import argparse import subprocess import sys import time import os import logging import platform CTR_modifier = 1<<7 class mode: def __init__(self, w:int = 640, h:int = 480, rr:float = 60): self.width = int(w) self.height = int(h) self.refresh_rate = float(rr) def __str__(self): return "{}x{}@{}".format(self.width, self.height, self.refresh_rate) def __repr__(self): return "Mode: {}".format(str(self)) class geometry: def __init__(self, h_size:float = 1.0, h_shift:int = 0, v_shift:int = 0): self.h_size = float(h_size) self.h_shift = int(h_shift) self.v_shift = int(v_shift) def __str__(self): return "{}:{}:{}".format(self.h_size, self.h_shift, self.v_shift) def __eq__(self, other): return self.h_size == other.h_size and self.h_shift == other.h_shift and self.v_shift == other.v_shift def set_geometry(self, h_size:float, h_shift:int, v_shift:int): self.h_size = float(h_size) self.h_shift = int(h_shift) self.v_shift = int(v_shift) @classmethod def set_from_string(cls, geom:str): """ geom should be in the form of 1.0:-5:2 """ hsize, hshift, vshift = geom.split(':') return cls(hsize, hshift, vshift) def inc_hsize(self, step = 0.01, factor:int = 1): self.h_size += step * factor def inc_hshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.h_shift += step * factor def inc_vshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.v_shift += step * factor def dec_hsize(self, step = 0.01, factor:int = 1): self.h_size -= step * factor def dec_hshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.h_shift -= step * factor def dec_vshift(self, step = 1, factor:int = 1): self.v_shift -= step * factor class crt_range: def __init__(self, HfreqMin:float = 0.0, HfreqMax:float = 0.0, VfreqMin:float = 0.0, VfreqMax:float = 0.0, HFrontPorch:float = 0.0, HSyncPulse:float = 0.0, HBackPorch:float = 0.0, VFrontPorch:float = 0.0, VSyncPulse:float = 0.0, VBackPorch:float = 0.0, HSyncPol:int = 0, VSyncPol:int = 0, ProgressiveLinesMin:int = 0, ProgressiveLinesMax:int = 0, InterlacedLinesMin:int = 0, InterlacedLinesMax:int = 0): self.HfreqMin = float(HfreqMin) self.HfreqMax = float(HfreqMax) self.VfreqMin = float(VfreqMin) self.VfreqMax = float(VfreqMax) self.HFrontPorch = float(HFrontPorch) self.HSyncPulse = float(HSyncPulse) self.HBackPorch = float(HBackPorch) self.VFrontPorch = float(VFrontPorch) self.VSyncPulse = float(VSyncPulse) self.VBackPorch = float(VBackPorch) self.HSyncPol = int(HSyncPol) self.VSyncPol = int(VSyncPol) self.ProgressiveLinesMin = int(ProgressiveLinesMin) self.ProgressiveLinesMax = int(ProgressiveLinesMax) self.InterlacedLinesMin = int(InterlacedLinesMin) self.InterlacedLinesMax = int(InterlacedLinesMax) @classmethod def set_from_string(cls, range:str): """ range is in the form of 15625.00-16200.00,49.50-65.00,2.000,4.700,8.000,0.064,0.192,1.024,0,0,192,288,448,576 """ HfreqRange, VfregRange, HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch, VFrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch, HSyncPol, VSyncPol, ProgressiveLinesMin, ProgressiveLinesMax, InterlacedLinesMin, InterlacedLinesMax = range.split(',') HfreqMin, HfreqMax = HfreqRange.split('-') VfreqMin, VfreqMax = VfregRange.split('-') return cls(HfreqMin, HfreqMax, VfreqMin, VfreqMax, HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch, VFrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch, HSyncPol, VSyncPol, ProgressiveLinesMin, ProgressiveLinesMax, InterlacedLinesMin, InterlacedLinesMax) def new_geometry_from_string(self, adjusted_geometry: str): """ range is in the shape of the switchres output: "H: 2.004, 4.696, 8.015 V: 0.447, 0.383, 2.425" """ #hfp, self.HSyncPulse, self.HBackPorch, vfp, self.VSyncPulse, self.VBackPorch = adjusted_geometry.split(', ') hfp, self.HSyncPulse, hbp_and_vfp, self.VSyncPulse, self.VBackPorch = adjusted_geometry.split(', ') self.HFrontPorch = hfp[3:] self.HBackPorch, _, self.VFrontPorch = hbp_and_vfp.split(' ') def __str__(self): return "{}-{},{}-{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format( self.HfreqMin, self.HfreqMax, self.VfreqMin, self.VfreqMax, self.HFrontPorch, self.HSyncPulse, self.HBackPorch, self.VFrontPorch, self.VSyncPulse, self.VBackPorch, self.HSyncPol, self.VSyncPol, self.ProgressiveLinesMin, self.ProgressiveLinesMax, self.InterlacedLinesMin, self.InterlacedLinesMax) def