#ifndef __HCI_H__ #define __HCI_H__ #include "bt.h" #include "bd_addr.h" /* HCI packet indicators */ #define HCI_COMMAND_DATA_PACKET 0x01 #define HCI_ACL_DATA_PACKET 0x02 #define HCI_SCO_DATA_PACKET 0x03 #define HCI_EVENT_PACKET 0x04 #define HCI_VENDOR_PACKET 0xff /* HCI packet types */ #define HCI_DM1 0x0008 #define HCI_DM3 0x0400 #define HCI_DM5 0x4000 #define HCI_DH1 0x0010 #define HCI_DH3 0x0800 #define HCI_DH5 0x8000 #define HCI_HV1 0x0020 #define HCI_HV2 0x0040 #define HCI_HV3 0x0080 #define SCO_PTYPE_MASK (HCI_HV1 | HCI_HV2 | HCI_HV3) #define ACL_PTYPE_MASK (~SCO_PTYPE_MASK) #define HCI_EVENT_HDR_LEN 2 #define HCI_ACL_HDR_LEN 4 #define HCI_SCO_HDR_LEN 3 #define HCI_CMD_HDR_LEN 3 /* LMP features */ #define LMP_3SLOT 0x01 #define LMP_5SLOT 0x02 #define LMP_ENCRYPT 0x04 #define LMP_SOFFSET 0x08 #define LMP_TACCURACY 0x10 #define LMP_RSWITCH 0x20 #define LMP_HOLD 0x40 #define LMP_SNIFF 0x80 #define LMP_PARK 0x01 #define LMP_RSSI 0x02 #define LMP_QUALITY 0x04 #define LMP_SCO 0x08 #define LMP_HV2 0x10 #define LMP_HV3 0x20 #define LMP_ULAW 0x40 #define LMP_ALAW 0x80 #define LMP_CVSD 0x01 #define LMP_PSCHEME 0x02 #define LMP_PCONTROL 0x04 /* Opcode Group Field (OGF) values */ #define HCI_LINK_CONTROL 0x01 /* Link Control Commands */ #define HCI_LINK_POLICY 0x02 /* Link Policy Commands */ #define HCI_HOST_C_N_BB 0x03 /* Host Controller & Baseband Commands */ #define HCI_INFO_PARAM 0x04 /* Informational Parameters */ #define HCI_STATUS_PARAM 0x05 /* Status Parameters */ #define HCI_TESTING 0x06 /* Testing Commands */ /* Opcode Command Field (OCF) values */ /* Link control commands */ #define HCI_INQUIRY 0x01 #define HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY 0x03 #define HCI_CREATE_CONNECTION 0x05 #define HCI_REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST 0x0A #define HCI_DISCONNECT 0x06 #define HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_REP 0x0D #define HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_NEG_REP 0x0E #define HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP 0x0B #define HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_NEG 0x0C #define HCI_SET_CONN_ENCRYPT 0x13 /* Link Policy commands */ #define HCI_HOLD_MODE 0x01 #define HCI_SNIFF_MODE 0x03 #define HCI_EXIT_SNIFF_MODE 0x04 #define HCI_PARK_MODE 0x05 #define HCI_EXIT_PARK_MODE 0x06 #define HCI_W_LINK_POLICY 0x0D /* Host-Controller and Baseband Commands */ #define HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK 0x01 #define HCI_RESET 0x03 #define HCI_SET_EVENT_FILTER 0x05 #define HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY 0x11 #define HCI_ROLE_CHANGE 0x12 #define HCI_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME 0x13 #define HCI_WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT 0x18 #define HCI_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE 0x1A #define HCI_WRITE_COD 0x24 #define HCI_W_FLUSHTO 0x28 #define HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC 0x31 #define HCI_READ_CUR_IACLAP 0x39 #define HCI_WRITE_PIN_TYPE 0x0A #define HCI_R_STORED_LINK_KEY 0x0D #define HCI_HOST_BUF_SIZE 0x33 #define HCI_WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE 0x43 #define HCI_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE 0x45 #define HCI_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE 0x47 /* Informational Parameters */ #define HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION 0x01 #define HCI_READ_LOCAL_FEATURES 0x03 #define HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE 0x05 #define HCI_READ_BD_ADDR 0x09 /* Status Parameters */ #define HCI_READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER 0x01 #define HCI_RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER 0x02 #define HCI_GET_LINK_QUALITY 0x03 #define HCI_READ_RSSI 0x05 /* Testing commands */ /* Possible event codes */ #define HCI_INQUIRY_COMPLETE 0x01 #define HCI_INQUIRY_RESULT 0x02 #define HCI_CONNECTION_COMPLETE 0x03 #define HCI_CONNECTION_REQUEST 0x04 #define HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE 0x05 #define HCI_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE 0x08 #define HCI_QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE 0x0D #define HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE 0x0E #define HCI_COMMAND_STATUS 0x0F #define HCI_HARDWARE_ERROR 0x10 #define HCI_ROLE_CHANGE 0x12 #define HCI_NBR_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS 0x13 #define HCI_MODE_CHANGE 0x14 #define HCI_RETURN_LINK_KEYS 0x15 #define HCI_PIN_CODE_REQUEST 0x16 #define HCI_LINK_KEY_REQUEST 0x17 #define HCI_LINK_KEY_NOTIFICATION 0x18 #define HCI_DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x1A #define HCI_MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE 0x1B /* Success code */ #define HCI_SUCCESS 0x00 /* Possible error codes */ #define HCI_UNKNOWN_HCI_COMMAND 0x01 #define HCI_NO_CONNECTION 0x02 #define HCI_HW_FAILURE 0x03 #define HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT 0x04 #define HCI_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 0x05 #define HCI_KEY_MISSING 0x06 #define HCI_MEMORY_FULL 0x07 #define HCI_CONN_TIMEOUT 0x08 #define HCI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONNECTIONS 0x09 #define HCI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SCO_CONNECTIONS_TO_DEVICE 0x0A #define HCI_ACL_CONNECTION_EXISTS 0x0B #define HCI_COMMAND_DISSALLOWED 0x0C #define HCI_HOST_REJECTED_DUE_TO_LIMITED_RESOURCES 0x0D #define HCI_HOST_REJECTED_DUE_TO_SECURITY_REASONS 0x0E #define HCI_HOST_REJECTED_DUE_TO_REMOTE_DEVICE_ONLY_PERSONAL_SERVICE 0x0F #define HCI_HOST_TIMEOUT 0x10 #define HCI_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_OR_PARAMETER_VALUE 0x11 #define HCI_INVALID_HCI_COMMAND_PARAMETERS 0x12 #define HCI_OTHER_END_TERMINATED_CONN_USER_ENDED 0x13 #define HCI_OTHER_END_TERMINATED_CONN_LOW_RESOURCES 0x14 #define HCI_OTHER_END_TERMINATED_CONN_ABOUT_TO_POWER_OFF 0x15 #define HCI_CONN_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST 0x16 #define HCI_REPETED_ATTEMPTS 0x17 #define HCI_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED 0x18 #define HCI_UNKNOWN_LMP_PDU 0x19 #define HCI_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE 0x1A #define HCI_SCO_OFFSET_REJECTED 0x1B #define HCI_SCO_INTERVAL_REJECTED 0x1C #define HCI_SCO_AIR_MODE_REJECTED 0x1D #define HCI_INVALID_LMP_PARAMETERS 0x1E #define HCI_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR 0x1F #define HCI_UNSUPPORTED_LMP_PARAMETER_VALUE 0x20 #define HCI_ROLE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED 0x21 #define HCI_LMP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 0x22 #define HCI_LMP_ERROR_TRANSACTION_COLLISION 0x23 #define HCI_LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOWED 0x24 #define HCI_ENCRYPTION_MODE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 0x25 #define HCI_UNIT_KEY_USED 0x26 #define HCI_QOS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x27 #define HCI_INSTANT_PASSED 0x28 #define HCI_PAIRING_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x29 /* Specification specific parameters */ #define HCI_BD_ADDR_LEN 6 #define HCI_LMP_FEATURES_LEN 8 #define HCI_LINK_KEY_LEN 16 #define HCI_LMP_FEAT_LEN 8 /* Command OGF */ #define HCI_LINK_CTRL_OGF 0x01 /* Link ctrl cmds */ #define HCI_LINK_POLICY_OGF 0x02 /* Link Policy Commands */ #define HCI_HC_BB_OGF 0x03 /* Host controller and baseband commands */ #define HCI_INFO_PARAM_OGF 0x04 /* Informal parameters */ /* Command OCF */ #define HCI_INQUIRY_OCF 0x01 #define HCI_SNIFF_MODE_OCF 0x03 #define HCI_EXIT_SNIFF_MODE_OCF 0x04 #define HCI_PARK_MODE_OCF 0x05 #define HCI_EXIT_PARK_MODE_OCF 0x06 #define HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_OCF 0x03 #define HCI_EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_OCF 0x04 #define HCI_CREATE_CONN_OCF 0x05 #define HCI_DISCONN_OCF 0x06 #define HCI_W_LOCAL_NAME_OCF 0x13 #define HCI_W_LINK_POLICY_OCF 0x0D #define HCI_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ_OCF 0x09 #define HCI_REJECT_CONN_REQ_OCF 0x0A #define HCI_SET_EV_MASK_OCF 0x01 #define HCI_RESET_OCF 0x03 #define HCI_SET_EV_FILTER_OCF 0x05 #define HCI_R_STORED_LINK_KEY_OCF 0x0D #define HCI_W_PAGE_TIMEOUT_OCF 0x18 #define HCI_W_SCAN_EN_OCF 0x1A #define HCI_R_COD_OCF 0x23 #define HCI_W_COD_OCF 0x24 #define HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC_OCF 0x31 #define HCI_H_BUF_SIZE_OCF 0x33 #define HCI_H_NUM_COMPL_OCF 0x35 #define HCI_R_CUR_IACLAP_OCF 0x39 #define HCI_R_LOC_VERSION_OCF 0x01 #define HCI_R_LOC_FEATURES_OCF 0x03 #define HCI_R_BUF_SIZE_OCF 0x05 #define HCI_R_BD_ADDR_OCF 0x09 #define HCI_R_REMOTE_NAME_OCF 0x19 #define HCI_W_PIN_TYPE_OCF 0x0A #define HCI_W_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE_OCF 0x43 #define HCI_W_INQUIRY_MODE_OCF 0x45 #define HCI_W_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE_OCF 0x47 #define HCI_W_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE_OCF 0x47 /* Command packet length (including ACL header)*/ #define HCI_INQUIRY_PLEN 9 #define HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_PLEN 13 #define HCI_EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_PLEN 4 #define HCI_CREATE_CONN_PLEN 17 #define HCI_DISCONN_PLEN 7 #define HCI_REJECT_CONN_REQ_PLEN 11 #define HCI_ACCEPT_CONN_REQ_PLEN 11 #define HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_REP_PLEN 27 #define HCI_PIN_CODE_REQ_NEG_REP_PLEN 10 #define HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_PLEN 26 #define HCI_LINK_KEY_REQ_REP_NEG_PLEN 10 #define HCI_SET_CONN_ENCRYPT_PLEN 7 #define HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY_PLEN 27 #define HCI_SET_EV_MASK_PLEN 12 #define HCI_SNIFF_PLEN 14 #define HCI_W_LINK_POLICY_PLEN 8 #define HCI_RESET_PLEN 4 #define HCI_SET_EV_FILTER_PLEN 6 #define HCI_W_PAGE_TIMEOUT_PLEN 6 #define HCI_W_SCAN_EN_PLEN 5 #define HCI_R_COD_PLEN 4 #define HCI_W_COD_PLEN 7 #define HCI_W_FLUSHTO_PLEN 8 #define HCI_W_LOCAL_NAME_PLEN 252 #define HCI_SET_HC_TO_H_FC_PLEN 5 #define HCI_H_BUF_SIZE_PLEN 11 #define HCI_H_NUM_COMPL_PLEN 9 #define HCI_R_LOC_FEAT_SIZE_PLEN 4 #define HCI_R_LOC_VERS_SIZE_PLEN 4 #define HCI_R_BUF_SIZE_PLEN 4 #define HCI_R_BD_ADDR_PLEN 4 #define HCI_R_CUR_IACLAP_PLEN 4 #define HCI_R_STORED_LINK_KEY_PLEN 11 #define HCI_R_REMOTE_NAME_PLEN 14 #define HCI_W_PIN_TYPE_PLEN 5 #define HCI_W_INQUIRY_MODE_PLEN 5 #define HCI_W_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE_PLEN 5 #define HCI_W_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE_PLEN 5 #define HCI_W_VENDOR_CMD_PLEN 4 struct hci_evt_hdr { u8_t code; u8_t len; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; struct hci_acl_hdr { u16_t connhdl_pb_bc; u16_t len; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; struct hci_inq_res { struct hci_inq_res *next; struct bd_addr bdaddr; u8_t cod[3]; u8_t psrm; u8_t psm; u16_t co; }; struct hci_link_key { struct bd_addr