twinaphex 420b7913d4 Squashed 'deps/SPIRV-Cross/' changes from 8aa6731925..2820ab0b51
2820ab0b51 Merge pull request #1076 from KhronosGroup/bitcast-pre-330-glsl
63bcbd511e GLSL: Need extension to use bitcast on GLSL < 330.
9f3bebe3d0 Merge pull request #1075 from lifpan/master
b11c20fc1d Remove unreasonable assertion for OpTypeImage Sampled parameter.
1a592b7c0f Merge pull request #1067 from cdavis5e/msl-scalar-block-layout
28454facbb MSL: Handle packed matrices.
ea5c0ed82f MSL: Fix alignment of packed types.
44f688bf0b Merge pull request #1070 from KhronosGroup/fix-1066
25c74b324e Forget loop variable enables after emitting block chain.
6b010e0cbc Merge pull request #1069 from KhronosGroup/fix-1053
f6f849397e MSL: Re-roll array expressions in initializers.
e5fa7edfd6 MSL: Support scalar block layout.

git-subtree-dir: deps/SPIRV-Cross
git-subtree-split: 2820ab0b51bf5e4187435d904b34e762b988f48b
2019-07-11 20:37:45 +02:00

97 lines
1.9 KiB

#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(binding = 0, std430) readonly buffer Distribution
vec2 distribution[];
} _137;
layout(binding = 2, std140) uniform UBO
vec4 uModTime;
} _166;
layout(binding = 1, std430) writeonly buffer HeightmapFFT
uint heights[];
} _225;
uvec2 workaround_mix(uvec2 a, uvec2 b, bvec2 sel)
uint _86;
if (sel.x)
_86 = b.x;
_86 = a.x;
uint _94 = _86;
uint _97;
if (sel.y)
_97 = b.y;
_97 = a.y;
return uvec2(_94, _97);
vec2 alias(vec2 i, vec2 N)
return mix(i, i - N, greaterThan(i, N * 0.5));
vec2 cmul(vec2 a, vec2 b)
vec2 r3 = a.yx;
vec2 r1 = b.xx;
vec2 R0 = a * r1;
vec2 r2 = b.yy;
vec2 R1 = r2 * r3;
return R0 + vec2(-R1.x, R1.y);
uint pack2(vec2 v)
return packHalf2x16(v);
void generate_heightmap()
uvec2 N = uvec2(64u, 1u) * gl_NumWorkGroups.xy;
uvec2 i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy;
uvec2 param = N - i;
uvec2 param_1 = uvec2(0u);
bvec2 param_2 = equal(i, uvec2(0u));
uvec2 wi = workaround_mix(param, param_1, param_2);
vec2 a = _137.distribution[(i.y * N.x) + i.x];
vec2 b = _137.distribution[(wi.y * N.x) + wi.x];
vec2 param_3 = vec2(i);
vec2 param_4 = vec2(N);
vec2 k = _166.uModTime.xy * alias(param_3, param_4);
float k_len = length(k);
float w = sqrt(9.81000041961669921875 * k_len) * _166.uModTime.z;
float cw = cos(w);
float sw = sin(w);
vec2 param_5 = a;
vec2 param_6 = vec2(cw, sw);
a = cmul(param_5, param_6);
vec2 param_7 = b;
vec2 param_8 = vec2(cw, sw);
b = cmul(param_7, param_8);
b = vec2(b.x, -b.y);
vec2 res = a + b;
vec2 param_9 = res;
_225.heights[(i.y * N.x) + i.x] = pack2(param_9);
void main()