/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Ali Bouhlel * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <boolean.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <3ds.h> #include <3ds/svc.h> #include <3ds/os.h> #include <3ds/services/cfgu.h> #include <3ds/services/ptmu.h> #include <3ds/services/mcuhwc.h> #include <file/file_path.h> #include <string/stdstring.h> #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #include <lists/file_list.h> #endif #include "../frontend_driver.h" #include "../../verbosity.h" #include "../../defaults.h" #include "../../paths.h" #include "retroarch.h" #include "file_path_special.h" #include "ctr/ctr_debug.h" #include "ctr/exec-3dsx/exec_3dsx.h" #include "ctr/exec-3dsx/exec_cia.h" #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER #ifdef HAVE_MENU #include "../../menu/menu_driver.h" #endif #endif static enum frontend_fork ctr_fork_mode = FRONTEND_FORK_NONE; static const char* elf_path_cst = "sdmc:/retroarch/retroarch.3dsx"; extern bool ctr_bottom_screen_enabled; #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER static void get_first_valid_core(char* path_return, size_t len) { struct dirent* ent; const char* extension = envIsHomebrew() ? ".3dsx" : ".cia"; DIR *dir = opendir("sdmc:/retroarch/cores"); path_return[0] = '\0'; if (dir) { while (ent = readdir(dir)) { if (!ent) break; if (strlen(ent->d_name) > strlen(extension) && !strcmp(ent->d_name + strlen(ent->d_name) - strlen(extension), extension)) { strcpy_literal(path_return, "sdmc:/retroarch/cores/"); strlcat(path_return, ent->d_name, len); break; } } closedir(dir); } } #endif static void frontend_ctr_get_environment_settings(int* argc, char* argv[], void* args, void* params_data) { (void)args; fill_pathname_basedir(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], elf_path_cst, sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT])); RARCH_LOG("port dir: [%s]\n", g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT]); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_ASSETS], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "downloads", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_ASSETS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_ASSETS], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "media", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_ASSETS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "cores", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_INFO], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], "info", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE_INFO])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SAVESTATE], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], "savestates", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SAVESTATE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SRAM], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], "savefiles", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SRAM])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SYSTEM], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], "system", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_SYSTEM])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PLAYLIST], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CORE], "playlists", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PLAYLIST])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_MENU_CONFIG], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "config", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_MENU_CONFIG])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_REMAP], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "config/remaps", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_REMAP])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_VIDEO_FILTER], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "filters", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_VIDEO_FILTER])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_DATABASE], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "database/rdb", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_DATABASE])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CURSOR], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "database/cursors", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_CURSOR])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_LOGS], g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], "logs", sizeof(g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_LOGS])); fill_pathname_join(g_defaults.path_config, g_defaults.dirs[DEFAULT_DIR_PORT], FILE_PATH_MAIN_CONFIG, sizeof(g_defaults.path_config)); } static