switchres_output_get_monitor_range(output:str): for l in output.splitlines(): # The line to parse looks like: # Switchres: Monitor range 15625.00-16200.00,49.50-65.00,2.000,4.700,8.000,0.064,0.192,1.024,0,0,192,288,448,576 if l[0:25] != "Switchres: Monitor range " : continue logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[25:])) logging.debug(crt_range().set_from_string(l[25:])) return crt_range().set_from_string(l[25:]) logging.warning("Couldn't find the monitor range!") return None def switchres_output_get_adjusted_crt_geometry(output:str): for l in output.splitlines(): # The line to parse looks like: # Adjusted geometry (1.000:0:0) H: 2.004, 4.696, 8.015 V: 0.223, 0.191, 1.212 # We need what is behind H: if l[0:19] != "Adjusted geometry (" : continue Hpos = l.find('H: ') logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[Hpos:])) return l[Hpos:] logging.warning("Couldn't find the adjusted crt geometry!") return None def switchres_output_get_adjusted_geometry(output:str): for l in output.splitlines(): # The line to parse looks like: # Adjusted geometry (1.000:0:0) H: 2.004, 4.696, 8.015 V: 0.223, 0.191, 1.212 # We need what is between parenthesis if l[0:19] != "Adjusted geometry (" : continue Hpos = l.find('H: ') logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[Hpos:])) return l[19:Hpos - 2] logging.warning("Couldn't find the adjusted geometry!") return None def switchres_output_get_command_exit_code(output:str): for l in output.splitlines(): # The line to parse looks like: # Process exited with value 256 if l[0:26] != "Process exited with value " : continue logging.debug("Found! -> {}".format(l[26:])) return int(l[26:]) logging.warning("Couldn't find the app exit code!") return None def launch_switchres(mode:mode, geom:geometry = geometry(), switchres_command:str = "switchres", launch_command:str = "grid", display:int = 0): return_list = dict() # The command line may not require launching a program, just to get the crt_range for example cmd = [ switchres_command.split(" ")[0], str(mode.width), str(mode.height), str(mode.refresh_rate), '-v' ] if switchres_command.split(" ")[1:]: cmd.extend(switchres_command.split(" ")[1:]) if display > 0: cmd.extend(['-d', str(display)]) if launch_command: if display > 0: launch_command += " {}".format(display) cmd.extend(['-s', '-l', launch_command]) else: cmd.extend(['-c']) cmd.extend(['-g', str(geom)]) logging.debug("Calling: {} with text: {}".format(" ".join(cmd), os.getenv('GRID_TEXT'))) return_status =, capture_output=True, text=True) logging.debug(return_status.stdout) default_crt_range = switchres_output_get_monitor_range(return_status.stdout) adjusted_geometry = switchres_output_get_adjusted_crt_geometry(return_status.stdout) user_crt_range = default_crt_range grid_return = None if launch_command: grid_return = switchres_output_get_command_exit_code(return_status.stdout) user_crt_range.new_geometry_from_string(adjusted_geometry) return_list['exit_code'] = grid_return return_list['new_crt_range'] = user_crt_range return_list['default_crt_range'] = default_crt_range return_list['geometry'] = switchres_output_get_adjusted_geometry(return_status.stdout) return return_list def update_switchres_ini(range: crt_range, inifile:str = ''): if not inifile: sys.exit(0)"Updating {} with crt_range {} (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)".format(inifile, str(range))) def readjust_geometry(geom: geometry, range:crt_range, return_code:int): wanted_factor = 10 if return_code & CTR_modifier else 1 factor_message = " with CTRL pressed" if return_code & CTR_modifier else '' # Disable the modifier return_code = return_code & ~CTR_modifier # This syntax requires python >= 3.10 match return_code: # Pressed PAGEUP case 68: geom.inc_hsize(factor = wanted_factor) # Pressed PAGEDOWN case 69: geom.dec_hsize(factor = wanted_factor) # Pressed LEFT case 64: geom.dec_hshift(factor = wanted_factor) # Pressed RIGHT case 65: geom.inc_hshift(factor = wanted_factor) # Pressed DOWN case 67: geom.inc_vshift(factor = wanted_factor) # Pressed UP case 66: geom.dec_vshift(factor = wanted_factor) # Pressed ESCAPE / Q case 1:"Aborted!") sys.exit(1) # Pressed ENTER / RETURN case 0:"Finished!")"Final geometry: {}".format(str(geom)))"Final crt_range: {}".format(str(range))) #update_switchres_ini(range, switchres_ini) sys.exit(0) # Pressed