/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../input/input_config.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../file_path_special.h" #include "../list_special.h" #include "../verbosity.h" #include "tasks_internal.h" typedef struct autoconfig_disconnect { unsigned idx; char msg[255]; } autoconfig_disconnect_t; typedef struct autoconfig_params { char name[255]; char driver[255]; char display_name[255]; unsigned idx; int32_t vid; int32_t pid; uint32_t max_users; char autoconfig_directory[4096]; } autoconfig_params_t; /* Adds an index for devices with the same name, * so they can be identified in the GUI. */ static void input_autoconfigure_joypad_reindex_devices(autoconfig_params_t *params) { unsigned i; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); for(i = 0; i < params->max_users; i++) settings->input.device_name_index[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i < params->max_users; i++) { unsigned j; const char *tmp = settings->input.device_names[i]; int k = 1; for(j = 0; j < params->max_users; j++) { if(string_is_equal(tmp, settings->input.device_names[j]) && settings->input.device_name_index[i] == 0) settings->input.device_name_index[j] = k++; } } } static void input_autoconfigure_joypad_conf(config_file_t *conf, struct retro_keybind *binds) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RARCH_BIND_LIST_END; i++) { input_config_parse_joy_button(conf, "input", input_config_bind_map_get_base(i), &binds[i]); input_config_parse_joy_axis(conf, "input", input_config_bind_map_get_base(i), &binds[i]); } } static int input_autoconfigure_joypad_try_from_conf(config_file_t *conf, autoconfig_params_t *params) { char ident[256]; char input_driver[32]; int tmp_int = 0; int input_vid = 0; int input_pid = 0; int score = 0; ident[0] = input_driver[0] = '\0'; config_get_array(conf, "input_device", ident, sizeof(ident)); config_get_array(conf, "input_driver", input_driver, sizeof(input_driver)); if (config_get_int (conf, "input_vendor_id", &tmp_int)) input_vid = tmp_int; if (config_get_int (conf, "input_product_id", &tmp_int)) input_pid = tmp_int; /* Check for VID/PID */ if ( (params->vid == input_vid) && (params->pid == input_pid) && (params->vid != 0) && (params->pid != 0) && (input_vid != 0) && (input_pid != 0)) score += 3; /* Check for name match */ if (string_is_equal(ident, params->name)) score += 2; else { if (strstr(params->name, ident)) score += 1; } return score; } static void input_autoconfigure_joypad_add(config_file_t *conf, autoconfig_params_t *params, retro_task_t *task) { char msg[128]; char display_name[128]; char device_type[128]; bool block_osd_spam = false; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); msg[0] = display_name[0] = device_type[0] = '\0'; config_get_array(conf, "input_device_display_name", display_name, sizeof(display_name)); config_get_array(conf, "input_device_type", device_type, sizeof(device_type)); if (!settings) return; /* This will be the case if input driver is reinitialized. * No reason to spam autoconfigure messages every time. */ block_osd_spam = settings->input.autoconfigured[params->idx] && !string_is_empty(params->name); settings->input.autoconfigured[params->idx] = true; input_autoconfigure_joypad_conf(conf, settings->input.autoconf_binds[params->idx]); if (string_is_equal(device_type, "remote")) { static bool remote_is_bound = false; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s configured.", string_is_empty(display_name) ? params->name : display_name); if(!remote_is_bound) task_set_title(task, strdup(msg)); remote_is_bound = true; } else { snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %s #%u.", string_is_empty(display_name) ? params->name : display_name, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DEVICE_CONFIGURED_IN_PORT), params->idx); if (!block_osd_spam) task_set_title(task, strdup(msg)); } input_autoconfigure_joypad_reindex_devices(params); } static int input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf( config_file_t *conf, autoconfig_params_t *params, retro_task_t *task) { int ret = input_autoconfigure_joypad_try_from_conf(conf, params); if (ret) input_autoconfigure_joypad_add(conf, params, task); config_file_free(conf); return ret; } static bool input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf_dir( autoconfig_params_t *params, retro_task_t *task) { size_t i; char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; int ret = 0; int index = -1; int current_best = 0; config_file_t *conf = NULL; struct string_list *list = NULL; path[0] = '\0'; fill_pathname_application_special(path, sizeof(path), APPLICATION_SPECIAL_DIRECTORY_AUTOCONFIG); list = dir_list_new_special(path, DIR_LIST_AUTOCONFIG, "cfg"); if (!list || !list->size) { if (list) string_list_free(list); list = dir_list_new_special(params->autoconfig_directory, DIR_LIST_AUTOCONFIG, "cfg"); } if(!list) return false; RARCH_LOG("Autodetect: %d profiles found.