/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2016 - Gregor Richards * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include "netplay_private.h" #include #include #include "../../movie.h" #include "../../msg_hash.h" #include "../../content.h" #include "../../runloop.h" #include "../../version.h" bool netplay_get_nickname(netplay_t *netplay, int fd) { uint8_t nick_size; if (!socket_receive_all_blocking(fd, &nick_size, sizeof(nick_size))) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_NICKNAME_SIZE_FROM_HOST)); return false; } if (nick_size >= sizeof(netplay->other_nick)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_INVALID_NICKNAME_SIZE)); return false; } if (!socket_receive_all_blocking(fd, netplay->other_nick, nick_size)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_NICKNAME)); return false; } return true; } bool netplay_send_nickname(netplay_t *netplay, int fd) { uint8_t nick_size = strlen(netplay->nick); if (!socket_send_all_blocking(fd, &nick_size, sizeof(nick_size), false)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_NICKNAME_SIZE)); return false; } if (!socket_send_all_blocking(fd, netplay->nick, nick_size, false)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_NICKNAME)); return false; } return true; } /** * netplay_impl_magic: * * Not really a hash, but should be enough to differentiate * implementations from each other. * * Subtle differences in the implementation will not be possible to spot. * The alternative would have been checking serialization sizes, but it * was troublesome for cross platform compat. **/ uint32_t netplay_impl_magic(void) { size_t i, len; retro_ctx_api_info_t api_info; unsigned api; uint32_t res = 0; rarch_system_info_t *info = NULL; const char *lib = NULL; const char *ver = PACKAGE_VERSION; core_api_version(&api_info); api = api_info.version; runloop_ctl(RUNLOOP_CTL_SYSTEM_INFO_GET, &info); res |= api; if (info) { lib = info->info.library_name; len = strlen(lib); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) res ^= lib[i] << (i & 0xf); lib = info->info.library_version; len = strlen(lib); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) res ^= lib[i] << (i & 0xf); } len = strlen(ver); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) res ^= ver[i] << ((i & 0xf) + 16); res ^= NETPLAY_PROTOCOL_VERSION << 24; return res; } /** * netplay_platform_magic * * Just enough info to tell us if our platforms mismatch: Endianness and a * couple of type sizes. * * Format: * bit 31: Reserved * bit 30: 1 for big endian * bits 29-15: sizeof(size_t) * bits 14-0: sizeof(long) */ static uint32_t netplay_platform_magic(void) { uint32_t ret = ((1 == htonl(1)) << 30) |(sizeof(size_t) << 15) |(sizeof(long)); return ret; } /** * netplay_endian_mismatch * * Do the platform magics mismatch on endianness? */ static bool netplay_endian_mismatch(uint32_t pma, uint32_t pmb) { uint32_t ebit = (1<<30); return (pma & ebit) != (pmb & ebit); } bool netplay_handshake(netplay_t *netplay) { size_t i; uint32_t local_pmagic, remote_pmagic; unsigned sram_size, remote_sram_size; retro_ctx_memory_info_t mem_info; char msg[512]; uint32_t *content_crc_ptr = NULL; void *sram = NULL; uint32_t header[5] = {0}; bool is_server = netplay->is_server; int compression = 0; msg[0] = '\0'; mem_info.id = RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM; core_get_memory(&mem_info); content_get_crc(&content_crc_ptr); local_pmagic = netplay_platform_magic(); header[0] = htonl(*content_crc_ptr); header[1] = htonl(netplay_impl_magic()); header[2] = htonl(mem_info.size); header[3] = htonl(local_pmagic); header[4] = htonl(NETPLAY_COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED); if (!socket_send_all_blocking(netplay->fd, header, sizeof(header), false)) return false; if (!socket_receive_all_blocking(netplay->fd, header, sizeof(header))) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_HEADER_FROM_CLIENT)); return false; } if (*content_crc_ptr != ntohl(header[0])) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CONTENT_CRC32S_DIFFER)); return false; } if (netplay_impl_magic() != ntohl(header[1])) { RARCH_ERR("Implementations differ, make sure you're using exact same " "libretro implementations and RetroArch version.