/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "spirv_cross.hpp" #include "slang_reflection.h" #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <stdio.h> #include "../../verbosity.h" using namespace std; using namespace spirv_cross; static const char *texture_semantic_names[] = { "Original", "Source", "OriginalHistory", "PassOutput", "PassFeedback", "User", nullptr }; static const char *texture_semantic_uniform_names[] = { "OriginalSize", "SourceSize", "OriginalHistorySize", "PassOutputSize", "PassFeedbackSize", "UserSize", nullptr }; static const char *semantic_uniform_names[] = { "MVP", "OutputSize", "FinalViewportSize", "FrameCount", }; static bool slang_texture_semantic_is_array(slang_texture_semantic sem) { switch (sem) { case SLANG_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC_ORIGINAL_HISTORY: case SLANG_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC_PASS_OUTPUT: case SLANG_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC_PASS_FEEDBACK: case SLANG_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC_USER: return true; default: break; } return false; } slang_reflection::slang_reflection() { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < SLANG_NUM_TEXTURE_SEMANTICS; i++) semantic_textures[i].resize( slang_texture_semantic_is_array(static_cast<slang_texture_semantic>(i)) ? 0 : 1); } static slang_texture_semantic slang_name_to_texture_semantic_array(const string &name, const char **names, unsigned *index) { unsigned i = 0; while (*names) { auto n = *names; auto semantic = static_cast<slang_texture_semantic>(i); if (slang_texture_semantic_is_array(semantic)) { size_t baselen = strlen(n); int cmp = strncmp(n, name.c_str(), baselen); if (cmp == 0) { *index = (unsigned)strtoul(name.c_str() + baselen, nullptr, 0); return semantic; } } else if (name == n) { *index = 0; return semantic; } i++; names++; } return SLANG_INVALID_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC; } static slang_texture_semantic slang_name_to_texture_semantic( const unordered_map<string, slang_texture_semantic_map> &semantic_map, const string &name, unsigned *index) { auto itr = semantic_map.find(name); if (itr != end(semantic_map)) { *index = itr->second.index; return itr->second.semantic; } return slang_name_to_texture_semantic_array(name, texture_semantic_names, index); } static slang_texture_semantic slang_uniform_name_to_texture_semantic( const unordered_map<string, slang_texture_semantic_map> &semantic_map, const string &name, unsigned *index) { auto itr = semantic_map.find(name); if (itr != end(semantic_map)) { *index = itr->second.index; return itr->second.semantic; } return slang_name_to_texture_semantic_array(name, texture_semantic_uniform_names, index); } static slang_semantic slang_uniform_name_to_semantic( const unordered_map<string, slang_semantic_map> &semantic_map, const string &name, unsigned *index) { unsigned i = 0; auto itr = semantic_map.find(name); if (itr != end(semantic_map)) { *index = itr->second.index; return itr->second.semantic; } /* No builtin semantics are arrayed. */ *index = 0; for (auto n : semantic_uniform_names) { if (name == n) return static_cast<slang_semantic>(i); i++; } return SLANG_INVALID_SEMANTIC; } template <typename T> static void resize_minimum(T &vec, unsigned minimum) { if (vec.size() < minimum) vec.resize(minimum); } static bool set_ubo_texture_offset(slang_reflection *reflection, slang_texture_semantic semantic, unsigned index, size_t offset, bool push_constant) { resize_minimum(reflection->semantic_textures[semantic], index + 1); auto &sem = reflection->semantic_textures[semantic][index]; auto &active = push_constant ? sem.push_constant : sem.uniform; auto &active_offset = push_constant ? sem.push_constant_offset : sem.ubo_offset; if (active) { if (active_offset != offset) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex and fragment have different offsets for same semantic %s #%u (%u vs. %u).\n", texture_semantic_uniform_names[semantic], index, unsigned(active_offset), unsigned(offset)); return false; } } active = true; active_offset = offset; return true; } static bool set_ubo_float_parameter_offset(slang_reflection *reflection, unsigned index, size_t offset, unsigned num_components, bool push_constant) { resize_minimum(reflection->semantic_float_parameters, index + 1); auto &sem = reflection->semantic_float_parameters[index]; auto &active = push_constant ? sem.push_constant : sem.uniform; auto &active_offset = push_constant ? sem.push_constant_offset : sem.ubo_offset; if (active) { if (active_offset != offset) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex and fragment have different offsets for same parameter #%u (%u vs. %u).