/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2015- - Swizzy * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../menu_driver.h" #include "../menu.h" #include "../menu_entry.h" #include "../menu_list.h" #include "../menu_input.h" #include "../menu_setting.h" #include "../menu_video.h" #include "../../gfx/video_context_driver.h" #include "../../general.h" #include "../../gfx/d3d/d3d.h" #define XUI_CONTROL_NAVIGATE_OK (XUI_CONTROL_NAVIGATE_RIGHT + 1) #define FONT_WIDTH 5 #define FONT_HEIGHT 10 #define FONT_WIDTH_STRIDE (FONT_WIDTH + 1) #define FONT_HEIGHT_STRIDE (FONT_HEIGHT + 1) #define RXUI_TERM_START_X 15 #define RXUI_TERM_START_Y 27 #define RXUI_TERM_WIDTH (((frame_buf->width - RXUI_TERM_START_X - 15) / (FONT_WIDTH_STRIDE))) #define RXUI_TERM_HEIGHT (((frame_buf->height - RXUI_TERM_START_Y - 15) / (FONT_HEIGHT_STRIDE)) - 1) HXUIOBJ m_menulist; HXUIOBJ m_menutitle; HXUIOBJ m_menutitlebottom; HXUIOBJ m_background; HXUIOBJ m_back; HXUIOBJ root_menu; HXUIOBJ current_menu; static msg_queue_t *xui_msg_queue; class CRetroArch : public CXuiModule { protected: virtual HRESULT RegisterXuiClasses(); virtual HRESULT UnregisterXuiClasses(); }; #define CREATE_CLASS(class_type, class_name) \ class class_type: public CXuiSceneImpl \ { \ public: \ HRESULT OnInit( XUIMessageInit* pInitData, int & bHandled ); \ HRESULT DispatchMessageMap(XUIMessage *pMessage) \ { \ if (pMessage->dwMessage == XM_INIT) \ { \ XUIMessageInit *pData = (XUIMessageInit *) pMessage->pvData; \ return OnInit(pData, pMessage->bHandled); \ } \ return __super::DispatchMessageMap(pMessage); \ } \ \ static HRESULT Register() \ { \ HXUICLASS hClass; \ XUIClass cls; \ memset(&cls, 0x00, sizeof(cls)); \ cls.szClassName = class_name; \ cls.szBaseClassName = XUI_CLASS_SCENE; \ cls.Methods.CreateInstance = (PFN_CREATEINST) (CreateInstance); \ cls.Methods.DestroyInstance = (PFN_DESTROYINST) DestroyInstance; \ cls.Methods.ObjectProc = (PFN_OBJECT_PROC) _ObjectProc; \ cls.pPropDefs = _GetPropDef(&cls.dwPropDefCount); \ HRESULT hr = XuiRegisterClass(&cls, &hClass); \ if (FAILED(hr)) \ return hr; \ return S_OK; \ } \ \ static HRESULT APIENTRY CreateInstance(HXUIOBJ hObj, void **ppvObj) \ { \ *ppvObj = NULL; \ class_type *pThis = new class_type(); \ if (!pThis) \ return E_OUTOFMEMORY; \ pThis->m_hObj = hObj; \ HRESULT hr = pThis->OnCreate(); \ if (FAILED(hr)) \ { \ DestroyInstance(pThis); \ return hr; \ } \ *ppvObj = pThis; \ return S_OK; \ } \ \ static HRESULT APIENTRY DestroyInstance(void *pvObj) \ { \ class_type *pThis = (class_type *) pvObj; \ delete pThis; \ return S_OK; \ } \ } CREATE_CLASS(CRetroArchMain, L"RetroArchMain"); CRetroArch app; wchar_t strw_buffer[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; /* Register custom classes */ HRESULT CRetroArch::RegisterXuiClasses (void) { CRetroArchMain::Register(); return 0; } /* Unregister custom classes */ HRESULT CRetroArch::UnregisterXuiClasses (void) { XuiUnregisterClass(L"RetroArchMain"); return 0; } HRESULT CRetroArchMain::OnInit(XUIMessageInit * pInitData, BOOL& bHandled) { GetChildById(L"XuiMenuList", &m_menulist); GetChildById(L"XuiTxtTitle", &m_menutitle); GetChildById(L"XuiTxtBottom", &m_menutitlebottom); GetChildById(L"XuiBackground", &m_background); if (XuiHandleIsValid(m_menutitlebottom)) { char str[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; menu_entries_get_core_title(str, sizeof(str)); mbstowcs(strw_buffer, str, sizeof(strw_buffer) / sizeof(wchar_t)); XuiTextElementSetText(m_menutitlebottom, strw_buffer); } return 0; } HRESULT XuiTextureLoader(IXuiDevice *pDevice, LPCWSTR szFileName, XUIImageInfo *pImageInfo, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppTex) { D3DXIMAGE_INFO pSrc; CONST BYTE *pbTextureData = 0; UINT cbTextureData = 0; HXUIRESOURCE hResource = 0; BOOL bIsMemoryResource = FALSE; IDirect3DDevice9 * d3dDevice = NULL; HRESULT hr = XuiResourceOpenNoLoc(szFileName, &hResource, &bIsMemoryResource); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (bIsMemoryResource) { hr = XuiResourceGetBuffer(hResource, &pbTextureData); if (FAILED(hr)) goto cleanup; cbTextureData = XuiResourceGetTotalSize(hResource); } else { hr = XuiResourceRead(hResource, NULL, 0, &cbTextureData); if (FAILED(hr)) goto cleanup; pbTextureData = (BYTE *)XuiAlloc(cbTextureData); if (pbTextureData == 0) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } hr = XuiResourceRead(hResource, (BYTE*)pbTextureData, cbTextureData, &cbTextureData); if (FAILED(hr)) goto cleanup; XuiResourceClose(hResource); hResource = 0; } /* Cast our d3d device into our IDirect3DDevice9* interface */ d3dDevice = (IDirect3DDevice9*)pDevice->GetD3DDevice(); if(!d3dDevice) goto cleanup; /* Create our texture based on our conditions */ hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx( d3dDevice, pbTextureData, cbTextureData, D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2, D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2, 1, D3DUSAGE_CPU_CACHED_MEMORY, D3DFMT_LIN_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, 0, &pSrc, NULL, ppTex ); if(hr != D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA ) { pImageInfo->Depth = pSrc.Depth; pImageInfo->Format = pSrc.Format; pImageInfo->Height = pSrc.Height; pImageInfo->ImageFileFormat = pSrc.ImageFileFormat; pImageInfo->MipLevels = pSrc.MipLevels; pImageInfo->ResourceType = pSrc.ResourceType; pImageInfo->Width = pSrc.Width; } else RARCH_ERR("D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA Encountered\n"); cleanup: if (bIsMemoryResource && hResource != 0) XuiResourceReleaseBuffer(hResource, pbTextureData); else XuiFree((LPVOID)pbTextureData); if (hResource != 0) XuiResourceClose(hResource); return hr; } static void* rmenu_xui_init(void) { HRESULT hr; d3d_video_t *d3d = NULL; D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS d3dpp = {0}; video_info_t video_info = {0}; TypefaceDescriptor typeface = {0}; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); menu_handle_t *menu = (menu_handle_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*menu)); if (!menu) return NULL; d3d= (d3d_video_t*)driver->video_data; if (d3d->resolution_hd_enable) RARCH_LOG("HD menus enabled.\n"); video_info.vsync = settings->video.vsync; video_info.force_aspect = false; video_info.smooth = settings->video.smooth; video_info.input_scale = 2; video_info.fullscreen = true; video_info.rgb32 = false; d3d_make_d3dpp(d3d, &video_info, &d3dpp); hr = app.InitShared(d3d->dev, &d3dpp, (PFN_XUITEXTURELOADER)XuiTextureLoader); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed initializing XUI application.\n"); goto error; } /* Register font */ typeface.szTypeface = L"Arial Unicode MS"; typeface.szLocator = L"file://game:/media/rarch.ttf"; typeface.szReserved1 = NULL; hr = XuiRegisterTypeface( &typeface, TRUE ); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to register default typeface.\n"); goto error; } hr = XuiLoadVisualFromBinary( L"file://game:/media/rarch_scene_skin.xur", NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to load skin.\n"); goto error; } hr = XuiSceneCreate(d3d->resolution_hd_enable ? L"file://game:/media/hd/" : L"file://game:/media/sd/", L"rarch_main.xur", NULL, &root_menu); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to create scene 'rarch_main.xur'.\n"); goto error; } current_menu = root_menu; hr = XuiSceneNavigateFirst(app.GetRootObj(), current_menu, XUSER_INDEX_FOCUS); if (FAILED(hr)) { RARCH_ERR("XuiSceneNavigateFirst failed.\n"); goto error; } video_driver_set_texture_frame(NULL, true, 0, 0, 1.0f); xui_msg_queue = msg_queue_new(16); return menu; error: free(menu); return NULL; } static void rmenu_xui_free(void *data) { (void)data; app.Uninit(); if (xui_msg_queue) msg_queue_free(xui_msg_queue); } static void xui_render_message(const char *msg) { struct font_params font_parms = {0}; size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; struct string_list *list = NULL; driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)driver->video_data; if (!d3d) return; list = string_split(msg, "\n"); if (!list) return; if (list->elems == 0) goto end; for (i = 0; i < list->size; i++, j++) { char *msg = (char*)list->elems[i].data; unsigned msglen = strlen(msg); float msg_width = d3d->resolution_hd_enable ? 