/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2018 - Krzysztof HaƂadyn * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "configuration.h" #include "paths.h" #include "uwp_main.h" #include "../retroarch.h" #include "../frontend/frontend.h" #include "../input/input_keymaps.h" #include "../verbosity.h" #include "uwp_func.h" #include "uwp_async.h" using namespace RetroArchUWP; using namespace concurrency; using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel; using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core; using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation; using namespace Windows::UI::Core; using namespace Windows::UI::Input; using namespace Windows::UI::ViewManagement; using namespace Windows::Devices::Input; using namespace Windows::System; using namespace Windows::System::Profile; using namespace Windows::Foundation; using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections; using namespace Windows::Graphics::Display; using namespace Windows::Devices::Enumeration; using namespace Windows::Storage; char uwp_dir_install[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = { 0 }; char uwp_dir_data[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = { 0 }; char uwp_device_family[128] = { 0 }; char win32_cpu_model_name[128] = { 0 }; /* Some keys are unavailable in the VirtualKey enum (wtf) but the old-style * constants work */ const struct rarch_key_map rarch_key_map_uwp[] = { { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Back, RETROK_BACKSPACE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Tab, RETROK_TAB }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Clear, RETROK_CLEAR }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Enter, RETROK_RETURN }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Pause, RETROK_PAUSE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Escape, RETROK_ESCAPE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::ModeChange, RETROK_MODE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Space, RETROK_SPACE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::PageUp, RETROK_PAGEUP }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::PageDown, RETROK_PAGEDOWN }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::End, RETROK_END }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Home, RETROK_HOME }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Left, RETROK_LEFT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Up, RETROK_UP }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Right, RETROK_RIGHT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Down, RETROK_DOWN }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Print, RETROK_PRINT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Insert, RETROK_INSERT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Delete, RETROK_DELETE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Help, RETROK_HELP }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number0, RETROK_0 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number1, RETROK_1 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number2, RETROK_2 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number3, RETROK_3 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number4, RETROK_4 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number5, RETROK_5 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number6, RETROK_6 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number7, RETROK_7 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number8, RETROK_8 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Number9, RETROK_9 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::A, RETROK_a }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::B, RETROK_b }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::C, RETROK_c }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::D, RETROK_d }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::E, RETROK_e }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F, RETROK_f }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::G, RETROK_g }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::H, RETROK_h }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::I, RETROK_i }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::J, RETROK_j }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::K, RETROK_k }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::L, RETROK_l }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::M, RETROK_m }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::N, RETROK_n }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::O, RETROK_o }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::P, RETROK_p }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Q, RETROK_q }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::R, RETROK_r }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::S, RETROK_s }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::T, RETROK_t }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::U, RETROK_u }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::V, RETROK_v }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::W, RETROK_w }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::X, RETROK_x }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Y, RETROK_y }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Z, RETROK_z }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::LeftWindows, RETROK_LSUPER }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::RightWindows, RETROK_RSUPER }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Application, RETROK_MENU }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad0, RETROK_KP0 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad1, RETROK_KP1 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad2, RETROK_KP2 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad3, RETROK_KP3 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad4, RETROK_KP4 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad5, RETROK_KP5 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad6, RETROK_KP6 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad7, RETROK_KP7 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad8, RETROK_KP8 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberPad9, RETROK_KP9 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Multiply, RETROK_KP_MULTIPLY }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Add, RETROK_KP_PLUS }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Subtract, RETROK_KP_MINUS }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Decimal, RETROK_KP_PERIOD }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Divide, RETROK_KP_DIVIDE }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F1, RETROK_F1 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F2, RETROK_F2 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F3, RETROK_F3 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F4, RETROK_F4 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F5, RETROK_F5 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F6, RETROK_F6 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F7, RETROK_F7 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F8, RETROK_F8 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F9, RETROK_F9 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F10, RETROK_F10 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F11, RETROK_F11 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F12, RETROK_F12 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F13, RETROK_F13 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F14, RETROK_F14 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::F15, RETROK_F15 }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::NumberKeyLock, RETROK_NUMLOCK }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::Scroll, RETROK_SCROLLOCK }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::LeftShift, RETROK_LSHIFT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::RightShift, RETROK_RSHIFT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::LeftControl, RETROK_LCTRL }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::RightControl, RETROK_RCTRL }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::LeftMenu, RETROK_LALT }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::RightMenu, RETROK_RALT }, { VK_RETURN, RETROK_KP_ENTER }, { (unsigned int)VirtualKey::CapitalLock, RETROK_CAPSLOCK }, { VK_OEM_1, RETROK_SEMICOLON }, { VK_OEM_PLUS, RETROK_EQUALS }, { VK_OEM_COMMA, RETROK_COMMA }, { VK_OEM_MINUS, RETROK_MINUS }, { VK_OEM_PERIOD, RETROK_PERIOD }, { VK_OEM_2, RETROK_SLASH }, { VK_OEM_3, RETROK_BACKQUOTE }, { VK_OEM_4, RETROK_LEFTBRACKET }, { VK_OEM_5, RETROK_BACKSLASH }, { VK_OEM_6, RETROK_RIGHTBRACKET }, { VK_OEM_7, RETROK_QUOTE }, { 0, RETROK_UNKNOWN } }; #define MAX_TOUCH 16 struct input_pointer { int id; int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t full_x; int16_t full_y; bool isInContact; }; struct uwp_input_state_t { struct input_pointer touch[MAX_TOUCH]; /* int alignment */ unsigned touch_count; int16_t mouse_screen_x; int16_t mouse_screen_y; int16_t mouse_rel_x; int16_t mouse_rel_y; int16_t mouse_wheel_left; int16_t mouse_wheel_up; bool mouse_left; bool mouse_right; bool mouse_middle; bool mouse_button4; bool mouse_button5; }; struct uwp_input_state_t uwp_current_input, uwp_next_input; /* Taken from DirectX UWP samples - on Xbox, everything is scaled 200%, * so getting the DPI calculation correct is crucial */ static inline float ConvertDipsToPixels(float dips, float dpi) { static const float dips_per_inch = 96.0f; return floorf(dips * dpi / dips_per_inch + 0.5f); } /* The main function is only used to initialize our IFrameworkView class. */ [Platform::MTAThread] int main(Platform::Array^) { DWORD dwAttrib; char vfs_cache_dir[MAX_PATH]; Platform::String^ local_folder = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder->Path; Platform::String^ install_dir = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation->Path + L"\\"; Platform::String^ data_dir = local_folder + L"\\"; /* Delete VFS cache dir, we do this because this allows a far more * concise implementation than manually implementing a function to do this * This may be a little slower but shouldn't really matter as the cache dir * should never have more than a few items */ Platform::String^ vfs_dir = local_folder + L"\\VFSCACHE"; wcstombs(uwp_dir_install, install_dir->Data(), sizeof(uwp_dir_install)); wcstombs(uwp_dir_data, data_dir->Data(), sizeof(uwp_dir_data)); wcstombs(vfs_cache_dir, vfs_dir->Data(), sizeof(vfs_cache_dir)); dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesA(vfs_cache_dir); if ((dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { concurrency::task vfsdirtask = concurrency::create_task(StorageFolder::GetFolderFromPathAsync(vfs_dir)); vfsdirtask.wait(); StorageFolder^ vfsdir = vfsdirtask.get(); vfsdir->DeleteAsync(); } wcstombs(uwp_device_family, AnalyticsInfo::VersionInfo->DeviceFamily->Data(), sizeof(uwp_device_family)); RARCH_LOG("Data dir: %ls\n", data_dir->Data()); RARCH_LOG("Install dir: %ls\n", install_dir->Data()); auto direct3DApplicationSource = ref new Direct3DApplicationSource(); CoreApplication::Run(direct3DApplicationSource); return 0; } IFrameworkView^ Direct3DApplicationSource::CreateView() { return ref new App(); } App^ App::m_instance; App::App() : m_initialized(false), m_windowClosed(false), m_windowVisible(true), m_windowFocused(true), m_windowResized(false) { m_instance = this; } /* The first method called when the IFrameworkView is being created. */ void App::Initialize(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView) { /* Register event handlers for app lifecycle. This example * includes Activated, so that we can make the CoreWindow active and start * rendering on the window. */ applicationView->Activated += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnActivated); CoreApplication::Suspending += ref new EventHandler(this, &App::OnSuspending); CoreApplication::Resuming += ref new EventHandler(this, &App::OnResuming); CoreApplication::EnteredBackground += ref new EventHandler(this, &App::OnEnteredBackground); } /* Called when the CoreWindow object is created (or re-created). */ void App::SetWindow(CoreWindow^ window) { window->SizeChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnWindowSizeChanged); window->VisibilityChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnVisibilityChanged); window->Activated += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnWindowActivated); window->Closed += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnWindowClosed); window->KeyDown += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnKey); window->KeyUp += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnKey); window->PointerPressed += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnPointer); window->PointerReleased += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnPointer); window->PointerMoved += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnPointer); window->PointerWheelChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnPointer); DisplayInformation^ currentDisplayInformation = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView(); currentDisplayInformation->DpiChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnDpiChanged); DisplayInformation::DisplayContentsInvalidated += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnDisplayContentsInvalidated); currentDisplayInformation->OrientationChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnOrientationChanged); Windows::UI::Core::SystemNavigationManager::GetForCurrentView()->BackRequested += ref new EventHandler(this, &App::OnBackRequested); } /* Initializes scene resources, or loads a previously saved app state. */ void App::Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint) { auto catalog = Windows::ApplicationModel::PackageCatalog::OpenForCurrentPackage(); catalog->PackageInstalling += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &App::OnPackageInstalling); } /* This method is called after the window becomes active. */ void App::Run() { bool x = false; if (!m_initialized) { RARCH_WARN("Initialization failed, so not running\n"); return; } for (;;) { int ret; CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Dispatcher->ProcessEvents(CoreProcessEventsOption::ProcessAllIfPresent); ret = runloop_iterate(); task_queue_check(); if (!x) { /* HACK: I have no idea why is this necessary but * it is required to get proper scaling on Xbox * * Perhaps PreferredLaunchViewSize is broken and * we need to wait until the app starts to call TryResizeView */ m_windowResized = true; x = true; } if (ret == -1) break; } } /* Required for IFrameworkView. * Terminate events do not cause Uninitialize to be called. * It will be called if your IFrameworkView * class is torn down while the app is in the foreground. */ void App::Uninitialize() { main_exit(NULL); /* If this