/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 - Michael Lelli * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #include "../font_driver.h" #include "../../retroarch.h" #include "../../driver.h" #include "../../content.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" #include "../../configuration.h" typedef struct { bool should_resize; float mScreenAspect; bool keep_aspect; bool mEglImageBuf; unsigned mTextureWidth; unsigned mTextureHeight; unsigned mRenderWidth; unsigned mRenderHeight; unsigned x1, y1, x2, y2; VGImageFormat mTexType; VGImage mImage; math_matrix_3x3 mTransformMatrix; VGint scissor[4]; EGLImageKHR last_egl_image; char *mLastMsg; uint32_t mFontHeight; VGFont mFont; void *mFontRenderer; const font_renderer_driver_t *font_driver; bool mFontsOn; VGuint mMsgLength; VGuint mGlyphIndices[1024]; VGPaint mPaintFg; VGPaint mPaintBg; } vg_t; static PFNVGCREATEEGLIMAGETARGETKHRPROC pvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR; static void vg_set_nonblock_state(void *data, bool state) { unsigned interval = state ? 0 : 1; video_context_driver_swap_interval(&interval); } static INLINE bool vg_query_extension(const char *ext) { const char *str = (const char*)vgGetString(VG_EXTENSIONS); bool ret = str && strstr(str, ext); RARCH_LOG("[VG]: Querying VG extension: %s => %s\n", ext, ret ? "exists" : "doesn't exist"); return ret; } static void *vg_init(const video_info_t *video, const input_driver_t **input, void **input_data) { gfx_ctx_mode_t mode; gfx_ctx_input_t inp; gfx_ctx_aspect_t aspect_data; unsigned interval; unsigned temp_width = 0, temp_height = 0; unsigned win_width, win_height; VGfloat clearColor[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); vg_t *vg = (vg_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(vg_t)); const gfx_ctx_driver_t *ctx = video_context_driver_init_first( vg, settings->arrays.video_context_driver, GFX_CTX_OPENVG_API, 0, 0, false); if (!vg || !ctx) goto error; video_context_driver_set((void*)ctx); video_context_driver_get_video_size(&mode); temp_width = mode.width; temp_height = mode.height; mode.width = 0; mode.height = 0; RARCH_LOG("[VG]: Detecting screen resolution %ux%u.\n", temp_width, temp_height); if (temp_width != 0 && temp_height != 0) video_driver_set_size(&temp_width, &temp_height); interval = video->vsync ? 1 : 0; video_context_driver_swap_interval(&interval); vg->mTexType = video->rgb32 ? VG_sXRGB_8888 : VG_sRGB_565; vg->keep_aspect = video->force_aspect; win_width = video->width; win_height = video->height; if (video->fullscreen && (win_width == 0) && (win_height == 0)) { video_driver_get_size(&temp_width, &temp_height); win_width = temp_width; win_height = temp_height; } mode.width = win_width; mode.height = win_height; mode.fullscreen = video->fullscreen; if (!video_context_driver_set_video_mode(&mode)) goto error; video_driver_get_size(&temp_width, &temp_height); temp_width = 0; temp_height = 0; mode.width = 0; mode.height = 0; video_context_driver_get_video_size(&mode); temp_width = mode.width; temp_height = mode.height; mode.width = 0; mode.height = 0; vg->should_resize = true; if (temp_width != 0 && temp_height != 0) { RARCH_LOG("[VG]: Verified window resolution %ux%u.