/* * * Copyright (c) 2002-2012, NVIDIA Corporation. * * * * NVIDIA Corporation("NVIDIA") supplies this software to you in consideration * of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, * modification or redistribution of this NVIDIA software constitutes * acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do * not use, install, modify or redistribute this NVIDIA software. * * * * In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and * subject to these terms, NVIDIA grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, * under NVIDIA's copyrights in this original NVIDIA software (the "NVIDIA * Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the NVIDIA * Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; * provided that if you redistribute the NVIDIA Software, you must retain the * copyright notice of NVIDIA, this notice and the following text and * disclaimers in all such redistributions of the NVIDIA Software. Neither the * name, trademarks, service marks nor logos of NVIDIA Corporation may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from the NVIDIA Software without * specific prior written permission from NVIDIA. Except as expressly stated * in this notice, no other rights or licenses express or implied, are granted * by NVIDIA herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be * infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the NVIDIA * Software may be incorporated. No hardware is licensed hereunder. * * * * THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ITS USE AND OPERATION * EITHER ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. * * * * IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST * PROFITS; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) OR ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, * REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE, * HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef CGD3D9_INCLUDED #define CGD3D9_INCLUDED #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #include "cg.h" #include #include "../d3d9/d3dx9.h" #include /* Set up for either Win32 import/export/lib. */ #ifdef CGD3D9DLL_EXPORTS # define CGD3D9DLL_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(CG_LIB) # define CGD3D9DLL_API #else # define CGD3D9DLL_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #ifndef CGD3D9ENTRY # ifdef _WIN32 # define CGD3D9ENTRY __cdecl # else # define CGD3D9ENTRY # endif #endif enum cgD3D9Errors { cgD3D9Failed = 1000, cgD3D9DebugTrace = 1001 }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HRESULTs specific to cgD3D9. When the CGerror is set to cgD3D9Failed // cgD3D9GetLastError will return an HRESULT that could be one these. // Use cgD3D9TranslateHRESULT() to translate these errors into strings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_NOTLOADED = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 1); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_NODEVICE = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 2); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_NOTSAMPLER = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 3); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_INVALIDPROFILE = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 4); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_NULLVALUE = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 5); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_OUTOFRANGE = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 6); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_NOTUNIFORM = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 7); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_NOTMATRIX = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 8); static const HRESULT CGD3D9ERR_INVALIDPARAM = MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x877, 9); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Other error return values ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const DWORD CGD3D9_INVALID_USAGE = 0xFF; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef CGD3D9_EXPLICIT CGD3D9DLL_API DWORD CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9TypeToSize(CGtype type); CGD3D9DLL_API BYTE CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9ResourceToDeclUsage(CGresource resource); CGD3D9DLL_API CGbool CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetVertexDeclaration(CGprogram prog, D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 decl[MAXD3DDECLLENGTH]); CGD3D9DLL_API CGbool CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9ValidateVertexDeclaration(CGprogram prog, const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *decl); CGD3D9DLL_API IDirect3DDevice9 * CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetDevice(void); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetDevice(IDirect3DDevice9 *pDevice); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9LoadProgram(CGprogram prog, CGbool paramShadowing, DWORD assemFlags); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9UnloadProgram(CGprogram prog); CGD3D9DLL_API CGbool CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9IsProgramLoaded(CGprogram prog); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9BindProgram(CGprogram prog); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetUniform(CGparameter param, const void *floats); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetUniformArray(CGparameter param, DWORD offset, DWORD numItems, const void *values); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetUniformMatrix(CGparameter param, const D3DMATRIX *matrix); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetUniformMatrixArray(CGparameter param, DWORD offset, DWORD numItems, const D3DMATRIX *matrices); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetTexture(CGparameter param, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *tex); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetSamplerState(CGparameter param, D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE type, DWORD value); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetTextureWrapMode(CGparameter param, DWORD value); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9EnableParameterShadowing(CGprogram prog, CGbool enable); CGD3D9DLL_API CGbool CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9IsParameterShadowingEnabled(CGprogram prog); CGD3D9DLL_API CGprofile CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetLatestVertexProfile(void); CGD3D9DLL_API CGprofile CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetLatestPixelProfile(void); CGD3D9DLL_API const char ** CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetOptimalOptions(CGprofile profile); CGD3D9DLL_API CGbool CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9IsProfileSupported(CGprofile profile); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetLastError(void); CGD3D9DLL_API const char * CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9TranslateCGerror(CGerror error); CGD3D9DLL_API const char * CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9TranslateHRESULT(HRESULT hr); CGD3D9DLL_API void CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9EnableDebugTracing(CGbool enable); CGD3D9DLL_API void CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9RegisterStates(CGcontext ctx); CGD3D9DLL_API void CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetManageTextureParameters(CGcontext ctx, CGbool flag); CGD3D9DLL_API CGbool CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetManageTextureParameters(CGcontext ctx); CGD3D9DLL_API IDirect3DBaseTexture9 * CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9GetTextureParameter(CGparameter param); CGD3D9DLL_API void CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9SetTextureParameter(CGparameter param, IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *tex); CGD3D9DLL_API void CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9UnloadAllPrograms(void); CGD3D9DLL_API HRESULT CGD3D9ENTRY cgD3D9UnbindProgram(CGprogram prog); #endif /* CGD3D9_EXPLICIT */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _WIN32 */ #endif