\n", index, unsigned(active_offset), unsigned(offset)); return false; } } if (sem.num_components != num_components && (sem.uniform || sem.push_constant)) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex and fragment have different components for same parameter #%u (%u vs. %u).\n", index, unsigned(sem.num_components), unsigned(num_components)); return false; } active = true; active_offset = offset; sem.num_components = num_components; return true; } static bool set_ubo_offset(slang_reflection *reflection, slang_semantic semantic, size_t offset, unsigned num_components, bool push_constant) { auto &sem = reflection->semantics[semantic]; auto &active = push_constant ? sem.push_constant : sem.uniform; auto &active_offset = push_constant ? sem.push_constant_offset : sem.ubo_offset; if (active) { if (active_offset != offset) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex and fragment have different offsets for same semantic %s (%u vs. %u).\n", semantic_uniform_names[semantic], unsigned(active_offset), unsigned(offset)); return false; } } if (sem.num_components != num_components && (sem.uniform || sem.push_constant)) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex and fragment have different components for same semantic %s (%u vs. %u).\n", semantic_uniform_names[semantic], unsigned(sem.num_components), unsigned(num_components)); return false; } active = true; active_offset = offset; sem.num_components = num_components; return true; } static bool validate_type_for_semantic(const SPIRType &type, slang_semantic sem) { if (!type.array.empty()) return false; if (type.basetype != SPIRType::Float && type.basetype != SPIRType::Int && type.basetype != SPIRType::UInt) return false; switch (sem) { /* mat4 */ case SLANG_SEMANTIC_MVP: return type.basetype == SPIRType::Float && type.vecsize == 4 && type.columns == 4; /* uint */ case SLANG_SEMANTIC_FRAME_COUNT: return type.basetype == SPIRType::UInt && type.vecsize == 1 && type.columns == 1; /* float */ case SLANG_SEMANTIC_FLOAT_PARAMETER: return type.basetype == SPIRType::Float && type.vecsize == 1 && type.columns == 1; /* vec4 */ default: return type.basetype == SPIRType::Float && type.vecsize == 4 && type.columns == 1; } } static bool validate_type_for_texture_semantic(const SPIRType &type) { if (!type.array.empty()) return false; return type.basetype == SPIRType::Float && type.vecsize == 4 && type.columns == 1; } static bool add_active_buffer_ranges(const Compiler &compiler, const Resource &resource, slang_reflection *reflection, bool push_constant) { /* Get which uniforms are actually in use by this shader. */ auto ranges = compiler.get_active_buffer_ranges(resource.id); for (auto &range : ranges) { auto &name = compiler.get_member_name(resource.base_type_id, range.index); auto &type = compiler.get_type(compiler.get_type(resource.base_type_id).member_types[range.index]); unsigned sem_index = 0; unsigned tex_sem_index = 0; auto sem = slang_uniform_name_to_semantic(*reflection->semantic_map, name, &sem_index); auto tex_sem = slang_uniform_name_to_texture_semantic(*reflection->texture_semantic_uniform_map, name, &tex_sem_index); if (tex_sem == SLANG_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC_PASS_OUTPUT && tex_sem_index >= reflection->pass_number) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Non causal filter chain detected. Shader is trying to use output from pass #%u, but this shader is pass #%u.\n", tex_sem_index, reflection->pass_number); return false; } if (sem != SLANG_INVALID_SEMANTIC) { if (!validate_type_for_semantic(type, sem)) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Underlying type of semantic is invalid.\n"); return false; } switch (sem) { case SLANG_SEMANTIC_FLOAT_PARAMETER: if (!set_ubo_float_parameter_offset(reflection, sem_index, range.offset, type.vecsize, push_constant)) return false; break; default: if (!set_ubo_offset(reflection, sem, range.offset, type.vecsize * type.columns, push_constant)) return false; break; } } else if (tex_sem != SLANG_INVALID_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC) { if (!validate_type_for_texture_semantic(type)) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Underlying type of texture semantic is invalid.\n"); return false; } if (!set_ubo_texture_offset(reflection, tex_sem, tex_sem_index, range.offset, push_constant)) return false; } else { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Unknown semantic found.\n"); return false; } } return true; } bool slang_reflect(const Compiler &vertex_compiler, const Compiler &fragment_compiler, const ShaderResources &vertex, const ShaderResources &fragment, slang_reflection *reflection) { uint32_t location_mask = 0; uint32_t binding_mask = 0; unsigned i = 0; /* Validate use of unexpected types. */ if ( !vertex.sampled_images.empty() || !vertex.storage_buffers.empty() || !vertex.subpass_inputs.empty() || !vertex.storage_images.empty() || !vertex.atomic_counters.empty() || !fragment.storage_buffers.empty() || !fragment.subpass_inputs.empty() || !fragment.storage_images.empty() || !fragment.atomic_counters.empty()) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Invalid resource type detected.