/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2016 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #include "../menu_display.h" #include "../../gfx/font_driver.h" #include "../../gfx/video_context_driver.h" #include "../../gfx/common/vulkan_common.h" #include "../../gfx/video_shader_driver.h" /* Will do Y-flip later, but try to make it similar to GL. */ static const float vk_vertexes[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; static const float vk_tex_coords[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 }; static void *menu_display_vk_get_default_mvp(void) { vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); if (!vk) return NULL; return &vk->mvp_no_rot; } static const float *menu_display_vk_get_default_vertices(void) { return &vk_vertexes[0]; } static const float *menu_display_vk_get_default_tex_coords(void) { return &vk_tex_coords[0]; } static unsigned to_display_pipeline( enum menu_display_prim_type type, bool blend) { return ((type == MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP) << 1) | (blend << 0); } static unsigned to_menu_pipeline( enum menu_display_prim_type type, unsigned pipeline) { switch (pipeline) { case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU: return 4 + (type == MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP); case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_SEC: return 6 + (type == MENU_DISPLAY_PRIM_TRIANGLESTRIP); default: return 0; } } static void menu_display_vk_viewport(void *data) { menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw = (menu_display_ctx_draw_t*)data; vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); if (!vk || !draw) return; vk->vk_vp.x = draw->x; vk->vk_vp.y = vk->context->swapchain_height - draw->y - draw->height; vk->vk_vp.width = draw->width; vk->vk_vp.height = draw->height; vk->vk_vp.minDepth = 0.0f; vk->vk_vp.maxDepth = 1.0f; } static void menu_display_vk_draw_pipeline(void *data) { #ifdef HAVE_SHADERPIPELINE menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw = (menu_display_ctx_draw_t*)data; vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); video_coord_array_t *ca = NULL; static float t = 0.0f; if (!vk || !draw) return; ca = menu_display_get_coords_array(); draw->x = 0; draw->y = 0; draw->coords = (struct video_coords*)&ca->coords; draw->matrix_data = NULL; draw->pipeline.backend_data = &t; t += 0.01; #endif } static void menu_display_vk_draw(void *data) { unsigned i; struct vk_buffer_range range; struct vk_texture *texture = NULL; const float *vertex = NULL; const float *tex_coord = NULL; const float *color = NULL; struct vk_vertex *pv = NULL; menu_display_ctx_draw_t *draw = (menu_display_ctx_draw_t*)data; vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); if (!vk || !draw) return; texture = (struct vk_texture*)draw->texture; vertex = draw->coords->vertex; tex_coord = draw->coords->tex_coord; color = draw->coords->color; if (!vertex) vertex = menu_display_vk_get_default_vertices(); if (!tex_coord) tex_coord = menu_display_vk_get_default_tex_coords(); if (!draw->coords->lut_tex_coord) draw->coords->lut_tex_coord = menu_display_vk_get_default_tex_coords(); if (!texture) texture = &vk->display.blank_texture; menu_display_vk_viewport(draw); vk->tracker.dirty |= VULKAN_DIRTY_DYNAMIC_BIT; /* Bake interleaved VBO. Kinda ugly, we should probably try to move to * an interleaved model to begin with ... */ if (!vulkan_buffer_chain_alloc(vk->context, &vk->chain->vbo, draw->coords->vertices * sizeof(struct vk_vertex), &range)) return; pv = (struct vk_vertex*)range.data; for (i = 0; i < draw->coords->vertices; i++, pv++) { pv->x = *vertex++; pv->y = 1.0f - (*vertex++); /* Y-flip. Vulkan is top-left clip space */ pv->tex_x = *tex_coord++; pv->tex_y = *tex_coord++; pv->color.r = *color++; pv->color.g = *color++; pv->color.b = *color++; pv->color.a = *color++; } switch (draw->pipeline.id) { #ifdef HAVE_SHADERPIPELINE case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU: case VIDEO_SHADER_MENU_SEC: { const struct vk_draw_triangles call = { vk->display.pipelines[ to_menu_pipeline(draw->prim_type, draw->pipeline.id)], NULL, VK_NULL_HANDLE, draw->pipeline.backend_data, sizeof(float), &range, draw->coords->vertices, }; vulkan_draw_triangles(vk, &call); break; } #endif default: { const struct vk_draw_triangles call = { vk->display.pipelines[ to_display_pipeline(draw->prim_type, vk->display.blend)], texture, texture->mipmap ? vk->samplers.mipmap_linear : (texture->default_smooth ? vk->samplers.linear : vk->samplers.nearest), draw->matrix_data ? draw->matrix_data : menu_display_vk_get_default_mvp(), sizeof(math_matrix_4x4), &range, draw->coords->vertices, }; vulkan_draw_triangles(vk, &call); break; } } } static void menu_display_vk_restore_clear_color(void) { } static void menu_display_vk_clear_color(menu_display_ctx_clearcolor_t *clearcolor) { VkClearRect rect; VkClearAttachment attachment; vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); if (!vk || !clearcolor) return; memset(&attachment, 0, sizeof(attachment)); attachment.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT; attachment.clearValue.color.float32[0] = clearcolor->r; attachment.clearValue.color.float32[1] = clearcolor->g; attachment.clearValue.color.float32[2] = clearcolor->b; attachment.clearValue.color.float32[3] = clearcolor->a; memset(&rect, 0, sizeof(rect)); rect.rect.extent.width = vk->context->swapchain_width; rect.rect.extent.height = vk->context->swapchain_height; rect.layerCount = 1; vkCmdClearAttachments(vk->cmd, 1, &attachment, 1, &rect); } static void menu_display_vk_blend_begin(void) { vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); vk->display.blend = true; } static void menu_display_vk_blend_end(void) { vk_t *vk = (vk_t*)video_driver_get_ptr(false); vk->display.blend = false; } static bool menu_display_vk_font_init_first( void **font_handle, void *video_data, const char *font_path, float font_size) { font_data_t **handle = (font_data_t**)font_handle; *handle = font_driver_init_first(video_data, font_path, font_size, true, FONT_DRIVER_RENDER_VULKAN_API); return *handle; } menu_display_ctx_driver_t menu_display_ctx_vulkan = { menu_display_vk_draw, menu_display_vk_draw_pipeline, menu_display_vk_viewport, menu_display_vk_blend_begin, menu_display_vk_blend_end, menu_display_vk_restore_clear_color, menu_display_vk_clear_color, menu_display_vk_get_default_mvp, menu_display_vk_get_default_vertices, menu_display_vk_get_default_tex_coords, menu_display_vk_font_init_first, MENU_VIDEO_DRIVER_VULKAN, "menu_display_vulkan", };