instance of RetroArch was started from another app/frontend * and the frontend passed "launchOnExit" parameter: * 1. launch the app specified in "launchOnExit", most likely the * same app that started RetroArch * 2. RetroArch goes to background and RunAsyncAndCatchErrors doesn't * return, because the target app is immediately started. * 3. Explicitly exit in App::OnEnteredBackground if * m_launchOnExitShutdown is set. Otherwise, RetroArch doesn't * properly shutdown. */ if (m_launchOnExit != nullptr && !m_launchOnExit->IsEmpty()) { try { /* Launch the target app */ m_launchOnExitShutdown = true; auto ret = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([&]() { return create_task(Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(ref new Uri(m_launchOnExit))); }, false); } catch (Platform::InvalidArgumentException^ e) { } } } /* Application lifecycle event handlers. */ void App::OnActivated(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView, IActivatedEventArgs^ args) { int ret; int argc = NULL; std::vector argv; /* using std::string as temp buf instead of char* array * to avoid manual char allocations */ std::vector argvTmp; ParseProtocolArgs(args, &argc, &argv, &argvTmp); /* Start only if not already initialized. * If there is a game in progress, just return */ if (m_initialized) return; if ((ret = rarch_main(argc, argv.data(), NULL)) != 0) { RARCH_ERR("Init failed\n"); CoreApplication::Exit(); return; } m_initialized = true; if (is_running_on_xbox()) { bool reset = false; int width = uwp_get_width(); int height = uwp_get_height(); /* Reset driver to D3D11 if set to OpenGL on boot as cores can * just set to 'gl' when needed and there is no good reason to * use 'gl' for the menus * Do not change the default driver if the content is already * initialized through arguments, as this would crash RA for * cores that use only ANGLE */ settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); content_state_t *p_content = content_state_get_ptr(); char *currentdriver = settings->arrays.video_driver; if ( strcmpi(currentdriver, "gl") == 0 && !p_content->is_inited) { /* Set driver to default */ configuration_set_string(settings, settings->arrays.video_driver, config_get_default_video()); reset = true; /* Reset needed */ } if ( (settings->uints.video_fullscreen_x != width) || (settings->uints.video_fullscreen_y != height)) { /* Get width and height from display again */ configuration_set_int(settings, settings->uints.video_fullscreen_x, width); configuration_set_int(settings, settings->uints.video_fullscreen_y, height); reset = true; /* Reset needed */ } if (reset) /* Restart driver */ command_event(CMD_EVENT_REINIT, NULL); } /* Run() won't start until the CoreWindow is activated. */ CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Activate(); } void App::OnSuspending(Platform::Object^ sender, SuspendingEventArgs^ args) { /* This function will ensure that configs are saved in case the app * is sent to background or terminated for saving configs on quit * for saving configs on quit now configs will be saved in * `retroarch_main_quit` at `retroarch.c` * If this function is called because of app closed by quit, * the below code must be ignored /* Save app state asynchronously after requesting a deferral. * Holding a deferral indicates that the application is busy * performing suspending operations. Be aware that a deferral may * not be held indefinitely. After about five seconds, the app will * be forced to exit. */ SuspendingDeferral^ deferral = args->SuspendingOperation->GetDeferral(); auto app = this; create_task([app, deferral]() { /* TODO: Maybe creating a save state here would be a good idea? */ settings_t* settings = config_get_ptr(); bool config_save_on_exit = settings->bools.config_save_on_exit; if (config_save_on_exit) { if (!path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG)) { const char* config_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG); bool path_exists = !string_is_empty(config_path); if (path_exists) { if (config_save_file(config_path)) { RARCH_LOG("[config] %s \"%s\".\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SAVED_NEW_CONFIG_TO), config_path); } else { RARCH_ERR("[config] %s \"%s\".\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_SAVING_CONFIG_TO), config_path); } } } } deferral->Complete(); }); } void App::OnResuming(Platform::Object^ sender, Platform::Object^ args) { /* Restore any data or state that was unloaded on suspend. By default, data * and state are persisted when resuming from suspend. Note that this event * does not occur if the app was previously terminated. */ } void App::OnEnteredBackground(Platform::Object^ sender, EnteredBackgroundEventArgs^ args) { /* RetroArch entered background because another app/frontend * was launched on exit, so properly quit */ if (m_launchOnExitShutdown) CoreApplication::Exit(); } void App::OnBackRequested(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::BackRequestedEventArgs^ args) { /* Prevent the B controller button