/* * This file is part of iMAME4all. * * Copyright (C) 2010 David Valdeita (Seleuco) * * based on: * * wiiuse * * Written By: * Michael Laforest < para > * Email: < thepara (--AT--) g m a i l [--DOT--] com > * * Copyright 2006-2007 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Seleuco * gives permission to link the code of this program with * the MAME library (or with modified versions of MAME that use the * same license as MAME), and distribute linked combinations including * the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than MAME. If you modify * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "boolean.h" #include "wiimote.h" int wiimote_send(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte report_type, byte* msg, int len); int wiimote_read_data(struct wiimote_t* wm, unsigned int addr, unsigned short len); int wiimote_write_data(struct wiimote_t* wm, unsigned int addr, byte* data, byte len); void wiimote_set_leds(struct wiimote_t* wm, int leds); int classic_ctrl_handshake(struct wiimote_t* wm, struct classic_ctrl_t* cc, byte* data, unsigned short len); void classic_ctrl_event(struct classic_ctrl_t* cc, byte* msg); /** * @brief Request the wiimote controller status. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * * Controller status includes: battery level, LED status, expansions */ void wiimote_status(struct wiimote_t* wm) { byte buf = 0; if (!wm || !WIIMOTE_IS_CONNECTED(wm)) return; #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Requested wiimote status.\n"); #endif wiimote_send(wm, WM_CMD_CTRL_STATUS, &buf, 1); } void wiimote_data_report(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte type) { byte buf[2] = {0x0,0x0}; if (!wm || !WIIMOTE_IS_CONNECTED(wm)) return; buf[1] = type; //CUIDADO es un &buf? wiimote_send(wm, WM_CMD_REPORT_TYPE, buf, 2); } /** * @brief Set the enabled LEDs. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param leds What LEDs to enable. * * \a leds is a bitwise or of WIIMOTE_LED_1, WIIMOTE_LED_2, WIIMOTE_LED_3, or WIIMOTE_LED_4. */ void wiimote_set_leds(struct wiimote_t* wm, int leds) { byte buf; if (!wm || !WIIMOTE_IS_CONNECTED(wm)) return; /* remove the lower 4 bits because they control rumble */ wm->leds = (leds & 0xF0); buf = wm->leds; wiimote_send(wm, WM_CMD_LED, &buf, 1); } /** * @brief Find what buttons are pressed. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet. */ void wiimote_pressed_buttons(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg) { short now; /* convert to big endian */ now = BIG_ENDIAN_SHORT(*(short*)msg) & WIIMOTE_BUTTON_ALL; /* buttons pressed now */ wm->btns = now; } /** * @brief Handle data from the expansion. * * @param wm A pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet for the expansion. */ void wiimote_handle_expansion(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte* msg) { switch (wm->exp.type) { case EXP_CLASSIC: classic_ctrl_event(&wm->exp.classic, msg); break; default: break; } } /** * @brief Get initialization data from the wiimote. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param data unused * @param len unused * * When first called for a wiimote_t structure, a request * is sent to the wiimote for initialization information. * This includes factory set accelerometer data. * The handshake will be concluded when the wiimote responds * with this data. */ int wiimote_handshake(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte event, byte* data, unsigned short len) { if (!wm) return 0; while(1) { #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Handshake %d\n",wm->handshake_state); #endif switch (wm->handshake_state) { case 0://no ha habido nunca handshake, debemos forzar un mensaje de staus para ver que