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synced 2025-03-23 19:21:03 +00:00
I used the code in `wiiu/` to bootstrap my own WiiU homebrew app; this PR reflects some changes I needed to make, that might be useful upstream. 1. Clean up filesystem initialization Filesystem driver initialization was lumped in with filesystem mounting; and that was a problem in my project, because I needed to be able to remount the SD card on the fly. So, now it's split up. I've added a callback object named "hooks" that can be used by consuming applications to handle filesystem mounting and unmounting. If these hooks are not provided, then the existing default behavior occurs. 2. Expand socket handling - add `SO_NONBLOCK` flag for non-blocking socket I/O - add normal errno defines like `EWOULDBLOCK` `EAGAIN`. 3. Remove RetroArch dependencies - the exception handler protects usage of version_git with `#ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION` but not the include, so I added that. It also technically depends on version.h, but I'm not touching that. It's easy enough to implement and I needed the same functionality. I'm not sure what the best solution for that dependency is. - missing_libc_functions.c included features/features_cpu.h which is a libretro include. This appears to be a stale include though, because everything compiles and works without it. - an ifdef referencing the RA "WIIU" define, rather than the devkitpro "__wiiu__" define
318 lines
11 KiB
318 lines
11 KiB
/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Ash Logan (QuarkTheAwesome)
* RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* TODO: Program exceptions don't seem to work. Good thing they almost never happen. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <wiiu/os.h>
#include "wiiu_dbg.h"
#include "exception_handler.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "version_git.h"
/* Settings */
/* Externals
From the linker scripts.
extern unsigned int __code_start;
#define TEXT_START (unsigned int)&__code_start
extern unsigned int __code_end;
#define TEXT_END (unsigned int)&__code_end
void test_os_exceptions(void);
void exception_print_symbol(uint32_t addr);
typedef struct _framerec
struct _framerec* up;
void* lr;
} frame_rec, *frame_rec_t;
/* Fill in a few gaps in thread.h
Dimok calls these exception_specific0 and 1;
though we may as well name them by their function.
#define dsisr __unknown[0]
#define dar __unknown[1]
/* Some bitmasks for determining DSI causes.
Taken from the PowerPC Programming Environments Manual (32-bit).
/* Set if the EA is unmapped. */
#define DSISR_TRANSLATION_MISS 0x40000000
/* Set if the memory accessed is protected. */
#define DSISR_TRANSLATION_PROT 0x8000000
/* Set if certain instructions are used on uncached memory (see manual) */
#define DSISR_BAD_CACHING 0x4000000
/* Set if the offending operation is a write, clear for a read. */
#define DSISR_WRITE_ATTEMPTED 0x2000000
/* Set if the memory accessed is a DABR match */
#define DSISR_DABR_MATCH 0x400000
/* ISI cause bitmasks, same source */
#define SRR1_ISI_TRANSLATION_MISS 0x40000000
#define SRR1_ISI_TRANSLATION_PROT 0x8000000
/* PROG cause bitmasks, guess where from */
/* Set on floating-point exceptions */
#define SRR1_PROG_IEEE_FLOAT 0x100000
/* Set on an malformed instruction (can't decode) */
#define SRR1_PROG_BAD_INSTR 0x80000
/* Set on a privileged instruction executing in userspace */
#define SRR1_PROG_PRIV_INSTR 0x40000
/* Set on a trap instruction */
#define SRR1_PROG_TRAP 0x20000
/* Clear if srr0 points to the address that caused the exception (yes, really) */
#define SRR1_PROG_SRR0_INACCURATE 0x10000
#define buf_add(...) wiiu_exception_handler_pos += sprintf(exception_msgbuf + wiiu_exception_handler_pos, __VA_ARGS__)
size_t wiiu_exception_handler_pos = 0;
char* exception_msgbuf;
void __attribute__((__noreturn__)) exception_cb(OSContext* ctx, OSExceptionType type)
/* No message buffer available, fall back onto MEM1 */
if (!exception_msgbuf || !OSEffectiveToPhysical(exception_msgbuf))
exception_msgbuf = (char*)0xF4000000;
/* First up, the pretty header that tells you wtf just happened */
/* Exception type and offending instruction location */
buf_add("DSI: Instr at %08" PRIX32, ctx->srr0);
/* Was this a read or a write? */
if (ctx->dsisr & DSISR_WRITE_ATTEMPTED)
buf_add(" bad write to");
buf_add(" bad read from");
/* So why was it bad?
