/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 - Michael Lelli * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Jean-AndrĂ© Santoni * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 - Brad Parker * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _XBOX #include <xtl.h> #else #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #endif #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(HAVE_DRMINGW) #include "exchndl.h" #endif #endif #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500 || defined(_XBOX) #ifndef LEGACY_WIN32 #define LEGACY_WIN32 #endif #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) #include <objbase.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <math.h> #include <locale.h> #include <boolean.h> #include <clamping.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #include <streams/stdin_stream.h> #include <dynamic/dylib.h> #include <file/config_file.h> #include <lists/string_list.h> #include <retro_math.h> #include <retro_timers.h> #include <encodings/utf.h> #include <gfx/scaler/pixconv.h> #include <gfx/scaler/scaler.h> #include <gfx/video_frame.h> #include <libretro.h> #define VFS_FRONTEND #include <vfs/vfs_implementation.h> #include <features/features_cpu.h> #include <compat/strl.h> #include <compat/strcasestr.h> #include <compat/getopt.h> #include <audio/conversion/float_to_s16.h> #include <audio/conversion/s16_to_float.h> #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER #include <audio/audio_mixer.h> #endif #include <audio/dsp_filter.h> #include <compat/posix_string.h> #include <streams/file_stream.h> #include <streams/interface_stream.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <retro_assert.h> #include <retro_miscellaneous.h> #include <queues/message_queue.h> #include <queues/task_queue.h> #include <lists/dir_list.h> #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING #include <net/net_http.h> #endif #ifdef WIIU #include <wiiu/os/energy.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX #include <switch.h> #include "switch_performance_profiles.h" #endif #include "config.def.h" #include "config.def.keybinds.h" #include "runtime_file.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING #include <net/net_compat.h> #include <net/net_socket.h> #endif #include <audio/audio_resampler.h> #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "menu/menu_driver.h" #include "menu/menu_animation.h" #include "menu/menu_input.h" #include "menu/widgets/menu_dialog.h" #include "menu/widgets/menu_input_bind_dialog.h" #ifdef HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS #include "menu/widgets/menu_widgets.h" #endif #include "menu/widgets/menu_osk.h" #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) #include "menu/menu_shader.h" #endif #endif #include "input/input_mapper.h" #include "input/input_keymaps.h" #include "input/input_remapping.h" #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS #include "cheevos-new/cheevos.h" #include "cheevos-new/fixup.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_TRANSLATE #include "translation/translation_service.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD #include "discord/discord.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING #include "network/netplay/netplay.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #include <rthreads/rthreads.h> #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) #include "gfx/common/gl_common.h" #elif defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) #include "gfx/common/gl_core_common.h" #endif #include "autosave.h" #include "command.h" #include "config.features.h" #include "cores/internal_cores.h" #include "content.h" #include "core_type.h" #include "core_info.h" #include "dynamic.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "driver.h" #include "msg_hash.h" #include "paths.h" #include "file_path_special.h" #include "ui/ui_companion_driver.h" #include "verbosity.h" #include "frontend/frontend_driver.h" #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #include "gfx/video_thread_wrapper.h" #endif #include "gfx/video_display_server.h" #include "gfx/video_crt_switch.h" #include "wifi/wifi_driver.h" #include "led/led_driver.h" #include "midi/midi_driver.h" #include "core.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "list_special.h" #include "managers/core_option_manager.h" #include "managers/cheat_manager.h" #include "managers/state_manager.h" #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER #include "tasks/task_audio_mixer.h" #endif #include "tasks/task_content.h" #include "tasks/tasks_internal.h" #include "performance_counters.h" #include "version.h" #include "version_git.h" #include "retroarch.h" #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD #include "runahead/mylist.h" #include "runahead/mem_util.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #include "audio/audio_thread_wrapper.h" #endif /* DRIVERS */ #define DRIVERS_CMD_ALL \ ( DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK \ | DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK \ | DRIVER_INPUT_MASK \ | DRIVER_CAMERA_MASK \ | DRIVER_LOCATION_MASK \ | DRIVER_MENU_MASK \ | DRIVERS_VIDEO_INPUT_MASK \ | DRIVER_WIFI_MASK \ | DRIVER_LED_MASK \ | DRIVER_MIDI_MASK ) #define DRIVERS_CMD_ALL_BUT_MENU \ ( DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK \ | DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK \ | DRIVER_INPUT_MASK \ | DRIVER_CAMERA_MASK \ | DRIVER_LOCATION_MASK \ | DRIVERS_VIDEO_INPUT_MASK \ | DRIVER_WIFI_MASK \ | DRIVER_LED_MASK \ | DRIVER_MIDI_MASK ) static const audio_driver_t *audio_drivers[] = { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA &audio_alsa, #if !defined(__QNX__) && defined(HAVE_THREADS) &audio_alsathread, #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_TINYALSA &audio_tinyalsa, #endif #if defined(HAVE_AUDIOIO) &audio_audioio, #endif #if defined(HAVE_OSS) || defined(HAVE_OSS_BSD) &audio_oss, #endif #ifdef HAVE_RSOUND &audio_rsound, #endif #ifdef HAVE_COREAUDIO &audio_coreaudio, #endif #ifdef HAVE_COREAUDIO3 &audio_coreaudio3, #endif #ifdef HAVE_AL &audio_openal, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SL &audio_opensl, #endif #ifdef HAVE_ROAR &audio_roar, #endif #ifdef HAVE_JACK &audio_jack, #endif #if defined(HAVE_SDL) || defined(HAVE_SDL2) &audio_sdl, #endif #ifdef HAVE_XAUDIO &audio_xa, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DSOUND &audio_dsound, #endif #ifdef HAVE_WASAPI &audio_wasapi, #endif #ifdef HAVE_PULSE &audio_pulse, #endif #ifdef __CELLOS_LV2__ &audio_ps3, #endif #ifdef XENON &audio_xenon360, #endif #ifdef GEKKO &audio_gx, #endif #ifdef WIIU &audio_ax, #endif #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN &audio_rwebaudio, #endif #if defined(PSP) || defined(VITA) || defined(ORBIS) &audio_psp, #endif #if defined(PS2) &audio_ps2, #endif #ifdef _3DS &audio_ctr_csnd, &audio_ctr_dsp, #endif #ifdef SWITCH &audio_switch, &audio_switch_thread, #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX &audio_switch_libnx_audren, &audio_switch_libnx_audren_thread, #endif #endif &audio_null, NULL, }; static const video_driver_t *video_drivers[] = { #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL &video_gl2, #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) &video_gl_core, #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL1 &video_gl1, #endif #ifdef HAVE_VULKAN &video_vulkan, #endif #ifdef HAVE_METAL &video_metal, #endif #ifdef XENON &video_xenon360, #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3D12) &video_d3d12, #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3D11) &video_d3d11, #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3D10) &video_d3d10, #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3D9) &video_d3d9, #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3D8) &video_d3d8, #endif #ifdef HAVE_VITA2D &video_vita2d, #endif #ifdef PSP &video_psp1, #endif #ifdef PS2 &video_ps2, #endif #ifdef _3DS &video_ctr, #endif #ifdef SWITCH &video_switch, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SDL &video_sdl, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SDL2 &video_sdl2, #endif #ifdef HAVE_XVIDEO &video_xvideo, #endif #ifdef GEKKO &video_gx, #endif #ifdef WIIU &video_wiiu, #endif #ifdef HAVE_VG &video_vg, #endif #ifdef HAVE_OMAP &video_omap, #endif #ifdef HAVE_EXYNOS &video_exynos, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DISPMANX &video_dispmanx, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SUNXI &video_sunxi, #endif #ifdef HAVE_PLAIN_DRM &video_drm, #endif #ifdef HAVE_XSHM &video_xshm, #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) #ifdef HAVE_GDI &video_gdi, #endif #endif #ifdef DJGPP &video_vga, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIXEL &video_sixel, #endif #ifdef HAVE_CACA &video_caca, #endif &video_null, NULL, }; static const gfx_ctx_driver_t *gfx_ctx_drivers[] = { #if defined(ORBIS) &orbis_ctx, #endif #if defined(HAVE_LIBNX) && defined(HAVE_OPENGL) &switch_ctx, #endif #if defined(__CELLOS_LV2__) &gfx_ctx_ps3, #endif #if defined(HAVE_VIDEOCORE) &gfx_ctx_videocore, #endif #if defined(HAVE_MALI_FBDEV) &gfx_ctx_mali_fbdev, #endif #if defined(HAVE_VIVANTE_FBDEV) &gfx_ctx_vivante_fbdev, #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENDINGUX_FBDEV) &gfx_ctx_opendingux_fbdev, #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && (defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL1) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) || defined(HAVE_VULKAN)) &gfx_ctx_wgl, #endif #if defined(HAVE_WAYLAND) &gfx_ctx_wayland, #endif #if defined(HAVE_X11) && !defined(HAVE_OPENGLES) #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL1) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) || defined(HAVE_VULKAN) &gfx_ctx_x, #endif #endif #if defined(HAVE_X11) && defined(HAVE_OPENGL) && defined(HAVE_EGL) &gfx_ctx_x_egl, #endif #if defined(HAVE_KMS) &gfx_ctx_drm, #endif #if defined(ANDROID) &gfx_ctx_android, #endif #if defined(__QNX__) &gfx_ctx_qnx, #endif #if defined(HAVE_COCOA) || defined(HAVE_COCOATOUCH) || defined(HAVE_COCOA_METAL) &gfx_ctx_cocoagl, #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) && !defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) &gfx_ctx_cgl, #endif #if (defined(HAVE_SDL) || defined(HAVE_SDL2)) && (defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL1) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE)) &gfx_ctx_sdl_gl, #endif #ifdef HAVE_OSMESA &gfx_ctx_osmesa, #endif #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN &gfx_ctx_emscripten, #endif #if defined(HAVE_VULKAN) && defined(HAVE_VULKAN_DISPLAY) &gfx_ctx_khr_display, #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) #ifdef HAVE_GDI &gfx_ctx_gdi, #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIXEL &gfx_ctx_sixel, #endif &gfx_ctx_null, NULL }; static input_driver_t *input_drivers[] = { #ifdef ORBIS &input_ps4, #endif #ifdef __CELLOS_LV2__ &input_ps3, #endif #if defined(SN_TARGET_PSP2) || defined(PSP) || defined(VITA) &input_psp, #endif #if defined(PS2) &input_ps2, #endif #if defined(_3DS) &input_ctr, #endif #if defined(SWITCH) &input_switch, #endif #if defined(HAVE_SDL) || defined(HAVE_SDL2) &input_sdl, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DINPUT &input_dinput, #endif #ifdef HAVE_X11 &input_x, #endif #ifdef __WINRT__ &input_uwp, #endif #ifdef XENON &input_xenon360, #endif #if defined(HAVE_XINPUT2) || defined(HAVE_XINPUT_XBOX1) || defined(__WINRT__) &input_xinput, #endif #ifdef GEKKO &input_gx, #endif #ifdef WIIU &input_wiiu, #endif #ifdef ANDROID &input_android, #endif #ifdef HAVE_UDEV &input_udev, #endif #if defined(__linux__) && !defined(ANDROID) &input_linuxraw, #endif #if defined(HAVE_COCOA) || defined(HAVE_COCOATOUCH) || defined(HAVE_COCOA_METAL) &input_cocoa, #endif #ifdef __QNX__ &input_qnx, #endif #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN &input_rwebinput, #endif #ifdef DJGPP &input_dos, #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501 && !defined(__WINRT__) /* winraw only available since XP */ &input_winraw, #endif &input_null, NULL, }; static input_device_driver_t *joypad_drivers[] = { #ifdef __CELLOS_LV2__ &ps3_joypad, #endif #ifdef HAVE_XINPUT &xinput_joypad, #endif #ifdef GEKKO &gx_joypad, #endif #ifdef WIIU &wiiu_joypad, #endif #ifdef _XBOX &xdk_joypad, #endif #if defined(ORBIS) &ps4_joypad, #endif #if defined(PSP) || defined(VITA) &psp_joypad, #endif #if defined(PS2) &ps2_joypad, #endif #ifdef _3DS &ctr_joypad, #endif #ifdef SWITCH &switch_joypad, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DINPUT &dinput_joypad, #endif #ifdef HAVE_UDEV &udev_joypad, #endif #if defined(__linux) && !defined(ANDROID) &linuxraw_joypad, #endif #ifdef HAVE_PARPORT &parport_joypad, #endif #ifdef ANDROID &android_joypad, #endif #if defined(HAVE_SDL) || defined(HAVE_SDL2) &sdl_joypad, #endif #ifdef __QNX__ &qnx_joypad, #endif #ifdef HAVE_MFI &mfi_joypad, #endif #ifdef DJGPP &dos_joypad, #endif /* Selecting the HID gamepad driver disables the Wii U gamepad. So while * we want the HID code to be compiled & linked, we don't want the driver * to be selectable in the UI. */ #if defined(HAVE_HID) && !defined(WIIU) &hid_joypad, #endif #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN &rwebpad_joypad, #endif &null_joypad, NULL, }; #ifdef HAVE_HID static hid_driver_t *hid_drivers[] = { #if defined(HAVE_BTSTACK) &btstack_hid, #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(HAVE_IOHIDMANAGER) &iohidmanager_hid, #endif #if defined(HAVE_LIBUSB) && defined(HAVE_THREADS) &libusb_hid, #endif #ifdef HW_RVL &wiiusb_hid, #endif &null_hid, NULL, }; #endif static const wifi_driver_t *wifi_drivers[] = { #ifdef HAVE_LAKKA &wifi_connmanctl, #endif &wifi_null, NULL, }; static const location_driver_t *location_drivers[] = { #ifdef ANDROID &location_android, #endif &location_null, NULL, }; static const ui_companion_driver_t *ui_companion_drivers[] = { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) &ui_companion_win32, #endif #if defined(HAVE_COCOA) || defined(HAVE_COCOA_METAL) &ui_companion_cocoa, #endif #ifdef HAVE_COCOATOUCH &ui_companion_cocoatouch, #endif NULL }; static const record_driver_t *record_drivers[] = { #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG &record_ffmpeg, #endif &record_null, NULL, }; extern midi_driver_t midi_null; extern midi_driver_t midi_winmm; extern midi_driver_t midi_alsa; static midi_driver_t *midi_drivers[] = { #if defined(HAVE_ALSA) && !defined(HAVE_HAKCHI) &midi_alsa, #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINMM &midi_winmm, #endif &midi_null }; static const camera_driver_t *camera_drivers[] = { #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 &camera_v4l2, #endif #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN &camera_rwebcam, #endif #ifdef ANDROID &camera_android, #endif &camera_null, NULL, }; /* MAIN GLOBAL VARIABLES */ #define _PSUPP(var, name, desc) printf(" %s:\n\t\t%s: %s\n", name, desc, var ? "yes" : "no") #define FAIL_CPU(simd_type) do { \ RARCH_ERR(simd_type " code is compiled in, but CPU does not support this feature. Cannot continue.\n"); \ retroarch_fail(1, "validate_cpu_features()"); \ } while(0) #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB #define DEFAULT_EXT "zip" #else #define DEFAULT_EXT "" #endif #define SHADER_FILE_WATCH_DELAY_MSEC 500 #define HOLD_START_DELAY_SEC 2 #define QUIT_DELAY_USEC 3 * 1000000 /* 3 seconds */ #define DEBUG_INFO_FILENAME "debug_info.txt" /* Descriptive names for options without short variant. * * Please keep the name in sync with the option name. * Order does not matter. */ enum { RA_OPT_MENU = 256, /* must be outside the range of a char */ RA_OPT_STATELESS, RA_OPT_CHECK_FRAMES, RA_OPT_PORT, RA_OPT_SPECTATE, RA_OPT_NICK, RA_OPT_COMMAND, RA_OPT_APPENDCONFIG, RA_OPT_BPS, RA_OPT_IPS, RA_OPT_NO_PATCH, RA_OPT_RECORDCONFIG, RA_OPT_SUBSYSTEM, RA_OPT_SIZE, RA_OPT_FEATURES, RA_OPT_VERSION, RA_OPT_EOF_EXIT, RA_OPT_LOG_FILE, RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES, RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES_SCREENSHOT, RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES_SCREENSHOT_PATH }; enum runloop_state { RUNLOOP_STATE_ITERATE = 0, RUNLOOP_STATE_POLLED_AND_SLEEP, RUNLOOP_STATE_MENU_ITERATE, RUNLOOP_STATE_END, RUNLOOP_STATE_QUIT }; typedef struct runloop_ctx_msg_info { const char *msg; unsigned prio; unsigned duration; bool flush; } runloop_ctx_msg_info_t; static struct global g_extern; static struct retro_callbacks retro_ctx; static struct retro_core_t current_core; static jmp_buf error_sjlj_context; static settings_t *configuration_settings = NULL; static enum rarch_core_type current_core_type = CORE_TYPE_PLAIN; static enum rarch_core_type explicit_current_core_type = CORE_TYPE_PLAIN; static bool has_set_username = false; #ifdef HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE static sthread_tls_t rarch_tls; const void *MAGIC_POINTER = (void*)(uintptr_t)0x0DEFACED; #endif static retro_bits_t has_set_libretro_device; static rarch_system_info_t runloop_system; static struct retro_frame_time_callback runloop_frame_time; static retro_keyboard_event_t runloop_key_event = NULL; static retro_keyboard_event_t runloop_frontend_key_event = NULL; static core_option_manager_t *runloop_core_options = NULL; static msg_queue_t *runloop_msg_queue = NULL; static unsigned runloop_pending_windowed_scale = 0; static unsigned runloop_max_frames = 0; static unsigned fastforward_after_frames = 0; static retro_usec_t runloop_frame_time_last = 0; static retro_time_t frame_limit_minimum_time = 0.0; static retro_time_t frame_limit_last_time = 0.0; static retro_time_t libretro_core_runtime_last = 0; static retro_time_t libretro_core_runtime_usec = 0; static bool has_set_core = false; #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD bool discord_is_inited = false; #endif static bool rarch_block_config_read = false; static bool rarch_is_inited = false; static bool rarch_error_on_init = false; static bool rarch_force_fullscreen = false; static bool rarch_is_switching_display_mode = false; static bool has_set_verbosity = false; static bool has_set_libretro = false; static bool has_set_libretro_directory = false; static bool has_set_save_path = false; static bool has_set_state_path = false; static bool has_set_netplay_mode = false; static bool has_set_netplay_ip_address = false; static bool has_set_netplay_ip_port = false; static bool has_set_netplay_stateless_mode = false; static bool has_set_netplay_check_frames = false; static bool has_set_ups_pref = false; static bool has_set_bps_pref = false; static bool has_set_ips_pref = false; static bool has_set_log_to_file = false; static bool rarch_is_sram_load_disabled = false; static bool rarch_is_sram_save_disabled = false; static bool rarch_use_sram = false; static bool rarch_ups_pref = false; static bool rarch_bps_pref = false; static bool rarch_ips_pref = false; static bool rarch_patch_blocked = false; static bool runloop_missing_bios = false; static bool runloop_force_nonblock = false; static bool runloop_paused = false; static bool runloop_idle = false; static bool runloop_slowmotion = false; static bool runloop_fastmotion = false; static bool runloop_shutdown_initiated = false; static bool runloop_core_shutdown_initiated = false; static bool runloop_perfcnt_enable = false; static bool runloop_overrides_active = false; static bool runloop_remaps_core_active = false; static bool runloop_remaps_game_active = false; static bool runloop_remaps_content_dir_active = false; static bool runloop_game_options_active = false; static bool runloop_autosave = false; static bool runloop_max_frames_screenshot = false; static bool log_file_created = false; static bool log_file_override_active = false; static bool has_variable_update = false; #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) static bool shader_presets_need_reload = true; #endif #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) static char runtime_shader_preset[255] = {0}; #endif static char runloop_max_frames_screenshot_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; static char runtime_content_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; static char runtime_core_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; static char timestamped_log_file_name[64] = {0}; static char log_file_override_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; static char launch_arguments[4096]; static char current_library_name[1024] = {0}; static char current_library_version[1024] = {0}; static char current_valid_extensions[1024] = {0}; static char error_string[255] = {0}; #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* MENU INPUT GLOBAL VARIABLES */ enum menu_mouse_action { MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_NONE = 0, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_TOGGLE, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_SET_NAVIGATION, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_HORIZ_WHEEL_UP, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_HORIZ_WHEEL_DOWN }; static const char **menu_input_dialog_keyboard_buffer = {NULL}; static unsigned menu_input_dialog_keyboard_type = 0; static unsigned menu_input_dialog_keyboard_idx = 0; static char menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label_setting[256] = {0}; static char menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label[256] = {0}; static bool menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display = false; static unsigned char menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_LAST] = {0}; static menu_input_t menu_input_state; /* Is the menu driver still running? */ static bool menu_driver_alive = false; /* Are we binding a button inside the menu? */ static bool menu_driver_is_binding = false; /* A menu toggle has been requested; if the menu was running, * it will be closed; if the menu was not running, it will be opened */ static bool menu_driver_toggled = false; #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX #define LIBNX_SWKBD_LIMIT 500 /* enforced by HOS */ extern u32 __nx_applet_type; extern void libnx_apply_overclock(void); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX #define menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb_internal() menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb() #else #define menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb_internal() menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display #endif static void menu_input_search_cb(void *userdata, const char *str) { size_t idx = 0; file_list_t *selection_buf = menu_entries_get_selection_buf_ptr(0); if (!selection_buf) return; if (str && *str && file_list_search(selection_buf, str, &idx)) { menu_navigation_set_selection(idx); menu_driver_navigation_set(true); } menu_input_dialog_end(); } const char *menu_input_dialog_get_label_buffer(void) { return menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label; } const char *menu_input_dialog_get_label_setting_buffer(void) { return menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label_setting; } void menu_input_dialog_end(void) { menu_input_dialog_keyboard_type = 0; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_idx = 0; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display = false; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label[0] = '\0'; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label_setting[0] = '\0'; /* Avoid triggering tates on pressing return. */ input_driver_set_flushing_input(); } const char *menu_input_dialog_get_buffer(void) { if (!(*menu_input_dialog_keyboard_buffer)) return ""; return *menu_input_dialog_keyboard_buffer; } unsigned menu_input_dialog_get_kb_type(void) { return menu_input_dialog_keyboard_type; } unsigned menu_input_dialog_get_kb_idx(void) { return menu_input_dialog_keyboard_idx; } bool menu_input_dialog_start_search(void) { menu_handle_t *menu = NULL; if (!menu_driver_ctl( RARCH_MENU_CTL_DRIVER_DATA_GET, &menu)) return false; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display = true; strlcpy(menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_SEARCH), sizeof(menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label)); input_keyboard_ctl(RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_LINE_FREE, NULL); menu_input_dialog_keyboard_buffer = input_keyboard_start_line(menu, menu_input_search_cb); return true; } bool menu_input_dialog_start(menu_input_ctx_line_t *line) { menu_handle_t *menu = NULL; if (!line) return false; if (!menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_DRIVER_DATA_GET, &menu)) return false; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display = true; /* Only copy over the menu label and setting if they exist. */ if (line->label) strlcpy(menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label, line->label, sizeof(menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label)); if (line->label_setting) strlcpy(menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label_setting, line->label_setting, sizeof(menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label_setting)); menu_input_dialog_keyboard_type = line->type; menu_input_dialog_keyboard_idx = line->idx; input_keyboard_ctl(RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_LINE_FREE, NULL); menu_input_dialog_keyboard_buffer = input_keyboard_start_line(menu, line->cb); return true; } bool menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb(void) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX SwkbdConfig kbd; Result rc; /* swkbd only works on "real" titles */ if ( __nx_applet_type != AppletType_Application && __nx_applet_type != AppletType_SystemApplication) return menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display; if (!menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display) return false; rc = swkbdCreate(&kbd, 0); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { unsigned i; char buf[LIBNX_SWKBD_LIMIT] = {'\0'}; swkbdConfigMakePresetDefault(&kbd); swkbdConfigSetGuideText(&kbd, menu_input_dialog_keyboard_label); rc = swkbdShow(&kbd, buf, sizeof(buf)); swkbdClose(&kbd); /* RetroArch uses key-by-key input so we need to simulate it */ for (i = 0; i < LIBNX_SWKBD_LIMIT; i++) { /* In case a previous "Enter" press closed the keyboard */ if (!menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display) break; if (buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\0') input_keyboard_event(true, '\n', '\n', 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); else { /* input_keyboard_line_append expects a null-terminated string, so just make one (yes, the touch keyboard is a list of "null-terminated characters") */ char oldchar = buf[i+1]; buf[i+1] = '\0'; input_keyboard_line_append(&buf[i]); buf[i+1] = oldchar; } } /* fail-safe */ if (menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display) input_keyboard_event(true, '\n', '\n', 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); libnx_apply_overclock(); return false; } libnx_apply_overclock(); #endif return menu_input_dialog_keyboard_display; } void menu_driver_set_alive(bool val) { menu_driver_alive = val; } bool menu_driver_is_toggled(void) { return menu_driver_toggled; } /* Checks if the menu is still running */ bool menu_driver_is_alive(void) { return menu_driver_alive; } bool menu_driver_is_binding_state(void) { return menu_driver_is_binding; } void menu_driver_set_binding_state(bool on) { menu_driver_is_binding = on; } #endif /* RECORDING GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static unsigned recording_width = 0; static unsigned recording_height = 0; static size_t recording_gpu_width = 0; static size_t recording_gpu_height = 0; static bool recording_enable = false; static bool streaming_enable = false; static const record_driver_t *recording_driver = NULL; static void *recording_data = NULL; static uint8_t *video_driver_record_gpu_buffer = NULL; /* MESSAGE QUEUE GLOBAL VARIABLES */ #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static slock_t *_runloop_msg_queue_lock = NULL; #define runloop_msg_queue_lock() slock_lock(_runloop_msg_queue_lock) #define runloop_msg_queue_unlock() slock_unlock(_runloop_msg_queue_lock) #else #define runloop_msg_queue_lock() #define runloop_msg_queue_unlock() #endif /* BSV MOVIE GLOBAL VARIABLES */ enum rarch_movie_type { RARCH_MOVIE_PLAYBACK = 0, RARCH_MOVIE_RECORD }; struct bsv_state { bool movie_start_recording; bool movie_start_playback; bool movie_playback; bool eof_exit; bool movie_end; /* Movie playback/recording support. */ char movie_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; /* Immediate playback/recording. */ char movie_start_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; }; struct bsv_movie { intfstream_t *file; /* A ring buffer keeping track of positions * in the file for each frame. */ size_t *frame_pos; size_t frame_mask; size_t frame_ptr; size_t min_file_pos; size_t state_size; uint8_t *state; bool playback; bool first_rewind; bool did_rewind; }; #define BSV_MAGIC 0x42535631 #define MAGIC_INDEX 0 #define SERIALIZER_INDEX 1 #define CRC_INDEX 2 #define STATE_SIZE_INDEX 3 #define BSV_MOVIE_IS_PLAYBACK_ON() (bsv_movie_state_handle && bsv_movie_state.movie_playback) #define BSV_MOVIE_IS_PLAYBACK_OFF() (bsv_movie_state_handle && !bsv_movie_state.movie_playback) typedef struct bsv_movie bsv_movie_t; static bsv_movie_t *bsv_movie_state_handle = NULL; static struct bsv_state bsv_movie_state; /* CAMERA GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static struct retro_camera_callback camera_cb; static const camera_driver_t *camera_driver = NULL; static void *camera_data = NULL; static bool camera_driver_active = false; /* MIDI GLOBAL VARIABLES */ #define MIDI_DRIVER_BUF_SIZE 4096 static midi_driver_t *midi_drv = &midi_null; static void *midi_drv_data = NULL; static struct string_list *midi_drv_inputs = NULL; static struct string_list *midi_drv_outputs = NULL; static bool midi_drv_input_enabled = false; static bool midi_drv_output_enabled = false; static uint8_t *midi_drv_input_buffer = NULL; static uint8_t *midi_drv_output_buffer = NULL; static midi_event_t midi_drv_input_event; static midi_event_t midi_drv_output_event; static bool midi_drv_output_pending = false; static const uint8_t midi_drv_ev_sizes[128] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; /* UI COMPANION GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static bool main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground = false; static const ui_companion_driver_t *ui_companion = NULL; static void *ui_companion_data = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_QT static void *ui_companion_qt_data = NULL; static bool qt_is_inited = false; #endif /* LOCATION GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static const location_driver_t *location_driver = NULL; static void *location_data = NULL; static bool location_driver_active = false; /* WIFI GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static const wifi_driver_t *wifi_driver = NULL; static void *wifi_data = NULL; static bool wifi_driver_active = false; /* VIDEO GLOBAL VARIABLES */ /* unset a runtime shader preset */ static void retroarch_unset_shader_preset(void) { #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) runtime_shader_preset[0] = '\0'; #endif } #define MEASURE_FRAME_TIME_SAMPLES_COUNT (2 * 1024) #define TIME_TO_FPS(last_time, new_time, frames) ((1000000.0f * (frames)) / ((new_time) - (last_time))) #define FPS_UPDATE_INTERVAL 256 #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #define video_driver_is_threaded_internal() ((!video_driver_is_hw_context() && video_driver_threaded) ? true : false) #else #define video_driver_is_threaded_internal() (false) #endif #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #define video_driver_lock() \ if (display_lock) \ slock_lock(display_lock) #define video_driver_unlock() \ if (display_lock) \ slock_unlock(display_lock) #define video_driver_context_lock() \ if (context_lock) \ slock_lock(context_lock) #define video_driver_context_unlock() \ if (context_lock) \ slock_unlock(context_lock) #define video_driver_lock_free() \ slock_free(display_lock); \ slock_free(context_lock); \ display_lock = NULL; \ context_lock = NULL #define video_driver_threaded_lock(is_threaded) \ if (is_threaded) \ video_driver_lock() #define video_driver_threaded_unlock(is_threaded) \ if (is_threaded) \ video_driver_unlock() #else #define video_driver_lock() ((void)0) #define video_driver_unlock() ((void)0) #define video_driver_lock_free() ((void)0) #define video_driver_threaded_lock(is_threaded) ((void)0) #define video_driver_threaded_unlock(is_threaded) ((void)0) #define video_driver_context_lock() ((void)0) #define video_driver_context_unlock() ((void)0) #endif typedef struct video_pixel_scaler { struct scaler_ctx *scaler; void *scaler_out; } video_pixel_scaler_t; typedef struct { enum gfx_ctx_api api; struct string_list *list; } gfx_api_gpu_map; struct aspect_ratio_elem aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_END] = { { "4:3", 1.3333f }, { "16:9", 1.7778f }, { "16:10", 1.6f }, { "16:15", 16.0f / 15.0f }, { "21:9", 21.0f / 9.0f }, { "1:1", 1.0f }, { "2:1", 2.0f }, { "3:2", 1.5f }, { "3:4", 0.75f }, { "4:1", 4.0f }, { "9:16", 0.5625f }, { "5:4", 1.25f }, { "6:5", 1.2f }, { "7:9", 0.7777f }, { "8:3", 2.6666f }, { "8:7", 1.1428f }, { "19:12", 1.5833f }, { "19:14", 1.3571f }, { "30:17", 1.7647f }, { "32:9", 3.5555f }, { "Config", 0.0f }, { "Square pixel", 1.0f }, { "Core provided", 1.0f }, { "Custom", 0.0f } }; static gfx_api_gpu_map gpu_map[] = { { GFX_CTX_VULKAN_API, NULL }, { GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D10_API, NULL }, { GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D11_API, NULL }, { GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D12_API, NULL } }; /* Opaque handles to currently running window. * Used by e.g. input drivers which bind to a window. * Drivers are responsible for setting these if an input driver * could potentially make use of this. */ static uintptr_t video_driver_display = 0; static uintptr_t video_driver_window = 0; static rarch_softfilter_t *video_driver_state_filter = NULL; static void *video_driver_state_buffer = NULL; static unsigned video_driver_state_scale = 0; static unsigned video_driver_state_out_bpp = 0; static bool video_driver_state_out_rgb32 = false; static bool video_driver_crt_switching_active = false; static bool video_driver_crt_dynamic_super_width = false; static enum retro_pixel_format video_driver_pix_fmt = RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555; static const void *frame_cache_data = NULL; static unsigned frame_cache_width = 0; static unsigned frame_cache_height = 0; static size_t frame_cache_pitch = 0; static bool video_driver_threaded = false; static float video_driver_core_hz = 0.0f; static float video_driver_aspect_ratio = 0.0f; static unsigned video_driver_width = 0; static unsigned video_driver_height = 0; static enum rarch_display_type video_driver_display_type = RARCH_DISPLAY_NONE; static char video_driver_title_buf[64] = {0}; static char video_driver_window_title[512] = {0}; static bool video_driver_window_title_update = true; static retro_time_t video_driver_frame_time_samples[MEASURE_FRAME_TIME_SAMPLES_COUNT]; static uint64_t video_driver_frame_time_count = 0; static uint64_t video_driver_frame_count = 0; static void *video_driver_data = NULL; static video_driver_t *current_video = NULL; /* Interface for "poking". */ static const video_poke_interface_t *video_driver_poke = NULL; /* Used for 15-bit -> 16-bit conversions that take place before * being passed to video driver. */ static video_pixel_scaler_t *video_driver_scaler_ptr = NULL; static struct retro_hw_render_callback hw_render; static const struct retro_hw_render_context_negotiation_interface * hw_render_context_negotiation = NULL; /* Graphics driver requires RGBA byte order data (ABGR on little-endian) * for 32-bit. * This takes effect for overlay and shader cores that wants to load * data into graphics driver. Kinda hackish to place it here, it is only * used for GLES. * TODO: Refactor this better. */ static bool video_driver_use_rgba = false; static bool video_driver_active = false; static video_driver_frame_t frame_bak = NULL; /* If set during context deinit, the driver should keep * graphics context alive to avoid having to reset all * context state. */ static bool video_driver_cache_context = false; /* Set to true by driver if context caching succeeded. */ static bool video_driver_cache_context_ack = false; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static slock_t *display_lock = NULL; static slock_t *context_lock = NULL; #endif static gfx_ctx_driver_t current_video_context; static void *video_context_data = NULL; /** * dynamic.c:dynamic_request_hw_context will try to set flag data when the context * is in the middle of being rebuilt; in these cases we will save flag * data and set this to true. * When the context is reinit, it checks this, reads from * deferred_flag_data and cleans it. * * TODO - Dirty hack, fix it better */ static bool deferred_video_context_driver_set_flags = false; static gfx_ctx_flags_t deferred_flag_data = {0}; static bool video_started_fullscreen = false; static char video_driver_gpu_device_string[128] = {0}; static char video_driver_gpu_api_version_string[128] = {0}; static struct retro_system_av_info video_driver_av_info; /* AUDIO GLOBAL VARIABLES */ #define AUDIO_BUFFER_FREE_SAMPLES_COUNT (8 * 1024) #define MENU_SOUND_FORMATS "ogg|mod|xm|s3m|mp3|flac" /** * db_to_gain: * @db : Decibels. * * Converts decibels to voltage gain. * * Returns: voltage gain value. **/ #define db_to_gain(db) (powf(10.0f, (db) / 20.0f)) #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER static struct audio_mixer_stream audio_mixer_streams[AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS] = {{0}}; static bool audio_driver_mixer_mute_enable = false; static bool audio_mixer_active = false; static float audio_driver_mixer_volume_gain = 0.0f; #endif static size_t audio_driver_chunk_size = 0; static size_t audio_driver_chunk_nonblock_size = 0; static size_t audio_driver_chunk_block_size = 0; static size_t audio_driver_rewind_ptr = 0; static size_t audio_driver_rewind_size = 0; static int16_t *audio_driver_rewind_buf = NULL; static int16_t *audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf = NULL; static unsigned audio_driver_free_samples_buf[AUDIO_BUFFER_FREE_SAMPLES_COUNT]; static uint64_t audio_driver_free_samples_count = 0; static size_t audio_driver_buffer_size = 0; static size_t audio_driver_data_ptr = 0; static bool audio_driver_control = false; static bool audio_driver_mute_enable = false; static bool audio_driver_use_float = false; static bool audio_driver_active = false; static float audio_driver_rate_control_delta = 0.0f; static float audio_driver_input = 0.0f; static float audio_driver_volume_gain = 0.0f; static float *audio_driver_input_data = NULL; static float *audio_driver_output_samples_buf = NULL; static double audio_source_ratio_original = 0.0f; static double audio_source_ratio_current = 0.0f; static struct retro_audio_callback audio_callback = {0}; static retro_dsp_filter_t *audio_driver_dsp = NULL; static struct string_list *audio_driver_devices_list = NULL; static const retro_resampler_t *audio_driver_resampler = NULL; static void *audio_driver_resampler_data = NULL; static const audio_driver_t *current_audio = NULL; static void *audio_driver_context_audio_data = NULL; static bool audio_suspended = false; static bool audio_is_threaded = false; /* RUNAHEAD GLOBAL VARIABLES */ typedef struct input_list_element_t { unsigned port; unsigned device; unsigned index; int16_t *state; unsigned int state_size; } input_list_element; static size_t runahead_save_state_size = 0; static bool runahead_save_state_size_known = false; static bool request_fast_savestate = false; static bool hard_disable_audio = false; #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD /* Save State List for Run Ahead */ static MyList *runahead_save_state_list = NULL; static MyList *input_state_list = NULL; static bool input_is_dirty = false; typedef bool(*runahead_load_state_function)(const void*, size_t); static retro_input_state_t input_state_callback_original; static function_t retro_reset_callback_original = NULL; static runahead_load_state_function retro_unserialize_callback_original = NULL; static function_t original_retro_deinit = NULL; static function_t original_retro_unload = NULL; static bool runahead_video_driver_is_active = true; static bool runahead_available = true; static bool runahead_secondary_core_available = true; static bool runahead_force_input_dirty = true; static uint64_t runahead_last_frame_count = 0; #endif /* INPUT REMOTE GLOBAL VARIABLES */ #define DEFAULT_NETWORK_GAMEPAD_PORT 55400 #define UDP_FRAME_PACKETS 16 struct remote_message { int port; int device; int index; int id; uint16_t state; }; struct input_remote { bool state[RARCH_BIND_LIST_END]; #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD) int net_fd[MAX_USERS]; #endif }; typedef struct input_remote input_remote_t; typedef struct input_remote_state { /* Left X, Left Y, Right X, Right Y */ int16_t analog[4][MAX_USERS]; /* This is a bitmask of (1 << key_bind_id). */ uint64_t buttons[MAX_USERS]; } input_remote_state_t; #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD) static input_remote_state_t remote_st_ptr; #endif /* INPUT OVERLAY GLOBAL VARIABLES */ #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY #define OVERLAY_GET_KEY(state, key) (((state)->keys[(key) / 32] >> ((key) % 32)) & 1) #define OVERLAY_SET_KEY(state, key) (state)->keys[(key) / 32] |= 1 << ((key) % 32) #define MAX_VISIBILITY 32 static enum overlay_visibility* visibility = NULL; typedef struct input_overlay_state { /* Left X, Left Y, Right X, Right Y */ int16_t analog[4]; uint32_t keys[RETROK_LAST / 32 + 1]; /* This is a bitmask of (1 << key_bind_id). */ input_bits_t buttons; } input_overlay_state_t; struct input_overlay { enum overlay_status state; bool enable; bool blocked; bool alive; unsigned next_index; size_t index; size_t size; struct overlay *overlays; const struct overlay *active; void *iface_data; const video_overlay_interface_t *iface; input_overlay_state_t overlay_state; }; static input_overlay_t *overlay_ptr = NULL; #endif /* INPUT GLOBAL VARIABLES */ /* Input config. */ struct input_bind_map { bool valid; /* Meta binds get input as prefix, not input_playerN". * 0 = libretro related. * 1 = Common hotkey. * 2 = Uncommon/obscure hotkey. */ uint8_t meta; const char *base; enum msg_hash_enums desc; uint8_t retro_key; }; static pad_connection_listener_t *pad_connection_listener = NULL; static uint16_t input_config_vid[MAX_USERS]; static uint16_t input_config_pid[MAX_USERS]; static char input_device_display_names[MAX_INPUT_DEVICES][64]; static char input_device_config_names [MAX_INPUT_DEVICES][64]; static char input_device_config_paths [MAX_INPUT_DEVICES][64]; char input_device_names [MAX_INPUT_DEVICES][64]; uint64_t lifecycle_state; struct retro_keybind input_config_binds[MAX_USERS][RARCH_BIND_LIST_END]; struct retro_keybind input_autoconf_binds[MAX_USERS][RARCH_BIND_LIST_END]; static const struct retro_keybind *libretro_input_binds[MAX_USERS]; #define DECLARE_BIND(x, bind, desc) { true, 0, #x, desc, bind } #define DECLARE_META_BIND(level, x, bind, desc) { true, level, #x, desc, bind } const struct input_bind_map input_config_bind_map[RARCH_BIND_LIST_END_NULL] = { DECLARE_BIND(b, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_B), DECLARE_BIND(y, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_Y), DECLARE_BIND(select, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_SELECT), DECLARE_BIND(start, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_START), DECLARE_BIND(up, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_UP), DECLARE_BIND(down, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_DOWN), DECLARE_BIND(left, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_LEFT), DECLARE_BIND(right, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_RIGHT), DECLARE_BIND(a, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_A), DECLARE_BIND(x, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_X), DECLARE_BIND(l, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_L), DECLARE_BIND(r, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_R), DECLARE_BIND(l2, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L2, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_L2), DECLARE_BIND(r2, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R2, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_R2), DECLARE_BIND(l3, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L3, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_L3), DECLARE_BIND(r3, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R3, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_JOYPAD_R3), DECLARE_BIND(l_x_plus, RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_PLUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_LEFT_X_PLUS), DECLARE_BIND(l_x_minus, RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_MINUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_LEFT_X_MINUS), DECLARE_BIND(l_y_plus, RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_PLUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_PLUS), DECLARE_BIND(l_y_minus, RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_MINUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_MINUS), DECLARE_BIND(r_x_plus, RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_PLUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_PLUS), DECLARE_BIND(r_x_minus, RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_MINUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_MINUS), DECLARE_BIND(r_y_plus, RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_PLUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_PLUS), DECLARE_BIND(r_y_minus, RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_MINUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_MINUS), DECLARE_BIND( gun_trigger, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_TRIGGER, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_TRIGGER ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_offscreen_shot, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_RELOAD, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_RELOAD ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_aux_a, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_AUX_A, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_AUX_A ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_aux_b, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_AUX_B, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_AUX_B ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_aux_c, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_AUX_C, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_AUX_C ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_start, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_START, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_START ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_select, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_SELECT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_SELECT ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_dpad_up, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_UP, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_UP ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_dpad_down, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_DOWN, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_DOWN ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_dpad_left, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_LEFT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_LEFT ), DECLARE_BIND( gun_dpad_right, RARCH_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_RIGHT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_LIGHTGUN_DPAD_RIGHT ), DECLARE_BIND(turbo, RARCH_TURBO_ENABLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_TURBO_ENABLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(1, toggle_fast_forward, RARCH_FAST_FORWARD_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_FAST_FORWARD_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, hold_fast_forward, RARCH_FAST_FORWARD_HOLD_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_FAST_FORWARD_HOLD_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(1, toggle_slowmotion, RARCH_SLOWMOTION_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SLOWMOTION_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, hold_slowmotion, RARCH_SLOWMOTION_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SLOWMOTION_HOLD_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(1, load_state, RARCH_LOAD_STATE_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_LOAD_STATE_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(1, save_state, RARCH_SAVE_STATE_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SAVE_STATE_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, toggle_fullscreen, RARCH_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, exit_emulator, RARCH_QUIT_KEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_QUIT_KEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, state_slot_increase, RARCH_STATE_SLOT_PLUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_STATE_SLOT_PLUS), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, state_slot_decrease, RARCH_STATE_SLOT_MINUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_STATE_SLOT_MINUS), DECLARE_META_BIND(1, rewind, RARCH_REWIND, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_REWIND), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, movie_record_toggle, RARCH_BSV_RECORD_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_BSV_RECORD_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, pause_toggle, RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_PAUSE_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, frame_advance, RARCH_FRAMEADVANCE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_FRAMEADVANCE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, reset, RARCH_RESET, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_RESET), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, shader_next, RARCH_SHADER_NEXT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SHADER_NEXT), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, shader_prev, RARCH_SHADER_PREV, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SHADER_PREV), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, cheat_index_plus, RARCH_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, cheat_index_minus, RARCH_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, cheat_toggle, RARCH_CHEAT_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_CHEAT_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, screenshot, RARCH_SCREENSHOT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SCREENSHOT), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, audio_mute, RARCH_MUTE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_MUTE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, osk_toggle, RARCH_OSK, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_OSK), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, fps_toggle, RARCH_FPS_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_FPS_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, send_debug_info, RARCH_SEND_DEBUG_INFO, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_SEND_DEBUG_INFO), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, netplay_host_toggle, RARCH_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, netplay_game_watch, RARCH_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, enable_hotkey, RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_ENABLE_HOTKEY), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, volume_up, RARCH_VOLUME_UP, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_VOLUME_UP), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, volume_down, RARCH_VOLUME_DOWN, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_VOLUME_DOWN), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, overlay_next, RARCH_OVERLAY_NEXT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_OVERLAY_NEXT), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, disk_eject_toggle, RARCH_DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, disk_next, RARCH_DISK_NEXT, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_DISK_NEXT), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, disk_prev, RARCH_DISK_PREV, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_DISK_PREV), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, grab_mouse_toggle, RARCH_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, game_focus_toggle, RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, desktop_menu_toggle, RARCH_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE), #ifdef HAVE_MENU DECLARE_META_BIND(1, menu_toggle, RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_MENU_TOGGLE), #endif DECLARE_META_BIND(2, recording_toggle, RARCH_RECORDING_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_RECORDING_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, streaming_toggle, RARCH_STREAMING_TOGGLE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_STREAMING_TOGGLE), DECLARE_META_BIND(2, ai_service, RARCH_AI_SERVICE, MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_AI_SERVICE), }; typedef struct turbo_buttons turbo_buttons_t; /* Turbo support. */ struct turbo_buttons { bool frame_enable[MAX_USERS]; uint16_t enable[MAX_USERS]; unsigned count; }; struct input_keyboard_line { char *buffer; size_t ptr; size_t size; /** Line complete callback. * Calls back after return is * pressed with the completed line. * Line can be NULL. **/ input_keyboard_line_complete_t cb; void *userdata; }; static bool input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable = false; static input_keyboard_line_t *g_keyboard_line = NULL; static void *g_keyboard_press_data = NULL; static unsigned osk_last_codepoint = 0; static unsigned osk_last_codepoint_len = 0; static input_keyboard_press_t g_keyboard_press_cb; static turbo_buttons_t input_driver_turbo_btns; #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND static command_t *input_driver_command = NULL; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD static input_remote_t *input_driver_remote = NULL; #endif static input_mapper_t *input_driver_mapper = NULL; static input_driver_t *current_input = NULL; static void *current_input_data = NULL; static bool input_driver_block_hotkey = false; static bool input_driver_block_libretro_input = false; static bool input_driver_nonblock_state = false; static bool input_driver_flushing_input = false; static float input_driver_axis_threshold = 0.0f; static unsigned input_driver_max_users = 0; #ifdef HAVE_HID static const void *hid_data = NULL; #endif #ifdef HAVE_THREADS #define video_driver_get_ptr_internal(force) ((video_driver_is_threaded_internal() && !force) ? video_thread_get_ptr(NULL) : video_driver_data) #else #define video_driver_get_ptr_internal(force) (video_driver_data) #endif #if defined(HAVE_RUNAHEAD) static enum rarch_core_type last_core_type; static retro_ctx_load_content_info_t *load_content_info; #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC) || defined(HAVE_DYLIB) /* Forward declarations */ static bool secondary_core_create(void); static int16_t input_state_get_last(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned index, unsigned id); /* RUNAHEAD - SECONDARY CORE GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static int port_map[16]; static dylib_t secondary_module; static struct retro_core_t secondary_core; static struct retro_callbacks secondary_callbacks; static char *secondary_library_path = NULL; #endif #endif /* Forward declarations */ static void retro_frame_null(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch); static void retro_run_null(void); static void retro_input_poll_null(void); static void uninit_libretro_symbols(struct retro_core_t *current_core); static bool init_libretro_symbols(enum rarch_core_type type, struct retro_core_t *current_core); static void ui_companion_driver_deinit(void); static bool audio_driver_stop(void); static bool audio_driver_start(bool is_shutdown); static bool recording_init(void); static bool recording_deinit(void); #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY static void retroarch_overlay_init(void); static void retroarch_overlay_deinit(void); #endif static void video_driver_gpu_record_deinit(void); static retro_proc_address_t video_driver_get_proc_address(const char *sym); static uintptr_t video_driver_get_current_framebuffer(void); static bool video_driver_find_driver(void); static int16_t input_state(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id); #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY static void input_overlay_set_alpha_mod(input_overlay_t *ol, float mod); static void input_overlay_set_scale_factor(input_overlay_t *ol, float scale); static void input_overlay_load_active(input_overlay_t *ol, float opacity); #endif static void bsv_movie_deinit(void); static bool bsv_movie_init(void); static bool bsv_movie_check(void); static void driver_uninit(int flags); static void drivers_init(int flags); static void core_free_retro_game_info(struct retro_game_info *dest); static bool core_load(unsigned poll_type_behavior); static bool core_unload_game(void); static void rarch_send_debug_info(void); static bool rarch_environment_cb(unsigned cmd, void *data); static bool driver_location_get_position(double *lat, double *lon, double *horiz_accuracy, double *vert_accuracy); static void driver_location_set_interval(unsigned interval_msecs, unsigned interval_distance); static void driver_location_stop(void); static bool driver_location_start(void); static void driver_camera_stop(void); static bool driver_camera_start(void); /* GLOBAL POINTER GETTERS */ #define video_driver_get_hw_context_internal() (&hw_render) struct retro_hw_render_callback *video_driver_get_hw_context(void) { return video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); } struct retro_system_av_info *video_viewport_get_system_av_info(void) { return &video_driver_av_info; } settings_t *config_get_ptr(void) { return configuration_settings; } global_t *global_get_ptr(void) { return &g_extern; } input_driver_t *input_get_ptr(void) { return current_input; } /** * video_driver_get_ptr: * * Use this if you need the real video driver * and driver data pointers. * * Returns: video driver's userdata. **/ void *video_driver_get_ptr(bool force_nonthreaded_data) { return video_driver_get_ptr_internal(force_nonthreaded_data); } /* MESSAGE QUEUE */ static void retroarch_msg_queue_deinit(void) { runloop_msg_queue_lock(); if (!runloop_msg_queue) return; msg_queue_free(runloop_msg_queue); runloop_msg_queue_unlock(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS slock_free(_runloop_msg_queue_lock); _runloop_msg_queue_lock = NULL; #endif runloop_msg_queue = NULL; } static void retroarch_msg_queue_init(void) { retroarch_msg_queue_deinit(); runloop_msg_queue = msg_queue_new(8); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS _runloop_msg_queue_lock = slock_new(); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS static void retroarch_autosave_deinit(void) { if (rarch_use_sram) autosave_deinit(); } #endif /* COMMAND */ #define DEFAULT_NETWORK_CMD_PORT 55355 #define STDIN_BUF_SIZE 4096 enum cmd_source_t { CMD_NONE = 0, CMD_STDIN, CMD_NETWORK }; struct cmd_map { const char *str; unsigned id; }; #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND struct cmd_action_map { const char *str; bool (*action)(const char *arg); const char *arg_desc; }; #endif struct command { bool stdin_enable; bool state[RARCH_BIND_LIST_END]; #ifdef HAVE_STDIN_CMD char stdin_buf[STDIN_BUF_SIZE]; size_t stdin_buf_ptr; #endif #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) int net_fd; #endif }; #if defined(HAVE_COMMAND) static enum cmd_source_t lastcmd_source; #if defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) static int lastcmd_net_fd; static struct sockaddr_storage lastcmd_net_source; static socklen_t lastcmd_net_source_len; #endif #if defined(HAVE_CHEEVOS) && (defined(HAVE_STDIN_CMD) || defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKING)) static void command_reply(const char * data, size_t len) { switch (lastcmd_source) { case CMD_STDIN: #ifdef HAVE_STDIN_CMD fwrite(data, 1,len, stdout); #endif break; case CMD_NETWORK: #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) sendto(lastcmd_net_fd, data, len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&lastcmd_net_source, lastcmd_net_source_len); #endif break; case CMD_NONE: default: break; } } #endif static bool command_version(const char* arg) { char reply[256] = {0}; snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), "%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #if defined(HAVE_CHEEVOS) && (defined(HAVE_STDIN_CMD) || defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKING)) command_reply(reply, strlen(reply)); #endif return true; } #if defined(HAVE_CHEEVOS) static bool command_read_ram(const char *arg); static bool command_write_ram(const char *arg); #endif static const struct cmd_action_map action_map[] = { { "SET_SHADER", command_set_shader, "<shader path>" }, { "VERSION", command_version, "No argument"}, #if defined(HAVE_CHEEVOS) { "READ_CORE_RAM", command_read_ram, "<address> <number of bytes>" }, { "WRITE_CORE_RAM", command_write_ram, "<address> <byte1> <byte2> ..." }, #endif }; static const struct cmd_map map[] = { { "FAST_FORWARD", RARCH_FAST_FORWARD_KEY }, { "FAST_FORWARD_HOLD", RARCH_FAST_FORWARD_HOLD_KEY }, { "SLOWMOTION", RARCH_SLOWMOTION_KEY }, { "SLOWMOTION_HOLD", RARCH_SLOWMOTION_HOLD_KEY }, { "LOAD_STATE", RARCH_LOAD_STATE_KEY }, { "SAVE_STATE", RARCH_SAVE_STATE_KEY }, { "FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE", RARCH_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY }, { "QUIT", RARCH_QUIT_KEY }, { "STATE_SLOT_PLUS", RARCH_STATE_SLOT_PLUS }, { "STATE_SLOT_MINUS", RARCH_STATE_SLOT_MINUS }, { "REWIND", RARCH_REWIND }, { "BSV_RECORD_TOGGLE", RARCH_BSV_RECORD_TOGGLE }, { "PAUSE_TOGGLE", RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE }, { "FRAMEADVANCE", RARCH_FRAMEADVANCE }, { "RESET", RARCH_RESET }, { "SHADER_NEXT", RARCH_SHADER_NEXT }, { "SHADER_PREV", RARCH_SHADER_PREV }, { "CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS", RARCH_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS }, { "CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS", RARCH_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS }, { "CHEAT_TOGGLE", RARCH_CHEAT_TOGGLE }, { "SCREENSHOT", RARCH_SCREENSHOT }, { "MUTE", RARCH_MUTE }, { "OSK", RARCH_OSK }, { "FPS_TOGGLE", RARCH_FPS_TOGGLE }, { "SEND_DEBUG_INFO", RARCH_SEND_DEBUG_INFO }, { "NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE", RARCH_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE }, { "NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH", RARCH_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH }, { "VOLUME_UP", RARCH_VOLUME_UP }, { "VOLUME_DOWN", RARCH_VOLUME_DOWN }, { "OVERLAY_NEXT", RARCH_OVERLAY_NEXT }, { "DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE", RARCH_DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE }, { "DISK_NEXT", RARCH_DISK_NEXT }, { "DISK_PREV", RARCH_DISK_PREV }, { "GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE", RARCH_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE }, { "UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE", RARCH_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE }, { "GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE", RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE }, { "MENU_TOGGLE", RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE }, { "RECORDING_TOGGLE", RARCH_RECORDING_TOGGLE }, { "STREAMING_TOGGLE", RARCH_STREAMING_TOGGLE }, { "MENU_UP", RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP }, { "MENU_DOWN", RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN }, { "MENU_LEFT", RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT }, { "MENU_RIGHT", RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT }, { "MENU_A", RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A }, { "MENU_B", RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B }, { "AI_SERVICE", RARCH_AI_SERVICE }, }; #endif bool command_set_shader(const char *arg) { #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) char msg[256]; bool is_preset = false; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; enum rarch_shader_type type = video_shader_get_type_from_ext( path_get_extension(arg), &is_preset); if (type == RARCH_SHADER_NONE || !video_shader_is_supported(type)) return false; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Shader: \"%s\"", arg ? path_basename(arg) : "null"); #ifdef HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS if (!menu_widgets_set_message(msg)) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s \"%s\".\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_APPLYING_SHADER), arg); #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) if (!string_is_empty(arg)) strlcpy(runtime_shader_preset, arg, sizeof(runtime_shader_preset)); else runtime_shader_preset[0] = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (!menu_shader_manager_set_preset(menu_shader_get(), type, arg)) return false; #endif #endif if (settings && !settings->bools.video_shader_enable) settings->bools.video_shader_enable = true; return true; #else return false; #endif } #if defined(HAVE_COMMAND) #if defined(HAVE_CHEEVOS) #define SMY_CMD_STR "READ_CORE_RAM" static bool command_read_ram(const char *arg) { unsigned i; char *reply = NULL; const uint8_t *data = NULL; char *reply_at = NULL; unsigned int nbytes = 0; unsigned int alloc_size = 0; unsigned int addr = -1; unsigned int len = 0; if (sscanf(arg, "%x %u", &addr, &nbytes) != 2) return true; alloc_size = 40 + nbytes * 3; /* We allocate more than needed, saving 20 bytes is not really relevant */ reply = (char*) malloc(alloc_size); reply[0] = '\0'; reply_at = reply + snprintf(reply, alloc_size - 1, SMY_CMD_STR " %x", addr); if ((data = rcheevos_patch_address(addr, rcheevos_get_console()))) { for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) snprintf(reply_at + 3 * i, 4, " %.2X", data[i]); reply_at[3 * nbytes] = '\n'; len = reply_at + 3 * nbytes + 1 - reply; } else { strlcpy(reply_at, " -1\n", sizeof(reply) - strlen(reply)); len = reply_at + STRLEN_CONST(" -1\n") - reply; } command_reply(reply, len); free(reply); return true; } #undef SMY_CMD_STR static bool command_write_ram(const char *arg) { unsigned nbytes = 0; unsigned int addr = strtoul(arg, (char**)&arg, 16); uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)rcheevos_patch_address(addr, rcheevos_get_console()); if (!data) return false; while (*arg) { *data = strtoul(arg, (char**)&arg, 16); data++; } return true; } #endif #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) static bool command_get_arg(const char *tok, const char **arg, unsigned *index) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(map); i++) { if (string_is_equal(tok, map[i].str)) { if (arg) *arg = NULL; if (index) *index = i; return true; } } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(action_map); i++) { const char *str = strstr(tok, action_map[i].str); if (str == tok) { const char *argument = str + strlen(action_map[i].str); if (*argument != ' ' && *argument != '\0') return false; if (arg) *arg = argument + 1; if (index) *index = i; return true; } } return false; } static bool command_network_init(command_t *handle, uint16_t port) { struct addrinfo *res = NULL; int fd = socket_init((void**)&res, port, NULL, SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM); RARCH_LOG("%s %hu.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_BRINGING_UP_COMMAND_INTERFACE_ON_PORT), (unsigned short)port); if (fd < 0) goto error; handle->net_fd = fd; if (!socket_nonblock(handle->net_fd)) goto error; if (!socket_bind(handle->net_fd, (void*)res)) { RARCH_ERR("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_BIND_SOCKET)); goto error; } freeaddrinfo_retro(res); return true; error: if (res) freeaddrinfo_retro(res); return false; } static bool command_verify(const char *cmd) { unsigned i; if (command_get_arg(cmd, NULL, NULL)) return true; RARCH_ERR("Command \"%s\" is not recognized by the program.\n", cmd); RARCH_ERR("\tValid commands:\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(map) / sizeof(map[0]); i++) RARCH_ERR("\t\t%s\n", map[i].str); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(action_map) / sizeof(action_map[0]); i++) RARCH_ERR("\t\t%s %s\n", action_map[i].str, action_map[i].arg_desc); return false; } static bool command_network_send(const char *cmd_) { bool ret = false; char *command = NULL; char *save = NULL; const char *cmd = NULL; const char *host = NULL; const char *port_ = NULL; uint16_t port = DEFAULT_NETWORK_CMD_PORT; if (!network_init()) return false; if (!(command = strdup(cmd_))) return false; cmd = strtok_r(command, ";", &save); if (cmd) host = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save); if (host) port_ = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save); if (!host) { #ifdef _WIN32 host = ""; #else host = "localhost"; #endif } if (port_) port = strtoul(port_, NULL, 0); if (cmd) { RARCH_LOG("%s: \"%s\" to %s:%hu\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SENDING_COMMAND), cmd, host, (unsigned short)port); ret = command_verify(cmd) && udp_send_packet(host, port, cmd); } free(command); if (ret) return true; return false; } #endif static void command_parse_sub_msg(command_t *handle, const char *tok) { const char *arg = NULL; unsigned index = 0; if (command_get_arg(tok, &arg, &index)) { if (arg) { if (!action_map[index].action(arg)) RARCH_ERR("Command \"%s\" failed.\n", arg); } else handle->state[map[index].id] = true; } else RARCH_WARN("%s \"%s\" %s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND), tok, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RECEIVED)); } static void command_parse_msg(command_t *handle, char *buf, enum cmd_source_t source) { char *save = NULL; const char *tok = strtok_r(buf, "\n", &save); lastcmd_source = source; while (tok) { command_parse_sub_msg(handle, tok); tok = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &save); } lastcmd_source = CMD_NONE; } static void command_network_poll(command_t *handle) { fd_set fds; struct timeval tmp_tv = {0}; if (handle->net_fd < 0) return; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(handle->net_fd, &fds); if (socket_select(handle->net_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tmp_tv) <= 0) return; if (!FD_ISSET(handle->net_fd, &fds)) return; for (;;) { ssize_t ret; char buf[1024]; buf[0] = '\0'; lastcmd_net_fd = handle->net_fd; lastcmd_net_source_len = sizeof(lastcmd_net_source); ret = recvfrom(handle->net_fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&lastcmd_net_source, &lastcmd_net_source_len); if (ret <= 0) break; buf[ret] = '\0'; command_parse_msg(handle, buf, CMD_NETWORK); } } static bool command_free(command_t *handle) { #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) if (handle && handle->net_fd >= 0) socket_close(handle->net_fd); #endif free(handle); return true; } #ifdef HAVE_STDIN_CMD static bool command_stdin_init(command_t *handle) { #ifndef _WIN32 #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING if (!socket_nonblock(STDIN_FILENO)) return false; #endif #endif handle->stdin_enable = true; return true; } static void command_stdin_poll(command_t *handle) { ptrdiff_t msg_len; char *last_newline = NULL; ssize_t ret = read_stdin( handle->stdin_buf + handle->stdin_buf_ptr, STDIN_BUF_SIZE - handle->stdin_buf_ptr - 1); if (ret == 0) return; handle->stdin_buf_ptr += ret; handle->stdin_buf[handle->stdin_buf_ptr] = '\0'; last_newline = strrchr(handle->stdin_buf, '\n'); if (!last_newline) { /* We're receiving bogus data in pipe * (no terminating newline), flush out the buffer. */ if (handle->stdin_buf_ptr + 1 >= STDIN_BUF_SIZE) { handle->stdin_buf_ptr = 0; handle->stdin_buf[0] = '\0'; } return; } *last_newline++ = '\0'; msg_len = last_newline - handle->stdin_buf; #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) command_parse_msg(handle, handle->stdin_buf, CMD_STDIN); #endif memmove(handle->stdin_buf, last_newline, handle->stdin_buf_ptr - msg_len); handle->stdin_buf_ptr -= msg_len; } #endif static bool command_network_new( command_t *handle, bool stdin_enable, bool network_enable, uint16_t port) { #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) handle->net_fd = -1; if (network_enable && !command_network_init(handle, port)) goto error; #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIN_CMD handle->stdin_enable = stdin_enable; if (stdin_enable && !command_stdin_init(handle)) goto error; #endif return true; #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) || defined(HAVE_STDIN_CMD) error: command_free(handle); return false; #endif } #endif /** * command_event_disk_control_set_eject: * @new_state : Eject or close the virtual drive tray. * false (0) : Close * true (1) : Eject * @print_log : Show message onscreen. * * Ejects/closes of the virtual drive tray. **/ static void command_event_disk_control_set_eject(bool new_state, bool print_log) { char msg[128]; bool error = false; const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control = NULL; rarch_system_info_t *info = &runloop_system; msg[0] = '\0'; if (info) control = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback*)&info->disk_control_cb; if (!control || !control->get_num_images) return; if (control->set_eject_state(new_state)) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %s", new_state ? msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DISK_EJECTED) : msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DISK_CLOSED), msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VIRTUAL_DISK_TRAY)); else { error = true; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %s %s", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO), new_state ? "eject" : "close", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VIRTUAL_DISK_TRAY)); } if (!string_is_empty(msg)) { if (error) RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg); else RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); /* Only noise in menu. */ if (print_log) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } /** * command_event_disk_control_set_index: * @idx : Index of disk to set as current. * * Sets current disk to @index. **/ static void command_event_disk_control_set_index(unsigned idx) { unsigned num_disks; char msg[128]; bool error = false; const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control = NULL; rarch_system_info_t *info = &runloop_system; msg[0] = '\0'; if (info) control = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback*)&info->disk_control_cb; if (!control || !control->get_num_images) return; num_disks = control->get_num_images(); if (control->set_image_index(idx)) { if (idx < num_disks) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %u/%u.", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SETTING_DISK_IN_TRAY), idx + 1, num_disks); else strlcpy(msg, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_REMOVED_DISK_FROM_TRAY), sizeof(msg)); } else { if (idx < num_disks) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %u/%u.", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SET_DISK), idx + 1, num_disks); else strlcpy(msg, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_DISK_FROM_TRAY), sizeof(msg)); error = true; } if (!string_is_empty(msg)) { if (error) RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg); else RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } /** * command_event_disk_control_append_image: * @path : Path to disk image. * * Appends disk image to disk image list. **/ static bool command_event_disk_control_append_image(const char *path) { unsigned new_idx; char msg[128]; struct retro_game_info info = {0}; const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control = NULL; rarch_system_info_t *sysinfo = &runloop_system; msg[0] = '\0'; if (sysinfo) control = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback*) &sysinfo->disk_control_cb; if (!control) return false; command_event_disk_control_set_eject(true, false); control->add_image_index(); new_idx = control->get_num_images(); if (!new_idx) return false; new_idx--; info.path = path; control->replace_image_index(new_idx, &info); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: ", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_APPENDED_DISK)); strlcat(msg, path, sizeof(msg)); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 0, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS retroarch_autosave_deinit(); #endif /* TODO: Need to figure out what to do with subsystems case. */ if (path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_SUBSYSTEM)) { /* Update paths for our new image. * If we actually use append_image, we assume that we * started out in a single disk case, and that this way * of doing it makes the most sense. */ path_set(RARCH_PATH_NAMES, path); path_fill_names(); } command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUTOSAVE_INIT, NULL); command_event_disk_control_set_index(new_idx); command_event_disk_control_set_eject(false, false); return true; } /** * command_event_check_disk_prev: * @control : Handle to disk control handle. * * Perform disk cycle to previous index action (Core Disk Options). **/ static void command_event_check_disk_prev( const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control) { unsigned num_disks = 0; unsigned current = 0; bool disk_prev_enable = false; if (!control || !control->get_num_images) return; if (!control->get_image_index) return; num_disks = control->get_num_images(); current = control->get_image_index(); disk_prev_enable = num_disks && num_disks != UINT_MAX; if (!disk_prev_enable) { RARCH_ERR("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_GOT_INVALID_DISK_INDEX)); return; } if (current > 0) current--; command_event_disk_control_set_index(current); } /** * command_event_check_disk_next: * @control : Handle to disk control handle. * * Perform disk cycle to next index action (Core Disk Options). **/ static void command_event_check_disk_next( const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control) { unsigned num_disks = 0; unsigned current = 0; bool disk_next_enable = false; if (!control || !control->get_num_images) return; if (!control->get_image_index) return; num_disks = control->get_num_images(); current = control->get_image_index(); disk_next_enable = num_disks && num_disks != UINT_MAX; if (!disk_next_enable) { RARCH_ERR("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_GOT_INVALID_DISK_INDEX)); return; } if (current < num_disks - 1) current++; command_event_disk_control_set_index(current); } /** * event_set_volume: * @gain : amount of gain to be applied to current volume level. * * Adjusts the current audio volume level. * **/ static void command_event_set_volume(float gain) { char msg[128]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float new_volume = settings->floats.audio_volume + gain; new_volume = MAX(new_volume, -80.0f); new_volume = MIN(new_volume, 12.0f); configuration_set_float(settings, settings->floats.audio_volume, new_volume); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %.1f dB", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUDIO_VOLUME), new_volume); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_volume_update_and_show()) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); audio_set_float(AUDIO_ACTION_VOLUME_GAIN, new_volume); } /** * event_set_mixer_volume: * @gain : amount of gain to be applied to current volume level. * * Adjusts the current audio volume level. * **/ static void command_event_set_mixer_volume(float gain) { char msg[128]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float new_volume = settings->floats.audio_mixer_volume + gain; new_volume = MAX(new_volume, -80.0f); new_volume = MIN(new_volume, 12.0f); configuration_set_float(settings, settings->floats.audio_mixer_volume, new_volume); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %.1f dB", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUDIO_VOLUME), new_volume); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); audio_set_float(AUDIO_ACTION_VOLUME_GAIN, new_volume); } /** * command_event_init_controllers: * * Initialize libretro controllers. **/ static void command_event_init_controllers(void) { unsigned i; rarch_system_info_t *info = &runloop_system; for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; i++) { retro_ctx_controller_info_t pad; const char *ident = NULL; bool set_controller = false; const struct retro_controller_description *desc = NULL; unsigned device = input_config_get_device(i); if (info) { if (i < info->ports.size) desc = libretro_find_controller_description( &info->ports.data[i], device); } if (desc) ident = desc->desc; if (!ident) { /* If we're trying to connect a completely unknown device, * revert back to JOYPAD. */ if (device != RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD && device != RETRO_DEVICE_NONE) { /* Do not fix device, * because any use of dummy core will reset this, * which is not a good idea. */ RARCH_WARN("Input device ID %u is unknown to this " "libretro implementation. Using RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD.\n", device); device = RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD; } ident = "Joypad"; } switch (device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_NONE: RARCH_LOG("%s %u.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VALUE_DISCONNECTING_DEVICE_FROM_PORT), i + 1); set_controller = true; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: /* Ideally these checks shouldn't be required but if we always * call core_set_controller_port_device input won't work on * cores that don't set port information properly */ if (info && info->ports.size != 0) set_controller = true; break; default: /* Some cores do not properly range check port argument. * This is broken behavior of course, but avoid breaking * cores needlessly. */ RARCH_LOG("%s %u: %s (ID: %u).\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CONNECTING_TO_PORT), device, ident, i+1); set_controller = true; break; } if (set_controller && info && i < info->ports.size) { pad.device = device; pad.port = i; core_set_controller_port_device(&pad); } } } static void command_event_disable_overrides(void) { if (!runloop_overrides_active) return; /* reload the original config */ config_unload_override(); runloop_overrides_active = false; } static void command_event_deinit_core(bool reinit) { #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS rcheevos_unload(); #endif RARCH_LOG("Unloading game..