pasa. { WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE); wiimote_set_leds(wm, WIIMOTE_LED_NONE); /* request the status of the wiimote to see if there is an expansion */ wiimote_status(wm); wm->handshake_state=1; return 0; } case 1://estamos haciendo handshake o bien se necesita iniciar un nuevo handshake ya que se inserta(quita una expansion. { int attachment = 0; if(event != WM_RPT_CTRL_STATUS) return 0; /* is an attachment connected to the expansion port? */ if ((data[2] & WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_ATTACHMENT) == WM_CTRL_STATUS_BYTE1_ATTACHMENT) attachment = 1; #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("attachment %d %d\n",attachment,WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)); #endif /* expansion port */ if (attachment && !WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)) { WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP); /* send the initialization code for the attachment */ #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("haciendo el handshake de la expansion\n"); #endif if(WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm,WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE)) { #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("rehandshake\n"); #endif WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE); WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE);//forzamos un handshake por si venimos de un hanshake completo } byte buf; //Old way. initialize the extension was by writing the single encryption byte 0x00 to 0x(4)A40040 //buf = 0x00; //wiimote_write_data(wm, WM_EXP_MEM_ENABLE, &buf, 1); //NEW WAY 0x55 to 0x(4)A400F0, then writing 0x00 to 0x(4)A400FB. (support clones) buf = 0x55; wiimote_write_data(wm, 0x04A400F0, &buf, 1); usleep(100000); buf = 0x00; wiimote_write_data(wm, 0x04A400FB, &buf, 1); //check extension type! usleep(100000); wiimote_read_data(wm, WM_EXP_MEM_CALIBR+220, 4); //wiimote_read_data(wm, WM_EXP_MEM_CALIBR, EXP_HANDSHAKE_LEN); wm->handshake_state = 4; return 0; } else if (!attachment && WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP)) { /* attachment removed */ WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP); wm->exp.type = EXP_NONE; if(WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm,WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE)) { #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("rehandshake\n"); #endif WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE); WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE);//forzamos un handshake por si venimos de un hanshake completo } } if(!attachment && WIIMOTE_IS_SET(wm,WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE)) { wm->handshake_state = 2; continue; } return 0; } case 2://find handshake no expansion { #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Finalizado HANDSHAKE SIN EXPANSION\n"); #endif wiimote_data_report(wm,WM_RPT_BTN); wm->handshake_state = 6; continue; } case 3://find handshake expansion { #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Finalizado HANDSHAKE CON EXPANSION\n"); #endif wiimote_data_report(wm,WM_RPT_BTN_EXP); wm->handshake_state = 6; continue; } case 4: { if(event != WM_RPT_READ) return 0; int id = BIG_ENDIAN_LONG(*(int*)(data)); #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Expansion id=0x%04x\n",id); #endif if(id!