on Xbox One from quitting the app */ args->Handled = true; } /* Window event handlers. */ void App::OnWindowSizeChanged(CoreWindow^ sender, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^ args) { m_windowResized = true; } void App::OnVisibilityChanged(CoreWindow^ sender, VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args) { m_windowVisible = args->Visible; } void App::OnWindowActivated(CoreWindow^ sender, WindowActivatedEventArgs^ args) { m_windowFocused = args->WindowActivationState != CoreWindowActivationState::Deactivated; } void App::OnKey(CoreWindow^ sender, KeyEventArgs^ args) { unsigned keycode; uint16_t mod = 0; if ((sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::Shift) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) mod |= RETROKMOD_SHIFT; if ((sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::Control) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) mod |= RETROKMOD_CTRL; if ((sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::Menu) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) mod |= RETROKMOD_ALT; if ((sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::CapitalLock) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) mod |= RETROKMOD_CAPSLOCK; if ((sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::Scroll) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) mod |= RETROKMOD_SCROLLOCK; if ((sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::LeftWindows) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked || (sender->GetKeyState(VirtualKey::RightWindows) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Locked) mod |= RETROKMOD_META; keycode = input_keymaps_translate_keysym_to_rk((unsigned)args->VirtualKey); input_keyboard_event(!args->KeyStatus.IsKeyReleased, keycode, 0, mod, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); } void App::OnPointer(CoreWindow^ sender, PointerEventArgs^ args) { float dpi = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->LogicalDpi; if (args->CurrentPoint->PointerDevice->PointerDeviceType == PointerDeviceType::Mouse) { uwp_next_input.mouse_left = args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsLeftButtonPressed; uwp_next_input.mouse_middle = args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsMiddleButtonPressed; uwp_next_input.mouse_right = args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsRightButtonPressed; uwp_next_input.mouse_button4 = args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsXButton1Pressed; uwp_next_input.mouse_button5 = args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsXButton2Pressed; uwp_next_input.mouse_screen_x = ConvertDipsToPixels(args->CurrentPoint->Position.X, dpi); uwp_next_input.mouse_screen_y = ConvertDipsToPixels(args->CurrentPoint->Position.Y, dpi); uwp_next_input.mouse_rel_x = uwp_next_input.mouse_screen_x - uwp_current_input.mouse_screen_x; uwp_next_input.mouse_rel_y = uwp_next_input.mouse_screen_y - uwp_current_input.mouse_screen_y; if (args->CurrentPoint->Properties->IsHorizontalMouseWheel) uwp_next_input.mouse_wheel_left += args->CurrentPoint->Properties->MouseWheelDelta; else uwp_next_input.mouse_wheel_up += args->CurrentPoint->Properties->MouseWheelDelta; } else { struct video_viewport vp; unsigned i, free_index = MAX_TOUCH; bool found = false; int id = args->CurrentPoint->PointerId; for (i = 0; i < uwp_next_input.touch_count; i++) { if (!uwp_next_input.touch[i].isInContact && free_index == MAX_TOUCH) free_index = i; if (uwp_next_input.touch[i].id == id) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (free_index >= 0 && free_index < uwp_next_input.touch_count) i = free_index; else if (uwp_next_input.touch_count + 1 < MAX_TOUCH) i = ++uwp_next_input.touch_count; else return; } uwp_next_input.touch[i].id = id; /* convert from event coordinates to core and screen coordinates */ vp.x = 0; vp.y = 0; vp.width = 0; vp.height = 0; vp.full_width = 0; vp.full_height = 0; video_driver_translate_coord_viewport_wrap( &vp, ConvertDipsToPixels(args->CurrentPoint->Position.X, dpi), ConvertDipsToPixels(args->CurrentPoint->Position.Y, dpi), &uwp_next_input.touch[i].x, &uwp_next_input.touch[i].y, &uwp_next_input.touch[i].full_x, &uwp_next_input.touch[i].full_y); uwp_next_input.touch[i].isInContact = args->CurrentPoint->IsInContact; } } void App::OnWindowClosed(CoreWindow^ sender, CoreWindowEventArgs^ args) { m_windowClosed = true; } /* DisplayInformation event handlers. */ void App::OnDpiChanged(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args) { m_windowResized = true; } void App::OnOrientationChanged(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args) { m_windowResized = true; } void App::OnDisplayContentsInvalidated(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args) { /* Probably can be ignored? */ } void App::OnPackageInstalling(PackageCatalog^ sender, PackageInstallingEventArgs^ args) { /* TODO: This doesn't seem to work even though it's exactly the same as in sample app and it works there */ if (args->IsComplete) { char msg[512]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Package \"%ls\" installed, a restart may be necessary", args->Package->DisplayName->Data()); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 5 * 60, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } void App::ParseProtocolArgs(Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs^ args, int *argc, std::vector *argv, std::vector *argvTmp) { argvTmp->clear(); argv->clear(); /* If the app is activated using protocol, * it is expected to be in this format: * "retroarch:?cmd=&launchOnExit=" * For example: * retroarch:?cmd=retroarch -L cores\core_libretro.dll "c:\mypath\path with spaces\game.rom"&launchOnExit=LaunchApp: * "cmd" and "launchOnExit" are optional. If none specified, * it will normally launch into menu */ if (args->Kind == ActivationKind::Protocol) { unsigned i; ProtocolActivatedEventArgs^ protocolArgs = dynamic_cast(args); Windows::Foundation::WwwFormUrlDecoder^ query = protocolArgs->Uri->QueryParsed; for (i = 0; i < query->Size; i++) { IWwwFormUrlDecoderEntry^ arg = query->GetAt(i); /* Parse RetroArch command line string */ /* This allows a frotend to quit RetroArch, which in turn allows it * to launch a different game. */ if (arg->Name == "forceExit") CoreApplication::Exit(); else if (arg->Name == "cmd" && !m_initialized) { std::wstring wsValue(arg->Value->ToString()->Data()); std::string strValue(wsValue.begin(), wsValue.end()); std::istringstream iss(strValue); std::string s; /* Set escape character to NULL char to preserve backslashes in * paths which are inside quotes, they get stripped by default */ while (iss >> std::quoted(s, '"', (char)0)) argvTmp->push_back(s); } /* If RetroArch UWP app is started using protocol * with argument "launchOnExit", this gives an option * to launch another app on RA exit, * making it easy to integrate RA with other UWP frontends */ else if (arg->Name == "launchOnExit") m_launchOnExit = arg->Value; } } if (!m_initialized) { (*argc) = argvTmp->size(); /* Convert to char* array compatible with argv */ for (int i = 0; i < argvTmp->size(); i++) argv->push_back((char*)(argvTmp->at(i)).c_str()); argv->push_back(nullptr); } } /* Implement UWP equivalents of various win32_* functions */ extern "C" { bool is_running_on_xbox(void) { Platform::String^ device_family = Windows::System::Profile::AnalyticsInfo::VersionInfo->DeviceFamily; return (device_family == L"Windows.Xbox"); } bool win32_has_focus(void *data) { return App::GetInstance()->IsWindowFocused(); } bool win32_set_video_mode(void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen) { if (App::GetInstance()->IsInitialized()) { if (fullscreen != ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->IsFullScreenMode) { if (fullscreen) ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->TryEnterFullScreenMode(); else ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->ExitFullScreenMode(); } ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->TryResizeView(Size(width, height)); } else { /* In case the window is not activated yet, * TryResizeView will fail and we have to set the * initial parameters instead * Note that these are preserved after restarting the app * and used for the UWP splash screen size (!), so they * should be set only during init and not changed afterwards */ ApplicationView::PreferredLaunchViewSize = Size(width, height); ApplicationView::PreferredLaunchWindowingMode = fullscreen ? ApplicationViewWindowingMode::FullScreen : ApplicationViewWindowingMode::PreferredLaunchViewSize; } /* Setting the window size may sometimes fail "because UWP" * (i.e. we are on device with no windows, or Windows sandbox decides the window can't be that small) * so in case resizing fails we just send a resized event back to RetroArch with old size * (and report success because otherwise it bails out hard about failing * to set video mode) */ App::GetInstance()->SetWindowResized(); return true; } void win32_show_cursor(void *data, bool state) { CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->PointerCursor = state ? ref new CoreCursor(CoreCursorType::Arrow, 0) : nullptr; } bool win32_get_client_rect(RECT* rect) { rect->top = ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->VisibleBounds.Top; rect->left = ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->VisibleBounds.Left; rect->bottom = ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->VisibleBounds.Bottom; rect->right = ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView()->VisibleBounds.Right; return true; } bool win32_get_metrics(void* data, enum display_metric_types type, float* value) { switch (type) { case DISPLAY_METRIC_PIXEL_WIDTH: *value = uwp_get_width(); return true; case DISPLAY_METRIC_PIXEL_HEIGHT: *value = uwp_get_height(); return true; case DISPLAY_METRIC_MM_WIDTH: /* 25.4 mm in an inch. */ { int pixels_x = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->ScreenWidthInRawPixels; int raw_dpi_x = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->RawDpiX; int