/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #ifndef VULKAN_COMMON_H__ #define VULKAN_COMMON_H__ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #define VULKAN_DESCRIPTOR_MANAGER_BLOCK_SETS 16 #define VULKAN_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_SIZES 16 #define VULKAN_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE (64 * 1024) #define VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES 8 #define VULKAN_DIRTY_DYNAMIC_BIT 0x0001 #include "vksym.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../driver.h" #include "../../retroarch.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" #include "../font_driver.h" #include "../video_driver.h" #include "../drivers_shader/shader_vulkan.h" #include "../include/vulkan/vulkan.h" RETRO_BEGIN_DECLS enum vk_texture_type { /* We will use the texture as a sampled linear texture. */ VULKAN_TEXTURE_STREAMED = 0, /* We will use the texture as a linear texture, but only * for copying to a DYNAMIC texture. */ VULKAN_TEXTURE_STAGING, /* We will use the texture as an optimally tiled texture, * and we will update the texture by copying from STAGING * textures. */ VULKAN_TEXTURE_DYNAMIC, /* We will upload content once. */ VULKAN_TEXTURE_STATIC, /* We will use the texture for reading back transfers from GPU. */ VULKAN_TEXTURE_READBACK }; enum vulkan_wsi_type { VULKAN_WSI_NONE = 0, VULKAN_WSI_WAYLAND, VULKAN_WSI_MIR, VULKAN_WSI_ANDROID, VULKAN_WSI_WIN32, VULKAN_WSI_XCB, VULKAN_WSI_XLIB, VULKAN_WSI_DISPLAY, VULKAN_WSI_MVK_MACOS, VULKAN_WSI_MVK_IOS, }; typedef struct vulkan_context { bool invalid_swapchain; /* Used by screenshot to get blits with correct colorspace. */ bool swapchain_is_srgb; bool swap_interval_emulation_lock; bool has_acquired_swapchain; unsigned swapchain_width; unsigned swapchain_height; unsigned swap_interval; uint32_t graphics_queue_index; uint32_t num_swapchain_images; uint32_t current_swapchain_index; VkInstance instance; VkPhysicalDevice gpu; VkDevice device; VkQueue queue; VkPhysicalDeviceProperties gpu_properties; VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memory_properties; VkImage swapchain_images[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; VkFence swapchain_fences[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; bool swapchain_fences_signalled[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; VkSemaphore swapchain_semaphores[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; VkFormat swapchain_format; slock_t *queue_lock; retro_vulkan_destroy_device_t destroy_device; #ifdef VULKAN_DEBUG VkDebugReportCallbackEXT debug_callback; #endif } vulkan_context_t; struct vulkan_emulated_mailbox { sthread_t *thread; VkDevice device; VkSwapchainKHR swapchain; slock_t *lock; scond_t *cond; unsigned index; bool acquired; bool request_acquire; bool dead; bool has_pending_request; VkResult result; }; bool vulkan_emulated_mailbox_init(struct vulkan_emulated_mailbox *mailbox, VkDevice device, VkSwapchainKHR swapchain); void vulkan_emulated_mailbox_deinit(struct vulkan_emulated_mailbox *mailbox); VkResult vulkan_emulated_mailbox_acquire_next_image(struct vulkan_emulated_mailbox *mailbox, unsigned *index); VkResult vulkan_emulated_mailbox_acquire_next_image_blocking(struct vulkan_emulated_mailbox *mailbox, unsigned *index); typedef struct gfx_ctx_vulkan_data { bool need_new_swapchain; bool created_new_swapchain; bool emulate_mailbox; bool emulating_mailbox; vulkan_context_t context; VkSurfaceKHR vk_surface; VkSwapchainKHR swapchain; struct vulkan_emulated_mailbox mailbox; /* Used to check if we need to use mailbox emulation or not. * Only relevant on Windows for now. */ bool fullscreen; } gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t; struct vulkan_display_surface_info { unsigned width; unsigned height; unsigned monitor_index; }; struct vk_color { float r, g, b, a; }; struct vk_vertex { float x, y; float tex_x, tex_y; struct vk_color color; }; struct vk_image { VkImage image; VkImageView view; VkFramebuffer framebuffer; }; struct vk_texture { enum vk_texture_type type; bool default_smooth; bool need_manual_cache_management; bool mipmap; uint32_t memory_type; unsigned width, height; size_t offset; size_t stride; size_t size; void *mapped; VkImage image; VkImageView view; VkDeviceMemory memory; VkBuffer buffer; VkFormat format; VkDeviceSize memory_size; VkImageLayout