=/*EXP_ID_CODE_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER*/0xa4200101) { wm->handshake_state = 2; //WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_EXP); continue; } else { usleep(100000); wiimote_read_data(wm, WM_EXP_MEM_CALIBR, 16);//pedimos datos de calibracion del JOY! wm->handshake_state = 5; } return 0; } case 5: { if(event != WM_RPT_READ) return 0; classic_ctrl_handshake(wm, &wm->exp.classic, data,len); wm->handshake_state = 3; continue; } case 6: { WIIMOTE_DISABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE); WIIMOTE_ENABLE_STATE(wm, WIIMOTE_STATE_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE); wm->handshake_state = 1; if(wm->unid==0) wiimote_set_leds(wm, WIIMOTE_LED_1); else if(wm->unid==1) wiimote_set_leds(wm, WIIMOTE_LED_2); else if(wm->unid==2) wiimote_set_leds(wm, WIIMOTE_LED_3); else if(wm->unid==3) wiimote_set_leds(wm, WIIMOTE_LED_4); return 1; } default: { break; } } } } /** * @brief Send a packet to the wiimote. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param report_type The report type to send (WIIMOTE_CMD_LED, WIIMOTE_CMD_RUMBLE, etc). Found in wiimote.h * @param msg The payload. * @param len Length of the payload in bytes. * * This function should replace any write()s directly to the wiimote device. */ int wiimote_send(struct wiimote_t* wm, byte report_type, byte* msg, int len) { byte buf[32]; buf[0] = WM_SET_REPORT | WM_BT_OUTPUT; buf[1] = report_type; memcpy(buf+2, msg, len); #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG int x = 2; printf("[DEBUG] (id %i) SEND: (%x) %.2x ", wm->unid, buf[0], buf[1]); for (; x < len+2; ++x) printf("%.2x ", buf[x]); printf("\n"); #endif apple_pad_send_control(wm->connection, buf, len + 2); return 1; } /** * @brief Read data from the wiimote (event version). * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param addr The address of wiimote memory to read from. * @param len The length of the block to be read. * * The library can only handle one data read request at a time * because it must keep track of the buffer and other * events that are specific to that request. So if a request * has already been made, subsequent requests will be added * to a pending list and be sent out when the previous * finishes. */ int wiimote_read_data(struct wiimote_t* wm, unsigned int addr, unsigned short len) { //No puden ser mas de 16 lo leido o vendra en trozos! if (!wm || !WIIMOTE_IS_CONNECTED(wm)) return 0; if (!len /*|| len > 16*/) return 0; byte buf[6]; /* the offset is in big endian */ *(int*)(buf) = BIG_ENDIAN_LONG(addr); /* the length is in big endian */ *(short*)(buf + 4) = BIG_ENDIAN_SHORT(len); #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Request read at address: 0x%x length: %i", addr, len); #endif wiimote_send(wm, WM_CMD_READ_DATA, buf, 6); return 1; } /** * @brief Write data to the wiimote. * * @param wm Pointer to a wiimote_t structure. * @param addr The address to write to. * @param data The data to be written to the memory location. * @param len The length of the block to be written. */ int wiimote_write_data(struct wiimote_t* wm, unsigned int addr, byte* data, byte len) { byte buf[21] = {0}; /* the payload is always 23 */ if (!wm || !WIIMOTE_IS_CONNECTED(wm)) return 0; if (!data || !len) return 0; #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("Writing %i bytes to memory location 0x%x...\n", len, addr); int i = 0; printf("Write data is: "); for (; i < len; ++i) printf("%x ", data[i]); printf("\n"); #endif /* the offset is in big endian */ *(int*)(buf) = BIG_ENDIAN_LONG(addr); /* length */ *(byte*)(buf + 4) = len; /* data */ memcpy(buf + 5, data, len); wiimote_send(wm, WM_CMD_WRITE_DATA, buf, 21); return 1; } /////////////////////// CLASSIC ///////////////// static void classic_ctrl_pressed_buttons(struct classic_ctrl_t* cc, short now); void calc_joystick_state(struct joystick_t* js, float x, float y); /** * @brief Handle the handshake data from the classic controller. * * @param cc A pointer to a classic_ctrl_t structure. * @param data The data read in from the device. * @param len The length of the data block, in bytes. * * @return Returns 1 if handshake was successful, 0 if not. */ int classic_ctrl_handshake(struct wiimote_t* wm, struct classic_ctrl_t* cc, byte* data, unsigned