bdaddr; u8_t key[16]; struct hci_link_key *next; }; struct hci_link { struct hci_link *next; struct bd_addr bdaddr; u16_t connhdl; struct pbuf *p; u16_t len; u8_t pb; u32_t link_mode; }; struct hci_version_info { u8_t hci_version; u16_t hci_revision; u8_t lmp_version; u16_t manufacturer; u16_t lmp_subversion; }; struct hci_pcb { void *cbarg; s8_t num_cmd; u16_t acl_mtu; u8_t sco_mtu; u16_t acl_max_pkt; u16_t sco_max_pkt; u32_t flags; u8_t flow; u16_t host_num_acl; u16_t pkt_type; u8_t features[8]; struct bd_addr bdaddr; struct hci_version_info info; struct hci_inq_res *ires; struct hci_link_key *keyres; err_t (*pin_req)(void *arg,struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t (*link_key_req)(void *arg,struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t (*cmd_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,u8_t ogf,u8_t ocf,u8_t result); err_t (*link_key_not)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t *key); err_t (*conn_complete)(void *arg,struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t (*inq_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,struct hci_inq_res *ires,u16_t result); err_t (*wlp_complete)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t (*conn_req)(void *arg,struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t *cod,u8_t link_type); }; err_t hci_init(void); struct hci_link* hci_new(void); void hci_reset_all(void); void hci_event_handler(struct pbuf *p); void hci_acldata_handler(struct pbuf *p); err_t hci_reset(); err_t hci_read_bd_addr(void); err_t hci_set_hc_to_h_fc(void); err_t hci_read_buffer_size(void); err_t hci_host_buffer_size(void); err_t hci_read_current_lap(void); err_t hci_write_cod(u8_t *cod); err_t hci_close(struct hci_link *link); err_t hci_write_inquiry_mode(u8_t mode); err_t hci_write_page_scan_type(u8_t type); err_t hci_write_inquiry_scan_type(u8_t type); err_t hci_disconnect(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t reason); err_t hci_reject_connection_request(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t reason); err_t hci_pin_code_request_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t pinlen, u8_t *pincode); err_t hci_link_key_req_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t *link_key); err_t hci_write_stored_link_key(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t *link); err_t hci_set_event_filter(u8_t filter_type,u8_t filter_cond_type,u8_t *cond); err_t hci_write_page_timeout(u16_t timeout); err_t hci_inquiry(u32_t lap,u8_t inq_len,u8_t num_resp,err_t (*inq_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,struct hci_inq_res *ires,u16_t result)); err_t hci_pin_code_request_neg_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t hci_link_key_req_neg_reply(struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t hci_write_scan_enable(u8_t scan_enable); err_t hci_host_num_comp_packets(u16_t conhdl, u16_t num_complete); err_t hci_sniff_mode(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u16_t max_interval, u16_t min_interval, u16_t attempt, u16_t timeout); err_t hci_write_link_policy_settings(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u16_t link_policy); err_t hci_periodic_inquiry(u32_t lap,u16_t min_period,u16_t max_period,u8_t inq_len,u8_t num_resp,err_t (*inq_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,struct hci_inq_res *ires,u16_t result)); err_t hci_exit_periodic_inquiry(); err_t hci_accecpt_conn_request(struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t role); err_t hci_set_event_mask(u64_t ev_mask); err_t hci_read_local_version(void); err_t hci_read_local_features(void); err_t