layout; }; struct vk_buffer { VkBuffer buffer; VkDeviceMemory memory; VkDeviceSize size; void *mapped; }; struct vk_buffer_node { struct vk_buffer buffer; struct vk_buffer_node *next; }; struct vk_buffer_chain { VkDeviceSize block_size; VkDeviceSize alignment; VkDeviceSize offset; VkBufferUsageFlags usage; struct vk_buffer_node *head; struct vk_buffer_node *current; }; struct vk_buffer_range { uint8_t *data; VkBuffer buffer; VkDeviceSize offset; }; struct vk_buffer_chain vulkan_buffer_chain_init( VkDeviceSize block_size, VkDeviceSize alignment, VkBufferUsageFlags usage); void vulkan_buffer_chain_discard(struct vk_buffer_chain *chain); bool vulkan_buffer_chain_alloc(const struct vulkan_context *context, struct vk_buffer_chain *chain, size_t size, struct vk_buffer_range *range); void vulkan_buffer_chain_free( VkDevice device, struct vk_buffer_chain *chain); struct vk_descriptor_pool { VkDescriptorPool pool; VkDescriptorSet sets[VULKAN_DESCRIPTOR_MANAGER_BLOCK_SETS]; struct vk_descriptor_pool *next; }; struct vk_descriptor_manager { struct vk_descriptor_pool *head; struct vk_descriptor_pool *current; unsigned count; VkDescriptorPoolSize sizes[VULKAN_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_SIZES]; VkDescriptorSetLayout set_layout; unsigned num_sizes; }; struct vk_per_frame { struct vk_image backbuffer; struct vk_texture texture; struct vk_texture texture_optimal; struct vk_buffer_chain vbo; struct vk_buffer_chain ubo; struct vk_descriptor_manager descriptor_manager; VkCommandPool cmd_pool; VkCommandBuffer cmd; }; struct vk_draw_quad { VkPipeline pipeline; struct vk_texture *texture; VkSampler sampler; const math_matrix_4x4 *mvp; struct vk_color color; }; struct vk_draw_triangles { unsigned vertices; size_t uniform_size; const void *uniform; const struct vk_buffer_range *vbo; struct vk_texture *texture; VkPipeline pipeline; VkSampler sampler; }; typedef struct vk { bool vsync; bool keep_aspect; bool fullscreen; bool quitting; bool should_resize; unsigned tex_w, tex_h; unsigned vp_out_width, vp_out_height; unsigned rotation; unsigned num_swapchain_images; unsigned last_valid_index; vulkan_context_t *context; video_info_t video; void *ctx_data; const gfx_ctx_driver_t *ctx_driver; VkFormat tex_fmt; math_matrix_4x4 mvp, mvp_no_rot; VkViewport vk_vp; VkRenderPass render_pass; struct video_viewport vp; struct vk_per_frame *chain; struct vk_per_frame swapchain[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; struct vk_texture default_texture; /* Currently active command buffer. */ VkCommandBuffer cmd; /* Staging pool for doing buffer transfers on GPU. */ VkCommandPool staging_pool; struct { bool pending; bool streamed; struct scaler_ctx scaler; struct vk_texture staging[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; } readback; struct { bool enable; bool full_screen; unsigned count; struct vk_texture *images; struct vk_vertex *vertex; } overlay; struct { VkPipeline alpha_blend; VkPipeline font; VkDescriptorSetLayout set_layout; VkPipelineLayout layout; VkPipelineCache cache; } pipelines; struct { bool blend; VkPipeline pipelines[7 * 2]; struct vk_texture blank_texture; } display; struct { bool enable; bool full_screen; unsigned last_index; float alpha; struct vk_texture textures[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; struct vk_texture textures_optimal[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; bool dirty[VULKAN_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGES]; } menu; struct { VkSampler linear; VkSampler nearest; VkSampler mipmap_nearest; VkSampler mipmap_linear; } samplers; struct { bool enable; bool valid_semaphore; unsigned capacity_cmd; unsigned last_width; unsigned last_height; uint32_t num_semaphores; uint32_t num_cmd; uint32_t src_queue_family; struct retro_hw_render_interface_vulkan iface; const struct retro_vulkan_image *image; const VkSemaphore *semaphores; VkSemaphore signal_semaphore; VkPipelineStageFlags *wait_dst_stages; VkCommandBuffer *cmd; } hw; struct { uint64_t dirty; VkRect2D scissor; bool use_scissor; VkPipeline pipeline; VkImageView view; VkSampler sampler; math_matrix_4x4 mvp; } tracker; void *filter_chain; } vk_t; uint32_t vulkan_find_memory_type( const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties *mem_props, uint32_t device_reqs, uint32_t host_reqs); uint32_t