\n"); return false; } /* Some cores only report the correct sram size late, so we can't actually * error out if the sram size seems wrong. */ sram_size = mem_info.size; remote_sram_size = ntohl(header[2]); if (sram_size != 0 && remote_sram_size != 0 && sram_size != remote_sram_size) { RARCH_WARN("Content SRAM sizes do not correspond.\n"); } /* We only care about platform magic if our core is quirky */ remote_pmagic = ntohl(header[3]); if ((netplay->quirks & NETPLAY_QUIRK_ENDIAN_DEPENDENT) && netplay_endian_mismatch(local_pmagic, remote_pmagic)) { RARCH_ERR("Endianness mismatch with an endian-sensitive core.\n"); return false; } if ((netplay->quirks & NETPLAY_QUIRK_PLATFORM_DEPENDENT) && (local_pmagic != remote_pmagic)) { RARCH_ERR("Platform mismatch with a platform-sensitive core.\n"); return false; } /* Clear any existing compression */ if (netplay->compression_stream) netplay->compression_backend->stream_free(netplay->compression_stream); if (netplay->decompression_stream) netplay->decompression_backend->stream_free(netplay->decompression_stream); /* Check what compression is supported */ compression = ntohl(header[4]); compression &= NETPLAY_COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED; if (compression & NETPLAY_COMPRESSION_ZLIB) { netplay->compression_backend = trans_stream_get_zlib_deflate_backend(); if (!netplay->compression_backend) netplay->compression_backend = trans_stream_get_pipe_backend(); } else { netplay->compression_backend = trans_stream_get_pipe_backend(); } netplay->decompression_backend = netplay->compression_backend->reverse; /* Allocate our compression stream */ netplay->compression_stream = netplay->compression_backend->stream_new(); netplay->decompression_stream = netplay->decompression_backend->stream_new(); if (!netplay->compression_stream || !netplay->decompression_stream) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to allocate compression transcoder!\n"); return false; } /* Client sends nickname first, server replies with nickname */ if (!is_server) { if (!netplay_send_nickname(netplay, netplay->fd)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_NICKNAME_TO_HOST)); return false; } } if (!netplay_get_nickname(netplay, netplay->fd)) { if (is_server) RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_NICKNAME_FROM_CLIENT)); else RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_NICKNAME_FROM_HOST)); return false; } if (is_server) { if (!netplay_send_nickname(netplay, netplay->fd)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_NICKNAME_TO_CLIENT)); return false; } } /* Server sends SRAM, client receives */ if (is_server) { /* Send SRAM data to the client */ sram = mem_info.data; if (!socket_send_all_blocking(netplay->fd, sram, sram_size, false)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_SEND_SRAM_DATA_TO_CLIENT)); return false; } } else { /* Get SRAM data from User 1. */ if (sram_size != 0 && sram_size == remote_sram_size) { sram = mem_info.data; if (!socket_receive_all_blocking(netplay->fd, sram, sram_size)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_SRAM_DATA_FROM_HOST)); return false; } } else if (remote_sram_size != 0) { /* We can't load this, but we still need to get rid of the data */ uint32_t quickbuf; while (remote_sram_size > 0) { if (!socket_receive_all_blocking(netplay->fd, &quickbuf, (remote_sram_size > sizeof(uint32_t)) ? sizeof(uint32_t) : remote_sram_size)) { RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_FAILED_TO_RECEIVE_SRAM_DATA_FROM_HOST)); return false; } if (remote_sram_size > sizeof(uint32_t)) remote_sram_size -= sizeof(uint32_t); else remote_sram_size = 0; } } } /* Reset our frame count so it's consistent with the server */ netplay->self_frame_count = netplay->other_frame_count = 0; netplay->read_frame_count = 1; for (i = 0; i < netplay->buffer_size; i++) { netplay->buffer[i].used = false; if (i == netplay->self_ptr) { netplay_delta_frame_ready(netplay, &netplay->buffer[i], 0); netplay->buffer[i].have_remote = true; netplay->other_ptr = i; netplay->read_ptr = NEXT_PTR(i); } else { netplay->buffer[i].used = false; } } if (is_server) { netplay_log_connection(&netplay->other_addr, 0, netplay->other_nick); } else { snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s: \"%s\"", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_CONNECTED_TO), netplay->other_nick); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); runloop_msg_queue_push(msg, 1, 180, false); } return true; } bool netplay_is_server(netplay_t* netplay) { if (!netplay) return false; return netplay->is_server; } bool netplay_is_spectate(netplay_t* netplay) { if (!netplay) return false; return netplay->spectate.enabled; } bool netplay_delta_frame_ready(netplay_t *netplay, struct delta_frame *delta, uint32_t frame) { void *remember_state; if (delta->used) { if (delta->frame == frame) return true; if (netplay->other_frame_count <= delta->frame) { /* We haven't even replayed this frame yet, so we can't overwrite it! */ return false; } } remember_state = delta->state; memset(delta, 0, sizeof(struct delta_frame)); delta->used = true; delta->frame = frame; delta->state = remember_state; return true; } uint32_t netplay_delta_frame_crc(netplay_t *netplay, struct delta_frame *delta) { if (!netplay->state_size) return 0; return encoding_crc32(0L, (const unsigned char*)delta->state, netplay->state_size); } /* * AD PACKET FORMAT: * * Request: * 1 word: RANQ (RetroArch Netplay Query) * 1 word: Netplay protocol version * * Reply: * 1 word : RANS (RetroArch Netplay Server) * 1 word : Netplay protocol version * 1 word : Port * 8 words: RetroArch version * 8 words: Nick * 8 words: Core name * 8 words: Core version * 8 words: Content name (currently always blank) */ #define AD_PACKET_MAX_SIZE 512 #define AD_PACKET_STRING_SIZE 32 #define AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS (AD_PACKET_STRING_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)) static uint32_t *ad_packet_buffer = NULL; bool netplay_ad_server(netplay_t *netplay, int ad_fd) { fd_set fds; struct timeval tmp_tv = {0}; struct sockaddr their_addr; socklen_t addr_size; rarch_system_info_t *info = NULL; size_t bufloc; if (!ad_packet_buffer) { ad_packet_buffer = (uint32_t *) malloc(AD_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); if (!ad_packet_buffer) return false; } /* Check for any ad queries */ while (1) { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(ad_fd, &fds); if (socket_select(ad_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tmp_tv) <= 0) break; if (!FD_ISSET(ad_fd, &fds)) break; /* Somebody queried, so check that it's valid */ if (recvfrom(ad_fd, (char*)ad_packet_buffer, AD_PACKET_MAX_SIZE, 0, &their_addr, &addr_size) >= (ssize_t) (2*sizeof(uint32_t))) { /* Make sure it's a valid query */ if (memcmp(ad_packet_buffer, "RANQ", 4)) continue; /* For this version */ if (ntohl(ad_packet_buffer[1]) != NETPLAY_PROTOCOL_VERSION) continue; runloop_ctl(RUNLOOP_CTL_SYSTEM_INFO_GET, &info); /* Now build our response */ memset(ad_packet_buffer, 0, AD_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); memcpy(ad_packet_buffer, "RANS", 4); ad_packet_buffer[1] = htonl(NETPLAY_PROTOCOL_VERSION); ad_packet_buffer[2] = htonl(netplay->tcp_port); bufloc = 3; strncpy((char *) (ad_packet_buffer + bufloc), PACKAGE_VERSION, AD_PACKET_STRING_SIZE); bufloc += AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS; strncpy((char *) (ad_packet_buffer + bufloc), netplay->nick, AD_PACKET_STRING_SIZE); bufloc += AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS; if (info) { strncpy((char *) (ad_packet_buffer + bufloc), info->info.library_name, AD_PACKET_STRING_SIZE); bufloc += AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS; strncpy((char *) (ad_packet_buffer + bufloc), info->info.library_version, AD_PACKET_STRING_SIZE); bufloc += AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS; /* Blank content */ bufloc += AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS; } else { bufloc += 3*AD_PACKET_STRING_WORDS; } /* And send it */ sendto(ad_fd, (const char*)ad_packet_buffer, bufloc*sizeof(uint32_t), 0, &their_addr, addr_size); } } return true; }