/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2023 Jesse Talavera-Greenberg * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include "wasapi.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_MICROPHONE #include "audio/microphone_driver.h" #endif #include "queues/fifo_queue.h" #include "lists/string_list.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "verbosity.h" #include "string/stdstring.h" #include "mmdevice_common.h" const char *hresult_name(HRESULT hr) { switch (hr) { /* Standard error codes */ case E_INVALIDARG: return "E_INVALIDARG"; case E_NOINTERFACE: return "E_NOINTERFACE"; case E_OUTOFMEMORY: return "E_OUTOFMEMORY"; case E_POINTER: return "E_POINTER"; /* Standard success codes */ case S_FALSE: return "S_FALSE"; case S_OK: return "S_OK"; /* AUDCLNT error codes */ case AUDCLNT_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED: return "AUDCLNT_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED"; case AUDCLNT_E_BUFDURATION_PERIOD_NOT_EQUAL: return "AUDCLNT_E_BUFDURATION_PERIOD_NOT_EQUAL"; case AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_ERROR: return "AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_ERROR"; case AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_OPERATION_PENDING: return "AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_OPERATION_PENDING"; case AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED: return "AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED"; case AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR: return "AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR"; case AUDCLNT_E_CPUUSAGE_EXCEEDED: return "AUDCLNT_E_CPUUSAGE_EXCEEDED"; case AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_IN_USE: return "AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_IN_USE"; case AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED: return "AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED"; case AUDCLNT_E_ENDPOINT_CREATE_FAILED: return "AUDCLNT_E_ENDPOINT_CREATE_FAILED"; case AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED: return "AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED"; case AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_DEVICE_PERIOD: return "AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_DEVICE_PERIOD"; case AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_SIZE: return "AUDCLNT_E_INVALID_SIZE"; case AUDCLNT_E_NOT_INITIALIZED: return "AUDCLNT_E_NOT_INITIALIZED"; case AUDCLNT_E_OUT_OF_ORDER: return "AUDCLNT_E_OUT_OF_ORDER"; case AUDCLNT_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING: return "AUDCLNT_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING"; case AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT: return "AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT"; case AUDCLNT_E_WRONG_ENDPOINT_TYPE: return "AUDCLNT_E_WRONG_ENDPOINT_TYPE"; /* AUDCLNT success codes */ case AUDCLNT_S_BUFFER_EMPTY: return "AUDCLNT_S_BUFFER_EMPTY"; /* Something else; probably from an API that we started using * after mic support was implemented */ default: return ""; } } const char *wave_subtype_name(const GUID *guid) { if (IsEqualGUID(guid, &KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT)) { return "KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT"; } return ""; } const char *wave_format_name(const WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *format) { switch (format->Format.wFormatTag) { case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM: return "WAVE_FORMAT_PCM"; case WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE: return wave_subtype_name(&format->SubFormat); default: return ""; } } const char* wasapi_error(DWORD error) { static char error_message[256]; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), error_message, sizeof(error_message) - 1, NULL); return error_message; } static const char* wasapi_data_flow_name(EDataFlow data_flow) { switch (data_flow) { case eCapture: return "eCapture"; case eRender: return "eRender"; case eAll: return "eAll"; default: break; } return ""; } static void wasapi_set_format(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *wf, bool float_fmt, unsigned rate, unsigned channels); /** * @param[in] format The format to check. * @return \c true if \c format is suitable for RetroArch. */ static bool wasapi_is_format_suitable(const WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *format) { if (!format) return false; if (format->Format.nChannels == 0 || format->Format.nChannels > 2) /* RetroArch only supports mono mic input and stereo speaker output */ return false; switch (format->Format.wFormatTag) { case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM: if (format->Format.wBitsPerSample != 16) /* Integer samples must be 16-bit */ return false; break; case WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE: if (!IsEqualGUID(&format->SubFormat, &KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT)) /* RetroArch doesn't support any other subformat */ return false; if (format->Format.wBitsPerSample != 32) /* floating-point samples must be 32-bit */ return false; break; default: /* Other formats are unsupported */ return false; } return true; } /** * Selects a sample format suitable for the given device. * @param[in,out] format The place where the chosen format will be written, * as well as the first format checked. * @param[in] client The audio client (i.e. device handle) for which a format will be selected. * @param[in] mode The device mode (shared or exclusive) that \c client will use. * @param[in] channels The number of channels that will constitute one audio frame. * @return \c true if successful, \c false if a suitable format wasn't found or there was an error. * If \c true, the selected format will be written to \c format. * If \c false, the value referred by \c format will be unchanged. */ static bool wasapi_select_device_format(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *format, IAudioClient *client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE mode, unsigned channels) { static const unsigned preferred_rates[] = { 48000, 44100, 96000, 192000, 32000 }; const bool preferred_formats[] = {format->Format.