/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 - Daniel De Matteis * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 - Jean-André Santoni * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 - Brad Parker * Copyright (C) 2018 - Alfredo Monclús * Copyright (C) 2018 - natinusala * Copyright (C) 2019 - Patrick Scheurenbrand * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include "ozone.h" #include "ozone_texture.h" #include "ozone_display.h" #include #include #include "../../menu_driver.h" #include "../../../gfx/gfx_animation.h" #include "../../../configuration.h" static int ozone_get_entries_padding(ozone_handle_t* ozone, bool old_list) { if (ozone->depth == 1) { if (!old_list) return ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_horizontal_half; } else if (ozone->depth == 2) { if (old_list && !ozone->fade_direction) /* false = left to right */ return ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_horizontal_half; } return ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_horizontal_full; } static void ozone_draw_entry_value( ozone_handle_t *ozone, void *userdata, unsigned video_width, unsigned video_height, char *value, unsigned x, unsigned y, uint32_t alpha_uint32, menu_entry_t *entry) { bool switch_is_on = true; bool do_draw_text = false; float scale_factor = ozone->last_scale_factor; if (!entry->checked && string_is_empty(value)) return; /* check icon */ if (entry->checked) { gfx_display_blend_begin(userdata); ozone_draw_icon( userdata, video_width, video_height, 30 * scale_factor, 30 * scale_factor, ozone->theme->textures[OZONE_THEME_TEXTURE_CHECK], x - 20 * scale_factor, y - 22 * scale_factor, video_width, video_height, 0, 1, ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_checkmark); gfx_display_blend_end(userdata); return; } /* text value */ if (string_is_equal(value, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_DISABLED)) || (string_is_equal(value, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_OFF)))) { switch_is_on = false; do_draw_text = false; } else if (string_is_equal(value, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_ENABLED)) || (string_is_equal(value, msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_ON)))) { switch_is_on = true; do_draw_text = false; } else { if (!string_is_empty(entry->value)) { if (string_is_equal(entry->value, "...")) return; if (string_starts_with_size(entry->value, "(", STRLEN_CONST("(")) && string_ends_with (entry->value, ")") ) { if ( string_is_equal(entry->value, "(PRESET)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(SHADER)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(COMP)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(CORE)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(MOVIE)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(MUSIC)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(DIR)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(RDB)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(CURSOR)")|| string_is_equal(entry->value, "(CFILE)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(FILE)") || string_is_equal(entry->value, "(IMAGE)") ) return; } } do_draw_text = true; } if (do_draw_text) { ozone_draw_text(ozone, value, x, y, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.entries_label, COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA(ozone->theme->text_selected_rgba, alpha_uint32), false); } else { ozone_draw_text(ozone, (switch_is_on ? msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_ON) : msg_hash_to_str(MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_OFF)), x, y, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.entries_label, COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA((switch_is_on ? ozone->theme->text_selected_rgba : ozone->theme->text_sublabel_rgba), alpha_uint32), false); } } static void ozone_thumbnail_bar_hide_end(void *userdata) { ozone_handle_t *ozone = (ozone_handle_t*) userdata; ozone->show_thumbnail_bar = false; } static void ozone_draw_no_thumbnail_available(ozone_handle_t *ozone, void *userdata, unsigned video_width, unsigned video_height, unsigned x_position, unsigned sidebar_width, unsigned y_offset) { unsigned icon = OZONE_ENTRIES_ICONS_TEXTURE_CORE_INFO; unsigned icon_size = (unsigned)((float)ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_size * 1.5f); gfx_display_blend_begin(userdata); ozone_draw_icon( userdata, video_width, video_height, icon_size, icon_size, ozone->icons_textures[icon], x_position + sidebar_width/2 - icon_size/2, video_height/2 - icon_size/2 - y_offset, video_width, video_height, 0, 1, ozone->theme->entries_icon); gfx_display_blend_end(userdata); ozone_draw_text( ozone, msg_hash_to_str(MSG_NO_THUMBNAIL_AVAILABLE), x_position + sidebar_width/2, video_height/2 + icon_size/2 + ozone->fonts.footer.line_ascender - y_offset, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.footer, ozone->theme->text_rgba, true ); } static void ozone_content_metadata_line( unsigned video_width, unsigned video_height, ozone_handle_t *ozone, unsigned *y, unsigned column_x, const char *text, uint32_t color, unsigned lines_count) { ozone_draw_text(ozone, text, column_x, *y + ozone->fonts.footer.line_ascender, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.footer, color, true ); if (lines_count > 0) *y += (unsigned)(ozone->fonts.footer.line_height * (lines_count - 1)) + (unsigned)((float)ozone->fonts.footer.line_height * 1.5f); } /* Compute new scroll position * If the center of the currently selected entry is not in the middle * And if we can scroll so that it's in the middle * Then scroll */ void ozone_update_scroll(ozone_handle_t *ozone, bool allow_animation, ozone_node_t *node) { unsigned video_info_height; gfx_animation_ctx_entry_t entry; float new_scroll = 0, entries_middle; float bottom_boundary, current_selection_middle_onscreen; file_list_t *selection_buf = menu_entries_get_selection_buf_ptr(0); uintptr_t tag = (uintptr_t) selection_buf; video_driver_get_size(NULL, &video_info_height); current_selection_middle_onscreen = ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_vertical + ozone->animations.scroll_y + node->position_y + node->height / 2; bottom_boundary = video_info_height - ozone->dimensions.header_height - ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px - ozone->dimensions.footer_height; entries_middle = video_info_height/2; new_scroll = ozone->animations.scroll_y - (current_selection_middle_onscreen - entries_middle); if (new_scroll + ozone->entries_height < bottom_boundary) new_scroll = bottom_boundary - ozone->entries_height - ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_vertical * 2; if (new_scroll > 0) new_scroll = 0; /* Kill any existing scroll animation */ gfx_animation_kill_by_tag(&tag); /* ozone->animations.scroll_y will be modified * > Set scroll acceleration to zero to minimise * potential conflicts */ menu_input_set_pointer_y_accel(0.0f); if (allow_animation) { /* Cursor animation */ ozone->animations.cursor_alpha = 0.0f; entry.cb = NULL; entry.duration = ANIMATION_CURSOR_DURATION; entry.easing_enum = EASING_OUT_QUAD; entry.subject = &ozone->animations.cursor_alpha; entry.tag = tag; entry.target_value = 1.0f; entry.userdata = NULL; gfx_animation_push(&entry); /* Scroll animation */ entry.cb = NULL; entry.duration = ANIMATION_CURSOR_DURATION; entry.easing_enum = EASING_OUT_QUAD; entry.subject = &ozone->animations.scroll_y; entry.tag = tag; entry.target_value = new_scroll; entry.userdata = NULL; gfx_animation_push(&entry); } else { ozone->selection_old = ozone->selection; ozone->animations.scroll_y = new_scroll; } } void ozone_compute_entries_position(ozone_handle_t *ozone) { /* Compute entries height and adjust scrolling if needed */ unsigned video_info_height; unsigned video_info_width; size_t i, entries_end; file_list_t *selection_buf = NULL; int entry_padding = ozone_get_entries_padding(ozone, false); float scale_factor = ozone->last_scale_factor; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); bool menu_show_sublabels = settings->bools.menu_show_sublabels; menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_START_GET, &i); entries_end = menu_entries_get_size(); selection_buf = menu_entries_get_selection_buf_ptr(0); video_driver_get_size(&video_info_width, &video_info_height); ozone->entries_height = 0; for (i = 0; i < entries_end; i++) { /* Entry */ menu_entry_t entry; ozone_node_t *node = NULL; menu_entry_init(&entry); entry.path_enabled = false; entry.label_enabled = false; entry.rich_label_enabled = false; entry.value_enabled = false; menu_entry_get(&entry, 0, (unsigned)i, NULL, true); /* Empty playlist detection: only one item which