vulkan_find_memory_type_fallback( const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties *mem_props, uint32_t device_reqs, uint32_t host_reqs_first, uint32_t host_reqs_second); struct vk_texture vulkan_create_texture(vk_t *vk, struct vk_texture *old, unsigned width, unsigned height, VkFormat format, const void *initial, const VkComponentMapping *swizzle, enum vk_texture_type type); void vulkan_sync_texture_to_gpu(vk_t *vk, const struct vk_texture *tex); void vulkan_sync_texture_to_cpu(vk_t *vk, const struct vk_texture *tex); void vulkan_transition_texture(vk_t *vk, VkCommandBuffer cmd, struct vk_texture *texture); void vulkan_transfer_image_ownership(VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, VkImageLayout layout, VkPipelineStageFlags src_stages, VkPipelineStageFlags dst_stages, uint32_t src_queue_family, uint32_t dst_queue_family); void vulkan_map_persistent_texture( VkDevice device, struct vk_texture *texture); void vulkan_destroy_texture( VkDevice device, struct vk_texture *tex); void vulkan_copy_staging_to_dynamic(vk_t *vk, VkCommandBuffer cmd, struct vk_texture *dynamic, struct vk_texture *staging); /* VBO will be written to here. */ void vulkan_draw_quad(vk_t *vk, const struct vk_draw_quad *quad); /* The VBO needs to be written to before calling this. * Use vulkan_buffer_chain_alloc. */ void vulkan_draw_triangles(vk_t *vk, const struct vk_draw_triangles *call); void vulkan_image_layout_transition(vk_t *vk, VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, VkImageLayout old_layout, VkImageLayout new_layout, VkAccessFlags srcAccess, VkAccessFlags dstAccess, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages); void vulkan_image_layout_transition_levels( VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, uint32_t levels, VkImageLayout old_layout, VkImageLayout new_layout, VkAccessFlags src_access, VkAccessFlags dst_access, VkPipelineStageFlags src_stages, VkPipelineStageFlags dst_stages); static INLINE unsigned vulkan_format_to_bpp(VkFormat format) { switch (format) { case VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: return 4; case VK_FORMAT_R4G4B4A4_UNORM_PACK16: case VK_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM_PACK16: case VK_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16: return 2; case VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM: return 1; default: RARCH_ERR("[Vulkan]: Unknown format.\n"); abort(); } } static INLINE void vulkan_write_quad_vbo(struct vk_vertex *pv, float x, float y, float width, float height, float tex_x, float tex_y, float tex_width, float tex_height, const struct vk_color *color) { unsigned i; static const float strip[2 * 6] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { pv[i].x = x + strip[2 * i + 0] * width; pv[i].y = y + strip[2 * i + 1] * height; pv[i].tex_x = tex_x + strip[2 * i + 0] * tex_width; pv[i].tex_y = tex_y + strip[2 * i + 1] * tex_height; pv[i].color = *color; } } struct vk_buffer vulkan_create_buffer( const struct vulkan_context *context, size_t size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage); void vulkan_destroy_buffer( VkDevice device, struct vk_buffer *buffer); VkDescriptorSet vulkan_descriptor_manager_alloc( VkDevice device, struct vk_descriptor_manager *manager); void vulkan_descriptor_manager_restart( struct vk_descriptor_manager *manager); struct vk_descriptor_manager vulkan_create_descriptor_manager( VkDevice device, const VkDescriptorPoolSize *sizes, unsigned num_sizes, VkDescriptorSetLayout set_layout); void vulkan_destroy_descriptor_manager( VkDevice device, struct vk_descriptor_manager *manager); bool vulkan_context_init(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk, enum vulkan_wsi_type type); void vulkan_context_destroy(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk, bool destroy_surface); bool vulkan_surface_create(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk, enum vulkan_wsi_type type, void *display, void *surface, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned swap_interval); void vulkan_present(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk, unsigned index); void vulkan_acquire_next_image(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk); bool vulkan_create_swapchain(gfx_ctx_vulkan_data_t *vk, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned swap_interval); RETRO_END_DECLS #endif