\n"); core_unload_game(); RARCH_LOG("Unloading core..\n"); video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); if (current_core.inited) current_core.retro_deinit(); RARCH_LOG("Unloading core symbols..\n"); uninit_libretro_symbols(¤t_core); current_core.symbols_inited = false; if (reinit) driver_uninit(DRIVERS_CMD_ALL); command_event_disable_overrides(); retroarch_unset_shader_preset(); if (rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CORE_ACTIVE, NULL) || rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CONTENT_DIR_ACTIVE, NULL) || rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_GAME_ACTIVE, NULL)) input_remapping_set_defaults(true); } static void command_event_init_cheats(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool allow_cheats = true; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING allow_cheats &= !netplay_driver_ctl( RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_DATA_INITED, NULL); #endif allow_cheats &= !(bsv_movie_state_handle != NULL); if (!allow_cheats) return; cheat_manager_alloc_if_empty(); cheat_manager_load_game_specific_cheats(); if (settings && settings->bools.apply_cheats_after_load) cheat_manager_apply_cheats(); } static void command_event_load_auto_state(void) { bool ret; char msg[128] = {0}; char *savestate_name_auto = NULL; size_t savestate_name_auto_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!global || !settings->bools.savestate_auto_load) return; #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (rcheevos_hardcore_active) return; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL)) return; #endif savestate_name_auto = (char*)calloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH, sizeof(*savestate_name_auto)); fill_pathname_noext(savestate_name_auto, global->name.savestate, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_AUTO_EXTENSION), savestate_name_auto_size); if (!path_is_valid(savestate_name_auto)) { free(savestate_name_auto); return; } ret = content_load_state(savestate_name_auto, false, true); RARCH_LOG("%s: %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FOUND_AUTO_SAVESTATE_IN), savestate_name_auto); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s \"%s\" %s.", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUTOLOADING_SAVESTATE_FROM), savestate_name_auto, ret ? "succeeded" : "failed"); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); free(savestate_name_auto); } static void command_event_set_savestate_auto_index(void) { size_t i; char *state_dir = NULL; char *state_base = NULL; size_t state_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); struct string_list *dir_list = NULL; unsigned max_idx = 0; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!global || !settings->bools.savestate_auto_index) return; state_dir = (char*)calloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH, sizeof(*state_dir)); /* Find the file in the same directory as global->savestate_name * with the largest numeral suffix. * * E.g. /foo/path/content.state, will try to find * /foo/path/content.state%d, where %d is the largest number available. */ fill_pathname_basedir(state_dir, global->name.savestate, state_size); dir_list = dir_list_new_special(state_dir, DIR_LIST_PLAIN, NULL); free(state_dir); if (!dir_list) return; state_base = (char*)calloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH, sizeof(*state_base)); fill_pathname_base(state_base, global->name.savestate, state_size); for (i = 0; i < dir_list->size; i++) { unsigned idx; char elem_base[128] = {0}; const char *end = NULL; const char *dir_elem = dir_list->elems[i].data; fill_pathname_base(elem_base, dir_elem, sizeof(elem_base)); if (strstr(elem_base, state_base) != elem_base) continue; end = dir_elem + strlen(dir_elem); while ((end > dir_elem) && isdigit((int)end[-1])) end--; idx = (unsigned)strtoul(end, NULL, 0); if (idx > max_idx) max_idx = idx; } dir_list_free(dir_list); free(state_base); configuration_set_int(settings, settings->ints.state_slot, max_idx); RARCH_LOG("%s: #%d\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FOUND_LAST_STATE_SLOT), max_idx); } static bool event_init_content(void) { bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_SET_SRAM_ENABLE, NULL); /* No content to be loaded for dummy core, * just successfully exit. */ if (current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_DUMMY) return true; content_set_subsystem_info(); content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); if (!contentless) path_fill_names(); if (!content_init()) return false; command_event_set_savestate_auto_index(); if (event_load_save_files()) RARCH_LOG("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SKIPPING_SRAM_LOAD)); /* Since the operations are asynchronous we can't guarantee users will not use auto_load_state to cheat on achievements so we forbid auto_load_state from happening if cheevos_enable and cheevos_hardcode_mode_enable are true. */ #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if ( !settings->bools.cheevos_enable || !settings->bools.cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable) command_event_load_auto_state(); } #else command_event_load_auto_state(); #endif bsv_movie_deinit(); bsv_movie_init(); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT, NULL); return true; } static void update_runtime_log(bool log_per_core) { /* Initialise runtime log file */ runtime_log_t *runtime_log = runtime_log_init( runtime_content_path, runtime_core_path, log_per_core); if (!runtime_log) return; /* Add additional runtime */ runtime_log_add_runtime_usec(runtime_log, libretro_core_runtime_usec); /* Update 'last played' entry */ runtime_log_set_last_played_now(runtime_log); /* Save runtime log file */ runtime_log_save(runtime_log); /* Clean up */ free(runtime_log); } static void command_event_runtime_log_deinit(void) { unsigned hours = 0; unsigned minutes = 0; unsigned seconds = 0; char log[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; int n = 0; runtime_log_convert_usec2hms( libretro_core_runtime_usec, &hours, &minutes, &seconds); n = snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "Content ran for a total of: %02u hours, %02u minutes, %02u seconds.", hours, minutes, seconds); if ((n < 0) || (n >= PATH_MAX_LENGTH)) n = 0; /* Just silence any potential gcc warnings... */ RARCH_LOG("%s\n",log); /* Only write to file if content has run for a non-zero length of time */ if (libretro_core_runtime_usec > 0) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; /* Per core logging */ if (settings->bools.content_runtime_log) update_runtime_log(true); /* Aggregate logging */ if (settings->bools.content_runtime_log_aggregate) update_runtime_log(false); } /* Reset runtime + content/core paths, to prevent any * possibility of duplicate logging */ libretro_core_runtime_usec = 0; memset(runtime_content_path, 0, sizeof(runtime_content_path)); memset(runtime_core_path, 0, sizeof(runtime_core_path)); } static void command_event_runtime_log_init(void) { const char *content_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT); const char *core_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); libretro_core_runtime_last = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); libretro_core_runtime_usec = 0; /* Have to cache content and core path here, otherwise * logging fails if new content is loaded without * closing existing content * i.e. RARCH_PATH_CONTENT and RARCH_PATH_CORE get * updated when the new content is loaded, which * happens *before* command_event_runtime_log_deinit * -> using RARCH_PATH_CONTENT and RARCH_PATH_CORE * directly in command_event_runtime_log_deinit * can therefore lead to the runtime of the currently * loaded content getting written to the *new* * content's log file... */ memset(runtime_content_path, 0, sizeof(runtime_content_path)); memset(runtime_core_path, 0, sizeof(runtime_core_path)); if (!string_is_empty(content_path)) strlcpy(runtime_content_path, content_path, sizeof(runtime_content_path)); if (!string_is_empty(core_path)) strlcpy(runtime_core_path, core_path, sizeof(runtime_core_path)); } static void video_driver_set_title_buf(void) { struct retro_system_info info; current_core.retro_get_system_info(&info); fill_pathname_join_concat_noext( video_driver_title_buf, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PROGRAM), " ", info.library_name, sizeof(video_driver_title_buf)); strlcat(video_driver_title_buf, " ", sizeof(video_driver_title_buf)); strlcat(video_driver_title_buf, info.library_version, sizeof(video_driver_title_buf)); } static void retroarch_system_info_init(void) { current_core.retro_get_system_info(&runloop_system.info); if (!runloop_system.info.library_name) runloop_system.info.library_name = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_UNKNOWN); if (!runloop_system.info.library_version) runloop_system.info.library_version = "v0"; video_driver_set_title_buf(); strlcpy(runloop_system.valid_extensions, runloop_system.info.valid_extensions ? runloop_system.info.valid_extensions : DEFAULT_EXT, sizeof(runloop_system.valid_extensions)); } static void retroarch_set_frame_limit(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; float fastforward_ratio_orig = settings->floats.fastforward_ratio; float fastforward_ratio = (fastforward_ratio_orig == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : fastforward_ratio_orig; frame_limit_last_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); frame_limit_minimum_time = (retro_time_t)roundf(1000000.0f / (av_info->timing.fps * fastforward_ratio)); } static bool command_event_init_core(enum rarch_core_type type) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!init_libretro_symbols(type, ¤t_core)) return false; if (!current_core.retro_run) current_core.retro_run = retro_run_null; current_core.symbols_inited = true; retroarch_system_info_init(); /* auto overrides: apply overrides */ if(settings->bools.auto_overrides_enable) { if (config_load_override()) runloop_overrides_active = true; else runloop_overrides_active = false; } /* Load auto-shaders on the next occasion */ #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) shader_presets_need_reload = true; #endif /* reset video format to libretro's default */ video_driver_pix_fmt = RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555; current_core.retro_set_environment(rarch_environment_cb); /* Auto-remap: apply remap files */ if(settings->bools.auto_remaps_enable) config_load_remap(settings->paths.directory_input_remapping); /* Per-core saves: reset redirection paths */ path_set_redirect(); video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); current_core.retro_init(); current_core.inited = true; if (!event_init_content()) return false; if (!core_load(settings->uints.input_poll_type_behavior)) return false; retroarch_set_frame_limit(); command_event_runtime_log_init(); return true; } static bool command_event_save_auto_state(void) { bool ret = false; char *savestate_name_auto = NULL; size_t savestate_name_auto_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!global || !settings || !settings->bools.savestate_auto_save) return false; if (current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_DUMMY) return false; if (string_is_empty(path_basename(path_get(RARCH_PATH_BASENAME)))) return false; #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (rcheevos_hardcore_active) return false; #endif savestate_name_auto = (char*) calloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH, sizeof(*savestate_name_auto)); fill_pathname_noext(savestate_name_auto, global->name.savestate, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_AUTO_EXTENSION), savestate_name_auto_size); ret = content_save_state((const char*)savestate_name_auto, true, true); RARCH_LOG("%s \"%s\" %s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUTO_SAVE_STATE_TO), savestate_name_auto, ret ? "succeeded" : "failed"); free(savestate_name_auto); return true; } static bool command_event_save_config( const char *config_path, char *s, size_t len) { char log[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; bool path_exists = !string_is_empty(config_path); const char *str = path_exists ? config_path : path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG); if (path_exists && config_save_file(config_path)) { snprintf(s, len, "%s \"%s\".", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SAVED_NEW_CONFIG_TO), config_path); snprintf(log, PATH_MAX_LENGTH, "[config] %s", s); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", log); return true; } if (!string_is_empty(str)) { snprintf(s, len, "%s \"%s\".", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_SAVING_CONFIG_TO), str); snprintf(log, PATH_MAX_LENGTH, "[config] %s", s); RARCH_ERR("%s\n", log); } return false; } /** * command_event_save_core_config: * * Saves a new (core) configuration to a file. Filename is based * on heuristics to avoid typing. * * Returns: true (1) on success, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool command_event_save_core_config(void) { char msg[128]; bool found_path = false; bool overrides_active = false; const char *core_path = NULL; char *config_name = NULL; char *config_path = NULL; char *config_dir = NULL; size_t config_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; msg[0] = '\0'; if (settings && !string_is_empty(settings->paths.directory_menu_config)) config_dir = strdup(settings->paths.directory_menu_config); else if (!path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG)) /* Fallback */ { config_dir = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); config_dir[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_basedir(config_dir, path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG), config_size); } if (string_is_empty(config_dir)) { runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CONFIG_DIRECTORY_NOT_SET), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_ERR("[config] %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CONFIG_DIRECTORY_NOT_SET)); free (config_dir); return false; } core_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); config_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); config_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); config_name[0] = '\0'; config_path[0] = '\0'; /* Infer file name based on libretro core. */ if (path_is_valid(core_path)) { unsigned i; RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_USING_CORE_NAME_FOR_NEW_CONFIG)); /* In case of collision, find an alternative name. */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { char tmp[64] = {0}; fill_pathname_base_noext( config_name, core_path, config_size); fill_pathname_join(config_path, config_dir, config_name, config_size); if (i) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-%u%s", i, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_CONFIG_EXTENSION)); else strlcpy(tmp, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_CONFIG_EXTENSION), sizeof(tmp)); strlcat(config_path, tmp, config_size); if (!path_is_valid(config_path)) { found_path = true; break; } } } if (!found_path) { /* Fallback to system time... */ RARCH_WARN("[config] %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CANNOT_INFER_NEW_CONFIG_PATH)); fill_dated_filename(config_name, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_CONFIG_EXTENSION), config_size); fill_pathname_join(config_path, config_dir, config_name, config_size); } if (runloop_overrides_active) { /* Overrides block config file saving, * make it appear as overrides weren't enabled * for a manual save. */ runloop_overrides_active = false; overrides_active = true; } command_event_save_config(config_path, msg, sizeof(msg)); if (!string_is_empty(msg)) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); if (overrides_active) runloop_overrides_active = true; else runloop_overrides_active = false; free(config_dir); free(config_name); free(config_path); return true; } /** * event_save_current_config: * * Saves current configuration file to disk, and (optionally) * autosave state. **/ static void command_event_save_current_config(enum override_type type) { char msg[128]; msg[0] = '\0'; switch (type) { case OVERRIDE_NONE: if (path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG)) strlcpy(msg, "[config] Config directory not set, cannot save configuration.", sizeof(msg)); else command_event_save_config(path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG), msg, sizeof(msg)); break; case OVERRIDE_GAME: case OVERRIDE_CORE: case OVERRIDE_CONTENT_DIR: if (config_save_overrides(type)) { strlcpy(msg, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_OVERRIDES_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY), sizeof(msg)); RARCH_LOG("[config] [overrides] %s\n", msg); /* set overrides to active so the original config can be restored after closing content */ runloop_overrides_active = true; } else { strlcpy(msg, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_OVERRIDES_ERROR_SAVING), sizeof(msg)); RARCH_ERR("[config] [overrides] %s\n", msg); } break; } if (!string_is_empty(msg)) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } static void command_event_undo_save_state(char *s, size_t len) { if (content_undo_save_buf_is_empty()) { strlcpy(s, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_NO_SAVE_STATE_HAS_BEEN_OVERWRITTEN_YET), len); return; } if (!content_undo_save_state()) return; } static void command_event_undo_load_state(char *s, size_t len) { if (content_undo_load_buf_is_empty()) { strlcpy(s, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_NO_STATE_HAS_BEEN_LOADED_YET), len); return; } if (!content_undo_load_state()) { snprintf(s, len, "%s \"%s\".", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_UNDO_LOAD_STATE), "RAM"); return; } #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_LOAD_SAVESTATE, NULL); #endif strlcpy(s, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_UNDID_LOAD_STATE), len); } static bool command_event_main_state(unsigned cmd) { retro_ctx_size_info_t info; char msg[128]; size_t state_path_size = 16384 * sizeof(char); char *state_path = (char*)malloc(state_path_size); const global_t *global = &g_extern; bool ret = false; bool push_msg = true; state_path[0] = msg[0] = '\0'; if (global) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; int state_slot = settings->ints.state_slot; const char *name_savestate = global->name.savestate; if (state_slot > 0) snprintf(state_path, state_path_size, "%s%d", name_savestate, state_slot); else if (state_slot < 0) fill_pathname_join_delim(state_path, name_savestate, "auto", '.', state_path_size); else strlcpy(state_path, name_savestate, state_path_size); } core_serialize_size(&info); if (info.size) { switch (cmd) { case CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE: content_save_state(state_path, true, false); ret = true; push_msg = false; break; case CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE: if (content_load_state(state_path, false, false)) { #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (rcheevos_hardcore_active) rcheevos_state_loaded_flag = true; #endif ret = true; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_LOAD_SAVESTATE, NULL); #endif } push_msg = false; break; case CMD_EVENT_UNDO_LOAD_STATE: command_event_undo_load_state(msg, sizeof(msg)); ret = true; break; case CMD_EVENT_UNDO_SAVE_STATE: command_event_undo_save_state(msg, sizeof(msg)); ret = true; break; } } else strlcpy(msg, msg_hash_to_str( MSG_CORE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SAVESTATES), sizeof(msg)); if (push_msg) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); free(state_path); return ret; } static bool command_event_resize_windowed_scale(void) { unsigned idx = 0; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned window_scale = runloop_pending_windowed_scale; if (window_scale == 0) return false; configuration_set_float(settings, settings->floats.video_scale, (float)window_scale); if (!settings->bools.video_fullscreen) command_event(CMD_EVENT_REINIT, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_SET_WINDOWED_SCALE, &idx); return true; } static void retroarch_pause_checks(void) { #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD discord_userdata_t userdata; #endif bool is_paused = runloop_paused; bool is_idle = runloop_idle; if (is_paused) { RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PAUSED)); command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_STOP, NULL); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_set_paused(is_paused)) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PAUSED), 1, 1, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); if (!is_idle) video_driver_cached_frame(); #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD userdata.status = DISCORD_PRESENCE_GAME_PAUSED; command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE, &userdata); #endif } else { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) menu_widgets_set_paused(is_paused); #endif RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_UNPAUSED)); command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_START, NULL); } } static void retroarch_frame_time_free(void) { memset(&runloop_frame_time, 0, sizeof(struct retro_frame_time_callback)); runloop_frame_time_last = 0; runloop_max_frames = 0; } static void retroarch_system_info_free(void) { if (runloop_system.subsystem.data) free(runloop_system.subsystem.data); runloop_system.subsystem.data = NULL; runloop_system.subsystem.size = 0; if (runloop_system.ports.data) free(runloop_system.ports.data); runloop_system.ports.data = NULL; runloop_system.ports.size = 0; if (runloop_system.mmaps.descriptors) free((void *)runloop_system.mmaps.descriptors); runloop_system.mmaps.descriptors = NULL; runloop_system.mmaps.num_descriptors = 0; runloop_key_event = NULL; runloop_frontend_key_event = NULL; audio_callback.callback = NULL; audio_callback.set_state = NULL; runloop_system.info.library_name = NULL; runloop_system.info.library_version = NULL; runloop_system.info.valid_extensions = NULL; runloop_system.info.need_fullpath = false; runloop_system.info.block_extract = false; memset(&runloop_system, 0, sizeof(rarch_system_info_t)); } static bool libretro_get_system_info(const char *path, struct retro_system_info *info, bool *load_no_content); /** * command_event: * @cmd : Event command index. * * Performs program event command with index @cmd. * * Returns: true (1) on success, otherwise false (0). **/ bool command_event(enum event_command cmd, void *data) { bool boolean = false; switch (cmd) { case CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_DEINIT: #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY retroarch_overlay_deinit(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_INIT: #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY retroarch_overlay_init(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS: cheat_manager_index_next(); break; case CMD_EVENT_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS: cheat_manager_index_prev(); break; case CMD_EVENT_CHEAT_TOGGLE: cheat_manager_toggle(); break; case CMD_EVENT_SHADER_NEXT: dir_check_shader(true, false); break; case CMD_EVENT_SHADER_PREV: dir_check_shader(false, true); break; case CMD_EVENT_BSV_RECORDING_TOGGLE: if (!recording_is_enabled()) command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_INIT, NULL); else command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); bsv_movie_check(); break; case CMD_EVENT_AI_SERVICE_TOGGLE: { #ifdef HAVE_TRANSLATE settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->uints.ai_service_mode == 0) { /* Default mode - pause on call, unpause on second press. */ if (!runloop_paused) { command_event(CMD_EVENT_PAUSE, NULL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_AI_SERVICE_CALL, NULL); } else command_event(CMD_EVENT_UNPAUSE, NULL); } /* Text-to-Speech mode - don't pause */ else if (settings->uints.ai_service_mode == 1) command_event(CMD_EVENT_AI_SERVICE_CALL, NULL); else { RARCH_LOG("Invalid AI Service Mode.\n"); } #endif break; } case CMD_EVENT_STREAMING_TOGGLE: if (streaming_is_enabled()) command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); else { streaming_set_state(true); command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_INIT, NULL); } break; case CMD_EVENT_RECORDING_TOGGLE: if (recording_is_enabled()) command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); else command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_INIT, NULL); break; case CMD_EVENT_OSK_TOGGLE: if (input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable) input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable = false; else input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable = true; break; case CMD_EVENT_SET_PER_GAME_RESOLUTION: #if defined(GEKKO) { unsigned width = 0, height = 0; command_event(CMD_EVENT_VIDEO_SET_ASPECT_RATIO, NULL); if (video_driver_get_video_output_size(&width, &height)) { char msg[128] = {0}; video_driver_set_video_mode(width, height, true); if (width == 0 || height == 0) snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: DEFAULT", msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION)); else snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),"%s: %dx%d", msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION), width, height); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 100, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_LOAD_CORE_PERSIST: { core_info_ctx_find_t info_find; rarch_system_info_t *system_info = &runloop_system; struct retro_system_info *system = &system_info->info; const char *core_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC) if (string_is_empty(core_path)) return false; #endif if (!libretro_get_system_info( core_path, system, &system_info->load_no_content)) return false; info_find.path = core_path; if (!core_info_load(&info_find)) { #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC return false; #endif } } break; case CMD_EVENT_LOAD_CORE: { bool success = false; subsystem_current_count = 0; content_clear_subsystem(); success = command_event(CMD_EVENT_LOAD_CORE_PERSIST, NULL); (void)success; #ifndef HAVE_DYNAMIC command_event(CMD_EVENT_QUIT, NULL); #else if (!success) return false; #endif break; } case CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE: /* Immutable - disallow savestate load when * we absolutely cannot change game state. */ if (bsv_movie_state_handle) return false; #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (rcheevos_hardcore_active) return false; #endif if (!command_event_main_state(cmd)) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_UNDO_LOAD_STATE: if (!command_event_main_state(cmd)) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_UNDO_SAVE_STATE: if (!command_event_main_state(cmd)) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_RESIZE_WINDOWED_SCALE: if (!command_event_resize_windowed_scale()) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_TOGGLE: #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (menu_driver_alive) retroarch_menu_running_finished(false); else retroarch_menu_running(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_RESET: #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS rcheevos_state_loaded_flag = false; rcheevos_hardcore_paused = false; #endif RARCH_LOG("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESET)); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESET), 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS rcheevos_set_cheats(); #endif core_reset(); #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS rcheevos_reset_game(); #endif #if HAVE_NETWORKING netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_RESET, NULL); #endif return false; case CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.savestate_auto_index) { int new_state_slot = settings->ints.state_slot + 1; configuration_set_int(settings, settings->ints.state_slot, new_state_slot); } } if (!command_event_main_state(cmd)) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE_DECREMENT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; /* Slot -1 is (auto) slot. */ if (settings->ints.state_slot >= 0) { int new_state_slot = settings->ints.state_slot - 1; configuration_set_int(settings, settings->ints.state_slot, new_state_slot); } } break; case CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE_INCREMENT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; int new_state_slot = settings->ints.state_slot + 1; configuration_set_int(settings, settings->ints.state_slot, new_state_slot); } break; case CMD_EVENT_TAKE_SCREENSHOT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!take_screenshot(settings->paths.directory_screenshot, path_get(RARCH_PATH_BASENAME), false, video_driver_cached_frame_has_valid_framebuffer(), false, true)) return false; } break; case CMD_EVENT_UNLOAD_CORE: { bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; content_ctx_info_t content_info = {0}; content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); command_event_runtime_log_deinit(); command_event_save_auto_state(); command_event_disable_overrides(); retroarch_unset_shader_preset(); if (rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CORE_ACTIVE, NULL) || rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CONTENT_DIR_ACTIVE, NULL) || rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_GAME_ACTIVE, NULL)) input_remapping_set_defaults(true); if (is_inited) { if (!task_push_start_dummy_core(&content_info)) return false; } #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD if (discord_is_inited) { discord_userdata_t userdata; userdata.status = DISCORD_PRESENCE_NETPLAY_NETPLAY_STOPPED; command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE, &userdata); userdata.status = DISCORD_PRESENCE_MENU; command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE, &userdata); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC path_clear(RARCH_PATH_CORE); retroarch_system_info_free(); #endif if (is_inited) { subsystem_current_count = 0; content_clear_subsystem(); } } break; case CMD_EVENT_QUIT: if (!retroarch_main_quit()) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_CHEEVOS_HARDCORE_MODE_TOGGLE: #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS rcheevos_toggle_hardcore_mode(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_REINIT_FROM_TOGGLE: rarch_force_fullscreen = false; /* this fallthrough is on purpose, it should do a CMD_EVENT_REINIT too */ case CMD_EVENT_REINIT: video_driver_reinit(); { input_driver_t *input_drv = current_input; void *input_data = current_input_data; /* Poll input to avoid possibly stale data to corrupt things. */ if (input_drv && input_drv->poll) input_drv->poll(input_data); } command_event(CMD_EVENT_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE, (void*)(intptr_t)-1); #ifdef HAVE_MENU { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; menu_display_set_framebuffer_dirty_flag(); if (settings->bools.video_fullscreen) video_driver_hide_mouse(); if (menu_driver_alive) { if (current_video->set_nonblock_state) current_video->set_nonblock_state(video_driver_data, false); } } #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_CHEATS_APPLY: cheat_manager_apply_cheats(); break; case CMD_EVENT_REWIND_DEINIT: #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (rcheevos_hardcore_active) return false; #endif state_manager_event_deinit(); break; case CMD_EVENT_REWIND_INIT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (rcheevos_hardcore_active) return false; #endif if (settings->bools.rewind_enable) { #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* Only enable state manager if netplay is not underway TODO: Add a setting for these tweaks */ if (!netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL)) #endif { state_manager_event_init((unsigned)settings->sizes.rewind_buffer_size); } } } break; case CMD_EVENT_REWIND_TOGGLE: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.rewind_enable) command_event(CMD_EVENT_REWIND_INIT, NULL); else command_event(CMD_EVENT_REWIND_DEINIT, NULL); } break; case CMD_EVENT_AUTOSAVE_INIT: #ifdef HAVE_THREADS retroarch_autosave_deinit(); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* Only enable state manager if netplay is not underway TODO: Add a setting for these tweaks */ if (configuration_settings->uints.autosave_interval != 0 && !netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL)) #endif runloop_autosave = autosave_init(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_STOP: midi_driver_set_all_sounds_off(); if (!audio_driver_stop()) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_START: if (!audio_driver_start(runloop_shutdown_initiated)) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_MUTE_TOGGLE: { bool audio_mute_enable = *(audio_get_bool_ptr(AUDIO_ACTION_MUTE_ENABLE)); const char *msg = !audio_mute_enable ? msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUDIO_MUTED): msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUDIO_UNMUTED); audio_driver_mute_enable = !audio_driver_mute_enable; #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_volume_update_and_show()) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } break; case CMD_EVENT_SEND_DEBUG_INFO: #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING rarch_send_debug_info(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_FPS_TOGGLE: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; settings->bools.video_fps_show = !(settings->bools.video_fps_show); } break; case CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_NEXT: /* Switch to the next available overlay screen. */ #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (!overlay_ptr) return false; overlay_ptr->index = overlay_ptr->next_index; overlay_ptr->active = &overlay_ptr->overlays[overlay_ptr->index]; { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; input_overlay_load_active(overlay_ptr, settings->floats.input_overlay_opacity); } overlay_ptr->blocked = true; overlay_ptr->next_index = (unsigned)((overlay_ptr->index + 1) % overlay_ptr->size); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_DSP_FILTER_INIT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; audio_driver_dsp_filter_free(); if (string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_audio_dsp_plugin)) break; if (!audio_driver_dsp_filter_init( settings->paths.path_audio_dsp_plugin)) { RARCH_ERR("[DSP]: Failed to initialize DSP filter \"%s\".\n", settings->paths.path_audio_dsp_plugin); } } break; case CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT: recording_enable = false; streaming_set_state(false); if (!recording_deinit()) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_RECORD_INIT: recording_enable = true; if (!recording_init()) { command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); return false; } break; case CMD_EVENT_HISTORY_DEINIT: if (g_defaults.content_history) { playlist_write_file(g_defaults.content_history); playlist_free(g_defaults.content_history); } g_defaults.content_history = NULL; if (g_defaults.music_history) { playlist_write_file(g_defaults.music_history); playlist_free(g_defaults.music_history); } g_defaults.music_history = NULL; #if defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) || defined(HAVE_MPV) if (g_defaults.video_history) { playlist_write_file(g_defaults.video_history); playlist_free(g_defaults.video_history); } g_defaults.video_history = NULL; #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER if (g_defaults.image_history) { playlist_write_file(g_defaults.image_history); playlist_free(g_defaults.image_history); } g_defaults.image_history = NULL; #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_HISTORY_INIT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned content_history_size = settings->uints.content_history_size; command_event(CMD_EVENT_HISTORY_DEINIT, NULL); if (!settings->bools.history_list_enable) return false; RARCH_LOG("%s: [%s].\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LOADING_HISTORY_FILE), settings->paths.path_content_history); g_defaults.content_history = playlist_init( settings->paths.path_content_history, content_history_size); RARCH_LOG("%s: [%s].\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LOADING_HISTORY_FILE), settings->paths.path_content_music_history); g_defaults.music_history = playlist_init( settings->paths.path_content_music_history, content_history_size); #if defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) || defined(HAVE_MPV) RARCH_LOG("%s: [%s].\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LOADING_HISTORY_FILE), settings->paths.path_content_video_history); g_defaults.video_history = playlist_init( settings->paths.path_content_video_history, content_history_size); #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER RARCH_LOG("%s: [%s].\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LOADING_HISTORY_FILE), settings->paths.path_content_image_history); g_defaults.image_history = playlist_init( settings->paths.path_content_image_history, content_history_size); #endif } break; case CMD_EVENT_CORE_INFO_DEINIT: core_info_deinit_list(); core_info_free_current_core(); break; case CMD_EVENT_CORE_INFO_INIT: { char ext_name[255]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; ext_name[0] = '\0'; command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_INFO_DEINIT, NULL); if (!frontend_driver_get_core_extension(ext_name, sizeof(ext_name))) return false; if (!string_is_empty(settings->paths.directory_libretro)) core_info_init_list(settings->paths.path_libretro_info, settings->paths.directory_libretro, ext_name, settings->bools.show_hidden_files ); } break; case CMD_EVENT_CORE_DEINIT: { struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = NULL; command_event_runtime_log_deinit(); content_reset_savestate_backups(); hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); command_event_deinit_core(true); if (hwr) memset(hwr, 0, sizeof(*hwr)); break; } case CMD_EVENT_CORE_INIT: content_reset_savestate_backups(); { enum rarch_core_type *type = (enum rarch_core_type*)data; if (!type || !command_event_init_core(*type)) return false; } break; case CMD_EVENT_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES: video_driver_apply_state_changes(); break; case CMD_EVENT_VIDEO_SET_BLOCKING_STATE: if (current_video->set_nonblock_state) current_video->set_nonblock_state(video_driver_data, false); break; case CMD_EVENT_VIDEO_SET_ASPECT_RATIO: video_driver_set_aspect_ratio(); break; case CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_SET_SCALE_FACTOR: #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; input_overlay_set_scale_factor(overlay_ptr, settings->floats.input_overlay_scale); } #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_SET_ALPHA_MOD: /* Sets a modulating factor for alpha channel. Default is 1.0. * The alpha factor is applied for all overlays. */ #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; input_overlay_set_alpha_mod(overlay_ptr, settings->floats.input_overlay_opacity); } #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_REINIT: driver_uninit(DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK); drivers_init(DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK); break; case CMD_EVENT_SHUTDOWN: #if defined(__linux__) && !defined(ANDROID) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VALUE_SHUTTING_DOWN), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); command_event(CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG, NULL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_QUIT, NULL); system("shutdown -P now"); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_REBOOT: #if defined(__linux__) && !defined(ANDROID) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VALUE_REBOOTING), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); command_event(CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG, NULL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_QUIT, NULL); system("shutdown -r now"); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_RESUME: retroarch_menu_running_finished(false); if (main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground) ui_companion_driver_toggle(false); break; case CMD_EVENT_ADD_TO_FAVORITES: { struct string_list *str_list = (struct string_list*)data; /* Check whether favourties playlist is at capacity */ if (playlist_size(g_defaults.content_favorites) >= playlist_capacity(g_defaults.content_favorites)) { runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_ADD_TO_FAVORITES_FAILED), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_ERROR); return false; } if (str_list) { if (str_list->size >= 6) { struct playlist_entry entry = {0}; entry.path = str_list->elems[0].data; /* content_path */ entry.label = str_list->elems[1].data; /* content_label */ entry.core_path = str_list->elems[2].data; /* core_path */ entry.core_name = str_list->elems[3].data; /* core_name */ entry.crc32 = str_list->elems[4].data; /* crc32 */ entry.db_name = str_list->elems[5].data; /* db_name */ /* Write playlist entry */ command_playlist_push_write( g_defaults.content_favorites, &entry ); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_ADDED_TO_FAVORITES), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } break; } case CMD_EVENT_RESET_CORE_ASSOCIATION: { const char *core_name = "DETECT"; const char *core_path = "DETECT"; size_t *playlist_index = (size_t*)data; struct playlist_entry entry = {0}; /* the update function reads our entry as const, so these casts are safe */ entry.core_path = (char*)core_path; entry.core_name = (char*)core_name; command_playlist_update_write( NULL, *playlist_index, &entry); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESET_CORE_ASSOCIATION), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); break; } case CMD_EVENT_RESTART_RETROARCH: if (!frontend_driver_set_fork(FRONTEND_FORK_RESTART)) return false; #ifndef HAVE_DYNAMIC command_event(CMD_EVENT_QUIT, NULL); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_RESET_TO_DEFAULT_CONFIG: config_set_defaults(); break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG: command_event_save_current_config(OVERRIDE_NONE); break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_CORE: command_event_save_current_config(OVERRIDE_CORE); break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_CONTENT_DIR: command_event_save_current_config(OVERRIDE_CONTENT_DIR); break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_GAME: command_event_save_current_config(OVERRIDE_GAME); break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CONFIG: if (!command_event_save_core_config()) return false; break; case CMD_EVENT_SHADER_PRESET_LOADED: ui_companion_event_command(cmd); break; case CMD_EVENT_SHADERS_APPLY_CHANGES: #ifdef HAVE_MENU #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) menu_shader_manager_apply_changes(); #endif #endif ui_companion_event_command(cmd); break; case CMD_EVENT_PAUSE_TOGGLE: boolean = runloop_paused; boolean = !boolean; runloop_paused = boolean; retroarch_pause_checks(); break; case CMD_EVENT_UNPAUSE: boolean = false; runloop_paused = boolean; retroarch_pause_checks(); break; case CMD_EVENT_PAUSE: boolean = true; runloop_paused = boolean; retroarch_pause_checks(); break; case CMD_EVENT_MENU_PAUSE_LIBRETRO: #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (menu_driver_alive) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings && settings->bools.menu_pause_libretro) command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_STOP, NULL); else command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_START, NULL); } else { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings && settings->bools.menu_pause_libretro) command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_START, NULL); } #endif break; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH: netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_GAME_WATCH, NULL); break; case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT: deinit_netplay(); break; case CMD_EVENT_NETWORK_INIT: network_init(); break; /* init netplay manually */ case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT: { char *hostname = (char *) data; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); if (!init_netplay(NULL, hostname ? hostname : settings->paths.netplay_server, settings->uints.netplay_port)) { command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); return false; } /* Disable rewind & SRAM autosave if it was enabled * TODO: Add a setting for these tweaks */ state_manager_event_deinit(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS autosave_deinit(); #endif } break; /* Initialize netplay via lobby when content is loaded */ case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT: { /* buf is expected to be address|port */ static struct string_list *hostname = NULL; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; char *buf = (char *)data; RARCH_LOG("[Netplay] buf %s\n", buf); hostname = string_split(buf, "|"); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); RARCH_LOG("[Netplay] connecting to %s:%d (direct)\n", hostname->elems[0].data, !string_is_empty(hostname->elems[1].data) ? atoi(hostname->elems[1].data) : settings->uints.netplay_port); if (!init_netplay(NULL, hostname->elems[0].data, !string_is_empty(hostname->elems[1].data) ? atoi(hostname->elems[1].data) : settings->uints.netplay_port)) { command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); string_list_free(hostname); return false; } string_list_free(hostname); /* Disable rewind if it was enabled TODO: Add a setting for these tweaks */ state_manager_event_deinit(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS autosave_deinit(); #endif } break; /* init netplay via lobby when content is not loaded */ case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT_DEFERRED: { static struct string_list *hostname = NULL; /* buf is expected to be address|port */ settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; char *buf = (char *)data; RARCH_LOG("[Netplay] buf %s\n", buf); hostname = string_split(buf, "|"); command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); RARCH_LOG("[Netplay] connecting to %s:%d (deferred)\n", hostname->elems[0].data, !string_is_empty(hostname->elems[1].data) ? atoi(hostname->elems[1].data) : settings->uints.netplay_port); if (!init_netplay_deferred(hostname->elems[0].data, !string_is_empty(hostname->elems[1].data) ? atoi(hostname->elems[1].data) : settings->uints.netplay_port)) { command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); string_list_free(hostname); return false; } string_list_free(hostname); /* Disable rewind if it was enabled * TODO: Add a setting for these tweaks */ state_manager_event_deinit(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS autosave_deinit(); #endif } break; case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_ENABLE_HOST: { #ifdef HAVE_MENU bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_DATA_INITED, NULL)) command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_ENABLE_SERVER, NULL); /* If we haven't yet started, this will load on its own */ if (!is_inited) { runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NETPLAY_START_WHEN_LOADED), 1, 480, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); return false; } /* Enable Netplay itself */ if (!command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT, NULL)) return false; #endif break; } case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT: { netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_DISCONNECT, NULL); netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_DISABLE, NULL); { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings) { /* Re-enable rewind if it was enabled * TODO: Add a setting for these tweaks */ if (settings->bools.rewind_enable) command_event(CMD_EVENT_REWIND_INIT, NULL); if (settings->uints.autosave_interval != 0) command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUTOSAVE_INIT, NULL); } } break; } case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE: if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL) && netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_SERVER, NULL)) command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, NULL); else if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL) && !netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_SERVER, NULL) && netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_CONNECTED, NULL)) command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, NULL); else command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_ENABLE_HOST, NULL); break; #else case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT: case CMD_EVENT_NETWORK_INIT: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_INIT_DIRECT_DEFERRED: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_ENABLE_HOST: case CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH: return false; #endif case CMD_EVENT_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE: { bool *userdata = (bool*)data; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool new_fullscreen_state = !settings->bools.video_fullscreen && !retroarch_is_forced_fullscreen(); if (!video_driver_has_windowed()) return false; rarch_is_switching_display_mode = true; /* we toggled manually, write the new value to settings */ configuration_set_bool(settings, settings->bools.video_fullscreen, new_fullscreen_state); /* we toggled manually, the cli arg is irrelevant now */ if (retroarch_is_forced_fullscreen()) rarch_force_fullscreen = false; /* If we go fullscreen we drop all drivers and * reinitialize to be safe. */ command_event(CMD_EVENT_REINIT, NULL); if (settings->bools.video_fullscreen) video_driver_hide_mouse(); else video_driver_show_mouse(); rarch_is_switching_display_mode = false; if (userdata && *userdata == true) video_driver_cached_frame(); } break; case CMD_EVENT_LOG_FILE_DEINIT: retro_main_log_file_deinit(); break; case CMD_EVENT_DISK_APPEND_IMAGE: { const char *path = (const char*)data; if (string_is_empty(path)) return false; if (!command_event_disk_control_append_image(path)) return false; } break; case CMD_EVENT_DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE: { rarch_system_info_t *info = &runloop_system; if (info && info->disk_control_cb.get_num_images) { const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback*) &info->disk_control_cb; if (control) { bool new_state = !control->get_eject_state(); command_event_disk_control_set_eject(new_state, true); } } else runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CORE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DISK_OPTIONS), 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } break; case CMD_EVENT_DISK_NEXT: { rarch_system_info_t *info = &runloop_system; if (info && info->disk_control_cb.get_num_images) { const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback*) &info->disk_control_cb; if (!control) return false; if (!control->get_eject_state()) return false; command_event_check_disk_next(control); } else runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CORE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DISK_OPTIONS), 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } break; case CMD_EVENT_DISK_PREV: { rarch_system_info_t *info = &runloop_system; if (info && info->disk_control_cb.get_num_images) { const struct retro_disk_control_callback *control = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback*) &info->disk_control_cb; if (!control) return false; if (!control->get_eject_state()) return false; command_event_check_disk_prev(control); } else runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CORE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DISK_OPTIONS), 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } break; case CMD_EVENT_RUMBLE_STOP: { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; i++) { input_driver_set_rumble_state(i, RETRO_RUMBLE_STRONG, 0); input_driver_set_rumble_state(i, RETRO_RUMBLE_WEAK, 0); } } break; case CMD_EVENT_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE: { bool ret = false; static bool grab_mouse_state = false; grab_mouse_state = !grab_mouse_state; if (grab_mouse_state) ret = input_driver_grab_mouse(); else ret = input_driver_ungrab_mouse(); if (!ret) return false; RARCH_LOG("%s: %s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_GRAB_MOUSE_STATE), grab_mouse_state ? "yes" : "no"); if (grab_mouse_state) video_driver_hide_mouse(); else video_driver_show_mouse(); } break; case CMD_EVENT_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE: ui_companion_driver_toggle(true); break; case CMD_EVENT_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE: { static bool game_focus_state = false; intptr_t mode = (intptr_t)data; /* mode = -1: restores current game focus state * mode = 1: force set game focus, instead of toggling * any other: toggle */ if (mode == 1) game_focus_state = true; else if (mode != -1) game_focus_state = !game_focus_state; RARCH_LOG("%s: %s.\n", "Game focus is: ", game_focus_state ? "on" : "off"); if (game_focus_state) { input_driver_grab_mouse(); video_driver_hide_mouse(); input_driver_block_hotkey = true; current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = true; if (mode != -1) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_GAME_FOCUS_ON), 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } else { input_driver_ungrab_mouse(); video_driver_show_mouse(); input_driver_block_hotkey = false; current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = false; if (mode != -1) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_GAME_FOCUS_OFF), 1, 120, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } break; case CMD_EVENT_VOLUME_UP: command_event_set_volume(0.5f); break; case CMD_EVENT_VOLUME_DOWN: command_event_set_volume(-0.5f); break; case CMD_EVENT_MIXER_VOLUME_UP: command_event_set_mixer_volume(0.5f); break; case CMD_EVENT_MIXER_VOLUME_DOWN: command_event_set_mixer_volume(-0.5f); break; case CMD_EVENT_SET_FRAME_LIMIT: retroarch_set_frame_limit(); break; case CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_INIT: #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings) if (!settings->bools.discord_enable) return false; if (discord_is_ready()) return true; discord_init(); } #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE: #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD if (!data || !discord_is_ready()) return false; { discord_userdata_t *userdata = (discord_userdata_t*)data; discord_update(userdata->status); } #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_AI_SERVICE_CALL: #ifdef HAVE_TRANSLATE RARCH_LOG("AI Service Called...\n"); run_translation_service(); #endif break; case CMD_EVENT_NONE: return false; } return true; } /* FRONTEND */ /* Griffin hack */ #ifdef HAVE_QT #ifndef HAVE_MAIN #define HAVE_MAIN #endif #endif void retroarch_override_setting_set(enum rarch_override_setting enum_idx, void *data) { switch (enum_idx) { case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE: { unsigned *val = (unsigned*)data; if (val) { unsigned bit = *val; BIT256_SET(has_set_libretro_device, bit); } } break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_VERBOSITY: has_set_verbosity = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO: has_set_libretro = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DIRECTORY: has_set_libretro_directory = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH: has_set_save_path = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_STATE_PATH: has_set_state_path = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_MODE: has_set_netplay_mode = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_ADDRESS: has_set_netplay_ip_address = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_PORT: has_set_netplay_ip_port = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_STATELESS_MODE: has_set_netplay_stateless_mode = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_CHECK_FRAMES: has_set_netplay_check_frames = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_UPS_PREF: has_set_ups_pref = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_BPS_PREF: has_set_bps_pref = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_IPS_PREF: has_set_ips_pref = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LOG_TO_FILE: has_set_log_to_file = true; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NONE: default: break; } } void retroarch_override_setting_unset(enum rarch_override_setting enum_idx, void *data) { switch (enum_idx) { case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE: { unsigned *val = (unsigned*)data; if (val) { unsigned bit = *val; BIT256_CLEAR(has_set_libretro_device, bit); } } break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_VERBOSITY: has_set_verbosity = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO: has_set_libretro = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DIRECTORY: has_set_libretro_directory = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH: has_set_save_path = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_STATE_PATH: has_set_state_path = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_MODE: has_set_netplay_mode = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_ADDRESS: has_set_netplay_ip_address = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_PORT: has_set_netplay_ip_port = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_STATELESS_MODE: has_set_netplay_stateless_mode = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_CHECK_FRAMES: has_set_netplay_check_frames = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_UPS_PREF: has_set_ups_pref = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_BPS_PREF: has_set_bps_pref = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_IPS_PREF: has_set_ips_pref = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LOG_TO_FILE: has_set_log_to_file = false; break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NONE: default: break; } } static void retroarch_override_setting_free_state(void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LAST; i++) { if (i == RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE) { unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < MAX_USERS; j++) retroarch_override_setting_unset( (enum rarch_override_setting)(i), &j); } else retroarch_override_setting_unset( (enum rarch_override_setting)(i), NULL); } } static void global_free(void) { global_t *global = NULL; content_deinit(); path_deinit_subsystem(); command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_LOG_FILE_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_block_config_read = false; rarch_is_sram_load_disabled = false; rarch_is_sram_save_disabled = false; rarch_use_sram = false; rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_UNSET_BPS_PREF, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_UNSET_IPS_PREF, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_UNSET_UPS_PREF, NULL); rarch_patch_blocked = false; runloop_overrides_active = false; runloop_remaps_core_active = false; runloop_remaps_game_active = false; runloop_remaps_content_dir_active = false; current_core.has_set_input_descriptors = false; global = &g_extern; path_clear_all(); dir_clear_all(); if (global) { if (!string_is_empty(global->name.remapfile)) free(global->name.remapfile); memset(global, 0, sizeof(struct global)); } retroarch_override_setting_free_state(); } /** * main_exit: * * Cleanly exit RetroArch. * * Also saves configuration files to disk, * and (optionally) autosave state. **/ void main_exit(void *args) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.config_save_on_exit) command_event(CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* Do not want menu context to live any more. */ menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_UNSET_OWN_DRIVER, NULL); #endif rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_MAIN_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_perf_log(); #if defined(HAVE_LOGGER) && !defined(ANDROID) logger_shutdown(); #endif frontend_driver_deinit(args); frontend_driver_exitspawn( path_get_ptr(RARCH_PATH_CORE), path_get_realsize(RARCH_PATH_CORE)); has_set_username = false; rarch_is_inited = false; rarch_error_on_init = false; rarch_block_config_read = false; retroarch_msg_queue_deinit(); driver_uninit(DRIVERS_CMD_ALL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_LOG_FILE_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_STATE_FREE, NULL); global_free(); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_DATA_DEINIT, NULL); if (configuration_settings) free(configuration_settings); configuration_settings = NULL; ui_companion_driver_deinit(); frontend_driver_shutdown(false); driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_DEINIT, NULL); ui_companion_driver_free(); frontend_driver_free(); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) CoUninitialize(); #endif } /** * main_entry: * * Main function of RetroArch. * * If HAVE_MAIN is not defined, will contain main loop and will not * be exited from until we exit the program. Otherwise, will * just do initialization. * * Returns: varies per platform. **/ int rarch_main(int argc, char *argv[], void *data) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) if (FAILED(CoInitialize(NULL))) { RARCH_ERR("FATAL: Failed to initialize the COM interface\n"); return 1; } #endif libretro_free_system_info(&runloop_system.info); command_event(CMD_EVENT_HISTORY_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_favorites_deinit(); configuration_settings = (settings_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(settings_t)); driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_STATE_FREE, NULL); global_free(); frontend_driver_init_first(data); if (rarch_is_inited) driver_uninit(DRIVERS_CMD_ALL); #ifdef HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE sthread_tls_create(&rarch_tls); sthread_tls_set(&rarch_tls, MAGIC_POINTER); #endif video_driver_active = true; audio_driver_active = true; { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; i++) input_config_set_device(i, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD); } retroarch_msg_queue_init(); if (frontend_driver_is_inited()) { content_ctx_info_t info; info.argc = argc; info.argv = argv; info.args = data; info.environ_get = frontend_driver_environment_get_ptr(); if (!task_push_load_content_from_cli( NULL, NULL, &info, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, NULL, NULL)) return 1; } ui_companion_driver_init_first(); #if !defined(HAVE_MAIN) || defined(HAVE_QT) do { int ret; bool app_exit = false; #ifdef HAVE_QT ui_companion_qt.application->process_events(); #endif ret = runloop_iterate(); task_queue_check(); #ifdef HAVE_QT app_exit = ui_companion_qt.application->exiting; #endif if (ret == -1 || app_exit) { #ifdef HAVE_QT ui_companion_qt.application->quit(); #endif break; } }while(1); main_exit(data); #endif return 0; } #ifndef HAVE_MAIN #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return rarch_main(argc, argv, NULL); } #endif /* CORE OPTIONS */ static bool core_option_manager_parse_variable( core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx, const struct retro_variable *var, config_file_t *config_src) { const char *val_start = NULL; char *value = NULL; char *desc_end = NULL; char *config_val = NULL; struct core_option *option = (struct core_option*)&opt->opts[idx]; /* All options are visible by default */ option->visible = true; if (!string_is_empty(var->key)) option->key = strdup(var->key); if (!string_is_empty(var->value)) value = strdup(var->value); if (!string_is_empty(value)) desc_end = strstr(value, "; "); if (!desc_end) goto error; *desc_end = '\0'; if (!string_is_empty(value)) option->desc = strdup(value); val_start = desc_end + 2; option->vals = string_split(val_start, "|"); if (!option->vals) goto error; /* Legacy core option interface has no concept of * value labels - use actual values for display purposes */ option->val_labels = string_list_clone(option->vals); if (!option->val_labels) goto error; /* Legacy core option interface always uses first * defined value as the default */ option->default_index = 0; option->index = 0; /* Set current config value */ if (config_get_string(config_src ? config_src : opt->conf, option->key, &config_val)) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < option->vals->size; i++) { if (string_is_equal(option->vals->elems[i].data, config_val)) { option->index = i; break; } } free(config_val); } free(value); return true; error: free(value); return false; } static bool core_option_manager_parse_option( core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx, const struct retro_core_option_definition *option_def, config_file_t *config_src) { size_t i; union string_list_elem_attr attr; size_t num_vals = 0; char *config_val = NULL; struct core_option *option = (struct core_option*)&opt->opts[idx]; const struct retro_core_option_value *values = option_def->values; /* All options are visible by default */ option->visible = true; if (!string_is_empty(option_def->key)) option->key = strdup(option_def->key); if (!string_is_empty(option_def->desc)) option->desc = strdup(option_def->desc); if (!string_is_empty(option_def->info)) option->info = strdup(option_def->info); /* Get number of values */ while (true) { if (!string_is_empty(values[num_vals].value)) num_vals++; else break; } if (num_vals < 1) return false; /* Initialise string lists */ attr.i = 0; option->vals = string_list_new(); option->val_labels = string_list_new(); if (!option->vals || !option->val_labels) return false; /* Initialse default value */ option->default_index = 0; option->index = 0; /* Extract value/label pairs */ for (i = 0; i < num_vals; i++) { /* We know that 'value' is valid */ string_list_append(option->vals, values[i].value, attr); /* Value 'label' may be NULL */ if (!string_is_empty(values[i].label)) string_list_append(option->val_labels, values[i].label, attr); else string_list_append(option->val_labels, values[i].value, attr); /* Check whether this value is the default setting */ if (!string_is_empty(option_def->default_value)) { if (string_is_equal(option_def->default_value, values[i].value)) { option->default_index = i; option->index = i; } } } /* Set current config value */ if (config_get_string(config_src ? config_src : opt->conf, option->key, &config_val)) { for (i = 0; i < option->vals->size; i++) { if (string_is_equal(option->vals->elems[i].data, config_val)) { option->index = i; break; } } free(config_val); } return true; } /** * core_option_manager_free: * @opt : options manager handle * * Frees core option manager handle. **/ static void core_option_manager_free(core_option_manager_t *opt) { size_t i; if (!opt) return; for (i = 0; i < opt->size; i++) { if (opt->opts[i].desc) free(opt->opts[i].desc); if (opt->opts[i].info) free(opt->opts[i].info); if (opt->opts[i].key) free(opt->opts[i].key); if (opt->opts[i].vals) string_list_free(opt->opts[i].vals); if (opt->opts[i].val_labels) string_list_free(opt->opts[i].val_labels); opt->opts[i].desc = NULL; opt->opts[i].info = NULL; opt->opts[i].key = NULL; opt->opts[i].vals = NULL; } if (opt->conf) config_file_free(opt->conf); free(opt->opts); free(opt); } /** * core_option_manager_new_vars: * @conf_path : Filesystem path to write core option config file to. * @src_conf_path : Filesystem path from which to load initial config settings. * @vars : Pointer to variable array handle. * * Legacy version of core_option_manager_new(). * Creates and initializes a core manager handle. * * Returns: handle to new core manager handle, otherwise NULL. **/ static core_option_manager_t *core_option_manager_new_vars( const char *conf_path, const char *src_conf_path, const struct retro_variable *vars) { const struct retro_variable *var; size_t size = 0; core_option_manager_t *opt = (core_option_manager_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*opt)); config_file_t *config_src = NULL; if (!opt) return NULL; if (!string_is_empty(conf_path)) if (!(opt->conf = config_file_new_from_path_to_string(conf_path))) if (!(opt->conf = config_file_new_alloc())) goto error; strlcpy(opt->conf_path, conf_path, sizeof(opt->conf_path)); /* Load source config file, if required */ if (!string_is_empty(src_conf_path)) config_src = config_file_new_from_path_to_string(src_conf_path); for (var = vars; var->key && var->value; var++) size++; if (size == 0) goto error; opt->opts = (struct core_option*)calloc(size, sizeof(*opt->opts)); if (!opt->opts) goto error; opt->size = size; size = 0; for (var = vars; var->key && var->value; size++, var++) { if (!core_option_manager_parse_variable(opt, size, var, config_src)) goto error; } if (config_src) config_file_free(config_src); return opt; error: if (config_src) config_file_free(config_src); core_option_manager_free(opt); return NULL; } /** * core_option_manager_new: * @conf_path : Filesystem path to write core option config file to. * @src_conf_path : Filesystem path from which to load initial config settings. * @option_defs : Pointer to variable array handle. * * Creates and initializes a core manager handle. * * Returns: handle to new core manager handle, otherwise NULL. **/ static core_option_manager_t *core_option_manager_new( const char *conf_path, const char *src_conf_path, const struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs) { const struct retro_core_option_definition *option_def; size_t size = 0; core_option_manager_t *opt = (core_option_manager_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*opt)); config_file_t *config_src = NULL; if (!opt) return NULL; if (!string_is_empty(conf_path)) if (!(opt->conf = config_file_new_from_path_to_string(conf_path))) if (!(opt->conf = config_file_new_alloc())) goto error; strlcpy(opt->conf_path, conf_path, sizeof(opt->conf_path)); /* Load source config file, if required */ if (!string_is_empty(src_conf_path)) config_src = config_file_new_from_path_to_string(src_conf_path); /* Note: 'option_def->info == NULL' is valid */ for (option_def = option_defs; option_def->key && option_def->desc && option_def->values[0].value; option_def++) size++; if (size == 0) goto error; opt->opts = (struct core_option*)calloc(size, sizeof(*opt->opts)); if (!opt->opts) goto error; opt->size = size; size = 0; /* Note: 'option_def->info == NULL' is valid */ for (option_def = option_defs; option_def->key && option_def->desc && option_def->values[0].value; size++, option_def++) { if (!core_option_manager_parse_option(opt, size, option_def, config_src)) goto error; } if (config_src) config_file_free(config_src); return opt; error: if (config_src) config_file_free(config_src); core_option_manager_free(opt); return NULL; } /** * core_option_manager_flush: * @opt : options manager handle * * Writes core option key-pair values to file. **/ static void core_option_manager_flush( config_file_t *conf, core_option_manager_t *opt, const char *path) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < opt->size; i++) { struct core_option *option = (struct core_option*)&opt->opts[i]; if (option) config_set_string(conf, option->key, opt->opts[i].vals->elems[opt->opts[i].index].data); } } /** * core_option_manager_get_desc: * @opt : options manager handle * @index : index identifier of the option * * Gets description for an option. * * Returns: Description for an option. **/ const char *core_option_manager_get_desc( core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx) { if (!opt) return NULL; if (idx >= opt->size) return NULL; return opt->opts[idx].desc; } /** * core_option_manager_get_info: * @opt : options manager handle * @idx : idx identifier of the option * * Gets information text for an option. * * Returns: Information text for an option. **/ const char *core_option_manager_get_info( core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx) { if (!opt) return NULL; if (idx >= opt->size) return NULL; return opt->opts[idx].info; } /** * core_option_manager_get_val: * @opt : options manager handle * @index : index identifier of the option * * Gets value for an option. * * Returns: Value for an option. **/ const char *core_option_manager_get_val(core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx) { struct core_option *option = NULL; if (!opt) return NULL; if (idx >= opt->size) return NULL; option = (struct core_option*)&opt->opts[idx]; return option->vals->elems[option->index].data; } /** * core_option_manager_get_val_label: * @opt : options manager handle * @idx : idx identifier of the option * * Gets value label for an option. * * Returns: Value label for an option. **/ const char *core_option_manager_get_val_label(core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx) { struct core_option *option = NULL; if (!opt) return NULL; if (idx >= opt->size) return NULL; option = (struct core_option*)&opt->opts[idx]; return option->val_labels->elems[option->index].data; } /** * core_option_manager_get_visible: * @opt : options manager handle * @idx : idx identifier of the option * * Gets whether option should be visible when displaying * core options in the frontend * * Returns: 'true' if option should be displayed by the frontend. **/ bool core_option_manager_get_visible(core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx) { if (!opt) return false; if (idx >= opt->size) return false; return opt->opts[idx].visible; } void core_option_manager_set_val(core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx, size_t val_idx) { struct core_option *option= NULL; if (!opt) return; if (idx >= opt->size) return; option = (struct core_option*)&opt->opts[idx]; option->index = val_idx % option->vals->size; opt->updated = true; } /** * core_option_manager_set_default: * @opt : pointer to core option manager object. * @idx : index of core option to be reset to defaults. * * Reset core option specified by @idx and sets default value for option. **/ void core_option_manager_set_default(core_option_manager_t *opt, size_t idx) { if (!opt) return; if (idx >= opt->size) return; opt->opts[idx].index = opt->opts[idx].default_index; opt->updated = true; } static struct retro_core_option_definition *core_option_manager_get_definitions( const struct retro_core_options_intl *core_options_intl) { size_t i; size_t num_options = 0; struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs_us = NULL; struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs_local = NULL; struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs = NULL; if (!core_options_intl) return NULL; option_defs_us = core_options_intl->us; option_defs_local = core_options_intl->local; if (!option_defs_us) return NULL; /* Determine number of options */ while (true) { if (!string_is_empty(option_defs_us[num_options].key)) num_options++; else break; } if (num_options < 1) return NULL; /* Allocate output option_defs array * > One extra entry required for terminating NULL entry * > Note that calloc() sets terminating NULL entry and * correctly 'nullifies' each values array */ option_defs = (struct retro_core_option_definition *)calloc( num_options + 1, sizeof(struct retro_core_option_definition)); if (!option_defs) return NULL; /* Loop through options... */ for (i = 0; i < num_options; i++) { size_t j; size_t num_values = 0; const char *key = option_defs_us[i].key; const char *local_desc = NULL; const char *local_info = NULL; struct retro_core_option_value *local_values = NULL; /* Key is always taken from us english defs */ option_defs[i].key = key; /* Default value is always taken from us english defs */ option_defs[i].default_value = option_defs_us[i].default_value; /* Try to find corresponding entry in local defs array */ if (option_defs_local) { size_t index = 0; while (true) { const char *local_key = option_defs_local[index].key; if (!string_is_empty(local_key)) { if (string_is_equal(key, local_key)) { local_desc = option_defs_local[index].desc; local_info = option_defs_local[index].info; local_values = option_defs_local[index].values; break; } else index++; } else break; } } /* Set desc and info strings */ option_defs[i].desc = string_is_empty(local_desc) ? option_defs_us[i].desc : local_desc; option_defs[i].info = string_is_empty(local_info) ? option_defs_us[i].info : local_info; /* Determine number of values * (always taken from us english defs) */ while (true) { if (!string_is_empty(option_defs_us[i].values[num_values].value)) num_values++; else break; } /* Copy values */ for (j = 0; j < num_values; j++) { const char *value = option_defs_us[i].values[j].value; const char *local_label = NULL; /* Value string is always taken from us english defs */ option_defs[i].values[j].value = value; /* Try to find corresponding entry in local defs values array */ if (local_values) { size_t value_index = 0; while (true) { const char *local_value = local_values[value_index].value; if (!string_is_empty(local_value)) { if (string_is_equal(value, local_value)) { local_label = local_values[value_index].label; break; } else value_index++; } else break; } } /* Set value label string */ option_defs[i].values[j].label = string_is_empty(local_label) ? option_defs_us[i].values[j].label : local_label; } } return option_defs; } static void core_option_manager_set_display(core_option_manager_t *opt, const char *key, bool visible) { size_t i; if (!opt || string_is_empty(key)) return; for (i = 0; i < opt->size; i++) { if (string_is_empty(opt->opts[i].key)) continue; if (string_is_equal(opt->opts[i].key, key)) { opt->opts[i].visible = visible; return; } } } /* DYNAMIC LIBRETRO CORE */ #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC #define SYMBOL(x) do { \ function_t func = dylib_proc(lib_handle_local, #x); \ memcpy(¤t_core->x, &func, sizeof(func)); \ if (current_core->x == NULL) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to load symbol: \"%s\"\n", #x); retroarch_fail(1, "init_libretro_symbols()"); } \ } while (0) static dylib_t lib_handle; #else #define SYMBOL(x) current_core->x = x #endif #define SYMBOL_DUMMY(x) current_core->x = libretro_dummy_##x #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG #define SYMBOL_FFMPEG(x) current_core->x = libretro_ffmpeg_##x #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPV #define SYMBOL_MPV(x) current_core->x = libretro_mpv_##x #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER #define SYMBOL_IMAGEVIEWER(x) current_core->x = libretro_imageviewer_##x #endif #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD) #define SYMBOL_NETRETROPAD(x) current_core->x = libretro_netretropad_##x #endif #if defined(HAVE_VIDEOPROCESSOR) #define SYMBOL_VIDEOPROCESSOR(x) current_core->x = libretro_videoprocessor_##x #endif #ifdef HAVE_EASTEREGG #define SYMBOL_GONG(x) current_core->x = libretro_gong_##x #endif #define CORE_SYMBOLS(x) \ x(retro_init); \ x(retro_deinit); \ x(retro_api_version); \ x(retro_get_system_info); \ x(retro_get_system_av_info); \ x(retro_set_environment); \ x(retro_set_video_refresh); \ x(retro_set_audio_sample); \ x(retro_set_audio_sample_batch); \ x(retro_set_input_poll); \ x(retro_set_input_state); \ x(retro_set_controller_port_device); \ x(retro_reset); \ x(retro_run); \ x(retro_serialize_size); \ x(retro_serialize); \ x(retro_unserialize); \ x(retro_cheat_reset); \ x(retro_cheat_set); \ x(retro_load_game); \ x(retro_load_game_special); \ x(retro_unload_game); \ x(retro_get_region); \ x(retro_get_memory_data); \ x(retro_get_memory_size); static bool ignore_environment_cb = false; static bool core_set_shared_context = false; static bool *load_no_content_hook = NULL; struct retro_subsystem_info subsystem_data[SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS]; struct retro_subsystem_rom_info subsystem_data_roms[SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS][SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEM_ROMS]; unsigned subsystem_current_count; const struct retro_subsystem_info *libretro_find_subsystem_info( const struct retro_subsystem_info *info, unsigned num_info, const char *ident) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < num_info; i++) { if (string_is_equal(info[i].ident, ident)) return &info[i]; else if (string_is_equal(info[i].desc, ident)) return &info[i]; } return NULL; } /** * libretro_find_controller_description: * @info : Pointer to controller info handle. * @id : Identifier of controller to search * for. * * Search for a controller of type @id in @info. * * Returns: controller description of found controller on success, * otherwise NULL. **/ const struct retro_controller_description * libretro_find_controller_description( const struct retro_controller_info *info, unsigned id) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < info->num_types; i++) { if (info->types[i].id != id) continue; return &info->types[i]; } return NULL; } /** * libretro_free_system_info: * @info : Pointer to system info information. * * Frees system information. **/ void libretro_free_system_info(struct retro_system_info *info) { if (!info) return; free((void*)info->library_name); free((void*)info->library_version); free((void*)info->valid_extensions); memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info)); } static bool environ_cb_get_system_info(unsigned cmd, void *data) { rarch_system_info_t *system = &runloop_system; switch (cmd) { case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME: *load_no_content_hook = *(const bool*)data; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUBSYSTEM_INFO: { unsigned i, j, size; const struct retro_subsystem_info *info = (const struct retro_subsystem_info*)data; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned log_level = settings->uints.libretro_log_level; subsystem_current_count = 0; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_SUBSYSTEM_INFO.