/* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (runtime_file.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <retro_miscellaneous.h> #include <streams/file_stream.h> #include <formats/rjson.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include <encodings/utf.h> #include <time/rtime.h> #include "file_path_special.h" #include "paths.h" #include "core_info.h" #include "verbosity.h" #include "msg_hash.h" #if defined(HAVE_MENU) #include "menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #include "runtime_file.h" #define LOG_FILE_RUNTIME_FORMAT_STR "%u:%02u:%02u" #define LOG_FILE_LAST_PLAYED_FORMAT_STR "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u" /* JSON Stuff... */ typedef struct { char **current_entry_val; char *runtime_string; char *last_played_string; } RtlJSONContext; static bool RtlJSONObjectMemberHandler(void *ctx, const char *s, size_t len) { RtlJSONContext *p_ctx = (RtlJSONContext*)ctx; /* Something went wrong */ if (p_ctx->current_entry_val) return false; if (len) { if (string_is_equal(s, "runtime")) p_ctx->current_entry_val = &p_ctx->runtime_string; else if (string_is_equal(s, "last_played")) p_ctx->current_entry_val = &p_ctx->last_played_string; /* Ignore unknown members */ } return true; } static bool RtlJSONStringHandler(void *ctx, const char *s, size_t len) { RtlJSONContext *p_ctx = (RtlJSONContext*)ctx; if (p_ctx->current_entry_val && len && !string_is_empty(s)) { if (*p_ctx->current_entry_val) free(*p_ctx->current_entry_val); *p_ctx->current_entry_val = strdup(s); } /* Ignore unknown members */ p_ctx->current_entry_val = NULL; return true; } /* Initialisation */ /* Parses log file referenced by runtime_log->path. * Does nothing if log file does not exist. */ static void runtime_log_read_file(runtime_log_t *runtime_log) { rjson_t* parser; unsigned runtime_hours = 0; unsigned runtime_minutes = 0; unsigned runtime_seconds = 0; unsigned last_played_year = 0; unsigned last_played_month = 0; unsigned last_played_day = 0; unsigned last_played_hour = 0; unsigned last_played_minute = 0; unsigned last_played_second = 0; RtlJSONContext context = {0}; /* Attempt to open log file */ RFILE *file = filestream_open(runtime_log->path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!file) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to open runtime log file: %s\n", runtime_log->path); return; } /* Initialise JSON parser */ if (!(parser = rjson_open_rfile(file))) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to create JSON parser.\n"); goto end; } /* Configure parser */ rjson_set_options(parser, RJSON_OPTION_ALLOW_UTF8BOM); /* Read file */ if (rjson_parse(parser, &context, RtlJSONObjectMemberHandler, RtlJSONStringHandler, NULL, /* unused number handler */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* unused object/array handlers */ NULL, NULL) /* unused boolean/null handlers */ != RJSON_DONE) { if (rjson_get_source_context_len(parser)) { RARCH_ERR("Error parsing chunk of runtime log file: %s\n---snip---\n%.*s\n---snip---\n", runtime_log->path, rjson_get_source_context_len(parser), rjson_get_source_context_buf(parser)); } RARCH_WARN("Error parsing runtime log file: %s\n", runtime_log->path); RARCH_ERR("Error: Invalid JSON at line %d, column %d - %s.\n", (int)rjson_get_source_line(parser), (int)rjson_get_source_column(parser), (*rjson_get_error(parser) ? rjson_get_error(parser) : "format error")); } /* Free parser */ rjson_free(parser); /* Process string values read from JSON file */ /* Runtime */ if (!string_is_empty(context.runtime_string)) { if (sscanf(context.runtime_string, LOG_FILE_RUNTIME_FORMAT_STR, &runtime_hours, &runtime_minutes, &runtime_seconds) != 3) { RARCH_ERR("Runtime log file - invalid 'runtime' entry detected: %s\n", runtime_log->path); goto end; } } /* Last played */ if (!string_is_empty(context.last_played_string)) { if (sscanf(context.last_played_string, LOG_FILE_LAST_PLAYED_FORMAT_STR, &last_played_year, &last_played_month, &last_played_day, &last_played_hour, &last_played_minute, &last_played_second) != 6) { RARCH_ERR("Runtime log file - invalid 'last played' entry detected: %s\n", runtime_log->path); goto end; } } /* If we reach this point then all is well * > Assign values to runtime_log object */ runtime_log->runtime.hours = runtime_hours; runtime_log->runtime.minutes = runtime_minutes; runtime_log->runtime.seconds = runtime_seconds; runtime_log->last_played.year = last_played_year; runtime_log->last_played.month = last_played_month; runtime_log->last_played.day = last_played_day; runtime_log->last_played.hour = last_played_hour; runtime_log->last_played.minute = last_played_minute; runtime_log->last_played.second = last_played_second; end: /* Clean up leftover strings */ if (context.runtime_string) free(context.runtime_string); if (context.last_played_string) free(context.last_played_string); /* Close log file */ filestream_close(file); } /* Initialise runtime log, loading current parameters * if log file exists. Returned object must be free()'d. * Returns NULL if core_path is invalid, or content_path * is invalid and core does not support contentless * operation */ runtime_log_t *runtime_log_init( const char *content_path, const char *core_path, const char *dir_runtime_log, const char *dir_playlist, bool log_per_core) { char content_name[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char core_name[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char log_file_dir[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char log_file_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char tmp_buf[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; bool supports_no_game = false; core_info_t *core_info = NULL; runtime_log_t *runtime_log = NULL; content_name[0] = '\0'; core_name[0] = '\0'; if ( string_is_empty(dir_runtime_log) && string_is_empty(dir_playlist)) { RARCH_ERR("Runtime log directory is undefined - cannot save" " runtime log files.\n"); return NULL; } if ( string_is_empty(core_path) || string_is_equal(core_path, "builtin") || string_is_equal(core_path, "DETECT")) return NULL; /* Get core info: * - Need to know if core supports contentless operation * - Need core name in order to generate file path when * per-core logging is enabled * Note: An annoyance - core name is required even when * we are performing aggregate logging, since content * name is sometimes dependent upon core * (e.g. see TyrQuake below) */ if (core_info_find(core_path, &core_info)) { supports_no_game = core_info->supports_no_game; if (!string_is_empty(core_info->core_name)) strlcpy(core_name, core_info->core_name, sizeof(core_name)); } if (string_is_empty(core_name)) return NULL; /* Get runtime log directory * If 'custom' runtime log path is undefined, * use default 'playlists/logs' directory... */ if (string_is_empty(dir_runtime_log)) fill_pathname_join_special( tmp_buf, dir_playlist, "logs", sizeof(tmp_buf)); else strlcpy(tmp_buf, dir_runtime_log, sizeof(tmp_buf)); if (string_is_empty(tmp_buf)) return NULL; if (log_per_core) fill_pathname_join_special( log_file_dir, tmp_buf, core_name, sizeof(log_file_dir)); else strlcpy(log_file_dir, tmp_buf, sizeof(log_file_dir)); if (string_is_empty(log_file_dir)) return NULL; /* Create directory, if required */ if (!path_is_directory(log_file_dir)) { if (!path_mkdir(log_file_dir)) { RARCH_ERR("[runtime] failed to create directory for" " runtime log: %s.\n", log_file_dir); return NULL; } } /* Get content name */ if (string_is_empty(content_path)) { /* If core supports contentless operation and * no content is provided, 'content' is simply * the name of the core itself */ if (supports_no_game) { size_t _len = strlcpy(content_name, core_name, sizeof(content_name)); strlcpy(content_name + _len, ".lrtl", sizeof(content_name) - _len); } } /* NOTE: TyrQuake requires a specific hack, since all * content has the same name... */ else if (string_is_equal(core_name, "TyrQuake")) { const char *last_slash = find_last_slash(content_path); if (last_slash) { size_t path_length = last_slash + 1 - content_path; if (path_length < PATH_MAX_LENGTH) { size_t _len; memset(tmp_buf, 0, sizeof(tmp_buf)); strlcpy(tmp_buf, content_path, path_length * sizeof(char)); _len = strlcpy(content_name, path_basename(tmp_buf), sizeof(content_name)); strlcpy(content_name + _len, ".lrtl", sizeof(content_name) - _len); } } } else { size_t _len; /* path_remove_extension() requires a char * (not const) * so have to use a temporary buffer... */ char *tmp_buf_no_ext = NULL; tmp_buf[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(tmp_buf, path_basename(content_path), sizeof(tmp_buf)); tmp_buf_no_ext = path_remove_extension(tmp_buf); if (string_is_empty(tmp_buf_no_ext)) return NULL; _len = strlcpy(content_name, tmp_buf_no_ext, sizeof(content_name)); strlcpy(content_name + _len, ".lrtl", sizeof(content_name) - _len); } if (string_is_empty(content_name)) return NULL; /* Build final log file path */ fill_pathname_join_special(log_file_path, log_file_dir, content_name, sizeof(log_file_path)); if (string_is_empty(log_file_path)) return NULL; /* Phew... If we get this far then all is well. * > Create 'runtime_log' object */ if (!