\n"); return false; } /* Validate vertex input. */ if (vertex.stage_inputs.size() != 2) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex must have two attributes.\n"); return false; } if (fragment.stage_outputs.size() != 1) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Multiple render targets not supported.\n"); return false; } if (fragment_compiler.get_decoration(fragment.stage_outputs[0].id, spv::DecorationLocation) != 0) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Render target must use location = 0.\n"); return false; } for (auto &input : vertex.stage_inputs) location_mask |= 1 << vertex_compiler.get_decoration(input.id, spv::DecorationLocation); if (location_mask != 0x3) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: The two vertex attributes do not use location = 0 and location = 1.\n"); return false; } /* Validate the single uniform buffer. */ if (vertex.uniform_buffers.size() > 1) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex must use zero or one uniform buffer.\n"); return false; } if (fragment.uniform_buffers.size() > 1) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Fragment must use zero or one uniform buffer.\n"); return false; } /* Validate the single push constant buffer. */ if (vertex.push_constant_buffers.size() > 1) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex must use zero or one push constant buffers.\n"); return false; } if (fragment.push_constant_buffers.size() > 1) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Fragment must use zero or one push cosntant buffer.\n"); return false; } uint32_t vertex_ubo = vertex.uniform_buffers.empty() ? 0 : vertex.uniform_buffers[0].id; uint32_t fragment_ubo = fragment.uniform_buffers.empty() ? 0 : fragment.uniform_buffers[0].id; uint32_t vertex_push = vertex.push_constant_buffers.empty() ? 0 : vertex.push_constant_buffers[0].id; uint32_t fragment_push = fragment.push_constant_buffers.empty() ? 0 : fragment.push_constant_buffers[0].id; if (vertex_ubo && vertex_compiler.get_decoration(vertex_ubo, spv::DecorationDescriptorSet) != 0) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Resources must use descriptor set #0.\n"); return false; } if (fragment_ubo && fragment_compiler.get_decoration(fragment_ubo, spv::DecorationDescriptorSet) != 0) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Resources must use descriptor set #0.\n"); return false; } unsigned vertex_ubo_binding = vertex_ubo ? vertex_compiler.get_decoration(vertex_ubo, spv::DecorationBinding) : -1u; unsigned fragment_ubo_binding = fragment_ubo ? fragment_compiler.get_decoration(fragment_ubo, spv::DecorationBinding) : -1u; bool has_ubo = vertex_ubo || fragment_ubo; if (vertex_ubo_binding != -1u && fragment_ubo_binding != -1u && vertex_ubo_binding != fragment_ubo_binding) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Vertex and fragment uniform buffer must have same binding.\n"); return false; } unsigned ubo_binding = vertex_ubo_binding != -1u ? vertex_ubo_binding : fragment_ubo_binding; if (has_ubo && ubo_binding >= SLANG_NUM_BINDINGS) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Binding %u is out of range.\n", ubo_binding); return false; } reflection->ubo_binding = has_ubo ? ubo_binding : 0; reflection->ubo_stage_mask = 0; reflection->ubo_size = 0; reflection->push_constant_size = 0; reflection->push_constant_stage_mask = 0; if (vertex_ubo) { reflection->ubo_stage_mask |= SLANG_STAGE_VERTEX_MASK; reflection->ubo_size = max(reflection->ubo_size, vertex_compiler.get_declared_struct_size(vertex_compiler.get_type(vertex.uniform_buffers[0].base_type_id))); } if (fragment_ubo) { reflection->ubo_stage_mask |= SLANG_STAGE_FRAGMENT_MASK; reflection->ubo_size = max(reflection->ubo_size, fragment_compiler.get_declared_struct_size(fragment_compiler.get_type(fragment.uniform_buffers[0].base_type_id))); } if (vertex_push) { reflection->push_constant_stage_mask |= SLANG_STAGE_VERTEX_MASK; reflection->push_constant_size = max(reflection->push_constant_size, vertex_compiler.get_declared_struct_size(vertex_compiler.get_type(vertex.push_constant_buffers[0].base_type_id))); } if (fragment_push) { reflection->push_constant_stage_mask |= SLANG_STAGE_FRAGMENT_MASK; reflection->push_constant_size = max(reflection->push_constant_size, fragment_compiler.get_declared_struct_size(fragment_compiler.get_type(fragment.push_constant_buffers[0].base_type_id))); } /* Validate push constant size against Vulkan's minimum spec to avoid cross-vendor issues. */ if (reflection->push_constant_size > 128) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Exceeded maximum size of 128 bytes for push constant buffer.