hci_write_local_name(u8_t *name,u8_t len); err_t hci_write_pin_type(u8_t type); err_t hci_read_stored_link_key(); err_t hci_read_remote_name(struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t hci_vendor_specific_command(u8_t ocf,u8_t ogf,void *data,u8_t len); err_t hci_reg_dev_info(struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t *cod,u8_t psrm,u8_t psm,u16_t co); void hci_arg(void *arg); void hci_cmd_complete(err_t (*cmd_complete)(void *arg,struct hci_pcb *pcb,u8_t ogf,u8_t ocf,u8_t result)); void hci_connection_complete(err_t (* conn_complete)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)); void hci_pin_req(err_t (* pin_req)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)); void hci_link_key_req(err_t (* link_key_req)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)); void hci_link_key_not(err_t (* link_key_not)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t *key)); void hci_wlp_complete(err_t (* wlp_complete)(void *arg, struct bd_addr *bdaddr)); void hci_conn_req(err_t (*conn_req)(void *arg,struct bd_addr *bdaddr,u8_t *cod,u8_t link_type)); u16_t lp_pdu_maxsize(); u8_t lp_is_connected(struct bd_addr *bdaddr); err_t lp_acl_write(struct bd_addr *bdaddr,struct pbuf *p,u16_t len,u8_t pb); err_t lp_connect_req(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u8_t allow_role_switch); err_t lp_write_flush_timeout(struct bd_addr *bdaddr, u16_t flushto); #define HCI_EVENT_PIN_REQ(pcb,bdaddr,ret) \ if((pcb)->pin_req != NULL) { \ (ret = (pcb)->pin_req((pcb)->cbarg,(bdaddr))); \ } else { \ ret = hci_pin_code_request_neg_reply(bdaddr); \ } #define HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_REQ(pcb,bdaddr,ret) \ if((pcb)->link_key_req != NULL) { \ (ret = (pcb)->link_key_req((pcb)->cbarg,(bdaddr))); \ } else { \ ret = hci_link_key_req_neg_reply(bdaddr); \ } #define HCI_EVENT_CONN_REQ(pcb,bdaddr,cod,linktype,ret) \ if((pcb)->conn_req!=NULL) \ (ret = (pcb)->conn_req((pcb)->cbarg,(bdaddr),(cod),(linktype))) #define HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_NOT(pcb,bdaddr,key,ret) \ if((pcb)->link_key_not != NULL) { \ (ret = (pcb)->link_key_not((pcb)->cbarg,(bdaddr),(key))); \ } #define HCI_EVENT_INQ_COMPLETE(pcb,result,ret) \ if((pcb)->inq_complete != NULL) \ (ret = (pcb)->inq_complete((pcb)->cbarg,(pcb),(pcb)->ires,(result))) #define HCI_EVENT_WLP_COMPLETE(pcb,bdaddr,ret) \ if((pcb)->wlp_complete != NULL) \ (ret = (pcb)->wlp_complete((pcb)->cbarg,(bdaddr))); #define HCI_EVENT_CONN_COMPLETE(pcb,bdaddr,ret) \ if((pcb)->conn_complete != NULL) \ (ret = (pcb)->conn_complete((pcb)->cbarg,(bdaddr))); #define HCI_EVENT_CMD_COMPLETE(pcb,ogf,ocf,result,ret) \ if((pcb)->cmd_complete != NULL) \ (ret = (pcb)->cmd_complete((pcb)->cbarg,(pcb),(ogf),(ocf),(result))) /* The HCI LINK lists. */ extern struct hci_link *hci_active_links; /* List of all active HCI LINKs */ extern struct hci_link *hci_tmp_link; /* Only used for temporary storage. */ extern struct hci_link_key *hci_tmp_key; #define HCI_REG(links, nlink) do { \ u32 level; \ _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); \ nlink->next = *links; \ *links = nlink; \ _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); \ } while(0) #define HCI_RMV(links, nlink) do { \ u32 level; \ _CPU_ISR_Disable(level);\ if(*links == nlink) { \ *links = (*links)->next; \ } else for(hci_tmp_link = *links; hci_tmp_link != NULL; hci_tmp_link = hci_tmp_link->next) { \ if(hci_tmp_link->next != NULL && hci_tmp_link->next == nlink) { \ hci_tmp_link->next = nlink->next; \ break; \ } \ } \ nlink->next = NULL; \ _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); \ } while(0) #endif