DEL / BACKSPACE case 2: geom = geometry(1.0, 0, 0) # Pressed R case 3: logging.debug("Refreshing with the same geometry values if your screen was scrolling") logging.debug("Readjusted geometry: {}".format(str(geom))) return geom def set_grid_text(top_txt:str = '', bottom_txt:str = '', geom:geometry = geometry()): help_txt = """H size: {} H shift: {} V shift: {} Arrows: shift screen - Page Up/Down: H size ENTER: validate - ESC: cancel - DEL: reinit - R: reload CTRL+key: step x10""".format(geom.h_size, geom.h_shift, geom.v_shift) os.environ['GRID_TEXT'] = "\n \n{}".format("\n \n".join(filter(None, [top_txt, help_txt, bottom_txt]))) logging.debug(os.getenv('GRID_TEXT')) def switchres_geometry_loop(mode: mode, switchres_command:str = "switchres", launch_command:str = "grid", display_nr:int = 0, geom:geometry = geometry()): working_geometry = geom top_txt = '' while True: # This launch is to confirm the geometry sr_launch_return = launch_switchres(mode, working_geometry, switchres_command, launch_command = "", display = display_nr) ret_geom = geometry.set_from_string(sr_launch_return['geometry']) if ret_geom != working_geometry: top_txt = "Geometry readjusted, was out of CRT range bounds""Warning: you've reached a crt_range limit, can't go further in the last direction. Setting back to {}".format(str(ret_geom))) working_geometry = ret_geom os.environ['GRID_TEXT'] = "\n".join([os.getenv('GRID_TEXT') or "", "({})".format(str(geom))]) set_grid_text(top_txt, '', working_geometry) # Now is the real launch with the grid sr_launch_return = launch_switchres(mode, working_geometry, switchres_command, launch_command, display_nr) grid_return_code = sr_launch_return['exit_code'] sr_geometry = geometry.set_from_string(sr_launch_return['geometry']) working_geometry = readjust_geometry(sr_geometry, sr_launch_return['new_crt_range'], grid_return_code) os.environ['GRID_TEXT'] = "" top_txt = '' time.sleep(2) # # MAIN # # The default switchres.ini file depends on the platform if platform.system() == 'Linux': default_switchres_ini = '/etc/switchres.ini' else: default_switchres_ini = 'switchres.ini' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Switchres wrapper to adjust a crt_range for switchres.ini') parser.add_argument('mode', metavar='N', type=float, nargs=3, help='width height refresh_rate') parser.add_argument('-l', '--launch', metavar='launch', type=str, default='grid', help='The program you want to launch') # parser.add_argument('-i', '--ini', metavar='ini', type=str, default=default_switchres_ini, # help='The switchres.ini file to edit') parser.add_argument('-s', '--switchres', metavar='binary', type=str, default='switchres', help='The switchres binary to use') parser.add_argument('-d', '--display', metavar='display', type=int, default=0, help='Set the display to calibrate') #parser.add_argument('-m', '--monitor', metavar='monitor', type=str, default='arcade_15', # help='The monitor preset base, to override the switchres.ini (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)') parser.add_argument('-g', '--geometry', metavar='geometry', type=str, default='1.0:0:0', help='Start with a predefined geometry') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Verbose mode') if sys.version_info.major < 3: raise Exception("Must use Python 3.7 or later") if sys.version_info.minor < 10: raise Exception("Must use Python 3.7 or later") #args = parser.parse_args(['320', '240', '59.94']) args = parser.parse_args() # Set log level according to wanted verbosity loggingLevel = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=loggingLevel, format='%(message)s') if args.verbose > 0: loggingLevel = logging.DEBUG logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(loggingLevel) for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setLevel(loggingLevel) for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=loggingLevel, format='[%(levelname)s] %(filename)s/%(funcName)s(%(lineno)d): %(message)s') logging.debug("Specified logging level: {}".format(args.verbose)) logging.debug("Command line arguments: {}".format(args)) logging.debug(args) command_mode = mode(args.mode[0], args.mode[1], args.mode[2]) geometry_arg = geometry.set_from_string(args.geometry) switchres_geometry_loop(command_mode, args.switchres, args.launch, args.display, geometry_arg)