void frontend_ctr_deinit(void* data) { Handle lcd_handle; u32 parallax_layer_reg_state; u8 not_2DS; u8 device_model = 0xFF; (void)data; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER /* Note: frontend_ctr_deinit() is normally called when * forking to load new content. When this happens, the * log messages generated in frontend_ctr_exec() *must* * be printed to screen (provided bottom screen is not * turned off...), since the 'first core launch' warning * can prevent sdcard corruption. We therefore close any * existing log file, enable verbose logging and revert * to console output. (Normal logging will be resumed * once retroarch.cfg has been re-read) */ retro_main_log_file_deinit(); verbosity_enable(); retro_main_log_file_init(NULL, false); if (ctr_bottom_screen_enabled && (ctr_fork_mode == FRONTEND_FORK_NONE)) wait_for_input(); CFGU_GetModelNintendo2DS(¬_2DS); if (not_2DS && srvGetServiceHandle(&lcd_handle, "gsp::Lcd") >= 0) { u32* cmdbuf = getThreadCommandBuffer(); cmdbuf[0] = 0x00110040; cmdbuf[1] = 2; svcSendSyncRequest(lcd_handle); svcCloseHandle(lcd_handle); } /* Only O3DS and O3DSXL support running in 'dual-framebuffer' * mode with the parallax barrier disabled * (i.e. these are the only platforms that can use * CTR_VIDEO_MODE_2D_400X240 and CTR_VIDEO_MODE_2D_800X240) */ CFGU_GetSystemModel(&device_model); /* (0 = O3DS, 1 = O3DSXL, 2 = N3DS, 3 = 2DS, 4 = N3DSXL, 5 = N2DSXL) */ if ((device_model == 0) || (device_model == 1)) { parallax_layer_reg_state = (*(float*)0x1FF81080 == 0.0) ? 0x0 : 0x00010001; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(0x202000, ¶llax_layer_reg_state, 4); } mcuHwcExit(); ptmuExit(); cfguExit(); ndspExit(); csndExit(); gfxTopRightFramebuffers[0] = NULL; gfxTopRightFramebuffers[1] = NULL; gfxExit(); #endif } static void frontend_ctr_exec(const char* path, bool should_load_game) { char game_path[PATH_MAX]; const char* arg_data[3]; errorConf error_dialog; char error_string[200 + PATH_MAX]; int args = 0; int error = 0; DEBUG_VAR(path); DEBUG_STR(path); game_path[0] = '\0'; arg_data[0] = NULL; arg_data[args] = elf_path_cst; arg_data[args + 1] = NULL; args++; RARCH_LOG("Attempt to load core: [%s].\n", path); #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (should_load_game && !path_is_empty(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT)) { strlcpy(game_path, path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT), sizeof(game_path)); arg_data[args] = game_path; arg_data[args + 1] = NULL; args++; RARCH_LOG("content path: [%s].\n", path_get(RARCH_PATH_CONTENT)); } #endif if (path && path[0]) { #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER struct stat sbuff; bool file_exists = stat(path, &sbuff) == 0; if (!file_exists) { char core_path[PATH_MAX]; core_path[0] = '\0'; /* find first valid core and load it if the target core doesnt exist */ get_first_valid_core(&core_path[0], sizeof(core_path)); if (core_path[0] == '\0') { errorInit(&error_dialog, ERROR_TEXT, CFG_LANGUAGE_EN); errorText(&error_dialog, "There are no cores installed, install a core to continue."); errorDisp(&error_dialog); exit(0); } } #endif if (envIsHomebrew()) exec_3dsx_no_path_in_args(path, arg_data); else { RARCH_WARN("\n"); RARCH_WARN("\n"); RARCH_WARN("Warning:\n"); RARCH_WARN("First core launch may take 20\n"); RARCH_WARN("seconds! Do not force quit\n"); RARCH_WARN("before then or your memory\n"); RARCH_WARN("card may be corrupted!