(runtime_log = (runtime_log_t*)malloc(sizeof(*runtime_log)))) return NULL; /* > Populate default values */ runtime_log->runtime.hours = 0; runtime_log->runtime.minutes = 0; runtime_log->runtime.seconds = 0; runtime_log->last_played.year = 0; runtime_log->last_played.month = 0; runtime_log->last_played.day = 0; runtime_log->last_played.hour = 0; runtime_log->last_played.minute = 0; runtime_log->last_played.second = 0; runtime_log->path[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(runtime_log->path, log_file_path, sizeof(runtime_log->path)); /* Load existing log file, if it exists */ if (path_is_valid(runtime_log->path)) runtime_log_read_file(runtime_log); return runtime_log; } /* Convert from hours, minutes, seconds to microseconds */ static retro_time_t runtime_log_convert_hms2usec(unsigned hours, unsigned minutes, unsigned seconds) { return ( (retro_time_t)hours * 60 * 60 * 1000000) + ((retro_time_t)minutes * 60 * 1000000) + ((retro_time_t)seconds * 1000000); } /* Setters */ /* Adds specified microseconds value to current runtime */ void runtime_log_add_runtime_usec( runtime_log_t *runtime_log, retro_time_t usec) { retro_time_t usec_old; if (!runtime_log) return; usec_old = runtime_log_convert_hms2usec( runtime_log->runtime.hours, runtime_log->runtime.minutes, runtime_log->runtime.seconds); runtime_log_convert_usec2hms(usec_old + usec, &runtime_log->runtime.hours, &runtime_log->runtime.minutes, &runtime_log->runtime.seconds); } /* Sets last played entry to specified value */ void runtime_log_set_last_played(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, unsigned year, unsigned month, unsigned day, unsigned hour, unsigned minute, unsigned second) { if (!runtime_log) return; /* This function should never be needed, so just * perform dumb value assignment (i.e. no validation * using mktime()) */ runtime_log->last_played.year = year; runtime_log->last_played.month = month; runtime_log->last_played.day = day; runtime_log->last_played.hour = hour; runtime_log->last_played.minute = minute; runtime_log->last_played.second = second; } /* Sets last played entry to current date/time */ void runtime_log_set_last_played_now(runtime_log_t *runtime_log) { time_t current_time; struct tm time_info; if (!runtime_log) return; /* Get current time */ time(¤t_time); rtime_localtime(¤t_time, &time_info); /* Extract values */ runtime_log->last_played.year = (unsigned)time_info.tm_year + 1900; runtime_log->last_played.month = (unsigned)time_info.tm_mon + 1; runtime_log->last_played.day = (unsigned)time_info.tm_mday; runtime_log->last_played.hour = (unsigned)time_info.tm_hour; runtime_log->last_played.minute = (unsigned)time_info.tm_min; runtime_log->last_played.second = (unsigned)time_info.tm_sec; } /* Resets log to default (zero) values */ void runtime_log_reset(runtime_log_t *runtime_log) { if (!runtime_log) return; runtime_log->runtime.hours = 0; runtime_log->runtime.minutes = 0; runtime_log->runtime.seconds = 0; runtime_log->last_played.year = 0; runtime_log->last_played.month = 0; runtime_log->last_played.day = 0; runtime_log->last_played.hour = 0; runtime_log->last_played.minute = 0; runtime_log->last_played.second = 0; } /* Getters */ /* Gets runtime in hours, minutes, seconds */ static void runtime_log_get_runtime_hms(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, unsigned *hours, unsigned *minutes, unsigned *seconds) { if (!runtime_log) return; *hours = runtime_log->runtime.hours; *minutes = runtime_log->runtime.minutes; *seconds = runtime_log->runtime.seconds; } /* Gets runtime as a pre-formatted string */ void runtime_log_get_runtime_str(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, char *s, size_t len) { size_t _len = strlcpy(s, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_SUBLABEL_RUNTIME), len); s[_len ] = ' '; if (runtime_log) { snprintf(s + _len + 1, len - _len - 1, "%02u:%02u:%02u", runtime_log->runtime.hours, runtime_log->runtime.minutes, runtime_log->runtime.seconds); } else { s[_len+1] = '0'; s[_len+2] = '0'; s[_len+3] = ':'; s[_len+4] = '0'; s[_len+5] = '0'; s[_len+6] = ':'; s[_len+7] = '0'; s[_len+8] = '0'; s[_len+9] = '\0'; } } /* Gets last played entry values */ void runtime_log_get_last_played(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, unsigned *year, unsigned *month, unsigned *day, unsigned *hour, unsigned *minute, unsigned *second) { if (!runtime_log) return; *year = runtime_log->last_played.year; *month = runtime_log->last_played.month; *day = runtime_log->last_played.day; *hour = runtime_log->last_played.hour; *minute = runtime_log->last_played.minute; *second = runtime_log->last_played.second; } /* Gets