The following instructions will only work if building from OS X, using latest XCode with fake signing enabled.

To build RetroArch:
    Open $(root)/ios/RetroArch.xcodeproj, change build type to iOSDevice then choose Product->Build For->Archiving.
    After compilation finishes goto Window->Organizer->Projects->RetroArch then click the small arrow beside
    the Derived Data field, this will open a finder window with the projects build files directory highlighted.
    The app bundle can be found at Build/Products/* in that folder. Use scp to copy the .app bundle to the appropriate place
    on your device.

To build libretro cores:
    In general, to build for iOS devices, copy the configuration for OSX, then at the end add the lines:
       sysroot = -isysroot /Applications/
       CC   = /Applications/ -arch armv7 $(sysroot)
       CXX  = /Applications/ -arch armv7 $(sysroot)
    Here is how it would look in Makefile.libretro for vba-next:
       else ifeq ($(platform), osx)
          TARGET := vba_next_libretro.dylib
          fpic := -fPIC
          SHARED := -dynamiclib
       else ifeq ($(platform), ios)
          TARGET := vba_next_libretro.dylib
          fpic := -fPIC
          SHARED := -dynamiclib
          sysroot = -isysroot /Applications/
          CC   = /Applications/ -arch armv7 $(sysroot)
          CXX  = /Applications/ -arch armv7 $(sysroot)
       else ifeq ($(platform), ps3)
    Other arm specific flags can be added if needed.

    Finally issue the make command for the module adding 'platform=ios' at the of the command.
    (e.g. 'make -f Makefile.libretro platform=ios'). Then copy the resulting .dylib file into a sub-directory of the app
    bundle named modules. (e.g.

    /var/mobile/Library/RetroArch: Will be created to store both saved games and the retroarch.cfg.
    /var/mobile/RetroArchGames:    If this exists and is a directory it will be used as the root for game browsing.
    /var/mobile:                   If RetroArchGames does not exist this will be used as the root for game browsing,
                                   if another browser root is desired make RetroArchGames a symlink to the preferred path.         Contains .shader format shaders, sub-directories are supported.        Contains input overlay definitions, sub-directories are supported.         Contains .dylib files for the libretro modules. The only constraint on the file name
                                   is that it must end in .dylib, sub-directories are not supported.

    To test in iOS Simulator you will need to create the '/var/mobile' directory on you computer, and give yourself full
    access to it.