/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <SLES/OpenSLES.h> #ifdef ANDROID #include <SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h> #endif #include <rthreads/rthreads.h> #include "../audio_driver.h" #include "../../configuration.h" /* Helper macros, COM-style. */ #define SLObjectItf_Realize(a, ...) ((*(a))->Realize(a, __VA_ARGS__)) #define SLObjectItf_GetInterface(a, ...) ((*(a))->GetInterface(a, __VA_ARGS__)) #define SLObjectItf_Destroy(a) ((*(a))->Destroy((a))) #define SLEngineItf_CreateOutputMix(a, ...) ((*(a))->CreateOutputMix(a, __VA_ARGS__)) #define SLEngineItf_CreateAudioPlayer(a, ...) ((*(a))->CreateAudioPlayer(a, __VA_ARGS__)) #define SLPlayItf_SetPlayState(a, ...) ((*(a))->SetPlayState(a, __VA_ARGS__)) typedef struct sl { uint8_t **buffer; uint8_t *buffer_chunk; unsigned buffer_index; unsigned buffer_ptr; volatile unsigned buffered_blocks; SLObjectItf engine_object; SLEngineItf engine; SLObjectItf output_mix; SLObjectItf buffer_queue_object; SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf buffer_queue; SLPlayItf player; slock_t *lock; scond_t *cond; bool nonblock; bool is_paused; unsigned buf_size; unsigned buf_count; } sl_t; static void opensl_callback(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq, void *ctx) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)ctx; __sync_fetch_and_sub(&sl->buffered_blocks, 1); scond_signal(sl->cond); } #define GOTO_IF_FAIL(x) do { \ if ((res = (x)) != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) \ goto error; \ } while(0) static void sl_free(void *data) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; if (!sl) return; if (sl->player) SLPlayItf_SetPlayState(sl->player, SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED); if (sl->buffer_queue_object) SLObjectItf_Destroy(sl->buffer_queue_object); if (sl->output_mix) SLObjectItf_Destroy(sl->output_mix); if (sl->engine_object) SLObjectItf_Destroy(sl->engine_object); if (sl->lock) slock_free(sl->lock); if (sl->cond) scond_free(sl->cond); free(sl->buffer); free(sl->buffer_chunk); free(sl); } static void *sl_init(const char *device, unsigned rate, unsigned latency) { unsigned i; SLInterfaceID id; SLboolean req; SLresult res; sl_t *sl; SLDataFormat_PCM fmt_pcm = {0}; SLDataSource audio_src = {0}; SLDataSink audio_sink = {0}; SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq = {0}; SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix = {0}; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); (void)device; id = SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE; req = SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE; res = 0; sl = (sl_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(sl_t)); if (!sl) goto error; RARCH_LOG("[SLES]: Requested audio latency: %u ms.", latency); GOTO_IF_FAIL(slCreateEngine(&sl->engine_object, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLObjectItf_Realize(sl->engine_object, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLObjectItf_GetInterface(sl->engine_object, SL_IID_ENGINE, &sl->engine)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLEngineItf_CreateOutputMix(sl->engine, &sl->output_mix, 0, NULL, NULL)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLObjectItf_Realize(sl->output_mix, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE)); if (settings->audio.block_frames) sl->buf_size = settings->audio.block_frames * 4; else sl->buf_size = next_pow2(32 * latency); sl->buf_count = (latency * 4 * rate + 500) / 1000; sl->buf_count = (sl->buf_count + sl->buf_size / 2) / sl->buf_size; sl->buffer = (uint8_t**)calloc(sizeof(uint8_t*), sl->buf_count); if (!sl->buffer) goto error; sl->buffer_chunk = (uint8_t*)calloc(sl->buf_count, sl->buf_size); if (!sl->buffer_chunk) goto error; for (i = 0; i < sl->buf_count; i++) sl->buffer[i] = sl->buffer_chunk + i * sl->buf_size; RARCH_LOG("[SLES]: Setting audio latency: Block size = %u, Blocks = %u, Total = %u ...\n", sl->buf_size, sl->buf_count, sl->buf_size * sl->buf_count); fmt_pcm.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM; fmt_pcm.numChannels = 2; fmt_pcm.samplesPerSec = rate * 1000; // Samplerate is in milli-Hz. fmt_pcm.bitsPerSample = 16; fmt_pcm.containerSize = 16; fmt_pcm.channelMask = SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT; fmt_pcm.endianness = SL_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN; /* Android only. */ audio_src.pLocator = &loc_bufq; audio_src.pFormat = &fmt_pcm; loc_bufq.