short len) { int offset = 0; cc->btns = 0; cc->r_shoulder = 0; cc->l_shoulder = 0; /* decrypt data */ /* for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) data[i] = (data[i] ^ 0x17) + 0x17; */ #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG int x = 0; printf("[DECRIPTED]"); for (; x < len; x++) printf("%.2x ", data[x]); printf("\n"); #endif /* if (data[offset] == 0xFF) { return 0;//ERROR! } */ /* joystick stuff */ if (data[offset] != 0xFF && data[offset] != 0x00) { cc->ljs.max.x = data[0 + offset] / 4; cc->ljs.min.x = data[1 + offset] / 4; cc->ljs.center.x = data[2 + offset] / 4; cc->ljs.max.y = data[3 + offset] / 4; cc->ljs.min.y = data[4 + offset] / 4; cc->ljs.center.y = data[5 + offset] / 4; cc->rjs.max.x = data[6 + offset] / 8; cc->rjs.min.x = data[7 + offset] / 8; cc->rjs.center.x = data[8 + offset] / 8; cc->rjs.max.y = data[9 + offset] / 8; cc->rjs.min.y = data[10 + offset] / 8; cc->rjs.center.y = data[11 + offset] / 8; } else { cc->ljs.max.x = 55; cc->ljs.min.x = 5; cc->ljs.center.x = 30; cc->ljs.max.y = 55; cc->ljs.min.y = 5; cc->ljs.center.y = 30; cc->rjs.max.x = 30; cc->rjs.min.x = 0; cc->rjs.center.x = 15; cc->rjs.max.y = 30; cc->rjs.min.y = 0; cc->rjs.center.y = 15; } /* handshake done */ wm->exp.type = EXP_CLASSIC; return 1; } /** * @brief Handle classic controller event. * * @param cc A pointer to a classic_ctrl_t structure. * @param msg The message specified in the event packet. */ void classic_ctrl_event(struct classic_ctrl_t* cc, byte* msg) { int lx, ly, rx, ry; byte l, r; /* decrypt data */ /* for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) msg[i] = (msg[i] ^ 0x17) + 0x17; */ classic_ctrl_pressed_buttons(cc, BIG_ENDIAN_SHORT(*(short*)(msg + 4))); /* left/right buttons */ l = (((msg[2] & 0x60) >> 2) | ((msg[3] & 0xE0) >> 5)); r = (msg[3] & 0x1F); /* * TODO - LR range hardcoded from 0x00 to 0x1F. * This is probably in the calibration somewhere. */ cc->r_shoulder = ((float)r / 0x1F); cc->l_shoulder = ((float)l / 0x1F); /* calculate joystick orientation */ lx = (msg[0] & 0x3F); ly = (msg[1] & 0x3F); rx = ((msg[0] & 0xC0) >> 3) | ((msg[1] & 0xC0) >> 5) | ((msg[2] & 0x80) >> 7); ry = (msg[2] & 0x1F); #ifdef WIIMOTE_DBG printf("lx ly rx ry %d %d %d %d\n",lx,ly,rx,ry); #endif // calc_joystick_state(&cc->ljs, lx, ly); // calc_joystick_state(&cc->rjs, rx, ry); /* printf("classic L button pressed: %f\n", cc->l_shoulder); printf("classic R button pressed: %f\n", cc->r_shoulder); printf("classic left joystick angle: %f\n", cc->ljs.ang); printf("classic left joystick magnitude: %f\n", cc->ljs.mag); printf("classic right joystick angle: %f\n", cc->rjs.ang); printf("classic right joystick magnitude: %f\n", cc->rjs.mag); */ } /** * @brief Find what buttons are pressed. * * @param cc A pointer to a classic_ctrl_t structure. * @param msg The message byte specified in the event packet. */ static void classic_ctrl_pressed_buttons(struct classic_ctrl_t* cc, short now) { /* message is inverted (0 is active, 1 is inactive) */ now = ~now & CLASSIC_CTRL_BUTTON_ALL; /* buttons pressed now */ cc->btns = now; } /** * @brief Calculate the angle and magnitude of a joystick. * * @param js [out] Pointer to a joystick_t structure. * @param x The raw x-axis value. * @param y The raw y-axis value. */ void calc_joystick_state(struct joystick_t* js, float x, float y) { js->rx = 0; js->ry = 0; if (x > js->center.x) js->rx = ((float)(x - js->center.x) / (float)(js->max.x - js->center.x)); else if (x < js->center.x) js->rx = ((float)(x - js->min.x) / (float)(js->center.x - js->min.x)) - 1.0f; if (y > js->center.y) js->ry = ((float)(y - js->center.y) / (float)(js->max.y - js->center.y)); else if (js->ry < js->center.y) js->ry = ((float)(y - js->min.y) / (float)(js->center.y - js->min.y)) - 1.0f; }