160 : 100; float msg_height = 120; float msg_offset = 32; font_parms.x = msg_width; font_parms.y = msg_height + (msg_offset * j); font_parms.scale = 21; video_driver_set_osd_msg(msg, &font_parms, NULL); } end: string_list_free(list); } static void rmenu_xui_frame(void) { XUIMessage msg; XUIMessageRender msgRender; D3DXMATRIX matOrigView; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3dr; const char *message; D3DVIEWPORT vp_full = {0}; d3d_video_t *d3d = NULL; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return; d3d = (d3d_video_t*)driver->video_data; if (!d3d) return; d3dr = (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE)d3d->dev; if (!d3dr) return; menu_display_set_viewport(menu); app.RunFrame(); XuiTimersRun(); XuiRenderBegin( app.GetDC(), D3DCOLOR_ARGB( 255, 0, 0, 0 ) ); XuiRenderGetViewTransform( app.GetDC(), &matOrigView ); XuiMessageRender( &msg, &msgRender, app.GetDC(), 0xffffffff, XUI_BLEND_NORMAL ); XuiSendMessage( app.GetRootObj(), &msg ); XuiRenderSetViewTransform( app.GetDC(), &matOrigView ); message = rarch_main_msg_queue_pull(); if (message) xui_render_message(message); else { message = rarch_main_msg_queue_pull(); if (message) xui_render_message(message); } XuiRenderEnd( app.GetDC() ); menu_display_unset_viewport(menu); } static void blit_line(int x, int y, const char *message, bool green) { } static void rmenu_xui_render_background(void) { global_t *global = global_get_ptr(); if (global->content_is_init) XuiElementSetShow(m_background, FALSE); else XuiElementSetShow(m_background, TRUE); } static void rmenu_xui_render_messagebox(const char *message) { msg_queue_clear(xui_msg_queue); msg_queue_push(xui_msg_queue, message, 2, 1); } static void rmenu_xui_set_list_text(int index, const wchar_t* leftText, const wchar_t* rightText) { LPCWSTR currText; float width, height; XUIRect pRect; D3DXVECTOR3 textPos, rightEdgePos; HXUIOBJ hVisual = NULL, hControl = NULL, hTextLeft = NULL, hTextRight = NULL, hRightEdge = NULL; hControl = XuiListGetItemControl(m_menulist, index); if (XuiHandleIsValid(hControl)) XuiControlGetVisual(hControl, &hVisual); if(!XuiHandleIsValid(hVisual)) return; XuiElementGetChildById(hVisual, L"LeftText", &hTextLeft); if (!XuiHandleIsValid(hTextLeft)) return; currText = XuiTextElementGetText(hTextLeft); XuiElementGetBounds(hTextLeft, &width, &height); if (!currText || wcscmp(currText, leftText) || width <= 5) { XuiTextElementMeasureText(hTextLeft, leftText, &pRect); XuiElementSetBounds(hTextLeft, pRect.GetWidth(), height); } XuiTextElementSetText(hTextLeft, leftText); XuiElementGetChildById(hVisual, L"RightText", &hTextRight); if(XuiHandleIsValid(hTextRight)) { currText = XuiTextElementGetText(hTextRight); XuiElementGetBounds(hTextRight, &width, &height); if (!currText || wcscmp(currText, rightText) || width <= 5) { XuiTextElementMeasureText(hTextRight, rightText, &pRect); XuiElementSetBounds(hTextRight, pRect.GetWidth(), height); XuiElementGetPosition(hTextLeft, &textPos); XuiElementGetChildById(hVisual, L"graphic_CapRight", &hRightEdge); XuiElementGetPosition(hRightEdge, &rightEdgePos); textPos.x = rightEdgePos.x - (pRect.GetWidth() + textPos.x); XuiElementSetPosition(hTextRight, &textPos); } XuiTextElementSetText(hTextRight, rightText); } } static void rmenu_xui_render(void) { size_t end, i; char title[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; const char *dir = NULL; const char *label = NULL; unsigned menu_type = 0; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_animation_t *anim = menu_animation_get_ptr(); menu_display_t *disp = menu_display_get_ptr(); menu_framebuf_t *frame_buf = menu_display_fb_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); uint64_t frame_count = video_driver_get_frame_count(); if (!menu) return; if ( menu_entries_needs_refresh() && menu_driver_alive() && !disp->msg_force ) return; menu_display_fb_unset_dirty(); anim->is_active = false; anim->label.is_updated = false; rmenu_xui_render_background(); if (XuiHandleIsValid(m_menutitle)) { menu_entries_get_title(title, sizeof(title)); mbstowcs(strw_buffer, title, sizeof(strw_buffer) / sizeof(wchar_t)); XuiTextElementSetText(m_menutitle, strw_buffer); menu_animation_ticker_str(title, RXUI_TERM_WIDTH - 3, (unsigned int)frame_count / 15, title, true); } if (XuiHandleIsValid(m_menutitle)) { menu_entries_get_core_title(title, sizeof(title)); mbstowcs(strw_buffer, title, sizeof(strw_buffer) / sizeof(wchar_t)); XuiTextElementSetText(m_menutitlebottom, strw_buffer); } end = menu_entries_get_end(); for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { char entry_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; char entry_value[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; char msg_right[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; wchar_t msg_left[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; menu_entry_get_value(i, entry_value, sizeof(entry_value)); menu_entry_get_path(i, entry_path, sizeof(entry_path)); mbstowcs(msg_left, entry_path, sizeof(msg_left) / sizeof(wchar_t)); mbstowcs(msg_right, entry_value, sizeof(msg_right) / sizeof(wchar_t)); rmenu_xui_set_list_text(i, msg_left, msg_right); } XuiListSetCurSelVisible(m_menulist, nav->selection_ptr); if (menu->keyboard.display) { char msg[1024] = {0}; const char *str = *menu->keyboard.buffer; if (!str) str = ""; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s\n%s", menu->keyboard.label, str); rmenu_xui_render_messagebox(msg); } } static void rmenu_xui_populate_entries(const char *path, const char *label, unsigned i) { menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return; (void)label; (void)path; XuiListSetCurSelVisible(m_menulist, nav->selection_ptr); } static void rmenu_xui_navigation_clear(bool pending_push) { menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); if (menu) XuiListSetCurSelVisible(m_menulist, nav->selection_ptr); } static void rmenu_xui_navigation_set_visible(void) { menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); if (menu) XuiListSetCurSelVisible(m_menulist, nav->selection_ptr); } static void rmenu_xui_navigation_alphabet(size_t *ptr_out) { XuiListSetCurSelVisible(m_menulist, *ptr_out); } static void rmenu_xui_list_insert(file_list_t *list, const char *path, const char *, size_t list_size) { wchar_t buf[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; XuiListInsertItems(m_menulist, list_size, 1); mbstowcs(buf, path, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(wchar_t)); XuiListSetText(m_menulist, list_size, buf); } static void rmenu_xui_list_free(file_list_t *list, size_t idx, size_t list_size) { int x = XuiListGetItemCount( m_menulist ); (void)idx; if( list_size > x) list_size = x; if( list_size > 0) XuiListDeleteItems(m_menulist, 0, list_size); } static void rmenu_xui_list_clear(file_list_t *list) { XuiListDeleteItems(m_menulist, 0, XuiListGetItemCount(m_menulist)); } static void rmenu_xui_list_set_selection(file_list_t *list) { if (list) XuiListSetCurSel(m_menulist, file_list_get_directory_ptr(list)); } static int rmenu_xui_environ(menu_environ_cb_t type, void *data) { switch (type) { default: return -1; } return 0; } menu_ctx_driver_t menu_ctx_rmenu_xui = { NULL, rmenu_xui_render_messagebox, rmenu_xui_render, rmenu_xui_frame, rmenu_xui_init, rmenu_xui_free, NULL, NULL, rmenu_xui_populate_entries, NULL, rmenu_xui_navigation_clear, rmenu_xui_navigation_set_visible, rmenu_xui_navigation_set_visible, rmenu_xui_navigation_clear, rmenu_xui_navigation_set_visible, rmenu_xui_navigation_alphabet, rmenu_xui_navigation_alphabet, rmenu_xui_list_insert, rmenu_xui_list_free, rmenu_xui_list_clear, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rmenu_xui_list_set_selection, NULL, "rmenu_xui", rmenu_xui_environ, NULL, };