#include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <boolean.h> #include <libretro.h> #include <retro_miscellaneous.h> #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX #include <switch.h> #define MULTITOUCH_LIMIT 4 /* supports up to this many fingers at once */ #define TOUCH_AXIS_MAX 0x7fff /* abstraction of pointer coords */ #define SWITCH_NUM_SCANCODES 114 /* size of rarch_key_map_switch */ #define SWITCH_MAX_SCANCODE 0xfb /* see https://switchbrew.github.io/libnx/hid_8h.html */ #define MOUSE_MAX_X 1920 #define MOUSE_MAX_Y 1080 #endif #include "../input_driver.h" #include "../input_keymaps.h" #define MAX_PADS 10 /* TODO/FIXME - * fix game focus toggle */ typedef struct switch_input { const input_device_driver_t *joypad; bool blocked; #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX uint32_t touch_scale_x; uint32_t touch_scale_y; uint32_t touch_half_resolution_x; uint32_t touch_half_resolution_y; bool touch_state[MULTITOUCH_LIMIT]; uint32_t touch_x[MULTITOUCH_LIMIT]; uint32_t touch_y[MULTITOUCH_LIMIT]; bool keyboard_state[SWITCH_MAX_SCANCODE + 1]; int32_t mouse_x; int32_t mouse_y; int32_t mouse_x_delta; int32_t mouse_y_delta; int32_t mouse_wheel; bool mouse_button_left; bool mouse_button_right; bool mouse_button_middle; #endif } switch_input_t; static void switch_input_poll(void *data) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (sw->joypad) sw->joypad->poll(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX uint32_t touch_count = hidTouchCount(); unsigned int i = 0; int keySym = 0; unsigned keyCode = 0; uint16_t mod = 0; MousePosition mouse_pos; for (i = 0; i < MULTITOUCH_LIMIT; i++) { sw->touch_state[i] = touch_count > i; if (sw->touch_state[i]) { touchPosition touch_position; hidTouchRead(&touch_position, i); sw->touch_x[i] = touch_position.px; sw->touch_y[i] = touch_position.py; } } mod = 0; if (hidKeyboardHeld(KBD_LEFTALT) || hidKeyboardHeld(KBD_RIGHTALT)) mod |= RETROKMOD_ALT; if (hidKeyboardHeld(KBD_LEFTCTRL) || hidKeyboardHeld(KBD_RIGHTCTRL)) mod |= RETROKMOD_CTRL; if (hidKeyboardHeld(KBD_LEFTSHIFT) || hidKeyboardHeld(KBD_RIGHTSHIFT)) mod |= RETROKMOD_SHIFT; for (i = 0; i < SWITCH_NUM_SCANCODES; i++) { keySym = rarch_key_map_switch[i].sym; keyCode = input_keymaps_translate_keysym_to_rk(keySym); if (hidKeyboardHeld(keySym) && !(sw->keyboard_state[keySym])) { sw->keyboard_state[keySym] = true; input_keyboard_event(true, keyCode, 0, mod, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); } else if (!hidKeyboardHeld(keySym) && sw->keyboard_state[keySym]) { sw->keyboard_state[keySym] = false; input_keyboard_event(false, keyCode, 0, mod, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD); } } if (hidMouseButtonsHeld() & MOUSE_LEFT) { sw->mouse_button_left = true; } else { sw->mouse_button_left = false; } if (hidMouseButtonsHeld() & MOUSE_RIGHT) { sw->mouse_button_right = true; } else { sw->mouse_button_right = false; } if (hidMouseButtonsHeld() & MOUSE_MIDDLE) { sw->mouse_button_middle = true; } else { sw->mouse_button_middle = false; } hidMouseRead(&mouse_pos); sw->mouse_x_delta = mouse_pos.velocityX; sw->mouse_y_delta = mouse_pos.velocityY; sw->mouse_x += mouse_pos.velocityX; sw->mouse_y += mouse_pos.velocityY; if (sw->mouse_x < 0) { sw->mouse_x = 0; } else if (sw->mouse_x > MOUSE_MAX_X) { sw->mouse_x = MOUSE_MAX_X; } if (sw->mouse_y < 0) { sw->mouse_y = 0; } else if (sw->mouse_y > MOUSE_MAX_Y) { sw->mouse_y = MOUSE_MAX_Y; } sw->mouse_wheel = mouse_pos.scrollVelocityY; #endif } #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX void calc_touch_scaling(switch_input_t *sw, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t axis_max) { sw->touch_half_resolution_x = x/2; sw->touch_half_resolution_y = y/2; sw->touch_scale_x = axis_max / sw->touch_half_resolution_x; sw->touch_scale_y = axis_max / sw->touch_half_resolution_y; } static int16_t switch_pointer_device_state(switch_input_t *sw, unsigned id, unsigned idx) { if (idx >= MULTITOUCH_LIMIT) return 0; switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_PRESSED: return sw->touch_state[idx]; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_X: return ((sw->touch_x[idx] - sw->touch_half_resolution_x) * sw->touch_scale_x); case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_POINTER_Y: return ((sw->touch_y[idx] - sw->touch_half_resolution_y) * sw->touch_scale_y); } return 0; } static int16_t switch_input_mouse_state(switch_input_t *sw, unsigned id, bool screen) { int val = 0; switch (id) { case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_LEFT: val = sw->mouse_button_left; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_RIGHT: val = sw->mouse_button_right; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_MIDDLE: val = sw->mouse_button_middle; break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_X: if (screen) { val = sw->mouse_x; } else { val = sw->mouse_x_delta; sw->mouse_x_delta = 0; /* flush delta after it has been read */ } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_Y: if (screen) { val = sw->mouse_y; } else { val = sw->mouse_y_delta; sw->mouse_y_delta = 0; /* flush delta after it has been read */ } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELUP: if (sw->mouse_wheel > 0) { val = sw->mouse_wheel; sw->mouse_wheel = 0; } break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ID_MOUSE_WHEELDOWN: if (sw->mouse_wheel < 0) { val = sw->mouse_wheel; sw->mouse_wheel = 0; } break; } return val; } #endif static int16_t switch_input_state(void *data, rarch_joypad_info_t joypad_info, const struct retro_keybind **binds, unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned idx, unsigned id) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (port > MAX_PADS-1) return 0; switch (device) { case RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD: return input_joypad_pressed(sw->joypad, joypad_info, port, binds[port], id); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG: if (binds[port]) return input_joypad_analog(sw->joypad, joypad_info, port, idx, id, binds[port]); break; #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX case RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD: return ((id < RETROK_LAST) && sw->keyboard_state[rarch_keysym_lut[(enum retro_key)id]]); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE: return switch_input_mouse_state(sw, id, false); break; case RARCH_DEVICE_MOUSE_SCREEN: return switch_input_mouse_state(sw, id, true); break; case RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER: case RARCH_DEVICE_POINTER_SCREEN: return switch_pointer_device_state(sw, id, idx); #endif } return 0; } static void switch_input_free_input(void *data) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (sw && sw->joypad) sw->joypad->destroy(); free(sw); #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX hidExit(); #endif } static void* switch_input_init(const char *joypad_driver) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*sw)); if (!sw) return NULL; #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX hidInitialize(); #endif sw->joypad = input_joypad_init_driver(joypad_driver, sw); #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX /* Here we assume that the touch screen is always 1280x720 Call me back when a Nintendo Switch XL is out */ calc_touch_scaling(sw, 1280, 720, TOUCH_AXIS_MAX); input_keymaps_init_keyboard_lut(rarch_key_map_switch); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i <= SWITCH_MAX_SCANCODE; i++) { sw->keyboard_state[i] = false; } sw->mouse_x = 0; sw->mouse_y = 0; #endif return sw; } static uint64_t switch_input_get_capabilities(void *data) { (void) data; uint64_t caps = (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG); #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX caps |= (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_POINTER) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD) | (1 << RETRO_DEVICE_MOUSE); #endif return caps; } static const input_device_driver_t *switch_input_get_joypad_driver(void *data) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (sw) return sw->joypad; return NULL; } static void switch_input_grab_mouse(void *data, bool state) { (void)data; (void)state; } static bool switch_input_set_rumble(void *data, unsigned port, enum retro_rumble_effect effect, uint16_t strength) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBNX switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (!sw) return false; return input_joypad_set_rumble(sw->joypad, port, effect, strength); #else return false; #endif } static bool switch_input_keyboard_mapping_is_blocked(void *data) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (!sw) return false; return sw->blocked; } static void switch_input_keyboard_mapping_set_block(void *data, bool value) { switch_input_t *sw = (switch_input_t*) data; if (!sw) return; sw->blocked = value; } input_driver_t input_switch = { switch_input_init, switch_input_poll, switch_input_state, switch_input_free_input, NULL, NULL, switch_input_get_capabilities, "switch", switch_input_grab_mouse, NULL, switch_input_set_rumble, switch_input_get_joypad_driver, NULL, switch_input_keyboard_mapping_is_blocked, switch_input_keyboard_mapping_set_block, };