\n"); for (i = 0; info[i].ident; i++) { if (log_level != RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) continue; RARCH_LOG("Subsystem ID: %d\n", i); RARCH_LOG("Special game type: %s\n", info[i].desc); RARCH_LOG(" Ident: %s\n", info[i].ident); RARCH_LOG(" ID: %u\n", info[i].id); RARCH_LOG(" Content:\n"); for (j = 0; j < info[i].num_roms; j++) { RARCH_LOG(" %s (%s)\n", info[i].roms[j].desc, info[i].roms[j].required ? "required" : "optional"); } } if (log_level == RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) RARCH_LOG("Subsystems: %d\n", i); size = i; if (log_level == RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) if (size > SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS) RARCH_WARN("Subsystems exceed subsystem max, clamping to %d\n", SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS); if (system) { for (i = 0; i < size && i < SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS; i++) { /* Nasty, but have to do it like this since * the pointers are const char * * (if we don't free them, we get a memory leak) */ if (!string_is_empty(subsystem_data[i].desc)) free((char *)subsystem_data[i].desc); if (!string_is_empty(subsystem_data[i].ident)) free((char *)subsystem_data[i].ident); subsystem_data[i].desc = strdup(info[i].desc); subsystem_data[i].ident = strdup(info[i].ident); subsystem_data[i].id = info[i].id; subsystem_data[i].num_roms = info[i].num_roms; if (log_level == RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) if (subsystem_data[i].num_roms > SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEM_ROMS) RARCH_WARN("Subsystems exceed subsystem max roms, clamping to %d\n", SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEM_ROMS); for (j = 0; j < subsystem_data[i].num_roms && j < SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEM_ROMS; j++) { /* Nasty, but have to do it like this since * the pointers are const char * * (if we don't free them, we get a memory leak) */ if (!string_is_empty(subsystem_data_roms[i][j].desc)) free((char *)subsystem_data_roms[i][j].desc); if (!string_is_empty(subsystem_data_roms[i][j].valid_extensions)) free((char *)subsystem_data_roms[i][j].valid_extensions); subsystem_data_roms[i][j].desc = strdup(info[i].roms[j].desc); subsystem_data_roms[i][j].valid_extensions = strdup(info[i].roms[j].valid_extensions); subsystem_data_roms[i][j].required = info[i].roms[j].required; subsystem_data_roms[i][j].block_extract = info[i].roms[j].block_extract; subsystem_data_roms[i][j].need_fullpath = info[i].roms[j].need_fullpath; } subsystem_data[i].roms = subsystem_data_roms[i]; } subsystem_current_count = size <= SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS ? size : SUBSYSTEM_MAX_SUBSYSTEMS; } break; } default: return false; } return true; } static bool dynamic_request_hw_context(enum retro_hw_context_type type, unsigned minor, unsigned major) { switch (type) { case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_NONE: RARCH_LOG("Requesting no HW context.\n"); break; case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_VULKAN: #ifdef HAVE_VULKAN RARCH_LOG("Requesting Vulkan context.\n"); break; #else RARCH_ERR("Requesting Vulkan context, but RetroArch is not compiled against Vulkan. Cannot use HW context.\n"); return false; #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENGLES) #if (defined(HAVE_OPENGLES2) || defined(HAVE_OPENGLES3)) case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES2: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES3: RARCH_LOG("Requesting OpenGLES%u context.\n", type == RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES2 ? 2 : 3); break; #if defined(HAVE_OPENGLES3) case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES_VERSION: RARCH_LOG("Requesting OpenGLES%u.%u context.\n", major, minor); break; #endif #endif case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE: RARCH_ERR("Requesting OpenGL context, but RetroArch " "is compiled against OpenGLES. Cannot use HW context.\n"); return false; #elif defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES2: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES3: RARCH_ERR("Requesting OpenGLES%u context, but RetroArch " "is compiled against OpenGL. Cannot use HW context.\n", type == RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES2 ? 2 : 3); return false; case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES_VERSION: RARCH_ERR("Requesting OpenGLES%u.%u context, but RetroArch " "is compiled against OpenGL. Cannot use HW context.\n", major, minor); return false; case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL: RARCH_LOG("Requesting OpenGL context.\n"); break; case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE: /* TODO/FIXME - we should do a check here to see if * the requested core GL version is supported */ RARCH_LOG("Requesting core OpenGL context (%u.%u).\n", major, minor); break; #endif #if defined(HAVE_D3D9) || defined(HAVE_D3D11) case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_DIRECT3D: switch (major) { #ifdef HAVE_D3D9 case 9: RARCH_LOG("Requesting D3D9 context.\n"); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_D3D11 case 11: RARCH_LOG("Requesting D3D11 context.\n"); break; #endif default: RARCH_LOG("Requesting unknown context.\n"); return false; } break; #endif default: RARCH_LOG("Requesting unknown context.\n"); return false; } return true; } static bool dynamic_verify_hw_context(enum retro_hw_context_type type, unsigned minor, unsigned major) { const char *video_ident = (current_video) ? current_video->ident : NULL; switch (type) { case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_VULKAN: if (!string_is_equal(video_ident, "vulkan")) return false; break; case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES2: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES3: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES_VERSION: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE: if (!string_is_equal(video_ident, "gl") && !string_is_equal(video_ident, "glcore")) { return false; } break; case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_DIRECT3D: if (!(string_is_equal(video_ident, "d3d11") && major == 11)) return false; break; default: break; } return true; } static void rarch_log_libretro(enum retro_log_level level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list vp; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if ((unsigned)level < settings->uints.libretro_log_level) return; if (!verbosity_is_enabled()) return; va_start(vp, fmt); switch (level) { case RETRO_LOG_DEBUG: RARCH_LOG_V("[libretro DEBUG]", fmt, vp); break; case RETRO_LOG_INFO: RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT_V("[libretro INFO]", fmt, vp); break; case RETRO_LOG_WARN: RARCH_WARN_V("[libretro WARN]", fmt, vp); break; case RETRO_LOG_ERROR: RARCH_ERR_V("[libretro ERROR]", fmt, vp); break; default: break; } va_end(vp); } static void core_performance_counter_start(struct retro_perf_counter *perf) { if (runloop_perfcnt_enable) { perf->call_cnt++; perf->start = cpu_features_get_perf_counter(); } } static void core_performance_counter_stop(struct retro_perf_counter *perf) { if (runloop_perfcnt_enable) perf->total += cpu_features_get_perf_counter() - perf->start; } static size_t mmap_add_bits_down(size_t n) { n |= n >> 1; n |= n >> 2; n |= n >> 4; n |= n >> 8; n |= n >> 16; /* double shift to avoid warnings on 32bit (it's dead code, but compilers suck) */ if (sizeof(size_t) > 4) n |= n >> 16 >> 16; return n; } static size_t mmap_inflate(size_t addr, size_t mask) { while (mask) { size_t tmp = (mask - 1) & ~mask; /* to put in an 1 bit instead, OR in tmp+1 */ addr = ((addr & ~tmp) << 1) | (addr & tmp); mask = mask & (mask - 1); } return addr; } static size_t mmap_reduce(size_t addr, size_t mask) { while (mask) { size_t tmp = (mask - 1) & ~mask; addr = (addr & tmp) | ((addr >> 1) & ~tmp); mask = (mask & (mask - 1)) >> 1; } return addr; } static size_t mmap_highest_bit(size_t n) { n = mmap_add_bits_down(n); return n ^ (n >> 1); } static bool mmap_preprocess_descriptors(rarch_memory_descriptor_t *first, unsigned count) { size_t top_addr = 1; rarch_memory_descriptor_t *desc = NULL; const rarch_memory_descriptor_t *end = first + count; for (desc = first; desc < end; desc++) { if (desc->core.select != 0) top_addr |= desc->core.select; else top_addr |= desc->core.start + desc->core.len - 1; } top_addr = mmap_add_bits_down(top_addr); for (desc = first; desc < end; desc++) { if (desc->core.select == 0) { if (desc->core.len == 0) return false; if ((desc->core.len & (desc->core.len - 1)) != 0) return false; desc->core.select = top_addr & ~mmap_inflate(mmap_add_bits_down(desc->core.len - 1), desc->core.disconnect); } if (desc->core.len == 0) desc->core.len = mmap_add_bits_down(mmap_reduce(top_addr & ~desc->core.select, desc->core.disconnect)) + 1; if (desc->core.start & ~desc->core.select) return false; while (mmap_reduce(top_addr & ~desc->core.select, desc->core.disconnect) >> 1 > desc->core.len - 1) desc->core.disconnect |= mmap_highest_bit(top_addr & ~desc->core.select & ~desc->core.disconnect); desc->disconnect_mask = mmap_add_bits_down(desc->core.len - 1); desc->core.disconnect &= desc->disconnect_mask; while ((~desc->disconnect_mask) >> 1 & desc->core.disconnect) { desc->disconnect_mask >>= 1; desc->core.disconnect &= desc->disconnect_mask; } } return true; } static bool rarch_clear_all_thread_waits(unsigned clear_threads, void *data) { if ( clear_threads > 0) audio_driver_start(false); else audio_driver_stop(); return true; } /** * rarch_environment_cb: * @cmd : Identifier of command. * @data : Pointer to data. * * Environment callback function implementation. * * Returns: true (1) if environment callback command could * be performed, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool rarch_environment_cb(unsigned cmd, void *data) { unsigned p; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; rarch_system_info_t *system = &runloop_system; if (ignore_environment_cb) return false; switch (cmd) { case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_OVERSCAN: *(bool*)data = !settings->bools.video_crop_overscan; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_OVERSCAN: %u\n", (unsigned)!settings->bools.video_crop_overscan); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CAN_DUPE: *(bool*)data = true; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_CAN_DUPE: true\n"); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE: { unsigned log_level = settings->uints.libretro_log_level; struct retro_variable *var = (struct retro_variable*)data; if (!var) return true; var->value = NULL; if (!runloop_core_options) { RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_VARIABLE %s: not implemented.\n", var->key); return true; } { size_t i; #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD if (runloop_core_options->updated) has_variable_update = true; #endif runloop_core_options->updated = false; for (i = 0; i < runloop_core_options->size; i++) { if (!string_is_empty(runloop_core_options->opts[i].key)) if (string_is_equal(runloop_core_options->opts[i].key, var->key)) { var->value = runloop_core_options->opts[i].vals->elems[ runloop_core_options->opts[i].index].data; break; } } } if (log_level == RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) { char s[128]; s[0] = '\0'; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "Environ GET_VARIABLE %s:\n\t%s\n", var->key, var->value ? var->value : msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE)); RARCH_LOG(s); } } break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE: if (runloop_core_options) *(bool*)data = runloop_core_options->updated; else *(bool*)data = false; break; /* SET_VARIABLES: Legacy path */ case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_VARIABLES: RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_VARIABLES.\n"); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_VARIABLES_INIT, data); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS: RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_CORE_OPTIONS.\n"); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_INIT, data); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_INTL: RARCH_LOG("Environ RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_INTL.\n"); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_INTL_INIT, data); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_DISPLAY: RARCH_LOG("Environ RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_DISPLAY.\n"); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DISPLAY, data); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MESSAGE: { const struct retro_message *msg = (const struct retro_message*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_MESSAGE: %s\n", msg->msg); #ifdef HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS if (!menu_widgets_set_libretro_message(msg->msg, roundf((float)msg->frames / 60.0f * 1000.0f))) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(msg->msg, 3, msg->frames, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_ROTATION: { unsigned rotation = *(const unsigned*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_ROTATION: %u\n", rotation); if (!settings->bools.video_allow_rotate) break; if (system) system->rotation = rotation; if (!video_driver_set_rotation(rotation)) return false; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SHUTDOWN: RARCH_LOG("Environ SHUTDOWN.\n"); /* This case occurs when a core (internally) requests * a shutdown event. Must save runtime log file here, * since normal command.c CMD_EVENT_CORE_DEINIT event * will not occur until after the current content has * been cleared (causing log to be skipped) */ command_event_runtime_log_deinit(); runloop_shutdown_initiated = true; runloop_core_shutdown_initiated = true; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: if (system) { system->performance_level = *(const unsigned*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: %u.\n", system->performance_level); } break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: if (string_is_empty(settings->paths.directory_system) || settings->bools.systemfiles_in_content_dir) { const char *fullpath = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT); if (!string_is_empty(fullpath)) { size_t path_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); char *temp_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); temp_path[0] = '\0'; if (string_is_empty(settings->paths.directory_system)) RARCH_WARN("SYSTEM DIR is empty, assume CONTENT DIR %s\n", fullpath); fill_pathname_basedir(temp_path, fullpath, path_size); dir_set(RARCH_DIR_SYSTEM, temp_path); free(temp_path); } *(const char**)data = dir_get_ptr(RARCH_DIR_SYSTEM); RARCH_LOG("Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: \"%s\".\n", dir_get(RARCH_DIR_SYSTEM)); } else { *(const char**)data = settings->paths.directory_system; RARCH_LOG("Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: \"%s\".\n", settings->paths.directory_system); } break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY: *(const char**)data = dir_get(RARCH_DIR_CURRENT_SAVEFILE); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_USERNAME: *(const char**)data = *settings->paths.username ? settings->paths.username : NULL; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_USERNAME: \"%s\".\n", settings->paths.username); break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LANGUAGE: #ifdef HAVE_LANGEXTRA { unsigned user_lang = *msg_hash_get_uint(MSG_HASH_USER_LANGUAGE); *(unsigned *)data = user_lang; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_LANGUAGE: \"%u\".\n", user_lang); } #endif break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: { enum retro_pixel_format pix_fmt = *(const enum retro_pixel_format*)data; switch (pix_fmt) { case RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555: RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: 0RGB1555.\n"); break; case RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565: RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.\n"); break; case RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888: RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: XRGB8888.\n"); break; default: return false; } video_driver_pix_fmt = pix_fmt; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS: { static const char *libretro_btn_desc[] = { "B (bottom)", "Y (left)", "Select", "Start", "D-Pad Up", "D-Pad Down", "D-Pad Left", "D-Pad Right", "A (right)", "X (up)", "L", "R", "L2", "R2", "L3", "R3", }; if (system) { unsigned retro_id; const struct retro_input_descriptor *desc = NULL; memset((void*)&system->input_desc_btn, 0, sizeof(system->input_desc_btn)); desc = (const struct retro_input_descriptor*)data; for (; desc->description; desc++) { unsigned retro_port = desc->port; retro_id = desc->id; if (desc->port >= MAX_USERS) continue; /* Ignore all others for now. */ if ( desc->device != RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD && desc->device != RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG) continue; if (desc->id >= RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND) continue; if (desc->device == RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG) { switch (retro_id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X: switch (desc->index) { case RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT: system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_PLUS] = desc->description; system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_MINUS] = desc->description; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT: system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_PLUS] = desc->description; system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_MINUS] = desc->description; break; } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y: switch (desc->index) { case RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT: system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_PLUS] = desc->description; system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_MINUS] = desc->description; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT: system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_PLUS] = desc->description; system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_MINUS] = desc->description; break; } break; } } else system->input_desc_btn[retro_port] [retro_id] = desc->description; } RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS:\n"); { unsigned log_level = settings->uints.libretro_log_level; if (log_level == RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) { for (p = 0; p < input_driver_max_users; p++) { for (retro_id = 0; retro_id < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND; retro_id++) { const char *description = system->input_desc_btn[p][retro_id]; if (!description) continue; RARCH_LOG("\tRetroPad, User %u, Button \"%s\" => \"%s\"\n", p + 1, libretro_btn_desc[retro_id], description); } } } } current_core.has_set_input_descriptors = true; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_KEYBOARD_CALLBACK: { const struct retro_keyboard_callback *info = (const struct retro_keyboard_callback*)data; retro_keyboard_event_t *frontend_key_event = &runloop_frontend_key_event; retro_keyboard_event_t *key_event = &runloop_key_event; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_KEYBOARD_CALLBACK.\n"); if (key_event) *key_event = info->callback; if (frontend_key_event && key_event) *frontend_key_event = *key_event; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE: RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE.\n"); if (system) system->disk_control_cb = *(const struct retro_disk_control_callback*)data; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_HW_RENDER: case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_HW_RENDER | RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_EXPERIMENTAL: { struct retro_hw_render_callback *cb = (struct retro_hw_render_callback*)data; struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_HW_RENDER.\n"); if (!dynamic_request_hw_context( cb->context_type, cb->version_minor, cb->version_major)) return false; if (!dynamic_verify_hw_context( cb->context_type, cb->version_minor, cb->version_major)) return false; #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) if (!gl_set_core_context(cb->context_type)) { } #endif cb->get_current_framebuffer = video_driver_get_current_framebuffer; cb->get_proc_address = video_driver_get_proc_address; /* Old ABI. Don't copy garbage. */ if (cmd & RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_EXPERIMENTAL) { memcpy(hwr, cb, offsetof(struct retro_hw_render_callback, stencil)); memset((uint8_t*)hwr + offsetof(struct retro_hw_render_callback, stencil), 0, sizeof(*cb) - offsetof(struct retro_hw_render_callback, stencil)); } else memcpy(hwr, cb, sizeof(*cb)); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME: { bool state = *(const bool*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME: %s.\n", state ? "yes" : "no"); if (state) content_set_does_not_need_content(); else content_unset_does_not_need_content(); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SAVE_STATE_IN_BACKGROUND: { bool state = *(const bool*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_SAVE_STATE_IN_BACKGROUND: %s.\n", state ? "yes" : "no"); set_save_state_in_background(state); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LIBRETRO_PATH: { const char **path = (const char**)data; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC *path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); #else *path = NULL; #endif break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_AUDIO_CALLBACK: #ifdef HAVE_THREADS { const struct retro_audio_callback *cb = (const struct retro_audio_callback*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_AUDIO_CALLBACK.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL)) return false; #endif if (recording_data) /* A/V sync is a must. */ return false; if (cb) audio_callback = *cb; } #endif break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_FRAME_TIME_CALLBACK: { const struct retro_frame_time_callback *info = (const struct retro_frame_time_callback*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_FRAME_TIME_CALLBACK.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* retro_run() will be called in very strange and * mysterious ways, have to disable it. */ if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL)) return false; #endif runloop_frame_time = *info; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_RUMBLE_INTERFACE: { struct retro_rumble_interface *iface = (struct retro_rumble_interface*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_RUMBLE_INTERFACE.\n"); iface->set_rumble_state = input_driver_set_rumble_state; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_INPUT_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES: { uint64_t *mask = (uint64_t*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_INPUT_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES.\n"); if (!current_input->get_capabilities || !current_input_data) return false; *mask = input_driver_get_capabilities(); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SENSOR_INTERFACE: { struct retro_sensor_interface *iface = (struct retro_sensor_interface*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_SENSOR_INTERFACE.\n"); iface->set_sensor_state = input_sensor_set_state; iface->get_sensor_input = input_sensor_get_input; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CAMERA_INTERFACE: { struct retro_camera_callback *cb = (struct retro_camera_callback*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_CAMERA_INTERFACE.\n"); cb->start = driver_camera_start; cb->stop = driver_camera_stop; camera_cb = *cb; if (cb->caps != 0) camera_driver_active = true; else camera_driver_active = false; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE: { struct retro_location_callback *cb = (struct retro_location_callback*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE.\n"); cb->start = driver_location_start; cb->stop = driver_location_stop; cb->get_position = driver_location_get_position; cb->set_interval = driver_location_set_interval; if (system) system->location_cb = *cb; location_driver_active = false; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOG_INTERFACE: { struct retro_log_callback *cb = (struct retro_log_callback*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_LOG_INTERFACE.\n"); cb->log = rarch_log_libretro; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_PERF_INTERFACE: { struct retro_perf_callback *cb = (struct retro_perf_callback*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ GET_PERF_INTERFACE.\n"); cb->get_time_usec = cpu_features_get_time_usec; cb->get_cpu_features = cpu_features_get; cb->get_perf_counter = cpu_features_get_perf_counter; cb->perf_register = performance_counter_register; cb->perf_start = core_performance_counter_start; cb->perf_stop = core_performance_counter_stop; cb->perf_log = retro_perf_log; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CORE_ASSETS_DIRECTORY: { const char **dir = (const char**)data; *dir = *settings->paths.directory_core_assets ? settings->paths.directory_core_assets : NULL; RARCH_LOG("Environ CORE_ASSETS_DIRECTORY: \"%s\".\n", settings->paths.directory_core_assets); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO: /** * Update the system Audio/Video information. * Will reinitialize audio/video drivers. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO. **/ { const struct retro_system_av_info **info = (const struct retro_system_av_info**)&data; struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; if (info && av_info) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO.\n"); memcpy(av_info, *info, sizeof(*av_info)); command_event(CMD_EVENT_REINIT, NULL); /* Cannot continue recording with different parameters. * Take the easiest route out and just restart the recording. */ if (recording_data) { runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESTARTING_RECORDING_DUE_TO_DRIVER_REINIT), 2, 180, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_INIT, NULL); } /* Hide mouse cursor in fullscreen after * a RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO call. */ if (settings->bools.video_fullscreen) video_driver_hide_mouse(); return true; } return false; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUBSYSTEM_INFO: { unsigned i; const struct retro_subsystem_info *info = (const struct retro_subsystem_info*)data; unsigned log_level = settings->uints.libretro_log_level; if (log_level == RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_SUBSYSTEM_INFO.\n"); for (i = 0; info[i].ident; i++) { unsigned j; if (log_level != RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) continue; RARCH_LOG("Special game type: %s\n", info[i].desc); RARCH_LOG(" Ident: %s\n", info[i].ident); RARCH_LOG(" ID: %u\n", info[i].id); RARCH_LOG(" Content:\n"); for (j = 0; j < info[i].num_roms; j++) { RARCH_LOG(" %s (%s)\n", info[i].roms[j].desc, info[i].roms[j].required ? "required" : "optional"); } } if (system) { struct retro_subsystem_info *info_ptr = NULL; free(system->subsystem.data); system->subsystem.data = NULL; system->subsystem.size = 0; info_ptr = (struct retro_subsystem_info*) malloc(i * sizeof(*info_ptr)); if (!info_ptr) return false; system->subsystem.data = info_ptr; memcpy(system->subsystem.data, info, i * sizeof(*system->subsystem.data)); system->subsystem.size = i; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CONTROLLER_INFO: { unsigned i, j; const struct retro_controller_info *info = (const struct retro_controller_info*)data; unsigned log_level = settings->uints.libretro_log_level; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_CONTROLLER_INFO.\n"); for (i = 0; info[i].types; i++) { if (log_level != RETRO_LOG_DEBUG) continue; RARCH_LOG("Controller port: %u\n", i + 1); for (j = 0; j < info[i].num_types; j++) RARCH_LOG(" %s (ID: %u)\n", info[i].types[j].desc, info[i].types[j].id); } if (system) { struct retro_controller_info *info_ptr = NULL; free(system->ports.data); system->ports.data = NULL; system->ports.size = 0; info_ptr = (struct retro_controller_info*)calloc(i, sizeof(*info_ptr)); if (!info_ptr) return false; system->ports.data = info_ptr; memcpy(system->ports.data, info, i * sizeof(*system->ports.data)); system->ports.size = i; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MEMORY_MAPS: { if (system) { unsigned i; const struct retro_memory_map *mmaps = (const struct retro_memory_map*)data; rarch_memory_descriptor_t *descriptors = NULL; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_MEMORY_MAPS.\n"); free((void*)system->mmaps.descriptors); system->mmaps.descriptors = 0; system->mmaps.num_descriptors = 0; descriptors = (rarch_memory_descriptor_t*) calloc(mmaps->num_descriptors, sizeof(*descriptors)); if (!descriptors) return false; system->mmaps.descriptors = descriptors; system->mmaps.num_descriptors = mmaps->num_descriptors; for (i = 0; i < mmaps->num_descriptors; i++) system->mmaps.descriptors[i].core = mmaps->descriptors[i]; mmap_preprocess_descriptors(descriptors, mmaps->num_descriptors); if (sizeof(void *) == 8) RARCH_LOG(" ndx flags ptr offset start select disconn len addrspace\n"); else RARCH_LOG(" ndx flags ptr offset start select disconn len addrspace\n"); for (i = 0; i < system->mmaps.num_descriptors; i++) { const rarch_memory_descriptor_t *desc = &system->mmaps.descriptors[i]; char flags[7]; flags[0] = 'M'; if ((desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_MINSIZE_8) == RETRO_MEMDESC_MINSIZE_8) flags[1] = '8'; else if ((desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_MINSIZE_4) == RETRO_MEMDESC_MINSIZE_4) flags[1] = '4'; else if ((desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_MINSIZE_2) == RETRO_MEMDESC_MINSIZE_2) flags[1] = '2'; else flags[1] = '1'; flags[2] = 'A'; if ((desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_ALIGN_8) == RETRO_MEMDESC_ALIGN_8) flags[3] = '8'; else if ((desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_ALIGN_4) == RETRO_MEMDESC_ALIGN_4) flags[3] = '4'; else if ((desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_ALIGN_2) == RETRO_MEMDESC_ALIGN_2) flags[3] = '2'; else flags[3] = '1'; flags[4] = (desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_BIGENDIAN) ? 'B' : 'b'; flags[5] = (desc->core.flags & RETRO_MEMDESC_CONST) ? 'C' : 'c'; flags[6] = 0; RARCH_LOG(" %03u %s %p %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %s\n", i + 1, flags, desc->core.ptr, desc->core.offset, desc->core.start, desc->core.select, desc->core.disconnect, desc->core.len, desc->core.addrspace ? desc->core.addrspace : ""); } } else { RARCH_WARN("Environ SET_MEMORY_MAPS, but system pointer not initialized..\n"); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_GEOMETRY: { struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; struct retro_game_geometry *geom = (struct retro_game_geometry*)&av_info->geometry; const struct retro_game_geometry *in_geom = (const struct retro_game_geometry*)data; if (!geom) return false; /* Can potentially be called every frame, * don't do anything unless required. */ if ( (geom->base_width != in_geom->base_width) || (geom->base_height != in_geom->base_height) || (geom->aspect_ratio != in_geom->aspect_ratio)) { geom->base_width = in_geom->base_width; geom->base_height = in_geom->base_height; geom->aspect_ratio = in_geom->aspect_ratio; RARCH_LOG("SET_GEOMETRY: %ux%u, aspect: %.3f.\n", geom->base_width, geom->base_height, geom->aspect_ratio); /* Forces recomputation of aspect ratios if * using core-dependent aspect ratios. */ video_driver_set_aspect_ratio(); /* TODO: Figure out what to do, if anything, with recording. */ } else { RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_GEOMETRY.\n"); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CURRENT_SOFTWARE_FRAMEBUFFER: { struct retro_framebuffer *fb = (struct retro_framebuffer*)data; if ( video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->get_current_software_framebuffer && video_driver_poke->get_current_software_framebuffer( video_driver_data, fb)) return true; return false; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_HW_RENDER_INTERFACE: { const struct retro_hw_render_interface **iface = (const struct retro_hw_render_interface **)data; if ( video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->get_hw_render_interface && video_driver_poke->get_hw_render_interface( video_driver_data, iface)) return true; return false; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_ACHIEVEMENTS: #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS { bool state = *(const bool*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_SUPPORT_ACHIEVEMENTS: %s.\n", state ? "yes" : "no"); rcheevos_set_support_cheevos(state); } #endif break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_HW_RENDER_CONTEXT_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE: { const struct retro_hw_render_context_negotiation_interface *iface = (const struct retro_hw_render_context_negotiation_interface*)data; RARCH_LOG("Environ SET_HW_RENDER_CONTEXT_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE.\n"); hw_render_context_negotiation = iface; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SERIALIZATION_QUIRKS: { uint64_t *quirks = (uint64_t *) data; current_core.serialization_quirks_v = *quirks; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_HW_SHARED_CONTEXT: core_set_shared_context = true; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VFS_INTERFACE: { const uint32_t supported_vfs_version = 3; static struct retro_vfs_interface vfs_iface = { /* VFS API v1 */ retro_vfs_file_get_path_impl, retro_vfs_file_open_impl, retro_vfs_file_close_impl, retro_vfs_file_size_impl, retro_vfs_file_tell_impl, retro_vfs_file_seek_impl, retro_vfs_file_read_impl, retro_vfs_file_write_impl, retro_vfs_file_flush_impl, retro_vfs_file_remove_impl, retro_vfs_file_rename_impl, /* VFS API v2 */ retro_vfs_file_truncate_impl, /* VFS API v3 */ retro_vfs_stat_impl, retro_vfs_mkdir_impl, retro_vfs_opendir_impl, retro_vfs_readdir_impl, retro_vfs_dirent_get_name_impl, retro_vfs_dirent_is_dir_impl, retro_vfs_closedir_impl }; struct retro_vfs_interface_info *vfs_iface_info = (struct retro_vfs_interface_info *) data; if (vfs_iface_info->required_interface_version <= supported_vfs_version) { RARCH_LOG("Core requested VFS version >= v%d, providing v%d\n", vfs_iface_info->required_interface_version, supported_vfs_version); vfs_iface_info->required_interface_version = supported_vfs_version; vfs_iface_info->iface = &vfs_iface; system->supports_vfs = true; } else { RARCH_WARN("Core requested VFS version v%d which is higher than what we support (v%d)\n", vfs_iface_info->required_interface_version, supported_vfs_version); return false; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LED_INTERFACE: { struct retro_led_interface *ledintf = (struct retro_led_interface *)data; if (ledintf) ledintf->set_led_state = led_driver_set_led; } break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_AUDIO_VIDEO_ENABLE: { int result = 0; if (!audio_suspended && audio_driver_active) result |= 2; if (video_driver_active && !(current_video->frame == video_null.frame)) result |= 1; #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD if (request_fast_savestate) result |= 4; if (hard_disable_audio) result |= 8; #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_REPLAYING, NULL)) result &= ~(1|2); if (netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL)) result |= 4; #endif if (data) { int* result_p = (int*)data; *result_p = result; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_MIDI_INTERFACE: { struct retro_midi_interface *midi_interface = (struct retro_midi_interface *)data; if (midi_interface) { midi_interface->input_enabled = midi_driver_input_enabled; midi_interface->output_enabled = midi_driver_output_enabled; midi_interface->read = midi_driver_read; midi_interface->write = midi_driver_write; midi_interface->flush = midi_driver_flush; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_FASTFORWARDING: *(bool *)data = runloop_fastmotion; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CLEAR_ALL_THREAD_WAITS_CB: *(retro_environment_t *)data = rarch_clear_all_thread_waits; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_INPUT_BITMASKS: /* Just falldown, the function will return true */ break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CORE_OPTIONS_VERSION: /* Current API version is 1 */ *(unsigned *)data = 1; break; case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_TARGET_REFRESH_RATE: { /* Try to use the polled refresh rate first. */ float target_refresh_rate = video_driver_get_refresh_rate(); /* If the above function failed [possibly because it is not * implemented], use the refresh rate set in the config instead. */ if (target_refresh_rate == 0.0 && settings) target_refresh_rate = settings->floats.video_refresh_rate; *(float *)data = target_refresh_rate; break; } default: RARCH_LOG("Environ UNSUPPORTED (#%u).\n", cmd); return false; } return true; } #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC /** * libretro_get_environment_info: * @func : Function pointer for get_environment_info. * @load_no_content : If true, core should be able to auto-start * without any content loaded. * * Sets environment callback in order to get statically known * information from it. * * Fetched via environment callbacks instead of * retro_get_system_info(), as this info is part of extensions. * * Should only be called once right after core load to * avoid overwriting the "real" environ callback. * * For statically linked cores, pass retro_set_environment as argument. */ static void libretro_get_environment_info(void (*func)(retro_environment_t), bool *load_no_content) { load_no_content_hook = load_no_content; /* load_no_content gets set in this callback. */ func(environ_cb_get_system_info); /* It's possible that we just set get_system_info callback * to the currently running core. * * Make sure we reset it to the actual environment callback. * Ignore any environment callbacks here in case we're running * on the non-current core. */ ignore_environment_cb = true; func(rarch_environment_cb); ignore_environment_cb = false; } static bool load_dynamic_core(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size) { /* Can't lookup symbols in itself on UWP */ #if !(defined(__WINRT__) || defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) && WINAPI_FAMILY == WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP) if (dylib_proc(NULL, "retro_init")) { /* Try to verify that -lretro was not linked in from other modules * since loading it dynamically and with -l will fail hard. */ RARCH_ERR("Serious problem. RetroArch wants to load libretro cores" " dynamically, but it is already linked.\n"); RARCH_ERR("This could happen if other modules RetroArch depends on " "link against libretro directly.\n"); RARCH_ERR("Proceeding could cause a crash. Aborting ...\n"); retroarch_fail(1, "init_libretro_symbols()"); } #endif /* Need to use absolute path for this setting. It can be * saved to content history, and a relative path would * break in that scenario. */ path_resolve_realpath(buf, size, true); if ((lib_handle = dylib_load(path))) return true; return false; } static dylib_t libretro_get_system_info_lib(const char *path, struct retro_system_info *info, bool *load_no_content) { dylib_t lib = dylib_load(path); void (*proc)(struct retro_system_info*); if (!lib) return NULL; proc = (void (*)(struct retro_system_info*)) dylib_proc(lib, "retro_get_system_info"); if (!proc) { dylib_close(lib); return NULL; } proc(info); if (load_no_content) { void (*set_environ)(retro_environment_t); *load_no_content = false; set_environ = (void (*)(retro_environment_t)) dylib_proc(lib, "retro_set_environment"); if (set_environ) libretro_get_environment_info(set_environ, load_no_content); } return lib; } #endif /** * libretro_get_system_info: * @path : Path to libretro library. * @info : Pointer to system info information. * @load_no_content : If true, core should be able to auto-start * without any content loaded. * * Gets system info from an arbitrary lib. * The struct returned must be freed as strings are allocated dynamically. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool libretro_get_system_info(const char *path, struct retro_system_info *info, bool *load_no_content) { struct retro_system_info dummy_info; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC dylib_t lib; #endif dummy_info.library_name = NULL; dummy_info.library_version = NULL; dummy_info.valid_extensions = NULL; dummy_info.need_fullpath = false; dummy_info.block_extract = false; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC lib = libretro_get_system_info_lib( path, &dummy_info, load_no_content); if (!lib) { RARCH_ERR("%s: \"%s\"\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_LIBRETRO_CORE), path); RARCH_ERR("Error(s): %s\n", dylib_error()); return false; } #else if (load_no_content) { load_no_content_hook = load_no_content; /* load_no_content gets set in this callback. */ retro_set_environment(environ_cb_get_system_info); /* It's possible that we just set get_system_info callback * to the currently running core. * * Make sure we reset it to the actual environment callback. * Ignore any environment callbacks here in case we're running * on the non-current core. */ ignore_environment_cb = true; retro_set_environment(rarch_environment_cb); ignore_environment_cb = false; } retro_get_system_info(&dummy_info); #endif memcpy(info, &dummy_info, sizeof(*info)); current_library_name[0] = '\0'; current_library_version[0] = '\0'; current_valid_extensions[0] = '\0'; if (!string_is_empty(dummy_info.library_name)) strlcpy(current_library_name, dummy_info.library_name, sizeof(current_library_name)); if (!string_is_empty(dummy_info.library_version)) strlcpy(current_library_version, dummy_info.library_version, sizeof(current_library_version)); if (dummy_info.valid_extensions) strlcpy(current_valid_extensions, dummy_info.valid_extensions, sizeof(current_valid_extensions)); info->library_name = current_library_name; info->library_version = current_library_version; info->valid_extensions = current_valid_extensions; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC dylib_close(lib); #endif return true; } /** * load_symbols: * @type : Type of core to be loaded. * If CORE_TYPE_DUMMY, will * load dummy symbols. * * Setup libretro callback symbols. Returns true on success, * or false if symbols could not be loaded. **/ static bool init_libretro_symbols_custom(enum rarch_core_type type, struct retro_core_t *current_core, const char *lib_path, void *_lib_handle_p) { #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC /* the library handle for use with the SYMBOL macro */ dylib_t lib_handle_local; #endif switch (type) { case CORE_TYPE_PLAIN: { #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD dylib_t *lib_handle_p = (dylib_t*)_lib_handle_p; if (!lib_path || !lib_handle_p) #endif { const char *path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); if (string_is_empty(path)) { RARCH_ERR("Frontend is built for dynamic libretro cores, but " "path is not set. Cannot continue.\n"); retroarch_fail(1, "init_libretro_symbols()"); } RARCH_LOG("Loading dynamic libretro core from: \"%s\"\n", path); if (!load_dynamic_core( path, path_get_ptr(RARCH_PATH_CORE), path_get_realsize(RARCH_PATH_CORE) )) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to open libretro core: \"%s\"\n", path); RARCH_ERR("Error(s): %s\n", dylib_error()); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_LIBRETRO_CORE), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); return false; } lib_handle_local = lib_handle; } #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD else { /* for a secondary core, we already have a * primary library loaded, so we can skip * some checks and just load the library */ retro_assert(lib_path != NULL && lib_handle_p != NULL); lib_handle_local = dylib_load(lib_path); if (!lib_handle_local) return false; *lib_handle_p = lib_handle_local; } #endif #endif CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL); } break; case CORE_TYPE_DUMMY: CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_DUMMY); break; case CORE_TYPE_FFMPEG: #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_FFMPEG); #endif break; case CORE_TYPE_MPV: #ifdef HAVE_MPV CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_MPV); #endif break; case CORE_TYPE_IMAGEVIEWER: #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_IMAGEVIEWER); #endif break; case CORE_TYPE_NETRETROPAD: #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD) CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_NETRETROPAD); #endif break; case CORE_TYPE_VIDEO_PROCESSOR: #if defined(HAVE_VIDEOPROCESSOR) CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_VIDEOPROCESSOR); #endif break; case CORE_TYPE_GONG: #ifdef HAVE_EASTEREGG CORE_SYMBOLS(SYMBOL_GONG); #endif break; } return true; } /** * init_libretro_symbols: * @type : Type of core to be loaded. * If CORE_TYPE_DUMMY, will * load dummy symbols. * * Initializes libretro symbols and * setups environment callback functions. Returns true on success, * or false if symbols could not be loaded. **/ static bool init_libretro_symbols(enum rarch_core_type type, struct retro_core_t *current_core) { /* Load symbols */ if (!init_libretro_symbols_custom(type, current_core, NULL, NULL)) return false; #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD /* remember last core type created, so creating a * secondary core will know what core type to use. */ last_core_type = type; #endif return true; } bool libretro_get_shared_context(void) { return core_set_shared_context; } /** * uninit_libretro_sym: * * Frees libretro core. * * Frees all core options, * associated state, and * unbind all libretro callback symbols. **/ static void uninit_libretro_symbols(struct retro_core_t *current_core) { #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC if (lib_handle) dylib_close(lib_handle); lib_handle = NULL; #endif memset(current_core, 0, sizeof(struct retro_core_t)); core_set_shared_context = false; rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DEINIT, NULL); retroarch_system_info_free(); retroarch_frame_time_free(); camera_driver_active = false; location_driver_active = false; /* Performance counters no longer valid. */ performance_counters_clear(); } #if defined(HAVE_RUNAHEAD) static void free_retro_ctx_load_content_info(struct retro_ctx_load_content_info *dest) { if (!dest) return; core_free_retro_game_info(dest->info); string_list_free((struct string_list*)dest->content); if (dest->info) free(dest->info); dest->info = NULL; dest->content = NULL; } static struct retro_game_info* clone_retro_game_info(const struct retro_game_info *src) { void *data = NULL; struct retro_game_info *dest = NULL; if (!src) return NULL; dest = (struct retro_game_info*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct retro_game_info)); if (!dest) return NULL; dest->data = NULL; dest->path = strcpy_alloc(src->path); if (src->size && src->data) { data = malloc(src->size); if (data) { memcpy(data, src->data, src->size); dest->data = data; } } dest->size = src->size; dest->meta = strcpy_alloc(src->meta); return dest; } static struct retro_ctx_load_content_info *clone_retro_ctx_load_content_info( const struct retro_ctx_load_content_info *src) { struct retro_ctx_load_content_info *dest = NULL; if (!src || src->special) return NULL; /* refuse to deal with the Special field */ dest = (struct retro_ctx_load_content_info*) calloc(1, sizeof(*dest)); if (!dest) return NULL; dest->info = clone_retro_game_info(src->info); dest->content = NULL; dest->special = NULL; if (src->content) dest->content = string_list_clone(src->content); return dest; } static void set_load_content_info(const retro_ctx_load_content_info_t *ctx) { free_retro_ctx_load_content_info(load_content_info); free(load_content_info); load_content_info = clone_retro_ctx_load_content_info(ctx); } /* RUNAHEAD - SECONDARY CORE */ #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC) || defined(HAVE_DYLIB) static void secondary_core_destroy(void) { if (!secondary_module) return; /* unload game from core */ if (secondary_core.retro_unload_game) secondary_core.retro_unload_game(); /* deinit */ if (secondary_core.retro_deinit) secondary_core.retro_deinit(); memset(&secondary_core, 0, sizeof(struct retro_core_t)); dylib_close(secondary_module); secondary_module = NULL; filestream_delete(secondary_library_path); if (secondary_library_path) free(secondary_library_path); secondary_library_path = NULL; } static bool secondary_core_ensure_exists(void) { if (!secondary_module) { if (!secondary_core_create()) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } } return true; } static bool secondary_core_deserialize(const void *buffer, int size) { if (secondary_core_ensure_exists()) return secondary_core.retro_unserialize(buffer, size); return false; } static void remember_controller_port_device(long port, long device) { if (port >= 0 && port < 16) port_map[port] = (int)device; if (secondary_module && secondary_core.retro_set_controller_port_device) secondary_core.retro_set_controller_port_device((unsigned)port, (unsigned)device); } static void clear_controller_port_map(void) { unsigned port; for (port = 0; port < 16; port++) port_map[port] = -1; } static char *get_temp_directory_alloc(void) { char *path = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef LEGACY_WIN32 DWORD path_length = GetTempPath(0, NULL) + 1; path = (char*)malloc(path_length * sizeof(char)); if (!path) return NULL; path[path_length - 1] = 0; GetTempPath(path_length, path); #else DWORD path_length = GetTempPathW(0, NULL) + 1; wchar_t *wide_str = (wchar_t*)malloc(path_length * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!wide_str) return NULL; wide_str[path_length - 1] = 0; GetTempPathW(path_length, wide_str); path = utf16_to_utf8_string_alloc(wide_str); free(wide_str); #endif #elif defined ANDROID { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; path = strcpy_alloc_force(settings->paths.directory_libretro); } #else if (getenv("TMPDIR")) path = strcpy_alloc_force(getenv("TMPDIR")); else path = strcpy_alloc_force("/tmp"); #endif return path; } static bool write_file_with_random_name(char **temp_dll_path, const char *retroarch_temp_path, const void* data, ssize_t dataSize) { unsigned i; char number_buf[32]; bool okay = false; const char *prefix = "tmp"; time_t time_value = time(NULL); unsigned number_value = (unsigned)time_value; char *ext = strcpy_alloc_force( path_get_extension(*temp_dll_path)); int ext_len = (int)strlen(ext); if (ext_len > 0) { strcat_alloc(&ext, "."); memmove(ext + 1, ext, ext_len); ext[0] = '.'; ext_len++; } /* Try up to 30 'random' filenames before giving up */ for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { int number; number_value = number_value * 214013 + 2531011; number = (number_value >> 14) % 100000; snprintf(number_buf, sizeof(number_buf), "%05d", number); if (*temp_dll_path) free(*temp_dll_path); *temp_dll_path = NULL; strcat_alloc(temp_dll_path, retroarch_temp_path); strcat_alloc(temp_dll_path, prefix); strcat_alloc(temp_dll_path, number_buf); strcat_alloc(temp_dll_path, ext); if (filestream_write_file(*temp_dll_path, data, dataSize)) { okay = true; break; } } if (ext) free(ext); ext = NULL; return okay; } static char *copy_core_to_temp_file(void) { bool failed = false; char *temp_directory = NULL; char *retroarch_temp_path = NULL; char *temp_dll_path = NULL; void *dll_file_data = NULL; int64_t dll_file_size = 0; const char *core_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE); const char *core_base_name = path_basename(core_path); if (strlen(core_base_name) == 0) { failed = true; goto end; } temp_directory = get_temp_directory_alloc(); if (!temp_directory) { failed = true; goto end; } strcat_alloc(&retroarch_temp_path, temp_directory); strcat_alloc(&retroarch_temp_path, path_default_slash()); strcat_alloc(&retroarch_temp_path, "retroarch_temp"); strcat_alloc(&retroarch_temp_path, path_default_slash()); if (!path_mkdir(retroarch_temp_path)) { failed = true; goto end; } if (!filestream_read_file(core_path, &dll_file_data, &dll_file_size)) { failed = true; goto end; } strcat_alloc(&temp_dll_path, retroarch_temp_path); strcat_alloc(&temp_dll_path, core_base_name); if (!filestream_write_file(temp_dll_path, dll_file_data, dll_file_size)) { /* try other file names */ if (!write_file_with_random_name(&temp_dll_path, retroarch_temp_path, dll_file_data, dll_file_size)) failed = true; } end: if (temp_directory) free(temp_directory); if (retroarch_temp_path) free(retroarch_temp_path); if (dll_file_data) free(dll_file_data); temp_directory = NULL; retroarch_temp_path = NULL; dll_file_data = NULL; if (!failed) return temp_dll_path; if (temp_dll_path) free(temp_dll_path); temp_dll_path = NULL; return NULL; } static bool rarch_environment_secondary_core_hook(unsigned cmd, void *data) { bool result = rarch_environment_cb(cmd, data); if (has_variable_update) { if (cmd == RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE) { bool *bool_p = (bool*)data; *bool_p = true; has_variable_update = false; return true; } else if (cmd == RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE) has_variable_update = false; } return result; } static bool secondary_core_create(void) { long port, device; bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; if ( last_core_type != CORE_TYPE_PLAIN || !load_content_info || load_content_info->special) return false; if (secondary_library_path) free(secondary_library_path); secondary_library_path = NULL; secondary_library_path = copy_core_to_temp_file(); if (!secondary_library_path) return false; /* Load Core */ if (!init_libretro_symbols_custom( CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, &secondary_core, secondary_library_path, &secondary_module)) return false; secondary_core.symbols_inited = true; secondary_core.retro_set_environment( rarch_environment_secondary_core_hook); #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD has_variable_update = true; #endif secondary_core.retro_init(); content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); secondary_core.inited = is_inited; /* Load Content */ if (!load_content_info || load_content_info->special) { /* disabled due to crashes */ return false; #if 0 secondary_core.game_loaded = secondary_core.retro_load_game_special( loadContentInfo.special->id, loadContentInfo.info, loadContentInfo.content->size); if (!secondary_core.game_loaded) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } #endif } else if (load_content_info->content->size > 0 && load_content_info->content->elems[0].data) { secondary_core.game_loaded = secondary_core.retro_load_game(load_content_info->info); if (!secondary_core.game_loaded) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } } else if (contentless) { secondary_core.game_loaded = secondary_core.retro_load_game(NULL); if (!secondary_core.game_loaded) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } } else secondary_core.game_loaded = false; if (!secondary_core.inited) { secondary_core_destroy(); return false; } core_set_default_callbacks(&secondary_callbacks); secondary_core.retro_set_video_refresh(secondary_callbacks.frame_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_audio_sample(secondary_callbacks.sample_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(secondary_callbacks.sample_batch_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_state(secondary_callbacks.state_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_poll(secondary_callbacks.poll_cb); for (port = 0; port < 16; port++) { device = port_map[port]; if (device >= 0) secondary_core.retro_set_controller_port_device( (unsigned)port, (unsigned)device); } clear_controller_port_map(); return true; } static void secondary_core_input_poll_null(void) { } bool secondary_core_run_use_last_input(void) { retro_input_poll_t old_poll_function; retro_input_state_t old_input_function; if (!secondary_core_ensure_exists()) return false; old_poll_function = secondary_callbacks.poll_cb; old_input_function = secondary_callbacks.state_cb; secondary_callbacks.poll_cb = secondary_core_input_poll_null; secondary_callbacks.state_cb = input_state_get_last; secondary_core.retro_set_input_poll(secondary_callbacks.poll_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_state(secondary_callbacks.state_cb); secondary_core.retro_run(); secondary_callbacks.poll_cb = old_poll_function; secondary_callbacks.state_cb = old_input_function; secondary_core.retro_set_input_poll(secondary_callbacks.poll_cb); secondary_core.retro_set_input_state(secondary_callbacks.state_cb); return true; } #else bool secondary_core_deserialize(const void *buffer, int size) { return false; } static void secondary_core_destroy(void) { } static void remember_controller_port_device(long port, long device) { } static void clear_controller_port_map(void) { } #endif #endif /* WIFI DRIVER */ /** * wifi_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to wifi driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *wifi_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = wifi_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * wifi_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of wifi driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *wifi_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const wifi_driver_t *drv = wifi_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_wifi_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all wifi driver names, * separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all wifi driver names, * separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_wifi_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_WIFI_DRIVERS, NULL); } void driver_wifi_scan(void) { wifi_driver->scan(); } void driver_wifi_get_ssids(struct string_list* ssids) { wifi_driver->get_ssids(ssids); } bool driver_wifi_ssid_is_online(unsigned i) { return wifi_driver->ssid_is_online(i); } bool driver_wifi_connect_ssid(unsigned i, const char* passphrase) { return wifi_driver->connect_ssid(i, passphrase); } bool wifi_driver_ctl(enum rarch_wifi_ctl_state state, void *data) { switch (state) { case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_DESTROY: wifi_driver_active = false; wifi_driver = NULL; wifi_data = NULL; break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_SET_ACTIVE: wifi_driver_active = true; break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_FIND_DRIVER: { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; drv.label = "wifi_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.wifi_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) wifi_driver = (const wifi_driver_t*)wifi_driver_find_handle(i); else { if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("Couldn't find any wifi driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.wifi_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available wifi drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; wifi_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", wifi_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("Going to default to first wifi driver...\n"); } wifi_driver = (const wifi_driver_t*)wifi_driver_find_handle(0); if (!wifi_driver) retroarch_fail(1, "find_wifi_driver()"); } } break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_UNSET_ACTIVE: wifi_driver_active = false; break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_IS_ACTIVE: return wifi_driver_active; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_DEINIT: if (wifi_data && wifi_driver) { if (wifi_driver->free) wifi_driver->free(wifi_data); } wifi_data = NULL; break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_STOP: if ( wifi_driver && wifi_driver->stop && wifi_data) wifi_driver->stop(wifi_data); break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_START: if (wifi_driver && wifi_data && wifi_driver->start) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.wifi_allow) return wifi_driver->start(wifi_data); } return false; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_SET_CB: { /*struct retro_wifi_callback *cb = (struct retro_wifi_callback*)data; wifi_cb = *cb;*/ } break; case RARCH_WIFI_CTL_INIT: /* Resource leaks will follow if wifi is initialized twice. */ if (wifi_data) return false; wifi_driver_ctl(RARCH_WIFI_CTL_FIND_DRIVER, NULL); wifi_data = wifi_driver->init(); if (!wifi_data) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize wifi driver. Will continue without wifi.\n"); wifi_driver_ctl(RARCH_WIFI_CTL_UNSET_ACTIVE, NULL); } /*if (wifi_cb.initialized) wifi_cb.initialized();*/ break; default: break; } return false; } /* UI COMPANION */ void ui_companion_set_foreground(unsigned enable) { main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground = enable; } bool ui_companion_is_on_foreground(void) { return main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground; } void ui_companion_event_command(enum event_command action) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (ui && ui->event_command) ui->event_command(ui_companion_data, action); #ifdef HAVE_QT if (ui_companion_qt.toggle && qt_is_inited) ui_companion_qt.event_command(ui_companion_qt_data, action); #endif } static void ui_companion_driver_deinit(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (!ui) return; if (ui->deinit) ui->deinit(ui_companion_data); #ifdef HAVE_QT if (qt_is_inited) { ui_companion_qt.deinit(ui_companion_qt_data); ui_companion_qt_data = NULL; } #endif ui_companion_data = NULL; } void ui_companion_driver_init_first(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; ui_companion = (ui_companion_driver_t*)ui_companion_drivers[0]; #ifdef HAVE_QT if (settings->bools.desktop_menu_enable && settings->bools.ui_companion_toggle) { ui_companion_qt_data = ui_companion_qt.init(); qt_is_inited = true; } #endif if (ui_companion) { if (settings->bools.ui_companion_start_on_boot) { if (ui_companion->init) ui_companion_data = ui_companion->init(); ui_companion_driver_toggle(false); } } } void ui_companion_driver_toggle(bool force) { #ifdef HAVE_QT settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #endif if (ui_companion && ui_companion->toggle) ui_companion->toggle(ui_companion_data, false); #ifdef HAVE_QT if (settings->bools.desktop_menu_enable) { if ((settings->bools.ui_companion_toggle || force) && !qt_is_inited) { ui_companion_qt_data = ui_companion_qt.init(); qt_is_inited = true; } if (ui_companion_qt.toggle && qt_is_inited) ui_companion_qt.toggle(ui_companion_qt_data, force); } #endif } void ui_companion_driver_notify_refresh(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; #ifdef HAVE_QT settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #endif if (!ui) return; if (ui->notify_refresh) ui->notify_refresh(ui_companion_data); #ifdef HAVE_QT if (settings->bools.desktop_menu_enable) if (ui_companion_qt.notify_refresh && qt_is_inited) ui_companion_qt.notify_refresh(ui_companion_qt_data); #endif } void ui_companion_driver_notify_list_loaded(file_list_t *list, file_list_t *menu_list) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (ui && ui->notify_list_loaded) ui->notify_list_loaded(ui_companion_data, list, menu_list); } void ui_companion_driver_notify_content_loaded(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (ui && ui->notify_content_loaded) ui->notify_content_loaded(ui_companion_data); } void ui_companion_driver_free(void) { ui_companion = NULL; } const ui_msg_window_t *ui_companion_driver_get_msg_window_ptr(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (!ui) return NULL; return ui->msg_window; } const ui_window_t *ui_companion_driver_get_window_ptr(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (!ui) return NULL; return ui->window; } const ui_browser_window_t *ui_companion_driver_get_browser_window_ptr(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (!ui) return NULL; return ui->browser_window; } static void ui_companion_driver_msg_queue_push( const char *msg, unsigned priority, unsigned duration, bool flush) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; #ifdef HAVE_QT settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #endif if (ui && ui->msg_queue_push) ui->msg_queue_push(ui_companion_data, msg, priority, duration, flush); #ifdef HAVE_QT if (settings->bools.desktop_menu_enable) if (ui_companion_qt.msg_queue_push && qt_is_inited) ui_companion_qt.msg_queue_push(ui_companion_qt_data, msg, priority, duration, flush); #endif } void *ui_companion_driver_get_main_window(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (!ui || !ui->get_main_window) return NULL; return ui->get_main_window(ui_companion_data); } const char *ui_companion_driver_get_ident(void) { const ui_companion_driver_t *ui = ui_companion; if (!ui) return "null"; return ui->ident; } void ui_companion_driver_log_msg(const char *msg) { #ifdef HAVE_QT settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.desktop_menu_enable) if (ui_companion_qt_data && qt_is_inited) ui_companion_qt.log_msg(ui_companion_qt_data, msg); #endif } /* RECORDING */ /** * record_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of record driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *record_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const record_driver_t *drv = record_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * record_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to record driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *record_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = record_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * config_get_record_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all record driver names, separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all record driver names, separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_record_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_RECORD_DRIVERS, NULL); } #if 0 /* TODO/FIXME - not used apparently */ static void find_record_driver(void) { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; drv.label = "record_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.record_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) recording_driver = (const record_driver_t*)record_driver_find_handle(i); else { if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("[recording] Couldn't find any record driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.record_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available record drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; record_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", record_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("[recording] Going to default to first record driver...\n"); } recording_driver = (const record_driver_t*)record_driver_find_handle(0); if (!recording_driver) retroarch_fail(1, "find_record_driver()"); } } /** * ffemu_find_backend: * @ident : Identifier of driver to find. * * Finds a recording driver with the name @ident. * * Returns: recording driver handle if successful, otherwise * NULL. **/ static const record_driver_t *ffemu_find_backend(const char *ident) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; record_drivers[i]; i++) { if (string_is_equal(record_drivers[i]->ident, ident)) return record_drivers[i]; } return NULL; } static void recording_driver_free_state(void) { /* TODO/FIXME - this is not being called anywhere */ recording_gpu_width = 0; recording_gpu_height = 0; recording_width = 0; recording_height = 0; } #endif /** * gfx_ctx_init_first: * @backend : Recording backend handle. * @data : Recording data handle. * @params : Recording info parameters. * * Finds first suitable recording context driver and initializes. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool record_driver_init_first( const record_driver_t **backend, void **data, const struct record_params *params) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; record_drivers[i]; i++) { void *handle = record_drivers[i]->init(params); if (!handle) continue; *backend = record_drivers[i]; *data = handle; return true; } return false; } static void recording_dump_frame(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch, bool is_idle) { struct record_video_data ffemu_data; ffemu_data.data = data; ffemu_data.width = width; ffemu_data.height = height; ffemu_data.pitch = (int)pitch; ffemu_data.is_dupe = false; if (video_driver_record_gpu_buffer) { struct video_viewport vp; vp.x = 0; vp.y = 0; vp.width = 0; vp.height = 0; vp.full_width = 0; vp.full_height = 0; video_driver_get_viewport_info(&vp); if (!vp.width || !vp.height) { RARCH_WARN("[recording] %s \n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VIEWPORT_SIZE_CALCULATION_FAILED)); video_driver_gpu_record_deinit(); recording_dump_frame(data, width, height, pitch, is_idle); return; } /* User has resized. We kinda have a problem now. */ if ( vp.width != recording_gpu_width || vp.height != recording_gpu_height) { RARCH_WARN("[recording] %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RECORDING_TERMINATED_DUE_TO_RESIZE)); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RECORDING_TERMINATED_DUE_TO_RESIZE), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); return; } /* Big bottleneck. * Since we might need to do read-backs asynchronously, * it might take 3-4 times before this returns true. */ if (!video_driver_read_viewport(video_driver_record_gpu_buffer, is_idle)) return; ffemu_data.pitch = (int)(recording_gpu_width * 3); ffemu_data.width = (unsigned)recording_gpu_width; ffemu_data.height = (unsigned)recording_gpu_height; ffemu_data.data = video_driver_record_gpu_buffer + (ffemu_data.height - 1) * ffemu_data.pitch; ffemu_data.pitch = -ffemu_data.pitch; } else ffemu_data.is_dupe = !data; recording_driver->push_video(recording_data, &ffemu_data); } static bool recording_deinit(void) { if (!recording_data || !recording_driver) return false; if (recording_driver->finalize) recording_driver->finalize(recording_data); if (recording_driver->free) recording_driver->free(recording_data); recording_data = NULL; recording_driver = NULL; video_driver_gpu_record_deinit(); return true; } bool recording_is_enabled(void) { return recording_enable; } bool streaming_is_enabled(void) { return streaming_enable; } void streaming_set_state(bool state) { streaming_enable = state; } static bool video_driver_gpu_record_init(unsigned size) { video_driver_record_gpu_buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); if (!video_driver_record_gpu_buffer) return false; return true; } static void video_driver_gpu_record_deinit(void) { free(video_driver_record_gpu_buffer); video_driver_record_gpu_buffer = NULL; } /** * recording_init: * * Initializes recording. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool recording_init(void) { char output[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char buf[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; struct record_params params = {0}; struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!recording_enable) return false; output[0] = '\0'; if (current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_DUMMY) { RARCH_WARN("[recording] %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_USING_LIBRETRO_DUMMY_CORE_RECORDING_SKIPPED)); return false; } if (!settings->bools.video_gpu_record && video_driver_is_hw_context()) { RARCH_WARN("[recording] %s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_HW_RENDERED_MUST_USE_POSTSHADED_RECORDING)); return false; } RARCH_LOG("[recording] %s: FPS: %.4f, Sample rate: %.4f\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CUSTOM_TIMING_GIVEN), (float)av_info->timing.fps, (float)av_info->timing.sample_rate); if (!string_is_empty(global->record.path)) strlcpy(output, global->record.path, sizeof(output)); else { if (streaming_enable) if (!string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_stream_url)) strlcpy(output, settings->paths.path_stream_url, sizeof(output)); else /* Fallback, stream locally to */ snprintf(output, sizeof(output), "udp://", settings->uints.video_stream_port); else { const char *game_name = path_basename(path_get(RARCH_PATH_BASENAME)); if (settings->uints.video_record_quality < RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_RECORDING_WEBM_FAST) { fill_str_dated_filename(buf, game_name, "mkv", sizeof(buf)); fill_pathname_join(output, global->record.output_dir, buf, sizeof(output)); } else if (settings->uints.video_record_quality >= RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_RECORDING_WEBM_FAST && settings->uints.video_record_quality < RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_RECORDING_GIF) { fill_str_dated_filename(buf, game_name, "webm", sizeof(buf)); fill_pathname_join(output, global->record.output_dir, buf, sizeof(output)); } else if (settings->uints.video_record_quality >= RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_RECORDING_GIF && settings->uints.video_record_quality < RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_RECORDING_APNG) { fill_str_dated_filename(buf, game_name, "gif", sizeof(buf)); fill_pathname_join(output, global->record.output_dir, buf, sizeof(output)); } else { fill_str_dated_filename(buf, game_name, "png", sizeof(buf)); fill_pathname_join(output, global->record.output_dir, buf, sizeof(output)); } } } params.out_width = av_info->geometry.base_width; params.out_height = av_info->geometry.base_height; params.fb_width = av_info->geometry.max_width; params.fb_height = av_info->geometry.max_height; params.channels = 2; params.filename = output; params.fps = av_info->timing.fps; params.samplerate = av_info->timing.sample_rate; params.pix_fmt = (video_driver_get_pixel_format() == RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888) ? FFEMU_PIX_ARGB8888 : FFEMU_PIX_RGB565; params.config = NULL; if (!string_is_empty(global->record.config)) params.config = global->record.config; else { if (streaming_enable) { params.config = settings->paths.path_stream_config; params.preset = (enum record_config_type) settings->uints.video_stream_quality; } else { params.config = settings->paths.path_record_config; params.preset = (enum record_config_type) settings->uints.video_record_quality; } } if (settings->bools.video_gpu_record && current_video->read_viewport) { unsigned gpu_size; struct video_viewport vp; vp.x = 0; vp.y = 0; vp.width = 0; vp.height = 0; vp.full_width = 0; vp.full_height = 0; video_driver_get_viewport_info(&vp); if (!vp.width || !vp.height) { RARCH_ERR("[recording] Failed to get viewport information from video driver. " "Cannot start recording ...\n"); return false; } params.out_width = vp.width; params.out_height = vp.height; params.fb_width = next_pow2(vp.width); params.fb_height = next_pow2(vp.height); if (settings->bools.video_force_aspect && (video_driver_aspect_ratio > 0.0f)) params.aspect_ratio = video_driver_aspect_ratio; else params.aspect_ratio = (float)vp.width / vp.height; params.pix_fmt = FFEMU_PIX_BGR24; recording_gpu_width = vp.width; recording_gpu_height = vp.height; RARCH_LOG("[recording] %s %u x %u\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DETECTED_VIEWPORT_OF), vp.width, vp.height); gpu_size = vp.width * vp.height * 3; if (!video_driver_gpu_record_init(gpu_size)) return false; } else { if (recording_width || recording_height) { params.out_width = recording_width; params.out_height = recording_height; } if (settings->bools.video_force_aspect && (video_driver_aspect_ratio > 0.0f)) params.aspect_ratio = video_driver_aspect_ratio; else params.aspect_ratio = (float)params.out_width / params.out_height; if (settings->bools.video_post_filter_record && !!video_driver_state_filter) { unsigned max_width = 0; unsigned max_height = 0; params.pix_fmt = FFEMU_PIX_RGB565; if (video_driver_state_out_rgb32) params.pix_fmt = FFEMU_PIX_ARGB8888; rarch_softfilter_get_max_output_size( video_driver_state_filter, &max_width, &max_height); params.fb_width = next_pow2(max_width); params.fb_height = next_pow2(max_height); } } RARCH_LOG("[recording] %s %s @ %ux%u. (FB size: %ux%u pix_fmt: %u)\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RECORDING_TO), output, params.out_width, params.out_height, params.fb_width, params.fb_height, (unsigned)params.pix_fmt); if (!record_driver_init_first(&recording_driver, &recording_data, ¶ms)) { RARCH_ERR("[recording] %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_START_RECORDING)); video_driver_gpu_record_deinit(); return false; } return true; } void recording_driver_update_streaming_url(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; const char* youtube_url = "rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/"; const char* twitch_url = "rtmp://live.twitch.tv/app/"; if (!settings) return; switch (settings->uints.streaming_mode) { case STREAMING_MODE_TWITCH: if (!string_is_empty(settings->arrays.twitch_stream_key)) snprintf(settings->paths.path_stream_url, sizeof(settings->paths.path_stream_url), "%s%s", twitch_url, settings->arrays.twitch_stream_key); break; case STREAMING_MODE_YOUTUBE: if (!string_is_empty(settings->arrays.youtube_stream_key)) snprintf(settings->paths.path_stream_url, sizeof(settings->paths.path_stream_url), "%s%s", youtube_url, settings->arrays.youtube_stream_key); break; case STREAMING_MODE_LOCAL: /* TODO: figure out default interface and bind to that instead */ snprintf(settings->paths.path_stream_url, sizeof(settings->paths.path_stream_url), "udp://%s:%u", "", settings->uints.video_stream_port); break; case STREAMING_MODE_CUSTOM: default: /* Do nothing, let the user input the URL */ break; } } /* BSV MOVIE */ static bool bsv_movie_init_playback( bsv_movie_t *handle, const char *path) { uint32_t state_size = 0; uint32_t content_crc = 0; uint32_t header[4] = {0}; intfstream_t *file = intfstream_open_file(path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!file) { RARCH_ERR("Could not open BSV file for playback, path : \"%s\".\n", path); return false; } handle->file = file; handle->playback = true; intfstream_read(handle->file, header, sizeof(uint32_t) * 4); /* Compatibility with old implementation that * used incorrect documentation. */ if (swap_if_little32(header[MAGIC_INDEX]) != BSV_MAGIC && swap_if_big32(header[MAGIC_INDEX]) != BSV_MAGIC) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_MOVIE_FILE_IS_NOT_A_VALID_BSV1_FILE)); return false; } content_crc = content_get_crc(); if (content_crc != 0) if (swap_if_big32(header[CRC_INDEX]) != content_crc) RARCH_WARN("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CRC32_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH)); state_size = swap_if_big32(header[STATE_SIZE_INDEX]); #if 0 RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[0]); RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[1]); RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[2]); RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[3]); #endif if (state_size) { retro_ctx_size_info_t info; retro_ctx_serialize_info_t serial_info; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(state_size); if (!buf) return false; handle->state = buf; handle->state_size = state_size; if (intfstream_read(handle->file, handle->state, state_size) != state_size) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COULD_NOT_READ_STATE_FROM_MOVIE)); return false; } core_serialize_size( &info); if (info.size == state_size) { serial_info.data_const = handle->state; serial_info.size = state_size; core_unserialize(&serial_info); } else RARCH_WARN("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_MOVIE_FORMAT_DIFFERENT_SERIALIZER_VERSION)); } handle->min_file_pos = sizeof(header) + state_size; return true; } static bool bsv_movie_init_record( bsv_movie_t *handle, const char *path) { retro_ctx_size_info_t info; uint32_t state_size = 0; uint32_t content_crc = 0; uint32_t header[4] = {0}; intfstream_t *file = intfstream_open_file(path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_WRITE, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!file) { RARCH_ERR("Could not open BSV file for recording, path : \"%s\".\n", path); return false; } handle->file = file; content_crc = content_get_crc(); /* This value is supposed to show up as * BSV1 in a HEX editor, big-endian. */ header[MAGIC_INDEX] = swap_if_little32(BSV_MAGIC); header[CRC_INDEX] = swap_if_big32(content_crc); core_serialize_size(&info); state_size = (unsigned)info.size; header[STATE_SIZE_INDEX] = swap_if_big32(state_size); #if 0 RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[0]); RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[1]); RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[2]); RARCH_ERR("----- debug %u -----\n", header[3]); #endif intfstream_write(handle->file, header, 4 * sizeof(uint32_t)); handle->min_file_pos = sizeof(header) + state_size; handle->state_size = state_size; if (state_size) { retro_ctx_serialize_info_t serial_info; handle->state = (uint8_t*)malloc(state_size); if (!handle->state) return false; serial_info.data = handle->state; serial_info.size = state_size; core_serialize(&serial_info); intfstream_write(handle->file, handle->state, state_size); } return true; } static void bsv_movie_free(bsv_movie_t *handle) { if (!handle) return; intfstream_close(handle->file); free(handle->file); free(handle->state); free(handle->frame_pos); free(handle); } static bsv_movie_t *bsv_movie_init_internal(const char *path, enum rarch_movie_type type) { size_t *frame_pos = NULL; bsv_movie_t *handle = (bsv_movie_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*handle)); if (!handle) return NULL; if (type == RARCH_MOVIE_PLAYBACK) { if (!bsv_movie_init_playback(handle, path)) goto error; } else if (!bsv_movie_init_record(handle, path)) goto error; /* Just pick something really large * ~1 million frames rewind should do the trick. */ if (!(frame_pos = (size_t*)calloc((1 << 20), sizeof(size_t)))) goto error; handle->frame_pos = frame_pos; handle->frame_pos[0] = handle->min_file_pos; handle->frame_mask = (1 << 20) - 1; return handle; error: bsv_movie_free(handle); return NULL; } void bsv_movie_frame_rewind(void) { bsv_movie_t *handle = bsv_movie_state_handle; if (!handle) return; handle->did_rewind = true; if ( (handle->frame_ptr <= 1) && (handle->frame_pos[0] == handle->min_file_pos)) { /* If we're at the beginning... */ handle->frame_ptr = 0; intfstream_seek(handle->file, (int)handle->min_file_pos, SEEK_SET); } else { /* First time rewind is performed, the old frame is simply replayed. * However, playing back that frame caused us to read data, and push * data to the ring buffer. * * Sucessively rewinding frames, we need to rewind past the read data, * plus another. */ handle->frame_ptr = (handle->frame_ptr - (handle->first_rewind ? 1 : 2)) & handle->frame_mask; intfstream_seek(handle->file, (int)handle->frame_pos[handle->frame_ptr], SEEK_SET); } if (intfstream_tell(handle->file) <= (long)handle->min_file_pos) { /* We rewound past the beginning. */ if (!handle->playback) { retro_ctx_serialize_info_t serial_info; /* If recording, we simply reset * the starting point. Nice and easy. */ intfstream_seek(handle->file, 4 * sizeof(uint32_t), SEEK_SET); serial_info.data = handle->state; serial_info.size = handle->state_size; core_serialize(&serial_info); intfstream_write(handle->file, handle->state, handle->state_size); } else intfstream_seek(handle->file, (int)handle->min_file_pos, SEEK_SET); } } static bool bsv_movie_init_handle(const char *path, enum rarch_movie_type type) { bsv_movie_t *state = bsv_movie_init_internal(path, type); if (!state) return false; bsv_movie_state_handle = state; return true; } static bool bsv_movie_init(void) { bool set_granularity = false; if (bsv_movie_state.movie_start_playback) { if (!bsv_movie_init_handle(bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path, RARCH_MOVIE_PLAYBACK)) { RARCH_ERR("%s: \"%s\".