reached the end of the dir, before filling up the requested entries
return (matched_entries);
int CdFlushCache(void)
strcpy(CachedDirInfo.pathname, ""); // The pathname of the cached directory
CachedDirInfo.valid = FALSE; // Cache is not valid
CachedDirInfo.path_depth = 0; // 0 = root)
CachedDirInfo.sector_start = 0; // The start sector (LBA) of the cached directory
CachedDirInfo.sector_num = 0; // The total size of the directory (in sectors)
CachedDirInfo.cache_offset = 0; // The offset from sector_start of the cached area
CachedDirInfo.cache_size = 0; // The size of the cached directory area (in sectors)
return TRUE;
unsigned int CdGetSize(void)
if (CDVD_GetVolumeDescriptor() != TRUE)
return TRUE;
return CDVolDesc.volSize;
void *CDVDRpc_FlushCache()
return NULL;
void *CDVDRpc_Stop()
if (isValidDisc()) {
return NULL;
// Send: Offset 0 = mode. Size = int
// Return: Offset 0 = traycnt. Size = int
void *CDVDRpc_TrayReq(unsigned int *sbuff)
int ret;
sceCdTrayReq(sbuff[0], (int *)&ret);
sbuff[0] = ret;
return sbuff;
// Send: Offset 0 = mode
// Return: Offset 0 = ret val (cd status)
void *CDVDRpc_DiskReady(unsigned int *sbuff)
int ret;
if (isValidDisc())
ret = sceCdDiskReady(sbuff[0]);
ret = -1;
sbuff[0] = ret;
return sbuff;
// Send: Offset 0 = filename string (1024 bytes)
// Return: Offset 0 = ret val (true/false). Size = int
// Offset 1024 = start of TocEntry structure
void *CDVDRpc_FindFile(unsigned int *sbuff)
int ret;
ret = CDVD_findfile((char *)&sbuff[0], (struct TocEntry *)&sbuff[1024 / 4]);
sbuff[0] = ret;
return sbuff;
// Send: Offset 0 = filename string (1024 bytes)
// Send: Offset 1024 = extension string (128 bytes)
// Send: Offset 1152 = CDVD_getMode
// Send: Offset 1156 = pointer to array of TocEntry structures in EE mem
// Send: Offset 1160 = requested number of entries
// Return: Offset 0 = ret val (number of matched entries). Size = int
// Return: Offset 4 = updated pathname (for if path selected = ".."
void *CDVDRpc_Getdir(unsigned int *sbuff)
int ret;
ret = CDVD_GetDir_RPC(
(char *)&sbuff[0 / 4], // pathname string
(char *)&sbuff[1024 / 4], // extension string
sbuff[1152 / 4], // CDVD_getMode
(struct TocEntry *)sbuff[1156 / 4], // pointer to array of TocEntry structures in EE mem
sbuff[1160 / 4] // requested number of entries
sbuff[0] = ret;
strcpy((char *)&sbuff[1], CachedDirInfo.pathname);
return sbuff;
void *CDVDRpc_GetSize(unsigned int *sbuff)
sbuff[0] = CdGetSize();
return sbuff;
* The functions below are for internal use only, *
* and are not to be exported *
void CDVD_Thread(void *param)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("CDVD: RPC Initialize\n");
// 0x4800 bytes for TocEntry structures (can fit 128 of them)
// 0x400 bytes for the filename string
buffer = AllocSysMemory(0, 0x4C00, NULL);
if (buffer == NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Failed to allocate memory for RPC buffer!\n");
sceSifSetRpcQueue(&qd, GetThreadId());
sceSifRegisterRpc(&sd0, CDVD_IRX, CDVD_rpc_server, (void *)buffer, 0, 0, &qd);
void *CDVD_rpc_server(int fno, void *data, int size)
switch (fno) {
return CDVDRpc_FindFile((unsigned *)data);
return CDVDRpc_Getdir((unsigned *)data);
return CDVDRpc_Stop();
return CDVDRpc_TrayReq((unsigned *)data);
return CDVDRpc_DiskReady((unsigned *)data);
return CDVDRpc_FlushCache();
return NULL;
void _splitpath(const char *constpath, char *dir, char *fname)
// 255 char max path-length is an ISO9660 restriction
