/************************************************************** display_linux.cpp - Display manager for Linux --------------------------------------------------------- Switchres Modeline generation engine for emulation License GPL-2.0+ Copyright 2010-2021 Chris Kennedy, Antonio Giner, Alexandre Wodarczyk, Gil Delescluse **************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "display_sdl2.h" #include "log.h" //============================================================ // custom_video::get_sdl_hwinfo_from_sdl_window //============================================================ void get_sdl_hwinfo_from_sdl_window(SDL_Window* window) { SDL_SysWMinfo m_sdlwminfo; SDL_VERSION(&m_sdlwminfo.version); if(! SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &m_sdlwminfo)) { log_error("Couldn't get the SDL WMInfo\n"); return; } const char *subsystem = "an unsupported or unknown system!"; switch((int)m_sdlwminfo.subsystem) { case SDL_SYSWM_UNKNOWN: case SDL_SYSWM_COCOA: case SDL_SYSWM_UIKIT: #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 2) case SDL_SYSWM_WAYLAND: #endif case SDL_SYSWM_MIR: #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 3) case SDL_SYSWM_WINRT: #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 4) case SDL_SYSWM_ANDROID: #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 5) case SDL_SYSWM_VIVANTE: #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 6) case SDL_SYSWM_OS2: #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 12) case SDL_SYSWM_HAIKU: #endif case SDL_SYSWM_DIRECTFB: break; case SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS: subsystem = "Microsoft Windows(TM)"; break; case SDL_SYSWM_X11: subsystem = "X Window System"; break; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 16) case SDL_SYSWM_KMSDRM: subsystem = "KMSDRM"; break; #endif } log_info("Switchres/SDL2: Detected SDL version %d.%d.%d on %s\n", (int)m_sdlwminfo.version.major, (int)m_sdlwminfo.version.minor, (int)m_sdlwminfo.version.patch, subsystem); } //============================================================ // sdl2_display::sdl2_display //============================================================ sdl2_display::sdl2_display(display_settings *ds) { // First, we need to fin an active SDL2 window if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s): SDL2 video is initialized\n", __FUNCTION__); } else { log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s): SDL2 video wasn't initialized\n", __FUNCTION__); throw std::exception(); } // For now, only allow the SDL2 display manager for the KMSDRM backend if ( strcmp("KMSDRM", SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver()) != 0 ) { log_info("Switchres/SDL2: (%s): SDL2 is only available for KMSDRM for now.\n", __FUNCTION__); throw std::exception(); } // Get display settings m_ds = *ds; } //============================================================ // sdl2_display::~sdl2_display //============================================================ sdl2_display::~sdl2_display() { } //============================================================ // sdl2_display::init //============================================================ bool sdl2_display::init(void* pf_data) { m_sdlwindow = (SDL_Window*) pf_data; // Initialize custom video int method = CUSTOM_VIDEO_TIMING_AUTO; #ifdef SR_WITH_XRANDR if (!strcmp(m_ds.api, "xrandr")) method = CUSTOM_VIDEO_TIMING_XRANDR; #endif #ifdef SR_WITH_KMSDRM if (!strcmp(m_ds.api, "drmkms")) method = CUSTOM_VIDEO_TIMING_DRMKMS; #endif set_factory(new custom_video); set_custom_video(factory()->make(m_ds.screen, NULL, method, &m_ds.vs)); if (!video() or !video()->init()) return false; // Build our display's mode list video_modes.clear(); backup_modes.clear(); //No need to call get_desktop_mode() SDL2 will restore the desktop mode itself get_available_video_modes(); if (!strcmp(m_ds.monitor, "lcd")) auto_specs(); filter_modes(); //SDL_LogSetAllPriority(SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG); SDL_Window* window = NULL; Uint32 id = 0; /* // Alternative method, only when the render has been created if( SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow() != NULL) log_verbose("Swithres/SDL2: (%s) SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow(); OK !