\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_LOAD_MOVIE_FILE), bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path); return false; } bsv_movie_state.movie_playback = true; runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STARTING_MOVIE_PLAYBACK), 2, 180, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STARTING_MOVIE_PLAYBACK)); set_granularity = true; } else if (bsv_movie_state.movie_start_recording) { if (!bsv_movie_init_handle(bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path, RARCH_MOVIE_RECORD)) { runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_START_MOVIE_RECORD), 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_ERR("%s.\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_START_MOVIE_RECORD)); return false; } { char msg[8192]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s \"%s\".", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STARTING_MOVIE_RECORD_TO), bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s \"%s\".\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STARTING_MOVIE_RECORD_TO), bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path); } set_granularity = true; } if (set_granularity) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; configuration_set_uint(settings, settings->uints.rewind_granularity, 1); } return true; } void bsv_movie_set_path(const char *path) { strlcpy(bsv_movie_state.movie_path, path, sizeof(bsv_movie_state.movie_path)); } static void bsv_movie_deinit(void) { if (!bsv_movie_state_handle) return; bsv_movie_free(bsv_movie_state_handle); bsv_movie_state_handle = NULL; } static bool runloop_check_movie_init(void) { char msg[16384], path[8192]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; msg[0] = path[0] = '\0'; configuration_set_uint(settings, settings->uints.rewind_granularity, 1); if (settings->ints.state_slot > 0) snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%d", bsv_movie_state.movie_path, settings->ints.state_slot); else strlcpy(path, bsv_movie_state.movie_path, sizeof(path)); strlcat(path, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_BSV_EXTENSION), sizeof(path)); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s \"%s\".", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STARTING_MOVIE_RECORD_TO), path); bsv_movie_init_handle(path, RARCH_MOVIE_RECORD); if (!bsv_movie_state_handle) { runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_START_MOVIE_RECORD), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_START_MOVIE_RECORD)); return false; } runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s \"%s\".\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STARTING_MOVIE_RECORD_TO), path); return true; } static bool bsv_movie_check(void) { if (!bsv_movie_state_handle) return runloop_check_movie_init(); if (bsv_movie_state.movie_playback) { /* Checks if movie is being played back. */ if (!bsv_movie_state.movie_end) return false; runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_MOVIE_PLAYBACK_ENDED), 2, 180, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_MOVIE_PLAYBACK_ENDED)); bsv_movie_deinit(); bsv_movie_state.movie_end = false; bsv_movie_state.movie_playback = false; return true; } /* Checks if movie is being recorded. */ if (!bsv_movie_state_handle) return false; runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_MOVIE_RECORD_STOPPED), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_MOVIE_RECORD_STOPPED)); bsv_movie_deinit(); return true; } /* INPUT OVERLAY */ #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY static bool video_driver_overlay_interface( const video_overlay_interface_t **iface); /** * input_overlay_add_inputs: * @ol : pointer to overlay * @port : the user to show the inputs of * * Adds inputs from current_input to the overlay, so it's displayed * returns true if an input that is pressed will change the overlay */ static bool input_overlay_add_inputs_inner(overlay_desc_t *desc, unsigned port, unsigned analog_dpad_mode) { switch(desc->type) { case OVERLAY_TYPE_BUTTONS: { unsigned i; bool all_buttons_pressed = false; /*Check each bank of the mask*/ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(desc->button_mask.data); ++i) { /*Get bank*/ uint32_t bank_mask = BITS_GET_ELEM(desc->button_mask,i); unsigned id = i * 32; /*Worth pursuing? Have we got any bits left in here?*/ while (bank_mask) { /*If this bit is set then we need to query the pad *The button must be pressed.*/ if (bank_mask & 1) { /* Light up the button if pressed */ if (!input_state(port, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, id)) { /* We need ALL of the inputs to be active, * abort. */ desc->updated = false; return false; } all_buttons_pressed = true; desc->updated = true; } bank_mask >>= 1; ++id; } } return all_buttons_pressed; } case OVERLAY_TYPE_ANALOG_LEFT: case OVERLAY_TYPE_ANALOG_RIGHT: { unsigned int index = (desc->type == OVERLAY_TYPE_ANALOG_RIGHT) ? RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT : RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT; float analog_x = input_state(port, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG, index, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X); float analog_y = input_state(port, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG, index, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y); float dx = (analog_x/0x8000)*(desc->range_x/2); float dy = (analog_y/0x8000)*(desc->range_y/2); desc->delta_x = dx; desc->delta_y = dy; /*Maybe use some option here instead of 0, only display changes greater than some magnitude. */ if ((dx * dx) > 0 || (dy*dy) > 0) return true; } break; case OVERLAY_TYPE_KEYBOARD: if (input_state(port, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD, 0, desc->retro_key_idx)) { desc->updated = true; return true; } break; default: break; } return false; } static bool input_overlay_add_inputs(input_overlay_t *ol, unsigned port, unsigned analog_dpad_mode) { unsigned i; bool button_pressed = false; input_overlay_state_t *ol_state = &ol->overlay_state; if (!ol_state) return false; for (i = 0; i < ol->active->size; i++) { overlay_desc_t *desc = &(ol->active->descs[i]); button_pressed |= input_overlay_add_inputs_inner(desc, port, analog_dpad_mode); } return button_pressed; } /** * input_overlay_scale: * @ol : Overlay handle. * @scale : Scaling factor. * * Scales overlay and all its associated descriptors * by a given scaling factor (@scale). **/ static void input_overlay_scale(struct overlay *ol, float scale) { size_t i; if (ol->block_scale) scale = 1.0f; ol->scale = scale; ol->mod_w = ol->w * scale; ol->mod_h = ol->h * scale; ol->mod_x = ol->center_x + (ol->x - ol->center_x) * scale; ol->mod_y = ol->center_y + (ol->y - ol->center_y) * scale; for (i = 0; i < ol->size; i++) { struct overlay_desc *desc = &ol->descs[i]; float scale_w = ol->mod_w * desc->range_x; float scale_h = ol->mod_h * desc->range_y; float adj_center_x = ol->mod_x + desc->x * ol->mod_w; float adj_center_y = ol->mod_y + desc->y * ol->mod_h; desc->mod_w = 2.0f * scale_w; desc->mod_h = 2.0f * scale_h; desc->mod_x = adj_center_x - scale_w; desc->mod_y = adj_center_y - scale_h; } } static void input_overlay_set_vertex_geom(input_overlay_t *ol) { size_t i; if (ol->active->image.pixels) ol->iface->vertex_geom(ol->iface_data, 0, ol->active->mod_x, ol->active->mod_y, ol->active->mod_w, ol->active->mod_h); if (ol->iface->vertex_geom) for (i = 0; i < ol->active->size; i++) { struct overlay_desc *desc = &ol->active->descs[i]; if (!desc->image.pixels) continue; ol->iface->vertex_geom(ol->iface_data, desc->image_index, desc->mod_x, desc->mod_y, desc->mod_w, desc->mod_h); } } /** * input_overlay_set_scale_factor: * @ol : Overlay handle. * @scale : Factor of scale to apply. * * Scales the overlay by a factor of scale. **/ static void input_overlay_set_scale_factor(input_overlay_t *ol, float scale) { size_t i; if (!ol) return; for (i = 0; i < ol->size; i++) input_overlay_scale(&ol->overlays[i], scale); input_overlay_set_vertex_geom(ol); } void input_overlay_free_overlay(struct overlay *overlay) { size_t i; if (!overlay) return; for (i = 0; i < overlay->size; i++) image_texture_free(&overlay->descs[i].image); if (overlay->load_images) free(overlay->load_images); overlay->load_images = NULL; if (overlay->descs) free(overlay->descs); overlay->descs = NULL; image_texture_free(&overlay->image); if (overlay_ptr) free(overlay_ptr); overlay_ptr = NULL; } static void input_overlay_free_overlays(input_overlay_t *ol) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ol->size; i++) input_overlay_free_overlay(&ol->overlays[i]); if (ol->overlays) free(ol->overlays); ol->overlays = NULL; } static enum overlay_visibility input_overlay_get_visibility(int overlay_idx) { if (!visibility) return OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; if ((overlay_idx < 0) || (overlay_idx >= MAX_VISIBILITY)) return OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; return visibility[overlay_idx]; } static bool input_overlay_is_hidden(int overlay_idx) { return (input_overlay_get_visibility(overlay_idx) == OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN); } /** * input_overlay_set_alpha_mod: * @ol : Overlay handle. * @mod : New modulating factor to apply. * * Sets a modulating factor for alpha channel. Default is 1.0. * The alpha factor is applied for all overlays. **/ static void input_overlay_set_alpha_mod(input_overlay_t *ol, float mod) { unsigned i; if (!ol) return; for (i = 0; i < ol->active->load_images_size; i++) { if (input_overlay_is_hidden(i)) ol->iface->set_alpha(ol->iface_data, i, 0.0); else ol->iface->set_alpha(ol->iface_data, i, mod); } } static void input_overlay_load_active(input_overlay_t *ol, float opacity) { if (ol->iface->load) ol->iface->load(ol->iface_data, ol->active->load_images, ol->active->load_images_size); input_overlay_set_alpha_mod(ol, opacity); input_overlay_set_vertex_geom(ol); if (ol->iface->full_screen) ol->iface->full_screen(ol->iface_data, ol->active->full_screen); } /** * inside_hitbox: * @desc : Overlay descriptor handle. * @x : X coordinate value. * @y : Y coordinate value. * * Check whether the given @x and @y coordinates of the overlay * descriptor @desc is inside the overlay descriptor's hitbox. * * Returns: true (1) if X, Y coordinates are inside a hitbox, * otherwise false (0). **/ static bool inside_hitbox(const struct overlay_desc *desc, float x, float y) { if (!desc) return false; switch (desc->hitbox) { case OVERLAY_HITBOX_RADIAL: { /* Ellipsis. */ float x_dist = (x - desc->x) / desc->range_x_mod; float y_dist = (y - desc->y) / desc->range_y_mod; float sq_dist = x_dist * x_dist + y_dist * y_dist; return (sq_dist <= 1.0f); } case OVERLAY_HITBOX_RECT: return (fabs(x - desc->x) <= desc->range_x_mod) && (fabs(y - desc->y) <= desc->range_y_mod); } return false; } /** * input_overlay_poll: * @out : Polled output data. * @norm_x : Normalized X coordinate. * @norm_y : Normalized Y coordinate. * * Polls input overlay. * * @norm_x and @norm_y are the result of * input_translate_coord_viewport(). **/ static void input_overlay_poll( input_overlay_t *ol, input_overlay_state_t *out, int16_t norm_x, int16_t norm_y) { size_t i; /* norm_x and norm_y is in [-0x7fff, 0x7fff] range, * like RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER. */ float x = (float)(norm_x + 0x7fff) / 0xffff; float y = (float)(norm_y + 0x7fff) / 0xffff; x -= ol->active->mod_x; y -= ol->active->mod_y; x /= ol->active->mod_w; y /= ol->active->mod_h; for (i = 0; i < ol->active->size; i++) { float x_dist, y_dist; struct overlay_desc *desc = &ol->active->descs[i]; if (!inside_hitbox(desc, x, y)) continue; desc->updated = true; x_dist = x - desc->x; y_dist = y - desc->y; switch (desc->type) { case OVERLAY_TYPE_BUTTONS: { bits_or_bits(out->buttons.data, desc->button_mask.data, ARRAY_SIZE(desc->button_mask.data)); if (BIT256_GET(desc->button_mask, RARCH_OVERLAY_NEXT)) ol->next_index = desc->next_index; } break; case OVERLAY_TYPE_KEYBOARD: if (desc->retro_key_idx < RETROK_LAST) OVERLAY_SET_KEY(out, desc->retro_key_idx); break; default: { float x_val = x_dist / desc->range_x; float y_val = y_dist / desc->range_y; float x_val_sat = x_val / desc->analog_saturate_pct; float y_val_sat = y_val / desc->analog_saturate_pct; unsigned int base = (desc->type == OVERLAY_TYPE_ANALOG_RIGHT) ? 2 : 0; out->analog[base + 0] = clamp_float(x_val_sat, -1.0f, 1.0f) * 32767.0f; out->analog[base + 1] = clamp_float(y_val_sat, -1.0f, 1.0f) * 32767.0f; } break; } if (desc->movable) { desc->delta_x = clamp_float(x_dist, -desc->range_x, desc->range_x) * ol->active->mod_w; desc->delta_y = clamp_float(y_dist, -desc->range_y, desc->range_y) * ol->active->mod_h; } } if (!bits_any_set(out->buttons.data, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buttons.data))) ol->blocked = false; else if (ol->blocked) memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); } /** * input_overlay_update_desc_geom: * @ol : overlay handle. * @desc : overlay descriptors handle. * * Update input overlay descriptors' vertex geometry. **/ static void input_overlay_update_desc_geom(input_overlay_t *ol, struct overlay_desc *desc) { if (!desc->image.pixels || !desc->movable) return; if (ol->iface->vertex_geom) ol->iface->vertex_geom(ol->iface_data, desc->image_index, desc->mod_x + desc->delta_x, desc->mod_y + desc->delta_y, desc->mod_w, desc->mod_h); desc->delta_x = 0.0f; desc->delta_y = 0.0f; } /** * input_overlay_post_poll: * * Called after all the input_overlay_poll() calls to * update the range modifiers for pressed/unpressed regions * and alpha mods. **/ static void input_overlay_post_poll(input_overlay_t *ol, float opacity) { size_t i; input_overlay_set_alpha_mod(ol, opacity); for (i = 0; i < ol->active->size; i++) { struct overlay_desc *desc = &ol->active->descs[i]; desc->range_x_mod = desc->range_x; desc->range_y_mod = desc->range_y; if (desc->updated) { /* If pressed this frame, change the hitbox. */ desc->range_x_mod *= desc->range_mod; desc->range_y_mod *= desc->range_mod; if (desc->image.pixels) { if (ol->iface->set_alpha) ol->iface->set_alpha(ol->iface_data, desc->image_index, desc->alpha_mod * opacity); } } input_overlay_update_desc_geom(ol, desc); desc->updated = false; } } /** * input_overlay_poll_clear: * @ol : overlay handle * * Call when there is nothing to poll. Allows overlay to * clear certain state. **/ static void input_overlay_poll_clear(input_overlay_t *ol, float opacity) { size_t i; ol->blocked = false; input_overlay_set_alpha_mod(ol, opacity); for (i = 0; i < ol->active->size; i++) { struct overlay_desc *desc = &ol->active->descs[i]; desc->range_x_mod = desc->range_x; desc->range_y_mod = desc->range_y; desc->updated = false; desc->delta_x = 0.0f; desc->delta_y = 0.0f; input_overlay_update_desc_geom(ol, desc); } } /** * input_overlay_free: * @ol : Overlay handle. * * Frees overlay handle. **/ static void input_overlay_free(input_overlay_t *ol) { if (!ol) return; overlay_ptr = NULL; input_overlay_free_overlays(ol); if (ol->iface->enable) ol->iface->enable(ol->iface_data, false); free(ol); } /* task_data = overlay_task_data_t* */ static void input_overlay_loaded(retro_task_t *task, void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *err) { size_t i; overlay_task_data_t *data = (overlay_task_data_t*)task_data; input_overlay_t *ol = NULL; const video_overlay_interface_t *iface = NULL; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (err) return; #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* We can't display when the menu is up */ if (data->hide_in_menu && menu_driver_alive) { if (data->overlay_enable) goto abort_load; } #endif if ( !data->overlay_enable || !video_driver_overlay_interface(&iface) || !iface) { RARCH_ERR("Overlay interface is not present in video driver," " or not enabled.\n"); goto abort_load; } ol = (input_overlay_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ol)); ol->overlays = data->overlays; ol->size = data->size; ol->active = data->active; ol->iface = iface; ol->iface_data = video_driver_get_ptr_internal(true); input_overlay_load_active(ol, data->overlay_opacity); /* Enable or disable the overlay. */ ol->enable = data->overlay_enable; if (ol->iface->enable) ol->iface->enable(ol->iface_data, data->overlay_enable); input_overlay_set_scale_factor(ol, data->overlay_scale); ol->next_index = (unsigned)((ol->index + 1) % ol->size); ol->state = OVERLAY_STATUS_NONE; ol->alive = true; overlay_ptr = ol; free(data); if (!settings->bools.input_overlay_show_mouse_cursor) video_driver_hide_mouse(); return; abort_load: for (i = 0; i < data->size; i++) input_overlay_free_overlay(&data->overlays[i]); free(data->overlays); free(data); } void input_overlay_set_visibility(int overlay_idx, enum overlay_visibility vis) { input_overlay_t *ol = overlay_ptr; if (!visibility) { unsigned i; visibility = (enum overlay_visibility *)calloc( MAX_VISIBILITY, sizeof(enum overlay_visibility)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VISIBILITY; i++) visibility[i] = OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; } visibility[overlay_idx] = vis; if (!ol) return; if (vis == OVERLAY_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) ol->iface->set_alpha(ol->iface_data, overlay_idx, 0.0); } bool input_overlay_key_pressed(input_overlay_t *ol, unsigned key) { input_overlay_state_t *ol_state = ol ? &ol->overlay_state : NULL; if (!ol) return false; return (BIT256_GET(ol_state->buttons, key)); } /* * input_poll_overlay: * * Poll pressed buttons/keys on currently active overlay. **/ static void input_poll_overlay(input_overlay_t *ol, float opacity, unsigned analog_dpad_mode, float axis_threshold) { rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; input_overlay_state_t old_key_state; unsigned i, j, device; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; uint16_t key_mod = 0; bool polled = false; bool button_pressed = false; void *input_data = current_input_data; input_overlay_state_t *ol_state = &ol->overlay_state; input_driver_t *input_ptr = current_input; if (!ol_state) return; joypad_info.joy_idx = 0; joypad_info.auto_binds = NULL; joypad_info.axis_threshold = 0.0f; memcpy(old_key_state.keys, ol_state->keys, sizeof(ol_state->keys)); memset(ol_state, 0, sizeof(*ol_state)); device = ol->active->full_screen ? RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN : RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER; for (i = 0; input_ptr->input_state(input_data, joypad_info, NULL, 0, device, i, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_PRESSED); i++) { input_overlay_state_t polled_data; int16_t x = input_ptr->input_state(input_data, joypad_info, NULL, 0, device, i, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_X); int16_t y = input_ptr->input_state(input_data, joypad_info, NULL, 0, device, i, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_Y); memset(&polled_data, 0, sizeof(struct input_overlay_state)); if (ol->enable) input_overlay_poll(ol, &polled_data, x, y); else ol->blocked = false; bits_or_bits(ol_state->buttons.data, polled_data.buttons.data, ARRAY_SIZE(polled_data.buttons.data)); for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(ol_state->keys); j++) ol_state->keys[j] |= polled_data.keys[j]; /* Fingers pressed later take priority and matched up * with overlay poll priorities. */ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (polled_data.analog[j]) ol_state->analog[j] = polled_data.analog[j]; polled = true; } if ( OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_LSHIFT) || OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_RSHIFT)) key_mod |= RETROKMOD_SHIFT; if (OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_LCTRL) || OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_RCTRL)) key_mod |= RETROKMOD_CTRL; if ( OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_LALT) || OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_RALT)) key_mod |= RETROKMOD_ALT; if ( OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_LMETA) || OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, RETROK_RMETA)) key_mod |= RETROKMOD_META; /* CAPSLOCK SCROLLOCK NUMLOCK */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ol_state->keys); i++) { if (ol_state->keys[i] != old_key_state.keys[i]) { uint32_t orig_bits = old_key_state.keys[i]; uint32_t new_bits = ol_state->keys[i]; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) if ((orig_bits & (1 << j)) != (new_bits & (1 << j))) input_keyboard_event(new_bits & (1 << j), i * 32 + j, 0, key_mod, RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER); } } /* Map "analog" buttons to analog axes like regular input drivers do. */ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { unsigned bind_plus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_PLUS + 2 * j; unsigned bind_minus = bind_plus + 1; if (ol_state->analog[j]) continue; if ((BIT256_GET(ol->overlay_state.buttons, bind_plus))) ol_state->analog[j] += 0x7fff; if ((BIT256_GET(ol->overlay_state.buttons, bind_minus))) ol_state->analog[j] -= 0x7fff; } /* Check for analog_dpad_mode. * Map analogs to d-pad buttons when configured. */ switch (analog_dpad_mode) { case ANALOG_DPAD_LSTICK: case ANALOG_DPAD_RSTICK: { float analog_x, analog_y; unsigned analog_base = 2; if (analog_dpad_mode == ANALOG_DPAD_LSTICK) analog_base = 0; analog_x = (float)ol_state->analog[analog_base + 0] / 0x7fff; analog_y = (float)ol_state->analog[analog_base + 1] / 0x7fff; if (analog_x <= -axis_threshold) BIT256_SET(ol_state->buttons, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT); if (analog_x >= axis_threshold) BIT256_SET(ol_state->buttons, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT); if (analog_y <= -axis_threshold) BIT256_SET(ol_state->buttons, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP); if (analog_y >= axis_threshold) BIT256_SET(ol_state->buttons, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN); break; } default: break; } if (settings->bools.input_overlay_show_physical_inputs) button_pressed = input_overlay_add_inputs(ol, settings->uints.input_overlay_show_physical_inputs_port, analog_dpad_mode); if (button_pressed || polled) input_overlay_post_poll(ol, opacity); else input_overlay_poll_clear(ol, opacity); } static void retroarch_overlay_deinit(void) { input_overlay_free(overlay_ptr); overlay_ptr = NULL; } static void retroarch_overlay_init(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #if defined(GEKKO) /* Avoid a crash at startup or even when toggling overlay in rgui */ uint64_t memory_used = frontend_driver_get_used_memory(); if (memory_used > (72 * 1024 * 1024)) return; #endif retroarch_overlay_deinit(); if (settings->bools.input_overlay_enable) task_push_overlay_load_default(input_overlay_loaded, settings->paths.path_overlay, settings->bools.input_overlay_hide_in_menu, settings->bools.input_overlay_enable, settings->floats.input_overlay_opacity, settings->floats.input_overlay_scale, NULL); } #endif /* INPUT REMOTE */ #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD) #define input_remote_key_pressed(key, port) (remote_st_ptr.buttons[(port)] & (UINT64_C(1) << (key))) static bool input_remote_init_network(input_remote_t *handle, uint16_t port, unsigned user) { int fd; struct addrinfo *res = NULL; port = port + user; if (!network_init()) return false; RARCH_LOG("Bringing up remote interface on port %hu.\n", (unsigned short)port); fd = socket_init((void**)&res, port, NULL, SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM); if (fd < 0) goto error; handle->net_fd[user] = fd; if (!socket_nonblock(handle->net_fd[user])) goto error; if (!socket_bind(handle->net_fd[user], res)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_BIND_SOCKET)); goto error; } freeaddrinfo_retro(res); return true; error: if (res) freeaddrinfo_retro(res); return false; } static void input_remote_free(input_remote_t *handle, unsigned max_users) { unsigned user; for(user = 0; user < max_users; user ++) socket_close(handle->net_fd[user]); free(handle); } static input_remote_t *input_remote_new(uint16_t port, unsigned max_users) { unsigned user; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; input_remote_t *handle = (input_remote_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*handle)); if (!handle) return NULL; for(user = 0; user < max_users; user ++) { handle->net_fd[user] = -1; if (settings->bools.network_remote_enable_user[user]) if (!input_remote_init_network(handle, port, user)) { input_remote_free(handle, max_users); return NULL; } } return handle; } static void input_remote_parse_packet(struct remote_message *msg, unsigned user) { input_remote_state_t *input_state = &remote_st_ptr; /* Parse message */ switch (msg->device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: input_state->buttons[user] &= ~(1 << msg->id); if (msg->state) input_state->buttons[user] |= 1 << msg->id; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG: input_state->analog[msg->index * 2 + msg->id][user] = msg->state; break; } } #endif /* INPUT */ void set_connection_listener(pad_connection_listener_t *listener) { pad_connection_listener = listener; } void fire_connection_listener(unsigned port, input_device_driver_t *driver) { if (!pad_connection_listener) return; pad_connection_listener->connected(port, driver); } /** * check_input_driver_block_hotkey: * * Checks if 'hotkey enable' key is pressed. * * If we haven't bound anything to this, * always allow hotkeys. * If we hold ENABLE_HOTKEY button, block all libretro input to allow * hotkeys to be bound to same keys as RetroPad. **/ #define check_input_driver_block_hotkey(normal_bind, autoconf_bind) \ ( \ (((normal_bind)->key != RETROK_UNKNOWN) \ || ((normal_bind)->mbutton != NO_BTN) \ || ((normal_bind)->joykey != NO_BTN) \ || ((normal_bind)->joyaxis != AXIS_NONE) \ || ((autoconf_bind)->key != RETROK_UNKNOWN) \ || ((autoconf_bind)->joykey != NO_BTN) \ || ((autoconf_bind)->joyaxis != AXIS_NONE)) \ ) /** * input_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to input driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *input_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = input_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * input_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of input driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *input_driver_find_ident(int idx) { input_driver_t *drv = input_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_input_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all input driver names, separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all input driver names, separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_input_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_INPUT_DRIVERS, NULL); } void *input_get_data(void) { return current_input_data; } /** * input_driver_set_rumble_state: * @port : User number. * @effect : Rumble effect. * @strength : Strength of rumble effect. * * Sets the rumble state. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_RUMBLE_INTERFACE. **/ bool input_driver_set_rumble_state(unsigned port, enum retro_rumble_effect effect, uint16_t strength) { if (!current_input || !current_input->set_rumble) return false; return current_input->set_rumble(current_input_data, port, effect, strength); } const input_device_driver_t *input_driver_get_joypad_driver(void) { if (!current_input || !current_input->get_joypad_driver) return NULL; return current_input->get_joypad_driver(current_input_data); } const input_device_driver_t *input_driver_get_sec_joypad_driver(void) { if (!current_input || !current_input->get_sec_joypad_driver) return NULL; return current_input->get_sec_joypad_driver(current_input_data); } uint64_t input_driver_get_capabilities(void) { if (!current_input || !current_input->get_capabilities) return 0; return current_input->get_capabilities(current_input_data); } /** * input_sensor_set_state: * @port : User number. * @effect : Sensor action. * @rate : Sensor rate update. * * Sets the sensor state. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SENSOR_INTERFACE. **/ bool input_sensor_set_state(unsigned port, enum retro_sensor_action action, unsigned rate) { if (current_input_data && current_input->set_sensor_state) return current_input->set_sensor_state(current_input_data, port, action, rate); return false; } float input_sensor_get_input(unsigned port, unsigned id) { if (current_input_data && current_input->get_sensor_input) return current_input->get_sensor_input(current_input_data, port, id); return 0.0f; } /** * input_poll: * * Input polling callback function. **/ static void input_driver_poll(void) { size_t i; rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info[MAX_USERS]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; uint8_t max_users = (uint8_t)input_driver_max_users; input_bits_t current_inputs[MAX_USERS]; current_input->poll(current_input_data); input_driver_turbo_btns.count++; for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) input_driver_turbo_btns.frame_enable[i] = 0; if (input_driver_block_libretro_input) return; for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) { joypad_info[i].axis_threshold = input_driver_axis_threshold; joypad_info[i].joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[i]; joypad_info[i].auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[joypad_info[i].joy_idx]; if (!libretro_input_binds[i][RARCH_TURBO_ENABLE].valid) continue; input_driver_turbo_btns.frame_enable[i] = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info[i], libretro_input_binds, (unsigned)i, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RARCH_TURBO_ENABLE); } #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (overlay_ptr && overlay_ptr->alive) input_poll_overlay( overlay_ptr, settings->floats.input_overlay_opacity, settings->uints.input_analog_dpad_mode[0], input_driver_axis_threshold); #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (!menu_driver_alive) #endif if (settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable && input_driver_mapper) { for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) { unsigned device = settings->uints.input_libretro_device[i] & RETRO_DEVICE_MASK; switch (device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD: case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: case RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG: BIT256_CLEAR_ALL_PTR(¤t_inputs[i]); { unsigned k, j; const input_device_driver_t *joypad_driver = input_driver_get_joypad_driver(); input_bits_t *p_new_state = (input_bits_t*)¤t_inputs[i]; if (joypad_driver) { int16_t ret = 0; if (current_input && current_input->input_state) ret = current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info[i], libretro_input_binds, i, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_MASK); for (k = 0; k < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND; k++) { if (ret & (1 << k)) { int16_t val = input_joypad_analog( joypad_driver, joypad_info[i], i, RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_BUTTON, k, libretro_input_binds[i]); BIT256_SET_PTR(p_new_state, k); if (val) p_new_state->analog_buttons[k] = val; } } for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { unsigned offset = 0 + (i * 4) + (j * 2); int16_t val = input_joypad_analog(joypad_driver, joypad_info[i], i, k, j, libretro_input_binds[i]); if (val >= 0) p_new_state->analogs[offset] = val; else p_new_state->analogs[offset+1] = val; } } } } break; default: break; } } input_mapper_poll(input_driver_mapper, #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY overlay_ptr, #else NULL, #endif settings, ¤t_inputs, max_users, #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY (overlay_ptr && overlay_ptr->alive) #else false #endif ); } #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND if (input_driver_command) { memset(input_driver_command->state, 0, sizeof(input_driver_command->state)); #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) && defined(HAVE_COMMAND) command_network_poll(input_driver_command); #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDIN_CMD if (input_driver_command->stdin_enable) command_stdin_poll(input_driver_command); #endif } #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD /* Poll remote */ if (input_driver_remote) { unsigned user; for(user = 0; user < max_users; user++) { if (settings->bools.network_remote_enable_user[user]) { #if defined(HAVE_NETWORKING) && defined(HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD) struct remote_message msg; ssize_t ret; fd_set fds; if (input_driver_remote->net_fd[user] < 0) return; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(input_driver_remote->net_fd[user], &fds); ret = recvfrom(input_driver_remote->net_fd[user], (char*)&msg, sizeof(msg), 0, NULL, NULL); if (ret == sizeof(msg)) input_remote_parse_packet(&msg, user); else if ((ret != -1) || ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != ENOENT))) #endif { input_remote_state_t *input_state = &remote_st_ptr; input_state->buttons[user] = 0; input_state->analog[0][user] = 0; input_state->analog[1][user] = 0; input_state->analog[2][user] = 0; input_state->analog[3][user] = 0; } } } } #endif } static int16_t input_state_device( int16_t ret, unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id, bool button_mask) { int16_t res = 0; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD bool remote_input = false; #endif switch (device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD if (input_driver_remote) { if (input_remote_key_pressed(id, port)) { res |= 1; remote_input = true; } } #endif if (id < RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD /* Don't process binds if input is coming from Remote RetroPad */ && remote_input == false #endif ) { bool bind_valid = libretro_input_binds[port] && libretro_input_binds[port][id].valid; if (settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable && id != settings->uints.input_remap_ids[port][id]) res = 0; else if (bind_valid) { if (button_mask) { res = 0; if (ret & (1 << id)) res |= (1 << id); } else res = ret; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY { int16_t res_overlay = 0; if (overlay_ptr && port == 0 && overlay_ptr->alive) { if ((BIT256_GET(overlay_ptr->overlay_state.buttons, id))) res_overlay |= 1; if (overlay_ptr->alive) res |= res_overlay; } } #endif } } if (settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable && input_driver_mapper) if (BIT256_GET(input_driver_mapper->buttons[port], id)) res = 1; /* Don't allow turbo for D-pad. */ if ((id < RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP || id > RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT)) { /* * Apply turbo button if activated. * * If turbo button is held, all buttons pressed except * for D-pad will go into a turbo mode. Until the button is * released again, the input state will be modulated by a * periodic pulse defined by the configured duty cycle. */ if (res && input_driver_turbo_btns.frame_enable[port]) input_driver_turbo_btns.enable[port] |= (1 << id); else if (!res) input_driver_turbo_btns.enable[port] &= ~(1 << id); if (input_driver_turbo_btns.enable[port] & (1 << id)) { /* if turbo button is enabled for this key ID */ res = res && ((input_driver_turbo_btns.count % settings->uints.input_turbo_period) < settings->uints.input_turbo_duty_cycle); } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE: if (id < RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY) { bool bind_valid = libretro_input_binds[port] && libretro_input_binds[port][id].valid; if (bind_valid) { if (button_mask) { res = 0; if (ret & (1 << id)) res |= (1 << id); } else res = ret; } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD: res = ret; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (overlay_ptr && port == 0) { int16_t res_overlay = 0; if (id < RETROK_LAST) { input_overlay_state_t *ol_state = &overlay_ptr->overlay_state; if (OVERLAY_GET_KEY(ol_state, id)) res_overlay |= 1; } if (overlay_ptr->alive) res |= res_overlay; } #endif if (settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable && input_driver_mapper) if (id < RETROK_LAST) if (MAPPER_GET_KEY(input_driver_mapper, id)) res |= 1; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_LIGHTGUN: if (id < RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY) { bool bind_valid = libretro_input_binds[port] && libretro_input_binds[port][id].valid; if (bind_valid) { if (button_mask) { res = 0; if (ret & (1 << id)) res |= (1 << id); } else res = ret; } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG: { #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY int16_t res_overlay = 0; if (overlay_ptr && port == 0) { unsigned base = 0; input_overlay_state_t *ol_state = &overlay_ptr->overlay_state; if (idx == RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT) base = 2; if (id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y) base += 1; if (ol_state && ol_state->analog[base]) res_overlay = ol_state->analog[base]; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD if (input_driver_remote) { input_remote_state_t *input_state = &remote_st_ptr; if (input_state) { unsigned base = 0; if (idx == RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT) base = 2; if (id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y) base += 1; if (input_state->analog[base][port]) { res = input_state->analog[base][port]; remote_input = true; } } } #endif if (id < RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD && remote_input == false #endif ) { bool bind_valid = libretro_input_binds[port] && libretro_input_binds[port][id].valid; if (bind_valid) { /* reset_state - used to reset input state of a button * when the gamepad mapper is in action for that button*/ bool reset_state = false; if (settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable) { if (idx < 2 && id < 2) { unsigned offset = RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND + (idx * 4) + (id * 2); if (settings->uints.input_remap_ids [port][offset] != offset) reset_state = true; else if (settings->uints.input_remap_ids [port][offset+1] != (offset+1)) reset_state = true; } } if (!reset_state) { res = ret; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (overlay_ptr && overlay_ptr->alive && port == 0) res |= res_overlay; #endif } else res = 0; } } if (settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable && input_driver_mapper) { if (idx < 2 && id < 2) { int val = 0; unsigned offset = 0 + (idx * 4) + (id * 2); int val1 = input_driver_mapper->analog_value[port][offset]; int val2 = input_driver_mapper->analog_value[port][offset+1]; if (val1) val = val1; else if (val2) val = val2; if (val1 || val2) res |= val; } } } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER: if (id < RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY) { bool bind_valid = libretro_input_binds[port] && libretro_input_binds[port][id].valid; if (bind_valid) { if (button_mask) { res = 0; if (ret & (1 << id)) res |= (1 << id); } else res = ret; } } break; } return res; } /** * input_state: * @port : user number. * @device : device identifier of user. * @idx : index value of user. * @id : identifier of key pressed by user. * * Input state callback function. * * Returns: Non-zero if the given key (identified by @id) * was pressed by the user (assigned to @port). **/ static int16_t input_state(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id) { rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; int16_t result = 0; int16_t ret = 0; joypad_info.axis_threshold = input_driver_axis_threshold; joypad_info.joy_idx = configuration_settings->uints.input_joypad_map[port]; joypad_info.auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[joypad_info.joy_idx]; if (BSV_MOVIE_IS_PLAYBACK_ON()) { int16_t bsv_result; if (intfstream_read(bsv_movie_state_handle->file, &bsv_result, 1) == 1) return swap_if_big16(bsv_result); bsv_movie_state.movie_end = true; } device &= RETRO_DEVICE_MASK; ret = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, libretro_input_binds, port, device, idx, id); if ( !input_driver_flushing_input && !input_driver_block_libretro_input) { if ( (device == RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD) && (id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_MASK)) { unsigned i; { for (i = 0; i < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND; i++) if (input_state_device(ret, port, device, idx, i, true)) result |= (1 << i); } } else result = input_state_device(ret, port, device, idx, id, false); } if (BSV_MOVIE_IS_PLAYBACK_OFF()) { result = swap_if_big16(result); intfstream_write(bsv_movie_state_handle->file, &result, 1); } return result; } static INLINE bool input_keys_pressed_other_sources(unsigned i, input_bits_t* p_new_state) { #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (overlay_ptr && ((BIT256_GET(overlay_ptr->overlay_state.buttons, i)))) return true; #endif #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND if (input_driver_command) return ((i < RARCH_BIND_LIST_END) && input_driver_command->state[i]); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD /* Only process key presses related to game input if using Remote RetroPad */ if (i < RARCH_CUSTOM_BIND_LIST_END && input_driver_remote && input_remote_key_pressed(i, 0)) return true; #endif return false; } static int16_t input_joypad_axis(const input_device_driver_t *drv, unsigned port, uint32_t joyaxis) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float input_analog_deadzone = settings->floats.input_analog_deadzone; float input_analog_sensitivity = settings->floats.input_analog_sensitivity; int16_t val = drv->axis(port, joyaxis); if (input_analog_deadzone) { int16_t x, y; float normalized; float normal_mag; /* 2/3 are the right analog X/Y axes */ unsigned x_axis = 2; unsigned y_axis = 3; /* 0/1 are the left analog X/Y axes */ if (AXIS_POS_GET(joyaxis) == AXIS_DIR_NONE) { /* current axis is negative */ /* current stick is the left */ if (AXIS_NEG_GET(joyaxis) < 2) { x_axis = 0; y_axis = 1; } } else { /* current axis is positive */ /* current stick is the left */ if (AXIS_POS_GET(joyaxis) < 2) { x_axis = 0; y_axis = 1; } } x = drv->axis(port, AXIS_POS(x_axis)) + drv->axis(port, AXIS_NEG(x_axis)); y = drv->axis(port, AXIS_POS(y_axis)) + drv->axis(port, AXIS_NEG(y_axis)); normal_mag = (1.0f / 0x7fff) * sqrt(x * x + y * y); /* if analog value is below the deadzone, ignore it */ if (normal_mag <= input_analog_deadzone) return 0; normalized = (1.0f / 0x7fff) * val; /* now scale the "good" analog range appropriately, * so we don't start out way above 0 */ val = 0x7fff * normalized * MIN(1.0f, ((normal_mag - input_analog_deadzone) / (1.0f - input_analog_deadzone))); } if (input_analog_sensitivity != 1.0f) { float normalized = (1.0f / 0x7fff) * val; int new_val = 0x7fff * normalized * input_analog_sensitivity; if (new_val > 0x7fff) return 0x7fff; else if (new_val < -0x7fff) return -0x7fff; return new_val; } return val; } #define inherit_joyaxis(binds) (((binds)[x_plus].joyaxis == (binds)[x_minus].joyaxis) || ( (binds)[y_plus].joyaxis == (binds)[y_minus].joyaxis)) /** * input_pop_analog_dpad: * @binds : Binds to modify. * * Restores binds temporarily overridden by input_push_analog_dpad(). **/ #define input_pop_analog_dpad(binds) \ { \ unsigned j; \ for (j = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP; j <= RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT; j++) \ (binds)[j].joyaxis = (binds)[j].orig_joyaxis; \ } /** * input_push_analog_dpad: * @binds : Binds to modify. * @mode : Which analog stick to bind D-Pad to. * E.g: * ANALOG_DPAD_LSTICK * ANALOG_DPAD_RSTICK * * Push analog to D-Pad mappings to binds. **/ #define input_push_analog_dpad(binds, mode) \ { \ unsigned k; \ unsigned x_plus = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_PLUS; \ unsigned y_plus = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_PLUS; \ unsigned x_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_X_MINUS; \ unsigned y_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_RIGHT_Y_MINUS; \ if ((mode) == ANALOG_DPAD_LSTICK) \ { \ x_plus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_PLUS; \ y_plus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_PLUS; \ x_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_X_MINUS; \ y_minus = RARCH_ANALOG_LEFT_Y_MINUS; \ } \ for (k = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP; k <= RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT; k++) \ (binds)[k].orig_joyaxis = (binds)[k].joyaxis; \ if (!inherit_joyaxis(binds)) \ { \ unsigned j = x_plus + 3; \ /* Inherit joyaxis from analogs. */ \ for (k = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP; k <= RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT; k++) \ (binds)[k].joyaxis = (binds)[j--].joyaxis; \ } \ } /* MENU INPUT */ #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* * This function gets called in order to process all input events * for the current frame. * * Sends input code to menu for one frame. * * It uses as input the local variables' input' and 'trigger_input'. * * Mouse and touch input events get processed inside this function. * * NOTE: 'input' and 'trigger_input' is sourced from the keyboard and/or * the gamepad. It does not contain input state derived from the mouse * and/or touch - this gets dealt with separately within this function. * * TODO/FIXME - maybe needs to be overhauled so we can send multiple * events per frame if we want to, and we shouldn't send the * entire button state either but do a separate event per button * state. */ static unsigned menu_event( input_bits_t *p_input, input_bits_t *p_trigger_input, bool display_kb) { /* Used for key repeat */ static float delay_timer = 0.0f; static float delay_count = 0.0f; static bool initial_held = true; static bool first_held = false; static unsigned ok_old = 0; unsigned ret = MENU_ACTION_NOOP; bool set_scroll = false; bool mouse_enabled = false; size_t new_scroll_accel = 0; menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool swap_ok_cancel_btns = settings->bools.input_menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons; bool input_swap_override = input_autoconfigure_get_swap_override(); unsigned menu_ok_btn = (!input_swap_override && swap_ok_cancel_btns) ? RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B : RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A; unsigned menu_cancel_btn = (!input_swap_override && swap_ok_cancel_btns) ? RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A : RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B; unsigned ok_current = BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, menu_ok_btn); unsigned ok_trigger = ok_current & ~ok_old; bool is_rgui = string_is_equal(settings->arrays.menu_driver, "rgui"); ok_old = ok_current; if (bits_any_set(p_input->data, ARRAY_SIZE(p_input->data))) { if (!first_held) { /* don't run anything first frame, only capture held inputs * for old_input_state. */ first_held = true; delay_timer = initial_held ? 200 : 100; delay_count = 0; } if (delay_count >= delay_timer) { uint32_t input_repeat = 0; BIT32_SET(input_repeat, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP); BIT32_SET(input_repeat, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN); BIT32_SET(input_repeat, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT); BIT32_SET(input_repeat, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT); BIT32_SET(input_repeat, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L); BIT32_SET(input_repeat, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R); set_scroll = true; first_held = false; p_trigger_input->data[0] |= p_input->data[0] & input_repeat; menu_driver_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_GET_SCROLL_ACCEL, &new_scroll_accel); new_scroll_accel = MIN(new_scroll_accel + 1, 64); } initial_held = false; } else { set_scroll = true; first_held = false; initial_held = true; } if (set_scroll) menu_driver_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SCROLL_ACCEL, &new_scroll_accel); delay_count += menu_animation_get_delta_time(); if (display_kb) { menu_event_osk_iterate(); if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_ptr() < 33) menu_event_set_osk_ptr(menu_event_get_osk_ptr() + OSK_CHARS_PER_LINE); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_ptr() >= OSK_CHARS_PER_LINE) menu_event_set_osk_ptr(menu_event_get_osk_ptr() - OSK_CHARS_PER_LINE); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_ptr() < 43) menu_event_set_osk_ptr(menu_event_get_osk_ptr() + 1); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_ptr() >= 1) menu_event_set_osk_ptr(menu_event_get_osk_ptr() - 1); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_idx() > OSK_TYPE_UNKNOWN + 1) menu_event_set_osk_idx((enum osk_type)( menu_event_get_osk_idx() - 1)); else menu_event_set_osk_idx((enum osk_type)(is_rgui ? OSK_SYMBOLS_PAGE1 : OSK_TYPE_LAST - 1)); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_idx() < (is_rgui ? OSK_SYMBOLS_PAGE1 : OSK_TYPE_LAST - 1)) menu_event_set_osk_idx((enum osk_type)( menu_event_get_osk_idx() + 1)); else menu_event_set_osk_idx((enum osk_type)(OSK_TYPE_UNKNOWN + 1)); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, menu_ok_btn)) { if (menu_event_get_osk_ptr() >= 0) menu_event_osk_append(menu_event_get_osk_ptr()); } if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, menu_cancel_btn)) input_keyboard_event(true, '\x7f', '\x7f', 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); /* send return key to close keyboard input window */ if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) input_keyboard_event(true, '\n', '\n', 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); BIT256_CLEAR_ALL_PTR(p_trigger_input); } else { if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP)) ret = MENU_ACTION_UP; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN)) ret = MENU_ACTION_DOWN; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT)) ret = MENU_ACTION_LEFT; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT)) ret = MENU_ACTION_RIGHT; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) ret = MENU_ACTION_SCROLL_UP; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) ret = MENU_ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN; else if (ok_trigger) ret = MENU_ACTION_OK; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, menu_cancel_btn)) ret = MENU_ACTION_CANCEL; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X)) ret = MENU_ACTION_SEARCH; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y)) ret = MENU_ACTION_SCAN; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) ret = MENU_ACTION_START; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT)) ret = MENU_ACTION_INFO; else if (BIT256_GET_PTR(p_trigger_input, RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE)) ret = MENU_ACTION_TOGGLE; } if (menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F11]) { command_event(CMD_EVENT_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE, NULL); menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F11] = 0; } mouse_enabled = settings->bools.menu_mouse_enable; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (!mouse_enabled) mouse_enabled = !(settings->bools.input_overlay_enable && overlay_ptr && overlay_ptr->alive); #endif if (!mouse_enabled) menu_input->mouse.ptr = 0; if (settings->bools.menu_pointer_enable) { /* This function gets called for handling pointer events. * * Pointer events are touchscreen events that are spawned * by touchpad/touchscreen. */ rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; int pointer_x, pointer_y; size_t fb_pitch; unsigned fb_width, fb_height; const struct retro_keybind *binds[MAX_USERS] = {NULL}; int pointer_device = menu_driver_is_texture_set() ? RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER : RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN; menu_display_get_fb_size(&fb_width, &fb_height, &fb_pitch); joypad_info.joy_idx = 0; joypad_info.auto_binds = NULL; joypad_info.axis_threshold = 0.0f; pointer_x = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, binds, 0, pointer_device, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_X); pointer_y = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, binds, 0, pointer_device, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_Y); menu_input->pointer.pressed[0] = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, binds, 0, pointer_device, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_PRESSED); menu_input->pointer.pressed[1] = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, binds, 0, pointer_device, 1, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_PRESSED); menu_input->pointer.back = current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, binds, 0, pointer_device, 0, RARCH_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_BACK); menu_input->pointer.x = ((pointer_x + 0x7fff) * (int)fb_width) / 0xFFFF; menu_input->pointer.y = ((pointer_y + 0x7fff) * (int)fb_height) / 0xFFFF; } else { menu_input->pointer.x = 0; menu_input->pointer.y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; menu_input->pointer.pressed[0] = false; menu_input->pointer.pressed[1] = false; menu_input->pointer.back = false; menu_input->pointer.ptr = 0; } return ret; } bool menu_input_mouse_check_vector_inside_hitbox(menu_input_ctx_hitbox_t *hitbox) { int16_t mouse_x = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_X_AXIS); int16_t mouse_y = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS); bool inside_hitbox = (mouse_x >= hitbox->x1) && (mouse_x <= hitbox->x2) && (mouse_y >= hitbox->y1) && (mouse_y <= hitbox->y2) ; return inside_hitbox; } static bool pointer_dragging = false; bool menu_input_ctl(enum menu_input_ctl_state state, void *data) { menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; if (!menu_input) return false; switch (state) { case MENU_INPUT_CTL_DEINIT: memset(menu_input, 0, sizeof(menu_input_t)); pointer_dragging = false; break; case MENU_INPUT_CTL_MOUSE_PTR: menu_input->mouse.ptr = (*(unsigned*)data); break; case MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_PTR: menu_input->pointer.ptr = (*(unsigned*)data); break; case MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_ACCEL_READ: { float *ptr = (float*)data; *ptr = menu_input->pointer.accel; } break; case MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_ACCEL_WRITE: menu_input->pointer.accel = (*(float*)data); break; case MENU_INPUT_CTL_IS_POINTER_DRAGGED: return pointer_dragging; case MENU_INPUT_CTL_NONE: break; } return true; } static int menu_input_mouse_post_iterate(uint64_t *input_mouse, menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, unsigned action, bool *mouse_activity) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; static bool mouse_oldleft = false; static bool mouse_oldright = false; if ( !settings->bools.menu_mouse_enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->bools.input_overlay_enable && overlay_ptr && overlay_ptr->alive) #endif ) { /* HACK: Need to lie to avoid false hits if mouse is held * when entering the RetroArch window. */ /* This happens if, for example, someone double clicks the * window border to maximize it. * * The proper fix is, of course, triggering on WM_LBUTTONDOWN * rather than this state change. */ mouse_oldleft = true; mouse_oldright = true; return 0; } if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) { if (!mouse_oldleft) { menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; size_t selection = menu_navigation_get_selection(); BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L); mouse_oldleft = true; if ((menu_input->mouse.ptr == selection) && cbs && cbs->action_select) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_TOGGLE); } else if (menu_input->mouse.ptr <= (menu_entries_get_size() - 1)) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_SET_NAVIGATION); } *mouse_activity = true; } } else mouse_oldleft = false; if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) { if (!mouse_oldright) { mouse_oldright = true; BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R); *mouse_activity = true; } } else mouse_oldright = false; if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN)) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN); *mouse_activity = true; } if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP)) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP); *mouse_activity = true; } if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEEL_DOWN)) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_HORIZ_WHEEL_DOWN); *mouse_activity = true; } if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEEL_UP)) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_HORIZ_WHEEL_UP); *mouse_activity = true; } return 0; } static int menu_input_mouse_frame( menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { static rarch_timer_t mouse_activity_timer = {0}; bool mouse_activity = false; bool no_mouse_activity = false; uint64_t mouse_state = MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_NONE; int ret = 0; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; bool mouse_enable = settings->bools.menu_mouse_enable; if (mouse_enable) ret = menu_input_mouse_post_iterate(&mouse_state, cbs, action, &mouse_activity); if ((settings->bools.menu_pointer_enable || mouse_enable)) { static unsigned mouse_old_x = 0; static unsigned mouse_old_y = 0; menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_X_AXIS); point.y = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS); point.ptr = 0; point.cbs = NULL; point.entry = NULL; point.action = 0; point.retcode = 0; if (menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb_internal()) menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_OSK_PTR_AT_POS, &point); if (rarch_timer_is_running(&mouse_activity_timer)) rarch_timer_tick(&mouse_activity_timer); if (mouse_old_x != point.x || mouse_old_y != point.y) { if (!rarch_timer_is_running(&mouse_activity_timer)) mouse_activity = true; menu_event_set_osk_ptr(point.retcode); } else { if (rarch_timer_has_expired(&mouse_activity_timer)) no_mouse_activity = true; } mouse_old_x = point.x; mouse_old_y = point.y; } if (BIT64_GET(mouse_state, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L)) { menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_X_AXIS); point.y = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS); point.ptr = menu_input->mouse.ptr; point.cbs = cbs; point.entry = entry; point.action = action; if (menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb_internal()) { menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_OSK_PTR_AT_POS, &point); if (point.retcode > -1) { menu_event_set_osk_ptr(point.retcode); menu_event_osk_append(point.retcode); } } else { menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_UP, &point); menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_TAP, &point); ret = point.retcode; } } if (BIT64_GET(mouse_state, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R)) { size_t selection = menu_navigation_get_selection(); menu_entry_action(entry, (unsigned)selection, MENU_ACTION_CANCEL); } if (BIT64_GET(mouse_state, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN)) { unsigned increment_by = 1; menu_driver_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_INCREMENT, &increment_by); } if (BIT64_GET(mouse_state, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP)) { unsigned decrement_by = 1; menu_driver_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_DECREMENT, &decrement_by); } if (BIT64_GET(mouse_state, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_HORIZ_WHEEL_UP)) { /* stub */ } if (BIT64_GET(mouse_state, MENU_MOUSE_ACTION_HORIZ_WHEEL_DOWN)) { /* stub */ } if (mouse_activity) { menu_ctx_environment_t menu_environ; rarch_timer_begin(&mouse_activity_timer, 4); menu_environ.type = MENU_ENVIRON_ENABLE_MOUSE_CURSOR; menu_environ.data = NULL; menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_ENVIRONMENT, &menu_environ); } if (no_mouse_activity) { menu_ctx_environment_t menu_environ; rarch_timer_end(&mouse_activity_timer); menu_environ.type = MENU_ENVIRON_DISABLE_MOUSE_CURSOR; menu_environ.data = NULL; menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_ENVIRONMENT, &menu_environ); } return ret; } int16_t menu_input_pointer_state(enum menu_input_pointer_state state) { menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; if (!menu_input) return 0; switch (state) { case MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS: return menu_input->pointer.x; case MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS: return menu_input->pointer.y; case MENU_POINTER_DELTA_X_AXIS: return menu_input->pointer.dx; case MENU_POINTER_DELTA_Y_AXIS: return menu_input->pointer.dy; case MENU_POINTER_PRESSED: return menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]; } return 0; } int16_t menu_input_mouse_state(enum menu_input_mouse_state state) { rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; unsigned type = 0; unsigned device = RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE; joypad_info.joy_idx = 0; joypad_info.auto_binds = NULL; joypad_info.axis_threshold = 0.0f; switch (state) { case MENU_MOUSE_X_AXIS: device = RARCH_DEVICE_MOUSE_SCREEN; type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_X; break; case MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS: device = RARCH_DEVICE_MOUSE_SCREEN; type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_Y; break; case MENU_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON: type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT; break; case MENU_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON: type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT; break; case MENU_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP: type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP; break; case MENU_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN: type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN; break; case MENU_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEEL_UP: type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELUP; break; case MENU_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEEL_DOWN: type = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELDOWN; break; } return current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, NULL, 0, device, 0, type); } static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate( menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { static bool pointer_oldpressed[2]; static bool pointer_oldback = false; static int16_t start_x = 0; static int16_t start_y = 0; static int16_t pointer_old_x = 0; static int16_t pointer_old_y = 0; int ret = 0; menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY /* If we have overlays enabled, overlay controls take * precedence and we don't want regular menu * pointer controls to be handled */ if (( settings->bools.input_overlay_enable && overlay_ptr && overlay_ptr->alive)) return 0; #endif if (menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]) { gfx_ctx_metrics_t metrics; float dpi; static float accel0 = 0.0f; static float accel1 = 0.0f; int16_t pointer_x = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS); int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); metrics.type = DISPLAY_METRIC_DPI; metrics.value = &dpi; menu_input->pointer.counter++; if (menu_input->pointer.counter == 1 && !pointer_dragging) { menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = pointer_x; point.y = pointer_y; point.ptr = menu_input->pointer.ptr; point.cbs = cbs; point.entry = entry; point.action = action; menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_DOWN, &point); } if (!pointer_oldpressed[0]) { menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; accel0 = 0; accel1 = 0; start_x = pointer_x; start_y = pointer_y; pointer_old_x = pointer_x; pointer_old_y = pointer_y; pointer_oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (video_context_driver_get_metrics(&metrics)) { if (abs(pointer_x - start_x) > (dpi / 10) || abs(pointer_y - start_y) > (dpi / 10)) { float s; pointer_dragging = true; menu_input->pointer.dx = pointer_x - pointer_old_x; menu_input->pointer.dy = pointer_y - pointer_old_y; pointer_old_x = pointer_x; pointer_old_y = pointer_y; s = menu_input->pointer.dy; menu_input->pointer.accel = (accel0 + accel1 + s) / 3; accel0 = accel1; accel1 = menu_input->pointer.accel; } } } else { if (pointer_oldpressed[0]) { if (!pointer_dragging) { menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = start_x; point.y = start_y; point.ptr = menu_input->pointer.ptr; point.cbs = cbs; point.entry = entry; point.action = action; if (menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb_internal()) { menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_OSK_PTR_AT_POS, &point); if (point.retcode > -1) { menu_event_set_osk_ptr(point.retcode); menu_event_osk_append(point.retcode); } } else { if (menu_input->pointer.counter > 32) { size_t selection = menu_navigation_get_selection(); if (cbs && cbs->action_start) return menu_entry_action(entry, (unsigned)selection, MENU_ACTION_START); } else { menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_UP, &point); menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_TAP, &point); ret = point.retcode; } } } pointer_oldpressed[0] = false; start_x = 0; start_y = 0; pointer_old_x = 0; pointer_old_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input->pointer.counter = 0; pointer_dragging = false; } } if (menu_input->pointer.back) { if (!pointer_oldback) { pointer_oldback = true; menu_entry_action(entry, (unsigned)menu_navigation_get_selection(), MENU_ACTION_CANCEL); } } pointer_oldback = menu_input->pointer.back; return ret; } void menu_input_post_iterate(int *ret, unsigned action) { menu_entry_t entry; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; file_list_t *selection_buf = menu_entries_get_selection_buf_ptr(0); size_t selection = menu_navigation_get_selection(); menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs = selection_buf ? (menu_file_list_cbs_t*)selection_buf->list[selection].actiondata : NULL; menu_entry_init(&entry); /* Note: If menu_input_mouse_frame() or * menu_input_pointer_post_iterate() are * modified, will have to verify that these * parameters remain unused... */ entry.rich_label_enabled = false; entry.value_enabled = false; entry.sublabel_enabled = false; menu_entry_get(&entry, 0, selection, NULL, false); *ret = menu_input_mouse_frame(cbs, &entry, action); if (settings->bools.menu_pointer_enable) *ret |= menu_input_pointer_post_iterate(cbs, &entry, action); } #define MENU_INPUT_KEYS_CHECK(cond1, cond2, cond3) \ for (i = cond1; i < cond2; i++) \ { \ bool bit_pressed = false; \ if (!cond3) \ { \ for (port = 0; port < port_max; port++) \ { \ uint16_t joykey = 0; \ uint32_t joyaxis = 0; \ const struct retro_keybind *mtkey = &input_config_binds[port][i]; \ if (!mtkey->valid) \ continue; \ joypad_info.joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[port]; \ joypad_info.auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[joypad_info.joy_idx]; \ joypad_info.axis_threshold = input_driver_axis_threshold; \ joykey = (input_config_binds[port][i].joykey != NO_BTN) \ ? input_config_binds[port][i].joykey : joypad_info.auto_binds[i].joykey; \ joyaxis = (input_config_binds[port][i].joyaxis != AXIS_NONE) \ ? input_config_binds[port][i].joyaxis : joypad_info.auto_binds[i].joyaxis; \ if (sec) \ { \ if (joykey == NO_BTN || !sec->button(joypad_info.joy_idx, joykey)) \ { \ float scaled_axis = sec->axis ? ((float)abs(input_joypad_axis(sec, joypad_info.joy_idx, joyaxis)) / 0x8000) : 0.0; \ if ((bit_pressed = scaled_axis > joypad_info.axis_threshold)) \ break; \ } \ else \ { \ bit_pressed = true; \ break; \ } \ } \ if (first) \ { \ if (joykey == NO_BTN || !first->button(joypad_info.joy_idx, joykey)) \ { \ float scaled_axis = first->axis ? ((float)abs(input_joypad_axis(first, joypad_info.joy_idx, joyaxis)) / 0x8000) : 0.0; \ if ((bit_pressed = scaled_axis > joypad_info.axis_threshold)) \ break; \ } \ else \ { \ bit_pressed = true; \ break; \ } \ } \ } \ } \ if (bit_pressed || ((i >= RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY) && BIT64_GET(lifecycle_state, i)) || input_keys_pressed_other_sources(i, p_new_state)) \ { \ BIT256_SET_PTR(p_new_state, i); \ } \ } /** * input_menu_keys_pressed: * * Grab an input sample for this frame. We exclude * keyboard input here. * * Returns: Input sample containing a mask of all pressed keys. */ static void input_menu_keys_pressed(input_bits_t *p_new_state, bool display_kb) { unsigned i, port; rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; const struct retro_keybind *binds[MAX_USERS] = {NULL}; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; uint8_t max_users = (uint8_t)input_driver_max_users; uint8_t port_max = settings->bools.input_all_users_control_menu ? max_users : 1; joypad_info.joy_idx = 0; joypad_info.auto_binds = NULL; for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) { struct retro_keybind *auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[i]; binds[i] = input_config_binds[i]; input_push_analog_dpad(auto_binds, ANALOG_DPAD_LSTICK); } for (port = 0; port < port_max; port++) { const struct retro_keybind *binds_norm = &input_config_binds[port][RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY]; const struct retro_keybind *binds_auto = &input_autoconf_binds[port][RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY]; if (check_input_driver_block_hotkey(binds_norm, binds_auto)) { const struct retro_keybind *htkey = &input_config_binds[port][RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY]; joypad_info.joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[port]; joypad_info.auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[joypad_info.joy_idx]; joypad_info.axis_threshold = input_driver_axis_threshold; if (htkey->valid && current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, &binds[0], port, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY)) { input_driver_block_libretro_input = true; break; } else { input_driver_block_hotkey = true; break; } } } { const input_device_driver_t *first = current_input->get_joypad_driver ? current_input->get_joypad_driver(current_input_data) : NULL; const input_device_driver_t *sec = current_input->get_sec_joypad_driver ? current_input->get_sec_joypad_driver(current_input_data) : NULL; /* Check the libretro input first */ MENU_INPUT_KEYS_CHECK(0, RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY, input_driver_block_libretro_input); /* Check the hotkeys */ MENU_INPUT_KEYS_CHECK(RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY, RARCH_BIND_LIST_END, input_driver_block_hotkey); } for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) { struct retro_keybind *auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[i]; input_pop_analog_dpad(auto_binds); } if (!display_kb) { unsigned ids[][2] = { {RETROK_SPACE, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START }, {RETROK_SLASH, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X }, {RETROK_RSHIFT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT }, {RETROK_RIGHT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT }, {RETROK_LEFT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT }, {RETROK_DOWN, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN }, {RETROK_UP, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP }, {RETROK_PAGEUP, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L }, {RETROK_PAGEDOWN, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R }, {0, RARCH_QUIT_KEY }, {0, RARCH_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY }, {RETROK_BACKSPACE, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B }, {RETROK_RETURN, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A }, {RETROK_DELETE, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y }, {0, RARCH_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE }, {0, RARCH_FPS_TOGGLE }, {0, RARCH_SEND_DEBUG_INFO }, {0, RARCH_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE }, {0, RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE }, }; ids[9][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_QUIT_KEY].key; ids[10][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY].key; ids[14][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE].key; ids[15][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_FPS_TOGGLE].key; ids[16][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_SEND_DEBUG_INFO].key; ids[17][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE].key; ids[18][0] = input_config_binds[0][RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE].key; if (settings->bools.input_menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons) { ids[11][1] = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A; ids[12][1] = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ids); i++) { if (current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, binds, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD, 0, ids[i][0])) BIT256_SET_PTR(p_new_state, ids[i][1]); } } } #endif /** * input_keys_pressed: * * Grab an input sample for this frame. * * Returns: Input sample containing a mask of all pressed keys. */ static void input_keys_pressed(input_bits_t *p_new_state) { unsigned i; rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; const struct retro_keybind *binds = input_config_binds[0]; const struct retro_keybind *binds_auto = &input_autoconf_binds[0][RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY]; const struct retro_keybind *binds_norm = &binds[RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY]; joypad_info.joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[0]; joypad_info.auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[joypad_info.joy_idx]; joypad_info.axis_threshold = input_driver_axis_threshold; if (check_input_driver_block_hotkey(binds_norm, binds_auto)) { const struct retro_keybind *enable_hotkey = &input_config_binds[0][RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY]; if ( enable_hotkey && enable_hotkey->valid && current_input->input_state( current_input_data, joypad_info, &binds, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RARCH_ENABLE_HOTKEY)) input_driver_block_libretro_input = true; else input_driver_block_hotkey = true; } if (binds[RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE].valid) { const struct retro_keybind *focus_binds_auto = &input_autoconf_binds[0][RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE]; const struct retro_keybind *focus_normal = &binds[RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE]; /* Allows rarch_focus_toggle hotkey to still work * even though every hotkey is blocked */ if (check_input_driver_block_hotkey( focus_normal, focus_binds_auto)) { if (current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, &binds, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE)) input_driver_block_hotkey = false; } } /* Check the libretro input first */ { int16_t ret = current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, &binds, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_MASK); for (i = 0; i < RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY; i++) { bool bit_pressed = !input_driver_block_libretro_input && binds[i].valid && (ret & (1 << i)); if (bit_pressed || input_keys_pressed_other_sources(i, p_new_state)) { BIT256_SET_PTR(p_new_state, i); } } } /* Check the hotkeys */ for (i = RARCH_FIRST_META_KEY; i < RARCH_BIND_LIST_END; i++) { bool bit_pressed = !input_driver_block_hotkey && binds[i].valid && current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, &binds, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, i); if (bit_pressed || BIT64_GET(lifecycle_state, i) || input_keys_pressed_other_sources(i, p_new_state)) { BIT256_SET_PTR(p_new_state, i); } } } void *input_driver_get_data(void) { return current_input_data; } static bool input_driver_init(void) { if (current_input) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; current_input_data = current_input->init(settings->arrays.input_joypad_driver); } if (!current_input_data) return false; return true; } static bool input_driver_find_driver(void) { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; drv.label = "input_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.input_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) current_input = (input_driver_t*)input_driver_find_handle(i); else { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("Couldn't find any input driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.input_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available input drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; input_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", input_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("Going to default to first input driver...\n"); current_input = (input_driver_t*)input_driver_find_handle(0); if (!current_input) { retroarch_fail(1, "find_input_driver()"); return false; } } return true; } void input_driver_set_flushing_input(void) { input_driver_flushing_input = true; } bool input_driver_is_libretro_input_blocked(void) { return input_driver_block_libretro_input; } void input_driver_set_nonblock_state(void) { input_driver_nonblock_state = true; } void input_driver_unset_nonblock_state(void) { input_driver_nonblock_state = false; } bool input_driver_init_command(void) { #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool input_stdin_cmd_enable = settings->bools.stdin_cmd_enable; bool input_network_cmd_enable = settings->bools.network_cmd_enable; bool grab_stdin = current_input->grab_stdin && current_input->grab_stdin(current_input_data); if (!input_stdin_cmd_enable && !input_network_cmd_enable) return false; if (input_stdin_cmd_enable && grab_stdin) { RARCH_WARN("stdin command interface is desired, but input driver has already claimed stdin.\n" "Cannot use this command interface.\n"); } input_driver_command = (command_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*input_driver_command)); if (input_driver_command) if (command_network_new( input_driver_command, input_stdin_cmd_enable && !grab_stdin, input_network_cmd_enable, settings->uints.network_cmd_port)) return true; RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize command interface.\n"); #endif return false; } void input_driver_deinit_command(void) { #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND if (input_driver_command) command_free(input_driver_command); input_driver_command = NULL; #endif } static void input_driver_deinit_remote(void) { #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD if (input_driver_remote) input_remote_free(input_driver_remote, input_driver_max_users); input_driver_remote = NULL; #endif } static void input_driver_deinit_mapper(void) { if (input_driver_mapper) free(input_driver_mapper); input_driver_mapper = NULL; } static bool input_driver_init_remote(void) { #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKGAMEPAD settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!settings->bools.network_remote_enable) return false; input_driver_remote = input_remote_new( settings->uints.network_remote_base_port, input_driver_max_users); if (input_driver_remote) return true; RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize remote gamepad interface.\n"); #endif return false; } static bool input_driver_init_mapper(void) { input_mapper_t *handle = NULL; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!settings->bools.input_remap_binds_enable) return false; handle = (input_mapper_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*input_driver_mapper)); if (!handle) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize input mapper.\n"); return false; } input_driver_mapper = handle; return true; } bool input_driver_grab_mouse(void) { if (!current_input || !current_input->grab_mouse) return false; current_input->grab_mouse(current_input_data, true); return true; } float *input_driver_get_float(enum input_action action) { switch (action) { case INPUT_ACTION_AXIS_THRESHOLD: return &input_driver_axis_threshold; default: case INPUT_ACTION_NONE: break; } return NULL; } unsigned *input_driver_get_uint(enum input_action action) { switch (action) { case INPUT_ACTION_MAX_USERS: return &input_driver_max_users; default: case INPUT_ACTION_NONE: break; } return NULL; } bool input_driver_ungrab_mouse(void) { if (!current_input || !current_input->grab_mouse) return false; current_input->grab_mouse(current_input_data, false); return true; } /** * joypad_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to joypad driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *joypad_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = joypad_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * joypad_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of joypad driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *joypad_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const input_device_driver_t *drv = joypad_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_joypad_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all joypad driver names, separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all joypad driver names, separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_joypad_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_INPUT_JOYPAD_DRIVERS, NULL); } /** * input_joypad_init_first: * * Finds first suitable joypad driver and initializes. * * Returns: joypad driver if found, otherwise NULL. **/ static const input_device_driver_t *input_joypad_init_first(void *data) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; joypad_drivers[i]; i++) { if (joypad_drivers[i]->init(data)) { RARCH_LOG("[Joypad]: Found joypad driver: \"%s\".\n", joypad_drivers[i]->ident); return joypad_drivers[i]; } } return NULL; } /** * input_joypad_init_driver: * @ident : identifier of driver to initialize. * * Initialize a joypad driver of name @ident. * * If ident points to NULL or a zero-length string, * equivalent to calling input_joypad_init_first(). * * Returns: joypad driver if found, otherwise NULL. **/ const input_device_driver_t *input_joypad_init_driver( const char *ident, void *data) { unsigned i; if (!ident || !*ident) return input_joypad_init_first(data); for (i = 0; joypad_drivers[i]; i++) { if (string_is_equal(ident, joypad_drivers[i]->ident) && joypad_drivers[i]->init(data)) { RARCH_LOG("[Joypad]: Found joypad driver: \"%s\".\n", joypad_drivers[i]->ident); return joypad_drivers[i]; } } return input_joypad_init_first(data); } /** * input_joypad_set_rumble: * @drv : Input device driver handle. * @port : User number. * @effect : Rumble effect to set. * @strength : Strength of rumble effect. * * Sets rumble effect @effect with strength @strength. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ bool input_joypad_set_rumble(const input_device_driver_t *drv, unsigned port, enum retro_rumble_effect effect, uint16_t strength) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[port]; if (!drv || !drv->set_rumble || joy_idx >= MAX_USERS) return false; return drv->set_rumble(joy_idx, effect, strength); } /** * input_joypad_analog: * @drv : Input device driver handle. * @port : User number. * @idx : Analog key index. * E.g.: * - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT * - RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT * @ident : Analog key identifier. * E.g.: * - RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X * - RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y * @binds : Binds of user. * * Gets analog value of analog key identifiers @idx and @ident * from user with number @port with provided keybinds (@binds). * * Returns: analog value on success, otherwise 0. **/ int16_t input_joypad_analog(const input_device_driver_t *drv, rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info, unsigned port, unsigned idx, unsigned ident, const struct retro_keybind *binds) { int16_t res = 0; if (idx == RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_BUTTON) { /* A RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD button? * Otherwise, not a suitable button */ if (ident < RARCH_FIRST_CUSTOM_BIND) { uint32_t axis = 0; const struct retro_keybind *bind = &binds[ ident ]; if (!bind->valid) return 0; axis = (bind->joyaxis == AXIS_NONE) ? joypad_info.auto_binds[ident].joyaxis : bind->joyaxis; /* Analog button. */ /* no deadzone/sensitivity correction for analog buttons currently */ if (drv->axis) res = abs(drv->axis(joypad_info.joy_idx, axis)); /* If the result is zero, it's got a digital button * attached to it instead */ if (res == 0) { uint16_t key = (bind->joykey == NO_BTN) ? joypad_info.auto_binds[ident].joykey : bind->joykey; if (drv->button(joypad_info.joy_idx, key)) res = 0x7fff; } } } else { /* Analog sticks. Either RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT * or RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT */ unsigned ident_minus = 0; unsigned ident_plus = 0; const struct retro_keybind *bind_minus = NULL; const struct retro_keybind *bind_plus = NULL; input_conv_analog_id_to_bind_id(idx, ident, ident_minus, ident_plus); bind_minus = &binds[ident_minus]; bind_plus = &binds[ident_plus]; if (!bind_minus->valid || !bind_plus->valid) return 0; if (drv->axis) { uint32_t axis_minus = (bind_minus->joyaxis == AXIS_NONE) ? joypad_info.auto_binds[ident_minus].joyaxis : bind_minus->joyaxis; uint32_t axis_plus = (bind_plus->joyaxis == AXIS_NONE) ? joypad_info.auto_binds[ident_plus].joyaxis : bind_plus->joyaxis; int16_t pressed_minus = abs( input_joypad_axis(drv, joypad_info.joy_idx, axis_minus)); int16_t pressed_plus = abs( input_joypad_axis(drv, joypad_info.joy_idx, axis_plus)); res = pressed_plus - pressed_minus; } if (res == 0) { uint16_t key_minus = (bind_minus->joykey == NO_BTN) ? joypad_info.auto_binds[ident_minus].joykey : bind_minus->joykey; uint16_t key_plus = (bind_plus->joykey == NO_BTN) ? joypad_info.auto_binds[ident_plus].joykey : bind_plus->joykey; int16_t digital_left = drv->button(joypad_info.joy_idx, key_minus) ? -0x7fff : 0; int16_t digital_right = drv->button(joypad_info.joy_idx, key_plus) ? 0x7fff : 0; return digital_right + digital_left; } } return res; } /** * input_mouse_button_raw: * @port : Mouse number. * @button : Identifier of key (libretro mouse constant). * * Checks if key (@button) was being pressed by user * with mouse number @port. * * Returns: true (1) if key was pressed, otherwise * false (0). **/ bool input_mouse_button_raw(unsigned port, unsigned id) { rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; /*ignore axes*/ if (id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_X || id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_Y) return false; joypad_info.axis_threshold = input_driver_axis_threshold; joypad_info.joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[port]; joypad_info.auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[joypad_info.joy_idx]; if (current_input->input_state(current_input_data, joypad_info, libretro_input_binds, port, RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE, 0, id)) return true; return false; } void input_pad_connect(unsigned port, input_device_driver_t *driver) { if (port >= MAX_USERS || !driver) { RARCH_ERR("[input]: input_pad_connect: bad parameters\n"); return; } fire_connection_listener(port, driver); input_autoconfigure_connect(driver->name(port), NULL, driver->ident, port, 0, 0); } #ifdef HAVE_HID /** * hid_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to HID driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *hid_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = hid_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } const void *hid_driver_get_data(void) { return hid_data; } /* This is only to be called after we've invoked free() on the * HID driver; the memory will have already been freed, so we need to * reset the pointer. */ void hid_driver_reset_data(void) { hid_data = NULL; } /** * hid_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of HID driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *hid_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const hid_driver_t *drv = hid_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_hid_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all HID driver names, separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all HID driver names, separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_hid_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_INPUT_HID_DRIVERS, NULL); } /** * input_hid_init_first: * * Finds first suitable HID driver and initializes. * * Returns: HID driver if found, otherwise NULL. **/ const hid_driver_t *input_hid_init_first(void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; hid_drivers[i]; i++) { hid_data = hid_drivers[i]->init(); if (hid_data) { RARCH_LOG("Found HID driver: \"%s\".\n", hid_drivers[i]->ident); return hid_drivers[i]; } } return NULL; } #endif static void osk_update_last_codepoint(const char *word) { const char *letter = word; const char *pos = letter; for (;;) { unsigned codepoint = utf8_walk(&letter); unsigned len = (unsigned)(letter - pos); if (letter[0] == 0) { osk_last_codepoint = codepoint; osk_last_codepoint_len = len; break; } pos = letter; } } /* Depends on ASCII character values */ #define ISPRINT(c) (((int)(c) >= ' ' && (int)(c) <= '~') ? 1 : 0) /** * input_keyboard_line_event: * @state : Input keyboard line handle. * @character : Inputted character. * * Called on every keyboard character event. * * Returns: true (1) on success, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool input_keyboard_line_event( input_keyboard_line_t *state, uint32_t character) { char array[2]; bool ret = false; const char *word = NULL; char c = character >= 128 ? '?' : character; /* Treat extended chars as ? as we cannot support * printable characters for unicode stuff. */ if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { state->cb(state->userdata, state->buffer); array[0] = c; array[1] = 0; word = array; ret = true; } else if (c == '\b' || c == '\x7f') /* 0x7f is ASCII for del */ { if (state->ptr) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < osk_last_codepoint_len; i++) { memmove(state->buffer + state->ptr - 1, state->buffer + state->ptr, state->size - state->ptr + 1); state->ptr--; state->size--; } word = state->buffer; } } else if (ISPRINT(c)) { /* Handle left/right here when suitable */ char *newbuf = (char*) realloc(state->buffer, state->size + 2); if (!newbuf) return false; memmove(newbuf + state->ptr + 1, newbuf + state->ptr, state->size - state->ptr + 1); newbuf[state->ptr] = c; state->ptr++; state->size++; newbuf[state->size] = '\0'; state->buffer = newbuf; array[0] = c; array[1] = 0; word = array; } if (word) { /* OSK - update last character */ if (word[0] == 0) { osk_last_codepoint = 0; osk_last_codepoint_len = 0; } else osk_update_last_codepoint(word); } return ret; } bool input_keyboard_line_append(const char *word) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned len = (unsigned)strlen(word); char *newbuf = (char*) realloc(g_keyboard_line->buffer, g_keyboard_line->size + len*2); if (!newbuf) return false; memmove(newbuf + g_keyboard_line->ptr + len, newbuf + g_keyboard_line->ptr, g_keyboard_line->size - g_keyboard_line->ptr + len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { newbuf[g_keyboard_line->ptr] = word[i]; g_keyboard_line->ptr++; g_keyboard_line->size++; } newbuf[g_keyboard_line->size] = '\0'; g_keyboard_line->buffer = newbuf; if (word[0] == 0) { osk_last_codepoint = 0; osk_last_codepoint_len = 0; } else osk_update_last_codepoint(word); return false; } /** * input_keyboard_start_line: * @userdata : Userdata. * @cb : Line complete callback function. * * Sets function pointer for keyboard line handle. * * The underlying buffer can be reallocated at any time * (or be NULL), but the pointer to it remains constant * throughout the objects lifetime. * * Returns: underlying buffer of the keyboard line. **/ const char **input_keyboard_start_line(void *userdata, input_keyboard_line_complete_t cb) { input_keyboard_line_t *state = (input_keyboard_line_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*state)); if (!state) return NULL; g_keyboard_line = state; g_keyboard_line->cb = cb; g_keyboard_line->userdata = userdata; /* While reading keyboard line input, we have to block all hotkeys. */ current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = true; return (const char**)&g_keyboard_line->buffer; } /** * input_keyboard_event: * @down : Keycode was pressed down? * @code : Keycode. * @character : Character inputted. * @mod : TODO/FIXME: ??? * * Keyboard event utils. Called by drivers when keyboard events are fired. * This interfaces with the global system driver struct and libretro callbacks. **/ void input_keyboard_event(bool down, unsigned code, uint32_t character, uint16_t mod, unsigned device) { static bool deferred_wait_keys; if (deferred_wait_keys) { if (down) return; g_keyboard_press_cb = NULL; g_keyboard_press_data = NULL; current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = false; deferred_wait_keys = false; } else if (g_keyboard_press_cb) { if (!down || code == RETROK_UNKNOWN) return; if (g_keyboard_press_cb(g_keyboard_press_data, code)) return; deferred_wait_keys = true; } else if (g_keyboard_line) { if (!down) return; switch (device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER: if (code != 0x12d) character = (char)code; /* fall-through */ default: if (!input_keyboard_line_event(g_keyboard_line, character)) return; break; } /* Line is complete, can free it now. */ if (g_keyboard_line) { if (g_keyboard_line->buffer) free(g_keyboard_line->buffer); free(g_keyboard_line); } g_keyboard_line = NULL; /* Unblock all hotkeys. */ current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = false; } else { retro_keyboard_event_t *key_event = &runloop_key_event; if (*key_event) (*key_event)(down, code, character, mod); } } bool input_keyboard_ctl(enum rarch_input_keyboard_ctl_state state, void *data) { switch (state) { case RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_LINE_FREE: if (g_keyboard_line) { if (g_keyboard_line->buffer) free(g_keyboard_line->buffer); free(g_keyboard_line); } g_keyboard_line = NULL; break; case RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_START_WAIT_KEYS: { input_keyboard_ctx_wait_t *keys = (input_keyboard_ctx_wait_t*)data; if (!keys) return false; g_keyboard_press_cb = keys->cb; g_keyboard_press_data = keys->userdata; } /* While waiting for input, we have to block all hotkeys. */ current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = true; break; case RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_CANCEL_WAIT_KEYS: g_keyboard_press_cb = NULL; g_keyboard_press_data = NULL; current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = false; break; case RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_IS_LINEFEED_ENABLED: return input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable; case RARCH_INPUT_KEYBOARD_CTL_NONE: default: break; } return true; } #define input_config_bind_map_get(i) ((const struct input_bind_map*)&input_config_bind_map[(i)]) static bool input_config_bind_map_get_valid(unsigned i) { const struct input_bind_map *keybind = (const struct input_bind_map*)input_config_bind_map_get(i); if (!keybind) return false; return keybind->valid; } unsigned input_config_bind_map_get_meta(unsigned i) { const struct input_bind_map *keybind = (const struct input_bind_map*)input_config_bind_map_get(i); if (!keybind) return 0; return keybind->meta; } const char *input_config_bind_map_get_base(unsigned i) { const struct input_bind_map *keybind = (const struct input_bind_map*)input_config_bind_map_get(i); if (!keybind) return NULL; return keybind->base; } const char *input_config_bind_map_get_desc(unsigned i) { const struct input_bind_map *keybind = (const struct input_bind_map*)input_config_bind_map_get(i); if (!keybind) return NULL; return msg_hash_to_str(keybind->desc); } static void input_config_parse_key( config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *btn, struct retro_keybind *bind) { char tmp[64]; char key[64]; tmp[0] = key[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim(key, prefix, btn, '_', sizeof(key)); if (config_get_array(conf, key, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) bind->key = input_config_translate_str_to_rk(tmp); } static const char *input_config_get_prefix(unsigned user, bool meta) { static const char *bind_user_prefix[MAX_USERS] = { "input_player1", "input_player2", "input_player3", "input_player4", "input_player5", "input_player6", "input_player7", "input_player8", "input_player9", "input_player10", "input_player11", "input_player12", "input_player13", "input_player14", "input_player15", "input_player16", }; const char *prefix = bind_user_prefix[user]; if (user == 0) return meta ? "input" : prefix; if (!meta) return prefix; /* Don't bother with meta bind for anyone else than first user. */ return NULL; } /** * input_config_translate_str_to_rk: * @str : String to translate to key ID. * * Translates tring representation to key identifier. * * Returns: key identifier. **/ enum retro_key input_config_translate_str_to_rk(const char *str) { size_t i; if (strlen(str) == 1 && isalpha((int)*str)) return (enum retro_key)(RETROK_a + (tolower((int)*str) - (int)'a')); for (i = 0; input_config_key_map[i].str; i++) { if (string_is_equal_noncase(input_config_key_map[i].str, str)) return input_config_key_map[i].key; } RARCH_WARN("Key name %s not found.\n", str); return RETROK_UNKNOWN; } /** * input_config_translate_str_to_bind_id: * @str : String to translate to bind ID. * * Translate string representation to bind ID. * * Returns: Bind ID value on success, otherwise * RARCH_BIND_LIST_END on not found. **/ unsigned input_config_translate_str_to_bind_id(const char *str) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; input_config_bind_map[i].valid; i++) if (string_is_equal(str, input_config_bind_map[i].base)) return i; return RARCH_BIND_LIST_END; } static void parse_hat(struct retro_keybind *bind, const char *str) { uint16_t hat_dir = 0; char *dir = NULL; uint16_t hat = strtoul(str, &dir, 0); if (!dir) { RARCH_WARN("Found invalid hat in config!\n"); return; } if (string_is_equal(dir, "up")) hat_dir = HAT_UP_MASK; else if (string_is_equal(dir, "down")) hat_dir = HAT_DOWN_MASK; else if (string_is_equal(dir, "left")) hat_dir = HAT_LEFT_MASK; else if (string_is_equal(dir, "right")) hat_dir = HAT_RIGHT_MASK; if (hat_dir) bind->joykey = HAT_MAP(hat, hat_dir); } static void input_config_parse_joy_button( config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *btn, struct retro_keybind *bind) { char str[256]; char tmp[64]; char key[64]; char key_label[64]; char *tmp_a = NULL; str[0] = tmp[0] = key[0] = key_label[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim(str, prefix, btn, '_', sizeof(str)); fill_pathname_join_delim(key, str, "btn", '_', sizeof(key)); fill_pathname_join_delim(key_label, str, "btn_label", '_', sizeof(key_label)); if (config_get_array(conf, key, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { btn = tmp; if (string_is_equal(btn, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_NUL))) bind->joykey = NO_BTN; else { if (*btn == 'h') { const char *str = btn + 1; if (bind && str && isdigit((int)*str)) parse_hat(bind, str); } else bind->joykey = strtoull(tmp, NULL, 0); } } if (bind && config_get_string(conf, key_label, &tmp_a)) { if (!string_is_empty(bind->joykey_label)) free(bind->joykey_label); bind->joykey_label = strdup(tmp_a); free(tmp_a); } } static void input_config_parse_joy_axis( config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *axis, struct retro_keybind *bind) { char str[256]; char tmp[64]; char key[64]; char key_label[64]; char *tmp_a = NULL; str[0] = tmp[0] = key[0] = key_label[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim(str, prefix, axis, '_', sizeof(str)); fill_pathname_join_delim(key, str, "axis", '_', sizeof(key)); fill_pathname_join_delim(key_label, str, "axis_label", '_', sizeof(key_label)); if (config_get_array(conf, key, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { if (string_is_equal(tmp, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_NUL))) bind->joyaxis = AXIS_NONE; else if (strlen(tmp) >= 2 && (*tmp == '+' || *tmp == '-')) { int i_axis = (int)strtol(tmp + 1, NULL, 0); if (*tmp == '+') bind->joyaxis = AXIS_POS(i_axis); else bind->joyaxis = AXIS_NEG(i_axis); } /* Ensure that D-pad emulation doesn't screw this over. */ bind->orig_joyaxis = bind->joyaxis; } if (config_get_string(conf, key_label, &tmp_a)) { if (bind->joyaxis_label && !string_is_empty(bind->joyaxis_label)) free(bind->joyaxis_label); bind->joyaxis_label = strdup(tmp_a); free(tmp_a); } } static void input_config_parse_mouse_button( config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *btn, struct retro_keybind *bind) { int val; char str[256]; char tmp[64]; char key[64]; str[0] = tmp[0] = key[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim(str, prefix, btn, '_', sizeof(str)); fill_pathname_join_delim(key, str, "mbtn", '_', sizeof(key)); if (bind && config_get_array(conf, key, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { bind->mbutton = NO_BTN; if (tmp[0]=='w') { switch (tmp[1]) { case 'u': bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP; break; case 'd': bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN; break; case 'h': switch (tmp[2]) { case 'u': bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELUP; break; case 'd': bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELDOWN; break; } break; } } else { val = atoi(tmp); switch (val) { case 1: bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT; break; case 2: bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT; break; case 3: bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE; break; case 4: bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_4; break; case 5: bind->mbutton = RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_5; break; } } } } static void input_config_get_bind_string_joykey( char *buf, const char *prefix, const struct retro_keybind *bind, size_t size) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool label_show = settings->bools.input_descriptor_label_show; if (GET_HAT_DIR(bind->joykey)) { if (bind->joykey_label && !string_is_empty(bind->joykey_label) && label_show) snprintf(buf, size, "%s %s (hat)", prefix, bind->joykey_label); else { const char *dir = "?"; switch (GET_HAT_DIR(bind->joykey)) { case HAT_UP_MASK: dir = "up"; break; case HAT_DOWN_MASK: dir = "down"; break; case HAT_LEFT_MASK: dir = "left"; break; case HAT_RIGHT_MASK: dir = "right"; break; default: break; } snprintf(buf, size, "%sHat #%u %s (%s)", prefix, (unsigned)GET_HAT(bind->joykey), dir, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE)); } } else { if (bind->joykey_label && !string_is_empty(bind->joykey_label) && label_show) snprintf(buf, size, "%s%s (btn)", prefix, bind->joykey_label); else snprintf(buf, size, "%s%u (%s)", prefix, (unsigned)bind->joykey, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE)); } } static void input_config_get_bind_string_joyaxis(char *buf, const char *prefix, const struct retro_keybind *bind, size_t size) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (bind->joyaxis_label && !string_is_empty(bind->joyaxis_label) && settings->bools.input_descriptor_label_show) snprintf(buf, size, "%s%s (axis)", prefix, bind->joyaxis_label); else { unsigned axis = 0; char dir = '\0'; if (AXIS_NEG_GET(bind->joyaxis) != AXIS_DIR_NONE) { dir = '-'; axis = AXIS_NEG_GET(bind->joyaxis); } else if (AXIS_POS_GET(bind->joyaxis) != AXIS_DIR_NONE) { dir = '+'; axis = AXIS_POS_GET(bind->joyaxis); } snprintf(buf, size, "%s%c%u (%s)", prefix, dir, axis, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE)); } } void input_config_get_bind_string(char *buf, const struct retro_keybind *bind, const struct retro_keybind *auto_bind, size_t size) { int delim = 0; #ifndef RARCH_CONSOLE char key[64]; char keybuf[64]; key[0] = keybuf[0] = '\0'; #endif *buf = '\0'; if (bind->joykey != NO_BTN) input_config_get_bind_string_joykey(buf, "", bind, size); else if (bind->joyaxis != AXIS_NONE) input_config_get_bind_string_joyaxis(buf, "", bind, size); else if (auto_bind && auto_bind->joykey != NO_BTN) input_config_get_bind_string_joykey(buf, "Auto: ", auto_bind, size); else if (auto_bind && auto_bind->joyaxis != AXIS_NONE) input_config_get_bind_string_joyaxis(buf, "Auto: ", auto_bind, size); if (*buf) delim = 1; #ifndef RARCH_CONSOLE input_keymaps_translate_rk_to_str(bind->key, key, sizeof(key)); if (string_is_equal(key, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_NUL))) *key = '\0'; /*empty?*/ if (*key != '\0') { if (delim) strlcat(buf, ", ", size); snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_KEY), key); strlcat(buf, keybuf, size); delim = 1; } #endif if (bind->mbutton != NO_BTN) { int tag = 0; switch (bind->mbutton) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_LEFT; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_RIGHT; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_MIDDLE; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_4: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_BUTTON4; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_5: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_BUTTON5; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELUP: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEEL_UP; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELDOWN: tag = MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEEL_DOWN; break; } if (tag != 0) { if (delim) strlcat(buf, ", ", size); strlcat(buf, msg_hash_to_str((enum msg_hash_enums)tag), size); } } /*completely empty?*/ if (*buf == '\0') strlcat(buf, "---", size); } unsigned input_config_get_device_count(void) { unsigned num_devices; for (num_devices = 0; num_devices < MAX_INPUT_DEVICES; ++num_devices) { if (string_is_empty(input_device_names[num_devices])) break; } return num_devices; } const char *input_config_get_device_name(unsigned port) { if (string_is_empty(input_device_names[port])) return NULL; return input_device_names[port]; } const char *input_config_get_device_display_name(unsigned port) { if (string_is_empty(input_device_display_names[port])) return NULL; return input_device_display_names[port]; } const char *input_config_get_device_config_path(unsigned port) { if (string_is_empty(input_device_config_paths[port])) return NULL; return input_device_config_paths[port]; } const char *input_config_get_device_config_name(unsigned port) { if (string_is_empty(input_device_config_names[port])) return NULL; return input_device_config_names[port]; } void input_config_set_device_name(unsigned port, const char *name) { if (string_is_empty(name)) return; strlcpy(input_device_names[port], name, sizeof(input_device_names[port])); input_autoconfigure_joypad_reindex_devices(); } void input_config_set_device_config_path(unsigned port, const char *path) { if (string_is_empty(path)) return; fill_pathname_parent_dir_name(input_device_config_paths[port], path, sizeof(input_device_config_paths[port])); strlcat(input_device_config_paths[port], "/", sizeof(input_device_config_paths[port])); strlcat(input_device_config_paths[port], path_basename(path), sizeof(input_device_config_paths[port])); } void input_config_set_device_config_name(unsigned port, const char *name) { if (!string_is_empty(name)) strlcpy(input_device_config_names[port], name, sizeof(input_device_config_names[port])); } void input_config_set_device_display_name(unsigned port, const char *name) { if (!string_is_empty(name)) strlcpy(input_device_display_names[port], name, sizeof(input_device_display_names[port])); } void input_config_clear_device_name(unsigned port) { input_device_names[port][0] = '\0'; input_autoconfigure_joypad_reindex_devices(); } void input_config_clear_device_display_name(unsigned port) { input_device_display_names[port][0] = '\0'; } void input_config_clear_device_config_path(unsigned port) { input_device_config_paths[port][0] = '\0'; } void input_config_clear_device_config_name(unsigned port) { input_device_config_names[port][0] = '\0'; } unsigned *input_config_get_device_ptr(unsigned port) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; return &settings->uints.input_libretro_device[port]; } unsigned input_config_get_device(unsigned port) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; return settings->uints.input_libretro_device[port]; } void input_config_set_device(unsigned port, unsigned id) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings) settings->uints.input_libretro_device[port] = id; } const struct retro_keybind *input_config_get_bind_auto( unsigned port, unsigned id) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned joy_idx = settings->uints.input_joypad_map[port]; if (joy_idx < MAX_USERS) return &input_autoconf_binds[joy_idx][id]; return NULL; } void input_config_set_pid(unsigned port, uint16_t pid) { input_config_pid[port] = pid; } uint16_t input_config_get_pid(unsigned port) { return input_config_pid[port]; } void input_config_set_vid(unsigned port, uint16_t vid) { input_config_vid[port] = vid; } uint16_t input_config_get_vid(unsigned port) { return input_config_vid[port]; } void input_config_reset(void) { unsigned i, j; retro_assert(sizeof(input_config_binds[0]) >= sizeof(retro_keybinds_1)); retro_assert(sizeof(input_config_binds[1]) >= sizeof(retro_keybinds_rest)); memcpy(input_config_binds[0], retro_keybinds_1, sizeof(retro_keybinds_1)); for (i = 1; i < MAX_USERS; i++) memcpy(input_config_binds[i], retro_keybinds_rest, sizeof(retro_keybinds_rest)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; i++) { input_config_vid[i] = 0; input_config_pid[i] = 0; libretro_input_binds[i] = input_config_binds[i]; for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) input_device_names[i][j] = 0; } } void config_read_keybinds_conf(void *data) { unsigned i; config_file_t *conf = (config_file_t*)data; if (!conf) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_USERS; i++) { unsigned j; for (j = 0; input_config_bind_map_get_valid(j); j++) { struct retro_keybind *bind = &input_config_binds[i][j]; const char *prefix = input_config_get_prefix(i, input_config_bind_map_get_meta(j)); const char *btn = input_config_bind_map_get_base(j); if (!bind->valid) continue; if (!input_config_bind_map_get_valid(j)) continue; if (!btn || !prefix) continue; input_config_parse_key(conf, prefix, btn, bind); input_config_parse_joy_button(conf, prefix, btn, bind); input_config_parse_joy_axis(conf, prefix, btn, bind); input_config_parse_mouse_button(conf, prefix, btn, bind); } } } void input_autoconfigure_joypad_conf(void *data, struct retro_keybind *binds) { unsigned i; config_file_t *conf = (config_file_t*)data; if (!conf) return; for (i = 0; i < RARCH_BIND_LIST_END; i++) { input_config_parse_joy_button(conf, "input", input_config_bind_map_get_base(i), &binds[i]); input_config_parse_joy_axis(conf, "input", input_config_bind_map_get_base(i), &binds[i]); } } /** * input_config_save_keybinds_user: * @conf : pointer to config file object * @user : user number * * Save the current keybinds of a user (@user) to the config file (@conf). */ void input_config_save_keybinds_user(void *data, unsigned user) { unsigned i = 0; config_file_t *conf = (config_file_t*)data; for (i = 0; input_config_bind_map_get_valid(i); i++) { char key[64]; char btn[64]; const char *prefix = input_config_get_prefix(user, input_config_bind_map_get_meta(i)); const struct retro_keybind *bind = &input_config_binds[user][i]; const char *base = input_config_bind_map_get_base(i); if (!prefix || !bind->valid) continue; key[0] = btn[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim(key, prefix, base, '_', sizeof(key)); input_keymaps_translate_rk_to_str(bind->key, btn, sizeof(btn)); config_set_string(conf, key, btn); input_config_save_keybind(conf, prefix, base, bind, true); } } static void save_keybind_hat(config_file_t *conf, const char *key, const struct retro_keybind *bind) { char config[16]; unsigned hat = (unsigned)GET_HAT(bind->joykey); const char *dir = NULL; config[0] = '\0'; switch (GET_HAT_DIR(bind->joykey)) { case HAT_UP_MASK: dir = "up"; break; case HAT_DOWN_MASK: dir = "down"; break; case HAT_LEFT_MASK: dir = "left"; break; case HAT_RIGHT_MASK: dir = "right"; break; default: break; } snprintf(config, sizeof(config), "h%u%s", hat, dir); config_set_string(conf, key, config); } static void save_keybind_joykey(config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *base, const struct retro_keybind *bind, bool save_empty) { char key[64]; key[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim_concat(key, prefix, base, '_', "_btn", sizeof(key)); if (bind->joykey == NO_BTN) { if (save_empty) config_set_string(conf, key, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_NUL)); } else if (GET_HAT_DIR(bind->joykey)) save_keybind_hat(conf, key, bind); else config_set_uint64(conf, key, bind->joykey); } static void save_keybind_axis(config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *base, const struct retro_keybind *bind, bool save_empty) { char key[64]; unsigned axis = 0; char dir = '\0'; key[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim_concat(key, prefix, base, '_', "_axis", sizeof(key)); if (bind->joyaxis == AXIS_NONE) { if (save_empty) config_set_string(conf, key, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_NUL)); } else if (AXIS_NEG_GET(bind->joyaxis) != AXIS_DIR_NONE) { dir = '-'; axis = AXIS_NEG_GET(bind->joyaxis); } else if (AXIS_POS_GET(bind->joyaxis) != AXIS_DIR_NONE) { dir = '+'; axis = AXIS_POS_GET(bind->joyaxis); } if (dir) { char config[16]; config[0] = '\0'; snprintf(config, sizeof(config), "%c%u", dir, axis); config_set_string(conf, key, config); } } static void save_keybind_mbutton(config_file_t *conf, const char *prefix, const char *base, const struct retro_keybind *bind, bool save_empty) { char key[64]; key[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join_delim_concat(key, prefix, base, '_', "_mbtn", sizeof(key)); switch (bind->mbutton) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT: config_set_uint64(conf, key, 1); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT: config_set_uint64(conf, key, 2); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE: config_set_uint64(conf, key, 3); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_4: config_set_uint64(conf, key, 4); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_BUTTON_5: config_set_uint64(conf, key, 5); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP: config_set_string(conf, key, "wu"); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN: config_set_string(conf, key, "wd"); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELUP: config_set_string(conf, key, "whu"); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_HORIZ_WHEELDOWN: config_set_string(conf, key, "whd"); break; default: if (save_empty) config_set_string(conf, key, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_NUL)); break; } } /** * input_config_save_keybind: * @conf : pointer to config file object * @prefix : prefix name of keybind * @base : base name of keybind * @bind : pointer to key binding object * @kb : save keyboard binds * * Save a key binding to the config file. */ void input_config_save_keybind(void *data, const char *prefix, const char *base, const struct retro_keybind *bind, bool save_empty) { config_file_t *conf = (config_file_t*)data; save_keybind_joykey (conf, prefix, base, bind, save_empty); save_keybind_axis (conf, prefix, base, bind, save_empty); save_keybind_mbutton(conf, prefix, base, bind, save_empty); } /* MIDI */ static midi_driver_t *midi_driver_find_driver(const char *ident) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(midi_drivers); ++i) { if (string_is_equal(midi_drivers[i]->ident, ident)) return midi_drivers[i]; } RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Unknown driver \"%s\", falling back to \"null\" driver.\n", ident); return &midi_null; } const void *midi_driver_find_handle(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= ARRAY_SIZE(midi_drivers)) return NULL; return midi_drivers[index]; } const char *midi_driver_find_ident(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= ARRAY_SIZE(midi_drivers)) return NULL; return midi_drivers[index]->ident; } struct string_list *midi_driver_get_avail_inputs(void) { return midi_drv_inputs; } struct string_list *midi_driver_get_avail_outputs(void) { return midi_drv_outputs; } bool midi_driver_set_all_sounds_off(void) { midi_event_t event; uint8_t i; uint8_t data[3] = { 0xB0, 120, 0 }; bool result = true; if (!midi_drv_data || !midi_drv_output_enabled) return false; event.data = data; event.data_size = sizeof(data); event.delta_time = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { data[0] = 0xB0 | i; if (!midi_drv->write(midi_drv_data, &event)) result = false; } if (!midi_drv->flush(midi_drv_data)) result = false; if (!result) RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: All sounds off failed.\n"); return result; } bool midi_driver_set_volume(unsigned volume) { midi_event_t event; uint8_t data[8] = { 0xF0, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x04, 0x01, 0, 0, 0xF7 }; if (!midi_drv_data || !midi_drv_output_enabled) return false; volume = (unsigned)(163.83 * volume + 0.5); if (volume > 16383) volume = 16383; data[5] = (uint8_t)(volume & 0x7F); data[6] = (uint8_t)(volume >> 7); event.data = data; event.data_size = sizeof(data); event.delta_time = 0; if (!midi_drv->write(midi_drv_data, &event)) { RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Volume change failed.\n"); return false; } return true; } bool midi_driver_init_io_buffers(void) { midi_drv_input_buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(MIDI_DRIVER_BUF_SIZE); midi_drv_output_buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(MIDI_DRIVER_BUF_SIZE); if (!midi_drv_input_buffer || !midi_drv_output_buffer) return false; midi_drv_input_event.data = midi_drv_input_buffer; midi_drv_input_event.data_size = 0; midi_drv_output_event.data = midi_drv_output_buffer; midi_drv_output_event.data_size = 0; return true; } bool midi_driver_init(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; union string_list_elem_attr attr = {0}; const char *err_str = NULL; midi_drv_inputs = string_list_new(); midi_drv_outputs = string_list_new(); RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Initializing ...\n"); if (!settings) err_str = "settings unavailable"; else if (!midi_drv_inputs || !midi_drv_outputs) err_str = "string_list_new failed"; else if (!string_list_append(midi_drv_inputs, "Off", attr) || !string_list_append(midi_drv_outputs, "Off", attr)) err_str = "string_list_append failed"; else { char * input = NULL; char * output = NULL; midi_drv = midi_driver_find_driver(settings->arrays.midi_driver); if (strcmp(midi_drv->ident, settings->arrays.midi_driver)) strlcpy(settings->arrays.midi_driver, midi_drv->ident, sizeof(settings->arrays.midi_driver)); if (!midi_drv->get_avail_inputs(midi_drv_inputs)) err_str = "list of input devices unavailable"; else if (!midi_drv->get_avail_outputs(midi_drv_outputs)) err_str = "list of output devices unavailable"; else { if (string_is_not_equal(settings->arrays.midi_input, "Off")) { if (string_list_find_elem(midi_drv_inputs, settings->arrays.midi_input)) input = settings->arrays.midi_input; else { RARCH_WARN("[MIDI]: Input device \"%s\" unavailable.\n", settings->arrays.midi_input); strlcpy(settings->arrays.midi_input, "Off", sizeof(settings->arrays.midi_input)); } } if (string_is_not_equal(settings->arrays.midi_output, "Off")) { if (string_list_find_elem(midi_drv_outputs, settings->arrays.midi_output)) output = settings->arrays.midi_output; else { RARCH_WARN("[MIDI]: Output device \"%s\" unavailable.\n", settings->arrays.midi_output); strlcpy(settings->arrays.midi_output, "Off", sizeof(settings->arrays.midi_output)); } } midi_drv_data = midi_drv->init(input, output); if (!midi_drv_data) err_str = "driver init failed"; else { midi_drv_input_enabled = input != NULL; midi_drv_output_enabled = output != NULL; if (!midi_driver_init_io_buffers()) err_str = "out of memory"; else { if (input) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Input device \"%s\".\n", input); else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Input disabled.\n"); if (output) { RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Output device \"%s\".\n", output); midi_driver_set_volume(settings->uints.midi_volume); } else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Output disabled.\n"); } } } } if (err_str) { midi_driver_free(); RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Initialization failed (%s).\n", err_str); } else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Initialized \"%s\" driver.\n", midi_drv->ident); return err_str == NULL; } void midi_driver_free(void) { if (midi_drv_data) { midi_drv->free(midi_drv_data); midi_drv_data = NULL; } if (midi_drv_inputs) { string_list_free(midi_drv_inputs); midi_drv_inputs = NULL; } if (midi_drv_outputs) { string_list_free(midi_drv_outputs); midi_drv_outputs = NULL; } if (midi_drv_input_buffer) { free(midi_drv_input_buffer); midi_drv_input_buffer = NULL; } if (midi_drv_output_buffer) { free(midi_drv_output_buffer); midi_drv_output_buffer = NULL; } midi_drv_input_enabled = false; midi_drv_output_enabled = false; } bool midi_driver_set_input(const char *input) { if (!midi_drv_data) { #ifdef DEBUG RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_set_input called on uninitialized driver.\n"); #endif return false; } if (string_is_equal(input, "Off")) input = NULL; if (!midi_drv->set_input(midi_drv_data, input)) { if (input) RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Failed to change input device to \"%s\".\n", input); else RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Failed to disable input.\n"); return false; } if (input) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Input device changed to \"%s\".\n", input); else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Input disabled.\n"); midi_drv_input_enabled = input != NULL; return true; } bool midi_driver_set_output(const char *output) { if (!midi_drv_data) { #ifdef DEBUG RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_set_output called on uninitialized driver.\n"); #endif return false; } if (string_is_equal(output, "Off")) output = NULL; if (!midi_drv->set_output(midi_drv_data, output)) { if (output) RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Failed to change output device to \"%s\".\n", output); else RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Failed to disable output.\n"); return false; } if (output) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; midi_drv_output_enabled = true; RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Output device changed to \"%s\".\n", output); if (settings) midi_driver_set_volume(settings->uints.midi_volume); else RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Volume change failed (settings unavailable).\n"); } else { midi_drv_output_enabled = false; RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Output disabled.\n"); } return true; } bool midi_driver_input_enabled(void) { return midi_drv_input_enabled; } bool midi_driver_output_enabled(void) { return midi_drv_output_enabled; } bool midi_driver_read(uint8_t *byte) { static int i; if (!midi_drv_data || !midi_drv_input_enabled || !byte) { #ifdef DEBUG if (!midi_drv_data) RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_read called on uninitialized driver.\n"); else if (!midi_drv_input_enabled) RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_read called when input is disabled.\n"); else RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_read called with null pointer.\n"); #endif return false; } if (i == midi_drv_input_event.data_size) { midi_drv_input_event.data_size = MIDI_DRIVER_BUF_SIZE; if (!midi_drv->read(midi_drv_data, &midi_drv_input_event)) { midi_drv_input_event.data_size = i; return false; } i = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if (midi_drv_input_event.data_size == 1) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: In [0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_input_event.data[0]); else if (midi_drv_input_event.data_size == 2) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: In [0x%02X, 0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_input_event.data[0], midi_drv_input_event.data[1]); else if (midi_drv_input_event.data_size == 3) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: In [0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_input_event.data[0], midi_drv_input_event.data[1], midi_drv_input_event.data[2]); else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: In [0x%02X, ...], size %u.\n", midi_drv_input_event.data[0], midi_drv_input_event.data_size); #endif } *byte = midi_drv_input_event.data[i++]; return true; } bool midi_driver_write(uint8_t byte, uint32_t delta_time) { static int event_size; if (!midi_drv_data || !midi_drv_output_enabled) { #ifdef DEBUG if (!midi_drv_data) RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_write called on uninitialized driver.\n"); else RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_write called when output is disabled.\n"); #endif return false; } if (byte >= 0x80) { if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size && midi_drv_output_event.data[0] == 0xF0) { if (byte == 0xF7) event_size = (int)midi_drv_output_event.data_size + 1; else { if (!midi_drv->write(midi_drv_data, &midi_drv_output_event)) return false; #ifdef DEBUG if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == 1) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0]); else if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == 2) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X, 0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0], midi_drv_output_event.data[1]); else if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == 3) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0], midi_drv_output_event.data[1], midi_drv_output_event.data[2]); else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X, ...], size %u.\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0], midi_drv_output_event.data_size); #endif midi_drv_output_pending = true; event_size = (int)midi_driver_get_event_size(byte); midi_drv_output_event.data_size = 0; midi_drv_output_event.delta_time = 0; } } else { event_size = (int)midi_driver_get_event_size(byte); midi_drv_output_event.data_size = 0; midi_drv_output_event.delta_time = 0; } } if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size < MIDI_DRIVER_BUF_SIZE) { midi_drv_output_event.data[midi_drv_output_event.data_size] = byte; ++midi_drv_output_event.data_size; midi_drv_output_event.delta_time += delta_time; } else { #ifdef DEBUG RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: Output event dropped.\n"); #endif return false; } if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == event_size) { if (!midi_drv->write(midi_drv_data, &midi_drv_output_event)) return false; #ifdef DEBUG if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == 1) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0]); else if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == 2) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X, 0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0], midi_drv_output_event.data[1]); else if (midi_drv_output_event.data_size == 3) RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X].\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0], midi_drv_output_event.data[1], midi_drv_output_event.data[2]); else RARCH_LOG("[MIDI]: Out [0x%02X, ...], size %u.\n", midi_drv_output_event.data[0], midi_drv_output_event.data_size); #endif midi_drv_output_pending = true; midi_drv_output_event.data_size = 0; midi_drv_output_event.delta_time = 0; } return true; } bool midi_driver_flush(void) { if (!midi_drv_data) { #ifdef DEBUG RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_flush called on uninitialized driver.\n"); #endif return false; } if (midi_drv_output_pending) midi_drv_output_pending = !midi_drv->flush(midi_drv_data); return !midi_drv_output_pending; } size_t midi_driver_get_event_size(uint8_t status) { if (status < 0x80) { #ifdef DEBUG RARCH_ERR("[MIDI]: midi_driver_get_event_size called with invalid status.\n"); #endif return 0; } return midi_drv_ev_sizes[status - 0x80]; } /* AUDIO */ #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER static void audio_mixer_play_stop_sequential_cb( audio_mixer_sound_t *sound, unsigned reason); static void audio_mixer_play_stop_cb( audio_mixer_sound_t *sound, unsigned reason); static void audio_mixer_menu_stop_cb( audio_mixer_sound_t *sound, unsigned reason); #endif static enum resampler_quality audio_driver_get_resampler_quality(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!settings) return RESAMPLER_QUALITY_DONTCARE; return (enum resampler_quality)settings->uints.audio_resampler_quality; } #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER audio_mixer_stream_t *audio_driver_mixer_get_stream(unsigned i) { if (i > (AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS-1)) return NULL; return &audio_mixer_streams[i]; } const char *audio_driver_mixer_get_stream_name(unsigned i) { if (i > (AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS-1)) return "N/A"; if (!string_is_empty(audio_mixer_streams[i].name)) return audio_mixer_streams[i].name; return "N/A"; } static void audio_driver_mixer_deinit(void) { unsigned i; audio_mixer_active = false; for (i = 0; i < AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS; i++) { audio_driver_mixer_stop_stream(i); audio_driver_mixer_remove_stream(i); } audio_mixer_done(); } #endif /** * audio_compute_buffer_statistics: * * Computes audio buffer statistics. * **/ static bool audio_compute_buffer_statistics(audio_statistics_t *stats) { unsigned i, low_water_size, high_water_size, avg, stddev; uint64_t accum = 0; uint64_t accum_var = 0; unsigned low_water_count = 0; unsigned high_water_count = 0; unsigned samples = MIN( (unsigned)audio_driver_free_samples_count, AUDIO_BUFFER_FREE_SAMPLES_COUNT); if (!stats || samples < 3) return false; stats->samples = (unsigned)audio_driver_free_samples_count; #ifdef WARPUP /* uint64 to double not implemented, fair chance * signed int64 to double doesn't exist either */ /* https://forums.libretro.com/t/unsupported-platform-help/13903/ */ (void)stddev; #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200 /* FIXME: error C2520: conversion from unsigned __int64 * to double not implemented, use signed __int64 */ (void)stddev; #else for (i = 1; i < samples; i++) accum += audio_driver_free_samples_buf[i]; avg = (unsigned)accum / (samples - 1); for (i = 1; i < samples; i++) { int diff = avg - audio_driver_free_samples_buf[i]; accum_var += diff * diff; } stddev = (unsigned) sqrt((double)accum_var / (samples - 2)); stats->average_buffer_saturation = (1.0f - (float)avg / audio_driver_buffer_size) * 100.0; stats->std_deviation_percentage = ((float)stddev / audio_driver_buffer_size) * 100.0; #endif low_water_size = (unsigned)(audio_driver_buffer_size * 3 / 4); high_water_size = (unsigned)(audio_driver_buffer_size / 4); for (i = 1; i < samples; i++) { if (audio_driver_free_samples_buf[i] >= low_water_size) low_water_count++; else if (audio_driver_free_samples_buf[i] <= high_water_size) high_water_count++; } stats->close_to_underrun = (100.0 * low_water_count) / (samples - 1); stats->close_to_blocking = (100.0 * high_water_count) / (samples - 1); return true; } static void report_audio_buffer_statistics(void) { audio_statistics_t audio_stats = {0.0f}; if (!audio_compute_buffer_statistics(&audio_stats)) return; #ifdef DEBUG RARCH_LOG("[Audio]: Average audio buffer saturation: %.2f %%," " standard deviation (percentage points): %.2f %%.\n" "[Audio]: Amount of time spent close to underrun: %.2f %%." " Close to blocking: %.2f %%.\n", audio_stats.average_buffer_saturation, audio_stats.std_deviation_percentage, audio_stats.close_to_underrun, audio_stats.close_to_blocking); #endif } /** * audio_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to audio driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *audio_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = audio_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * audio_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of audio driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *audio_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const audio_driver_t *drv = audio_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_audio_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all audio driver names, separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all audio driver names, separated by '|'. **/ const char *config_get_audio_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_AUDIO_DRIVERS, NULL); } static void audio_driver_deinit_resampler(void) { if (audio_driver_resampler && audio_driver_resampler_data) audio_driver_resampler->free(audio_driver_resampler_data); audio_driver_resampler = NULL; audio_driver_resampler_data = NULL; } static bool audio_driver_deinit_internal(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (current_audio && current_audio->free) { if (audio_driver_context_audio_data) current_audio->free(audio_driver_context_audio_data); audio_driver_context_audio_data = NULL; } if (audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf) free(audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf); audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf = NULL; audio_driver_data_ptr = 0; if (audio_driver_rewind_buf) free(audio_driver_rewind_buf); audio_driver_rewind_buf = NULL; audio_driver_rewind_size = 0; if (!settings->bools.audio_enable) { audio_driver_active = false; return false; } audio_driver_deinit_resampler(); if (audio_driver_input_data) free(audio_driver_input_data); audio_driver_input_data = NULL; if (audio_driver_output_samples_buf) free(audio_driver_output_samples_buf); audio_driver_output_samples_buf = NULL; audio_driver_dsp_filter_free(); report_audio_buffer_statistics(); return true; } static bool audio_driver_free_devices_list(void) { if (!current_audio || !current_audio->device_list_free || !audio_driver_context_audio_data) return false; current_audio->device_list_free(audio_driver_context_audio_data, audio_driver_devices_list); audio_driver_devices_list = NULL; return true; } static bool audio_driver_deinit(void) { #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER audio_driver_mixer_deinit(); #endif audio_driver_free_devices_list(); if (!audio_driver_deinit_internal()) return false; return true; } static bool audio_driver_find_driver(void) { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; drv.label = "audio_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.audio_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) current_audio = (const audio_driver_t*)audio_driver_find_handle(i); else { if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("Couldn't find any audio driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.audio_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available audio drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; audio_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", audio_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("Going to default to first audio driver...\n"); } current_audio = (const audio_driver_t*)audio_driver_find_handle(0); if (!current_audio) retroarch_fail(1, "audio_driver_find()"); } return true; } static bool audio_driver_init_internal(bool audio_cb_inited) { unsigned new_rate = 0; float *aud_inp_data = NULL; float *samples_buf = NULL; int16_t *rewind_buf = NULL; size_t max_bufsamples = AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING * 2; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; /* Accomodate rewind since at some point we might have two full buffers. */ size_t outsamples_max = AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING * 2 * AUDIO_MAX_RATIO * settings->floats.slowmotion_ratio; int16_t *conv_buf = (int16_t*)malloc(outsamples_max * sizeof(int16_t)); convert_s16_to_float_init_simd(); convert_float_to_s16_init_simd(); /* Used for recording even if audio isn't enabled. */ retro_assert(conv_buf != NULL); if (!conv_buf) goto error; audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf = conv_buf; audio_driver_chunk_block_size = AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_BLOCKING; audio_driver_chunk_nonblock_size = AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING; audio_driver_chunk_size = audio_driver_chunk_block_size; /* Needs to be able to hold full content of a full max_bufsamples * in addition to its own. */ rewind_buf = (int16_t*)malloc(max_bufsamples * sizeof(int16_t)); retro_assert(rewind_buf != NULL); if (!rewind_buf) goto error; audio_driver_rewind_buf = rewind_buf; audio_driver_rewind_size = max_bufsamples; if (!settings->bools.audio_enable) { audio_driver_active = false; return false; } audio_driver_find_driver(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (audio_cb_inited) { audio_is_threaded = true; RARCH_LOG("[Audio]: Starting threaded audio driver ...\n"); if (!audio_init_thread( ¤t_audio, &audio_driver_context_audio_data, *settings->arrays.audio_device ? settings->arrays.audio_device : NULL, settings->uints.audio_out_rate, &new_rate, settings->uints.audio_latency, settings->uints.audio_block_frames, current_audio)) { RARCH_ERR("Cannot open threaded audio driver ... Exiting ...\n"); retroarch_fail(1, "audio_driver_init_internal()"); } } else #endif { audio_is_threaded = false; audio_driver_context_audio_data = current_audio->init(*settings->arrays.audio_device ? settings->arrays.audio_device : NULL, settings->uints.audio_out_rate, settings->uints.audio_latency, settings->uints.audio_block_frames, &new_rate); } if (new_rate != 0) configuration_set_int(settings, settings->uints.audio_out_rate, new_rate); if (!audio_driver_context_audio_data) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize audio driver. Will continue without audio.\n"); audio_driver_active = false; } audio_driver_use_float = false; if ( audio_driver_active && current_audio->use_float(audio_driver_context_audio_data)) audio_driver_use_float = true; if (!settings->bools.audio_sync && audio_driver_active) { if (audio_driver_active && audio_driver_context_audio_data) current_audio->set_nonblock_state(audio_driver_context_audio_data, true); audio_driver_chunk_size = audio_driver_chunk_nonblock_size; } if (audio_driver_input <= 0.0f) { /* Should never happen. */ RARCH_WARN("Input rate is invalid (%.3f Hz). Using output rate (%u Hz).\n", audio_driver_input, settings->uints.audio_out_rate); audio_driver_input = settings->uints.audio_out_rate; } audio_source_ratio_original = audio_source_ratio_current = (double)settings->uints.audio_out_rate / audio_driver_input; if (!retro_resampler_realloc( &audio_driver_resampler_data, &audio_driver_resampler, settings->arrays.audio_resampler, audio_driver_get_resampler_quality(), audio_source_ratio_original)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize resampler \"%s\".\n", settings->arrays.audio_resampler); audio_driver_active = false; } aud_inp_data = (float*)malloc(max_bufsamples * sizeof(float)); retro_assert(aud_inp_data != NULL); if (!aud_inp_data) goto error; audio_driver_input_data = aud_inp_data; audio_driver_data_ptr = 0; retro_assert(settings->uints.audio_out_rate < audio_driver_input * AUDIO_MAX_RATIO); samples_buf = (float*)malloc(outsamples_max * sizeof(float)); retro_assert(samples_buf != NULL); if (!samples_buf) goto error; audio_driver_output_samples_buf = samples_buf; audio_driver_control = false; if ( !audio_cb_inited && audio_driver_active && settings->bools.audio_rate_control ) { /* Audio rate control requires write_avail * and buffer_size to be implemented. */ if (current_audio->buffer_size) { audio_driver_buffer_size = current_audio->buffer_size(audio_driver_context_audio_data); audio_driver_control = true; } else RARCH_WARN("Audio rate control was desired, but driver does not support needed features.\n"); } command_event(CMD_EVENT_DSP_FILTER_INIT, NULL); audio_driver_free_samples_count = 0; #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER audio_mixer_init(settings->uints.audio_out_rate); #endif /* Threaded driver is initially stopped. */ if ( audio_driver_active && audio_cb_inited ) audio_driver_start(false); return true; error: return audio_driver_deinit(); } /** * audio_driver_flush: * @data : pointer to audio buffer. * @right : amount of samples to write. * * Writes audio samples to audio driver. Will first * perform DSP processing (if enabled) and resampling. **/ static void audio_driver_flush(const int16_t *data, size_t samples, bool is_slowmotion) { struct resampler_data src_data; float audio_volume_gain = !audio_driver_mute_enable ? audio_driver_volume_gain : 0.0f; src_data.data_out = NULL; src_data.output_frames = 0; convert_s16_to_float(audio_driver_input_data, data, samples, audio_volume_gain); src_data.data_in = audio_driver_input_data; src_data.input_frames = samples >> 1; if (audio_driver_dsp) { struct retro_dsp_data dsp_data; dsp_data.input = NULL; dsp_data.input_frames = 0; dsp_data.output = NULL; dsp_data.output_frames = 0; dsp_data.input = audio_driver_input_data; dsp_data.input_frames = (unsigned)(samples >> 1); retro_dsp_filter_process(audio_driver_dsp, &dsp_data); if (dsp_data.output) { src_data.data_in = dsp_data.output; src_data.input_frames = dsp_data.output_frames; } } src_data.data_out = audio_driver_output_samples_buf; if (audio_driver_control) { /* Readjust the audio input rate. */ int half_size = (int)(audio_driver_buffer_size / 2); int avail = (int)current_audio->write_avail(audio_driver_context_audio_data); int delta_mid = avail - half_size; double direction = (double)delta_mid / half_size; double adjust = 1.0 + audio_driver_rate_control_delta * direction; unsigned write_idx = audio_driver_free_samples_count++ & (AUDIO_BUFFER_FREE_SAMPLES_COUNT - 1); audio_driver_free_samples_buf [write_idx] = avail; audio_source_ratio_current = audio_source_ratio_original * adjust; #if 0 if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("[Audio]: Audio buffer is %u%% full\n", (unsigned)(100 - (avail * 100) / audio_driver_buffer_size)); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("[Audio]: New rate: %lf, Orig rate: %lf\n", audio_source_ratio_current, audio_source_ratio_original); } #endif } src_data.ratio = audio_source_ratio_current; if (is_slowmotion) src_data.ratio *= configuration_settings->floats.slowmotion_ratio; audio_driver_resampler->process(audio_driver_resampler_data, &src_data); #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER if (audio_mixer_active) { bool override = audio_driver_mixer_mute_enable ? true : (audio_driver_mixer_volume_gain != 1.0f) ? true : false; float mixer_gain = !audio_driver_mixer_mute_enable ? audio_driver_mixer_volume_gain : 0.0f; audio_mixer_mix(audio_driver_output_samples_buf, src_data.output_frames, mixer_gain, override); } #endif { const void *output_data = audio_driver_output_samples_buf; unsigned output_frames = (unsigned)src_data.output_frames; if (audio_driver_use_float) output_frames *= sizeof(float); else { convert_float_to_s16(audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf, (const float*)output_data, output_frames * 2); output_data = audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf; output_frames *= sizeof(int16_t); } if (current_audio->write(audio_driver_context_audio_data, output_data, output_frames * 2) < 0) audio_driver_active = false; } } /** * audio_driver_sample: * @left : value of the left audio channel. * @right : value of the right audio channel. * * Audio sample render callback function. **/ static void audio_driver_sample(int16_t left, int16_t right) { if (audio_suspended) return; audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf[audio_driver_data_ptr++] = left; audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf[audio_driver_data_ptr++] = right; if (audio_driver_data_ptr < audio_driver_chunk_size) return; if (recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_audio) { struct record_audio_data ffemu_data; ffemu_data.data = audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf; ffemu_data.frames = audio_driver_data_ptr / 2; recording_driver->push_audio(recording_data, &ffemu_data); } if (!(runloop_paused || !audio_driver_active || !audio_driver_input_data || !audio_driver_output_samples_buf)) audio_driver_flush(audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf, audio_driver_data_ptr, runloop_slowmotion); audio_driver_data_ptr = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_MENU static void audio_driver_menu_sample(void) { static int16_t samples_buf[1024] = {0}; struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; const struct retro_system_timing *info = (const struct retro_system_timing*)&av_info->timing; unsigned sample_count = (info->sample_rate / info->fps) * 2; bool check_flush = !( runloop_paused || !audio_driver_active || !audio_driver_input_data || !audio_driver_output_samples_buf); while (sample_count > 1024) { if (recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_audio) { struct record_audio_data ffemu_data; ffemu_data.data = samples_buf; ffemu_data.frames = 1024 / 2; recording_driver->push_audio(recording_data, &ffemu_data); } if (check_flush) audio_driver_flush(samples_buf, 1024, runloop_slowmotion); sample_count -= 1024; } if (recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_audio) { struct record_audio_data ffemu_data; ffemu_data.data = samples_buf; ffemu_data.frames = sample_count / 2; recording_driver->push_audio(recording_data, &ffemu_data); } if (check_flush) audio_driver_flush(samples_buf, sample_count, runloop_slowmotion); } #endif /** * audio_driver_sample_batch: * @data : pointer to audio buffer. * @frames : amount of audio frames to push. * * Batched audio sample render callback function. * * Returns: amount of frames sampled. Will be equal to @frames * unless @frames exceeds (AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING / 2). **/ static size_t audio_driver_sample_batch(const int16_t *data, size_t frames) { if (frames > (AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING >> 1)) frames = AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING >> 1; if (audio_suspended) return frames; if (recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_audio) { struct record_audio_data ffemu_data; ffemu_data.data = data; ffemu_data.frames = (frames << 1) / 2; recording_driver->push_audio(recording_data, &ffemu_data); } if (!( runloop_paused || !audio_driver_active || !audio_driver_input_data || !audio_driver_output_samples_buf)) audio_driver_flush(data, frames << 1, runloop_slowmotion); return frames; } /** * audio_driver_sample_rewind: * @left : value of the left audio channel. * @right : value of the right audio channel. * * Audio sample render callback function (rewind version). * This callback function will be used instead of * audio_driver_sample when rewinding is activated. **/ static void audio_driver_sample_rewind(int16_t left, int16_t right) { if (audio_driver_rewind_ptr == 0) return; audio_driver_rewind_buf[--audio_driver_rewind_ptr] = right; audio_driver_rewind_buf[--audio_driver_rewind_ptr] = left; } /** * audio_driver_sample_batch_rewind: * @data : pointer to audio buffer. * @frames : amount of audio frames to push. * * Batched audio sample render callback function (rewind version). * * This callback function will be used instead of * audio_driver_sample_batch when rewinding is activated. * * Returns: amount of frames sampled. Will be equal to @frames * unless @frames exceeds (AUDIO_CHUNK_SIZE_NONBLOCKING / 2). **/ static size_t audio_driver_sample_batch_rewind( const int16_t *data, size_t frames) { size_t i; size_t samples = frames << 1; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { if (audio_driver_rewind_ptr > 0) audio_driver_rewind_buf[--audio_driver_rewind_ptr] = data[i]; } return frames; } void audio_driver_dsp_filter_free(void) { if (audio_driver_dsp) retro_dsp_filter_free(audio_driver_dsp); audio_driver_dsp = NULL; } bool audio_driver_dsp_filter_init(const char *device) { struct string_list *plugs = NULL; #if defined(HAVE_DYLIB) && !defined(HAVE_FILTERS_BUILTIN) char *basedir = (char*)calloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH, sizeof(*basedir)); char *ext_name = (char*)calloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH, sizeof(*ext_name)); size_t str_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); fill_pathname_basedir(basedir, device, str_size); if (!frontend_driver_get_core_extension(ext_name, str_size)) { free(ext_name); free(basedir); return false; } plugs = dir_list_new(basedir, ext_name, false, true, false, false); free(ext_name); free(basedir); if (!plugs) return false; #endif audio_driver_dsp = retro_dsp_filter_new( device, plugs, audio_driver_input); if (!audio_driver_dsp) return false; return true; } void audio_driver_set_buffer_size(size_t bufsize) { audio_driver_buffer_size = bufsize; } static void audio_driver_monitor_adjust_system_rates(void) { float timing_skew; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float video_refresh_rate = settings->floats.video_refresh_rate; float max_timing_skew = settings->floats.audio_max_timing_skew; struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; const struct retro_system_timing *info = (const struct retro_system_timing*)&av_info->timing; if (info->sample_rate <= 0.0) return; timing_skew = fabs(1.0f - info->fps / video_refresh_rate); audio_driver_input = info->sample_rate; if (timing_skew <= max_timing_skew && !settings->bools.vrr_runloop_enable) audio_driver_input *= (video_refresh_rate / info->fps); RARCH_LOG("[Audio]: Set audio input rate to: %.2f Hz.\n", audio_driver_input); } void audio_driver_setup_rewind(void) { unsigned i; /* Push audio ready to be played. */ audio_driver_rewind_ptr = audio_driver_rewind_size; for (i = 0; i < audio_driver_data_ptr; i += 2) { if (audio_driver_rewind_ptr > 0) audio_driver_rewind_buf[--audio_driver_rewind_ptr] = audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf[i + 1]; if (audio_driver_rewind_ptr > 0) audio_driver_rewind_buf[--audio_driver_rewind_ptr] = audio_driver_output_samples_conv_buf[i + 0]; } audio_driver_data_ptr = 0; } bool audio_driver_get_devices_list(void **data) { struct string_list**ptr = (struct string_list**)data; if (!ptr) return false; *ptr = audio_driver_devices_list; return true; } #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER bool audio_driver_mixer_extension_supported(const char *ext) { union string_list_elem_attr attr; unsigned i; bool ret = false; struct string_list *str_list = string_list_new(); attr.i = 0; #ifdef HAVE_STB_VORBIS string_list_append(str_list, "ogg", attr); #endif #ifdef HAVE_IBXM string_list_append(str_list, "mod", attr); string_list_append(str_list, "s3m", attr); string_list_append(str_list, "xm", attr); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DR_FLAC string_list_append(str_list, "flac", attr); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DR_MP3 string_list_append(str_list, "mp3", attr); #endif string_list_append(str_list, "wav", attr); for (i = 0; i < str_list->size; i++) { const char *str_ext = str_list->elems[i].data; if (string_is_equal_noncase(str_ext, ext)) { ret = true; break; } } string_list_free(str_list); return ret; } static int audio_mixer_find_index(audio_mixer_sound_t *sound) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS; i++) { audio_mixer_sound_t *handle = audio_mixer_streams[i].handle; if (handle == sound) return i; } return -1; } static void audio_mixer_play_stop_cb( audio_mixer_sound_t *sound, unsigned reason) { int idx = audio_mixer_find_index(sound); switch (reason) { case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_FINISHED: audio_mixer_destroy(sound); if (idx >= 0) { unsigned i = (unsigned)idx; if (!string_is_empty(audio_mixer_streams[i].name)) free(audio_mixer_streams[i].name); audio_mixer_streams[i].name = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].state = AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE; audio_mixer_streams[i].volume = 0.0f; audio_mixer_streams[i].buf = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].handle = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].voice = NULL; } break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_STOPPED: break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_REPEATED: break; } } static void audio_mixer_menu_stop_cb( audio_mixer_sound_t *sound, unsigned reason) { int idx = audio_mixer_find_index(sound); switch (reason) { case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_FINISHED: if (idx >= 0) { unsigned i = (unsigned)idx; audio_mixer_streams[i].state = AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED; audio_mixer_streams[i].volume = 0.0f; } break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_STOPPED: break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_REPEATED: break; } } static void audio_mixer_play_stop_sequential_cb( audio_mixer_sound_t *sound, unsigned reason) { int idx = audio_mixer_find_index(sound); switch (reason) { case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_FINISHED: audio_mixer_destroy(sound); if (idx >= 0) { unsigned i = (unsigned)idx; if (!string_is_empty(audio_mixer_streams[i].name)) free(audio_mixer_streams[i].name); if (i < AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_STREAMS) audio_mixer_streams[i].stream_type = AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE_USER; else audio_mixer_streams[i].stream_type = AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE_SYSTEM; audio_mixer_streams[i].name = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].state = AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE; audio_mixer_streams[i].volume = 0.0f; audio_mixer_streams[i].buf = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].handle = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].voice = NULL; i++; for (; i < AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS; i++) { if (audio_mixer_streams[i].state == AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED) { audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_sequential(i); break; } } } break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_STOPPED: break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SOUND_REPEATED: break; } } static bool audio_driver_mixer_get_free_stream_slot(unsigned *id, enum audio_mixer_stream_type type) { unsigned i = (type == AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE_USER) ? 0 : AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_STREAMS; unsigned count = (type == AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE_USER) ? AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_STREAMS : AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS; for (; i < count; i++) { if (audio_mixer_streams[i].state == AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE) { *id = i; return true; } } return false; } bool audio_driver_mixer_add_stream(audio_mixer_stream_params_t *params) { unsigned free_slot = 0; audio_mixer_voice_t *voice = NULL; audio_mixer_sound_t *handle = NULL; audio_mixer_stop_cb_t stop_cb = audio_mixer_play_stop_cb; bool looped = false; void *buf = NULL; if (params->stream_type == AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE_NONE) return false; switch (params->slot_selection_type) { case AUDIO_MIXER_SLOT_SELECTION_MANUAL: free_slot = params->slot_selection_idx; break; case AUDIO_MIXER_SLOT_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC: default: if (!audio_driver_mixer_get_free_stream_slot( &free_slot, params->stream_type)) return false; break; } if (params->state == AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE) return false; buf = malloc(params->bufsize); if (!buf) return false; memcpy(buf, params->buf, params->bufsize); switch (params->type) { case AUDIO_MIXER_TYPE_WAV: handle = audio_mixer_load_wav(buf, (int32_t)params->bufsize); break; case AUDIO_MIXER_TYPE_OGG: handle = audio_mixer_load_ogg(buf, (int32_t)params->bufsize); break; case AUDIO_MIXER_TYPE_MOD: handle = audio_mixer_load_mod(buf, (int32_t)params->bufsize); break; case AUDIO_MIXER_TYPE_FLAC: #ifdef HAVE_DR_FLAC handle = audio_mixer_load_flac(buf, (int32_t)params->bufsize); #endif break; case AUDIO_MIXER_TYPE_MP3: #ifdef HAVE_DR_MP3 handle = audio_mixer_load_mp3(buf, (int32_t)params->bufsize); #endif break; case AUDIO_MIXER_TYPE_NONE: break; } if (!handle) { free(buf); return false; } switch (params->state) { case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED: looped = true; voice = audio_mixer_play(handle, looped, params->volume, stop_cb); break; case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING: voice = audio_mixer_play(handle, looped, params->volume, stop_cb); break; case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_SEQUENTIAL: stop_cb = audio_mixer_play_stop_sequential_cb; voice = audio_mixer_play(handle, looped, params->volume, stop_cb); break; default: break; } audio_mixer_active = true; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].name = !string_is_empty(params->basename) ? strdup(params->basename) : NULL; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].buf = buf; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].handle = handle; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].voice = voice; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].stream_type = params->stream_type; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].type = params->type; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].state = params->state; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].volume = params->volume; audio_mixer_streams[free_slot].stop_cb = stop_cb; return true; } enum audio_mixer_state audio_driver_mixer_get_stream_state(unsigned i) { if (i >= AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS) return AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE; return audio_mixer_streams[i].state; } static void audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_internal(unsigned i, unsigned type) { bool set_state = false; if (i >= AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS) return; switch (audio_mixer_streams[i].state) { case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED: audio_mixer_streams[i].voice = audio_mixer_play(audio_mixer_streams[i].handle, (type == AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED) ? true : false, 1.0f, audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb); set_state = true; break; case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_SEQUENTIAL: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE: break; } if (set_state) audio_mixer_streams[i].state = (enum audio_mixer_state)type; } static void audio_driver_load_menu_bgm_callback(retro_task_t *task, void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *error) { bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); if (!is_inited) audio_driver_mixer_play_menu_sound_looped(AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_BGM); } void audio_driver_load_menu_sounds(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; const char *path_ok = NULL; const char *path_cancel = NULL; const char *path_notice = NULL; const char *path_bgm = NULL; struct string_list *list = NULL; struct string_list *list_fallback = NULL; unsigned i = 0; char *sounds_path = (char*) malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); char *sounds_fallback_path = (char*) malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); sounds_path[0] = sounds_fallback_path[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join( sounds_fallback_path, settings->paths.directory_assets, "sounds", PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); fill_pathname_application_special( sounds_path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char), APPLICATION_SPECIAL_DIRECTORY_ASSETS_SOUNDS); list = dir_list_new(sounds_path, MENU_SOUND_FORMATS, false, false, false, false); list_fallback = dir_list_new(sounds_fallback_path, MENU_SOUND_FORMATS, false, false, false, false); if (!list) { list = list_fallback; list_fallback = NULL; } if (!list || list->size == 0) goto end; if (list_fallback && list_fallback->size > 0) { for (i = 0; i < list_fallback->size; i++) { if (list->size == 0 || !string_list_find_elem(list, list_fallback->elems[i].data)) { union string_list_elem_attr attr = {0}; string_list_append(list, list_fallback->elems[i].data, attr); } } } for (i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { const char *path = list->elems[i].data; const char *ext = path_get_extension(path); char basename_noext[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; basename_noext[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_base_noext(basename_noext, path, sizeof(basename_noext)); if (audio_driver_mixer_extension_supported(ext)) { if (string_is_equal_noncase(basename_noext, "ok")) path_ok = path; if (string_is_equal_noncase(basename_noext, "cancel")) path_cancel = path; if (string_is_equal_noncase(basename_noext, "notice")) path_notice = path; if (string_is_equal_noncase(basename_noext, "bgm")) path_bgm = path; } } if (path_ok && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_ok) task_push_audio_mixer_load(path_ok, NULL, NULL, true, AUDIO_MIXER_SLOT_SELECTION_MANUAL, AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_OK); if (path_cancel && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_cancel) task_push_audio_mixer_load(path_cancel, NULL, NULL, true, AUDIO_MIXER_SLOT_SELECTION_MANUAL, AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_CANCEL); if (path_notice && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_notice) task_push_audio_mixer_load(path_notice, NULL, NULL, true, AUDIO_MIXER_SLOT_SELECTION_MANUAL, AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_NOTICE); if (path_bgm && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_bgm) task_push_audio_mixer_load(path_bgm, audio_driver_load_menu_bgm_callback, NULL, true, AUDIO_MIXER_SLOT_SELECTION_MANUAL, AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_BGM); end: if (list) string_list_free(list); if (list_fallback) string_list_free(list_fallback); if (sounds_path) free(sounds_path); if (sounds_fallback_path) free(sounds_fallback_path); } void audio_driver_mixer_play_stream(unsigned i) { audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = audio_mixer_play_stop_cb; audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_internal(i, AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING); } void audio_driver_mixer_play_menu_sound_looped(unsigned i) { audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = audio_mixer_menu_stop_cb; audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_internal(i, AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED); } void audio_driver_mixer_play_menu_sound(unsigned i) { audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = audio_mixer_menu_stop_cb; audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_internal(i, AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING); } void audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_looped(unsigned i) { audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = audio_mixer_play_stop_cb; audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_internal(i, AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED); } void audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_sequential(unsigned i) { audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = audio_mixer_play_stop_sequential_cb; audio_driver_mixer_play_stream_internal(i, AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_SEQUENTIAL); } float audio_driver_mixer_get_stream_volume(unsigned i) { if (i >= AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS) return 0.0f; return audio_mixer_streams[i].volume; } void audio_driver_mixer_set_stream_volume(unsigned i, float vol) { audio_mixer_voice_t *voice = NULL; if (i >= AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS) return; audio_mixer_streams[i].volume = vol; voice = audio_mixer_streams[i].voice; if (voice) audio_mixer_voice_set_volume(voice, db_to_gain(vol)); } void audio_driver_mixer_stop_stream(unsigned i) { bool set_state = false; if (i >= AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS) return; switch (audio_mixer_streams[i].state) { case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_SEQUENTIAL: set_state = true; break; case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE: break; } if (set_state) { audio_mixer_voice_t *voice = audio_mixer_streams[i].voice; if (voice) audio_mixer_stop(voice); audio_mixer_streams[i].state = AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED; audio_mixer_streams[i].volume = 1.0f; } } void audio_driver_mixer_remove_stream(unsigned i) { bool destroy = false; if (i >= AUDIO_MIXER_MAX_SYSTEM_STREAMS) return; switch (audio_mixer_streams[i].state) { case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_LOOPED: case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_PLAYING_SEQUENTIAL: audio_driver_mixer_stop_stream(i); destroy = true; break; case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_STOPPED: destroy = true; break; case AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE: break; } if (destroy) { audio_mixer_sound_t *handle = audio_mixer_streams[i].handle; if (handle) audio_mixer_destroy(handle); if (!string_is_empty(audio_mixer_streams[i].name)) free(audio_mixer_streams[i].name); audio_mixer_streams[i].state = AUDIO_STREAM_STATE_NONE; audio_mixer_streams[i].stop_cb = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].volume = 0.0f; audio_mixer_streams[i].handle = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].voice = NULL; audio_mixer_streams[i].name = NULL; } } #endif bool audio_driver_enable_callback(void) { if (!audio_callback.callback) return false; if (audio_callback.set_state) audio_callback.set_state(true); return true; } bool audio_driver_disable_callback(void) { if (!audio_callback.callback) return false; if (audio_callback.set_state) audio_callback.set_state(false); return true; } /* Sets audio monitor rate to new value. */ static void audio_driver_monitor_set_rate(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; double new_src_ratio = (double)settings->uints.audio_out_rate / audio_driver_input; audio_source_ratio_original = new_src_ratio; audio_source_ratio_current = new_src_ratio; } bool audio_driver_callback(void) { if (!audio_callback.callback) return false; if (audio_callback.callback) audio_callback.callback(); return true; } bool audio_driver_has_callback(void) { if (audio_callback.callback) return true; return false; } #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER bool audio_driver_mixer_toggle_mute(void) { audio_driver_mixer_mute_enable = !audio_driver_mixer_mute_enable; return true; } #endif static INLINE bool audio_driver_alive(void) { if ( current_audio && current_audio->alive && audio_driver_context_audio_data) return current_audio->alive(audio_driver_context_audio_data); return false; } static bool audio_driver_start(bool is_shutdown) { if (!current_audio || !current_audio->start || !audio_driver_context_audio_data) goto error; if (!current_audio->start(audio_driver_context_audio_data, is_shutdown)) goto error; return true; error: RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_START_AUDIO_DRIVER)); audio_driver_active = false; return false; } static bool audio_driver_stop(void) { if (!current_audio || !current_audio->stop || !audio_driver_context_audio_data) return false; if (!audio_driver_alive()) return false; return current_audio->stop(audio_driver_context_audio_data); } void audio_driver_frame_is_reverse(void) { /* We just rewound. Flush rewind audio buffer. */ if (recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_audio) { struct record_audio_data ffemu_data; ffemu_data.data = audio_driver_rewind_buf + audio_driver_rewind_ptr; ffemu_data.frames = (audio_driver_rewind_size - audio_driver_rewind_ptr) / 2; recording_driver->push_audio(recording_data, &ffemu_data); } if (!