Other causes (DABR) don't have a message to go with them. */
if (ctx->dsisr & DSISR_TRANSLATION_MISS)
buf_add(" unmapped memory at");
else if (ctx->dsisr & DSISR_TRANSLATION_PROT)
buf_add(" protected memory at");
else if (ctx->dsisr & DSISR_BAD_CACHING)
buf_add(" uncached memory at");
buf_add(" %08" PRIX32 "\n", ctx->dar);
else if (type == OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ISI)
buf_add("ISI: Bad execute of");
if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_ISI_TRANSLATION_PROT)
buf_add(" protected memory at");
else if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_ISI_TRANSLATION_MISS)
buf_add(" unmapped memory at");
buf_add(" %08" PRIX32 "\n", ctx->srr0);
if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_PROG_BAD_INSTR)
buf_add(" Malformed instruction at");
else if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_PROG_PRIV_INSTR)
buf_add(" Privileged instruction in userspace at");
else if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_PROG_IEEE_FLOAT)
buf_add(" Floating-point exception at");
else if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_PROG_TRAP)
buf_add(" Trap conditions met at");
buf_add(" Out-of-spec error (!) at");
if (ctx->srr1 & SRR1_PROG_SRR0_INACCURATE)
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "-ish\n", ctx->srr0);
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "\n", ctx->srr0);
/* Add register dump
There's space for two more regs at the end of the last line...
Any ideas for what to put there? */
buf_add( \
"r0 %08" PRIX32 " r1 %08" PRIX32 " r2 %08" PRIX32 " r3 %08" PRIX32 " r4 %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"r5 %08" PRIX32 " r6 %08" PRIX32 " r7 %08" PRIX32 " r8 %08" PRIX32 " r9 %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"r10 %08" PRIX32 " r11 %08" PRIX32 " r12 %08" PRIX32 " r13 %08" PRIX32 " r14 %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"r15 %08" PRIX32 " r16 %08" PRIX32 " r17 %08" PRIX32 " r18 %08" PRIX32 " r19 %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"r20 %08" PRIX32 " r21 %08" PRIX32 " r22 %08" PRIX32 " r23 %08" PRIX32 " r24 %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"r25 %08" PRIX32 " r26 %08" PRIX32 " r27 %08" PRIX32 " r28 %08" PRIX32 " r29 %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"r30 %08" PRIX32 " r31 %08" PRIX32 " lr %08" PRIX32 " sr1 %08" PRIX32 " dsi %08" PRIX32 "\n" \
"ctr %08" PRIX32 " cr %08" PRIX32 " xer %08" PRIX32 "\n",\
ctx->gpr[0], ctx->gpr[1], ctx->gpr[2], ctx->gpr[3], ctx->gpr[4], \
ctx->gpr[5], ctx->gpr[6], ctx->gpr[7], ctx->gpr[8], ctx->gpr[9], \
ctx->gpr[10], ctx->gpr[11], ctx->gpr[12], ctx->gpr[13], ctx->gpr[14], \
ctx->gpr[15], ctx->gpr[16], ctx->gpr[17], ctx->gpr[18], ctx->gpr[19], \
ctx->gpr[20], ctx->gpr[21], ctx->gpr[22], ctx->gpr[23], ctx->gpr[24], \
ctx->gpr[25], ctx->gpr[26], ctx->gpr[27], ctx->gpr[28], ctx->gpr[29], \
ctx->gpr[30], ctx->gpr[31], ctx->lr, ctx->srr1, ctx->dsisr, \
ctx->ctr, ctx->cr, ctx->xer \
/* Stack trace!
First, let's print the PC... */
if (ctx->gpr[1])
int i;
/* Then the addresses off the stack.