physical_width = pixels_x / raw_dpi_x; *value = 254 * physical_width / 10; } return true; case DISPLAY_METRIC_MM_HEIGHT: /* 25.4 mm in an inch. */ { int pixels_y = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->ScreenHeightInRawPixels; int raw_dpi_y = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->RawDpiY; int physical_height = pixels_y / raw_dpi_y; *value = 254 * physical_height / 10; } return true; case DISPLAY_METRIC_DPI: *value = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->RawDpiX; return true; case DISPLAY_METRIC_NONE: default: *value = 0; break; } return false; } void win32_check_window(void *data, bool *quit, bool *resize, unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { static bool is_xbox = is_running_on_xbox(); *quit = App::GetInstance()->IsWindowClosed(); if (is_xbox) { settings_t* settings = config_get_ptr(); *width = settings->uints.video_fullscreen_x != 0 ? settings->uints.video_fullscreen_x : uwp_get_width(); *height = settings->uints.video_fullscreen_y != 0 ? settings->uints.video_fullscreen_y : uwp_get_height(); return; } *resize = App::GetInstance()->CheckWindowResized(); if (*resize) { float dpi = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->LogicalDpi; *width = ConvertDipsToPixels(CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Bounds.Width, dpi); *height = ConvertDipsToPixels(CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Bounds.Height, dpi); } } void* uwp_get_corewindow(void) { return (void*)CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); } int uwp_get_height(void) { /* This function must be performed within UI thread, * otherwise it will cause a crash in specific cases * https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/13491 */ float surface_scale = 0; int ret = -1; volatile bool finished = false; Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplication::MainView->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, ref new Windows::UI::Core::DispatchedHandler([&surface_scale, &ret, &finished]() { if (is_running_on_xbox()) { const Windows::Graphics::Display::Core::HdmiDisplayInformation^ hdi = Windows::Graphics::Display::Core::HdmiDisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView(); if (hdi) ret = Windows::Graphics::Display::Core::HdmiDisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->GetCurrentDisplayMode()->ResolutionHeightInRawPixels; } if (ret == -1) { const LONG32 resolution_scale = static_cast(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->ResolutionScale); surface_scale = static_cast(resolution_scale) / 100.0f; ret = static_cast( CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Bounds.Height * surface_scale); } finished = true; })); Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ corewindow = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); while (!finished) { if (corewindow) corewindow->Dispatcher->ProcessEvents(Windows::UI::Core::CoreProcessEventsOption::ProcessAllIfPresent); } return ret; } int uwp_get_width(void) { /* This function must be performed within UI thread, * otherwise it will cause a crash in specific cases * https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/13491 */ float surface_scale = 0; int returnValue = -1; volatile bool finished = false; Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplication::MainView->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->RunAsync( CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, ref new Windows::UI::Core::DispatchedHandler([&surface_scale, &returnValue, &finished]() { if (is_running_on_xbox()) { const Windows::Graphics::Display::Core::HdmiDisplayInformation^ hdi = Windows::Graphics::Display::Core::HdmiDisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView(); if (hdi) returnValue = Windows::Graphics::Display::Core::HdmiDisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->GetCurrentDisplayMode()->ResolutionWidthInRawPixels; } if(returnValue == -1) { const LONG32 resolution_scale = static_cast(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView()->ResolutionScale); surface_scale = static_cast(resolution_scale) / 100.0f; returnValue = static_cast( CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Bounds.Width * surface_scale); } finished = true; })); Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ corewindow = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); while (!finished) { if (corewindow) corewindow->Dispatcher->ProcessEvents(Windows::UI::Core::CoreProcessEventsOption::ProcessAllIfPresent); } return returnValue; } void uwp_fill_installed_core_packages(struct string_list *list) { for (auto package : Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->Dependencies) { if (package->IsOptional) { string_list_elem_attr attr{}; string_list_append(list, utf16_to_utf8_string_alloc((package->InstalledLocation->Path + L"\\cores")->Data()), attr); } } } void uwp_input_next_frame(void *data) { uwp_current_input = uwp_next_input; uwp_next_input.mouse_rel_x = 