\n"); return false; } /* Find all relevant uniforms and push constants. */ if (vertex_ubo && !add_active_buffer_ranges(vertex_compiler, vertex.uniform_buffers[0], reflection, false)) return false; if (fragment_ubo && !add_active_buffer_ranges(fragment_compiler, fragment.uniform_buffers[0], reflection, false)) return false; if (vertex_push && !add_active_buffer_ranges(vertex_compiler, vertex.push_constant_buffers[0], reflection, true)) return false; if (fragment_push && !add_active_buffer_ranges(fragment_compiler, fragment.push_constant_buffers[0], reflection, true)) return false; if (has_ubo) binding_mask = 1 << ubo_binding; /* On to textures. */ for (auto &texture : fragment.sampled_images) { unsigned array_index = 0; unsigned set = fragment_compiler.get_decoration(texture.id, spv::DecorationDescriptorSet); unsigned binding = fragment_compiler.get_decoration(texture.id, spv::DecorationBinding); if (set != 0) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Resources must use descriptor set #0.\n"); return false; } if (binding >= SLANG_NUM_BINDINGS) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Binding %u is out of range.\n", ubo_binding); return false; } if (binding_mask & (1 << binding)) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Binding %u is already in use.\n", binding); return false; } binding_mask |= 1 << binding; slang_texture_semantic index = slang_name_to_texture_semantic(*reflection->texture_semantic_map, texture.name, &array_index); if (index == SLANG_INVALID_TEXTURE_SEMANTIC) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Non-semantic textures not supported yet.\n"); return false; } resize_minimum(reflection->semantic_textures[index], array_index + 1); auto &semantic = reflection->semantic_textures[index][array_index]; semantic.binding = binding; semantic.stage_mask = SLANG_STAGE_FRAGMENT_MASK; semantic.texture = true; } RARCH_LOG("[slang]: Reflection\n"); RARCH_LOG("[slang]: Textures:\n"); for (i = 0; i < SLANG_NUM_TEXTURE_SEMANTICS; i++) { unsigned index = 0; for (auto &sem : reflection->semantic_textures[i]) { if (sem.texture) RARCH_LOG("[slang]: %s (#%u)\n", texture_semantic_names[i], index); index++; } } RARCH_LOG("[slang]:\n"); RARCH_LOG("[slang]: Uniforms (Vertex: %s, Fragment: %s):\n", reflection->ubo_stage_mask & SLANG_STAGE_VERTEX_MASK ? "yes": "no", reflection->ubo_stage_mask & SLANG_STAGE_FRAGMENT_MASK ? "yes": "no"); RARCH_LOG("[slang]: Push Constants (Vertex: %s, Fragment: %s):\n", reflection->push_constant_stage_mask & SLANG_STAGE_VERTEX_MASK ? "yes": "no", reflection->push_constant_stage_mask & SLANG_STAGE_FRAGMENT_MASK ? "yes": "no"); for (i = 0; i < SLANG_NUM_SEMANTICS; i++) { if (reflection->semantics[i].uniform) { RARCH_LOG("[slang]: %s (Offset: %u)\n", semantic_uniform_names[i], unsigned(reflection->semantics[i].ubo_offset)); } if (reflection->semantics[i].push_constant) { RARCH_LOG("[slang]: %s (PushOffset: %u)\n", semantic_uniform_names[i], unsigned(reflection->semantics[i].push_constant_offset)); } } for (i = 0; i < SLANG_NUM_TEXTURE_SEMANTICS; i++) { unsigned index = 0; for (auto &sem : reflection->semantic_textures[i]) { if (sem.uniform) { RARCH_LOG("[slang]: %s (#%u) (Offset: %u)\n", texture_semantic_uniform_names[i], index, unsigned(sem.ubo_offset)); } if (sem.push_constant) { RARCH_LOG("[slang]: %s (#%u) (PushOffset: %u)\n", texture_semantic_uniform_names[i], index, unsigned(sem.push_constant_offset)); } index++; } } RARCH_LOG("[slang]:\n"); RARCH_LOG("[slang]: Parameters:\n"); for (auto ¶m : reflection->semantic_float_parameters) { if (param.uniform) RARCH_LOG("[slang]: #%u (Offset: %u)\n", i, param.ubo_offset); if (param.push_constant) RARCH_LOG("[slang]: #%u (PushOffset: %u)\n", i, param.push_constant_offset); i++; } return true; } bool slang_reflect_spirv(const std::vector<uint32_t> &vertex, const std::vector<uint32_t> &fragment, slang_reflection *reflection) { try { Compiler vertex_compiler(vertex); Compiler fragment_compiler(fragment); auto vertex_resources = vertex_compiler.get_shader_resources(); auto fragment_resources = fragment_compiler.get_shader_resources(); if (!slang_reflect(vertex_compiler, fragment_compiler, vertex_resources, fragment_resources, reflection)) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: Failed to reflect SPIR-V." " Resource usage is inconsistent with expectations.\n"); return false; } return true; } catch (const std::exception &e) { RARCH_ERR("[slang]: SPIRV-Cross threw exception: %s.\n", e.what()); return false; } }