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, format->Format.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE}; /* Try the requested sample format first, then try the other one */ WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *suggested_format = NULL; bool result = false; HRESULT hr = _IAudioClient_IsFormatSupported(client, mode, (const WAVEFORMATEX *) format, (WAVEFORMATEX **) &suggested_format); /* The Windows docs say that casting these arguments to WAVEFORMATEX* is okay. */ switch (hr) { case S_OK: /* The requested format is okay without any changes */ RARCH_DBG("[WASAPI]: Desired format (%s, %u-channel, %uHz) can be used as-is.\n", wave_format_name(format), format->Format.nChannels, format->Format.nSamplesPerSec); result = true; break; case S_FALSE: /* The requested format is unsupported, but Windows has suggested a similar one. */ RARCH_DBG("[WASAPI]: Windows suggests a format of (%s, %u-channel, %uHz).\n", wave_format_name(suggested_format), suggested_format->Format.nChannels, suggested_format->Format.nSamplesPerSec); if (wasapi_is_format_suitable(suggested_format)) { *format = *suggested_format; result = true; } else { result = false; RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Windows suggested a format, but RetroArch can't use it.\n"); } break; case AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT: { /* The requested format is unsupported * and Windows was unable to suggest another. * Usually happens with exclusive mode. * RetroArch will try selecting a format. */ int i, j; WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE possible_format; HRESULT format_check_hr; RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: Requested format not supported, and Windows could not suggest one. RetroArch will do so.\n"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(preferred_formats); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(preferred_rates); ++j) { wasapi_set_format(&possible_format, preferred_formats[i], preferred_rates[j], channels); format_check_hr = _IAudioClient_IsFormatSupported(client, mode, (const WAVEFORMATEX *) &possible_format, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(format_check_hr)) { *format = possible_format; result = true; RARCH_DBG("[WASAPI]: RetroArch suggests a format of (%s, %u-channel, %uHz).\n", wave_format_name(format), format->Format.nChannels, format->Format.nSamplesPerSec); goto done; } } } RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to select client format: No suitable format available\n"); result = false; break; } default: /* Something else went wrong. */ RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to select client format: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); result = false; break; } done: if (suggested_format) { /* IAudioClient::IsFormatSupported allocates a format object */ CoTaskMemFree(suggested_format); } return result; } static void wasapi_set_format(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *wf, bool float_fmt, unsigned rate, unsigned channels) { WORD wBitsPerSample = float_fmt ? 32 : 16; WORD nBlockAlign = (channels * wBitsPerSample) / 8; DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec = rate * nBlockAlign; wf->Format.nChannels = channels; wf->Format.nSamplesPerSec = rate; wf->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = nAvgBytesPerSec; wf->Format.nBlockAlign = nBlockAlign; wf->Format.wBitsPerSample = wBitsPerSample; if (float_fmt) { wf->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; wf->Format.cbSize = sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(GUID); wf->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = wBitsPerSample; wf->dwChannelMask = channels == 1 ? KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_MONO : KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_STEREO; wf->SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT; } else { wf->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wf->Format.cbSize = 0; wf->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 0; wf->dwChannelMask = 0; memset(&wf->SubFormat, 0, sizeof(wf->SubFormat)); } } static IAudioClient *wasapi_init_client_ex(IMMDevice *device, bool *float_fmt, unsigned *rate, unsigned latency, unsigned channels) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wf; IAudioClient *client = NULL; REFERENCE_TIME minimum_period = 0; REFERENCE_TIME buffer_duration = 0; UINT32 buffer_length = 0; HRESULT hr = _IMMDevice_Activate(device, IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&client); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: IMMDevice::Activate failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); return NULL; } hr = _IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod(client, NULL, &minimum_period); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get device period of exclusive-mode client: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } /* buffer_duration is in 100ns units */ buffer_duration = latency * 10000.0; if (buffer_duration < minimum_period) buffer_duration = minimum_period; wasapi_set_format(&wf, *float_fmt, *rate, channels); RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Requesting format: %u-bit %u-channel client with %s samples at %uHz\n", wf.Format.wBitsPerSample, wf.Format.nChannels, wave_format_name(&wf), wf.Format.nSamplesPerSec); if (wasapi_select_device_format(&wf, client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, channels)) { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Using