0; uwp_next_input.mouse_rel_y = 0; uwp_next_input.mouse_wheel_up %= WHEEL_DELTA; uwp_next_input.mouse_wheel_left %= WHEEL_DELTA; } bool uwp_keyboard_pressed(unsigned key) { VirtualKey sym = (VirtualKey)rarch_keysym_lut[(enum retro_key)key]; if (sym == VirtualKey::None) return false; CoreWindow^ window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); /* At times CoreWindow will return NULL while running Dolphin core * Dolphin core runs on its own CPU thread separate from the UI-thread and so we must do a check for this. */ if (window) return (window->GetKeyState(sym) & CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down) == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down; return false; } int16_t uwp_mouse_state(unsigned port, unsigned id, bool screen) { int16_t state = 0; switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_X: return screen ? uwp_current_input.mouse_screen_x : uwp_current_input.mouse_rel_x; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_Y: return screen ? uwp_current_input.mouse_screen_y : uwp_current_input.mouse_rel_y; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT: return uwp_current_input.mouse_left; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT: return uwp_current_input.mouse_right; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP: return uwp_current_input.mouse_wheel_up > WHEEL_DELTA; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN: return uwp_current_input.mouse_wheel_up < -WHEEL_DELTA; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELUP: return uwp_current_input.mouse_wheel_left > WHEEL_DELTA; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELDOWN: return uwp_current_input.mouse_wheel_left < -WHEEL_DELTA; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE: return uwp_current_input.mouse_middle; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_4: return uwp_current_input.mouse_button4; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_5: return uwp_current_input.mouse_button5; } return 0; } int16_t uwp_pointer_state(unsigned idx, unsigned id, bool screen) { switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_X: return screen ? uwp_current_input.touch[idx].full_x : uwp_current_input.touch[idx].x; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_Y: return screen ? uwp_current_input.touch[idx].full_y : uwp_current_input.touch[idx].y; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_PRESSED: return uwp_current_input.touch[idx].isInContact; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_COUNT: return uwp_current_input.touch_count; default: break; } return 0; } void uwp_open_broadfilesystemaccess_settings(void) { Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(ref new Uri("ms-settings:privacy-broadfilesystemaccess")); } enum retro_language uwp_get_language(void) { auto lang = Windows::System::UserProfile::GlobalizationPreferences::Languages->GetAt(0); struct string_list split = {0}; char lang_bcp[16] = {0}; char lang_iso[16] = {0}; wcstombs(lang_bcp, lang->Data(), sizeof(lang_bcp)); /* Trying to convert BCP 47 language codes to ISO 639 ones */ string_list_initialize(&split); string_split_noalloc(&split, lang_bcp, "-"); strlcpy(lang_iso, split.elems[0].data, sizeof(lang_iso)); if (split.size >= 2) { strlcat(lang_iso, "_", sizeof(lang_iso)); strlcat(lang_iso, split.elems[split.size >= 3 ? 2 : 1].data, sizeof(lang_iso)); } string_list_deinitialize(&split); return rarch_get_language_from_iso(lang_iso); } const char* uwp_get_cpu_model_name(void) { /* TODO/FIXME - Xbox codepath should have a hardcoded CPU model name */ if (is_running_on_xbox()) { } else { Platform::String^ cpu_id = nullptr; Platform::String^ cpu_name = nullptr; /* GUID_DEVICE_PROCESSOR: {97FADB10-4E33-40AE-359C-8BEF029DBDD0} */ Platform::String^ if_filter = L"System.Devices.InterfaceClassGuid:=\"{97FADB10-4E33-40AE-359C-8BEF029DBDD0}\""; /* Enumerate all CPU DeviceInterfaces, and get DeviceInstanceID of the first one. */ cpu_id = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([&]() { return create_task(DeviceInformation::FindAllAsync(if_filter)).then( [&](DeviceInformationCollection^ collection) { return dynamic_cast( collection->GetAt(0)->Properties->Lookup(L"System.Devices.DeviceInstanceID")); }); }, nullptr); if (cpu_id) { Platform::String^ dev_filter = L"System.Devices.DeviceInstanceID:=\"" + cpu_id + L"\""; /* Get the Device with the same ID as the DeviceInterface * Then get the name (description) of that Device * We have to do this because the DeviceInterface we get doesn't have a proper description. */ cpu_name = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors([&]() { return create_task( DeviceInformation::FindAllAsync(dev_filter, {}, DeviceInformationKind::Device)).then( [&](DeviceInformationCollection^ collection) { return cpu_name = collection->GetAt(0)->Name; }); }, nullptr); } if (cpu_name) { wcstombs(win32_cpu_model_name, cpu_name->Data(), sizeof(win32_cpu_model_name)); return win32_cpu_model_name; } } return "Unknown"; } }