Code borrowed from Dimok's exception handler. */
frame_rec_t p = (frame_rec_t)ctx->gpr[1];
if ((unsigned int)p->lr != ctx->lr)
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STACK_TRACE_LINES && p->up; p = p->up, i++)
exception_print_symbol((unsigned int)p->lr);
buf_add("Stack pointer invalid. Could not trace further.\n");
buf_add("RetroArch " PACKAGE_VERSION " (%s) built " __DATE__, retroarch_git_version);
buf_add("RetroArch " PACKAGE_VERSION " built " __DATE__);
for (;;) {}
BOOL __attribute__((__noreturn__)) exception_dsi_cb(OSContext* ctx)
exception_cb(ctx, OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_DSI);
BOOL __attribute__((__noreturn__)) exception_isi_cb(OSContext* ctx)
exception_cb(ctx, OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ISI);
BOOL __attribute__((__noreturn__)) exception_prog_cb(OSContext* ctx)
exception_cb(ctx, OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_PROGRAM);
void exception_print_symbol(uint32_t addr)
/* Check if addr is within this RPX's .text */
if (addr >= TEXT_START && addr < TEXT_END)
char symbolName[64];
OSGetSymbolName(addr, symbolName, 63);
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "(%08" PRIX32 "):%s\n",
addr, addr - TEXT_START, symbolName);
/* Check if addr is within the system library area... */
else if ((addr >= 0x01000000 && addr < 0x01800000) ||
/* Or the rest of the app executable area.
I would have used whatever method JGeckoU uses to determine
the real lowest address, but *someone* didn't make it open-source :/ */
(addr >= 0x01800000 && addr < 0x1000000))
char *seperator = NULL;
char symbolName[64];
OSGetSymbolName(addr, symbolName, 63);
/* Extract RPL name and try and find its base address */
seperator = strchr(symbolName, '|');
if (seperator)
void* libAddr = NULL;
/* Isolate library name; should end with .rpl
(our main RPX was caught by another test case above) */
*seperator = '\0';
/* Try for a base address */
OSDynLoad_Acquire(symbolName, &libAddr);
/* Special case for coreinit; which has broken handles */
if (!strcmp(symbolName, "coreinit.rpl"))
void* PPCExit_addr;
OSDynLoad_FindExport(libAddr, 0, "__PPCExit", &PPCExit_addr);
libAddr = PPCExit_addr - 0x180;
*seperator = '|';
/* We got one! */
if (libAddr)
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "(%08" PRIX32 "):%s\n", addr, addr - (unsigned int)libAddr, symbolName);
/* Ah well. We can still print the basics. */
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "( ):%s\n", addr, symbolName);
/* Check if addr is in the HBL range
TODO there's no real reason we couldn't find the symbol here,
it's just laziness and arguably uneccesary bloat */
else if (addr >= 0x00800000 && addr < 0x01000000)
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "(%08" PRIX32 "):<unknown:HBL>\n", addr, addr - 0x00800000);
/* If all else fails, just say "unknown" */
buf_add("%08" PRIX32 "( ):<unknown>\n", addr);
/* void setup_os_exceptions(void)
Install and initialize the exception handler.
void setup_os_exceptions(void)
exception_msgbuf = malloc(4096);
OSSetExceptionCallback(OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_DSI, exception_dsi_cb);
OSSetExceptionCallback(OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ISI, exception_isi_cb);
OSSetExceptionCallback(OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_PROGRAM, exception_prog_cb);
/* void test_os_exceptions(void)
Used for debugging. Insert code here to induce a crash.
void test_os_exceptions(void)
/*Write to 0x00000000; causes DSI */
#if 0
__asm__ volatile (
"li %r3, 0 \n" \
"stw %r3, 0(%r3) \n"
DCFlushRange((void*)0, 4);
/*Malformed instruction, causes PROG. Doesn't seem to work. */
#if 0
__asm__ volatile (
".int 0xDEADC0DE"
/* Jump to 0; causes ISI */
#if 0
void (*testFunc)() = (void(*)())0;