( runloop_paused || !audio_driver_active || !audio_driver_input_data || !audio_driver_output_samples_buf)) audio_driver_flush( audio_driver_rewind_buf + audio_driver_rewind_ptr, audio_driver_rewind_size - audio_driver_rewind_ptr, runloop_slowmotion); } void audio_set_float(enum audio_action action, float val) { switch (action) { case AUDIO_ACTION_VOLUME_GAIN: audio_driver_volume_gain = db_to_gain(val); break; case AUDIO_ACTION_MIXER_VOLUME_GAIN: #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER audio_driver_mixer_volume_gain = db_to_gain(val); #endif break; case AUDIO_ACTION_RATE_CONTROL_DELTA: audio_driver_rate_control_delta = val; break; case AUDIO_ACTION_NONE: default: break; } } float *audio_get_float_ptr(enum audio_action action) { switch (action) { case AUDIO_ACTION_RATE_CONTROL_DELTA: return &audio_driver_rate_control_delta; case AUDIO_ACTION_NONE: default: break; } return NULL; } bool *audio_get_bool_ptr(enum audio_action action) { switch (action) { case AUDIO_ACTION_MIXER_MUTE_ENABLE: #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER return &audio_driver_mixer_mute_enable; #else break; #endif case AUDIO_ACTION_MUTE_ENABLE: return &audio_driver_mute_enable; case AUDIO_ACTION_NONE: default: break; } return NULL; } /* VIDEO */ bool video_driver_started_fullscreen(void) { return video_started_fullscreen; } /* Stub functions */ static void update_window_title_null(void *data, void *data2) { } static void swap_buffers_null(void *data, void *data2) { } static bool get_metrics_null(void *data, enum display_metric_types type, float *value) { return false; } static bool set_resize_null(void *a, unsigned b, unsigned c) { return false; } /** * video_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to video driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *video_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = video_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * video_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of video driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *video_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const video_driver_t *drv = video_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_video_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all video driver names, separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all video driver names, separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_video_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_VIDEO_DRIVERS, NULL); } bool video_driver_is_threaded(void) { return video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); } #ifdef HAVE_VULKAN static bool hw_render_context_is_vulkan(enum retro_hw_context_type type) { return type == RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_VULKAN; } #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) static bool hw_render_context_is_gl(enum retro_hw_context_type type) { switch (type) { case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES2: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES3: case RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_OPENGLES_VERSION: return true; default: break; } return false; } #endif bool *video_driver_get_threaded(void) { return &video_driver_threaded; } void video_driver_set_threaded(bool val) { video_driver_threaded = val; } const char *video_driver_get_ident(void) { return (current_video) ? current_video->ident : NULL; } static void video_context_driver_reset(void) { if (!current_video_context.get_metrics) current_video_context.get_metrics = get_metrics_null; if (!current_video_context.update_window_title) current_video_context.update_window_title = update_window_title_null; if (!current_video_context.set_resize) current_video_context.set_resize = set_resize_null; if (!current_video_context.swap_buffers) current_video_context.swap_buffers = swap_buffers_null; } bool video_context_driver_set(const gfx_ctx_driver_t *data) { if (!data) return false; current_video_context = *data; video_context_driver_reset(); return true; } void video_context_driver_destroy(void) { current_video_context.init = NULL; current_video_context.bind_api = NULL; current_video_context.swap_interval = NULL; current_video_context.set_video_mode = NULL; current_video_context.get_video_size = NULL; current_video_context.get_video_output_size = NULL; current_video_context.get_video_output_prev = NULL; current_video_context.get_video_output_next = NULL; current_video_context.get_metrics = get_metrics_null; current_video_context.translate_aspect = NULL; current_video_context.update_window_title = update_window_title_null; current_video_context.check_window = NULL; current_video_context.set_resize = set_resize_null; current_video_context.suppress_screensaver = NULL; current_video_context.swap_buffers = swap_buffers_null; current_video_context.input_driver = NULL; current_video_context.get_proc_address = NULL; current_video_context.image_buffer_init = NULL; current_video_context.image_buffer_write = NULL; current_video_context.show_mouse = NULL; current_video_context.ident = NULL; current_video_context.get_flags = NULL; current_video_context.set_flags = NULL; current_video_context.bind_hw_render = NULL; current_video_context.get_context_data = NULL; current_video_context.make_current = NULL; } /** * video_driver_get_current_framebuffer: * * Gets pointer to current hardware renderer framebuffer object. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_HW_RENDER. * * Returns: pointer to hardware framebuffer object, otherwise 0. **/ static uintptr_t video_driver_get_current_framebuffer(void) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->get_current_framebuffer) return video_driver_poke->get_current_framebuffer(video_driver_data); return 0; } static retro_proc_address_t video_driver_get_proc_address(const char *sym) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->get_proc_address) return video_driver_poke->get_proc_address(video_driver_data, sym); return NULL; } bool video_driver_set_shader(enum rarch_shader_type type, const char *path) { if (current_video->set_shader) return current_video->set_shader(video_driver_data, type, path); return false; } static void video_driver_filter_free(void) { if (video_driver_state_filter) rarch_softfilter_free(video_driver_state_filter); video_driver_state_filter = NULL; if (video_driver_state_buffer) { #ifdef _3DS linearFree(video_driver_state_buffer); #else free(video_driver_state_buffer); #endif } video_driver_state_buffer = NULL; video_driver_state_scale = 0; video_driver_state_out_bpp = 0; video_driver_state_out_rgb32 = false; } static void video_driver_init_filter(enum retro_pixel_format colfmt_int) { unsigned pow2_x, pow2_y, maxsize; void *buf = NULL; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; struct retro_game_geometry *geom = &video_driver_av_info.geometry; unsigned width = geom->max_width; unsigned height = geom->max_height; /* Deprecated format. Gets pre-converted. */ enum retro_pixel_format colfmt = (colfmt_int == RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555) ? RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565 : colfmt_int; if (video_driver_is_hw_context()) { RARCH_WARN("Cannot use CPU filters when hardware rendering is used.\n"); return; } video_driver_state_filter = rarch_softfilter_new( settings->paths.path_softfilter_plugin, RARCH_SOFTFILTER_THREADS_AUTO, colfmt, width, height); if (!video_driver_state_filter) { RARCH_ERR("[Video]: Failed to load filter.\n"); return; } rarch_softfilter_get_max_output_size(video_driver_state_filter, &width, &height); pow2_x = next_pow2(width); pow2_y = next_pow2(height); maxsize = MAX(pow2_x, pow2_y); video_driver_state_scale = maxsize / RARCH_SCALE_BASE; video_driver_state_out_rgb32 = rarch_softfilter_get_output_format( video_driver_state_filter) == RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888; video_driver_state_out_bpp = video_driver_state_out_rgb32 ? sizeof(uint32_t) : sizeof(uint16_t); /* TODO: Aligned output. */ #ifdef _3DS buf = linearMemAlign( width * height * video_driver_state_out_bpp, 0x80); #else buf = malloc( width * height * video_driver_state_out_bpp); #endif if (!buf) { RARCH_ERR("[Video]: Softfilter initialization failed.\n"); video_driver_filter_free(); return; } video_driver_state_buffer = buf; } static void video_driver_init_input(input_driver_t *tmp) { input_driver_t **input = ¤t_input; if (*input) return; /* Video driver didn't provide an input driver, * so we use configured one. */ RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Graphics driver did not initialize an input driver." " Attempting to pick a suitable driver.\n"); if (tmp) *input = tmp; else input_driver_find_driver(); /* This should never really happen as tmp (driver.input) is always * found before this in find_driver_input(), or we have aborted * in a similar fashion anyways. */ if (!current_input || !input_driver_init()) { RARCH_ERR("[Video]: Cannot initialize input driver. Exiting ...\n"); retroarch_fail(1, "video_driver_init_input()"); } } /** * video_driver_monitor_compute_fps_statistics: * * Computes monitor FPS statistics. **/ static void video_driver_monitor_compute_fps_statistics(void) { double avg_fps = 0.0; double stddev = 0.0; unsigned samples = 0; if (video_driver_frame_time_count < (2 * MEASURE_FRAME_TIME_SAMPLES_COUNT)) { RARCH_LOG( "[Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate" " estimation. Requires to run for at least %u frames.\n", 2 * MEASURE_FRAME_TIME_SAMPLES_COUNT); return; } if (video_monitor_fps_statistics(&avg_fps, &stddev, &samples)) { RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Average monitor Hz: %.6f Hz. (%.3f %% frame time" " deviation, based on %u last samples).\n", avg_fps, 100.0 * stddev, samples); } } static void video_driver_pixel_converter_free(void) { scaler_ctx_gen_reset(video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler); if (video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler) free(video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler); video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler = NULL; if (video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler_out) free(video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler_out); video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler_out = NULL; if (video_driver_scaler_ptr) free(video_driver_scaler_ptr); video_driver_scaler_ptr = NULL; } static void video_driver_free_hw_context(void) { video_driver_context_lock(); if (hw_render.context_destroy) hw_render.context_destroy(); memset(&hw_render, 0, sizeof(hw_render)); video_driver_context_unlock(); hw_render_context_negotiation = NULL; } static void video_driver_free_internal(void) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT video_layout_deinit(); #endif command_event(CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_DEINIT, NULL); if (!video_driver_is_video_cache_context()) video_driver_free_hw_context(); if (!(current_input_data == video_driver_data)) { if (current_input && current_input->free) current_input->free(current_input_data); current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked = false; current_input_data = NULL; } if (video_driver_data && current_video && current_video->free) current_video->free(video_driver_data); if (video_driver_scaler_ptr) video_driver_pixel_converter_free(); video_driver_filter_free(); dir_free_shader(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (is_threaded) return; #endif video_driver_monitor_compute_fps_statistics(); } static bool video_driver_pixel_converter_init(unsigned size) { struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); void *scalr_out = NULL; video_pixel_scaler_t *scalr = NULL; struct scaler_ctx *scalr_ctx = NULL; /* If pixel format is not 0RGB1555, we don't need to do * any internal pixel conversion. */ if (video_driver_pix_fmt != RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555) return true; /* No need to perform pixel conversion for HW rendering contexts. */ if (hwr && hwr->context_type != RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_NONE) return true; RARCH_WARN("0RGB1555 pixel format is deprecated," " and will be slower. For 15/16-bit, RGB565" " format is preferred.\n"); scalr = (video_pixel_scaler_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*scalr)); if (!scalr) goto error; video_driver_scaler_ptr = scalr; scalr_ctx = (struct scaler_ctx*)calloc(1, sizeof(*scalr_ctx)); if (!scalr_ctx) goto error; video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler = scalr_ctx; video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler->scaler_type = SCALER_TYPE_POINT; video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler->in_fmt = SCALER_FMT_0RGB1555; /* TODO: Pick either ARGB8888 or RGB565 depending on driver. */ video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler->out_fmt = SCALER_FMT_RGB565; if (!scaler_ctx_gen_filter(scalr_ctx)) goto error; scalr_out = calloc(sizeof(uint16_t), size * size); if (!scalr_out) goto error; video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler_out = scalr_out; return true; error: if (video_driver_scaler_ptr) video_driver_pixel_converter_free(); video_driver_filter_free(); return false; } static void video_driver_set_viewport_config(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->floats.video_aspect_ratio < 0.0f) { struct retro_game_geometry *geom = &video_driver_av_info.geometry; if (geom->aspect_ratio > 0.0f && settings->bools.video_aspect_ratio_auto) aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CONFIG].value = geom->aspect_ratio; else { unsigned base_width = geom->base_width; unsigned base_height = geom->base_height; /* Get around division by zero errors */ if (base_width == 0) base_width = 1; if (base_height == 0) base_height = 1; aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CONFIG].value = (float)base_width / base_height; /* 1:1 PAR. */ } } else aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CONFIG].value = settings->floats.video_aspect_ratio; } static void video_driver_set_viewport_square_pixel(void) { unsigned len, highest, i, aspect_x, aspect_y; struct retro_game_geometry *geom = &video_driver_av_info.geometry; unsigned width = geom->base_width; unsigned height = geom->base_height; if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; len = MIN(width, height); highest = 1; for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if ((width % i) == 0 && (height % i) == 0) highest = i; } aspect_x = width / highest; aspect_y = height / highest; snprintf(aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_SQUARE].name, sizeof(aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_SQUARE].name), "1:1 PAR (%u:%u DAR)", aspect_x, aspect_y); aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_SQUARE].value = (float)aspect_x / aspect_y; } static bool video_driver_init_internal(bool *video_is_threaded) { video_info_t video; unsigned max_dim, scale, width, height; video_viewport_t *custom_vp = NULL; input_driver_t *tmp = NULL; rarch_system_info_t *system = NULL; static uint16_t dummy_pixels[32] = {0}; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; struct retro_game_geometry *geom = &video_driver_av_info.geometry; if (!string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_softfilter_plugin)) video_driver_init_filter(video_driver_pix_fmt); max_dim = MAX(geom->max_width, geom->max_height); scale = next_pow2(max_dim) / RARCH_SCALE_BASE; scale = MAX(scale, 1); if (video_driver_state_filter) scale = video_driver_state_scale; /* Update core-dependent aspect ratio values. */ video_driver_set_viewport_square_pixel(); video_driver_set_viewport_core(); video_driver_set_viewport_config(); /* Update CUSTOM viewport. */ custom_vp = video_viewport_get_custom(); if (settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx == ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM) { float default_aspect = aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CORE].value; aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM].value = (custom_vp->width && custom_vp->height) ? (float)custom_vp->width / custom_vp->height : default_aspect; } video_driver_set_aspect_ratio_value( aspectratio_lut[settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx].value); if (settings->bools.video_fullscreen|| retroarch_is_forced_fullscreen()) { width = settings->uints.video_fullscreen_x; height = settings->uints.video_fullscreen_y; } else { /* TODO: remove when the new window resizing core is hooked */ if (settings->bools.video_window_save_positions && (settings->uints.window_position_width || settings->uints.window_position_height)) { width = settings->uints.window_position_width; height = settings->uints.window_position_height; } else { if (settings->bools.video_force_aspect) { /* Do rounding here to simplify integer scale correctness. */ unsigned base_width = roundf(geom->base_height * video_driver_aspect_ratio); width = roundf(base_width * settings->floats.video_scale); } else width = roundf(geom->base_width * settings->floats.video_scale); height = roundf(geom->base_height * settings->floats.video_scale); } } if (width && height) RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Video @ %ux%u\n", width, height); else RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Video @ fullscreen\n"); video_driver_display_type_set(RARCH_DISPLAY_NONE); video_driver_display_set(0); video_driver_window_set(0); if (!video_driver_pixel_converter_init(RARCH_SCALE_BASE * scale)) { RARCH_ERR("[Video]: Failed to initialize pixel converter.\n"); goto error; } video.width = width; video.height = height; video.fullscreen = settings->bools.video_fullscreen || retroarch_is_forced_fullscreen(); video.vsync = settings->bools.video_vsync && !runloop_force_nonblock; video.force_aspect = settings->bools.video_force_aspect; video.font_enable = settings->bools.video_font_enable; video.swap_interval = settings->uints.video_swap_interval; #ifdef GEKKO video.viwidth = settings->uints.video_viwidth; video.vfilter = settings->bools.video_vfilter; #endif video.smooth = settings->bools.video_smooth; video.input_scale = scale; video.rgb32 = video_driver_state_filter ? video_driver_state_out_rgb32 : (video_driver_pix_fmt == RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB8888); video.parent = 0; video_started_fullscreen = video.fullscreen; /* Reset video frame count */ video_driver_frame_count = 0; tmp = current_input; /* Need to grab the "real" video driver interface on a reinit. */ video_driver_find_driver(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS video.is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); *video_is_threaded = video.is_threaded; if (video.is_threaded) { /* Can't do hardware rendering with threaded driver currently. */ RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Starting threaded video driver ...\n"); if (!video_init_thread((const video_driver_t**)¤t_video, &video_driver_data, ¤t_input, (void**)¤t_input_data, current_video, video)) { RARCH_ERR("[Video]: Cannot open threaded video driver ... Exiting ...\n"); goto error; } } else #endif video_driver_data = current_video->init( &video, ¤t_input, (void**)¤t_input_data); if (!video_driver_data) { RARCH_ERR("[Video]: Cannot open video driver ... Exiting ...\n"); goto error; } video_driver_poke = NULL; if (current_video->poke_interface) current_video->poke_interface(video_driver_data, &video_driver_poke); if (current_video->viewport_info && (!custom_vp->width || !custom_vp->height)) { /* Force custom viewport to have sane parameters. */ custom_vp->width = width; custom_vp->height = height; video_driver_get_viewport_info(custom_vp); } system = &runloop_system; video_driver_set_rotation( (settings->uints.video_rotation + system->rotation) % 4); current_video->suppress_screensaver(video_driver_data, settings->bools.ui_suspend_screensaver_enable); video_driver_init_input(tmp); #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY retroarch_overlay_deinit(); retroarch_overlay_init(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT if (settings->bools.video_layout_enable) { video_layout_init(video_driver_data, video_driver_layout_render_interface()); video_layout_load(settings->paths.path_video_layout); video_layout_view_select(settings->uints.video_layout_selected_view); } #endif if (!current_core.game_loaded) video_driver_cached_frame_set(&dummy_pixels, 4, 4, 8); #if defined(PSP) video_driver_set_texture_frame(&dummy_pixels, false, 1, 1, 1.0f); #endif video_context_driver_reset(); video_display_server_init(); if ((enum rotation)settings->uints.screen_orientation != ORIENTATION_NORMAL) video_display_server_set_screen_orientation((enum rotation)settings->uints.screen_orientation); dir_free_shader(); dir_init_shader(); return true; error: retroarch_fail(1, "init_video()"); return false; } bool video_driver_set_viewport(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool force_fullscreen, bool allow_rotate) { if (!current_video || !current_video->set_viewport) return false; current_video->set_viewport(video_driver_data, width, height, force_fullscreen, allow_rotate); return true; } bool video_driver_set_rotation(unsigned rotation) { if (!current_video || !current_video->set_rotation) return false; current_video->set_rotation(video_driver_data, rotation); return true; } bool video_driver_set_video_mode(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen) { gfx_ctx_mode_t mode; if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->set_video_mode) { video_driver_poke->set_video_mode(video_driver_data, width, height, fullscreen); return true; } mode.width = width; mode.height = height; mode.fullscreen = fullscreen; return video_context_driver_set_video_mode(&mode); } bool video_driver_get_video_output_size(unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { if (!video_driver_poke || !video_driver_poke->get_video_output_size) return false; video_driver_poke->get_video_output_size(video_driver_data, width, height); return true; } void video_driver_set_osd_msg(const char *msg, const void *data, void *font) { video_frame_info_t video_info; video_driver_build_info(&video_info); if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->set_osd_msg) video_driver_poke->set_osd_msg(video_driver_data, &video_info, msg, data, font); } void video_driver_set_texture_enable(bool enable, bool fullscreen) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->set_texture_enable) video_driver_poke->set_texture_enable(video_driver_data, enable, fullscreen); } void video_driver_set_texture_frame(const void *frame, bool rgb32, unsigned width, unsigned height, float alpha) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->set_texture_frame) video_driver_poke->set_texture_frame(video_driver_data, frame, rgb32, width, height, alpha); } #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY static bool video_driver_overlay_interface( const video_overlay_interface_t **iface) { if (!current_video || !current_video->overlay_interface) return false; current_video->overlay_interface(video_driver_data, iface); return true; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT const video_layout_render_interface_t *video_driver_layout_render_interface(void) { if (!current_video || !current_video->video_layout_render_interface) return NULL; return current_video->video_layout_render_interface(video_driver_data); } #endif void *video_driver_read_frame_raw(unsigned *width, unsigned *height, size_t *pitch) { if (!current_video || !current_video->read_frame_raw) return NULL; return current_video->read_frame_raw(video_driver_data, width, height, pitch); } void video_driver_set_filtering(unsigned index, bool smooth) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->set_filtering) video_driver_poke->set_filtering(video_driver_data, index, smooth); } void video_driver_cached_frame_set(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch) { if (data) frame_cache_data = data; frame_cache_width = width; frame_cache_height = height; frame_cache_pitch = pitch; } void video_driver_cached_frame_get(const void **data, unsigned *width, unsigned *height, size_t *pitch) { if (data) *data = frame_cache_data; if (width) *width = frame_cache_width; if (height) *height = frame_cache_height; if (pitch) *pitch = frame_cache_pitch; } void video_driver_get_size(unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); video_driver_threaded_lock(is_threaded); #endif if (width) *width = video_driver_width; if (height) *height = video_driver_height; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS video_driver_threaded_unlock(is_threaded); #endif } void video_driver_set_size(unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); video_driver_threaded_lock(is_threaded); #endif if (width) video_driver_width = *width; if (height) video_driver_height = *height; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS video_driver_threaded_unlock(is_threaded); #endif } /** * video_monitor_set_refresh_rate: * @hz : New refresh rate for monitor. * * Sets monitor refresh rate to new value. **/ void video_monitor_set_refresh_rate(float hz) { char msg[128]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Setting refresh rate to: %.3f Hz.", hz); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); configuration_set_float(settings, settings->floats.video_refresh_rate, hz); } /** * video_monitor_fps_statistics * @refresh_rate : Monitor refresh rate. * @deviation : Deviation from measured refresh rate. * @sample_points : Amount of sampled points. * * Gets the monitor FPS statistics based on the current * runtime. * * Returns: true (1) on success. * false (0) if: * a) threaded video mode is enabled * b) less than 2 frame time samples. * c) FPS monitor enable is off. **/ bool video_monitor_fps_statistics(double *refresh_rate, double *deviation, unsigned *sample_points) { unsigned i; retro_time_t accum = 0; retro_time_t avg = 0; retro_time_t accum_var = 0; unsigned samples = 0; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (video_driver_is_threaded_internal()) return false; #endif samples = MIN(MEASURE_FRAME_TIME_SAMPLES_COUNT, (unsigned)video_driver_frame_time_count); if (samples < 2) return false; /* Measure statistics on frame time (microsecs), *not* FPS. */ for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { accum += video_driver_frame_time_samples[i]; #if 0 RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Interval #%u: %d usec / frame.\n", i, (int)frame_time_samples[i]); #endif } avg = accum / samples; /* Drop first measurement. It is likely to be bad. */ for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { retro_time_t diff = video_driver_frame_time_samples[i] - avg; accum_var += diff * diff; } *deviation = sqrt((double)accum_var / (samples - 1)) / avg; if (refresh_rate) *refresh_rate = 1000000.0 / avg; if (sample_points) *sample_points = samples; return true; } float video_driver_get_aspect_ratio(void) { return video_driver_aspect_ratio; } void video_driver_set_aspect_ratio_value(float value) { video_driver_aspect_ratio = value; } enum retro_pixel_format video_driver_get_pixel_format(void) { return video_driver_pix_fmt; } /** * video_driver_cached_frame: * * Renders the current video frame. **/ bool video_driver_cached_frame(void) { void *recording = recording_data; /* Cannot allow recording when pushing duped frames. */ recording_data = NULL; if (current_core.inited) retro_ctx.frame_cb( (frame_cache_data != RETRO_HW_FRAME_BUFFER_VALID) ? frame_cache_data : NULL, frame_cache_width, frame_cache_height, frame_cache_pitch); recording_data = recording; return true; } static void video_driver_monitor_adjust_system_rates(void) { float timing_skew = 0.0f; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float video_refresh_rate = settings->floats.video_refresh_rate; float timing_skew_hz = video_refresh_rate; const struct retro_system_timing *info = (const struct retro_system_timing*)&video_driver_av_info.timing; runloop_force_nonblock = false; if (!info || info->fps <= 0.0) return; video_driver_core_hz = info->fps; if (video_driver_crt_switching_active) timing_skew_hz = video_driver_core_hz; timing_skew = fabs( 1.0f - info->fps / timing_skew_hz); if (!settings->bools.vrr_runloop_enable) { /* We don't want to adjust pitch too much. If we have extreme cases, * just don't readjust at all. */ if (timing_skew <= settings->floats.audio_max_timing_skew) return; RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Timings deviate too much. Will not adjust." " (Display = %.2f Hz, Game = %.2f Hz)\n", video_refresh_rate, (float)info->fps); } if (info->fps <= timing_skew_hz) return; /* We won't be able to do VSync reliably when game FPS > monitor FPS. */ runloop_force_nonblock = true; RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Game FPS > Monitor FPS. Cannot rely on VSync.\n"); } static void video_driver_lock_new(void) { video_driver_lock_free(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (!display_lock) display_lock = slock_new(); retro_assert(display_lock); if (!context_lock) context_lock = slock_new(); retro_assert(context_lock); #endif } void video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(const void *data) { if (data) frame_cache_data = data; } void video_driver_set_stub_frame(void) { frame_bak = current_video->frame; current_video->frame = video_null.frame; } void video_driver_unset_stub_frame(void) { if (frame_bak) current_video->frame = frame_bak; frame_bak = NULL; } bool video_driver_supports_viewport_read(void) { return current_video->read_viewport && current_video->viewport_info; } bool video_driver_prefer_viewport_read(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; return settings->bools.video_gpu_screenshot || (video_driver_is_hw_context() && !current_video->read_frame_raw); } bool video_driver_supports_read_frame_raw(void) { if (current_video->read_frame_raw) return true; return false; } void video_driver_set_viewport_core(void) { struct retro_game_geometry *geom = &video_driver_av_info.geometry; if (!geom || geom->base_width <= 0.0f || geom->base_height <= 0.0f) return; /* Fallback to 1:1 pixel ratio if none provided */ if (geom->aspect_ratio > 0.0f) aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CORE].value = geom->aspect_ratio; else aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CORE].value = (float)geom->base_width / geom->base_height; } void video_driver_reset_custom_viewport(void) { struct video_viewport *custom_vp = video_viewport_get_custom(); custom_vp->width = 0; custom_vp->height = 0; custom_vp->x = 0; custom_vp->y = 0; } void video_driver_set_rgba(void) { video_driver_lock(); video_driver_use_rgba = true; video_driver_unlock(); } void video_driver_unset_rgba(void) { video_driver_lock(); video_driver_use_rgba = false; video_driver_unlock(); } bool video_driver_supports_rgba(void) { bool tmp; video_driver_lock(); tmp = video_driver_use_rgba; video_driver_unlock(); return tmp; } bool video_driver_get_next_video_out(void) { if (!video_driver_poke) return false; if (!video_driver_poke->get_video_output_next) return video_context_driver_get_video_output_next(); video_driver_poke->get_video_output_next(video_driver_data); return true; } bool video_driver_get_prev_video_out(void) { if (!video_driver_poke) return false; if (!video_driver_poke->get_video_output_prev) return video_context_driver_get_video_output_prev(); video_driver_poke->get_video_output_prev(video_driver_data); return true; } void video_driver_monitor_reset(void) { video_driver_frame_time_count = 0; } void video_driver_set_aspect_ratio(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned aspect_ratio_idx = settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx; switch (aspect_ratio_idx) { case ASPECT_RATIO_SQUARE: video_driver_set_viewport_square_pixel(); break; case ASPECT_RATIO_CORE: video_driver_set_viewport_core(); break; case ASPECT_RATIO_CONFIG: video_driver_set_viewport_config(); break; default: break; } video_driver_set_aspect_ratio_value( aspectratio_lut[aspect_ratio_idx].value); if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->set_aspect_ratio) video_driver_poke->set_aspect_ratio( video_driver_data, aspect_ratio_idx); } void video_driver_update_viewport( struct video_viewport* vp, bool force_full, bool keep_aspect) { gfx_ctx_aspect_t aspect_data; float device_aspect = (float)vp->full_width / vp->full_height; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; aspect_data.aspect = &device_aspect; aspect_data.width = vp->full_width; aspect_data.height = vp->full_height; video_context_driver_translate_aspect(&aspect_data); vp->x = 0; vp->y = 0; vp->width = vp->full_width; vp->height = vp->full_height; if (settings->bools.video_scale_integer && !force_full) video_viewport_get_scaled_integer( vp, vp->full_width, vp->full_height, video_driver_aspect_ratio, keep_aspect); else if (keep_aspect && !force_full) { float desired_aspect = video_driver_aspect_ratio; #if defined(HAVE_MENU) if (settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx == ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM) { const struct video_viewport* custom = video_viewport_get_custom(); vp->x = custom->x; vp->y = custom->y; vp->width = custom->width; vp->height = custom->height; } else #endif { float delta; if (fabsf(device_aspect - desired_aspect) < 0.0001f) { /* If the aspect ratios of screen and desired aspect * ratio are sufficiently equal (floating point stuff), * assume they are actually equal. */ } else if (device_aspect > desired_aspect) { delta = (desired_aspect / device_aspect - 1.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f; vp->x = (int)roundf(vp->full_width * (0.5f - delta)); vp->width = (unsigned)roundf(2.0f * vp->full_width * delta); vp->y = 0; vp->height = vp->full_height; } else { vp->x = 0; vp->width = vp->full_width; delta = (device_aspect / desired_aspect - 1.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f; vp->y = (int)roundf(vp->full_height * (0.5f - delta)); vp->height = (unsigned)roundf(2.0f * vp->full_height * delta); } } } #if defined(RARCH_MOBILE) /* In portrait mode, we want viewport to gravitate to top of screen. */ if (device_aspect < 1.0f) vp->y = 0; #endif } void video_driver_show_mouse(void) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->show_mouse) video_driver_poke->show_mouse(video_driver_data, true); } void video_driver_hide_mouse(void) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->show_mouse) video_driver_poke->show_mouse(video_driver_data, false); } static bool video_driver_find_driver(void) { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (video_driver_is_hw_context()) { struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); current_video = NULL; (void)hwr; #if defined(HAVE_VULKAN) if (hwr && hw_render_context_is_vulkan(hwr->context_type)) { RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Using HW render, Vulkan driver forced.\n"); current_video = &video_vulkan; } #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL) || defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) if (hwr && hw_render_context_is_gl(hwr->context_type)) { RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Using HW render, OpenGL driver forced.\n"); /* If we have configured one of the HW render capable GL drivers, go with that. */ if ( !string_is_equal(settings->arrays.video_driver, "gl") && !string_is_equal(settings->arrays.video_driver, "glcore")) { #if defined(HAVE_OPENGL_CORE) current_video = &video_gl_core; RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Forcing \"glcore\" driver.\n"); #else current_video = &video_gl2; RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Forcing \"gl\" driver.\n"); #endif } else { RARCH_LOG("[Video]: Using configured \"%s\" driver for GL HW render.\n", settings->arrays.video_driver); } } #endif if (current_video) return true; } if (frontend_driver_has_get_video_driver_func()) { current_video = (video_driver_t*)frontend_driver_get_video_driver(); if (current_video) return true; RARCH_WARN("Frontend supports get_video_driver() but did not specify one.\n"); } drv.label = "video_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.video_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) current_video = (video_driver_t*)video_driver_find_handle(i); else { if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("Couldn't find any video driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.video_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available video drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; video_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", video_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("Going to default to first video driver...\n"); } current_video = (video_driver_t*)video_driver_find_handle(0); if (!current_video) retroarch_fail(1, "find_video_driver()"); } return true; } void video_driver_apply_state_changes(void) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->apply_state_changes) video_driver_poke->apply_state_changes(video_driver_data); } bool video_driver_read_viewport(uint8_t *buffer, bool is_idle) { if ( current_video->read_viewport && current_video->read_viewport( video_driver_data, buffer, is_idle)) return true; return false; } void video_driver_default_settings(void) { global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!global) return; global->console.screen.gamma_correction = DEFAULT_GAMMA; global->console.flickerfilter_enable = false; global->console.softfilter_enable = false; global->console.screen.resolutions.current.id = 0; } void video_driver_load_settings(config_file_t *conf) { bool tmp_bool = false; global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!conf) return; #ifdef _XBOX CONFIG_GET_BOOL_BASE(conf, global, console.screen.gamma_correction, "gamma_correction"); #else CONFIG_GET_INT_BASE(conf, global, console.screen.gamma_correction, "gamma_correction"); #endif if (config_get_bool(conf, "flicker_filter_enable", &tmp_bool)) global->console.flickerfilter_enable = tmp_bool; if (config_get_bool(conf, "soft_filter_enable", &tmp_bool)) global->console.softfilter_enable = tmp_bool; CONFIG_GET_INT_BASE(conf, global, console.screen.soft_filter_index, "soft_filter_index"); CONFIG_GET_INT_BASE(conf, global, console.screen.resolutions.current.id, "current_resolution_id"); CONFIG_GET_INT_BASE(conf, global, console.screen.flicker_filter_index, "flicker_filter_index"); } void video_driver_save_settings(config_file_t *conf) { global_t *global = &g_extern; if (!conf) return; #ifdef _XBOX config_set_bool(conf, "gamma_correction", global->console.screen.gamma_correction); #else config_set_int(conf, "gamma_correction", global->console.screen.gamma_correction); #endif config_set_bool(conf, "flicker_filter_enable", global->console.flickerfilter_enable); config_set_bool(conf, "soft_filter_enable", global->console.softfilter_enable); config_set_int(conf, "soft_filter_index", global->console.screen.soft_filter_index); config_set_int(conf, "current_resolution_id", global->console.screen.resolutions.current.id); config_set_int(conf, "flicker_filter_index", global->console.screen.flicker_filter_index); } static void video_driver_reinit_context(void) { /* RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_UNINIT clears the callback struct so we * need to make sure to keep a copy */ struct retro_hw_render_callback hwr_copy; struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); const struct retro_hw_render_context_negotiation_interface *iface = video_driver_get_context_negotiation_interface(); memcpy(&hwr_copy, hwr, sizeof(hwr_copy)); driver_uninit(DRIVERS_CMD_ALL); memcpy(hwr, &hwr_copy, sizeof(*hwr)); hw_render_context_negotiation = iface; drivers_init(DRIVERS_CMD_ALL); } void video_driver_reinit(void) { struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); if (hwr->cache_context) video_driver_cache_context = true; else video_driver_cache_context = false; video_driver_cache_context_ack = false; video_driver_reinit_context(); video_driver_cache_context = false; } bool video_driver_is_hw_context(void) { bool is_hw_context = false; video_driver_context_lock(); is_hw_context = (hw_render.context_type != RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_NONE); video_driver_context_unlock(); return is_hw_context; } const struct retro_hw_render_context_negotiation_interface * video_driver_get_context_negotiation_interface(void) { return hw_render_context_negotiation; } bool video_driver_is_video_cache_context(void) { return video_driver_cache_context; } void video_driver_set_video_cache_context_ack(void) { video_driver_cache_context_ack = true; } bool video_driver_get_viewport_info(struct video_viewport *viewport) { if (!current_video || !current_video->viewport_info) return false; current_video->viewport_info(video_driver_data, viewport); return true; } /** * video_viewport_get_scaled_integer: * @vp : Viewport handle * @width : Width. * @height : Height. * @aspect_ratio : Aspect ratio (in float). * @keep_aspect : Preserve aspect ratio? * * Gets viewport scaling dimensions based on * scaled integer aspect ratio. **/ void video_viewport_get_scaled_integer(struct video_viewport *vp, unsigned width, unsigned height, float aspect_ratio, bool keep_aspect) { int padding_x = 0; int padding_y = 0; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx == ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM) { struct video_viewport *custom = video_viewport_get_custom(); if (custom) { padding_x = width - custom->width; padding_y = height - custom->height; width = custom->width; height = custom->height; } } else { unsigned base_width; /* Use system reported sizes as these define the * geometry for the "normal" case. */ unsigned base_height = video_driver_av_info.geometry.base_height; if (base_height == 0) base_height = 1; /* Account for non-square pixels. * This is sort of contradictory with the goal of integer scale, * but it is desirable in some cases. * * If square pixels are used, base_height will be equal to * system->av_info.base_height. */ base_width = (unsigned)roundf(base_height * aspect_ratio); /* Make sure that we don't get 0x scale ... */ if (width >= base_width && height >= base_height) { if (keep_aspect) { /* X/Y scale must be same. */ unsigned max_scale = MIN(width / base_width, height / base_height); padding_x = width - base_width * max_scale; padding_y = height - base_height * max_scale; } else { /* X/Y can be independent, each scaled as much as possible. */ padding_x = width % base_width; padding_y = height % base_height; } } width -= padding_x; height -= padding_y; } vp->width = width; vp->height = height; vp->x = padding_x / 2; vp->y = padding_y / 2; } struct video_viewport *video_viewport_get_custom(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; return &settings->video_viewport_custom; } unsigned video_pixel_get_alignment(unsigned pitch) { if (pitch & 1) return 1; if (pitch & 2) return 2; if (pitch & 4) return 4; return 8; } /** * video_driver_frame: * @data : pointer to data of the video frame. * @width : width of the video frame. * @height : height of the video frame. * @pitch : pitch of the video frame. * * Video frame render callback function. **/ void video_driver_frame(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch) { static char video_driver_msg[256]; video_frame_info_t video_info; static retro_time_t curr_time; static retro_time_t fps_time; static float last_fps, frame_time; retro_time_t new_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); if (!video_driver_active) return; if (video_driver_scaler_ptr && data && (video_driver_pix_fmt == RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_0RGB1555) && (data != RETRO_HW_FRAME_BUFFER_VALID)) { if (video_pixel_frame_scale( video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler, video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler_out, data, width, height, pitch)) { data = video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler_out; pitch = video_driver_scaler_ptr->scaler->out_stride; } } if (data) frame_cache_data = data; frame_cache_width = width; frame_cache_height = height; frame_cache_pitch = pitch; video_driver_build_info(&video_info); /* Get the amount of frames per seconds. */ if (video_driver_frame_count) { static char title[256]; unsigned write_index = video_driver_frame_time_count++ & (MEASURE_FRAME_TIME_SAMPLES_COUNT - 1); frame_time = new_time - fps_time; video_driver_frame_time_samples[write_index] = frame_time; fps_time = new_time; if (video_driver_frame_count == 1) strlcpy(title, video_driver_window_title, sizeof(title)); if (video_info.fps_show) { snprintf(video_info.fps_text, sizeof(video_info.fps_text), "FPS: %6.2f", last_fps); if (video_info.framecount_show) strlcat(video_info.fps_text, " || ", sizeof(video_info.fps_text)); } if (video_info.framecount_show) { char frames_text[64]; snprintf(frames_text, sizeof(frames_text), "%s: %" PRIu64, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FRAMES), (uint64_t)video_driver_frame_count); strlcat(video_info.fps_text, frames_text, sizeof(video_info.fps_text)); } if ((video_driver_frame_count % FPS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) == 0) { last_fps = TIME_TO_FPS(curr_time, new_time, FPS_UPDATE_INTERVAL); strlcpy(video_driver_window_title, title, sizeof(video_driver_window_title)); if (!string_is_empty(video_info.fps_text)) { strlcat(video_driver_window_title, "|| ", sizeof(video_driver_window_title)); strlcat(video_driver_window_title, video_info.fps_text, sizeof(video_driver_window_title)); } curr_time = new_time; video_driver_window_title_update = true; } } else { curr_time = fps_time = new_time; strlcpy(video_driver_window_title, video_driver_title_buf, sizeof(video_driver_window_title)); if (video_info.fps_show) strlcpy(video_info.fps_text, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE), sizeof(video_info.fps_text)); video_driver_window_title_update = true; } video_info.frame_rate = last_fps; video_info.frame_time = frame_time / 1000.0f; video_info.frame_count = (uint64_t) video_driver_frame_count; /* Slightly messy code, * but we really need to do processing before blocking on VSync * for best possible scheduling. */ if ( ( !video_driver_state_filter || !video_info.post_filter_record || !data || video_driver_record_gpu_buffer ) && recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_video) recording_dump_frame(data, width, height, pitch, video_info.runloop_is_idle); if (data && video_driver_state_filter) { unsigned output_width = 0; unsigned output_height = 0; unsigned output_pitch = 0; rarch_softfilter_get_output_size(video_driver_state_filter, &output_width, &output_height, width, height); output_pitch = (output_width) * video_driver_state_out_bpp; rarch_softfilter_process(video_driver_state_filter, video_driver_state_buffer, output_pitch, data, width, height, pitch); if (video_info.post_filter_record && recording_data && recording_driver && recording_driver->push_video) recording_dump_frame(video_driver_state_buffer, output_width, output_height, output_pitch, video_info.runloop_is_idle); data = video_driver_state_buffer; width = output_width; height = output_height; pitch = output_pitch; } video_driver_msg[0] = '\0'; if (video_info.font_enable) { const char *msg = NULL; runloop_msg_queue_lock(); msg = msg_queue_pull(runloop_msg_queue); if (msg) strlcpy(video_driver_msg, msg, sizeof(video_driver_msg)); runloop_msg_queue_unlock(); } if (video_info.statistics_show) { audio_statistics_t audio_stats = {0.0f}; double stddev = 0.0; struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; unsigned red = 255; unsigned green = 255; unsigned blue = 255; unsigned alpha = 255; video_monitor_fps_statistics(NULL, &stddev, NULL); video_info.osd_stat_params.x = 0.010f; video_info.osd_stat_params.y = 0.950f; video_info.osd_stat_params.scale = 1.0f; video_info.osd_stat_params.full_screen = true; video_info.osd_stat_params.drop_x = -2; video_info.osd_stat_params.drop_y = -2; video_info.osd_stat_params.drop_mod = 0.3f; video_info.osd_stat_params.drop_alpha = 1.0f; video_info.osd_stat_params.color = COLOR_ABGR( red, green, blue, alpha); audio_compute_buffer_statistics(&audio_stats); snprintf(video_info.stat_text, sizeof(video_info.stat_text), "Video Statistics:\n -Frame rate: %6.2f fps\n -Frame time: %6.2f ms\n -Frame time deviation: %.3f %%\n" " -Frame count: %" PRIu64"\n -Viewport: %d x %d x %3.2f\n" "Audio Statistics:\n -Average buffer saturation: %.2f %%\n -Standard deviation: %.2f %%\n -Time spent close to underrun: %.2f %%\n -Time spent close to blocking: %.2f %%\n -Sample count: %d\n" "Core Geometry:\n -Size: %u x %u\n -Max Size: %u x %u\n -Aspect: %3.2f\nCore Timing:\n -FPS: %3.2f\n -Sample Rate: %6.2f\n", video_info.frame_rate, video_info.frame_time, 100.0 * stddev, video_info.frame_count, video_info.width, video_info.height, video_info.refresh_rate, audio_stats.average_buffer_saturation, audio_stats.std_deviation_percentage, audio_stats.close_to_underrun, audio_stats.close_to_blocking, audio_stats.samples, av_info->geometry.base_width, av_info->geometry.base_height, av_info->geometry.max_width, av_info->geometry.max_height, av_info->geometry.aspect_ratio, av_info->timing.fps, av_info->timing.sample_rate); /* TODO/FIXME - add OSD chat text here */ #if 0 snprintf(video_info.chat_text, sizeof(video_info.chat_text), "anon: does retroarch netplay have in-game chat?\nradius: I don't know \u2605"); #endif } video_driver_active = current_video->frame( video_driver_data, data, width, height, video_driver_frame_count, (unsigned)pitch, video_driver_msg, &video_info); video_driver_frame_count++; /* Display the FPS, with a higher priority. */ if (video_info.fps_show || video_info.framecount_show) { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_set_fps_text(video_info.fps_text)) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(video_info.fps_text, 2, 1, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } /* trigger set resolution*/ if (video_info.crt_switch_resolution) { video_driver_crt_switching_active = true; if (video_info.crt_switch_resolution_super == 2560) width = 2560; if (video_info.crt_switch_resolution_super == 3840) width = 3840; if (video_info.crt_switch_resolution_super == 1920) width = 1920; if (video_info.crt_switch_resolution_super == 1) video_driver_crt_dynamic_super_width = true; else video_driver_crt_dynamic_super_width = false; crt_switch_res_core(width, height, video_driver_core_hz, video_info.crt_switch_resolution, video_info.crt_switch_center_adjust, video_info.monitor_index, video_driver_crt_dynamic_super_width); } else if (!video_info.crt_switch_resolution) video_driver_crt_switching_active = false; /* trigger set resolution*/ } void crt_switch_driver_reinit(void) { video_driver_reinit(); } void video_driver_display_type_set(enum rarch_display_type type) { video_driver_display_type = type; } uintptr_t video_driver_display_get(void) { return video_driver_display; } void video_driver_display_set(uintptr_t idx) { video_driver_display = idx; } enum rarch_display_type video_driver_display_type_get(void) { return video_driver_display_type; } void video_driver_window_set(uintptr_t idx) { video_driver_window = idx; } uintptr_t video_driver_window_get(void) { return video_driver_window; } bool video_driver_texture_load(void *data, enum texture_filter_type filter_type, uintptr_t *id) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); #endif if (!id || !video_driver_poke || !video_driver_poke->load_texture) return false; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (is_threaded) video_context_driver_make_current(false); #endif *id = video_driver_poke->load_texture(video_driver_data, data, video_driver_is_threaded_internal(), filter_type); return true; } bool video_driver_texture_unload(uintptr_t *id) { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); #endif if (!video_driver_poke || !video_driver_poke->unload_texture) return false; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (is_threaded) video_context_driver_make_current(false); #endif video_driver_poke->unload_texture(video_driver_data, *id); *id = 0; return true; } void video_driver_build_info(video_frame_info_t *video_info) { video_viewport_t *custom_vp = NULL; struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #ifdef HAVE_THREADS bool is_threaded = video_driver_is_threaded_internal(); video_driver_threaded_lock(is_threaded); #endif custom_vp = &settings->video_viewport_custom; video_info->refresh_rate = settings->floats.video_refresh_rate; video_info->crt_switch_resolution = settings->uints.crt_switch_resolution; video_info->crt_switch_resolution_super = settings->uints.crt_switch_resolution_super; video_info->crt_switch_center_adjust = settings->ints.crt_switch_center_adjust; video_info->black_frame_insertion = settings->bools.video_black_frame_insertion; video_info->hard_sync = settings->bools.video_hard_sync; video_info->hard_sync_frames = settings->uints.video_hard_sync_frames; video_info->fps_show = settings->bools.video_fps_show; video_info->statistics_show = settings->bools.video_statistics_show; video_info->framecount_show = settings->bools.video_framecount_show; video_info->scale_integer = settings->bools.video_scale_integer; video_info->aspect_ratio_idx = settings->uints.video_aspect_ratio_idx; video_info->post_filter_record = settings->bools.video_post_filter_record; video_info->input_menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons = settings->bools.input_menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons; video_info->max_swapchain_images = settings->uints.video_max_swapchain_images; video_info->windowed_fullscreen = settings->bools.video_windowed_fullscreen; video_info->fullscreen = settings->bools.video_fullscreen || retroarch_is_forced_fullscreen(); video_info->monitor_index = settings->uints.video_monitor_index; video_info->shared_context = settings->bools.video_shared_context; if (core_set_shared_context && hwr && hwr->context_type != RETRO_HW_CONTEXT_NONE) video_info->shared_context = true; video_info->font_enable = settings->bools.video_font_enable; video_info->font_msg_pos_x = settings->floats.video_msg_pos_x; video_info->font_msg_pos_y = settings->floats.video_msg_pos_y; video_info->font_msg_color_r = settings->floats.video_msg_color_r; video_info->font_msg_color_g = settings->floats.video_msg_color_g; video_info->font_msg_color_b = settings->floats.video_msg_color_b; video_info->custom_vp_x = custom_vp->x; video_info->custom_vp_y = custom_vp->y; video_info->custom_vp_width = custom_vp->width; video_info->custom_vp_height = custom_vp->height; video_info->custom_vp_full_width = custom_vp->full_width; video_info->custom_vp_full_height = custom_vp->full_height; video_info->fps_text[0] = '\0'; video_info->width = video_driver_width; video_info->height = video_driver_height; video_info->use_rgba = video_driver_use_rgba; video_info->libretro_running = false; video_info->msg_bgcolor_enable = settings->bools.video_msg_bgcolor_enable; #ifdef HAVE_MENU video_info->menu_is_alive = menu_driver_alive; video_info->menu_footer_opacity = settings->floats.menu_footer_opacity; video_info->menu_header_opacity = settings->floats.menu_header_opacity; video_info->materialui_color_theme = settings->uints.menu_materialui_color_theme; video_info->ozone_color_theme = settings->uints.menu_ozone_color_theme; video_info->menu_shader_pipeline = settings->uints.menu_xmb_shader_pipeline; video_info->xmb_theme = settings->uints.menu_xmb_theme; video_info->xmb_color_theme = settings->uints.menu_xmb_color_theme; video_info->timedate_enable = settings->bools.menu_timedate_enable; video_info->battery_level_enable = settings->bools.menu_battery_level_enable; video_info->xmb_shadows_enable = settings->bools.menu_xmb_shadows_enable; video_info->xmb_alpha_factor = settings->uints.menu_xmb_alpha_factor; video_info->menu_wallpaper_opacity = settings->floats.menu_wallpaper_opacity; video_info->menu_framebuffer_opacity = settings->floats.menu_framebuffer_opacity; video_info->libretro_running = current_core.game_loaded; #else video_info->menu_is_alive = false; video_info->menu_footer_opacity = 0.0f; video_info->menu_header_opacity = 0.0f; video_info->materialui_color_theme = 0; video_info->menu_shader_pipeline = 0; video_info->xmb_color_theme = 0; video_info->xmb_theme = 0; video_info->timedate_enable = false; video_info->battery_level_enable = false; video_info->xmb_shadows_enable = false; video_info->xmb_alpha_factor = 0.0f; video_info->menu_framebuffer_opacity = 0.0f; video_info->menu_wallpaper_opacity = 0.0f; #endif video_info->is_perfcnt_enable = runloop_perfcnt_enable; video_info->runloop_is_paused = runloop_paused; video_info->runloop_is_idle = runloop_idle; video_info->runloop_is_slowmotion = runloop_slowmotion; video_info->input_driver_nonblock_state = input_driver_nonblock_state; video_info->context_data = video_context_data; video_info->cb_update_window_title = current_video_context.update_window_title; video_info->cb_swap_buffers = current_video_context.swap_buffers; video_info->cb_get_metrics = current_video_context.get_metrics; video_info->cb_set_resize = current_video_context.set_resize; video_info->userdata = video_driver_get_ptr_internal(false); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS video_driver_threaded_unlock(is_threaded); #endif } /** * video_driver_translate_coord_viewport: * @mouse_x : Pointer X coordinate. * @mouse_y : Pointer Y coordinate. * @res_x : Scaled X coordinate. * @res_y : Scaled Y coordinate. * @res_screen_x : Scaled screen X coordinate. * @res_screen_y : Scaled screen Y coordinate. * * Translates pointer [X,Y] coordinates into scaled screen * coordinates based on viewport info. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, false if video driver doesn't support * viewport info. **/ bool video_driver_translate_coord_viewport( struct video_viewport *vp, int mouse_x, int mouse_y, int16_t *res_x, int16_t *res_y, int16_t *res_screen_x, int16_t *res_screen_y) { int scaled_screen_x, scaled_screen_y, scaled_x, scaled_y; int norm_vp_width = (int)vp->width; int norm_vp_height = (int)vp->height; int norm_full_vp_width = (int)vp->full_width; int norm_full_vp_height = (int)vp->full_height; if (norm_full_vp_width <= 0 || norm_full_vp_height <= 0) return false; if (mouse_x >= 0 && mouse_x <= norm_full_vp_width) scaled_screen_x = ((2 * mouse_x * 0x7fff) / norm_full_vp_width) - 0x7fff; else scaled_screen_x = -0x8000; /* OOB */ if (mouse_y >= 0 && mouse_y <= norm_full_vp_height) scaled_screen_y = ((2 * mouse_y * 0x7fff) / norm_full_vp_height) - 0x7fff; else scaled_screen_y = -0x8000; /* OOB */ mouse_x -= vp->x; mouse_y -= vp->y; if (mouse_x >= 0 && mouse_x <= norm_vp_width) scaled_x = ((2 * mouse_x * 0x7fff) / norm_vp_width) - 0x7fff; else scaled_x = -0x8000; /* OOB */ if (mouse_y >= 0 && mouse_y <= norm_vp_height) scaled_y = ((2 * mouse_y * 0x7fff) / norm_vp_height) - 0x7fff; else scaled_y = -0x8000; /* OOB */ *res_x = scaled_x; *res_y = scaled_y; *res_screen_x = scaled_screen_x; *res_screen_y = scaled_screen_y; return true; } #define video_has_focus() ((current_video_context.has_focus) ? (current_video_context.has_focus && current_video_context.has_focus(video_context_data)) : (current_video->focus) ? (current_video && current_video->focus && current_video->focus(video_driver_data)) : true) bool video_driver_has_focus(void) { return video_has_focus(); } void video_driver_get_window_title(char *buf, unsigned len) { if (buf && video_driver_window_title_update) { strlcpy(buf, video_driver_window_title, len); video_driver_window_title_update = false; } } /** * find_video_context_driver_driver_index: * @ident : Identifier of resampler driver to find. * * Finds graphics context driver index by @ident name. * * Returns: graphics context driver index if driver was found, otherwise * -1. **/ static int find_video_context_driver_index(const char *ident) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; gfx_ctx_drivers[i]; i++) if (string_is_equal_noncase(ident, gfx_ctx_drivers[i]->ident)) return i; return -1; } /** * find_prev_context_driver: * * Finds previous driver in graphics context driver array. **/ bool video_context_driver_find_prev_driver(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; int i = find_video_context_driver_index( settings->arrays.video_context_driver); if (i > 0) { strlcpy(settings->arrays.video_context_driver, gfx_ctx_drivers[i - 1]->ident, sizeof(settings->arrays.video_context_driver)); return true; } RARCH_WARN("Couldn't find any previous video context driver.\n"); return false; } /** * find_next_context_driver: * * Finds next driver in graphics context driver array. **/ bool video_context_driver_find_next_driver(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; int i = find_video_context_driver_index( settings->arrays.video_context_driver); if (i >= 0 && gfx_ctx_drivers[i + 1]) { strlcpy(settings->arrays.video_context_driver, gfx_ctx_drivers[i + 1]->ident, sizeof(settings->arrays.video_context_driver)); return true; } RARCH_WARN("Couldn't find any next video context driver.\n"); return false; } /** * video_context_driver_init: * @data : Input data. * @ctx : Graphics context driver to initialize. * @ident : Identifier of graphics context driver to find. * @api : API of higher-level graphics API. * @major : Major version number of higher-level graphics API. * @minor : Minor version number of higher-level graphics API. * @hw_render_ctx : Request a graphics context driver capable of * hardware rendering? * * Initialize graphics context driver. * * Returns: graphics context driver if successfully initialized, * otherwise NULL. **/ static const gfx_ctx_driver_t *video_context_driver_init( void *data, const gfx_ctx_driver_t *ctx, const char *ident, enum gfx_ctx_api api, unsigned major, unsigned minor, bool hw_render_ctx, void **ctx_data) { video_frame_info_t video_info; if (!ctx->bind_api(data, api, major, minor)) { RARCH_WARN("Failed to bind API (#%u, version %u.%u)" " on context driver \"%s\".\n", (unsigned)api, major, minor, ctx->ident); return NULL; } video_driver_build_info(&video_info); if (!(*ctx_data = ctx->init(&video_info, data))) return NULL; if (ctx->bind_hw_render) ctx->bind_hw_render(*ctx_data, video_info.shared_context && hw_render_ctx); return ctx; } /** * video_context_driver_init_first: * @data : Input data. * @ident : Identifier of graphics context driver to find. * @api : API of higher-level graphics API. * @major : Major version number of higher-level graphics API. * @minor : Minor version number of higher-level graphics API. * @hw_render_ctx : Request a graphics context driver capable of * hardware rendering? * * Finds first suitable graphics context driver and initializes. * * Returns: graphics context driver if found, otherwise NULL. **/ const gfx_ctx_driver_t *video_context_driver_init_first(void *data, const char *ident, enum gfx_ctx_api api, unsigned major, unsigned minor, bool hw_render_ctx, void **ctx_data) { int i = find_video_context_driver_index(ident); if (i >= 0) { const gfx_ctx_driver_t *ctx = video_context_driver_init(data, gfx_ctx_drivers[i], ident, api, major, minor, hw_render_ctx, ctx_data); if (ctx) { video_context_data = *ctx_data; return ctx; } } for (i = 0; gfx_ctx_drivers[i]; i++) { const gfx_ctx_driver_t *ctx = video_context_driver_init(data, gfx_ctx_drivers[i], ident, api, major, minor, hw_render_ctx, ctx_data); if (ctx) { video_context_data = *ctx_data; return ctx; } } return NULL; } bool video_context_driver_init_image_buffer(const video_info_t *data) { if ( current_video_context.image_buffer_init && current_video_context.image_buffer_init( video_context_data, data)) return true; return false; } bool video_context_driver_write_to_image_buffer(gfx_ctx_image_t *img) { if ( current_video_context.image_buffer_write && current_video_context.image_buffer_write(video_context_data, img->frame, img->width, img->height, img->pitch, img->rgb32, img->index, img->handle)) return true; return false; } bool video_context_driver_get_video_output_prev(void) { if (!current_video_context.get_video_output_prev) return false; current_video_context.get_video_output_prev(video_context_data); return true; } bool video_context_driver_get_video_output_next(void) { if (!current_video_context.get_video_output_next) return false; current_video_context.get_video_output_next(video_context_data); return true; } void video_context_driver_make_current(bool release) { if (current_video_context.make_current) current_video_context.make_current(release); } bool video_context_driver_translate_aspect(gfx_ctx_aspect_t *aspect) { if (!video_context_data || !aspect) return false; if (!current_video_context.translate_aspect) return false; *aspect->aspect = current_video_context.translate_aspect( video_context_data, aspect->width, aspect->height); return true; } void video_context_driver_free(void) { if (current_video_context.destroy) current_video_context.destroy(video_context_data); video_context_driver_destroy(); video_context_data = NULL; } bool video_context_driver_get_video_output_size(gfx_ctx_size_t *size_data) { if (!size_data) return false; if (!current_video_context.get_video_output_size) return false; current_video_context.get_video_output_size(video_context_data, size_data->width, size_data->height); return true; } bool video_context_driver_swap_interval(int *interval) { int current_interval = *interval; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool adaptive_vsync_enabled = video_driver_test_all_flags(GFX_CTX_FLAGS_ADAPTIVE_VSYNC) && settings->bools.video_adaptive_vsync; if (!current_video_context.swap_interval) return false; if (adaptive_vsync_enabled && current_interval == 1) current_interval = -1; current_video_context.swap_interval(video_context_data, current_interval); return true; } bool video_context_driver_get_proc_address(gfx_ctx_proc_address_t *proc) { if (!current_video_context.get_proc_address) return false; proc->addr = current_video_context.get_proc_address(proc->sym); return true; } bool video_context_driver_get_metrics(gfx_ctx_metrics_t *metrics) { if ( current_video_context.get_metrics(video_context_data, metrics->type, metrics->value)) return true; return false; } bool video_context_driver_get_refresh_rate(float *refresh_rate) { float refresh_holder = 0; if (!current_video_context.get_refresh_rate || !refresh_rate) return false; if (!video_context_data) return false; if (!video_driver_crt_switching_active) if (refresh_rate) *refresh_rate = current_video_context.get_refresh_rate(video_context_data); if (video_driver_crt_switching_active) { if (refresh_rate) refresh_holder = current_video_context.get_refresh_rate(video_context_data); if (refresh_holder != video_driver_core_hz) /* Fix for incorrect interlacing detection -- HARD SET VSNC TO REQUIRED REFRESH FOR CRT*/ *refresh_rate = video_driver_core_hz; } return true; } bool video_context_driver_input_driver(gfx_ctx_input_t *inp) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; const char *joypad_name = settings->arrays.input_joypad_driver; if (!current_video_context.input_driver) return false; current_video_context.input_driver( video_context_data, joypad_name, inp->input, inp->input_data); return true; } bool video_context_driver_suppress_screensaver(bool *bool_data) { if ( video_context_data && current_video_context.suppress_screensaver( video_context_data, *bool_data)) return true; return false; } bool video_context_driver_get_ident(gfx_ctx_ident_t *ident) { if (!ident) return false; ident->ident = current_video_context.ident; return true; } bool video_context_driver_set_video_mode(gfx_ctx_mode_t *mode_info) { video_frame_info_t video_info; if (!current_video_context.set_video_mode) return false; video_driver_build_info(&video_info); if (!current_video_context.set_video_mode( video_context_data, &video_info, mode_info->width, mode_info->height, mode_info->fullscreen)) return false; return true; } bool video_context_driver_get_video_size(gfx_ctx_mode_t *mode_info) { if (!current_video_context.get_video_size) return false; current_video_context.get_video_size(video_context_data, &mode_info->width, &mode_info->height); return true; } bool video_context_driver_show_mouse(bool *bool_data) { if (!current_video_context.show_mouse) return false; current_video_context.show_mouse(video_context_data, *bool_data); return true; } bool video_context_driver_get_flags(gfx_ctx_flags_t *flags) { if (!current_video_context.get_flags) return false; if (deferred_video_context_driver_set_flags) { flags->flags = deferred_flag_data.flags; deferred_video_context_driver_set_flags = false; return true; } flags->flags = current_video_context.get_flags(video_context_data); return true; } bool video_driver_get_flags(gfx_ctx_flags_t *flags) { if (!video_driver_poke || !video_driver_poke->get_flags) return false; flags->flags = video_driver_poke->get_flags(video_driver_data); return true; } /** * video_driver_test_all_flags: * @testflag : flag to test * * Poll both the video and context driver's flags and test * whether @testflag is set or not. **/ bool video_driver_test_all_flags(enum display_flags testflag) { gfx_ctx_flags_t flags; if (video_driver_get_flags(&flags)) if (BIT32_GET(flags.flags, testflag)) return true; if (video_context_driver_get_flags(&flags)) if (BIT32_GET(flags.flags, testflag)) return true; return false; } bool video_context_driver_set_flags(gfx_ctx_flags_t *flags) { if (!flags) return false; if (!current_video_context.set_flags) { deferred_flag_data.flags = flags->flags; deferred_video_context_driver_set_flags = true; return false; } current_video_context.set_flags(video_context_data, flags->flags); return true; } enum gfx_ctx_api video_context_driver_get_api(void) { enum gfx_ctx_api ctx_api = video_context_data ? current_video_context.get_api(video_context_data) : GFX_CTX_NONE; if (ctx_api == GFX_CTX_NONE) { const char *video_ident = (current_video) ? current_video->ident : NULL; if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "d3d9")) return GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D9_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "d3d10")) return GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D10_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "d3d11")) return GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D11_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "d3d12")) return GFX_CTX_DIRECT3D12_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "gx2")) return GFX_CTX_GX2_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "gx")) return GFX_CTX_GX_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "gl")) return GFX_CTX_OPENGL_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "gl1")) return GFX_CTX_OPENGL_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "glcore")) return GFX_CTX_OPENGL_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "vulkan")) return GFX_CTX_VULKAN_API; else if (string_is_equal(video_ident, "metal")) return GFX_CTX_METAL_API; return GFX_CTX_NONE; } return ctx_api; } bool video_driver_has_windowed(void) { #if !(defined(RARCH_CONSOLE) || defined(RARCH_MOBILE)) if (video_driver_data && current_video->has_windowed) return current_video->has_windowed(video_driver_data); else if (video_context_data) return current_video_context.has_windowed; #endif return false; } bool video_driver_cached_frame_has_valid_framebuffer(void) { if (frame_cache_data) return (frame_cache_data == RETRO_HW_FRAME_BUFFER_VALID); return false; } bool video_shader_driver_get_current_shader(video_shader_ctx_t *shader) { void *video_driver = video_driver_get_ptr_internal(true); const video_poke_interface_t *video_poke = video_driver_poke; shader->data = NULL; if (!video_poke || !video_driver || !video_poke->get_current_shader) return false; shader->data = video_poke->get_current_shader(video_driver); return true; } float video_driver_get_refresh_rate(void) { if (video_driver_poke && video_driver_poke->get_refresh_rate) return video_driver_poke->get_refresh_rate(video_driver_data); return 0.0f; } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) static bool video_driver_has_widgets(void) { return current_video && current_video->menu_widgets_enabled && current_video->menu_widgets_enabled(video_driver_data); } #endif void video_driver_set_gpu_device_string(const char *str) { strlcpy(video_driver_gpu_device_string, str, sizeof(video_driver_gpu_device_string)); } const char* video_driver_get_gpu_device_string(void) { return video_driver_gpu_device_string; } void video_driver_set_gpu_api_version_string(const char *str) { strlcpy(video_driver_gpu_api_version_string, str, sizeof(video_driver_gpu_api_version_string)); } const char* video_driver_get_gpu_api_version_string(void) { return video_driver_gpu_api_version_string; } /* string list stays owned by the caller and must be available at all times after the video driver is inited */ void video_driver_set_gpu_api_devices(enum gfx_ctx_api api, struct string_list *list) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(gpu_map); i++) { if (api == gpu_map[i].api) { gpu_map[i].list = list; break; } } } struct string_list* video_driver_get_gpu_api_devices(enum gfx_ctx_api api) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(gpu_map); i++) { if (api == gpu_map[i].api) return gpu_map[i].list; } return NULL; } /* LOCATION */ /** * location_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to location driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *location_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = location_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * location_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of location driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *location_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const location_driver_t *drv = location_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_location_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all location driver names, * separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all location driver names, * separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_location_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_LOCATION_DRIVERS, NULL); } static void find_location_driver(void) { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; drv.label = "location_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.location_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) location_driver = (const location_driver_t*)location_driver_find_handle(i); else { if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("Couldn't find any location driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.location_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available location drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; location_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", location_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("Going to default to first location driver...\n"); } location_driver = (const location_driver_t*)location_driver_find_handle(0); if (!location_driver) retroarch_fail(1, "find_location_driver()"); } } /** * driver_location_start: * * Starts location driver interface.. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool driver_location_start(void) { if (location_driver && location_data && location_driver->start) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.location_allow) return location_driver->start(location_data); runloop_msg_queue_push("Location is explicitly disabled.\n", 1, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } return false; } /** * driver_location_stop: * * Stops location driver interface.. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE. * * Returns: true (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ static void driver_location_stop(void) { if (location_driver && location_driver->stop && location_data) location_driver->stop(location_data); } /** * driver_location_set_interval: * @interval_msecs : Interval time in milliseconds. * @interval_distance : Distance at which to update. * * Sets interval update time for location driver interface. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE. **/ static void driver_location_set_interval(unsigned interval_msecs, unsigned interval_distance) { if (location_driver && location_driver->set_interval && location_data) location_driver->set_interval(location_data, interval_msecs, interval_distance); } /** * driver_location_get_position: * @lat : Latitude of current position. * @lon : Longitude of current position. * @horiz_accuracy : Horizontal accuracy. * @vert_accuracy : Vertical accuracy. * * Gets current positioning information from * location driver interface. * Used by RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOCATION_INTERFACE. * * Returns: bool (1) if successful, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool driver_location_get_position(double *lat, double *lon, double *horiz_accuracy, double *vert_accuracy) { if (location_driver && location_driver->get_position && location_data) return location_driver->get_position(location_data, lat, lon, horiz_accuracy, vert_accuracy); *lat = 0.0; *lon = 0.0; *horiz_accuracy = 0.0; *vert_accuracy = 0.0; return false; } static void init_location(void) { rarch_system_info_t *system = &runloop_system; /* Resource leaks will follow if location interface is initialized twice. */ if (location_data) return; find_location_driver(); location_data = location_driver->init(); if (!location_data) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize location driver. Will continue without location.\n"); location_driver_active = false; } if (system->location_cb.initialized) system->location_cb.initialized(); } static void uninit_location(void) { rarch_system_info_t *system = &runloop_system; if (location_data && location_driver) { if (system->location_cb.deinitialized) system->location_cb.deinitialized(); if (location_driver->free) location_driver->free(location_data); } location_data = NULL; } /* CAMERA */ /** * camera_driver_find_handle: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: handle to camera driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const void *camera_driver_find_handle(int idx) { const void *drv = camera_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv; } /** * camera_driver_find_ident: * @idx : index of driver to get handle to. * * Returns: Human-readable identifier of camera driver at index. Can be NULL * if nothing found. **/ const char *camera_driver_find_ident(int idx) { const camera_driver_t *drv = camera_drivers[idx]; if (!drv) return NULL; return drv->ident; } /** * config_get_camera_driver_options: * * Get an enumerated list of all camera driver names, * separated by '|'. * * Returns: string listing of all camera driver names, * separated by '|'. **/ const char* config_get_camera_driver_options(void) { return char_list_new_special(STRING_LIST_CAMERA_DRIVERS, NULL); } static bool driver_camera_start(void) { if (camera_driver && camera_data && camera_driver->start) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (settings->bools.camera_allow) return camera_driver->start(camera_data); runloop_msg_queue_push( "Camera is explicitly disabled.\n", 1, 180, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } return true; } static void driver_camera_stop(void) { if ( camera_driver && camera_driver->stop && camera_data) camera_driver->stop(camera_data); } static void camera_driver_find_driver(void) { int i; driver_ctx_info_t drv; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; drv.label = "camera_driver"; drv.s = settings->arrays.camera_driver; driver_ctl(RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX, &drv); i = (int)drv.len; if (i >= 0) camera_driver = (const camera_driver_t*)camera_driver_find_handle(i); else { if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { unsigned d; RARCH_ERR("Couldn't find any camera driver named \"%s\"\n", settings->arrays.camera_driver); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Available camera drivers are:\n"); for (d = 0; camera_driver_find_handle(d); d++) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("\t%s\n", camera_driver_find_ident(d)); RARCH_WARN("Going to default to first camera driver...