\n", list->size); for (i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { conf = config_file_new(list->elems[i].data); if (conf) ret = input_autoconfigure_joypad_try_from_conf(conf, params); if(ret >= current_best) { index = (int)i; current_best = ret; } config_file_free(conf); } if(index >= 0 && current_best > 0) { conf = config_file_new(list->elems[index].data); if (conf) { char conf_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; conf_path[0] = '\0'; config_get_config_path(conf, conf_path, sizeof(conf_path)); RARCH_LOG("Autodetect: selected configuration: %s\n", conf_path); input_autoconfigure_joypad_add(conf, params, task); config_file_free(conf); ret = 1; } } else ret = 0; string_list_free(list); if (ret == 0) return false; return true; } static bool input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf_internal( autoconfig_params_t *params, retro_task_t *task) { size_t i; /* Load internal autoconfig files */ for (i = 0; input_builtin_autoconfs[i]; i++) { config_file_t *conf = config_file_new_from_string( input_builtin_autoconfs[i]); if (conf && input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf(conf, params, task)) return true; } if (string_is_empty(params->autoconfig_directory)) return true; return false; } static void input_autoconfigure_connect_handler(retro_task_t *task) { autoconfig_params_t *params = (autoconfig_params_t*)task->state; if (!params || string_is_empty(params->name)) goto end; if ( !input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf_dir(params, task) && !input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf_internal(params, task)) { char msg[255]; msg[0] = '\0'; #ifndef ANDROID RARCH_LOG("Autodetect: no profiles found for %s (%d/%d).\n", params->name, params->vid, params->pid); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s (%ld/%ld) %s.", params->name, (long)params->vid, (long)params->pid, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DEVICE_NOT_CONFIGURED)); #else strlcpy(params->name, "Android Gamepad", sizeof(params->name)); if(input_autoconfigure_joypad_from_conf_internal(params, task)) { RARCH_LOG("Autodetect: no profiles found for %s (%d/%d). Using fallback\n", params->name, params->vid, params->pid); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s (%ld/%ld) %s.", params->name, (long)params->vid, (long)params->pid, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DEVICE_NOT_CONFIGURED_FALLBACK)); } #endif task_set_title(task, strdup(msg)); } end: free(params); task_set_finished(task, true); } static void input_autoconfigure_disconnect_handler(retro_task_t *task) { autoconfig_disconnect_t *params = (autoconfig_disconnect_t*)task->state; task_set_title(task, strdup(params->msg)); task_set_finished(task, true); RARCH_LOG("%s: %s\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_AUTODETECT), params->msg); free(params); } bool input_autoconfigure_disconnect(unsigned i, const char *ident) { char msg[255]; retro_task_t *task = (retro_task_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*task)); autoconfig_disconnect_t *state = (autoconfig_disconnect_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*state)); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!state || !task) goto error; msg[0] = '\0'; state->idx = i; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s #%u (%s).", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_FROM_PORT), i, ident); strlcpy(state->msg, msg, sizeof(state->msg)); settings->input.device_names[state->idx][0] = '\0'; task->state = state; task->handler = input_autoconfigure_disconnect_handler; task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_PUSH, task); return true; error: if (state) free(state); if (task) free(task); return false; } bool input_autoconfigure_connect( const char *name, const char *display_name, const char *driver, unsigned idx, unsigned vid, unsigned pid) { unsigned i; retro_task_t *task = (retro_task_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*task)); autoconfig_params_t *state = (autoconfig_params_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*state)); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!task || !state || !settings->input.autodetect_enable) goto error; if (!string_is_empty(display_name)) strlcpy(state->display_name, display_name, sizeof(state->display_name)); if (!string_is_empty(name)) strlcpy(state->name, name, sizeof(state->name)); if (!string_is_empty(driver)) strlcpy(state->driver, driver, sizeof(state->driver)); if (!string_is_empty(settings->directory.autoconfig)) strlcpy(state->autoconfig_directory, settings->directory.autoconfig, sizeof(state->autoconfig_directory)); state->idx = idx; state->vid = vid; state->pid = pid; state->max_users = settings->input.max_users; input_config_set_device_name(state->idx, state->name); settings->input.pid[state->idx] = state->pid; settings->input.vid[state->idx] = state->vid; for (i = 0; i < RARCH_BIND_LIST_END; i++) { settings->input.autoconf_binds[state->idx][i].joykey = NO_BTN; settings->input.autoconf_binds[state->idx][i].joyaxis = AXIS_NONE; settings->input.autoconf_binds[state->idx][i].joykey_label[0] = '\0'; settings->input.autoconf_binds[state->idx][i].joyaxis_label[0] = '\0'; } settings->input.autoconfigured[state->idx] = false; task->state = state; task->handler = input_autoconfigure_connect_handler; task_queue_ctl(TASK_QUEUE_CTL_PUSH, task); return true; error: if (state) free(state); if (task) free(task); return false; }