mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 13:20:30 +00:00
with configure switch. Reasons: * Libcaca video driver support seems half baked, can't even render RGUI right now on Windows. Not worth the troubleshooting for regular users or the DLL linkage (which adds to filesize) until further developed * Better native audio driver alternatives exist for OpenAL on both Windows and Linux
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202 lines
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HAVE_LIBRETRO= # Libretro library used
HAVE_ASSETS_DIR= # Assets install directory
HAVE_CORE_INFO_CACHE=yes # Core info cache support
HAVE_BLUETOOTH=no # Bluetooth support
HAVE_NVDA=yes # NVDA support
HAVE_PATCH=yes # Softpatching support (BPS/IPS/UPS)
HAVE_SAPI=no # SAPI support
HAVE_VIDEO_FILTER=yes # Video filter support
HAVE_WINRAWINPUT=yes # Windows Raw Input support (XP and higher)
HAVE_DSP_FILTER=yes # DSP filter support
HAVE_BLISSBOX=auto # Blissbox support
HAVE_ANGLE=no # ANGLE support (OpenGL wrapper)
HAVE_CONFIGFILE=yes # Config file support
HAVE_GDI=yes # GDI support (Win32-only)
HAVE_OPENGLES_LIBS= # Link flags for custom GLES library
HAVE_OPENGLES_CFLAGS= # C-flags for custom GLES library
HAVE_CACA=no # Libcaca support
HAVE_SIXEL=auto # Libsixel support
HAVE_DEBUG=no # Enable a debug build
HAVE_LIBRETRODB=yes # Libretrodb support
HAVE_MENU=yes # Enable menu drivers
HAVE_GFX_WIDGETS=yes # Enable graphics widgets
HAVE_RGUI=auto # RGUI menu
HAVE_MATERIALUI=auto # MaterialUI menu
HAVE_XMB=auto # XMB menu
HAVE_OZONE=auto # Ozone menu
HAVE_RUNAHEAD=yes # Runahead support
HAVE_DSOUND=auto # DirectSound support
HAVE_XAUDIO=auto # XAudio support
HAVE_WASAPI=auto # WASAPI support
HAVE_WINMM=auto # WinMM support
HAVE_NEAREST_RESAMPLER=yes # Nearest resampler
HAVE_CC_RESAMPLER=yes # CC Resampler
HAVE_SSL=auto # SSL support
HAVE_SYSTEMMBEDTLS=auto # Use system mbedTLS
HAVE_BUILTINMBEDTLS=auto # Use builtin mbedTLS
HAVE_BUILTINBEARSSL=auto # Use builtin BearSSL
HAVE_OVERLAY=yes # Overlay support
HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT=yes # Layout support
HAVE_DYNAMIC=yes # Dynamic loading of libretro library
HAVE_SDL=auto # SDL support
HAVE_SDL2=auto # SDL2 support (disables SDL 1.x)
HAVE_LIBUSB=auto # Libusb HID support
HAVE_DBUS=no # dbus support
HAVE_SYSTEMD=auto # Systemd support
HAVE_UDEV=auto # Udev/Evdev gamepad support
HAVE_THREADS=auto # Threading support
HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE=auto # Thread Local Storage support
HAVE_FFMPEG=auto # FFmpeg support
HAVE_MPV=no # MPV support
HAVE_SSA=auto # SSA/ASS for FFmpeg subtitle support
HAVE_DYLIB=auto # Dynamic loading support
HAVE_NETWORKING=auto # Networking features (recommended)
HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD=auto # Networked game pad (plus baked-in core)
HAVE_NETPLAYDISCOVERY=yes # Add netplay discovery (room creation, etc.)
HAVE_COMMAND=no # Network command interface, to remote control RA
HAVE_D3D8=no # Direct3D 8 support
HAVE_D3D9=auto # Direct3D 9 support
HAVE_D3D10=yes # Direct3D 10 support
HAVE_D3D11=yes # Direct3D 11 support
HAVE_D3D12=yes # Direct3D 12 support
HAVE_D3DX=auto # Direct3DX support
HAVE_DINPUT=auto # Dinput support
HAVE_OPENGL=auto # OpenGL 2.0 support
HAVE_OPENGL_CORE=yes # Modern OpenGL driver support (GLES3+/GL3.2 core+), requires OpenGL.
HAVE_OPENGL1=yes # OpenGL 1.1 support
HAVE_MALI_FBDEV=no # Mali fbdev context support
HAVE_VIVANTE_FBDEV=no # Vivante fbdev context support
HAVE_OPENDINGUX_FBDEV=no # Opendingux fbdev context support
HAVE_SDL_DINGUX=no # Opendingux SDL input/gfx driver support
HAVE_OPENGLES=no # Use GLESv2 instead of desktop GL
HAVE_OPENGLES3=no # OpenGLES3 support
HAVE_OPENGLES3_1=no # OpenGLES3.1 support
HAVE_OPENGLES3_2=no # OpenGLES3.2 support
HAVE_X11=auto # everything X11.
HAVE_XRANDR=auto # Xrandr support.
HAVE_OMAP=no # OMAP video support
HAVE_XINERAMA=auto # Xinerama support.