\n", temp_width, temp_height); video_driver_set_size(&temp_width, &temp_height); } video_driver_get_size(&temp_width, &temp_height); vg->mScreenAspect = (float)temp_width / temp_height; aspect_data.aspect = &vg->mScreenAspect; aspect_data.width = temp_width; aspect_data.height = temp_height; video_context_driver_translate_aspect(&aspect_data); vgSetfv(VG_CLEAR_COLOR, 4, clearColor); vg->mTextureWidth = vg->mTextureHeight = video->input_scale * RARCH_SCALE_BASE; vg->mImage = vgCreateImage(vg->mTexType, vg->mTextureWidth, vg->mTextureHeight, video->smooth ? VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_BETTER : VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_NONANTIALIASED); vg_set_nonblock_state(vg, !video->vsync); inp.input = input; inp.input_data = input_data; video_context_driver_input_driver(&inp); if ( video->font_enable && font_renderer_create_default( &vg->font_driver, &vg->mFontRenderer, *settings->paths.path_font ? settings->paths.path_font : NULL, settings->floats.video_font_size)) { vg->mFont = vgCreateFont(0); if (vg->mFont != VG_INVALID_HANDLE) { VGfloat paintFg[4]; VGfloat paintBg[4]; vg->mFontsOn = true; vg->mFontHeight = settings->floats.video_font_size; vg->mPaintFg = vgCreatePaint(); vg->mPaintBg = vgCreatePaint(); paintFg[0] = settings->floats.video_msg_color_r; paintFg[1] = settings->floats.video_msg_color_g; paintFg[2] = settings->floats.video_msg_color_b; paintFg[3] = 1.0f; paintBg[0] = settings->floats.video_msg_color_r / 2.0f; paintBg[1] = settings->floats.video_msg_color_g / 2.0f; paintBg[2] = settings->floats.video_msg_color_b / 2.0f; paintBg[3] = 0.5f; vgSetParameteri(vg->mPaintFg, VG_PAINT_TYPE, VG_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR); vgSetParameterfv(vg->mPaintFg, VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, paintFg); vgSetParameteri(vg->mPaintBg, VG_PAINT_TYPE, VG_PAINT_TYPE_COLOR); vgSetParameterfv(vg->mPaintBg, VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, paintBg); } } if (vg_query_extension("KHR_EGL_image") && video_context_driver_init_image_buffer((void*)video)) { gfx_ctx_proc_address_t proc_address; proc_address.addr = NULL; proc_address.sym = "vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR"; video_context_driver_get_proc_address(&proc_address); pvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR = (PFNVGCREATEEGLIMAGETARGETKHRPROC)proc_address.addr; if (pvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR) { RARCH_LOG("[VG] Using EGLImage buffer\n"); vg->mEglImageBuf = true; } } #if 0 const char *ext = (const char*)vgGetString(VG_EXTENSIONS); if (ext) RARCH_LOG("[VG] Supported extensions: %s\n", ext); #endif return vg; error: if (vg) free(vg); video_context_driver_destroy(); return NULL; } static void vg_free(void *data) { vg_t *vg = (vg_t*)data; if (!vg) return; vgDestroyImage(vg->mImage); if (vg->mFontsOn) { vgDestroyFont(vg->mFont); vg->font_driver->free(vg->mFontRenderer); vgDestroyPaint(vg->mPaintFg); vgDestroyPaint(vg->mPaintBg); } video_context_driver_free(); free(vg); } static void vg_calculate_quad(vg_t *vg, video_frame_info_t *video_info) { unsigned width = video_info->width; unsigned height = video_info->height; /* set viewport for aspect ratio, taken from the OpenGL driver. */ if (vg->keep_aspect) { float desired_aspect = video_driver_get_aspect_ratio(); /* If the aspect ratios of screen and desired aspect ratio * are sufficiently equal (floating point stuff), * assume they are actually equal. */ if (fabs(vg->mScreenAspect - desired_aspect) < 0.0001) { vg->x1 = 0; vg->y1 = 0; vg->x2 = width; vg->y2 = height; } else if (vg->mScreenAspect > desired_aspect) { float delta = (desired_aspect / vg->mScreenAspect - 1.0) / 2.0 + 0.5; vg->x1 = width * (0.5 - delta); vg->y1 = 0; vg->x2 = 2.0 * width * delta + vg->x1; vg->y2 = height + vg->y1; } else { float delta = (vg->mScreenAspect / desired_aspect - 1.0) / 2.0 + 0.5; vg->x1 = 0; vg->y1 = height * (0.5 - delta); vg->x2 = width + vg->x1; vg->y2 = 2.0 * height * delta + vg->y1; } } else { vg->x1 = 0; vg->y1 = 0; vg->x2 = width; vg->y2 = height; } vg->scissor[0] = vg->x1; vg->scissor[1] = vg->y1; vg->scissor[2] = vg->x2 - vg->x1; vg->scissor[3] = vg->y2 - vg->y1; vgSetiv(VG_SCISSOR_RECTS, 4, vg->scissor); } static void vg_copy_frame(void *data, const void *frame, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned pitch) { vg_t *vg = (vg_t*)data; if (vg->mEglImageBuf) { gfx_ctx_image_t img_info; EGLImageKHR img = 0; bool new_egl = false; img_info.frame = frame; img_info.width = width; img_info.height = height; img_info.pitch = pitch; img_info.rgb32 = (vg->mTexType == VG_sXRGB_8888); img_info.index = 0; img_info.handle = &img; new_egl = video_context_driver_write_to_image_buffer(&img_info); retro_assert(img != EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR); if (new_egl) { vgDestroyImage(vg->mImage); vg->mImage = pvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR) img); if (!vg->mImage) { RARCH_ERR( "[VG:EGLImage] Error creating image: %08x\n", vgGetError()); exit(2); } vg->last_egl_image = img; } } else vgImageSubData(vg->mImage, frame, pitch, vg->mTexType, 0, 0, width, height); } static bool vg_frame(void *data, const void *frame, unsigned frame_width, unsigned frame_height, uint64_t frame_count, unsigned pitch, const char *msg, video_frame_info_t *video_info) { vg_t *vg = (vg_t*)data; unsigned width = video_info->width; unsigned height = video_info->height; if ( frame_width != vg->mRenderWidth || frame_height != vg->mRenderHeight || vg->should_resize) { vg->mRenderWidth = frame_width; vg->mRenderHeight = frame_height; vg_calculate_quad(vg, video_info); matrix_3x3_quad_to_quad( vg->x1, vg->y1, vg->x2, vg->y1, vg->x2, vg->y2, vg->x1, vg->y2, /* needs to be flipped, Khronos loves their bottom-left origin */ 0, frame_height, frame_width, frame_height, frame_width, 0, 0, 0, &vg->mTransformMatrix); vgSeti(VG_MATRIX_MODE, VG_MATRIX_IMAGE_USER_TO_SURFACE); vgLoadMatrix(vg->mTransformMatrix.data); vg->should_resize = false; } vgSeti(VG_SCISSORING, VG_FALSE); vgClear(0, 0, width, height); vgSeti(VG_SCISSORING, VG_TRUE); vg_copy_frame(vg, frame, frame_width, frame_height, pitch); #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_frame(video_info); #endif vgDrawImage(vg->mImage); #if 0 if (msg && vg->mFontsOn) vg_draw_message(vg, msg); #endif video_info->cb_update_window_title( video_info->context_data, video_info); video_info->cb_swap_buffers( video_info->context_data, video_info); return true; } static bool vg_alive(void *data) { gfx_ctx_size_t size_data; bool quit = false; unsigned temp_width = 0; unsigned temp_height = 0; vg_t *vg = (vg_t*)data; size_data.quit = &quit; size_data.resize = &vg->should_resize; size_data.width = &temp_width; size_data.height = &temp_height; video_context_driver_check_window(&size_data); if (temp_width != 0 && temp_height != 0) video_driver_set_size(&temp_width, &temp_height); return !quit; } static bool vg_suppress_screensaver(void *data, bool enable) { bool enabled = enable; return video_context_driver_suppress_screensaver(&enabled); } static bool vg_set_shader(void *data, enum rarch_shader_type type, const char *path) { (void)data; (void)type; (void)path; return false; } static void vg_set_rotation(void *data, unsigned rotation) { (void)data; (void)rotation; } static void vg_viewport_info(void *data, struct video_viewport *vp) { (void)data; (void)vp; } static bool vg_read_viewport(void *data, uint8_t *buffer, bool is_idle) { (void)data; (void)buffer; return true; } static void vg_get_poke_interface(void *data, const video_poke_interface_t **iface) { (void)data; (void)iface; } video_driver_t video_vg = { vg_init, vg_frame, vg_set_nonblock_state, vg_alive, NULL, /* focused */ vg_suppress_screensaver, NULL, /* has_windowed */ vg_set_shader, vg_free, "vg", NULL, /* set_viewport */ vg_set_rotation, vg_viewport_info, vg_read_viewport, NULL, /* read_frame_raw */ #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY NULL, /* overlay_interface */ #endif vg_get_poke_interface };