\n", __FUNCTION__); */ if (pf_data == nullptr or pf_data == NULL) { int screen = atoi(m_ds.screen); while( (window = SDL_GetWindowFromID(++id)) ) { log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s:%d) SDL display id vs SR display id: %d vs %d (window id: %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(window), screen, id); if (SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(window) == screen) { log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s:%d) Found a display-matching SDL window\n ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); m_sdlwindow = window; return true; } } log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s:%d) No SDL window matching the display found\n ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { id = SDL_GetWindowID((SDL_Window*)pf_data); if( id ) { log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s:%d) got a valid SDL_Window pointer (window id: %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, id); m_sdlwindow = (SDL_Window*)pf_data; } else log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: (%s:%d) No SDL2 window found, don't expect things to work good\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } if(m_sdlwindow) get_sdl_hwinfo_from_sdl_window(m_sdlwindow); // Need a check to see if SDL2 can refresh the modelist return true; } //============================================================ // sdl2_display::set_mode //============================================================ bool sdl2_display::set_mode(modeline *mode) { // Call SDL2 SDL_DisplayMode target, closest; target.w = mode->width; target.h = mode->height; target.format = 0; // don't care target.refresh_rate = mode->refresh; /* * Circumventing an annoying choice of SDL2: fullscreen modes are mutually exclusive * which means you can't switch from one to another. If required, need to remove the flag, then * set the new one. This will sadly trigger a window resizing */ if ( (SDL_GetWindowFlags(m_sdlwindow) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) == SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) { if ( SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(m_sdlwindow, 0) != 0 ) { log_error("Swithres/SDL2: (%s) Couldn't reset the fullscreen mode. %s\n", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetError()); return false; } } if ( (SDL_GetWindowFlags(m_sdlwindow) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) != SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN ) { // Now we set the right mode that allows SDL2 modeswitches if ( SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(m_sdlwindow, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) != 0 ) { log_error("Swithres/SDL2: (%s) Couldn't set the window to FULLSCREEN. %s\n", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetError()); return false; } } // We may first check if the mode was already added, so we don't force a probe of all modes if ( SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(m_sdlwindow), &target, &closest) == NULL ) { // If the returned pointer is null, no match was found. log_error("Swithres/SDL2: (%s) No suitable display mode was found! %s\n\n", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetError()); return false; } log_verbose(" Received: \t%dx%dpx @ %dhz \n", closest.w, closest.h, closest.refresh_rate); if ( SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(m_sdlwindow, &closest) != 0 ) { log_error("Swithres/SDL2: (%s) Failed to switch mode: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetError()); return false; } log_verbose("Swithres/SDL2: (%s) SDL2 display mode changed for window/display %d/%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, SDL_GetWindowID(m_sdlwindow), SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(m_sdlwindow)); log_verbose(" to %dx%d@%d\n",closest.w, closest.h, closest.refresh_rate); set_current_mode(mode); return true; } //============================================================ // sdl2_display::get_desktop_mode //============================================================ bool sdl2_display::get_desktop_mode() { if (video() == NULL) return false; return true; } //============================================================ // sdl2_display::get_available_video_modes //============================================================ int sdl2_display::get_available_video_modes() { if (video() == NULL) return false; // loop through all modes until NULL mode type is received for (;;) { modeline mode; memset(&mode, 0, sizeof(struct modeline)); // get next mode video()->get_timing(&mode); if (mode.type == 0) break; // set the desktop mode if (mode.type & MODE_DESKTOP) { memcpy(&desktop_mode, &mode, sizeof(modeline)); if (current_mode() == nullptr) set_current_mode(&mode); if (mode.type & MODE_ROTATED) set_desktop_is_rotated(true); } video_modes.push_back(mode); backup_modes.push_back(mode); log_verbose("Switchres/SDL2: [%3ld] %4dx%4d @%3d%s%s %s: ", video_modes.size(), mode.width, mode.height, mode.refresh, mode.interlace ? "i" : "p", mode.type & MODE_DESKTOP ? "*" : "", mode.type & MODE_ROTATED ? "rot" : ""); log_mode(&mode); }; return true; }