/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 - Andre Leiradella * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../core.h" #include "../../retroarch.h" #include "../../core.h" #include "../../gfx/video_driver.h" #include "../../managers/core_option_manager.h" #include "../../cheevos/cheevos.h" #include "../../content.h" #define BASIC_INFO "info" #define MEMORY_MAP "memoryMap" static struct mg_callbacks s_httpserver_callbacks; static struct mg_context *s_httpserver_ctx = NULL; /* Based on https://github.com/zeromq/rfc/blob/master/src/spec_32.c */ static void httpserver_z85_encode_inplace(Bytef* data, size_t size) { static char digits[85 + 1] = { "0123456789" "abcdefghij" "klmnopqrst" "uvwxyzABCD" "EFGHIJKLMN" "OPQRSTUVWX" "YZ.-:+=^!/" "*?&<>()[]{" "}@%$#" }; uLong value; Bytef* source = data + size - 4; Bytef* dest = data + size * 5 / 4 - 5; dest[5] = 0; if (source >= data) { do { value = source[0] * 256 * 256 * 256; value += source[1] * 256 * 256; value += source[2] * 256; value += source[3]; source -= 4; dest[4] = digits[value % 85]; value /= 85; dest[3] = digits[value % 85]; value /= 85; dest[2] = digits[value % 85]; value /= 85; dest[1] = digits[value % 85]; dest[0] = digits[value / 85]; dest -= 5; } while (source >= data); } } static void json_string_encode(char* output, size_t size, const char* input) { /* Don't use with UTF-8 strings. */ char k; if (*input != 0 && size != 0) { do { switch (k = *input++) { case '"': /* fall through */ case '\\': /* fall through */ case '/': if (size >= 3) { *output++ = '\\'; *output++ = k; size -= 2; } break; case '\b': if (size >= 3) { *output++ = '\\'; *output++ = 'b'; size -= 2; } break; case '\f': if (size >= 3) { *output++ = '\\'; *output++ = 'f'; size -= 2; } break; case '\n': if (size >= 3) { *output++ = '\\'; *output++ = 'n'; size -= 2; } break; case '\r': if (size >= 3) { *output++ = '\\'; *output++ = 'r'; size -= 2; } break; case '\t': if (size >= 3) { *output++ = '\\'; *output++ = 't'; size -= 2; } break; default: if (size >= 2) { *output++ = k; } size--; break; } } while (*input != 0); } *output = 0; } /*============================================================ HTTP ERRORS ============================================================ */ static int httpserver_error(struct mg_connection* conn, unsigned code, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buffer[1024] = {0}; const char* reason = NULL; switch (code) { case 404: reason = "Not Found"; break; case 405: reason = "Method Not Allowed"; break; default: /* Send unknown codes as 500 */ code = 500; reason = "Internal Server Error"; break; } va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args); va_end(args); buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = 0; mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 %u %s\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", code, reason); mg_printf(conn, "

%u %s


", code, reason, buffer); return 1; } /*============================================================ INFO ============================================================ */ static int httpserver_handle_basic_info(struct mg_connection* conn, void* cbdata) { static const char *libretro_btn_desc[] = { "B (bottom)", "Y (left)", "Select", "Start", "D-Pad Up", "D-Pad Down", "D-Pad Left", "D-Pad Right", "A (right)", "X (up)", "L", "R", "L2", "R2", "L3", "R3", }; unsigned p, q, r; retro_ctx_api_info_t api; retro_ctx_region_info_t region; retro_ctx_memory_info_t sram; retro_ctx_memory_info_t rtc; retro_ctx_memory_info_t sysram; retro_ctx_memory_info_t vram; char core_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; const char* pixel_format = NULL; const struct retro_subsystem_info* subsys = NULL; const struct retro_subsystem_rom_info* rom = NULL; const struct retro_subsystem_memory_info* mem = NULL; const struct retro_controller_description* ctrl = NULL; const char* comma = NULL; const struct core_option* opts = NULL; const struct retro_system_av_info* av_info = NULL; const core_option_manager_t* core_opts = NULL; const struct mg_request_info * req = mg_get_request_info(conn); const settings_t * settings = config_get_ptr(); rarch_system_info_t *system = runloop_get_system_info(); if (string_is_empty(system->info.library_name)) return httpserver_error(conn, 500, "Core not initialized in %s", __FUNCTION__); if (!core_is_game_loaded()) return httpserver_error(conn, 500, "Game not loaded in %s", __FUNCTION__); json_string_encode(core_path, sizeof(core_path), config_get_active_core_path()); core_api_version(&api); core_get_region(®ion); switch (video_driver_get_pixel_format()) { case RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555: pixel_format = "RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555"; break; case RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888: pixel_format = "RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888"; break; case RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565: pixel_format = "RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565"; break; default: pixel_format = "?"; break; } sram.id = RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM; core_get_memory(&sram); rtc.id = RETRO_MEMORY_RTC; core_get_memory(&rtc); sysram.id = RETRO_MEMORY_SYSTEM_RAM; core_get_memory(&sysram); vram.id = RETRO_MEMORY_VIDEO_RAM; core_get_memory(&vram); mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n" "{" "\"corePath\":\"%s\"," "\"apiVersion\":%u," "\"systemInfo\":" "{" "\"libraryName\":\"%s\"," "\"libraryVersion\":\"%s\"," "\"validExtensions\":\"%s\"," "\"needsFullpath\":%s," "\"blockExtract\":%s" "}," "\"region\":\"%s\"," "\"pixelFormat\":\"%s\"," "\"rotation\":%u," "\"performaceLevel\":%u," "\"supportsNoGame\":%s," #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS "\"frontendSupportsAchievements\":true," "\"coreSupportsAchievements\":%s," #else "\"frontendSupportsAchievements\":false," "\"coreSupportsAchievements\":null," #endif "\"saveRam\":{\"pointer\":\"%" PRIXPTR "\",\"size\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "}," "\"rtcRam\":{\"pointer\":\"%" PRIXPTR "\",\"size\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "}," "\"systemRam\":{\"pointer\":\"%" PRIXPTR "\",\"size\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "}," "\"videoRam\":{\"pointer\":\"%" PRIXPTR "\",\"size\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "},", core_path, api.version, system->info.library_name, system->info.library_version, system->info.valid_extensions, system->info.need_fullpath ? "true" : "false", system->info.block_extract ? "true" : "false", region.region ? "RETRO_REGION_PAL" : "RETRO_REGION_NTSC", pixel_format, system->rotation, system->performance_level, content_does_not_need_content() ? "true" : "false", #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS cheevos_get_support_cheevos() ? "true" : "false", #endif (uintptr_t)sram.data, sram.size, (uintptr_t)rtc.data, rtc.size, (uintptr_t)sysram.data, sysram.size, (uintptr_t)vram.data, vram.size ); mg_printf(conn, "\"subSystems\":["); subsys = system->subsystem.data; for (p = 0; p < system->subsystem.size; p++, subsys++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{\"id\":%u,\"description\":\"%s\",\"identifier\":\"%s\",\"roms\":[", p == 0 ? "" : ",", subsys->id, subsys->desc, subsys->ident); rom = subsys->roms; for (q = 0; q < subsys->num_roms; q++, rom++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{" "\"description\":\"%s\"," "\"extensions\":\"%s\"," "\"needsFullpath\":%s," "\"blockExtract\":%s," "\"required\":%s," "\"memory\":[", q == 0 ? "" : ",", rom->desc, rom->valid_extensions, rom->need_fullpath ? "true" : "false", rom->block_extract ? "true" : "false", rom->required ? "true" : "false" ); mem = rom->memory; comma = ""; for (r = 0; r < rom->num_memory; r++, mem++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{\"extension\":\"%s\",\"type\":%u}", comma, mem->extension, mem->type); comma = ","; } mg_printf(conn, "]}"); } mg_printf(conn, "]}"); } av_info = video_viewport_get_system_av_info(); mg_printf(conn, "],\"avInfo\":{" "\"geometry\":{" "\"baseWidth\":%u," "\"baseHeight\":%u," "\"maxWidth\":%u," "\"maxHeight\":%u," "\"aspectRatio\":%f" "}," "\"timing\":{" "\"fps\":%f," "\"sampleRate\":%f" "}" "},", av_info->geometry.base_width, av_info->geometry.base_height, av_info->geometry.max_width, av_info->geometry.max_height, av_info->geometry.aspect_ratio, av_info->timing.fps, av_info->timing.sample_rate ); mg_printf(conn, "\"ports\":["); comma = ""; for (p = 0; p < system->ports.size; p++) { ctrl = system->ports.data[p].types; for (q = 0; q < system->ports.data[p].num_types; q++, ctrl++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{\"id\":%u,\"description\":\"%s\"}", comma, ctrl->id, ctrl->desc); comma = ","; } } mg_printf(conn, "],\"inputDescriptors\":["); comma = ""; if (core_has_set_input_descriptor()) { for (p = 0; p < settings->input.max_users; p++) { for (q = 0; q < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND; q++) { const char* description = system->input_desc_btn[p][q]; if (description) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{\"player\":%u,\"button\":\"%s\",\"description\":\"%s\"}", comma, p + 1, libretro_btn_desc[q], description ); comma = ","; } } } } mg_printf(conn, "],\"coreOptions\":["); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_LIST_GET, (void*)&core_opts); opts = core_opts->opts; for (p = 0; p < core_opts->size; p++, opts++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{\"key\":\"%s\",\"description\":\"%s\",\"values\":[", p == 0 ? "" : ",", opts->key, opts->desc); comma = ""; for (q = 0; q < opts->vals->size; q++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s\"%s\"", comma, opts->vals->elems[q].data); comma = ","; } mg_printf(conn, "]}"); } mg_printf(conn, "]}"); return 