\n"); } camera_driver = (const camera_driver_t*)camera_driver_find_handle(0); if (!camera_driver) retroarch_fail(1, "find_camera_driver()"); } } /* DRIVERS */ /** * find_driver_nonempty: * @label : string of driver type to be found. * @i : index of driver. * @str : identifier name of the found driver * gets written to this string. * @len : size of @str. * * Find driver based on @label. * * Returns: NULL if no driver based on @label found, otherwise * pointer to driver. **/ static const void *find_driver_nonempty(const char *label, int i, char *s, size_t len) { const void *drv = NULL; if (string_is_equal(label, "camera_driver")) { drv = camera_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, camera_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "location_driver")) { drv = location_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, location_driver_find_ident(i), len); } #ifdef HAVE_MENU else if (string_is_equal(label, "menu_driver")) { drv = menu_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, menu_driver_find_ident(i), len); } #endif else if (string_is_equal(label, "input_driver")) { drv = input_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, input_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "input_joypad_driver")) { drv = joypad_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, joypad_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "video_driver")) { drv = video_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, video_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "audio_driver")) { drv = audio_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, audio_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "record_driver")) { drv = record_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, record_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "midi_driver")) { drv = midi_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, midi_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "audio_resampler_driver")) { drv = audio_resampler_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, audio_resampler_driver_find_ident(i), len); } else if (string_is_equal(label, "wifi_driver")) { drv = wifi_driver_find_handle(i); if (drv) strlcpy(s, wifi_driver_find_ident(i), len); } return drv; } /** * driver_find_index: * @label : string of driver type to be found. * @drv : identifier of driver to be found. * * Find index of the driver, based on @label. * * Returns: -1 if no driver based on @label and @drv found, otherwise * index number of the driver found in the array. **/ static int driver_find_index(const char * label, const char *drv) { unsigned i; char str[256]; str[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; find_driver_nonempty(label, i, str, sizeof(str)) != NULL; i++) { if (string_is_empty(str)) break; if (string_is_equal_noncase(drv, str)) return i; } return -1; } /** * driver_find_last: * @label : string of driver type to be found. * @s : identifier of driver to be found. * @len : size of @s. * * Find last driver in driver array. **/ static bool driver_find_last(const char *label, char *s, size_t len) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; find_driver_nonempty(label, i, s, len) != NULL; i++) {} if (i) i = i - 1; else i = 0; find_driver_nonempty(label, i, s, len); return true; } /** * driver_find_prev: * @label : string of driver type to be found. * @s : identifier of driver to be found. * @len : size of @s. * * Find previous driver in driver array. **/ static bool driver_find_prev(const char *label, char *s, size_t len) { int i = driver_find_index(label, s); if (i > 0) { find_driver_nonempty(label, i - 1, s, len); return true; } RARCH_WARN( "Couldn't find any previous driver (current one: \"%s\").\n", s); return false; } /** * driver_find_next: * @label : string of driver type to be found. * @s : identifier of driver to be found. * @len : size of @s. * * Find next driver in driver array. **/ static bool driver_find_next(const char *label, char *s, size_t len) { int i = driver_find_index(label, s); if (i >= 0 && string_is_not_equal(s, "null")) { find_driver_nonempty(label, i + 1, s, len); return true; } RARCH_WARN("%s (current one: \"%s\").\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COULD_NOT_FIND_ANY_NEXT_DRIVER), s); return false; } static void driver_adjust_system_rates(void) { audio_driver_monitor_adjust_system_rates(); video_driver_monitor_adjust_system_rates(); if (!video_driver_get_ptr_internal(false)) return; if (runloop_force_nonblock) { if (current_video->set_nonblock_state) current_video->set_nonblock_state(video_driver_data, true); } else driver_set_nonblock_state(); } /** * driver_set_nonblock_state: * * Sets audio and video drivers to nonblock state (if enabled). * * If nonblock state is false, sets * blocking state for both audio and video drivers instead. **/ void driver_set_nonblock_state(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool enable = input_driver_nonblock_state; /* Only apply non-block-state for video if we're using vsync. */ if (video_driver_active && video_driver_get_ptr_internal(false)) { if (current_video->set_nonblock_state) { bool video_nonblock = enable; if (!settings->bools.video_vsync || runloop_force_nonblock) video_nonblock = true; current_video->set_nonblock_state(video_driver_data, video_nonblock); } } if (audio_driver_active && audio_driver_context_audio_data) current_audio->set_nonblock_state(audio_driver_context_audio_data, settings->bools.audio_sync ? enable : true); audio_driver_chunk_size = enable ? audio_driver_chunk_nonblock_size : audio_driver_chunk_block_size; } bool audio_driver_new_devices_list(void) { if (!current_audio || !current_audio->device_list_new || !audio_driver_context_audio_data) return false; audio_driver_devices_list = (struct string_list*) current_audio->device_list_new(audio_driver_context_audio_data); if (!audio_driver_devices_list) return false; return true; } /** * drivers_init: * @flags : Bitmask of drivers to initialize. * * Initializes drivers. * @flags determines which drivers get initialized. **/ static void drivers_init(int flags) { bool video_is_threaded = false; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* By default, we want the menu to persist through driver reinits. */ menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_SET_OWN_DRIVER, NULL); #endif if (flags & (DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK | DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK)) driver_adjust_system_rates(); /* Initialize video driver */ if (flags & DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK) { struct retro_hw_render_callback *hwr = video_driver_get_hw_context_internal(); video_driver_monitor_reset(); video_driver_lock_new(); video_driver_filter_free(); video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); video_driver_init_internal(&video_is_threaded); if (!video_driver_cache_context_ack && hwr->context_reset) hwr->context_reset(); video_driver_cache_context_ack = false; runloop_frame_time_last = 0; } /* Initialize audio driver */ if (flags & DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK) { audio_driver_init_internal(audio_callback.callback != NULL); audio_driver_new_devices_list(); } if (flags & DRIVER_CAMERA_MASK) { /* Only initialize camera driver if we're ever going to use it. */ if (camera_driver_active) { /* Resource leaks will follow if camera is initialized twice. */ if (!camera_data) { camera_driver_find_driver(); if (camera_driver) { camera_data = camera_driver->init( *settings->arrays.camera_device ? settings->arrays.camera_device : NULL, camera_cb.caps, settings->uints.camera_width ? settings->uints.camera_width : camera_cb.width, settings->uints.camera_height ? settings->uints.camera_height : camera_cb.height); if (!camera_data) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialize camera driver. Will continue without camera.\n"); camera_driver_active = false; } if (camera_cb.initialized) camera_cb.initialized(); } } } } if (flags & DRIVER_LOCATION_MASK) { /* Only initialize location driver if we're ever going to use it. */ if (location_driver_active) init_location(); } core_info_init_current_core(); #ifdef HAVE_MENU #ifdef HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS if (settings->bools.menu_enable_widgets && video_driver_has_widgets()) { menu_widgets_init(video_is_threaded); menu_widgets_context_reset(video_is_threaded, video_driver_width, video_driver_height); } #endif if (flags & DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK) { /* Initialize menu driver */ if (flags & DRIVER_MENU_MASK) menu_driver_init(video_is_threaded); } #else /* Qt uses core info, even if the menu is disabled */ command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_INFO_INIT, NULL); command_event(CMD_EVENT_LOAD_CORE_PERSIST, NULL); #endif if (flags & (DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK | DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK)) { /* Keep non-throttled state as good as possible. */ if (input_driver_nonblock_state) driver_set_nonblock_state(); } /* Initialize LED driver */ if (flags & DRIVER_LED_MASK) led_driver_init(); /* Initialize MIDI driver */ if (flags & DRIVER_MIDI_MASK) midi_driver_init(); } /** * Driver ownership - set this to true if the platform in question needs to 'own' * the respective handle and therefore skip regular RetroArch * driver teardown/reiniting procedure. * * If to true, the 'free' function will get skipped. It is * then up to the driver implementation to properly handle * 'reiniting' inside the 'init' function and make sure it * returns the existing handle instead of allocating and * returning a pointer to a new handle. * * Typically, if a driver intends to make use of this, it should * set this to true at the end of its 'init' function. **/ static void driver_uninit(int flags) { core_info_deinit_list(); core_info_free_current_core(); #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (flags & DRIVER_MENU_MASK) { #if defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) /* This absolutely has to be done before video_driver_free() * is called/completes, otherwise certain menu drivers * (e.g. Vulkan) will segfault */ menu_widgets_context_destroy(); menu_widgets_free(); #endif menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_DEINIT, NULL); } #endif if ((flags & DRIVER_LOCATION_MASK)) uninit_location(); if ((flags & DRIVER_CAMERA_MASK)) { if (camera_data && camera_driver) { if (camera_cb.deinitialized) camera_cb.deinitialized(); if (camera_driver->free) camera_driver->free(camera_data); } camera_data = NULL; } if ((flags & DRIVER_WIFI_MASK)) wifi_driver_ctl(RARCH_WIFI_CTL_DEINIT, NULL); if (flags & DRIVER_LED) led_driver_free(); if (flags & DRIVERS_VIDEO_INPUT) { video_driver_free_internal(); video_driver_lock_free(); video_driver_data = NULL; video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); } if (flags & DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK) audio_driver_deinit(); if ((flags & DRIVER_VIDEO_MASK)) { video_driver_data = NULL; } if ((flags & DRIVER_INPUT_MASK)) { current_input_data = NULL; } if ((flags & DRIVER_AUDIO_MASK)) audio_driver_context_audio_data = NULL; if (flags & DRIVER_MIDI_MASK) midi_driver_free(); } bool driver_ctl(enum driver_ctl_state state, void *data) { switch (state) { case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_DEINIT: #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) /* Tear down menu widgets no matter what * in case the handle is lost in the threaded * video driver in the meantime * (breaking video_driver_has_widgets) */ menu_widgets_context_destroy(); menu_widgets_free(); #endif /* Video */ video_display_server_destroy(); crt_video_restore(); video_driver_use_rgba = false; video_driver_active = false; video_driver_cache_context = false; video_driver_cache_context_ack = false; video_driver_record_gpu_buffer = NULL; current_video = NULL; video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); /* Audio */ audio_driver_active = false; current_audio = NULL; /* Input */ input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable = false; input_driver_block_hotkey = false; input_driver_block_libretro_input = false; input_driver_nonblock_state = false; input_driver_flushing_input = false; memset(&input_driver_turbo_btns, 0, sizeof(turbo_buttons_t)); current_input = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_destroy(); menu_driver_alive = false; #endif location_driver_active = false; location_driver = NULL; /* Camera */ camera_driver_active = false; camera_driver = NULL; camera_data = NULL; wifi_driver_ctl(RARCH_WIFI_CTL_DESTROY, NULL); retro_ctx.frame_cb = retro_frame_null; retro_ctx.sample_cb = NULL; retro_ctx.sample_batch_cb = NULL; retro_ctx.state_cb = NULL; retro_ctx.poll_cb = retro_input_poll_null; current_core.inited = false; break; case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_SET_REFRESH_RATE: { float *hz = (float*)data; video_monitor_set_refresh_rate(*hz); audio_driver_monitor_set_rate(); driver_adjust_system_rates(); } break; case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_FIRST: { driver_ctx_info_t *drv = (driver_ctx_info_t*)data; if (!drv) return false; find_driver_nonempty(drv->label, 0, drv->s, drv->len); } break; case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_LAST: { driver_ctx_info_t *drv = (driver_ctx_info_t*)data; if (!drv) return false; return driver_find_last(drv->label, drv->s, drv->len); } case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_PREV: { driver_ctx_info_t *drv = (driver_ctx_info_t*)data; if (!drv) return false; return driver_find_prev(drv->label, drv->s, drv->len); } case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_NEXT: { driver_ctx_info_t *drv = (driver_ctx_info_t*)data; if (!drv) return false; return driver_find_next(drv->label, drv->s, drv->len); } case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_FIND_INDEX: { driver_ctx_info_t *drv = (driver_ctx_info_t*)data; if (!drv) return false; drv->len = driver_find_index(drv->label, drv->s); } break; case RARCH_DRIVER_CTL_NONE: default: break; } return true; } /* RUNAHEAD */ #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD static void *input_list_element_constructor(void) { void *ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(input_list_element)); input_list_element *element = (input_list_element*)ptr; element->state_size = 256; element->state = (int16_t*)calloc( element->state_size, sizeof(int16_t)); return ptr; } static void input_list_element_realloc( input_list_element *element, unsigned int new_size) { if (new_size > element->state_size) { element->state = (int16_t*)realloc(element->state, new_size * sizeof(int16_t)); memset(&element->state[element->state_size], 0, (new_size - element->state_size) * sizeof(int16_t)); element->state_size = new_size; } } static void input_list_element_expand( input_list_element *element, unsigned int newIndex) { unsigned int new_size = element->state_size; if (new_size == 0) new_size = 32; while (newIndex >= new_size) new_size *= 2; input_list_element_realloc(element, new_size); } static void input_list_element_destructor(void* element_ptr) { input_list_element *element = (input_list_element*)element_ptr; if (!element) return; free(element->state); free(element_ptr); } static void input_state_set_last(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned index, unsigned id, int16_t value) { unsigned i; input_list_element *element = NULL; if (!input_state_list) mylist_create(&input_state_list, 16, input_list_element_constructor, input_list_element_destructor); /* Find list item */ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)input_state_list->size; i++) { element = (input_list_element*)input_state_list->data[i]; if ( (element->port == port) && (element->device == device) && (element->index == index) ) { if (id >= element->state_size) input_list_element_expand(element, id); element->state[id] = value; return; } } element = (input_list_element*) mylist_add_element(input_state_list); element->port = port; element->device = device; element->index = index; if (id >= element->state_size) input_list_element_expand(element, id); element->state[id] = value; } static int16_t input_state_get_last(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned index, unsigned id) { unsigned i; if (!input_state_list) return 0; /* find list item */ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)input_state_list->size; i++) { input_list_element *element = (input_list_element*)input_state_list->data[i]; if ( (element->port == port) && (element->device == device) && (element->index == index)) { if (id < element->state_size) return element->state[id]; return 0; } } return 0; } static int16_t input_state_with_logging(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned index, unsigned id) { if (input_state_callback_original) { int16_t result = input_state_callback_original( port, device, index, id); int16_t last_input = input_state_get_last(port, device, index, id); if (result != last_input) input_is_dirty = true; /*arbitrary limit of up to 65536 elements in state array*/ if (id < 65536) input_state_set_last(port, device, index, id, result); return result; } return 0; } static void reset_hook(void) { input_is_dirty = true; if (retro_reset_callback_original) retro_reset_callback_original(); } static bool unserialize_hook(const void *buf, size_t size) { input_is_dirty = true; if (retro_unserialize_callback_original) return retro_unserialize_callback_original(buf, size); return false; } static void add_input_state_hook(void) { if (!input_state_callback_original) { input_state_callback_original = retro_ctx.state_cb; retro_ctx.state_cb = input_state_with_logging; current_core.retro_set_input_state(retro_ctx.state_cb); } if (!retro_reset_callback_original) { retro_reset_callback_original = current_core.retro_reset; current_core.retro_reset = reset_hook; } if (!retro_unserialize_callback_original) { retro_unserialize_callback_original = current_core.retro_unserialize; current_core.retro_unserialize = unserialize_hook; } } static void remove_input_state_hook(void) { if (input_state_callback_original) { retro_ctx.state_cb = input_state_callback_original; current_core.retro_set_input_state(retro_ctx.state_cb); input_state_callback_original = NULL; mylist_destroy(&input_state_list); } if (retro_reset_callback_original) { current_core.retro_reset = retro_reset_callback_original; retro_reset_callback_original = NULL; } if (retro_unserialize_callback_original) { current_core.retro_unserialize = retro_unserialize_callback_original; retro_unserialize_callback_original = NULL; } } static void *runahead_save_state_alloc(void) { retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *savestate = (retro_ctx_serialize_info_t*) malloc(sizeof(retro_ctx_serialize_info_t)); if (!savestate) return NULL; savestate->data = NULL; savestate->data_const = NULL; savestate->size = 0; if (runahead_save_state_size > 0 && runahead_save_state_size_known) { savestate->data = malloc(runahead_save_state_size); savestate->data_const = savestate->data; savestate->size = runahead_save_state_size; } return savestate; } static void runahead_save_state_free(void *data) { retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *savestate = (retro_ctx_serialize_info_t*)data; if (!savestate) return; free(savestate->data); free(savestate); } static void runahead_save_state_list_init(size_t saveStateSize) { runahead_save_state_size = saveStateSize; runahead_save_state_size_known = true; mylist_create(&runahead_save_state_list, 16, runahead_save_state_alloc, runahead_save_state_free); } #if 0 static void runahead_save_state_list_rotate(void) { unsigned i; void *element = NULL; void *firstElement = runahead_save_state_list->data[0]; for (i = 1; i < runahead_save_state_list->size; i++) runahead_save_state_list->data[i - 1] = runahead_save_state_list->data[i]; runahead_save_state_list->data[runahead_save_state_list->size - 1] = firstElement; } #endif /* Hooks - Hooks to cleanup, and add dirty input hooks */ static void runahead_remove_hooks(void) { if (original_retro_deinit) { current_core.retro_deinit = original_retro_deinit; original_retro_deinit = NULL; } if (original_retro_unload) { current_core.retro_unload_game = original_retro_unload; original_retro_unload = NULL; } remove_input_state_hook(); } static void runahead_clear_variables(void) { runahead_save_state_size = 0; runahead_save_state_size_known = false; runahead_video_driver_is_active = true; runahead_available = true; runahead_secondary_core_available = true; runahead_force_input_dirty = true; runahead_last_frame_count = 0; } static void runahead_destroy(void) { mylist_destroy(&runahead_save_state_list); runahead_remove_hooks(); runahead_clear_variables(); } static void unload_hook(void) { runahead_remove_hooks(); runahead_destroy(); secondary_core_destroy(); if (current_core.retro_unload_game) current_core.retro_unload_game(); } static void runahead_deinit_hook(void) { runahead_remove_hooks(); runahead_destroy(); secondary_core_destroy(); if (current_core.retro_deinit) current_core.retro_deinit(); } static void runahead_add_hooks(void) { if (!original_retro_deinit) { original_retro_deinit = current_core.retro_deinit; current_core.retro_deinit = runahead_deinit_hook; } if (!original_retro_unload) { original_retro_unload = current_core.retro_unload_game; current_core.retro_unload_game = unload_hook; } add_input_state_hook(); } /* Runahead Code */ static void runahead_error(void) { runahead_available = false; mylist_destroy(&runahead_save_state_list); runahead_remove_hooks(); runahead_save_state_size = 0; runahead_save_state_size_known = true; } static bool runahead_create(void) { /* get savestate size and allocate buffer */ retro_ctx_size_info_t info; request_fast_savestate = true; core_serialize_size(&info); request_fast_savestate = false; runahead_save_state_list_init(info.size); runahead_video_driver_is_active = video_driver_active; if (runahead_save_state_size == 0 || !runahead_save_state_size_known) { runahead_error(); return false; } runahead_add_hooks(); runahead_force_input_dirty = true; mylist_resize(runahead_save_state_list, 1, true); return true; } static bool runahead_save_state(void) { retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *serialize_info; bool okay = false; if (!runahead_save_state_list) return false; serialize_info = (retro_ctx_serialize_info_t*)runahead_save_state_list->data[0]; request_fast_savestate = true; okay = core_serialize(serialize_info); request_fast_savestate = false; if (okay) return true; runahead_error(); return false; } static bool runahead_load_state(void) { bool okay = false; retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *serialize_info = (retro_ctx_serialize_info_t*) runahead_save_state_list->data[0]; bool last_dirty = input_is_dirty; request_fast_savestate = true; /* calling core_unserialize has side effects with * netplay (it triggers transmitting your save state) call retro_unserialize directly from the core instead */ okay = current_core.retro_unserialize( serialize_info->data_const, serialize_info->size); request_fast_savestate = false; input_is_dirty = last_dirty; if (!okay) runahead_error(); return okay; } #if HAVE_DYNAMIC static bool runahead_load_state_secondary(void) { bool okay = false; retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *serialize_info = (retro_ctx_serialize_info_t*)runahead_save_state_list->data[0]; request_fast_savestate = true; okay = secondary_core_deserialize( serialize_info->data_const, (int)serialize_info->size); request_fast_savestate = false; if (!okay) { runahead_secondary_core_available = false; runahead_error(); return false; } return true; } #define runahead_run_secondary() \ if (!secondary_core_run_use_last_input()) \ runahead_secondary_core_available = false #endif #define runahead_resume_video() \ if (runahead_video_driver_is_active) \ video_driver_active = true; \ else \ video_driver_active = false static bool runahead_core_run_use_last_input(void) { retro_input_poll_t old_poll_function = retro_ctx.poll_cb; retro_input_state_t old_input_function = retro_ctx.state_cb; retro_ctx.poll_cb = retro_input_poll_null; retro_ctx.state_cb = input_state_get_last; current_core.retro_set_input_poll(retro_ctx.poll_cb); current_core.retro_set_input_state(retro_ctx.state_cb); current_core.retro_run(); retro_ctx.poll_cb = old_poll_function; retro_ctx.state_cb = old_input_function; current_core.retro_set_input_poll(retro_ctx.poll_cb); current_core.retro_set_input_state(retro_ctx.state_cb); return true; } static void do_runahead(int runahead_count, bool use_secondary) { int frame_number = 0; bool last_frame = false; bool suspended_frame = false; #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC) || defined(HAVE_DYLIB) const bool have_dynamic = true; #else const bool have_dynamic = false; #endif uint64_t frame_count = video_driver_frame_count; if (runahead_count <= 0 || !runahead_available) goto force_input_dirty; if (!runahead_save_state_size_known) { if (!runahead_create()) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!settings->bools.run_ahead_hide_warnings) runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RUNAHEAD_CORE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SAVESTATES), 0, 2 * 60, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); goto force_input_dirty; } } /* Check for GUI */ /* Hack: If we were in the GUI, force a resync. */ if (frame_count != runahead_last_frame_count + 1) runahead_force_input_dirty = true; runahead_last_frame_count = frame_count; if (!use_secondary || !have_dynamic || !runahead_secondary_core_available) { /* TODO: multiple savestates for higher performance * when not using secondary core */ for (frame_number = 0; frame_number <= runahead_count; frame_number++) { last_frame = frame_number == runahead_count; suspended_frame = !last_frame; if (suspended_frame) { audio_suspended = true; video_driver_active = false; } if (frame_number == 0) core_run(); else runahead_core_run_use_last_input(); if (suspended_frame) { runahead_resume_video(); audio_suspended = false; } if (frame_number == 0) { if (!runahead_save_state()) { runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RUNAHEAD_FAILED_TO_SAVE_STATE), 0, 3 * 60, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); return; } } if (last_frame) { if (!runahead_load_state()) { runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RUNAHEAD_FAILED_TO_LOAD_STATE), 0, 3 * 60, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); return; } } } } else { #if HAVE_DYNAMIC if (!secondary_core_ensure_exists()) { runahead_secondary_core_available = false; runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RUNAHEAD_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SECONDARY_INSTANCE), 0, 3 * 60, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); goto force_input_dirty; } /* run main core with video suspended */ video_driver_active = false; core_run(); runahead_resume_video(); if (input_is_dirty || runahead_force_input_dirty) { input_is_dirty = false; if (!runahead_save_state()) { runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RUNAHEAD_FAILED_TO_SAVE_STATE), 0, 3 * 60, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); return; } if (!runahead_load_state_secondary()) { runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RUNAHEAD_FAILED_TO_LOAD_STATE), 0, 3 * 60, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); return; } for (frame_number = 0; frame_number < runahead_count - 1; frame_number++) { video_driver_active = false; audio_suspended = true; hard_disable_audio = true; runahead_run_secondary(); hard_disable_audio = false; audio_suspended = false; runahead_resume_video(); } } audio_suspended = true; hard_disable_audio = true; runahead_run_secondary(); hard_disable_audio = false; audio_suspended = false; #endif } runahead_force_input_dirty = false; return; force_input_dirty: core_run(); runahead_force_input_dirty = true; } #endif static retro_time_t rarch_core_runtime_tick(void) { retro_time_t frame_time = (1.0 / video_driver_av_info.timing.fps) * 1000000; /* Account for slow motion */ if (runloop_slowmotion) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; return (retro_time_t)((double) frame_time * settings->floats.slowmotion_ratio); } /* Account for fast forward */ if (runloop_fastmotion) { /* Doing it this way means we miss the first frame after * turning fast forward on, but it saves the overhead of * having to do: * retro_time_t current_usec = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); * libretro_core_runtime_last = current_usec; * every frame when fast forward is off. */ retro_time_t current_usec = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); retro_time_t potential_frame_time = current_usec - libretro_core_runtime_last; libretro_core_runtime_last = current_usec; if (potential_frame_time < frame_time) return potential_frame_time; } return frame_time; } static void retroarch_print_features(void) { frontend_driver_attach_console(); puts(""); puts("Features:"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_LIBRETRODB, "LibretroDB", "LibretroDB support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_COMMAND, "Command", "Command interface support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_NETWORK_COMMAND, "Network Command", "Network Command interface " "support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_SDL, "SDL", "SDL input/audio/video drivers"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_SDL2, "SDL2", "SDL2 input/audio/video drivers"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_X11, "X11", "X11 input/video drivers"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_WAYLAND, "wayland", "Wayland input/video drivers"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_THREAD, "Threads", "Threading support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_VULKAN, "Vulkan", "Vulkan video driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_METAL, "Metal", "Metal video driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_OPENGL, "OpenGL", "OpenGL video driver support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_OPENGLES, "OpenGL ES", "OpenGLES video driver support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_XVIDEO, "XVideo", "Video driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_UDEV, "UDEV", "UDEV/EVDEV input driver support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_EGL, "EGL", "Video context driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_KMS, "KMS", "Video context driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_VG, "OpenVG", "Video context driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_COREAUDIO, "CoreAudio", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_COREAUDIO3, "CoreAudioV3", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_ALSA, "ALSA", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_OSS, "OSS", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_JACK, "Jack", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_RSOUND, "RSound", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_ROAR, "RoarAudio", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_PULSE, "PulseAudio", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_DSOUND, "DirectSound", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_WASAPI, "WASAPI", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_XAUDIO, "XAudio2", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_AL, "OpenAL", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_SL, "OpenSL", "Audio driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_7ZIP, "7zip", "7zip extraction support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_ZLIB, "zlib", ".zip extraction support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_DYLIB, "External", "External filter and plugin support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_CG, "Cg", "Fragment/vertex shader driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_GLSL, "GLSL", "Fragment/vertex shader driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_HLSL, "HLSL", "Fragment/vertex shader driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_SDL_IMAGE, "SDL_image", "SDL_image image loading"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_RPNG, "rpng", "PNG image loading/encoding"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_RJPEG, "rjpeg", "JPEG image loading"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_DYNAMIC, "Dynamic", "Dynamic run-time loading of " "libretro library"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_FFMPEG, "FFmpeg", "On-the-fly recording of gameplay " "with libavcodec"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_FREETYPE, "FreeType", "TTF font rendering driver"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_CORETEXT, "CoreText", "TTF font rendering driver " "(for OSX and/or iOS)"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_NETPLAY, "Netplay", "Peer-to-peer netplay"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_PYTHON, "Python", "Script support in shaders"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_LIBUSB, "Libusb", "Libusb support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_COCOA, "Cocoa", "Cocoa UI companion support " "(for OSX and/or iOS)"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_QT, "Qt", "Qt UI companion support"); _PSUPP(SUPPORTS_V4L2, "Video4Linux2", "Camera driver"); } static void retroarch_print_version(void) { char str[255]; frontend_driver_attach_console(); str[0] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s -- v%s", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PROGRAM), msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LIBRETRO_FRONTEND), PACKAGE_VERSION); #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION printf(" -- %s --\n", retroarch_git_version); #endif retroarch_get_capabilities(RARCH_CAPABILITIES_COMPILER, str, sizeof(str)); fprintf(stdout, "%s", str); fprintf(stdout, "Built: %s\n", __DATE__); } /** * retroarch_print_help: * * Prints help message explaining the program's commandline switches. **/ static void retroarch_print_help(const char *arg0) { frontend_driver_attach_console(); puts("==================================================================="); retroarch_print_version(); puts("==================================================================="); printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]... [FILE]\n", arg0); puts(" -h, --help Show this help message."); puts(" -v, --verbose Verbose logging."); puts(" --log-file FILE Log messages to FILE."); puts(" --version Show version."); puts(" --features Prints available features compiled into " "program."); #ifdef HAVE_MENU puts(" --menu Do not require content or libretro core to " "be loaded,\n" " starts directly in menu. If no arguments " "are passed to\n" " the program, it is equivalent to using " "--menu as only argument."); #endif puts(" -s, --save=PATH Path for save files (*.srm)."); puts(" -S, --savestate=PATH Path for the save state files (*.state)."); puts(" -f, --fullscreen Start the program in fullscreen regardless " "of config settings."); puts(" -c, --config=FILE Path for config file." #ifdef _WIN32 "\n\t\tDefaults to retroarch.cfg in same directory as retroarch.exe." "\n\t\tIf a default config is not found, the program will attempt to" "create one." #else "\n\t\tBy default looks for config in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/retroarch/" "retroarch.cfg,\n\t\t$HOME/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg,\n\t\t" "and $HOME/.retroarch.cfg.\n\t\tIf a default config is not found, " "the program will attempt to create one based on the \n\t\t" "skeleton config (" GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR "/retroarch.cfg). \n" #endif ); puts(" --appendconfig=FILE\n" " Extra config files are loaded in, " "and take priority over\n" " config selected in -c (or default). " "Multiple configs are\n" " delimited by '|'."); #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC puts(" -L, --libretro=FILE Path to libretro implementation. " "Overrides any config setting."); #endif puts(" --subsystem=NAME Use a subsystem of the libretro core. " "Multiple content\n" " files are loaded as multiple arguments. " "If a content\n" " file is skipped, use a blank (\"\") " "command line argument.\n" " Content must be loaded in an order " "which depends on the\n" " particular subsystem used. See verbose " "log output to learn\n" " how a particular subsystem wants content " "to be loaded.\n"); printf(" -N, --nodevice=PORT\n" " Disconnects controller device connected " "to PORT (1 to %d).\n", MAX_USERS); printf(" -A, --dualanalog=PORT\n" " Connect a DualAnalog controller to PORT " "(1 to %d).\n", MAX_USERS); printf(" -d, --device=PORT:ID\n" " Connect a generic device into PORT of " "the device (1 to %d).\n", MAX_USERS); puts(" Format is PORT:ID, where ID is a number " "corresponding to the particular device."); puts(" -P, --bsvplay=FILE Playback a BSV movie file."); puts(" -R, --bsvrecord=FILE Start recording a BSV movie file from " "the beginning."); puts(" --eof-exit Exit upon reaching the end of the " "BSV movie file."); puts(" -M, --sram-mode=MODE SRAM handling mode. MODE can be " "'noload-nosave',\n" " 'noload-save', 'load-nosave' or " "'load-save'.\n" " Note: 'noload-save' implies that " "save files *WILL BE OVERWRITTEN*."); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING puts(" -H, --host Host netplay as user 1."); puts(" -C, --connect=HOST Connect to netplay server as user 2."); puts(" --port=PORT Port used to netplay. Default is 55435."); puts(" --stateless Use \"stateless\" mode for netplay"); puts(" (requires a very fast network)."); puts(" --check-frames=NUMBER\n" " Check frames when using netplay."); #if defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) puts(" --command Sends a command over UDP to an already " "running program process."); puts(" Available commands are listed if command is invalid."); #endif #endif puts(" --nick=NICK Picks a username (for use with netplay). " "Not mandatory."); puts(" -r, --record=FILE Path to record video file.\n " "Using .mkv extension is recommended."); puts(" --recordconfig Path to settings used during recording."); puts(" --size=WIDTHxHEIGHT\n" " Overrides output video size when recording."); puts(" -U, --ups=FILE Specifies path for UPS patch that will be " "applied to content."); puts(" --bps=FILE Specifies path for BPS patch that will be " "applied to content."); puts(" --ips=FILE Specifies path for IPS patch that will be " "applied to content."); puts(" --no-patch Disables all forms of content patching."); puts(" -D, --detach Detach program from the running console. " "Not relevant for all platforms."); puts(" --max-frames=NUMBER\n" " Runs for the specified number of frames, " "then exits."); puts(" --max-frames-ss\n" " Takes a screenshot at the end of max-frames."); puts(" --max-frames-ss-path=FILE\n" " Path to save the screenshot to at the end of max-frames.\n"); } #define FFMPEG_RECORD_ARG "r:" #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC #define DYNAMIC_ARG "L:" #else #define DYNAMIC_ARG #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING #define NETPLAY_ARG "HC:F:" #else #define NETPLAY_ARG #endif #define BSV_MOVIE_ARG "P:R:M:" /** * retroarch_parse_input_and_config: * @argc : Count of (commandline) arguments. * @argv : (Commandline) arguments. * * Parses (commandline) arguments passed to program and loads the config file, * with command line options overriding the config file. * **/ static void retroarch_parse_input_and_config(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned i; static bool first_run = true; const char *optstring = NULL; bool explicit_menu = false; global_t *global = &g_extern; const struct option opts[] = { #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC { "libretro", 1, NULL, 'L' }, #endif { "menu", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_MENU }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "save", 1, NULL, 's' }, { "fullscreen", 0, NULL, 'f' }, { "record", 1, NULL, 'r' }, { "recordconfig", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_RECORDCONFIG }, { "size", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_SIZE }, { "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' }, { "config", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { "appendconfig", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_APPENDCONFIG }, { "nodevice", 1, NULL, 'N' }, { "dualanalog", 1, NULL, 'A' }, { "device", 1, NULL, 'd' }, { "savestate", 1, NULL, 'S' }, { "bsvplay", 1, NULL, 'P' }, { "bsvrecord", 1, NULL, 'R' }, { "sram-mode", 1, NULL, 'M' }, #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING { "host", 0, NULL, 'H' }, { "connect", 1, NULL, 'C' }, { "stateless", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_STATELESS }, { "check-frames", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_CHECK_FRAMES }, { "port", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_PORT }, #if defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) { "command", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_COMMAND }, #endif #endif { "nick", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_NICK }, { "ups", 1, NULL, 'U' }, { "bps", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_BPS }, { "ips", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_IPS }, { "no-patch", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_NO_PATCH }, { "detach", 0, NULL, 'D' }, { "features", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_FEATURES }, { "subsystem", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_SUBSYSTEM }, { "max-frames", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES }, { "max-frames-ss", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES_SCREENSHOT }, { "max-frames-ss-path", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES_SCREENSHOT_PATH }, { "eof-exit", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_EOF_EXIT }, { "version", 0, NULL, RA_OPT_VERSION }, { "log-file", 1, NULL, RA_OPT_LOG_FILE }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; if (first_run) { /* Copy the args into a buffer so launch arguments can be reused */ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)argc; i++) { strlcat(launch_arguments, argv[i], sizeof(launch_arguments)); strlcat(launch_arguments, " ", sizeof(launch_arguments)); } string_trim_whitespace_left(launch_arguments); string_trim_whitespace_right(launch_arguments); first_run = false; } /* Handling the core type is finicky. Based on the arguments we pass in, * we handle it differently. * Some current cases which track desired behavior and how it is supposed to work: * * Dynamically linked RA: * ./retroarch -> CORE_TYPE_DUMMY * ./retroarch -v -> CORE_TYPE_DUMMY + verbose * ./retroarch --menu -> CORE_TYPE_DUMMY * ./retroarch --menu -v -> CORE_TYPE_DUMMY + verbose * ./retroarch -L contentless-core -> CORE_TYPE_PLAIN * ./retroarch -L content-core -> CORE_TYPE_PLAIN + FAIL (This currently crashes) * ./retroarch [-L content-core] ROM -> CORE_TYPE_PLAIN * ./retroarch <-L or ROM> --menu -> FAIL * * The heuristic here seems to be that if we use the -L CLI option or * optind < argc at the end we should set CORE_TYPE_PLAIN. * To handle --menu, we should ensure that CORE_TYPE_DUMMY is still set * otherwise, fail early, since the CLI options are non-sensical. * We could also simply ignore --menu in this case to be more friendly with * bogus arguments. */ if (!has_set_core) retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_DUMMY, false); path_clear(RARCH_PATH_SUBSYSTEM); retroarch_override_setting_free_state(); has_set_username = false; rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_UNSET_UPS_PREF, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_UNSET_IPS_PREF, NULL); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_UNSET_BPS_PREF, NULL); *global->name.ups = '\0'; *global->name.bps = '\0'; *global->name.ips = '\0'; runloop_overrides_active = false; /* Make sure we can call retroarch_parse_input several times ... */ optind = 0; optstring = "hs:fvS:A:c:U:DN:d:" BSV_MOVIE_ARG NETPLAY_ARG DYNAMIC_ARG FFMPEG_RECORD_ARG; #ifdef ORBIS argv = &(argv[2]); argc = argc - 2; #endif #ifndef HAVE_MENU if (argc == 1) { printf("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_NO_ARGUMENTS_SUPPLIED_AND_NO_MENU_BUILTIN)); retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); exit(0); } #endif /* First pass: Read the config file path and any directory overrides, so * they're in place when we load the config */ if (argc) { for (;;) { int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, opts, NULL); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "c is: %c (%d), optarg is: [%s]\n", c, c, string_is_empty(optarg) ? "" : optarg); #endif if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'h': retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); exit(0); case 'c': RARCH_LOG("Set config file to : %s\n", optarg); path_set(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG, optarg); break; case RA_OPT_APPENDCONFIG: path_set(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG_APPEND, optarg); break; case 's': strlcpy(global->name.savefile, optarg, sizeof(global->name.savefile)); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH, NULL); break; case 'S': strlcpy(global->name.savestate, optarg, sizeof(global->name.savestate)); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_STATE_PATH, NULL); break; /* Must handle '?' otherwise you get an infinite loop */ case '?': retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); break; /* All other arguments are handled in the second pass */ } } } /* Flush out some states that could have been set * by core environment variables. */ current_core.has_set_input_descriptors = false; /* Load the config file now that we know what it is */ if (!rarch_block_config_read) { config_set_defaults(); config_parse_file(); } /* Second pass: All other arguments override the config file */ optind = 1; if (argc) { for (;;) { int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, opts, NULL); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'd': { unsigned new_port; unsigned id = 0; struct string_list *list = string_split(optarg, ":"); int port = 0; if (list && list->size == 2) { port = (int)strtol(list->elems[0].data, NULL, 0); id = (unsigned)strtoul(list->elems[1].data, NULL, 0); } string_list_free(list); if (port < 1 || port > MAX_USERS) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VALUE_CONNECT_DEVICE_FROM_A_VALID_PORT)); retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } new_port = port -1; input_config_set_device(new_port, id); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE, &new_port); } break; case 'A': { unsigned new_port; int port = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); if (port < 1 || port > MAX_USERS) { RARCH_ERR("Connect dualanalog to a valid port.\n"); retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } new_port = port - 1; input_config_set_device(new_port, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE, &new_port); } break; case 'f': rarch_force_fullscreen = true; break; case 'v': verbosity_enable(); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_VERBOSITY, NULL); break; case 'N': { unsigned new_port; int port = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); if (port < 1 || port > MAX_USERS) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DISCONNECT_DEVICE_FROM_A_VALID_PORT)); retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } new_port = port - 1; input_config_set_device(port - 1, RETRO_DEVICE_NONE); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE, &new_port); } break; case 'r': strlcpy(global->record.path, optarg, sizeof(global->record.path)); if (recording_enable) recording_enable = true; break; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC case 'L': { int path_stats = path_stat(optarg); if ((path_stats & RETRO_VFS_STAT_IS_DIRECTORY) != 0) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; path_clear(RARCH_PATH_CORE); strlcpy(settings->paths.directory_libretro, optarg, sizeof(settings->paths.directory_libretro)); retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO, NULL); retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DIRECTORY, NULL); RARCH_WARN("Using old --libretro behavior. " "Setting libretro_directory to \"%s\" instead.\n", optarg); } else if ((path_stats & RETRO_VFS_STAT_IS_VALID) != 0) { path_set(RARCH_PATH_CORE, optarg); retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO, NULL); /* We requested explicit core, so use PLAIN core type. */ retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); } else { RARCH_WARN("--libretro argument \"%s\" is neither a file nor directory. Ignoring.\n", optarg); } } break; #endif case 'P': case 'R': strlcpy(bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path, optarg, sizeof(bsv_movie_state.movie_start_path)); if (c == 'P') bsv_movie_state.movie_start_playback = true; else bsv_movie_state.movie_start_playback = false; if (c == 'R') bsv_movie_state.movie_start_recording = true; else bsv_movie_state.movie_start_recording = false; break; case 'M': if (string_is_equal(optarg, "noload-nosave")) { rarch_is_sram_load_disabled = true; rarch_is_sram_save_disabled = true; } else if (string_is_equal(optarg, "noload-save")) rarch_is_sram_load_disabled = true; else if (string_is_equal(optarg, "load-nosave")) rarch_is_sram_save_disabled = true; else if (string_is_not_equal(optarg, "load-save")) { RARCH_ERR("Invalid argument in --sram-mode.\n"); retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } break; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING case 'H': retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_MODE, NULL); netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_ENABLE_SERVER, NULL); break; case 'C': { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_MODE, NULL); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_ADDRESS, NULL); netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_ENABLE_CLIENT, NULL); strlcpy(settings->paths.netplay_server, optarg, sizeof(settings->paths.netplay_server)); } break; case RA_OPT_STATELESS: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; configuration_set_bool(settings, settings->bools.netplay_stateless_mode, true); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_STATELESS_MODE, NULL); } break; case RA_OPT_CHECK_FRAMES: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_CHECK_FRAMES, NULL); configuration_set_int(settings, settings->ints.netplay_check_frames, (int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0)); } break; case RA_OPT_PORT: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_PORT, NULL); configuration_set_uint(settings, settings->uints.netplay_port, (int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0)); } break; #if defined(HAVE_NETWORK_CMD) case RA_OPT_COMMAND: #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND if (command_network_send((const char*)optarg)) exit(0); else retroarch_fail(1, "network_cmd_send()"); #endif break; #endif #endif case RA_OPT_BPS: strlcpy(global->name.bps, optarg, sizeof(global->name.bps)); rarch_bps_pref = true; retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_BPS_PREF, NULL); break; case 'U': strlcpy(global->name.ups, optarg, sizeof(global->name.ups)); rarch_ups_pref = true; retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_UPS_PREF, NULL); break; case RA_OPT_IPS: strlcpy(global->name.ips, optarg, sizeof(global->name.ips)); rarch_ips_pref = true; retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_IPS_PREF, NULL); break; case RA_OPT_NO_PATCH: rarch_patch_blocked = true; break; case 'D': frontend_driver_detach_console(); break; case RA_OPT_MENU: explicit_menu = true; break; case RA_OPT_NICK: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; has_set_username = true; strlcpy(settings->paths.username, optarg, sizeof(settings->paths.username)); } break; case RA_OPT_SIZE: if (sscanf(optarg, "%ux%u", &recording_width, &recording_height) != 2) { RARCH_ERR("Wrong format for --size.\n"); retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } break; case RA_OPT_RECORDCONFIG: strlcpy(global->record.config, optarg, sizeof(global->record.config)); break; case RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES: runloop_max_frames = (unsigned)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES_SCREENSHOT: runloop_max_frames_screenshot = true; break; case RA_OPT_MAX_FRAMES_SCREENSHOT_PATH: strlcpy(runloop_max_frames_screenshot_path, optarg, sizeof(runloop_max_frames_screenshot_path)); break; case RA_OPT_SUBSYSTEM: path_set(RARCH_PATH_SUBSYSTEM, optarg); break; case RA_OPT_FEATURES: retroarch_print_features(); exit(0); case RA_OPT_EOF_EXIT: bsv_movie_state.eof_exit = true; break; case RA_OPT_VERSION: retroarch_print_version(); exit(0); case RA_OPT_LOG_FILE: { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; /* Enable 'log to file' */ configuration_set_bool(settings, settings->bools.log_to_file, true); retroarch_override_setting_set( RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LOG_TO_FILE, NULL); /* Cache log file path override */ log_file_override_active = true; strlcpy(log_file_override_path, optarg, sizeof(log_file_override_path)); } break; case 'c': case 'h': case RA_OPT_APPENDCONFIG: case 's': case 'S': break; /* Handled in the first pass */ case '?': retroarch_print_help(argv[0]); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); default: RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_ERROR_PARSING_ARGUMENTS)); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } } } if (verbosity_is_enabled()) rarch_log_file_init(); #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION RARCH_LOG("RetroArch %s (Git %s)\n", PACKAGE_VERSION, retroarch_git_version); #endif if (explicit_menu) { if (optind < argc) { RARCH_ERR("--menu was used, but content file was passed as well.\n"); retroarch_fail(1, "retroarch_parse_input()"); } #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC else { /* Allow stray -L arguments to go through to workaround cases * where it's used as "config file". * * This seems to still be the case for Android, which * should be properly fixed. */ retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_DUMMY, false); } #endif } if (optind < argc) { bool subsystem_path_is_empty = path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_SUBSYSTEM); /* We requested explicit ROM, so use PLAIN core type. */ retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_PLAIN, false); if (subsystem_path_is_empty) path_set(RARCH_PATH_NAMES, (const char*)argv[optind]); else path_set_special(argv + optind, argc - optind); } /* Copy SRM/state dirs used, so they can be reused on reentrancy. */ if (retroarch_override_setting_is_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH, NULL) && path_is_directory(global->name.savefile)) dir_set(RARCH_DIR_SAVEFILE, global->name.savefile); if (retroarch_override_setting_is_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_STATE_PATH, NULL) && path_is_directory(global->name.savestate)) dir_set(RARCH_DIR_SAVESTATE, global->name.savestate); } bool retroarch_validate_game_options(char *s, size_t len, bool mkdir) { char *config_directory = NULL; size_t str_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); const char *core_name = runloop_system.info.library_name; const char *game_name = path_basename(path_get(RARCH_PATH_BASENAME)); if (string_is_empty(core_name) || string_is_empty(game_name)) return false; config_directory = (char*)malloc(str_size); config_directory[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_application_special(config_directory, str_size, APPLICATION_SPECIAL_DIRECTORY_CONFIG); /* Concatenate strings into full paths for game_path */ fill_pathname_join_special_ext(s, config_directory, core_name, game_name, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_OPT_EXTENSION), len); /* No need to make a directory if file already exists... */ if (mkdir && !path_is_valid(s)) { char *core_path = (char*)malloc(str_size); core_path[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join(core_path, config_directory, core_name, str_size); if (!path_is_directory(core_path)) path_mkdir(core_path); free(core_path); } free(config_directory); return true; } bool retroarch_validate_per_core_options(char *s, size_t len, bool mkdir) { char *config_directory = NULL; size_t str_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); const char *core_name = runloop_system.info.library_name; if (string_is_empty(core_name)) return false; config_directory = (char*)malloc(str_size); config_directory[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_application_special(config_directory, str_size, APPLICATION_SPECIAL_DIRECTORY_CONFIG); /* Concatenate strings into full paths for core options path */ fill_pathname_join_special_ext(s, config_directory, core_name, core_name, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_OPT_EXTENSION), len); /* No need to make a directory if file already exists... */ if (mkdir && !path_is_valid(s)) { char *core_options_dir = (char*)malloc(str_size); core_options_dir[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join(core_options_dir, config_directory, core_name, str_size); if (!path_is_directory(core_options_dir)) path_mkdir(core_options_dir); free(core_options_dir); } free(config_directory); return true; } /* Validates CPU features for given processor architecture. * Make sure we haven't compiled for something we cannot run. * Ideally, code would get swapped out depending on CPU support, * but this will do for now. */ static void retroarch_validate_cpu_features(void) { uint64_t cpu = cpu_features_get(); (void)cpu; #ifdef __MMX__ if (!(cpu & RETRO_SIMD_MMX)) FAIL_CPU("MMX"); #endif #ifdef __SSE__ if (!(cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE)) FAIL_CPU("SSE"); #endif #ifdef __SSE2__ if (!(cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE2)) FAIL_CPU("SSE2"); #endif #ifdef __AVX__ if (!(cpu & RETRO_SIMD_AVX)) FAIL_CPU("AVX"); #endif } /** * retroarch_main_init: * @argc : Count of (commandline) arguments. * @argv : (Commandline) arguments. * * Initializes the program. * * Returns: true on success, otherwise false if there was an error. **/ bool retroarch_main_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool init_failed = false; global_t *global = &g_extern; #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(HAVE_DRMINGW) char log_file_name[128]; #endif video_driver_active = true; audio_driver_active = true; if (setjmp(error_sjlj_context) > 0) { RARCH_ERR("%s: \"%s\"\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FATAL_ERROR_RECEIVED_IN), error_string); return false; } rarch_error_on_init = true; /* Have to initialise non-file logging once at the start... */ retro_main_log_file_init(NULL, false); retroarch_parse_input_and_config(argc, argv); if (verbosity_is_enabled()) { char str[128]; const char *cpu_model = NULL; str[0] = '\0'; cpu_model = frontend_driver_get_cpu_model_name(); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("=== Build =======================================\n"); if (!string_is_empty(cpu_model)) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("CPU Model Name: %s\n", cpu_model); retroarch_get_capabilities(RARCH_CAPABILITIES_CPU, str, sizeof(str)); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("%s: %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CAPABILITIES), str); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Built: %s\n", __DATE__); RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Version: %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Git: %s\n", retroarch_git_version); #endif RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("=================================================\n"); } #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(HAVE_DRMINGW) RARCH_LOG_OUTPUT("Initializing Dr.MingW Exception handler\n"); fill_str_dated_filename(log_file_name, "crash", "log", sizeof(log_file_name)); ExcHndlInit(); ExcHndlSetLogFileNameA(log_file_name); #endif retroarch_validate_cpu_features(); rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_TASK_INIT, NULL); { const char *fullpath = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT); if (!string_is_empty(fullpath)) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; enum rarch_content_type cont_type = path_is_media_type(fullpath); #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER bool builtin_imageviewer = settings ? settings->bools.multimedia_builtin_imageviewer_enable : false; #endif bool builtin_mediaplayer = settings ? settings->bools.multimedia_builtin_mediaplayer_enable : false; switch (cont_type) { case RARCH_CONTENT_MOVIE: case RARCH_CONTENT_MUSIC: if (builtin_mediaplayer) { /* TODO/FIXME - it needs to become possible to * switch between FFmpeg and MPV at runtime */ #if defined(HAVE_MPV) retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO, NULL); retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_MPV, false); #elif defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO, NULL); retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_FFMPEG, false); #endif } break; #ifdef HAVE_IMAGEVIEWER case RARCH_CONTENT_IMAGE: if (builtin_imageviewer) { retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO, NULL); retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_IMAGEVIEWER, false); } break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_EASTEREGG case RARCH_CONTENT_GONG: retroarch_override_setting_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO, NULL); retroarch_set_current_core_type(CORE_TYPE_GONG, false); break; #endif default: break; } } } /* Pre-initialize all drivers * Attempts to find a default driver for * all driver types. */ audio_driver_find_driver(); video_driver_find_driver(); input_driver_find_driver(); camera_driver_find_driver(); wifi_driver_ctl(RARCH_WIFI_CTL_FIND_DRIVER, NULL); find_location_driver(); #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_FIND_DRIVER, NULL); #endif /* Attempt to initialize core */ if (has_set_core) { has_set_core = false; if (!command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_INIT, &explicit_current_core_type)) init_failed = true; } else if (!command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_INIT, ¤t_core_type)) init_failed = true; /* Handle core initialization failure */ if (init_failed) { /* Check if menu was active prior to core initialization */ if (!content_launched_from_cli() #ifdef HAVE_MENU || menu_driver_alive #endif ) { /* Attempt initializing dummy core */ current_core_type = CORE_TYPE_DUMMY; if (!command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_INIT, ¤t_core_type)) goto error; } else { /* Fall back to regular error handling */ goto error; } } cheat_manager_state_free(); command_event_init_cheats(); drivers_init(DRIVERS_CMD_ALL); input_driver_deinit_command(); input_driver_init_command(); input_driver_deinit_remote(); input_driver_init_remote(); input_driver_deinit_mapper(); input_driver_init_mapper(); command_event(CMD_EVENT_REWIND_INIT, NULL); command_event_init_controllers(); if (!string_is_empty(global->record.path)) command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_INIT, NULL); path_init_savefile(); command_event(CMD_EVENT_SET_PER_GAME_RESOLUTION, NULL); rarch_error_on_init = false; rarch_is_inited = true; #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD if (command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_INIT, NULL)) discord_is_inited = true; if (discord_is_inited) { discord_userdata_t userdata; userdata.status = DISCORD_PRESENCE_MENU; command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE, &userdata); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_AUDIOMIXER) if (configuration_settings->bools.audio_enable_menu) audio_driver_load_menu_sounds(); #endif return true; error: command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_DEINIT, NULL); rarch_is_inited = false; return false; } #if 0 static bool retroarch_is_on_main_thread(void) { #ifdef HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE if (sthread_tls_get(&rarch_tls) != MAGIC_POINTER) return false; #endif return true; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* This callback gets triggered by the keyboard whenever * we press or release a keyboard key. When a keyboard * key is being pressed down, 'down' will be true. If it * is being released, 'down' will be false. */ static void menu_input_key_event(bool down, unsigned keycode, uint32_t character, uint16_t mod) { enum retro_key key = (enum retro_key)keycode; if (key == RETROK_UNKNOWN) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RETROK_LAST; i++) menu_keyboard_key_state[i] = (menu_keyboard_key_state[(enum retro_key)i] & 1) << 1; } else menu_keyboard_key_state[key] = ((menu_keyboard_key_state[key] & 1) << 1) | down; } /* Gets called when we want to toggle the menu. * If the menu is already running, it will be turned off. * If the menu is off, then the menu will be started. */ static void menu_driver_toggle(bool on) { retro_keyboard_event_t *key_event = &runloop_key_event; retro_keyboard_event_t *frontend_key_event = &runloop_frontend_key_event; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool pause_libretro = settings ? settings->bools.menu_pause_libretro : false; bool enable_menu_sound = settings ? settings->bools.audio_enable_menu : false; menu_handle_t *menu_data = menu_driver_get_ptr(); if (!menu_data) return; menu_driver_toggled = on; if (!on) menu_display_toggle_set_reason(MENU_TOGGLE_REASON_NONE); if (menu_data->driver_ctx && menu_data->driver_ctx->toggle) menu_data->driver_ctx->toggle(menu_data->userdata, on); menu_driver_alive = on; if (menu_driver_alive) { bool refresh = false; #ifdef WIIU /* Enable burn-in protection menu is running */ IMEnableDim(); #endif menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_SET_REFRESH, &refresh); /* Menu should always run with vsync on. */ if (current_video->set_nonblock_state) current_video->set_nonblock_state(video_driver_data, false); /* Stop all rumbling before entering the menu. */ command_event(CMD_EVENT_RUMBLE_STOP, NULL); if (pause_libretro && !enable_menu_sound) command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_STOP, NULL); /*if (settings->bools.audio_enable_menu && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_bgm) audio_driver_mixer_play_menu_sound_looped(AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_BGM);*/ /* Override keyboard callback to redirect to menu instead. * We'll use this later for something ... */ if (key_event && frontend_key_event) { *frontend_key_event = *key_event; *key_event = menu_input_key_event; runloop_frame_time_last = 0; } } else { #ifdef WIIU /* Disable burn-in protection while core is running; this is needed * because HID inputs don't count for the purpose of Wii U * power-saving. */ IMDisableDim(); #endif if (!runloop_shutdown_initiated) driver_set_nonblock_state(); if (pause_libretro && !enable_menu_sound) command_event(CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_START, NULL); /*if (settings->bools.audio_enable_menu && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_bgm) audio_driver_mixer_stop_stream(AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_BGM);*/ /* Restore libretro keyboard callback. */ if (key_event && frontend_key_event) *key_event = *frontend_key_event; } } #endif void retroarch_menu_running(void) { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) || defined(HAVE_OVERLAY) settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_toggle(true); /* Prevent stray input */ input_driver_flushing_input = true; #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER if (settings->bools.audio_enable_menu && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_bgm) audio_driver_mixer_play_menu_sound_looped(AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_BGM); #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (settings->bools.input_overlay_hide_in_menu) command_event(CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_DEINIT, NULL); #endif } void retroarch_menu_running_finished(bool quit) { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) || defined(HAVE_OVERLAY) settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_toggle(false); /* Prevent stray input */ input_driver_flushing_input = true; #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOMIXER if (!quit) /* Stop menu background music before we exit the menu */ if (settings && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu && settings->bools.audio_enable_menu_bgm) audio_driver_mixer_stop_stream(AUDIO_MIXER_SYSTEM_SLOT_BGM); #endif #endif video_driver_set_texture_enable(false, false); #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (!quit) if (settings && settings->bools.input_overlay_hide_in_menu) retroarch_overlay_init(); #endif } /** * rarch_game_specific_options: * * Returns: true (1) if a game specific core * options path has been found, * otherwise false (0). **/ static bool rarch_game_specific_options(char **output) { size_t game_path_size = PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char); char *game_path = (char*)malloc(game_path_size); game_path[0] ='\0'; if (!retroarch_validate_game_options(game_path, game_path_size, false)) goto error; if (!path_is_valid(game_path)) goto error; RARCH_LOG("%s %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_GAME_SPECIFIC_CORE_OPTIONS_FOUND_AT), game_path); *output = strdup(game_path); free(game_path); return true; error: free(game_path); return false; } static void runloop_task_msg_queue_push( retro_task_t *task, const char *msg, unsigned prio, unsigned duration, bool flush) { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) bool ready = menu_widgets_ready(); if (ready && task->title && !task->mute) { runloop_msg_queue_lock(); ui_companion_driver_msg_queue_push(msg, prio, task ? duration : duration * 60 / 1000, flush); menu_widgets_msg_queue_push(task, msg, duration, NULL, (enum message_queue_icon)MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO, (enum message_queue_category)MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, prio, flush); runloop_msg_queue_unlock(); } else #endif runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, prio, duration, flush, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } /* Fetches core options path for current core/content * - path: path from which options should be read * from/saved to * - src_path: in the event that 'path' file does not * yet exist, provides source path from which initial * options should be extracted * */ static void rarch_init_core_options_path( char *path, size_t len, char *src_path, size_t src_len) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; char *game_options_path = NULL; /* Ensure that 'input' strings are null terminated */ if (len > 0) path[0] = '\0'; if (src_len > 0) src_path[0] = '\0'; /* Check whether game-specific options exist */ if (settings->bools.game_specific_options && rarch_game_specific_options(&game_options_path)) { /* Notify system that we have a valid core options * override */ path_set(RARCH_PATH_CORE_OPTIONS, game_options_path); runloop_game_options_active = true; /* Copy options path */ strlcpy(path, game_options_path, len); free(game_options_path); } else { char global_options_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char per_core_options_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; bool per_core_options = !settings->bools.global_core_options; bool per_core_options_exist = false; global_options_path[0] = '\0'; per_core_options_path[0] = '\0'; if (per_core_options) { /* Get core-specific options path * > if retroarch_validate_per_core_options() returns * false, then per-core options are disabled (due to * unknown system errors...) */ per_core_options = retroarch_validate_per_core_options( per_core_options_path, sizeof(per_core_options_path), true); /* If we can use per-core options, check whether an options * file already exists */ if (per_core_options) per_core_options_exist = path_is_valid(per_core_options_path); } /* If not using per-core options, or if a per-core options * file does not yet exist, must fetch 'global' options path */ if (!per_core_options || !per_core_options_exist) { const char *options_path = settings ? settings->paths.path_core_options : NULL; if (!string_is_empty(options_path)) strlcpy(global_options_path, options_path, sizeof(global_options_path)); else if (string_is_empty(options_path) && !path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG)) { fill_pathname_resolve_relative( global_options_path, path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG), file_path_str(FILE_PATH_CORE_OPTIONS_CONFIG), sizeof(global_options_path)); } } /* Allocate correct path/src_path strings */ if (per_core_options) { strlcpy(path, per_core_options_path, len); if (!per_core_options_exist) strlcpy(src_path, global_options_path, src_len); } else strlcpy(path, global_options_path, len); /* Notify system that we *do not* have a valid core options * options override */ runloop_game_options_active = false; } } static void rarch_init_core_options( const struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs) { char options_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char src_options_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; options_path[0] = '\0'; src_options_path[0] = '\0'; /* Get core options file path */ rarch_init_core_options_path( options_path, sizeof(options_path), src_options_path, sizeof(src_options_path)); if (!string_is_empty(options_path)) runloop_core_options = core_option_manager_new(options_path, src_options_path, option_defs); } bool rarch_ctl(enum rarch_ctl_state state, void *data) { switch(state) { case RARCH_CTL_BSV_MOVIE_IS_INITED: return (bsv_movie_state_handle != NULL); case RARCH_CTL_IS_PATCH_BLOCKED: return rarch_patch_blocked; case RARCH_CTL_IS_BPS_PREF: return rarch_bps_pref; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_BPS_PREF: rarch_bps_pref = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_UPS_PREF: return rarch_ups_pref; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_UPS_PREF: rarch_ups_pref = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_IPS_PREF: return rarch_ips_pref; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_IPS_PREF: rarch_ips_pref = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_DUMMY_CORE: return (current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_DUMMY); case RARCH_CTL_HAS_SET_USERNAME: return has_set_username; case RARCH_CTL_IS_INITED: return rarch_is_inited; case RARCH_CTL_MAIN_DEINIT: if (!rarch_is_inited) return false; command_event(CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_DEINIT, NULL); input_driver_deinit_command(); input_driver_deinit_remote(); input_driver_deinit_mapper(); #ifdef HAVE_THREADS retroarch_autosave_deinit(); #endif command_event(CMD_EVENT_RECORD_DEINIT, NULL); event_save_files(); command_event(CMD_EVENT_REWIND_DEINIT, NULL); cheat_manager_state_free(); bsv_movie_deinit(); command_event(CMD_EVENT_CORE_DEINIT, NULL); content_deinit(); path_deinit_subsystem(); path_deinit_savefile(); rarch_is_inited = false; #ifdef HAVE_THREAD_STORAGE sthread_tls_delete(&rarch_tls); #endif break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_SRAM_LOAD_DISABLED: return rarch_is_sram_load_disabled; case RARCH_CTL_IS_SRAM_SAVE_DISABLED: return rarch_is_sram_save_disabled; case RARCH_CTL_IS_SRAM_USED: return rarch_use_sram; case RARCH_CTL_SET_SRAM_ENABLE: { bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); rarch_use_sram = (current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_PLAIN) && !contentless; } break; case RARCH_CTL_SET_SRAM_ENABLE_FORCE: rarch_use_sram = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_SRAM_ENABLE: rarch_use_sram = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_SET_BLOCK_CONFIG_READ: rarch_block_config_read = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_BLOCK_CONFIG_READ: rarch_block_config_read = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_BLOCK_CONFIG_READ: return rarch_block_config_read; case RARCH_CTL_GET_CORE_OPTION_SIZE: { unsigned *idx = (unsigned*)data; if (!idx) return false; if (runloop_core_options) *idx = (unsigned)runloop_core_options->size; else *idx = 0; } break; case RARCH_CTL_HAS_CORE_OPTIONS: return (runloop_core_options != NULL); case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_LIST_GET: { core_option_manager_t **coreopts = (core_option_manager_t**)data; if (!coreopts) return false; *coreopts = runloop_core_options; } break; case RARCH_CTL_SET_FRAME_TIME_LAST: runloop_frame_time_last = 0; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_OVERRIDES_ACTIVE: return runloop_overrides_active; case RARCH_CTL_SET_REMAPS_CORE_ACTIVE: runloop_remaps_core_active = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_REMAPS_CORE_ACTIVE: runloop_remaps_core_active = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CORE_ACTIVE: return runloop_remaps_core_active; case RARCH_CTL_SET_REMAPS_GAME_ACTIVE: runloop_remaps_game_active = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_REMAPS_GAME_ACTIVE: runloop_remaps_game_active = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_GAME_ACTIVE: return runloop_remaps_game_active; case RARCH_CTL_SET_REMAPS_CONTENT_DIR_ACTIVE: runloop_remaps_content_dir_active = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_REMAPS_CONTENT_DIR_ACTIVE: runloop_remaps_content_dir_active = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CONTENT_DIR_ACTIVE: return runloop_remaps_content_dir_active; case RARCH_CTL_SET_MISSING_BIOS: runloop_missing_bios = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_MISSING_BIOS: runloop_missing_bios = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_MISSING_BIOS: return runloop_missing_bios; case RARCH_CTL_IS_GAME_OPTIONS_ACTIVE: return runloop_game_options_active; case RARCH_CTL_GET_PERFCNT: { bool **perfcnt = (bool**)data; if (!perfcnt) return false; *perfcnt = &runloop_perfcnt_enable; } break; case RARCH_CTL_SET_PERFCNT_ENABLE: runloop_perfcnt_enable = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_UNSET_PERFCNT_ENABLE: runloop_perfcnt_enable = false; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_PERFCNT_ENABLE: return runloop_perfcnt_enable; case RARCH_CTL_SET_WINDOWED_SCALE: { unsigned *idx = (unsigned*)data; if (!idx) return false; runloop_pending_windowed_scale = *idx; } break; case RARCH_CTL_STATE_FREE: runloop_perfcnt_enable = false; runloop_idle = false; runloop_paused = false; runloop_slowmotion = false; runloop_overrides_active = false; runloop_autosave = false; retroarch_frame_time_free(); break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_IDLE: return runloop_idle; case RARCH_CTL_SET_IDLE: { bool *ptr = (bool*)data; if (!ptr) return false; runloop_idle = *ptr; } break; case RARCH_CTL_SET_PAUSED: { bool *ptr = (bool*)data; if (!ptr) return false; runloop_paused = *ptr; } break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_PAUSED: return runloop_paused; case RARCH_CTL_TASK_INIT: { #ifdef HAVE_THREADS settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool threaded_enable = settings->bools.threaded_data_runloop_enable; #else bool threaded_enable = false; #endif task_queue_deinit(); task_queue_init(threaded_enable, runloop_task_msg_queue_push); } break; case RARCH_CTL_SET_SHUTDOWN: runloop_shutdown_initiated = true; break; case RARCH_CTL_IS_SHUTDOWN: return runloop_shutdown_initiated; case RARCH_CTL_DATA_DEINIT: task_queue_deinit(); break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTION_PREV: /* * Get previous value for core option specified by @idx. * Options wrap around. */ { struct core_option *option = NULL; unsigned *idx = (unsigned*)data; if (!idx || !runloop_core_options) return false; option = (struct core_option*) &runloop_core_options->opts[*idx]; if (option) { option->index = (option->index + option->vals->size - 1) % option->vals->size; runloop_core_options->updated = true; } } break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTION_NEXT: /* * Get next value for core option specified by @idx. * Options wrap around. */ { struct core_option *option = NULL; unsigned *idx = (unsigned*)data; if (!idx || !runloop_core_options) return false; option = (struct core_option*)&runloop_core_options->opts[*idx]; if (option) { option->index = (option->index + 1) % option->vals->size; runloop_core_options->updated = true; } } break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_VARIABLES_INIT: { char options_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char src_options_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; const struct retro_variable *vars = (const struct retro_variable*)data; options_path[0] = '\0'; src_options_path[0] = '\0'; /* Get core options file path */ rarch_init_core_options_path( options_path, sizeof(options_path), src_options_path, sizeof(src_options_path)); if (!string_is_empty(options_path)) runloop_core_options = core_option_manager_new_vars(options_path, src_options_path, vars); } break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_INIT: { const struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs = (const struct retro_core_option_definition*)data; rarch_init_core_options(option_defs); } break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_INTL_INIT: { const struct retro_core_options_intl *core_options_intl = (const struct retro_core_options_intl*)data; /* Parse core_options_intl to create option definitions array */ struct retro_core_option_definition *option_defs = core_option_manager_get_definitions(core_options_intl); if (option_defs) { /* Initialise core options */ rarch_init_core_options(option_defs); /* Clean up */ free(option_defs); } } break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DEINIT: if (!runloop_core_options) return false; /* check if game options file was just created and flush to that file instead */ if (!path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CORE_OPTIONS)) { /* We only need to save configuration settings for * the current core, so create a temporary config_file * object and populate the required values. */ config_file_t *conf_tmp = config_file_new_alloc(); if (conf_tmp) { const char *path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CORE_OPTIONS); core_option_manager_flush( conf_tmp, runloop_core_options, path); RARCH_LOG("[Core Options]: Saved game-specific core options to \"%s\"\n", path); config_file_write(conf_tmp, path, true); config_file_free(conf_tmp); conf_tmp = NULL; } path_clear(RARCH_PATH_CORE_OPTIONS); } else { const char *path = runloop_core_options->conf_path; core_option_manager_flush( runloop_core_options->conf, runloop_core_options, path); RARCH_LOG("[Core Options]: Saved core options file to \"%s\"\n", path); config_file_write(runloop_core_options->conf, path, true); } if (runloop_game_options_active) runloop_game_options_active = false; if (runloop_core_options) core_option_manager_free(runloop_core_options); runloop_core_options = NULL; break; case RARCH_CTL_CORE_OPTIONS_DISPLAY: { const struct retro_core_option_display *core_options_display = (const struct retro_core_option_display*)data; if (!runloop_core_options || !core_options_display) return false; core_option_manager_set_display( runloop_core_options, core_options_display->key, core_options_display->visible); } break; case RARCH_CTL_NONE: default: return false; } return true; } bool retroarch_is_forced_fullscreen(void) { return rarch_force_fullscreen; } bool retroarch_is_switching_display_mode(void) { return rarch_is_switching_display_mode; } #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) static bool retroarch_load_shader_preset_internal( const char *shader_directory, const char *core_name, const char *special_name) { unsigned i; char *shader_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH); static enum rarch_shader_type types[] = { /* Shader preset priority, highest to lowest * only important for video drivers with multiple shader backends */ RARCH_SHADER_GLSL, RARCH_SHADER_SLANG, RARCH_SHADER_CG, RARCH_SHADER_HLSL }; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(types); i++) { if (!video_shader_is_supported(types[i])) continue; /* Concatenate strings into full paths */ fill_pathname_join_special_ext(shader_path, shader_directory, core_name, special_name, video_shader_get_preset_extension(types[i]), PATH_MAX_LENGTH); if (!config_file_exists(shader_path)) continue; /* Shader preset exists, load it. */ RARCH_LOG("[Shaders]: Specific shader preset found at %s.