icon is OZONE_ENTRIES_ICONS_TEXTURE_CORE_INFO */ if (ozone->is_playlist && entries_end == 1) { uintptr_t tex = ozone_entries_icon_get_texture(ozone, entry.enum_idx, entry.type, false); ozone->empty_playlist = tex == ozone->icons_textures[OZONE_ENTRIES_ICONS_TEXTURE_CORE_INFO]; } else ozone->empty_playlist = false; /* Cache node */ node = (ozone_node_t*)file_list_get_userdata_at_offset(selection_buf, i); if (!node) continue; node->height = ozone->dimensions.entry_height; node->wrap = false; node->sublabel_lines = 0; if (menu_show_sublabels) { if (!string_is_empty(entry.sublabel)) { int sublabel_max_width; char wrapped_sublabel_str[MENU_SUBLABEL_MAX_LENGTH]; wrapped_sublabel_str[0] = '\0'; node->height += ozone->dimensions.entry_spacing + 40 * scale_factor; sublabel_max_width = video_info_width - entry_padding * 2 - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding * 2; if (ozone->depth == 1) { sublabel_max_width -= (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width; if (ozone->show_thumbnail_bar) sublabel_max_width -= ozone->dimensions.thumbnail_bar_width; } word_wrap(wrapped_sublabel_str, entry.sublabel, sublabel_max_width / ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel.glyph_width, false, 0); node->sublabel_lines = ozone_count_lines(wrapped_sublabel_str); if (node->sublabel_lines > 1) { node->height += (node->sublabel_lines - 1) * ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel.line_height; node->wrap = true; } } } node->position_y = ozone->entries_height; ozone->entries_height += node->height; } /* Update scrolling */ ozone->selection = menu_navigation_get_selection(); ozone_update_scroll(ozone, false, (ozone_node_t*) file_list_get_userdata_at_offset(selection_buf, ozone->selection)); } void ozone_entries_update_thumbnail_bar(ozone_handle_t *ozone, bool is_playlist, bool allow_animation) { struct gfx_animation_ctx_entry entry; uintptr_t tag = (uintptr_t)&ozone->show_thumbnail_bar; entry.duration = ANIMATION_CURSOR_DURATION; entry.easing_enum = EASING_OUT_QUAD; entry.tag = tag; entry.subject = &ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position; gfx_animation_kill_by_tag(&tag); /* Show it */ if (is_playlist && !ozone->cursor_in_sidebar && !ozone->show_thumbnail_bar && ozone->depth == 1) { if (allow_animation) { ozone->show_thumbnail_bar = true; entry.cb = NULL; entry.userdata = NULL; entry.target_value = ozone->dimensions.thumbnail_bar_width; gfx_animation_push(&entry); } else { ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position = ozone->dimensions.thumbnail_bar_width; ozone->show_thumbnail_bar = true; } } /* Hide it */ else { if (allow_animation) { entry.cb = ozone_thumbnail_bar_hide_end; entry.userdata = ozone; entry.target_value = 0.0f; gfx_animation_push(&entry); } else { ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position = 0.0f; ozone_thumbnail_bar_hide_end(ozone); } } } void ozone_draw_entries( ozone_handle_t *ozone, void *userdata, unsigned video_width, unsigned video_height, unsigned selection, unsigned selection_old, file_list_t *selection_buf, float alpha, float scroll_y, bool is_playlist) { uint32_t alpha_uint32; size_t i, y, entries_end; float sidebar_offset, bottom_boundary, invert, alpha_anim; unsigned video_info_height, video_info_width, entry_width, button_height; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); bool menu_show_sublabels= settings->bools.menu_show_sublabels; bool use_smooth_ticker = settings->bools.menu_ticker_smooth; enum gfx_animation_ticker_type menu_ticker_type = (enum gfx_animation_ticker_type) settings->uints.menu_ticker_type; bool old_list = selection_buf == &ozone->selection_buf_old; int x_offset = 0; size_t selection_y = 0; /* 0 means no selection (we assume that no entry has y = 0) */ size_t old_selection_y = 0; int entry_padding = ozone_get_entries_padding(ozone, old_list); float scale_factor = ozone->last_scale_factor; menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_START_GET, &i); entries_end = file_list_get_size(selection_buf); y = ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px + ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_vertical; sidebar_offset = ozone->sidebar_offset; entry_width = video_width - (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width - ozone->sidebar_offset - entry_padding * 2 - ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position; button_height = ozone->dimensions.entry_height; /* height of the button (entry minus sublabel) */ video_driver_get_size(&video_info_width, &video_info_height); bottom_boundary = video_info_height - ozone->dimensions.header_height - ozone->dimensions.footer_height; invert = (ozone->fade_direction) ? -1 : 1; alpha_anim = old_list ? alpha : 1.0f - alpha; if (old_list) alpha = 1.0f - alpha; if (alpha != 1.0f) { if (old_list) x_offset += invert * -(alpha_anim * 120 * scale_factor); /* left */ else x_offset += invert * (alpha_anim * 120 * scale_factor); /* right */ } x_offset += (int) sidebar_offset; alpha_uint32 = (uint32_t)(alpha*255.0f); /* Borders layer */ for (i = 0; i < entries_end; i++) { bool entry_selected = selection == i; bool entry_old_selected = selection_old == i; int border_start_x, border_start_y; ozone_node_t *node = NULL; if (entry_selected && selection_y == 0) selection_y = y; if (entry_old_selected && old_selection_y == 0) old_selection_y = y; node = (ozone_node_t*) file_list_get_userdata_at_offset(selection_buf, i); if (!node || ozone->empty_playlist) goto border_iterate; if (y + scroll_y + node->height + 20 * scale_factor < ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_vertical) goto border_iterate; else if (y + scroll_y - node->height - 20 * scale_factor > bottom_boundary) goto border_iterate; border_start_x = (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + x_offset + entry_padding; border_start_y = y + scroll_y; gfx_display_set_alpha(ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_border, alpha); gfx_display_set_alpha(ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_checkmark, alpha); /* Borders */ gfx_display_draw_quad( userdata, video_width, video_height, border_start_x, border_start_y, entry_width, ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, video_width, video_height, ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_border); gfx_display_draw_quad( userdata, video_width, video_height, border_start_x, border_start_y + button_height, entry_width, ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, video_width, video_height, ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_border); border_iterate: if (node) y += node->height; } /* Cursor(s) layer - current */ if (!ozone->cursor_in_sidebar) ozone_draw_cursor( ozone, userdata, video_width, video_height, (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + x_offset + entry_padding + ozone->dimensions.spacer_3px, entry_width - ozone->dimensions.spacer_5px, button_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, selection_y + scroll_y, ozone->animations.cursor_alpha * alpha); /* Old*/ if (!ozone->cursor_in_sidebar_old) ozone_draw_cursor( ozone, userdata, video_width, video_height, (unsigned)ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + x_offset + entry_padding + ozone->dimensions.spacer_3px, /* TODO/FIXME - undefined behavior reported by ASAN - *-35.2358 is outside the range of representable values of type 'unsigned int' * */ entry_width - ozone->dimensions.spacer_5px, button_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, old_selection_y + scroll_y, (1-ozone->animations.cursor_alpha) * alpha); /* Icons + text */ y = ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px + ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_vertical; if (old_list) y += ozone->old_list_offset_y; for (i = 0; i < entries_end; i++) { char rich_label[255]; char entry_value_ticker[255]; char wrapped_sublabel_str[MENU_SUBLABEL_MAX_LENGTH]; uintptr_t tex; menu_entry_t entry; gfx_animation_ctx_ticker_t ticker; gfx_animation_ctx_ticker_smooth_t ticker_smooth; unsigned ticker_x_offset = 0; unsigned ticker_str_width = 0; int value_x_offset = 0; static const char* const ticker_spacer = OZONE_TICKER_SPACER; const char *sublabel_str = NULL; ozone_node_t *node = NULL; const char *entry_rich_label = NULL; const char *entry_value = NULL; bool entry_selected = false; int text_offset = -ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size; float *icon_color = NULL; /* Initial ticker configuration */ if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.idx = gfx_animation_get_ticker_pixel_idx(); ticker_smooth.font = ozone->fonts.entries_label.font; ticker_smooth.font_scale = 1.0f; ticker_smooth.type_enum = menu_ticker_type; ticker_smooth.spacer = ticker_spacer; ticker_smooth.x_offset = &ticker_x_offset; ticker_smooth.dst_str_width = &ticker_str_width; } else { ticker.idx = gfx_animation_get_ticker_idx(); ticker.type_enum = menu_ticker_type; ticker.spacer = ticker_spacer; } node = (ozone_node_t*) file_list_get_userdata_at_offset(selection_buf, i); if (!node) continue; if (y + scroll_y + node->height + 20 * scale_factor < ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.entry_padding_vertical) { y += node->height; continue; } else if (y + scroll_y - node->height - 20 * scale_factor > bottom_boundary) { y += node->height; continue; } entry_selected = selection == i; menu_entry_init(&entry); entry.path_enabled = false; entry.label_enabled = false; menu_entry_get(&entry, 0, (unsigned)i, selection_buf, true); menu_entry_get_value(&entry, &entry_value); /* Prepare text */ menu_entry_get_rich_label(&entry, &entry_rich_label); if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.selected = entry_selected && !ozone->cursor_in_sidebar; ticker_smooth.field_width = entry_width - entry_padding - (10 * scale_factor) - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding; ticker_smooth.src_str = entry_rich_label; ticker_smooth.dst_str = rich_label; ticker_smooth.dst_str_len = sizeof(rich_label); gfx_animation_ticker_smooth(&ticker_smooth); } else { ticker.s = rich_label; ticker.str = entry_rich_label; ticker.selected = entry_selected && !ozone->cursor_in_sidebar; ticker.len = (entry_width - entry_padding - (10 * scale_factor) - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding) / ozone->fonts.entries_label.glyph_width; gfx_animation_ticker(&ticker); } if (ozone->empty_playlist) { /* Note: This entry can never be selected, so ticker_x_offset * is irrelevant here (i.e. this text will never scroll) */ unsigned text_width = font_driver_get_message_width(ozone->fonts.entries_label.font, rich_label, (unsigned)strlen(rich_label), 1); x_offset = (video_info_width - (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width - entry_padding * 2) / 2 - text_width / 2 - 60 * scale_factor; y = video_info_height / 2 - 60 * scale_factor; } sublabel_str = entry.sublabel; if (menu_show_sublabels) { if (node->wrap && !string_is_empty(sublabel_str)) { int sublabel_max_width = video_info_width - entry_padding * 2 - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding * 2; if (ozone->depth == 1) { sublabel_max_width -= (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width; if (ozone->show_thumbnail_bar) sublabel_max_width -= ozone->dimensions.thumbnail_bar_width; } wrapped_sublabel_str[0] = '\0'; word_wrap(wrapped_sublabel_str, sublabel_str, sublabel_max_width / ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel.glyph_width, false, 0); sublabel_str = wrapped_sublabel_str; } } /* Icon */ tex = ozone_entries_icon_get_texture(ozone, entry.enum_idx, entry.type, entry_selected); if (tex != ozone->icons_textures[OZONE_ENTRIES_ICONS_TEXTURE_SUBSETTING]) { uintptr_t texture = tex; /* Console specific icons */ if (entry.type == FILE_TYPE_RPL_ENTRY && ozone->categories_selection_ptr > ozone->system_tab_end) { ozone_node_t *sidebar_node = (ozone_node_t*) file_list_get_userdata_at_offset(&ozone->horizontal_list, ozone->categories_selection_ptr - ozone->system_tab_end-1); if (!sidebar_node || !sidebar_node->content_icon) texture = tex; else texture = sidebar_node->content_icon; } /* Cheevos badges should not be recolored */ if (!( (entry.type >= MENU_SETTINGS_CHEEVOS_START) && (entry.type < MENU_SETTINGS_NETPLAY_ROOMS_START) )) icon_color = ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_icon; else icon_color = ozone_pure_white; gfx_display_set_alpha(icon_color, alpha); gfx_display_blend_begin(userdata); ozone_draw_icon( userdata, video_width, video_height, ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size, ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size, texture, (unsigned)ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + x_offset + entry_padding + ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding, y + scroll_y + ozone->dimensions.entry_height / 2 - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size / 2, video_width, video_height, 0, 1, icon_color); gfx_display_blend_end(userdata); if (icon_color == ozone_pure_white) gfx_display_set_alpha(icon_color, 