1; } /*============================================================ MMAPS ============================================================ */ static int httpserver_handle_get_mmaps(struct mg_connection* conn, void* cbdata) { unsigned id; const struct mg_request_info* req = mg_get_request_info(conn); const char* comma = ""; const struct retro_memory_map* mmaps = NULL; const struct retro_memory_descriptor* mmap = NULL; rarch_system_info_t *system = runloop_get_system_info(); if (strcmp(req->request_method, "GET")) return httpserver_error(conn, 405, "Unimplemented method in %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, req->request_method); mmaps = &system->mmaps; mmap = mmaps->descriptors; mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "["); for (id = 0; id < mmaps->num_descriptors; id++, mmap++) { mg_printf(conn, "%s{" "\"id\":%u," "\"flags\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "," "\"ptr\":\"%" PRIXPTR "\"," "\"offset\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "," "\"start\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "," "\"select\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "," "\"disconnect\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "," "\"len\":" STRING_REP_UINT64 "," "\"addrspace\":\"%s\"" "}", comma, id, mmap->flags, (uintptr_t)mmap->ptr, mmap->offset, mmap->start, mmap->select, mmap->disconnect, mmap->len, mmap->addrspace ? mmap->addrspace : "" ); comma = ","; } mg_printf(conn, "]"); return 1; } static int httpserver_handle_get_mmap(struct mg_connection* conn, void* cbdata) { size_t start, length; unsigned id; uLong buflen; const struct mg_request_info * req = mg_get_request_info(conn); const char * comma = ""; const struct retro_memory_map* mmaps = NULL; const struct retro_memory_descriptor* mmap = NULL; const char* param = NULL; Bytef* buffer = NULL; rarch_system_info_t *system = runloop_get_system_info(); if (strcmp(req->request_method, "GET")) return httpserver_error(conn, 405, "Unimplemented method in %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, req->request_method); if (sscanf(req->request_uri, "/" MEMORY_MAP "/%u", &id) != 1) return httpserver_error(conn, 500, "Malformed request in %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, req->request_uri); mmaps = &system->mmaps; if (id >= mmaps->num_descriptors) return httpserver_error(conn, 404, "Invalid memory map id in %s: %u", __FUNCTION__, id); mmap = mmaps->descriptors + id; start = 0; length = mmap->len; if (req->query_string != NULL) { param = strstr(req->query_string, "start="); if (param != NULL) start = atoll(param + 6); param = strstr(req->query_string, "length="); if (param != NULL) length = atoll(param + 7); } if (start >= mmap->len) start = mmap->len - 1; if (length > mmap->len - start) length = mmap->len - start; buflen = compressBound(length); buffer = (Bytef*)malloc(((buflen + 3) / 4) * 5); if (buffer == NULL) return httpserver_error(conn, 500, "Out of memory in %s", __FUNCTION__); if (compress2(buffer, &buflen, (Bytef*)mmap->ptr + start, length, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK) { free((void*)buffer); return httpserver_error(conn, 500, "Error during compression in %s", __FUNCTION__); } buffer[buflen] = 0; buffer[buflen + 1] = 0; buffer[buflen + 2] = 0; httpserver_z85_encode_inplace(buffer, (buflen + 3) & ~3); mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n"); mg_printf(conn, "{" "\"start\":" STRING_REP_USIZE "," "\"length\":" STRING_REP_USIZE "," "\"compression\":\"deflate\"," "\"compressedLength\":" STRING_REP_USIZE "," "\"encoding\":\"Z85\"," "\"data\":\"%s\"" "}", start, length, (size_t)buflen, (char*)buffer ); free((void*)buffer); return 1; } static int httpserver_handle_mmaps(struct mg_connection* conn, void* cbdata) { unsigned id; const struct mg_request_info* req = mg_get_request_info(conn); if (sscanf(req->request_uri, "/" MEMORY_MAP "/%u", &id) == 1) return httpserver_handle_get_mmap(conn, cbdata); return httpserver_handle_get_mmaps(conn, cbdata); } /*============================================================ HTTP SERVER ============================================================ */ int httpserver_init(unsigned port) { char str[16]; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%u", port); str[sizeof(str) - 1] = 0; const char* options[] = { "listening_ports", str, NULL, NULL }; memset(&s_httpserver_callbacks, 0, sizeof(s_httpserver_callbacks)); s_httpserver_ctx = mg_start(&s_httpserver_callbacks, NULL, options); if (s_httpserver_ctx == NULL) return -1; mg_set_request_handler(s_httpserver_ctx, "/" BASIC_INFO, httpserver_handle_basic_info, NULL); mg_set_request_handler(s_httpserver_ctx, "/" MEMORY_MAP, httpserver_handle_mmaps, NULL); mg_set_request_handler(s_httpserver_ctx, "/" MEMORY_MAP "/", httpserver_handle_mmaps, NULL); return 0; } void httpserver_destroy(void) { mg_stop(s_httpserver_ctx); }