last played entry values as a struct tm 'object' * (e.g. for printing with strftime()) */ static void runtime_log_get_last_played_time(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, struct tm *time_info) { /* Set tm values */ time_info->tm_year = (int)runtime_log->last_played.year - 1900; time_info->tm_mon = (int)runtime_log->last_played.month - 1; time_info->tm_mday = (int)runtime_log->last_played.day; time_info->tm_hour = (int)runtime_log->last_played.hour; time_info->tm_min = (int)runtime_log->last_played.minute; time_info->tm_sec = (int)runtime_log->last_played.second; time_info->tm_isdst = -1; /* Perform any required range adjustment + populate * missing entries */ mktime(time_info); } static bool runtime_last_played_human(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, char *str, size_t len) { size_t _len; struct tm time_info; time_t last_played; time_t current; time_t delta; unsigned i; unsigned units[7][2] = { {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS_PLURAL}, {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_MINUTES_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_MINUTES_PLURAL}, {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_HOURS_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_HOURS_PLURAL}, {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_DAYS_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_DAYS_PLURAL}, {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_WEEKS_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_WEEKS_PLURAL}, {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_MONTHS_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_MONTHS_PLURAL}, {MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_YEARS_SINGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_YEARS_PLURAL}, }; float periods[6] = {60.0f, 60.0f, 24.0f, 7.0f, 4.35f, 12.0f}; if (!runtime_log) return false; /* Get time */ runtime_log_get_last_played_time(runtime_log, &time_info); last_played = mktime(&time_info); current = time(NULL); if ((delta = current - last_played) <= 0) return false; for (i = 0; delta >= periods[i] && i < sizeof(periods) - 1; i++) delta /= periods[i]; /* Generate string */ _len = snprintf(str, len, "%u ", (int)delta); _len += strlcpy(str + _len, msg_hash_to_str((enum msg_hash_enums)units[i][(delta == 1) ? 0 : 1]), len - _len); str[ _len] = ' '; str[++_len] = '\0'; strlcpy(str + _len, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TIME_UNIT_AGO), len - _len); return true; } /* Gets last played entry value as a pre-formatted string */ void runtime_log_get_last_played_str(runtime_log_t *runtime_log, char *str, size_t len, enum playlist_sublabel_last_played_style_type timedate_style, enum playlist_sublabel_last_played_date_separator_type date_separator) { const char *format_str = ""; size_t _len = strlcpy(str, msg_hash_to_str( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_SUBLABEL_LAST_PLAYED), len); if (runtime_log) { bool has_am_pm = false; /* Handle 12-hour clock options * > These require extra work, due to AM/PM localisation */ switch (timedate_style) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_YMD_HMS_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; /* Using switch statements to set the format * string is verbose, but has far less performance * impact than setting the date separator dynamically * (i.e. no snprintf() or character replacement...) */ switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %Y.%m.%d %I:%M:%S %p"; break; default: format_str = " %Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_YMD_HM_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %Y/%m/%d %I:%M %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %Y.%m.%d %I:%M %p"; break; default: format_str = " %Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MDYYYY_HMS_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %m.%d.%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; break; default: format_str = " %m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MDYYYY_HM_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %m.%d.%Y %I:%M %p"; break; default: format_str = " %m-%d-%Y %I:%M %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MD_HM_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %m/%d %I:%M %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %m.%d %I:%M %p"; break; default: format_str = " %m-%d %I:%M %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMMYYYY_HMS_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %d.%m.