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE; loc_bufq.numBuffers = sl->buf_count; loc_outmix.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX; loc_outmix.outputMix = sl->output_mix; audio_sink.pLocator = &loc_outmix; GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLEngineItf_CreateAudioPlayer(sl->engine, &sl->buffer_queue_object, &audio_src, &audio_sink, 1, &id, &req)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLObjectItf_Realize(sl->buffer_queue_object, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLObjectItf_GetInterface(sl->buffer_queue_object, SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, &sl->buffer_queue)); sl->cond = scond_new(); sl->lock = slock_new(); (*sl->buffer_queue)->RegisterCallback(sl->buffer_queue, opensl_callback, sl); /* Enqueue a bit to get stuff rolling. */ sl->buffered_blocks = sl->buf_count; sl->buffer_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < sl->buf_count; i++) (*sl->buffer_queue)->Enqueue(sl->buffer_queue, sl->buffer[i], sl->buf_size); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLObjectItf_GetInterface(sl->buffer_queue_object, SL_IID_PLAY, &sl->player)); GOTO_IF_FAIL(SLPlayItf_SetPlayState(sl->player, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING)); return sl; error: RARCH_ERR("Couldn't initialize OpenSL ES driver, error code: [%d].\n", (int)res); sl_free(sl); return NULL; } static bool sl_stop(void *data) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; sl->is_paused = (SLPlayItf_SetPlayState(sl->player, SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED) == SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) ? true : false; return sl->is_paused ? true : false; } static bool sl_alive(void *data) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; if (!sl) return false; return !sl->is_paused; } static void sl_set_nonblock_state(void *data, bool state) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; if (sl) sl->nonblock = state; } static bool sl_start(void *data) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; sl->is_paused = (SLPlayItf_SetPlayState(sl->player, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING) == SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) ? false : true; return sl->is_paused ? false : true; } static ssize_t sl_write(void *data, const void *buf_, size_t size) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; size_t written = 0; const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t*)buf_; while (size) { size_t avail_write; if (sl->nonblock) { if (sl->buffered_blocks == sl->buf_count) break; } else { slock_lock(sl->lock); while (sl->buffered_blocks == sl->buf_count) scond_wait(sl->cond, sl->lock); slock_unlock(sl->lock); } avail_write = MIN(sl->buf_size - sl->buffer_ptr, size); if (avail_write) { memcpy(sl->buffer[sl->buffer_index] + sl->buffer_ptr, buf, avail_write); sl->buffer_ptr += avail_write; buf += avail_write; size -= avail_write; written += avail_write; } if (sl->buffer_ptr >= sl->buf_size) { SLresult res = (*sl->buffer_queue)->Enqueue(sl->buffer_queue, sl->buffer[sl->buffer_index], sl->buf_size); sl->buffer_index = (sl->buffer_index + 1) % sl->buf_count; __sync_fetch_and_add(&sl->buffered_blocks, 1); sl->buffer_ptr = 0; if (res != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) { RARCH_ERR("[OpenSL]: Failed to write! (Error: 0x%x)\n", (unsigned)res); return -1; } } } return written; } static size_t sl_write_avail(void *data) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; size_t avail = (sl->buf_count - (int)sl->buffered_blocks - 1) * sl->buf_size + (sl->buf_size - (int)sl->buffer_ptr); return avail; } static size_t sl_buffer_size(void *data) { sl_t *sl = (sl_t*)data; return sl->buf_size * sl->buf_count; } static bool sl_use_float(void *data) { (void)data; return false; } audio_driver_t audio_opensl = { sl_init, sl_write, sl_stop, sl_start, sl_alive, sl_set_nonblock_state, sl_free, sl_use_float, "opensl", NULL, NULL, sl_write_avail, sl_buffer_size, };