// we must change this for Joliet or relaxed iso restriction support
static char pathcopy[1024 + 1];
char *slash;
strncpy(pathcopy, constpath, 1024);
slash = strrchr(pathcopy, '/');
// if the path doesn't contain a '/' then look for a '\'
if (!slash)
slash = strrchr(pathcopy, (int)'\\');
// if a slash was found
if (slash != NULL) {
// null terminate the path
slash[0] = 0;
// and copy the path into 'dir'
strncpy(dir, pathcopy, 1024);
dir[255] = 0;
// copy the filename into 'fname'
strncpy(fname, slash + 1, 128);
fname[128] = 0;
} else {
dir[0] = 0;
strncpy(fname, pathcopy, 128);
fname[128] = 0;
// Copy a TOC Entry from the CD native format to our tidier format
void TocEntryCopy(struct TocEntry *tocEntry, struct dirTocEntry *internalTocEntry)
int i;
int filenamelen;
tocEntry->fileSize = internalTocEntry->fileSize;
tocEntry->fileLBA = internalTocEntry->fileLBA;
tocEntry->fileProperties = internalTocEntry->fileProperties;
if (CDVolDesc.filesystemType == 2) {
// This is a Joliet Filesystem, so use Unicode to ISO string copy
filenamelen = internalTocEntry->filenameLength / 2;
for (i = 0; i < filenamelen; i++)
tocEntry->filename[i] = internalTocEntry->filename[(i << 1) + 1];
} else {
filenamelen = internalTocEntry->filenameLength;
// use normal string copy
strncpy(tocEntry->filename, internalTocEntry->filename, 128);
tocEntry->filename[filenamelen] = 0;
if (!(tocEntry->fileProperties & 0x02)) {
// strip the ;1 from the filename (if it's there)
strtok(tocEntry->filename, ";");
// Check if a TOC Entry matches our extension list
int TocEntryCompare(char *filename, const char *extensions)
static char ext_list[129];
char *token;
char *ext_point;
strncpy(ext_list, extensions, 128);
ext_list[128] = 0;
token = strtok(ext_list, " ,");
while (token != NULL) {
// if 'token' matches extension of 'filename'
// then return a match
ext_point = strrchr(filename, '.');
if (strcasecmp(ext_point, token) == 0)
return (TRUE);
/* Get next token: */
token = strtok(NULL, " ,");
// If not match found then return FALSE
return (FALSE);
// Used in findfile
//int tolower(int c);
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
while (*s1 != '\0' && tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2)) {
return tolower(*(unsigned char *)s1) - tolower(*(unsigned char *)s2);
int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int limit)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
if (*s1 == '\0')
return tolower(*(unsigned char *)s1) - tolower(*(unsigned char *)s2);
if (tolower(*s1) != tolower(*s2))
return tolower(*(unsigned char *)s1) - tolower(*(unsigned char *)s2);
return 0;
enum PathMatch ComparePath(const char *path)
int length;
int i;
length = strlen(CachedDirInfo.pathname);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// check if character matches
if (path[i] != CachedDirInfo.pathname[i]) {
// if not, then is it just because of different path seperator ?
if ((path[i] == '/') || (path[i] == '\\')) {
if ((CachedDirInfo.pathname[i] == '/') || (CachedDirInfo.pathname[i] == '\\')) {
// if the characters don't match for any other reason then report a failure
return NOT_MATCH;
// Reached the end of the Cached pathname
// if requested path is same length, then report exact match
if (path[length] == 0)
return MATCH;
// if requested path is longer, and next char is a dir seperator
// then report sub-dir match
if ((path[length] == '/') || (path[length] == '\\'))
return SUBDIR;
return NOT_MATCH;