%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; break; default: format_str = " %d-%m-%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMMYYYY_HM_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %d/%m/%Y %I:%M %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %d.%m.%Y %I:%M %p"; break; default: format_str = " %d-%m-%Y %I:%M %p"; break; } break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMM_HM_AMPM: has_am_pm = true; switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %d/%m %I:%M %p"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %d.%m %I:%M %p"; break; default: format_str = " %d-%m %I:%M %p"; break; } break; default: break; } if (has_am_pm) { /* Get time */ struct tm time_info; runtime_log_get_last_played_time(runtime_log, &time_info); strftime_am_pm(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, &time_info); return; } /* Handle non-12-hour clock options */ switch (timedate_style) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_YMD_HM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %04u.%02u.%02u %02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_YMD: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %04u/%02u/%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %04u.%02u.%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %04u-%02u-%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_YM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %04u/%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %04u.%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %04u-%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.month); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MDYYYY_HMS: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u-%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute, runtime_log->last_played.second); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MDYYYY_HM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u-%04u %02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MD_HM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u %02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u %02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u %02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MDYYYY: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u/%04u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u.%04u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u-%04u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.year); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_MD: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMMYYYY_HMS: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u-%04u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute, runtime_log->last_played.second); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMMYYYY_HM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u/%04u %02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u-%04u %02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMM_HM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u %02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u %02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u %02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMMYYYY: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u/%04u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u.%04u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u-%04u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.year); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_DDMM: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %02u/%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %02u.%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %02u-%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.month); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_AGO: str[ _len] = ' '; str[++_len] = '\0'; if (!(runtime_last_played_human(runtime_log, str + _len, len - _len - 2))) strlcat(str + _len, msg_hash_to_str( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_INLINE_CORE_DISPLAY_NEVER), len - _len - 2); return; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_STYLE_YMD_HMS: default: switch (date_separator) { case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_SLASH: format_str = " %04u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; case PLAYLIST_LAST_PLAYED_DATE_SEPARATOR_PERIOD: format_str = " %04u.%02u.