format: %u-bit %u-channel client with %s samples at %uHz\n", wf.Format.wBitsPerSample, wf.Format.nChannels, wave_format_name(&wf), wf.Format.nSamplesPerSec); } else { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to select a suitable device format\n"); goto error; } hr = _IAudioClient_Initialize(client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK | AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_NOPERSIST, buffer_duration, buffer_duration, (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wf, NULL); if (hr == AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED) { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI] Unaligned buffer size: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); hr = _IAudioClient_GetBufferSize(client, &buffer_length); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI] Failed to get buffer size of client: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } IFACE_RELEASE(client); hr = _IMMDevice_Activate(device, IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&client); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI] IMMDevice::Activate failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); return NULL; } buffer_duration = 10000.0 * 1000.0 / (*rate) * buffer_length + 0.5; hr = _IAudioClient_Initialize(client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK | AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_NOPERSIST, buffer_duration, buffer_duration, (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wf, NULL); } if (hr == AUDCLNT_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED) { IFACE_RELEASE(client); hr = _IMMDevice_Activate(device, IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&client); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI] IMMDevice::Activate failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); return NULL; } hr = _IAudioClient_Initialize(client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK | AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_NOPERSIST, buffer_duration, buffer_duration, (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wf, NULL); } if (hr != AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT) { if (hr == AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_IN_USE) goto error; if (hr == AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED) goto error; } if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to create exclusive-mode client: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } *float_fmt = wf.Format.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; *rate = wf.Format.nSamplesPerSec; RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Initialized exclusive %s client at %uHz, latency %ums\n", *float_fmt ? "float" : "pcm", *rate, latency); return client; error: IFACE_RELEASE(client); return NULL; } static IAudioClient *wasapi_init_client_sh(IMMDevice *device, bool *float_fmt, unsigned *rate, unsigned latency, unsigned channels) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wf; IAudioClient *client = NULL; bool float_fmt_res = *float_fmt; unsigned rate_res = *rate; HRESULT hr = _IMMDevice_Activate(device, IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&client); if (FAILED(hr)) { /* If we couldn't create the IAudioClient... */ RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to create %s IAudioClient: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); return NULL; } wasapi_set_format(&wf, float_fmt_res, rate_res, channels); if (wasapi_select_device_format(&wf, client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, channels)) { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Requesting %u-channel shared-mode client with %s samples at %uHz.\n", wf.Format.nChannels, wave_format_name(&wf), wf.Format.nSamplesPerSec); } else { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to select a suitable device format.\n"); goto error; } hr = _IAudioClient_Initialize(client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, 0, 0, (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wf, NULL); if (hr == AUDCLNT_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED) { IFACE_RELEASE(client); hr = _IMMDevice_Activate(device, IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&client); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: IMMDevice::Activate failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); return NULL; } hr = _IAudioClient_Initialize(client, AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, 0, 0, (WAVEFORMATEX*)&wf, NULL); } if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: IAudioClient::Initialize failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } *float_fmt = wf.Format.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; *rate = wf.Format.nSamplesPerSec; RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Initialized shared %s client at %uHz.\n", wave_format_name(&wf), *rate); return client; error: IFACE_RELEASE(client); return NULL; } IMMDevice *wasapi_init_device(const char *id, EDataFlow data_flow) { HRESULT hr; UINT32 dev_count, i; IMMDeviceEnumerator *enumerator = NULL; IMMDevice *device = NULL; IMMDeviceCollection *collection = NULL; const char *data_flow_name = wasapi_data_flow_name(data_flow); if (id) { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Initializing %s device \"%s\"..\n", data_flow_name, id); } else { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Initializing default %s device..