\n"); RARCH_WARN("\n"); RARCH_WARN("\n"); exec_cia(path, arg_data); } errorInit(&error_dialog, ERROR_TEXT, CFG_LANGUAGE_EN); snprintf(error_string, sizeof(error_string), "Can't launch core:%s", path); errorText(&error_dialog, error_string); errorDisp(&error_dialog); exit(0); /* couldnt launch new core, but context is corrupt so we have to quit */ } } #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER static bool frontend_ctr_set_fork(enum frontend_fork fork_mode) { switch (fork_mode) { case FRONTEND_FORK_CORE: RARCH_LOG("FRONTEND_FORK_CORE\n"); ctr_fork_mode = fork_mode; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_CORE_WITH_ARGS: RARCH_LOG("FRONTEND_FORK_CORE_WITH_ARGS\n"); ctr_fork_mode = fork_mode; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_RESTART: RARCH_LOG("FRONTEND_FORK_RESTART\n"); /* NOTE: We don't implement Salamander, so just turn this into FRONTEND_FORK_CORE. */ ctr_fork_mode = FRONTEND_FORK_CORE; break; case FRONTEND_FORK_NONE: default: return false; } return true; } #endif static void frontend_ctr_exitspawn(char* s, size_t len, char *args) { bool should_load_game = false; #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER if (ctr_fork_mode == FRONTEND_FORK_NONE) return; switch (ctr_fork_mode) { case FRONTEND_FORK_CORE_WITH_ARGS: should_load_game = true; break; default: break; } #endif frontend_ctr_exec(s, should_load_game); } static void frontend_ctr_shutdown(bool unused) { (void)unused; } static void ctr_check_dspfirm(void) { FILE* dsp_fp = fopen("sdmc:/3ds/dspfirm.cdc", "rb"); if (dsp_fp) fclose(dsp_fp); else { FILE *code_fp = fopen("sdmc:/3ds/code.bin", "rb"); if (code_fp) { size_t code_size; uint32_t* code_buffer = NULL; fseek(code_fp, 0, SEEK_END); code_size = ftell(code_fp); fseek(code_fp, 0, SEEK_SET); code_buffer = (uint32_t*) malloc(code_size); if (code_buffer) { uint32_t *ptr = NULL; fread(code_buffer, 1, code_size, code_fp); for (ptr = code_buffer + 0x40; ptr < (code_buffer + (code_size >> 2)); ptr++) { const uint32_t dsp1_magic = 0x31505344; /* "DSP1" */ if (*ptr == dsp1_magic) { size_t dspfirm_size = ptr[1]; ptr -= 0x40; if ((ptr + (dspfirm_size >> 2)) > (code_buffer + (code_size >> 2))) break; dsp_fp = fopen("sdmc:/3ds/dspfirm.cdc", "wb"); if (!dsp_fp) break; fwrite(ptr, 1, dspfirm_size, dsp_fp); fclose(dsp_fp); break; } } free(code_buffer); } fclose(code_fp); } else { RARCH_WARN("\n"); RARCH_WARN("\n"); RARCH_WARN("Warning:\n"); RARCH_WARN("3DS DSP dump is missing.\n"); RARCH_WARN("A working DSP dump is required\n"); RARCH_WARN("for correct operation.\n"); RARCH_WARN("\n"); RARCH_WARN("\n"); } } } __attribute__((weak)) Result svchax_init(bool patch_srv); __attribute__((weak)) u32 __ctr_patch_services; void gfxSetFramebufferInfo(gfxScreen_t screen, u8 id); #ifdef USE_CTRULIB_2 u8* gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[2]; u8* gfxTopRightFramebuffers[2]; u8* gfxBottomFramebuffers[2]; void gfxSetFramebufferInfo(gfxScreen_t screen, u8 id) { if(screen==GFX_TOP) { u8 enable3d = 0; u8 bit5=(enable3d != 0); gspPresentBuffer(GFX_TOP, id, (u32*)gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[id], enable3d ? (u32*)gfxTopRightFramebuffers[id] : (u32*)gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[id], 240 * 3, ((1)<<8)|((1^bit5)<<6)|((bit5)<<5)|GSP_BGR8_OES); } else { gspPresentBuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, id, (u32*)gfxBottomFramebuffers[id], (u32*)gfxBottomFramebuffers[id], 240 * 2, GSP_RGB565_OES); } } #endif PrintConsole* ctrConsole; static void frontend_ctr_init(void* data) { #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER extern audio_driver_t audio_null; (void)data; verbosity_enable(); gfxInit(GSP_BGR8_OES, GSP_RGB565_OES, false); u32 topSize = 400 * 240 * 3; u32 bottomSize = 320 * 240 * 2; #ifdef USE_CTRULIB_2 linearFree(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); linearFree(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, NULL, NULL)); linearFree(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); gfxSwapBuffers(); linearFree(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); linearFree(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, NULL, NULL)); linearFree(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); gfxSwapBuffers(); #else linearFree(gfxTopLeftFramebuffers [0]); linearFree(gfxTopLeftFramebuffers [1]); linearFree(gfxBottomFramebuffers [0]); linearFree(gfxBottomFramebuffers [1]); linearFree(gfxTopRightFramebuffers[0]); linearFree(gfxTopRightFramebuffers[1]); #endif gfxTopLeftFramebuffers [0] = linearAlloc(topSize * 2); gfxTopRightFramebuffers[0] = gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[0] + topSize; gfxTopLeftFramebuffers [1] = linearAlloc(topSize * 2); gfxTopRightFramebuffers[1] = gfxTopLeftFramebuffers[1] + topSize; gfxBottomFramebuffers [0] = linearAlloc(bottomSize); gfxBottomFramebuffers [1] = linearAlloc(bottomSize); gfxSetFramebufferInfo(GFX_TOP, 0); gfxSetFramebufferInfo(GFX_BOTTOM, 0); gfxSet3D(true); ctrConsole = consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); /* enable access to all service calls when possible. */ if (svchax_init) { osSetSpeedupEnable(false); svchax_init(__ctr_patch_services); } osSetSpeedupEnable(true); if (csndInit() != 0) audio_ctr_csnd = audio_null; ctr_check_dspfirm(); if (ndspInit() != 0) { audio_ctr_dsp = audio_null; audio_ctr_dsp_thread = audio_null; } cfguInit(); ptmuInit(); mcuHwcInit(); #endif } static int frontend_ctr_get_rating(void) { u8 device_model = 0xFF; /*(0 = O3DS, 1 = O3DSXL, 2 = N3DS, 3 = 2DS, 4 = N3DSXL, 5 = N2DSXL)*/ CFGU_GetSystemModel(&device_model); switch (device_model) { case 0: case 1: case 3: /*Old 3/2DS*/ return 3; case 2: case 4: case 5: /*New 3/2DS*/ return 6; default: /*Unknown Device Or Check Failed*/ break; } return -1; } enum frontend_architecture frontend_ctr_get_architecture(void) { return FRONTEND_ARCH_ARM; } static int frontend_ctr_parse_drive_list(void* data, bool load_content) { #ifndef IS_SALAMANDER file_list_t* list = (file_list_t*)data; enum msg_hash_enums enum_idx = load_content ? MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR : MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_BROWSER_DIRECTORY; if (!list) return -1; menu_entries_append_enum(list, "sdmc:/", msg_hash_to_str( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_FILE_DETECT_CORE_LIST_PUSH_DIR), enum_idx, FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, 0, 0); #endif return 0; } static uint64_t frontend_ctr_get_mem_total(void) { return osGetMemRegionSize(MEMREGION_ALL); } static uint64_t frontend_ctr_get_mem_free(void) { return osGetMemRegionFree(MEMREGION_ALL); } static enum frontend_powerstate frontend_ctr_get_powerstate( int* seconds, int* percent) { u8 battery_percent = 0; u8 charging = 0; #ifdef USE_CTRULIB_2 MCUHWC_GetBatteryLevel(&battery_percent); #else mcuHwcGetBatteryLevel(&battery_percent); #endif *percent = battery_percent; /* 3DS does not support seconds of charge remaining */ *seconds = -1; PTMU_GetBatteryChargeState(&charging); if (charging) { if (battery_percent == 100) return FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_CHARGED; return FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_CHARGING; } return FRONTEND_POWERSTATE_ON_POWER_SOURCE; } static void frontend_ctr_get_os(char* s, size_t len, int* major, int* minor) { OS_VersionBin cver; OS_VersionBin nver; strcpy_literal(s, "3DS OS"); Result data_invalid = osGetSystemVersionData(&nver, &cver); if (data_invalid == 0) { *major = cver.mainver; *minor = cver.minor; } else { *major = 0; *minor = 0; } } static void frontend_ctr_get_name(char* s, size_t len) { u8 device_model = 0xFF; /*(0 = O3DS, 1 = O3DSXL, 2 = N3DS, 3 = 2DS, 4 = N3DSXL, 5 = N2DSXL)*/ CFGU_GetSystemModel(&device_model); switch (device_model) { case 0: strcpy_literal(s, "Old 3DS"); break; case 1: strcpy_literal(s, "Old 3DS XL"); break; case 2: strcpy_literal(s, "New 3DS"); break; case 3: strcpy_literal(s, "Old 2DS"); break; case 4: strcpy_literal(s, "New 3DS XL"); break; case 5: strcpy_literal(s, "New 2DS XL"); break; default: strcpy_literal(s, "Unknown Device"); break; } } frontend_ctx_driver_t frontend_ctx_ctr = { frontend_ctr_get_environment_settings, frontend_ctr_init, frontend_ctr_deinit, frontend_ctr_exitspawn, NULL, /* process_args */ frontend_ctr_exec, #ifdef IS_SALAMANDER NULL, #else frontend_ctr_set_fork, #endif frontend_ctr_shutdown, frontend_ctr_get_name, frontend_ctr_get_os, frontend_ctr_get_rating, NULL, /* load_content */ frontend_ctr_get_architecture, frontend_ctr_get_powerstate, frontend_ctr_parse_drive_list, frontend_ctr_get_mem_total, frontend_ctr_get_mem_free, NULL, /* install_signal_handler */ NULL, /* get_signal_handler_state */ NULL, /* set_signal_handler_state */ NULL, /* destroy_signal_handler_state */ NULL, /* attach_console */ NULL, /* detach_console */ NULL, /* watch_path_for_changes */ NULL, /* check_for_path_changes */ NULL, /* set_sustained_performance_mode */ NULL, /* get_cpu_model_name */ NULL, /* get_user_language */ NULL, /* is_narrator_running */ NULL, /* accessibility_speak */ "ctr", };