\n", shader_path); #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) if (!string_is_empty(shader_path)) strlcpy(runtime_shader_preset, shader_path, sizeof(runtime_shader_preset)); else runtime_shader_preset[0] = '\0'; #endif free(shader_path); return true; } free(shader_path); return false; } /** * retroarch_load_shader_preset: * * Tries to load a supported core-, game- or folder-specific shader preset * from its respective location: * * core-specific: $SHADER_DIR/presets/$CORE_NAME/$CORE_NAME.$PRESET_EXT * folder-specific: $SHADER_DIR/presets/$CORE_NAME/$FOLDER_NAME.$PRESET_EXT * game-specific: $SHADER_DIR/presets/$CORE_NAME/$GAME_NAME.$PRESET_EXT * * Note: Uses video_shader_is_supported() which only works after * context driver initialization. * * Returns: false if there was an error or no action was performed. */ static bool retroarch_load_shader_preset(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; const rarch_system_info_t *system = &runloop_system; const char *video_shader_directory = settings->paths.directory_video_shader; const char *core_name = system->info.library_name; const char *rarch_path_basename = path_get(RARCH_PATH_BASENAME); const char *game_name = path_basename(rarch_path_basename); char *shader_directory = NULL; if (!settings->bools.auto_shaders_enable) return false; if (string_is_empty(video_shader_directory) || string_is_empty(core_name) || string_is_empty(game_name)) return false; shader_directory = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH); fill_pathname_join(shader_directory, video_shader_directory, "presets", PATH_MAX_LENGTH); RARCH_LOG("[Shaders]: preset directory: %s\n", shader_directory); if (retroarch_load_shader_preset_internal(shader_directory, core_name, game_name)) { RARCH_LOG("[Shaders]: game-specific shader preset found.\n"); goto success; } { char content_dir_name[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; if (!string_is_empty(rarch_path_basename)) fill_pathname_parent_dir_name(content_dir_name, rarch_path_basename, sizeof(content_dir_name)); if (retroarch_load_shader_preset_internal(shader_directory, core_name, content_dir_name)) { RARCH_LOG("[Shaders]: folder-specific shader preset found.\n"); goto success; } } if (retroarch_load_shader_preset_internal(shader_directory, core_name, core_name)) { RARCH_LOG("[Shaders]: core-specific shader preset found.\n"); goto success; } free(shader_directory); return false; success: free(shader_directory); return true; } #endif /* get the name of the current shader preset */ char* retroarch_get_shader_preset(void) { #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!settings->bools.video_shader_enable) return NULL; if (shader_presets_need_reload) { retroarch_load_shader_preset(); shader_presets_need_reload = false; } if (!string_is_empty(runtime_shader_preset)) return runtime_shader_preset; if (!string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_shader)) return settings->paths.path_shader; #endif return NULL; } bool retroarch_override_setting_is_set(enum rarch_override_setting enum_idx, void *data) { switch (enum_idx) { case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DEVICE: { unsigned *val = (unsigned*)data; if (val) { unsigned bit = *val; return BIT256_GET(has_set_libretro_device, bit); } } break; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_VERBOSITY: return has_set_verbosity; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO: return has_set_libretro; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LIBRETRO_DIRECTORY: return has_set_libretro_directory; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH: return has_set_save_path; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_STATE_PATH: return has_set_state_path; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_MODE: return has_set_netplay_mode; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_ADDRESS: return has_set_netplay_ip_address; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_IP_PORT: return has_set_netplay_ip_port; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_STATELESS_MODE: return has_set_netplay_stateless_mode; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NETPLAY_CHECK_FRAMES: return has_set_netplay_check_frames; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_UPS_PREF: return has_set_ups_pref; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_BPS_PREF: return has_set_bps_pref; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_IPS_PREF: return has_set_ips_pref; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_LOG_TO_FILE: return has_set_log_to_file; case RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_NONE: default: break; } return false; } int retroarch_get_capabilities(enum rarch_capabilities type, char *s, size_t len) { switch (type) { case RARCH_CAPABILITIES_CPU: { uint64_t cpu = cpu_features_get(); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_MMX) strlcat(s, "MMX ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_MMXEXT) strlcat(s, "MMXEXT ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE) strlcat(s, "SSE1 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE2) strlcat(s, "SSE2 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE3) strlcat(s, "SSE3 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSSE3) strlcat(s, "SSSE3 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE4) strlcat(s, "SSE4 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_SSE42) strlcat(s, "SSE4.2 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_AVX) strlcat(s, "AVX ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_AVX2) strlcat(s, "AVX2 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_VFPU) strlcat(s, "VFPU ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_NEON) strlcat(s, "NEON ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_VFPV3) strlcat(s, "VFPv3 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_VFPV4) strlcat(s, "VFPv4 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_PS) strlcat(s, "PS ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_AES) strlcat(s, "AES ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_VMX) strlcat(s, "VMX ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_VMX128) strlcat(s, "VMX128 ", len); if (cpu & RETRO_SIMD_ASIMD) strlcat(s, "ASIMD ", len); } break; case RARCH_CAPABILITIES_COMPILER: #if defined(_MSC_VER) snprintf(s, len, "%s: MSVC (%d) %u-bit", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COMPILER), _MSC_VER, (unsigned) (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t))); #elif defined(__SNC__) snprintf(s, len, "%s: SNC (%d) %u-bit", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COMPILER), __SN_VER__, (unsigned)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t))); #elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__) snprintf(s, len, "%s: MinGW (%d.%d.%d) %u-bit", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COMPILER), __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__, (unsigned) (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t))); #elif defined(__clang__) snprintf(s, len, "%s: Clang/LLVM (%s) %u-bit", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COMPILER), __clang_version__, (unsigned)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t))); #elif defined(__GNUC__) snprintf(s, len, "%s: GCC (%d.%d.%d) %u-bit", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COMPILER), __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__, (unsigned) (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t))); #else snprintf(s, len, "%s %u-bit", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_UNKNOWN_COMPILER), (unsigned)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(size_t))); #endif break; default: case RARCH_CAPABILITIES_NONE: break; } return 0; } void retroarch_set_current_core_type(enum rarch_core_type type, bool explicitly_set) { if (explicitly_set && !has_set_core) { has_set_core = true; explicit_current_core_type = type; current_core_type = type; } else if (!has_set_core) current_core_type = type; } /** * retroarch_fail: * @error_code : Error code. * @error : Error message to show. * * Sanely kills the program. **/ void retroarch_fail(int error_code, const char *error) { /* We cannot longjmp unless we're in retroarch_main_init(). * If not, something went very wrong, and we should * just exit right away. */ retro_assert(rarch_error_on_init); strlcpy(error_string, error, sizeof(error_string)); longjmp(error_sjlj_context, error_code); } bool retroarch_main_quit(void) { #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD if (discord_is_inited) { discord_userdata_t userdata; userdata.status = DISCORD_PRESENCE_SHUTDOWN; command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE, &userdata); } if (discord_is_ready()) discord_shutdown(); discord_is_inited = false; #endif if (!runloop_shutdown_initiated) { command_event_save_auto_state(); command_event_disable_overrides(); retroarch_unset_shader_preset(); if (rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CORE_ACTIVE, NULL) || rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_CONTENT_DIR_ACTIVE, NULL) || rarch_ctl(RARCH_CTL_IS_REMAPS_GAME_ACTIVE, NULL)) input_remapping_set_defaults(true); } runloop_shutdown_initiated = true; retroarch_menu_running_finished(true); return true; } void runloop_msg_queue_push(const char *msg, unsigned prio, unsigned duration, bool flush, char *title, enum message_queue_icon icon, enum message_queue_category category) { runloop_ctx_msg_info_t msg_info; runloop_msg_queue_lock(); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (menu_widgets_ready()) { ui_companion_driver_msg_queue_push(msg, prio, duration * 60 / 1000, flush); menu_widgets_msg_queue_push(NULL, msg, roundf((float)duration / 60.0f * 1000.0f), title, icon, category, prio, flush); runloop_msg_queue_unlock(); return; } #endif if (flush) msg_queue_clear(runloop_msg_queue); msg_info.msg = msg; msg_info.prio = prio; msg_info.duration = duration; msg_info.flush = flush; if (runloop_msg_queue) { msg_queue_push(runloop_msg_queue, msg_info.msg, msg_info.prio, msg_info.duration, title, icon, category); ui_companion_driver_msg_queue_push(msg_info.msg, msg_info.prio, msg_info.duration, msg_info.flush); } runloop_msg_queue_unlock(); } void runloop_get_status(bool *is_paused, bool *is_idle, bool *is_slowmotion, bool *is_perfcnt_enable) { *is_paused = runloop_paused; *is_idle = runloop_idle; *is_slowmotion = runloop_slowmotion; *is_perfcnt_enable = runloop_perfcnt_enable; } #define BSV_MOVIE_IS_EOF() (bsv_movie_state.movie_end && bsv_movie_state.eof_exit) /* Time to exit out of the main loop? * Reasons for exiting: * a) Shutdown environment callback was invoked. * b) Quit key was pressed. * c) Frame count exceeds or equals maximum amount of frames to run. * d) Video driver no longer alive. * e) End of BSV movie and BSV EOF exit is true. (TODO/FIXME - explain better) */ #define TIME_TO_EXIT(quit_key_pressed) (runloop_shutdown_initiated || quit_key_pressed || !is_alive || BSV_MOVIE_IS_EOF() || ((runloop_max_frames != 0) && (frame_count >= runloop_max_frames)) || runloop_exec) #ifdef HAVE_MENU static bool input_driver_toggle_button_combo( unsigned mode, input_bits_t* p_input) { switch (mode) { case INPUT_TOGGLE_DOWN_Y_L_R: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_L3_R3: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L3)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R3)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_L1_R1_START_SELECT: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_START_SELECT: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_L3_R: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L3)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_L_R: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_DOWN_SELECT: if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN)) return false; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT)) return false; break; case INPUT_TOGGLE_HOLD_START: { static rarch_timer_t timer = {0}; if (!BIT256_GET_PTR(p_input, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) { /* timer only runs while start is held down */ rarch_timer_end(&timer); return false; } /* user started holding down the start button, start the timer */ if (!rarch_timer_is_running(&timer)) rarch_timer_begin(&timer, HOLD_START_DELAY_SEC); rarch_timer_tick(&timer); if (!timer.timer_end && rarch_timer_has_expired(&timer)) { /* start has been held down long enough, stop timer and enter menu */ rarch_timer_end(&timer); return true; } return false; } default: case INPUT_TOGGLE_NONE: return false; } return true; } #endif #define HOTKEY_CHECK(cmd1, cmd2, cond, cond2) \ { \ static bool old_pressed = false; \ bool pressed = BIT256_GET(current_bits, cmd1); \ if (pressed && !old_pressed) \ if (cond) \ command_event(cmd2, cond2); \ old_pressed = pressed; \ } #define HOTKEY_CHECK3(cmd1, cmd2, cmd3, cmd4, cmd5, cmd6) \ { \ static bool old_pressed = false; \ static bool old_pressed2 = false; \ static bool old_pressed3 = false; \ bool pressed = BIT256_GET(current_bits, cmd1); \ bool pressed2 = BIT256_GET(current_bits, cmd3); \ bool pressed3 = BIT256_GET(current_bits, cmd5); \ if (pressed && !old_pressed) \ command_event(cmd2, (void*)(intptr_t)0); \ else if (pressed2 && !old_pressed2) \ command_event(cmd4, (void*)(intptr_t)0); \ else if (pressed3 && !old_pressed3) \ command_event(cmd6, (void*)(intptr_t)0); \ old_pressed = pressed; \ old_pressed2 = pressed2; \ old_pressed3 = pressed3; \ } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) static bool menu_display_libretro_running(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; if (!settings->bools.menu_pause_libretro) { bool core_type_is_dummy = current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_DUMMY; if (rarch_is_inited && !core_type_is_dummy) return true; } return false; } /* Display the libretro core's framebuffer onscreen. */ static bool menu_display_libretro(void) { video_driver_set_texture_enable(true, false); if (menu_display_libretro_running()) { if (!input_driver_block_libretro_input) input_driver_block_libretro_input = true; core_run(); libretro_core_runtime_usec += rarch_core_runtime_tick(); input_driver_block_libretro_input = false; return true; } if (runloop_idle) { #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD discord_userdata_t userdata; userdata.status = DISCORD_PRESENCE_GAME_PAUSED; command_event(CMD_EVENT_DISCORD_UPDATE, &userdata); #endif return false; /* Return false here for indication of idleness */ } return video_driver_cached_frame(); } #endif static void update_savestate_slot(void) { char msg[128]; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; msg[0] = '\0'; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: %d", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_STATE_SLOT), settings->ints.state_slot); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); } /* Display the fast forward state to the user, if needed. */ static void update_fastforwarding_state(void) { if (runloop_fastmotion) { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_set_fast_forward(true)) #endif runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAST_FORWARD), 1, 1, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) else { menu_widgets_set_fast_forward(false); } #endif } static enum runloop_state runloop_check_state(void) { input_bits_t current_bits; #ifdef HAVE_MENU static input_bits_t last_input = {{0}}; #endif static bool old_focus = true; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float fastforward_ratio = settings->floats.fastforward_ratio; bool is_focused = video_has_focus(); bool is_alive = current_video ? current_video->alive(video_driver_data) : true; uint64_t frame_count = video_driver_frame_count; bool focused = true; bool pause_nonactive = settings->bools.pause_nonactive; bool rarch_is_initialized = rarch_is_inited; #ifdef HAVE_MENU bool menu_driver_binding_state = menu_driver_is_binding; bool menu_is_alive = menu_driver_alive; unsigned menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = settings->uints.input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo; bool display_kb = menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb_internal(); #ifdef HAVE_EASTEREGG static uint64_t seq = 0; #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX /* Should be called once per frame */ if (!appletMainLoop()) return RUNLOOP_STATE_QUIT; #endif BIT256_CLEAR_ALL_PTR(¤t_bits); input_driver_block_libretro_input = false; input_driver_block_hotkey = false; if (current_input->keyboard_mapping_blocked) input_driver_block_hotkey = true; #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (menu_is_alive && !(settings->bools.menu_unified_controls && !display_kb)) input_menu_keys_pressed(¤t_bits, display_kb); else #endif input_keys_pressed(¤t_bits); #ifdef HAVE_MENU last_input = current_bits; if ( ((menu_toggle_gamepad_combo != INPUT_TOGGLE_NONE) && input_driver_toggle_button_combo( menu_toggle_gamepad_combo, &last_input))) BIT256_SET(current_bits, RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE); #endif if (input_driver_flushing_input) { input_driver_flushing_input = false; if (bits_any_set(current_bits.data, ARRAY_SIZE(current_bits.data))) { BIT256_CLEAR_ALL(current_bits); if (runloop_paused) BIT256_SET(current_bits, RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE); input_driver_flushing_input = true; } } if (!video_driver_is_threaded_internal()) { const ui_application_t *application = ui_companion ? ui_companion->application : NULL; if (application) application->process_events(); } #ifdef HAVE_MENU if (menu_driver_binding_state) BIT256_CLEAR_ALL(current_bits); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY /* Check next overlay */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_OVERLAY_NEXT, CMD_EVENT_OVERLAY_NEXT, true, NULL); #endif /* Check fullscreen toggle */ { bool fullscreen_toggled = !runloop_paused #ifdef HAVE_MENU || menu_is_alive; #else ; #endif HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY, CMD_EVENT_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE, fullscreen_toggled, NULL); } /* Check mouse grab toggle */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_GRAB_MOUSE_TOGGLE, true, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY { static char prev_overlay_restore = false; if (input_driver_keyboard_linefeed_enable) { prev_overlay_restore = false; retroarch_overlay_init(); } else if (prev_overlay_restore) { if (!settings->bools.input_overlay_hide_in_menu) retroarch_overlay_init(); prev_overlay_restore = false; } } #endif /* Check quit key */ { bool trig_quit_key; static bool quit_key = false; static bool old_quit_key = false; static bool runloop_exec = false; quit_key = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_QUIT_KEY); trig_quit_key = quit_key && !old_quit_key; old_quit_key = quit_key; /* Check double press if enabled */ if (trig_quit_key && settings->bools.quit_press_twice) { static retro_time_t quit_key_time = 0; retro_time_t cur_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); trig_quit_key = (cur_time - quit_key_time < QUIT_DELAY_USEC); quit_key_time = cur_time; if (!trig_quit_key) { float target_hz = 0.0; rarch_environment_cb( RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_TARGET_REFRESH_RATE, &target_hz); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PRESS_AGAIN_TO_QUIT), 1, QUIT_DELAY_USEC * target_hz / 1000000, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } } if (TIME_TO_EXIT(trig_quit_key)) { bool quit_runloop = false; if ((runloop_max_frames != 0) && (frame_count >= runloop_max_frames) && runloop_max_frames_screenshot) { const char *screenshot_path = NULL; bool fullpath = false; if (string_is_empty(runloop_max_frames_screenshot_path)) screenshot_path = path_get(RARCH_PATH_BASENAME); else { fullpath = true; screenshot_path = runloop_max_frames_screenshot_path; } RARCH_LOG("Taking a screenshot before exiting...\n"); /* Take a screenshot before we exit. */ if (!take_screenshot(settings->paths.directory_screenshot, screenshot_path, false, video_driver_cached_frame_has_valid_framebuffer(), fullpath, false)) { RARCH_ERR("Could not take a screenshot before exiting.\n"); } } if (runloop_exec) runloop_exec = false; if (runloop_core_shutdown_initiated && settings->bools.load_dummy_on_core_shutdown) { content_ctx_info_t content_info; content_info.argc = 0; content_info.argv = NULL; content_info.args = NULL; content_info.environ_get = NULL; if (task_push_start_dummy_core(&content_info)) { /* Loads dummy core instead of exiting RetroArch completely. * Aborts core shutdown if invoked. */ runloop_shutdown_initiated = false; runloop_core_shutdown_initiated = false; } else quit_runloop = true; } else quit_runloop = true; if (quit_runloop) { old_quit_key = quit_key; retroarch_main_quit(); return RUNLOOP_STATE_QUIT; } } } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) menu_animation_update(); #ifdef HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS if (menu_widgets_ready()) { runloop_msg_queue_lock(); menu_widgets_iterate(video_driver_width, video_driver_height); runloop_msg_queue_unlock(); } #endif if (menu_is_alive) { enum menu_action action; static input_bits_t old_input = {{0}}; static enum menu_action old_action = MENU_ACTION_CANCEL; bool focused = false; input_bits_t trigger_input = current_bits; global_t *global = &g_extern; menu_ctx_iterate_t iter; retro_ctx.poll_cb(); bits_clear_bits(trigger_input.data, old_input.data, ARRAY_SIZE(trigger_input.data)); action = (enum menu_action)menu_event(¤t_bits, &trigger_input, display_kb); focused = pause_nonactive ? is_focused : true; focused = focused && !main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground; iter.action = action; if (global) { if (action == old_action) { retro_time_t press_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); if (action == MENU_ACTION_NOOP) global->menu.noop_press_time = press_time - global->menu.noop_start_time; else global->menu.action_press_time = press_time - global->menu.action_start_time; } else { if (action == MENU_ACTION_NOOP) { global->menu.noop_start_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); global->menu.noop_press_time = 0; if (global->menu.prev_action == old_action) global->menu.action_start_time = global->menu.prev_start_time; else global->menu.action_start_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); } else { if ( global->menu.prev_action == action && global->menu.noop_press_time < 200000) /* 250ms */ { global->menu.action_start_time = global->menu.prev_start_time; global->menu.action_press_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec() - global->menu.action_start_time; } else { global->menu.prev_start_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); global->menu.prev_action = action; global->menu.action_press_time = 0; } } } } if (!menu_driver_iterate(&iter)) retroarch_menu_running_finished(false); if (focused || !runloop_idle) { bool libretro_running = menu_display_libretro_running(); menu_handle_t *menu_data = menu_driver_get_ptr(); if (menu_data) { if (BIT64_GET(menu_data->state, MENU_STATE_RENDER_FRAMEBUFFER) != BIT64_GET(menu_data->state, MENU_STATE_RENDER_MESSAGEBOX)) BIT64_SET(menu_data->state, MENU_STATE_RENDER_FRAMEBUFFER); if (BIT64_GET(menu_data->state, MENU_STATE_RENDER_FRAMEBUFFER)) menu_display_set_framebuffer_dirty_flag(); if (BIT64_GET(menu_data->state, MENU_STATE_RENDER_MESSAGEBOX) && !string_is_empty(menu_data->menu_state_msg)) { if (menu_data->driver_ctx->render_messagebox) menu_data->driver_ctx->render_messagebox( menu_data->userdata, menu_data->menu_state_msg); if (main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground) { if (ui_companion && ui_companion->render_messagebox) ui_companion->render_messagebox(menu_data->menu_state_msg); } } if (BIT64_GET(menu_data->state, MENU_STATE_BLIT)) { if (menu_data->driver_ctx->render) menu_data->driver_ctx->render( menu_data->userdata, video_driver_width, video_driver_height, runloop_idle); } if (menu_driver_alive && !runloop_idle) menu_display_libretro(); if (menu_data->driver_ctx->set_texture) menu_data->driver_ctx->set_texture(); menu_data->state = 0; } if (settings->bools.audio_enable_menu && !libretro_running) audio_driver_menu_sample(); #ifdef HAVE_EASTEREGG { bool library_name_is_empty = string_is_empty(runloop_system.info.library_name); if (library_name_is_empty && trigger_input.data[0]) { seq |= trigger_input.data[0] & 0xF0; if (seq == 1157460427127406720ULL) { content_ctx_info_t content_info; content_info.argc = 0; content_info.argv = NULL; content_info.args = NULL; content_info.environ_get = NULL; task_push_start_builtin_core( &content_info, CORE_TYPE_GONG, NULL, NULL); } seq <<= 8; } else if (!library_name_is_empty) seq = 0; } #endif } old_input = current_bits; old_action = action; if (!focused || runloop_idle) return RUNLOOP_STATE_POLLED_AND_SLEEP; } else #endif { #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_EASTEREGG) seq = 0; #endif if (runloop_idle) { retro_ctx.poll_cb(); return RUNLOOP_STATE_POLLED_AND_SLEEP; } } /* Check game focus toggle */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_GAME_FOCUS_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the UI companion toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_UI_COMPANION_TOGGLE, true, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_MENU /* Check if we have pressed the menu toggle button */ { static bool old_pressed = false; char *menu_driver = settings->arrays.menu_driver; bool pressed = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE) && !string_is_equal(menu_driver, "null"); bool core_type_is_dummy = current_core_type == CORE_TYPE_DUMMY; if (menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F1] == 1) { if (menu_driver_alive) { if (rarch_is_initialized && !core_type_is_dummy) { retroarch_menu_running_finished(false); menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F1] = ((menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F1] & 1) << 1) | false; } } } else if ((!menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F1] && (pressed && !old_pressed)) || core_type_is_dummy) { if (menu_driver_alive) { if (rarch_is_initialized && !core_type_is_dummy) retroarch_menu_running_finished(false); } else { menu_display_toggle_set_reason(MENU_TOGGLE_REASON_USER); retroarch_menu_running(); } } else menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F1] = ((menu_keyboard_key_state[RETROK_F1] & 1) << 1) | false; old_pressed = pressed; } /* Check if we have pressed the "send debug info" button. * Must press 3 times in a row to activate, but it will * alert the user of this with each press of the hotkey. */ { int any_i; static uint32_t debug_seq = 0; static bool old_pressed = false; static bool old_any_pressed = false; bool any_pressed = false; bool pressed = BIT256_GET(current_bits, RARCH_SEND_DEBUG_INFO); for (any_i = 0; any_i < ARRAY_SIZE(current_bits.data); any_i++) { if (current_bits.data[any_i]) { any_pressed = true; break; } } if (pressed && !old_pressed) debug_seq |= pressed ? 1 : 0; switch (debug_seq) { case 1: /* pressed hotkey one time */ runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PRESS_TWO_MORE_TIMES_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); break; case 3: /* pressed hotkey two times */ runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_PRESS_ONE_MORE_TIME_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); break; case 7: /* pressed hotkey third and final time */ debug_seq = 0; command_event(CMD_EVENT_SEND_DEBUG_INFO, NULL); break; } if (any_pressed && !old_any_pressed) { debug_seq <<= 1; if (debug_seq > 7) debug_seq = 0; } old_pressed = pressed; old_any_pressed = any_pressed; } /* Check if we have pressed the FPS toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_FPS_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_FPS_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the netplay host toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_HOST_TOGGLE, true, NULL); if (menu_driver_alive) { if (!settings->bools.menu_throttle_framerate && !fastforward_ratio) return RUNLOOP_STATE_MENU_ITERATE; return RUNLOOP_STATE_END; } #endif if (pause_nonactive) focused = is_focused; /* Check if we have pressed the screenshot toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_SCREENSHOT, CMD_EVENT_TAKE_SCREENSHOT, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the audio mute toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_MUTE, CMD_EVENT_AUDIO_MUTE_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the OSK toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_OSK, CMD_EVENT_OSK_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the recording toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_RECORDING_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_RECORDING_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the AI Service toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_AI_SERVICE, CMD_EVENT_AI_SERVICE_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed the streaming toggle button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_STREAMING_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_STREAMING_TOGGLE, true, NULL); if (BIT256_GET(current_bits, RARCH_VOLUME_UP)) command_event(CMD_EVENT_VOLUME_UP, NULL); else if (BIT256_GET(current_bits, RARCH_VOLUME_DOWN)) command_event(CMD_EVENT_VOLUME_DOWN, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* Check Netplay */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH, CMD_EVENT_NETPLAY_GAME_WATCH, true, NULL); #endif /* Check if we have pressed the pause button */ { static bool old_frameadvance = false; static bool old_pause_pressed = false; bool frameadvance_pressed = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_FRAMEADVANCE); bool pause_pressed = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_PAUSE_TOGGLE); bool trig_frameadvance = frameadvance_pressed && !old_frameadvance; /* Check if libretro pause key was pressed. If so, pause or * unpause the libretro core. */ /* FRAMEADVANCE will set us into pause mode. */ pause_pressed |= !runloop_paused && trig_frameadvance; if (focused && pause_pressed && !old_pause_pressed) command_event(CMD_EVENT_PAUSE_TOGGLE, NULL); else if (focused && !old_focus) command_event(CMD_EVENT_UNPAUSE, NULL); else if (!focused && old_focus) command_event(CMD_EVENT_PAUSE, NULL); old_focus = focused; old_pause_pressed = pause_pressed; old_frameadvance = frameadvance_pressed; if (runloop_paused) { bool toggle = !runloop_idle ? true : false; HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_KEY, CMD_EVENT_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE, true, &toggle); /* Check if it's not oneshot */ if (!(trig_frameadvance || BIT256_GET(current_bits, RARCH_REWIND))) focused = false; } } if (!focused) { retro_ctx.poll_cb(); return RUNLOOP_STATE_POLLED_AND_SLEEP; } /* Check if we have pressed the fast forward button */ /* To avoid continous switching if we hold the button down, we require * that the button must go from pressed to unpressed back to pressed * to be able to toggle between then. */ { static bool old_button_state = false; static bool old_hold_button_state = false; bool new_button_state = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_FAST_FORWARD_KEY); bool new_hold_button_state = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_FAST_FORWARD_HOLD_KEY); bool check1 = !new_hold_button_state; bool check2 = new_button_state && !old_button_state; if (check2) check1 = input_driver_nonblock_state; else check2 = old_hold_button_state != new_hold_button_state; if (check2) { if (check1) { input_driver_nonblock_state = false; runloop_fastmotion = false; fastforward_after_frames = 1; } else { input_driver_nonblock_state = true; runloop_fastmotion = true; } driver_set_nonblock_state(); update_fastforwarding_state(); } old_button_state = new_button_state; old_hold_button_state = new_hold_button_state; } /* Check if we have pressed any of the state slot buttons */ { static bool old_should_slot_increase = false; static bool old_should_slot_decrease = false; bool should_slot_increase = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_STATE_SLOT_PLUS); bool should_slot_decrease = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_STATE_SLOT_MINUS); bool check1 = true; bool check2 = should_slot_increase && !old_should_slot_increase; int addition = 1; if (!check2) { check2 = should_slot_decrease && !old_should_slot_decrease; check1 = settings->ints.state_slot > 0; addition = -1; } /* Checks if the state increase/decrease keys have been pressed * for this frame. */ if (check2) { int cur_state_slot = settings->ints.state_slot; if (check1) configuration_set_int(settings, settings->ints.state_slot, cur_state_slot + addition); update_savestate_slot(); } old_should_slot_increase = should_slot_increase; old_should_slot_decrease = should_slot_decrease; } /* Check if we have pressed any of the savestate buttons */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_SAVE_STATE_KEY, CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE, true, NULL); HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_LOAD_STATE_KEY, CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE, true, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS rcheevos_hardcore_active = settings->bools.cheevos_enable && settings->bools.cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable && rcheevos_loaded && !rcheevos_hardcore_paused; if (rcheevos_hardcore_active && rcheevos_state_loaded_flag) { rcheevos_hardcore_paused = true; runloop_msg_queue_push(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CHEEVOS_HARDCORE_MODE_DISABLED), 0, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } if (!rcheevos_hardcore_active) #endif { char s[128]; bool rewinding = false; unsigned t = 0; s[0] = '\0'; rewinding = state_manager_check_rewind(BIT256_GET(current_bits, RARCH_REWIND), settings->uints.rewind_granularity, runloop_paused, s, sizeof(s), &t); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_ready()) #endif if (rewinding) runloop_msg_queue_push(s, 0, t, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) menu_widgets_set_rewind(rewinding); #endif } /* Checks if slowmotion toggle/hold was being pressed and/or held. */ #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if (!rcheevos_hardcore_active) #endif { static bool old_slowmotion_button_state = false; static bool old_slowmotion_hold_button_state = false; bool new_slowmotion_button_state = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_SLOWMOTION_KEY); bool new_slowmotion_hold_button_state = BIT256_GET( current_bits, RARCH_SLOWMOTION_HOLD_KEY); if (new_slowmotion_button_state && !old_slowmotion_button_state) runloop_slowmotion = !runloop_slowmotion; else if (old_slowmotion_hold_button_state != new_slowmotion_hold_button_state) runloop_slowmotion = new_slowmotion_hold_button_state; if (runloop_slowmotion) { if (settings->bools.video_black_frame_insertion) if (!runloop_idle) video_driver_cached_frame(); #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) if (!menu_widgets_ready()) { #endif if (state_manager_frame_is_reversed()) runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SLOW_MOTION_REWIND), 1, 1, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); else runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SLOW_MOTION), 1, 1, false, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } #if defined(HAVE_MENU) && defined(HAVE_MENU_WIDGETS) } #endif old_slowmotion_button_state = new_slowmotion_button_state; old_slowmotion_hold_button_state = new_slowmotion_hold_button_state; } /* Check movie record toggle */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_BSV_RECORD_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_BSV_RECORDING_TOGGLE, true, NULL); /* Check shader prev/next */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_SHADER_NEXT, CMD_EVENT_SHADER_NEXT, true, NULL); HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_SHADER_PREV, CMD_EVENT_SHADER_PREV, true, NULL); /* Check if we have pressed any of the disk buttons */ HOTKEY_CHECK3( RARCH_DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_DISK_EJECT_TOGGLE, RARCH_DISK_NEXT, CMD_EVENT_DISK_NEXT, RARCH_DISK_PREV, CMD_EVENT_DISK_PREV); /* Check if we have pressed the reset button */ HOTKEY_CHECK(RARCH_RESET, CMD_EVENT_RESET, true, NULL); /* Check cheats */ HOTKEY_CHECK3( RARCH_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS, CMD_EVENT_CHEAT_INDEX_PLUS, RARCH_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS, CMD_EVENT_CHEAT_INDEX_MINUS, RARCH_CHEAT_TOGGLE, CMD_EVENT_CHEAT_TOGGLE); #if defined(HAVE_CG) || defined(HAVE_GLSL) || defined(HAVE_SLANG) || defined(HAVE_HLSL) if (settings->bools.video_shader_watch_files) { static rarch_timer_t timer = {0}; static bool need_to_apply = false; if (video_shader_check_for_changes()) { need_to_apply = true; if (!rarch_timer_is_running(&timer)) { /* rarch_timer_t convenience functions only support whole seconds. */ /* rarch_timer_begin */ timer.timeout_end = cpu_features_get_time_usec() + SHADER_FILE_WATCH_DELAY_MSEC * 1000; timer.timer_begin = true; timer.timer_end = false; } } /* If a file is modified atomically (moved/renamed from a different file), * we have no idea how long that might take. * If we're trying to re-apply shaders immediately after changes are made * to the original file(s), the filesystem might be in an in-between * state where the new file hasn't been moved over yet and the original * file was already deleted. This leaves us no choice but to wait an * arbitrary amount of time and hope for the best. */ if (need_to_apply) { /* rarch_timer_tick */ timer.current = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); timer.timeout_us = (timer.timeout_end - timer.current); if (!timer.timer_end && rarch_timer_has_expired(&timer)) { rarch_timer_end(&timer); need_to_apply = false; command_event(CMD_EVENT_SHADERS_APPLY_CHANGES, NULL); } } } #endif return RUNLOOP_STATE_ITERATE; } /** * runloop_iterate: * * Run Libretro core in RetroArch for one frame. * * Returns: 0 on success, 1 if we have to wait until * button input in order to wake up the loop, * -1 if we forcibly quit out of the RetroArch iteration loop. **/ int runloop_iterate(void) { unsigned i; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; float fastforward_ratio = settings->floats.fastforward_ratio; unsigned video_frame_delay = settings->uints.video_frame_delay; bool vrr_runloop_enable = settings->bools.vrr_runloop_enable; unsigned max_users = input_driver_max_users; #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD if (discord_is_inited) discord_run_callbacks(); #endif if (runloop_frame_time.callback) { /* Updates frame timing if frame timing callback is in use by the core. * Limits frame time if fast forward ratio throttle is enabled. */ retro_usec_t runloop_last_frame_time = runloop_frame_time_last; retro_time_t current = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); bool is_locked_fps = (runloop_paused || input_driver_nonblock_state) | !!recording_data; retro_time_t delta = (!runloop_last_frame_time || is_locked_fps) ? runloop_frame_time.reference : (current - runloop_last_frame_time); if (is_locked_fps) runloop_frame_time_last = 0; else { float slowmotion_ratio = settings->floats.slowmotion_ratio; runloop_frame_time_last = current; if (runloop_slowmotion) delta /= slowmotion_ratio; } runloop_frame_time.callback(delta); } switch ((enum runloop_state)runloop_check_state()) { case RUNLOOP_STATE_QUIT: frame_limit_last_time = 0.0; command_event(CMD_EVENT_QUIT, NULL); return -1; case RUNLOOP_STATE_POLLED_AND_SLEEP: #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* FIXME: This is an ugly way to tell Netplay this... */ netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_PAUSE, NULL); #endif #if defined(HAVE_COCOATOUCH) if (!main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground) #endif retro_sleep(10); return 1; case RUNLOOP_STATE_END: #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* FIXME: This is an ugly way to tell Netplay this... */ if (settings->bools.menu_pause_libretro && netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL) ) netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_PAUSE, NULL); #endif goto end; case RUNLOOP_STATE_MENU_ITERATE: #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /* FIXME: This is an ugly way to tell Netplay this... */ netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_PAUSE, NULL); #endif return 0; case RUNLOOP_STATE_ITERATE: break; } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (runloop_autosave) autosave_lock(); #endif /* Used for rewinding while playback/record. */ if (bsv_movie_state_handle) bsv_movie_state_handle->frame_pos[bsv_movie_state_handle->frame_ptr] = intfstream_tell(bsv_movie_state_handle->file); if (camera_cb.caps && camera_driver && camera_driver->poll && camera_data) camera_driver->poll(camera_data, camera_cb.frame_raw_framebuffer, camera_cb.frame_opengl_texture); /* Update binds for analog dpad modes. */ for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) { enum analog_dpad_mode dpad_mode = (enum analog_dpad_mode)settings->uints.input_analog_dpad_mode[i]; if (dpad_mode != ANALOG_DPAD_NONE) { struct retro_keybind *general_binds = input_config_binds[i]; struct retro_keybind *auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[i]; input_push_analog_dpad(general_binds, dpad_mode); input_push_analog_dpad(auto_binds, dpad_mode); } } if ((video_frame_delay > 0) && !input_driver_nonblock_state) retro_sleep(video_frame_delay); { #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD unsigned run_ahead_num_frames = settings->uints.run_ahead_frames; /* Run Ahead Feature replaces the call to core_run in this loop */ bool want_runahead = settings->bools.run_ahead_enabled && run_ahead_num_frames > 0; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING want_runahead = want_runahead && !netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_ENABLED, NULL); #endif if (want_runahead) do_runahead(run_ahead_num_frames, settings->bools.run_ahead_secondary_instance); else #endif core_run(); } /* Increment runtime tick counter after each call to * core_run() or run_ahead() */ libretro_core_runtime_usec += rarch_core_runtime_tick(); #ifdef HAVE_CHEEVOS if ( settings->bools.cheevos_enable && rcheevos_loaded && (!rcheevos_cheats_are_enabled && !rcheevos_cheats_were_enabled) ) rcheevos_test(); #endif cheat_manager_apply_retro_cheats(); #ifdef HAVE_DISCORD if (discord_is_inited && discord_is_ready()) discord_update(DISCORD_PRESENCE_GAME); #endif for (i = 0; i < max_users; i++) { enum analog_dpad_mode dpad_mode = (enum analog_dpad_mode)settings->uints.input_analog_dpad_mode[i]; if (dpad_mode != ANALOG_DPAD_NONE) { struct retro_keybind *general_binds = input_config_binds[i]; struct retro_keybind *auto_binds = input_autoconf_binds[i]; input_pop_analog_dpad(general_binds); input_pop_analog_dpad(auto_binds); } } if (bsv_movie_state_handle) { bsv_movie_state_handle->frame_ptr = (bsv_movie_state_handle->frame_ptr + 1) & bsv_movie_state_handle->frame_mask; bsv_movie_state_handle->first_rewind = !bsv_movie_state_handle->did_rewind; bsv_movie_state_handle->did_rewind = false; } #ifdef HAVE_THREADS if (runloop_autosave) autosave_unlock(); #endif /* Condition for max speed x0.0 when vrr_runloop is off to skip that part */ if (!(fastforward_ratio || vrr_runloop_enable)) return 0; end: if (vrr_runloop_enable) { struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = &video_driver_av_info; /* Sync on video only, block audio later. */ if (fastforward_after_frames && settings->bools.audio_sync) { if (fastforward_after_frames == 1) { /* Nonblocking audio */ if (audio_driver_active && audio_driver_context_audio_data) current_audio->set_nonblock_state(audio_driver_context_audio_data, true); audio_driver_chunk_size = audio_driver_chunk_nonblock_size; } fastforward_after_frames++; if (fastforward_after_frames == 6) { /* Blocking audio */ if (audio_driver_active && audio_driver_context_audio_data) current_audio->set_nonblock_state( audio_driver_context_audio_data, settings->bools.audio_sync ? false : true); audio_driver_chunk_size = audio_driver_chunk_block_size; fastforward_after_frames = 0; } } /* Fast Forward for max speed x0.0 */ if (!fastforward_ratio && runloop_fastmotion) return 0; frame_limit_minimum_time = (retro_time_t)roundf(1000000.0f / (av_info->timing.fps * (runloop_fastmotion ? fastforward_ratio : 1.0f))); } { retro_time_t to_sleep_ms = ( (frame_limit_last_time + frame_limit_minimum_time) - cpu_features_get_time_usec()) / 1000; if (to_sleep_ms > 0) { unsigned sleep_ms = (unsigned)to_sleep_ms; /* Combat jitter a bit. */ frame_limit_last_time += frame_limit_minimum_time; if (sleep_ms > 0) #if defined(HAVE_COCOATOUCH) if (!main_ui_companion_is_on_foreground) #endif retro_sleep(sleep_ms); return 1; } } frame_limit_last_time = cpu_features_get_time_usec(); return 0; } rarch_system_info_t *runloop_get_system_info(void) { return &runloop_system; } struct retro_system_info *runloop_get_libretro_system_info(void) { return &runloop_system.info; } char *get_retroarch_launch_arguments(void) { return launch_arguments; } void retroarch_force_video_driver_fallback(const char *driver) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; ui_msg_window_t *msg_window = NULL; strlcpy(settings->arrays.video_driver, driver, sizeof(settings->arrays.video_driver)); command_event(CMD_EVENT_MENU_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG, NULL); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) && !defined(__WINRT__) && !defined(WINAPI_FAMILY) /* UI companion driver is not inited yet, just call into it directly */ msg_window = &ui_msg_window_win32; #endif if (msg_window) { char text[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; ui_msg_window_state window_state; char *title = strdup(msg_hash_to_str(MSG_ERROR)); text[0] = '\0'; snprintf(text, sizeof(text), msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_DRIVER_FALLBACK), driver); window_state.buttons = UI_MSG_WINDOW_OK; window_state.text = strdup(text); window_state.title = title; window_state.window = NULL; msg_window->error(&window_state); free(title); } exit(1); } void rarch_get_cpu_architecture_string(char *cpu_arch_str, size_t len) { enum frontend_architecture arch = frontend_driver_get_cpu_architecture(); if (!cpu_arch_str || !len) return; switch (arch) { case FRONTEND_ARCH_X86: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "x86", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_X86_64: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "x64", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_PPC: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "PPC", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_ARM: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "ARM", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_ARMV7: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "ARMv7", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_ARMV8: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "ARMv8", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_MIPS: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "MIPS", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_TILE: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, "Tilera", len); break; case FRONTEND_ARCH_NONE: default: strlcpy(cpu_arch_str, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE), len); break; } } #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING static bool rarch_write_debug_info(void) { int i; char str[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char debug_filepath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; gfx_ctx_mode_t mode_info = {0}; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; RFILE *file = NULL; const frontend_ctx_driver_t *frontend = frontend_get_ptr(); const char *cpu_model = NULL; const char *path_config = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG); unsigned lang = *msg_hash_get_uint(MSG_HASH_USER_LANGUAGE); str[0] = debug_filepath[0] = '\0'; /* Only print our debug info in English */ if (lang != RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) msg_hash_set_uint(MSG_HASH_USER_LANGUAGE, RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH); fill_pathname_resolve_relative( debug_filepath, path_config, DEBUG_INFO_FILENAME, sizeof(debug_filepath)); file = filestream_open(debug_filepath, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_WRITE, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); if (!file) { RARCH_ERR("Could not open debug info file for writing: %s\n", debug_filepath); goto error; } #ifdef HAVE_MENU { time_t time_; char timedate[255]; timedate[0] = '\0'; time(&time_); setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); strftime(timedate, sizeof(timedate), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&time_)); filestream_printf(file, "Log Date/Time: %s\n", timedate); } #endif filestream_printf(file, "RetroArch Version: %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); #ifdef HAVE_LAKKA if (frontend->get_lakka_version) { frontend->get_lakka_version(str, sizeof(str)); filestream_printf(file, "Lakka Version: %s\n", str); str[0] = '\0'; } #endif filestream_printf(file, "RetroArch Build Date: %s\n", __DATE__); #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION filestream_printf(file, "RetroArch Git Commit: %s\n", retroarch_git_version); #endif filestream_printf(file, "\n"); cpu_model = frontend_driver_get_cpu_model_name(); if (!string_is_empty(cpu_model)) filestream_printf(file, "CPU Model Name: %s\n", cpu_model); retroarch_get_capabilities(RARCH_CAPABILITIES_CPU, str, sizeof(str)); filestream_printf(file, "CPU Capabilities: %s\n", str); str[0] = '\0'; rarch_get_cpu_architecture_string(str, sizeof(str)); filestream_printf(file, "CPU Architecture: %s\n", str); filestream_printf(file, "CPU Cores: %u\n", cpu_features_get_core_amount()); { uint64_t memory_used = frontend_driver_get_used_memory(); uint64_t memory_total = frontend_driver_get_total_memory(); filestream_printf(file, "Memory: %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu64 " MB\n", memory_used / 1024 / 1024, memory_total / 1024 / 1024); } filestream_printf(file, "GPU Device: %s\n", !string_is_empty(video_driver_get_gpu_device_string()) ? video_driver_get_gpu_device_string() : "n/a"); filestream_printf(file, "GPU API/Driver Version: %s\n", !string_is_empty(video_driver_get_gpu_api_version_string()) ? video_driver_get_gpu_api_version_string() : "n/a"); filestream_printf(file, "\n"); video_context_driver_get_video_size(&mode_info); filestream_printf(file, "Window Resolution: %u x %u\n", mode_info.width, mode_info.height); { float width = 0, height = 0, refresh = 0.0f; gfx_ctx_metrics_t metrics; metrics.type = DISPLAY_METRIC_PIXEL_WIDTH; metrics.value = &width; video_context_driver_get_metrics(&metrics); metrics.type = DISPLAY_METRIC_PIXEL_HEIGHT; metrics.value = &height; video_context_driver_get_metrics(&metrics); video_context_driver_get_refresh_rate(&refresh); filestream_printf(file, "Monitor Resolution: %d x %d @ %.2f Hz (configured for %.2f Hz)\n", (int)width, (int)height, refresh, settings->floats.video_refresh_rate); } filestream_printf(file, "\n"); str[0] = '\0'; retroarch_get_capabilities(RARCH_CAPABILITIES_COMPILER, str, sizeof(str)); filestream_printf(file, "%s\n", str); str[0] = '\0'; filestream_printf(file, "Frontend Identifier: %s\n", frontend->ident); if (frontend->get_name) { frontend->get_name(str, sizeof(str)); filestream_printf(file, "Frontend Name: %s\n", str); str[0] = '\0'; } if (frontend->get_os) { int major = 0, minor = 0; const char *warning = ""; frontend->get_os(str, sizeof(str), &major, &minor); if (strstr(str, "Build 16299")) warning = " (WARNING: Fall Creator's Update detected... OpenGL performance may be low)"; filestream_printf(file, "Frontend OS: %s (v%d.%d)%s\n", str, major, minor, warning); str[0] = '\0'; } filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Input Devices (autoconfig is %s):\n", settings->bools.input_autodetect_enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (input_is_autoconfigured(i)) { unsigned retro_id; unsigned rebind = 0; unsigned device = settings->uints.input_libretro_device[i]; device &= RETRO_DEVICE_MASK; if (device == RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD || device == RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG) { for (retro_id = 0; retro_id < RARCH_ANALOG_BIND_LIST_END; retro_id++) { char descriptor[300]; const struct retro_keybind *keybind = &input_config_binds[i][retro_id]; const struct retro_keybind *auto_bind = (const struct retro_keybind*) input_config_get_bind_auto(i, retro_id); input_config_get_bind_string(descriptor, keybind, auto_bind, sizeof(descriptor)); if (!strstr(descriptor, "Auto") && auto_bind && !auto_bind->valid && (auto_bind->joykey != 0xFFFF) && !string_is_empty(auto_bind->joykey_label)) rebind++; } } if (rebind) filestream_printf(file, " - Port #%d autoconfigured (WARNING: %u keys rebinded):\n", i, rebind); else filestream_printf(file, " - Port #%d autoconfigured:\n", i); filestream_printf(file, " - Device name: %s (#%d)\n", input_config_get_device_name(i), input_autoconfigure_get_device_name_index(i)); filestream_printf(file, " - Display name: %s\n", input_config_get_device_display_name(i) ? input_config_get_device_display_name(i) : "N/A"); filestream_printf(file, " - Config path: %s\n", input_config_get_device_display_name(i) ? input_config_get_device_config_path(i) : "N/A"); filestream_printf(file, " - VID/PID: %d/%d (0x%04X/0x%04X)\n", input_config_get_vid(i), input_config_get_pid(i), input_config_get_vid(i), input_config_get_pid(i)); } else filestream_printf(file, " - Port #%d not autoconfigured\n", i); } filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Drivers:\n"); { gfx_ctx_ident_t ident_info = {0}; input_driver_t *input_driver = NULL; const input_device_driver_t *joypad_driver = NULL; const char *driver = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_MENU driver = menu_driver_ident(); if (string_is_equal(driver, settings->arrays.menu_driver)) filestream_printf(file, " - Menu: %s\n", !string_is_empty(driver) ? driver : "n/a"); else filestream_printf(file, " - Menu: %s (configured for %s)\n", !string_is_empty(driver) ? driver : "n/a", !string_is_empty(settings->arrays.menu_driver) ? settings->arrays.menu_driver : "n/a"); #endif driver = #ifdef HAVE_THREADS (video_driver_is_threaded_internal()) ? video_thread_get_ident() : #endif video_driver_get_ident(); if (string_is_equal(driver, settings->arrays.video_driver)) filestream_printf(file, " - Video: %s\n", !string_is_empty(driver) ? driver : "n/a"); else filestream_printf(file, " - Video: %s (configured for %s)\n", !string_is_empty(driver) ? driver : "n/a", !string_is_empty(settings->arrays.video_driver) ? settings->arrays.video_driver : "n/a"); video_context_driver_get_ident(&ident_info); filestream_printf(file, " - Video Context: %s\n", ident_info.ident ? ident_info.ident : "n/a"); driver = NULL; if (current_audio) driver = current_audio->ident; if (string_is_equal(driver, settings->arrays.audio_driver)) filestream_printf(file, " - Audio: %s\n", !string_is_empty(driver) ? driver : "n/a"); else filestream_printf(file, " - Audio: %s (configured for %s)\n", !string_is_empty(driver) ? driver : "n/a", !string_is_empty(settings->arrays.audio_driver) ? settings->arrays.audio_driver : "n/a"); input_driver = current_input; if (input_driver && string_is_equal(input_driver->ident, settings->arrays.input_driver)) filestream_printf(file, " - Input: %s\n", !string_is_empty(input_driver->ident) ? input_driver->ident : "n/a"); else filestream_printf(file, " - Input: %s (configured for %s)\n", !string_is_empty(input_driver->ident) ? input_driver->ident : "n/a", !string_is_empty(settings->arrays.input_driver) ? settings->arrays.input_driver : "n/a"); joypad_driver = (input_driver->get_joypad_driver ? input_driver->get_joypad_driver(input_driver_get_data()) : NULL); if (joypad_driver && string_is_equal(joypad_driver->ident, settings->arrays.input_joypad_driver)) filestream_printf(file, " - Joypad: %s\n", !string_is_empty(joypad_driver->ident) ? joypad_driver->ident : "n/a"); else filestream_printf(file, " - Joypad: %s (configured for %s)\n", !string_is_empty(joypad_driver->ident) ? joypad_driver->ident : "n/a", !string_is_empty(settings->arrays.input_joypad_driver) ? settings->arrays.input_joypad_driver : "n/a"); } filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Configuration related settings:\n"); filestream_printf(file, " - Save on exit: %s\n", settings->bools.config_save_on_exit ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Load content-specific core options automatically: %s\n", settings->bools.game_specific_options ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Load override files automatically: %s\n", settings->bools.auto_overrides_enable ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Load remap files automatically: %s\n", settings->bools.auto_remaps_enable ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Sort saves in folders: %s\n", settings->bools.sort_savefiles_enable ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Sort states in folders: %s\n", settings->bools.sort_savestates_enable ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Write saves in content dir: %s\n", settings->bools.savefiles_in_content_dir ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Write savestates in content dir: %s\n", settings->bools.savestates_in_content_dir ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Auto load state: %s\n", settings->bools.savestate_auto_load ? "yes (WARNING: not compatible with all cores)" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, "Auto save state: %s\n", settings->bools.savestate_auto_save ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Buildbot cores URL: %s\n", settings->paths.network_buildbot_url); filestream_printf(file, "Auto-extract downloaded archives: %s\n", settings->bools.network_buildbot_auto_extract_archive ? "yes" : "no"); { size_t count = 0; core_info_list_t *core_info_list = NULL; struct string_list *list = NULL; const char *ext = file_path_str(FILE_PATH_RDB_EXTENSION); /* remove dot */ if (!string_is_empty(ext) && ext[0] == '.' && strlen(ext) > 1) ext++; core_info_get_list(&core_info_list); if (core_info_list) count = core_info_list->count; filestream_printf(file, "Core info: %u entries\n", count); count = 0; list = dir_list_new(settings->paths.path_content_database, ext, false, true, false, true); if (list) { count = list->size; string_list_free(list); } filestream_printf(file, "Databases: %u entries\n", count); } filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Performance and latency-sensitive features (may have a large impact depending on the core):\n"); filestream_printf(file, " - Video:\n"); filestream_printf(file, " - Runahead: %s\n", settings->bools.run_ahead_enabled ? "yes (WARNING: not compatible with all cores)" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Rewind: %s\n", settings->bools.rewind_enable ? "yes (WARNING: not compatible with all cores)" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Hard GPU Sync: %s\n", settings->bools.video_hard_sync ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Frame Delay: %u frames\n", settings->uints.video_frame_delay); filestream_printf(file, " - Max Swapchain Images: %u\n", settings->uints.video_max_swapchain_images); filestream_printf(file, " - Max Run Speed: %.1f x\n", settings->floats.fastforward_ratio); filestream_printf(file, " - Sync to exact content framerate: %s\n", settings->bools.vrr_runloop_enable ? "yes (note: designed for G-Sync/FreeSync displays only)" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Fullscreen: %s\n", settings->bools.video_fullscreen ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Windowed Fullscreen: %s\n", settings->bools.video_windowed_fullscreen ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Threaded Video: %s\n", settings->bools.video_threaded ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Vsync: %s\n", settings->bools.video_vsync ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Vsync Swap Interval: %u frames\n", settings->uints.video_swap_interval); filestream_printf(file, " - Black Frame Insertion: %s\n", settings->bools.video_black_frame_insertion ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Bilinear Filtering: %s\n", settings->bools.video_smooth ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Video CPU Filter: %s\n", !string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_softfilter_plugin) ? settings->paths.path_softfilter_plugin : "n/a"); filestream_printf(file, " - CRT SwitchRes: %s\n", (settings->uints.crt_switch_resolution > CRT_SWITCH_NONE) ? "yes" : "no"); filestream_printf(file, " - Video Shared Context: %s\n", settings->bools.video_shared_context ? "yes" : "no"); { video_shader_ctx_t shader_info = {0}; video_shader_driver_get_current_shader(&shader_info); if (shader_info.data) { if (string_is_equal(shader_info.data->path, settings->paths.path_shader)) filestream_printf(file, " - Video Shader: %s\n", !string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_shader) ? settings->paths.path_shader : "n/a"); else filestream_printf(file, " - Video Shader: %s (configured for %s)\n", !string_is_empty(shader_info.data->path) ? shader_info.data->path : "n/a", !string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_shader) ? settings->paths.path_shader : "n/a"); } else filestream_printf(file, " - Video Shader: n/a\n"); } filestream_printf(file, " - Audio:\n"); filestream_printf(file, " - Audio Enabled: %s\n", settings->bools.audio_enable ? "yes" : "no (WARNING: content framerate will be incorrect)"); filestream_printf(file, " - Audio Sync: %s\n", settings->bools.audio_sync ? "yes" : "no (WARNING: content framerate will be incorrect)"); { const char *s = NULL; switch (settings->uints.audio_resampler_quality) { case RESAMPLER_QUALITY_DONTCARE: s = msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_DONT_CARE); break; case RESAMPLER_QUALITY_LOWEST: s = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_LOWEST); break; case RESAMPLER_QUALITY_LOWER: s = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_LOWER); break; case RESAMPLER_QUALITY_HIGHER: s = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_HIGHER); break; case RESAMPLER_QUALITY_HIGHEST: s = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_HIGHEST); break; case RESAMPLER_QUALITY_NORMAL: s = msg_hash_to_str(MSG_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_NORMAL); break; } filestream_printf(file, " - Resampler Quality: %s\n", !string_is_empty(s) ? s : "n/a"); } filestream_printf(file, " - Audio Latency: %u ms\n", settings->uints.audio_latency); filestream_printf(file, " - Dynamic Rate Control (DRC): %.3f\n", *audio_get_float_ptr(AUDIO_ACTION_RATE_CONTROL_DELTA)); filestream_printf(file, " - Max Timing Skew: %.2f\n", settings->floats.audio_max_timing_skew); filestream_printf(file, " - Output Rate: %u Hz\n", settings->uints.audio_out_rate); filestream_printf(file, " - DSP Plugin: %s\n", !string_is_empty(settings->paths.path_audio_dsp_plugin) ? settings->paths.path_audio_dsp_plugin : "n/a"); { core_info_list_t *core_info_list = NULL; bool found = false; filestream_printf(file, "\n"); filestream_printf(file, "Firmware files found:\n"); core_info_get_list(&core_info_list); if (core_info_list) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < core_info_list->count; i++) { core_info_t *info = &core_info_list->list[i]; if (!info) continue; if (info->firmware_count) { unsigned j; bool core_found = false; for (j = 0; j < info->firmware_count; j++) { core_info_firmware_t *firmware = &info->firmware[j]; char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; if (!firmware) continue; path[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_join( path, settings->paths.directory_system, firmware->path, sizeof(path)); if (filestream_exists(path)) { found = true; if (!core_found) { core_found = true; filestream_printf(file, " - %s:\n", !string_is_empty(info->core_name) ? info->core_name : path_basename(info->path)); } filestream_printf(file, " - %s (%s)\n", firmware->path, firmware->optional ? "optional" : "required"); } } } } } if (!found) filestream_printf(file, " - n/a\n"); } filestream_close(file); RARCH_LOG("Wrote debug info to %s\n", debug_filepath); msg_hash_set_uint(MSG_HASH_USER_LANGUAGE, lang); return true; error: return false; } static void send_debug_info_cb(retro_task_t *task, void *task_data, void *user_data, const char *error) { if (task_data) { http_transfer_data_t *data = (http_transfer_data_t*)task_data; if (!data || data->len == 0) { RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO)); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_ERROR); free(task_data); return; } /* don't use string_is_equal() here instead of the memcmp() because the data isn't NULL-terminated */ if (!string_is_empty(data->data) && data->len >= 2 && !memcmp(data->data, "OK", 2)) { char buf[32] = {0}; struct string_list *list; memcpy(buf, data->data, data->len); list = string_split(buf, " "); if (list && list->size > 1) { unsigned id = 0; char msg[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; msg[0] = '\0'; sscanf(list->elems[1].data, "%u", &id); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SENT_DEBUG_INFO), id); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg, 2, 600, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); } if (list) string_list_free(list); } else { RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO)); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_ERROR); } free(task_data); } else { RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO)); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_ERROR); } } static void rarch_send_debug_info(void) { char debug_filepath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; const char *url = "http://lobby.libretro.com/debuginfo/add/"; char *info_buf = NULL; const size_t param_buf_size = 65535; char *param_buf = (char*)malloc(param_buf_size); char *param_buf_tmp = NULL; int param_buf_pos = 0; int64_t len = 0; const char *path_config = path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONFIG); bool info_written = rarch_write_debug_info(); debug_filepath[0] = param_buf[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_resolve_relative( debug_filepath, path_config, DEBUG_INFO_FILENAME, sizeof(debug_filepath)); if (info_written) filestream_read_file(debug_filepath, (void**)&info_buf, &len); if (string_is_empty(info_buf) || len == 0 || !info_written) { runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SAVE_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_ERROR); goto finish; } RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SENDING_DEBUG_INFO)); runloop_msg_queue_push( msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SENDING_DEBUG_INFO), 2, 180, true, NULL, MESSAGE_QUEUE_ICON_DEFAULT, MESSAGE_QUEUE_CATEGORY_INFO); param_buf_pos = (int)strlcpy(param_buf, "info=", param_buf_size); param_buf_tmp = param_buf + param_buf_pos; net_http_urlencode(¶m_buf_tmp, info_buf); strlcat(param_buf, param_buf_tmp, param_buf_size - param_buf_pos); task_push_http_post_transfer(url, param_buf, true, NULL, send_debug_info_cb, NULL); finish: if (param_buf) free(param_buf); if (info_buf) free(info_buf); } #endif void rarch_log_file_init(void) { char log_directory[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char log_file_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; FILE *fp = NULL; settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; bool log_to_file = settings->bools.log_to_file; bool log_to_file_timestamp = settings->bools.log_to_file_timestamp; bool logging_to_file = is_logging_to_file(); log_directory[0] = '\0'; log_file_path[0] = '\0'; /* If this is the first run, generate a timestamped log * file name (do this even when not outputting timestamped * log files, since user may decide to switch at any moment...) */ if (string_is_empty(timestamped_log_file_name)) { char format[256]; time_t cur_time = time(NULL); const struct tm *tm_ = localtime(&cur_time); format[0] = '\0'; strftime(format, sizeof(format), "retroarch__%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S", tm_); fill_pathname_noext(timestamped_log_file_name, format, file_path_str(FILE_PATH_EVENT_LOG_EXTENSION), sizeof(timestamped_log_file_name)); } /* If nothing has changed, do nothing */ if ((!log_to_file && !logging_to_file) || (log_to_file && logging_to_file)) return; /* If we are currently logging to file and wish to stop, * de-initialise existing logger... */ if (!log_to_file && logging_to_file) { retro_main_log_file_deinit(); /* ...and revert to console */ retro_main_log_file_init(NULL, false); return; } /* If we reach this point, then we are not currently * logging to file, and wish to do so */ /* > Check whether we are already logging to console */ fp = (FILE*)retro_main_log_file(); /* De-initialise existing logger */ if (fp) retro_main_log_file_deinit(); /* > Get directory/file paths */ if (log_file_override_active) { /* Get log directory */ const char *last_slash = find_last_slash(log_file_override_path); if (last_slash) { char tmp_buf[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; size_t path_length = last_slash + 1 - log_file_override_path; if ((path_length > 1) && (path_length < PATH_MAX_LENGTH)) strlcpy(tmp_buf, log_file_override_path, path_length * sizeof(char)); strlcpy(log_directory, tmp_buf, sizeof(log_directory)); } /* Get log file path */ strlcpy(log_file_path, log_file_override_path, sizeof(log_file_path)); } else if (!string_is_empty(settings->paths.log_dir)) { /* Get log directory */ strlcpy(log_directory, settings->paths.log_dir, sizeof(log_directory)); /* Get log file path */ fill_pathname_join(log_file_path, settings->paths.log_dir, log_to_file_timestamp ? timestamped_log_file_name : file_path_str(FILE_PATH_DEFAULT_EVENT_LOG), sizeof(log_file_path)); } /* > Attempt to initialise log file */ if (!string_is_empty(log_file_path)) { /* Create log directory, if required */ if (!string_is_empty(log_directory)) { if (!path_is_directory(log_directory)) { if (!path_mkdir(log_directory)) { /* Re-enable console logging and output error message */ retro_main_log_file_init(NULL, false); RARCH_ERR("Failed to create system event log directory: %s\n", log_directory); return; } } } /* When RetroArch is launched, log file is overwritten. * On subsequent calls within the same session, it is appended to. */ retro_main_log_file_init(log_file_path, log_file_created); if (is_logging_to_file()) log_file_created = true; return; } /* If we reach this point, then something went wrong... * Just fall back to console logging */ retro_main_log_file_init(NULL, false); RARCH_ERR("Failed to initialise system event file logging...\n"); } void rarch_log_file_deinit(void) { FILE *fp = NULL; /* De-initialise existing logger, if currently logging to file */ if (is_logging_to_file()) retro_main_log_file_deinit(); /* If logging is currently disabled... */ fp = (FILE*)retro_main_log_file(); if (!fp) /* ...initialise logging to console */ retro_main_log_file_init(NULL, false); } enum retro_language rarch_get_language_from_iso(const char *iso639) { unsigned i; enum retro_language lang = RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; struct lang_pair { const char *iso639; enum retro_language lang; }; const struct lang_pair pairs[] = { {"en", RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH}, {"ja", RETRO_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE}, {"fr", RETRO_LANGUAGE_FRENCH}, {"es", RETRO_LANGUAGE_SPANISH}, {"de", RETRO_LANGUAGE_GERMAN}, {"it", RETRO_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN}, {"nl", RETRO_LANGUAGE_DUTCH}, {"pt_BR", RETRO_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL}, {"pt_PT", RETRO_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL}, {"pt", RETRO_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL}, {"ru", RETRO_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN}, {"ko", RETRO_LANGUAGE_KOREAN}, {"zh_CN", RETRO_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED}, {"zh_SG", RETRO_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED}, {"zh_HK", RETRO_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL}, {"zh_TW", RETRO_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL}, {"zh", RETRO_LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED}, {"eo", RETRO_LANGUAGE_ESPERANTO}, {"pl", RETRO_LANGUAGE_POLISH}, {"vi", RETRO_LANGUAGE_VIETNAMESE}, {"ar", RETRO_LANGUAGE_ARABIC}, {"el", RETRO_LANGUAGE_GREEK}, }; if (string_is_empty(iso639)) return lang; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pairs); i++) { if (strcasestr(iso639, pairs[i].iso639)) { lang = pairs[i].lang; break; } } return lang; } void rarch_favorites_init(void) { settings_t *settings = configuration_settings; unsigned content_favorites_size; if (!settings) return; if (settings->ints.content_favorites_size < 0) content_favorites_size = COLLECTION_SIZE; else content_favorites_size = (unsigned)settings->ints.content_favorites_size; rarch_favorites_deinit(); RARCH_LOG("%s: [%s].\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LOADING_FAVORITES_FILE), settings->paths.path_content_favorites); g_defaults.content_favorites = playlist_init( settings->paths.path_content_favorites, content_favorites_size); } void rarch_favorites_deinit(void) { if (g_defaults.content_favorites) { playlist_write_file(g_defaults.content_favorites); playlist_free(g_defaults.content_favorites); g_defaults.content_favorites = NULL; } } /* Libretro core loader */ static void retro_run_null(void) { } static void retro_frame_null(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch) { } static void retro_input_poll_null(void) { } static int16_t core_input_state_poll(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id) { return input_state(port, device, idx, id); } static int16_t core_input_state_poll_late(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id) { if (!current_core.input_polled) input_driver_poll(); current_core.input_polled = true; return input_state(port, device, idx, id); } static retro_input_state_t core_input_state_poll_return_cb(void) { if (current_core.poll_type == POLL_TYPE_LATE) return core_input_state_poll_late; return core_input_state_poll; } static void core_input_state_poll_maybe(void) { if (current_core.poll_type == POLL_TYPE_NORMAL) input_driver_poll(); } /** * core_init_libretro_cbs: * @data : pointer to retro_callbacks object * * Initializes libretro callbacks, and binds the libretro callbacks * to default callback functions. **/ static bool core_init_libretro_cbs(struct retro_callbacks *cbs) { retro_input_state_t state_cb = core_input_state_poll_return_cb(); current_core.retro_set_video_refresh(video_driver_frame); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample(audio_driver_sample); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(audio_driver_sample_batch); current_core.retro_set_input_state(state_cb); current_core.retro_set_input_poll(core_input_state_poll_maybe); core_set_default_callbacks(cbs); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING if (!netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_IS_DATA_INITED, NULL)) return true; core_set_netplay_callbacks(); #endif return true; } /** * core_set_default_callbacks: * @data : pointer to retro_callbacks object * * Binds the libretro callbacks to default callback functions. **/ bool core_set_default_callbacks(struct retro_callbacks *cbs) { retro_input_state_t state_cb = core_input_state_poll_return_cb(); cbs->frame_cb = video_driver_frame; cbs->sample_cb = audio_driver_sample; cbs->sample_batch_cb = audio_driver_sample_batch; cbs->state_cb = state_cb; cbs->poll_cb = input_driver_poll; return true; } /** * core_set_rewind_callbacks: * * Sets the audio sampling callbacks based on whether or not * rewinding is currently activated. **/ bool core_set_rewind_callbacks(void) { if (state_manager_frame_is_reversed()) { current_core.retro_set_audio_sample(audio_driver_sample_rewind); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(audio_driver_sample_batch_rewind); } else { current_core.retro_set_audio_sample(audio_driver_sample); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(audio_driver_sample_batch); } return true; } #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING /** * core_set_netplay_callbacks: * * Set the I/O callbacks to use netplay's interceding callback system. Should * only be called while initializing netplay. **/ bool core_set_netplay_callbacks(void) { /* Force normal poll type for netplay. */ current_core.poll_type = POLL_TYPE_NORMAL; /* And use netplay's interceding callbacks */ current_core.retro_set_video_refresh(video_frame_net); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample(audio_sample_net); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(audio_sample_batch_net); current_core.retro_set_input_state(input_state_net); return true; } /** * core_unset_netplay_callbacks * * Unset the I/O callbacks from having used netplay's interceding callback * system. Should only be called while uninitializing netplay. */ bool core_unset_netplay_callbacks(void) { struct retro_callbacks cbs; if (!core_set_default_callbacks(&cbs)) return false; current_core.retro_set_video_refresh(cbs.frame_cb); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample(cbs.sample_cb); current_core.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(cbs.sample_batch_cb); current_core.retro_set_input_state(cbs.state_cb); return true; } #endif bool core_set_cheat(retro_ctx_cheat_info_t *info) { current_core.retro_cheat_set(info->index, info->enabled, info->code); return true; } bool core_reset_cheat(void) { current_core.retro_cheat_reset(); return true; } bool core_set_poll_type(unsigned type) { current_core.poll_type = type; return true; } bool core_set_controller_port_device(retro_ctx_controller_info_t *pad) { if (!pad) return false; #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD remember_controller_port_device(pad->port, pad->device); #endif current_core.retro_set_controller_port_device(pad->port, pad->device); return true; } bool core_get_memory(retro_ctx_memory_info_t *info) { if (!info) return false; info->size = current_core.retro_get_memory_size(info->id); info->data = current_core.retro_get_memory_data(info->id); return true; } bool core_load_game(retro_ctx_load_content_info_t *load_info) { bool contentless = false; bool is_inited = false; video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); #ifdef HAVE_RUNAHEAD set_load_content_info(load_info); clear_controller_port_map(); #endif content_get_status(&contentless, &is_inited); set_save_state_in_background(false); if (load_info && load_info->special) current_core.game_loaded = current_core.retro_load_game_special( load_info->special->id, load_info->info, load_info->content->size); else if (load_info && !string_is_empty(load_info->content->elems[0].data)) current_core.game_loaded = current_core.retro_load_game(load_info->info); else if (contentless) current_core.game_loaded = current_core.retro_load_game(NULL); else current_core.game_loaded = false; return current_core.game_loaded; } bool core_get_system_info(struct retro_system_info *system) { if (!system) return false; current_core.retro_get_system_info(system); return true; } bool core_unserialize(retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *info) { if (!info || !current_core.retro_unserialize(info->data_const, info->size)) return false; #if HAVE_NETWORKING netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_LOAD_SAVESTATE, info); #endif return true; } bool core_serialize(retro_ctx_serialize_info_t *info) { if (!info || !current_core.retro_serialize(info->data, info->size)) return false; return true; } bool core_serialize_size(retro_ctx_size_info_t *info) { if (!info) return false; info->size = current_core.retro_serialize_size(); return true; } uint64_t core_serialization_quirks(void) { return current_core.serialization_quirks_v; } bool core_reset(void) { video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); current_core.retro_reset(); return true; } static bool core_unload_game(void) { video_driver_free_hw_context(); video_driver_set_cached_frame_ptr(NULL); if (current_core.game_loaded) { current_core.retro_unload_game(); current_core.game_loaded = false; } audio_driver_stop(); return true; } bool core_run(void) { bool early_polling = current_core.poll_type == POLL_TYPE_EARLY; bool late_polling = current_core.poll_type == POLL_TYPE_LATE; #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING bool netplay_preframe = netplay_driver_ctl( RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_PRE_FRAME, NULL); if (!netplay_preframe) { /* Paused due to netplay. We must poll and display something so that a * netplay peer pausing doesn't just hang. */ input_driver_poll(); video_driver_cached_frame(); return true; } #endif if (early_polling) input_driver_poll(); else if (late_polling) current_core.input_polled = false; current_core.retro_run(); if (late_polling && !current_core.input_polled) input_driver_poll(); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORKING netplay_driver_ctl(RARCH_NETPLAY_CTL_POST_FRAME, NULL); #endif return true; } static bool core_verify_api_version(void) { unsigned api_version = current_core.retro_api_version(); RARCH_LOG("%s: %u\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_VERSION_OF_LIBRETRO_API), api_version); RARCH_LOG("%s: %u\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_COMPILED_AGAINST_API), RETRO_API_VERSION); if (api_version != RETRO_API_VERSION) { RARCH_WARN("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_LIBRETRO_ABI_BREAK)); return false; } return true; } static bool core_load(unsigned poll_type_behavior) { current_core.poll_type = poll_type_behavior; if (!core_verify_api_version()) return false; if (!core_init_libretro_cbs(&retro_ctx)) return false; current_core.retro_get_system_av_info(&video_driver_av_info); return true; } bool core_has_set_input_descriptor(void) { return current_core.has_set_input_descriptors; } static void core_free_retro_game_info(struct retro_game_info *dest) { if (!dest) return; if (dest->path) free((void*)dest->path); if (dest->data) free((void*)dest->data); if (dest->meta) free((void*)dest->meta); dest->path = NULL; dest->data = NULL; dest->meta = NULL; }