\n", data_flow_name); } #ifdef __cplusplus hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void **)&enumerator); #else hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void **)&enumerator); #endif if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to create device enumerator: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } if (id) { /* If a specific device was requested... */ int32_t idx_found = -1; struct string_list *list = (struct string_list*)mmdevice_list_new(NULL, data_flow); if (!list) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to allocate %s device list.\n", data_flow_name); goto error; } if (list->elems) { /* If any devices were found... */ unsigned d; for (d = 0; d < list->size; d++) { if (string_is_equal(id, list->elems[d].data)) { RARCH_DBG("[WASAPI]: Found device #%d: \"%s\"\n", d, list->elems[d].data); idx_found = d; break; } } /* Index was not found yet based on name string, * just assume id is a one-character number index. */ if (idx_found == -1 && isdigit(id[0])) { idx_found = strtoul(id, NULL, 0); RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Fallback, %s device index is a single number index instead: %u.\n", data_flow_name, idx_found); } } string_list_free(list); if (idx_found == -1) idx_found = 0; hr = _IMMDeviceEnumerator_EnumAudioEndpoints(enumerator, data_flow, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE, &collection); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to enumerate audio endpoints: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } hr = _IMMDeviceCollection_GetCount(collection, &dev_count); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to count IMMDevices: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } for (i = 0; i < dev_count; ++i) { hr = _IMMDeviceCollection_Item(collection, i, &device); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get IMMDevice #%d: %s\n", i, hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } if (i == idx_found) break; IFACE_RELEASE(device); } } else { hr = _IMMDeviceEnumerator_GetDefaultAudioEndpoint( enumerator, data_flow, eConsole, &device); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to get default audio endpoint: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); goto error; } } if (!device) goto error; IFACE_RELEASE(collection); IFACE_RELEASE(enumerator); return device; error: IFACE_RELEASE(collection); IFACE_RELEASE(enumerator); if (id) { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: Failed to initialize %s device \"%s\".\n", data_flow_name, id); } else { RARCH_ERR("[WASAPI]: Failed to initialize default %s device.\n", data_flow_name); } return NULL; } IAudioClient *wasapi_init_client(IMMDevice *device, bool *exclusive, bool *float_fmt, unsigned *rate, unsigned latency, unsigned channels) { HRESULT hr; IAudioClient *client; double latency_res; REFERENCE_TIME device_period = 0; REFERENCE_TIME stream_latency = 0; UINT32 buffer_length = 0; RARCH_DBG("[WASAPI]: Requesting %s %s client (rate=%uHz, latency=%ums).\n", *exclusive ? "exclusive" : "shared", *float_fmt ? "float" : "pcm", *rate, latency); if (*exclusive) { client = wasapi_init_client_ex(device, float_fmt, rate, latency, channels); if (!client) { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: Failed to initialize exclusive client, attempting shared client.\n"); client = wasapi_init_client_sh(device, float_fmt, rate, latency, channels); if (client) *exclusive = false; } } else { client = wasapi_init_client_sh(device, float_fmt, rate, latency, channels); if (!client) { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: Failed to initialize shared client, attempting exclusive client.\n"); client = wasapi_init_client_ex(device, float_fmt, rate, latency, channels); if (client) *exclusive = true; } } if (!client) return NULL; /* next calls are allowed to fail (we losing info only) */ if (*exclusive) { hr = _IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod(client, NULL, &device_period); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Minimum exclusive-mode device period is %uns (%.1fms).\n", device_period * 100, (double)device_period * 100 / 1e6); } /* device_period is in 100ns units */ } else { hr = _IAudioClient_GetDevicePeriod(client, &device_period, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Default shared-mode device period is %uns (%.1fms).\n", device_period * 100, (double)device_period * 100 / 1e6); } } if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: IAudioClient::GetDevicePeriod failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); } if (!*exclusive) { hr = _IAudioClient_GetStreamLatency(client, &stream_latency); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Shared stream latency is %uns (%.1fms).\n", stream_latency * 100, (double)stream_latency * 100 / 1e6); } else { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: IAudioClient::GetStreamLatency failed: %s\n", hresult_name(hr)); } } hr = _IAudioClient_GetBufferSize(client, &buffer_length); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { size_t num_samples = buffer_length * channels; size_t num_bytes = num_samples * (*float_fmt ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(int16_t)); RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Endpoint buffer size is %u frames (%u samples, %u bytes).\n", buffer_length, num_samples, num_bytes); } else { RARCH_WARN("[WASAPI]: IAudioClient::GetBufferSize failed: %s.\n", hresult_name(hr)); } if (*exclusive) latency_res = (double)buffer_length * 1000.0 / (*rate); else latency_res = (double)(stream_latency + device_period) / 10000.0; RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Client initialized (%s, %s, %uHz, %.1fms).\n", *exclusive ? "exclusive" : "shared", *float_fmt ? "float" : "pcm", *rate, latency_res); RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Client's buffer length is %u frames (%.1fms).\n", buffer_length, (double)buffer_length * 1000.0 / (*rate)); RARCH_LOG("[WASAPI]: Device period is %lld frames (%.1fms).\n", device_period * (*rate) / 10000000, (double)device_period / 10000.0); return client; }