%02u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; default: format_str = " %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u"; break; } snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, format_str, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute, runtime_log->last_played.second); return; } } else snprintf(str + _len, len - _len, " %s", msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_INLINE_CORE_DISPLAY_NEVER)); } /* Status */ /* Returns true if log has a non-zero runtime entry */ bool runtime_log_has_runtime(runtime_log_t *runtime_log) { if (runtime_log) return !( (runtime_log->runtime.hours == 0) && (runtime_log->runtime.minutes == 0) && (runtime_log->runtime.seconds == 0)); return false; } /* Saving */ /* Saves specified runtime log to disk */ void runtime_log_save(runtime_log_t *runtime_log) { char value_string[64]; /* 64 characters should be enough for a very long runtime... :) */ RFILE *file = NULL; rjsonwriter_t* writer; if (!runtime_log) return; RARCH_LOG("[Runtime]: Saving runtime log file: \"%s\".\n", runtime_log->path); /* Attempt to open log file */ if (!(file = filestream_open(runtime_log->path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_WRITE, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE))) { RARCH_ERR("[Runtime]: Failed to open runtime log file: \"%s\".\n", runtime_log->path); return; } /* Initialise JSON writer */ if (!(writer = rjsonwriter_open_rfile(file))) { RARCH_ERR("[Runtime]: Failed to create JSON writer.\n"); goto end; } /* Write output file */ rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "{", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "\n", 1); /* > Version entry */ rjsonwriter_add_spaces(writer, 2); rjsonwriter_add_string(writer, "version"); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, ":", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, " ", 1); rjsonwriter_add_string(writer, "1.0"); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, ",", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "\n", 1); /* > Runtime entry */ snprintf(value_string, sizeof(value_string), LOG_FILE_RUNTIME_FORMAT_STR, runtime_log->runtime.hours, runtime_log->runtime.minutes, runtime_log->runtime.seconds); rjsonwriter_add_spaces(writer, 2); rjsonwriter_add_string(writer, "runtime"); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, ":", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, " ", 1); rjsonwriter_add_string(writer, value_string); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, ",", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "\n", 1); /* > Last played entry */ value_string[0] = '\0'; snprintf(value_string, sizeof(value_string), LOG_FILE_LAST_PLAYED_FORMAT_STR, runtime_log->last_played.year, runtime_log->last_played.month, runtime_log->last_played.day, runtime_log->last_played.hour, runtime_log->last_played.minute, runtime_log->last_played.second); rjsonwriter_add_spaces(writer, 2); rjsonwriter_add_string(writer, "last_played"); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, ":", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, " ", 1); rjsonwriter_add_string(writer, value_string); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "\n", 1); /* > Finalise */ rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "}", 1); rjsonwriter_raw(writer, "\n", 1); /* Free JSON writer */ if (!rjsonwriter_free(writer)) { RARCH_ERR("Error writing runtime log file: %s\n", runtime_log->path); } end: /* Close log file */ filestream_close(file); } /* Utility functions */ /* Convert from microseconds to hours, minutes, seconds */ void runtime_log_convert_usec2hms(retro_time_t usec, unsigned *hours, unsigned *minutes, unsigned *seconds) { *seconds = (unsigned)(usec / 1000000); *minutes = *seconds / 60; *hours = *minutes / 60; *seconds -= *minutes * 60; *minutes -= *hours * 60; } /* Playlist manipulation */ /* Updates specified playlist entry runtime values with * contents of associated log file */ void runtime_update_playlist( playlist_t *playlist, size_t idx, const char *dir_runtime_log, const char *dir_playlist, bool log_per_core, enum playlist_sublabel_last_played_style_type timedate_style, enum playlist_sublabel_last_played_date_separator_type date_separator) { char runtime_str[64]; char last_played_str[64]; runtime_log_t *runtime_log = NULL; const struct playlist_entry *entry = NULL; struct playlist_entry update_entry = {0}; #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && (defined(HAVE_OZONE) || defined(HAVE_MATERIALUI)) const char *menu_ident = menu_driver_ident(); #endif /* Sanity check */ if (!playlist) return; if (idx >= playlist_get_size(playlist)) return; /* Set fallback playlist 'runtime_status' * (saves 'if' checks later...) */ update_entry.runtime_status = PLAYLIST_RUNTIME_MISSING; /* 'Attach' runtime/last played strings */ runtime_str[0] = '\0'; last_played_str[0] = '\0'; update_entry.runtime_str = runtime_str; update_entry.last_played_str = last_played_str; /* Read current playlist entry */ playlist_get_index(playlist, idx, &entry); /* Attempt to open log file */ if ((runtime_log = runtime_log_init( entry->path, entry->core_path, dir_runtime_log, dir_playlist, log_per_core))) { /* Check whether a non-zero runtime has been recorded */ if (runtime_log_has_runtime(runtime_log)) { /* Read current runtime */ runtime_log_get_runtime_hms(runtime_log, &update_entry.runtime_hours, &update_entry.runtime_minutes, &update_entry.runtime_seconds); runtime_log_get_runtime_str(runtime_log, runtime_str, sizeof(runtime_str)); /* Read last played timestamp */ runtime_log_get_last_played(runtime_log, &update_entry.last_played_year, &update_entry.last_played_month, &update_entry.last_played_day, &update_entry.last_played_hour, &update_entry.last_played_minute, &update_entry.last_played_second); runtime_log_get_last_played_str(runtime_log, last_played_str, sizeof(last_played_str), timedate_style, date_separator); /* Playlist entry now contains valid runtime data */ update_entry.runtime_status = PLAYLIST_RUNTIME_VALID; } /* Clean up */ free(runtime_log); } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && (defined(HAVE_OZONE) || defined(HAVE_MATERIALUI)) /* Ozone and GLUI require runtime/last played strings * to be populated even when no runtime is recorded */ if (update_entry.runtime_status != PLAYLIST_RUNTIME_VALID) { if (string_is_equal(menu_ident, "ozone") || string_is_equal(menu_ident, "glui")) { runtime_log_get_runtime_str(NULL, runtime_str, sizeof(runtime_str)); runtime_log_get_last_played_str(NULL, last_played_str, sizeof(last_played_str), timedate_style, date_separator); /* While runtime data does not exist, the playlist * entry does now contain valid information... */ update_entry.runtime_status = PLAYLIST_RUNTIME_VALID; } } #endif /* Update playlist */ playlist_update_runtime(playlist, idx, &update_entry, false); } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) /* Contentless cores manipulation */ /* Updates specified contentless core runtime values with * contents of associated log file */ void runtime_update_contentless_core( const char *core_path, const char *dir_runtime_log, const char *dir_playlist, bool log_per_core, enum playlist_sublabel_last_played_style_type timedate_style, enum playlist_sublabel_last_played_date_separator_type date_separator) { char runtime_str[64]; char last_played_str[64]; core_info_t *core_info = NULL; runtime_log_t *runtime_log = NULL; contentless_core_runtime_info_t runtime_info = {0}; #if (defined(HAVE_OZONE) || defined(HAVE_MATERIALUI)) const char *menu_ident = menu_driver_ident(); #endif /* Sanity check */ if ( string_is_empty(core_path) || !core_info_find(core_path, &core_info) || !core_info->supports_no_game) return; /* Set fallback runtime status * (saves 'if' checks later...) */ runtime_info.status = CONTENTLESS_CORE_RUNTIME_MISSING; /* 'Attach' runtime/last played strings */ runtime_str[0] = '\0'; last_played_str[0] = '\0'; runtime_info.runtime_str = runtime_str; runtime_info.last_played_str = last_played_str; /* Attempt to open log file */ runtime_log = runtime_log_init( NULL, core_path, dir_runtime_log, dir_playlist, log_per_core); if (runtime_log) { /* Check whether a non-zero runtime has been recorded */ if (runtime_log_has_runtime(runtime_log)) { /* Read current runtime */ runtime_log_get_runtime_str(runtime_log, runtime_str, sizeof(runtime_str)); /* Read last played timestamp */ runtime_log_get_last_played_str(runtime_log, last_played_str, sizeof(last_played_str), timedate_style, date_separator); /* Contentless core entry now contains valid runtime data */ runtime_info.status = CONTENTLESS_CORE_RUNTIME_VALID; } /* Clean up */ free(runtime_log); } #if (defined(HAVE_OZONE) || defined(HAVE_MATERIALUI)) /* Ozone and GLUI require runtime/last played strings * to be populated even when no runtime is recorded */ if (runtime_info.status != CONTENTLESS_CORE_RUNTIME_VALID) { if ( string_is_equal(menu_ident, "ozone") || string_is_equal(menu_ident, "glui")) { runtime_log_get_runtime_str(NULL, runtime_str, sizeof(runtime_str)); runtime_log_get_last_played_str(NULL, last_played_str, sizeof(last_played_str), timedate_style, date_separator); /* While runtime data does not exist, the contentless * core entry does now contain valid information... */ runtime_info.status = CONTENTLESS_CORE_RUNTIME_VALID; } } #endif /* Update contentless core */ menu_contentless_cores_set_runtime(core_info->core_file_id.str, &runtime_info); } #endif