HAVE_KMS=auto # KMS context support
HAVE_PLAIN_DRM=no # Plain DRM video support
HAVE_EXYNOS=no # Exynos video support
HAVE_DISPMANX=no # Dispmanx video support
HAVE_SUNXI=no # Sunxi video support
HAVE_WAYLAND=auto # Wayland support
HAVE_LIBDECOR=auto # libdecor support
HAVE_DYNAMIC_EGL=no # Dynamic library EGL support
HAVE_EGL=auto # EGL context support
HAVE_VG=auto # OpenVG support
HAVE_CG=auto # Cg shader support
HAVE_HLSL=no # HLSL9 shader support (for Direct3D9)
HAVE_BUILTINZLIB=auto # Bake in zlib
HAVE_ZLIB=auto # zlib support (ZIP extract, PNG decoding/encoding)
HAVE_ALSA=auto # ALSA support
HAVE_RPILED=auto # RPI led support
HAVE_TINYALSA=auto # TinyALSA support
HAVE_AUDIOIO=auto # AudioIO support
HAVE_OSS=auto # OSS support
HAVE_RSOUND=auto # RSound support
HAVE_ROAR=auto # RoarAudio support
HAVE_AL=no # OpenAL support
HAVE_JACK=auto # JACK support
HAVE_COREAUDIO=auto # CoreAudio support
HAVE_COREAUDIO3=no # CoreAudio3 support
HAVE_PULSE=auto # PulseAudio support
HAVE_FREETYPE=auto # FreeType support
HAVE_STB_FONT=yes # stb_truetype font support
HAVE_STB_IMAGE=yes # stb image loading support
HAVE_STB_VORBIS=yes # stb vorbis support
HAVE_IBXM=yes # IBXM support
HAVE_XVIDEO=auto # XVideo support
HAVE_V4L2=auto # Video4linux2 support
HAVE_NEON=no # ARM NEON optimizations
HAVE_SSE=no # x86 SSE optimizations (SSE, SSE2)
HAVE_FLOATHARD=no # Force hard float ABI (for ARM)
HAVE_FLOATSOFTFP=no # Force soft float ABI (for ARM)
HAVE_CHD=yes # Compile in chd support
HAVE_7ZIP=yes # Compile in 7z support
HAVE_FLAC=auto # Compile in flac support
HAVE_DR_MP3=yes # Compile in Dr. MP3 support
HAVE_BUILTINFLAC=auto # Bake in flac support
HAVE_ONLINE_UPDATER=yes # Disable the online updater
HAVE_UPDATE_CORES=yes # Disable downloading cores with online updater
HAVE_UPDATE_ASSETS=yes # Disable downloading assets with online updater
HAVE_PRESERVE_DYLIB=no # Enable dlclose() for Valgrind support
HAVE_PARPORT=auto # Parallel port joypad support
HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER=yes # Built-in image viewer support.
HAVE_MMAP=auto # MMAP support
HAVE_QT=auto # Qt companion support
HAVE_XSHM=auto # XShm video driver support
HAVE_CHEEVOS=yes # Retro Achievements
HAVE_LUA=no # Lua support (for Retro Achievements)
HAVE_DISCORD=yes # Discord Integration
HAVE_CHEATS=yes # Cheat support
HAVE_REWIND=yes # Rewind support
HAVE_BSV_MOVIE=yes # BSV movie support
HAVE_ACCESSIBILITY=yes # Accessibility Integration
HAVE_TRANSLATE=yes # OCR and Translation Server Integration
HAVE_SHADERPIPELINE=yes # Additional shader-based pipelines
HAVE_VULKAN=auto # Vulkan support
HAVE_VULKAN_DISPLAY=yes # Vulkan KHR display backend support
HAVE_RPNG=yes # RPNG support
HAVE_RBMP=yes # RBMP support
HAVE_RJPEG=yes # RJPEG support
HAVE_RTGA=yes # RTGA support
HAVE_RWAV=yes # WAV support
HAVE_HID=no # Low-level HID (Human Interface Device) support
HAVE_AUDIOMIXER=yes # Audio Mixer
HAVE_LANGEXTRA=yes # Multi-language support
HAVE_SCREENSHOTS=yes # Screenshot support
HAVE_OSMESA=no # Off-screen Mesa rendering
HAVE_VIDEOPROCESSOR=auto # Enable video processor core
HAVE_VIDEOCORE=auto # Broadcom Videocore 4 support
HAVE_DRMINGW=no # DrMingw exception handler
HAVE_CDROM=auto # CD-ROM support
HAVE_GLSL=yes # GLSL shaders support
HAVE_SLANG=auto # slang support
HAVE_GLSLANG=auto # glslang support (requires C++11)
HAVE_BUILTINGLSLANG=auto # Bake in glslang support
HAVE_SPIRV_CROSS=auto # SPIRV-Cross support (requires C++11)
HAVE_METAL=no # Metal support (macOS-only)
HAVE_STEAM=no # Enable Steam build
HAVE_MIST=no # Enable Steam build w/ mist
HAVE_ODROIDGO2=no # ODROID-GO Advance rotation support (requires librga)
HAVE_LIBSHAKE=no # libShake haptic feedback support
HAVE_CHECK=no # check support for unit tests
HAVE_WIFI=no # wifi driver support
HAVE_CRTSWITCHRES=auto # CRT mode switching support (requires C++11)
HAVE_MEMFD_CREATE=auto # libc supports memfd_create