1.0f); text_offset = 0; } /* Draw text */ ozone_draw_text(ozone, rich_label, ticker_x_offset + text_offset + (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + x_offset + entry_padding + ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size + ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding * 2, y + ozone->dimensions.entry_height / 2.0f + ozone->fonts.entries_label.line_centre_offset + scroll_y, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.entries_label, COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA(ozone->theme->text_rgba, alpha_uint32), false); if (menu_show_sublabels) { if (!string_is_empty(sublabel_str)) ozone_draw_text(ozone, sublabel_str, (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + x_offset + entry_padding + ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding, y + ozone->dimensions.entry_height - ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px + (node->height - ozone->dimensions.entry_height - (node->sublabel_lines * ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel.line_height))/2.0f + ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel.line_ascender + scroll_y, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel, COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA(ozone->theme->text_sublabel_rgba, alpha_uint32), false); } /* Value */ if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.selected = entry_selected && !ozone->cursor_in_sidebar; ticker_smooth.field_width = (entry_width - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding * 2 - ((unsigned)utf8len(entry_rich_label) * ozone->fonts.entries_label.glyph_width)); ticker_smooth.src_str = entry_value; ticker_smooth.dst_str = entry_value_ticker; ticker_smooth.dst_str_len = sizeof(entry_value_ticker); /* Value text is right aligned, so have to offset x * by the 'padding' width at the end of the ticker string... */ if (gfx_animation_ticker_smooth(&ticker_smooth)) value_x_offset = (ticker_x_offset + ticker_str_width) - ticker_smooth.field_width; } else { ticker.s = entry_value_ticker; ticker.str = entry_value; ticker.selected = entry_selected && !ozone->cursor_in_sidebar; ticker.len = (entry_width - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_size - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding * 2 - ((unsigned)utf8len(entry_rich_label) * ozone->fonts.entries_label.glyph_width)) / ozone->fonts.entries_label.glyph_width; gfx_animation_ticker(&ticker); } ozone_draw_entry_value(ozone, userdata, video_width, video_height, entry_value_ticker, value_x_offset + (unsigned) ozone->dimensions_sidebar_width + entry_padding + x_offset + entry_width - ozone->dimensions.entry_icon_padding, y + ozone->dimensions.entry_height / 2 + ozone->fonts.entries_label.line_centre_offset + scroll_y, alpha_uint32, &entry); y += node->height; } /* Text layer */ ozone_font_flush(video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.entries_label); if (menu_show_sublabels) ozone_font_flush(video_width, video_height, &ozone->fonts.entries_sublabel); } void ozone_draw_thumbnail_bar(ozone_handle_t *ozone, void *userdata, unsigned video_width, unsigned video_height, bool libretro_running, float menu_framebuffer_opacity) { unsigned sidebar_width = ozone->dimensions.thumbnail_bar_width; unsigned thumbnail_width = sidebar_width - (ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding * 2); int right_thumbnail_y_position = 0; int left_thumbnail_y_position = 0; int bottom_row_y_position = 0; bool show_right_thumbnail = false; bool show_left_thumbnail = false; unsigned sidebar_height = video_height - ozone->dimensions.header_height - ozone->dimensions.sidebar_gradient_height * 2 - ozone->dimensions.footer_height; unsigned x_position = video_width - (unsigned) ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position; int thumbnail_x_position = x_position + ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding; unsigned thumbnail_height = (video_height - ozone->dimensions.header_height - ozone->dimensions.spacer_2px - ozone->dimensions.footer_height - (ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding * 3)) / 2; float scale_factor = ozone->last_scale_factor; enum gfx_thumbnail_alignment right_thumbnail_alignment; enum gfx_thumbnail_alignment left_thumbnail_alignment; /* Background */ if (!libretro_running || (menu_framebuffer_opacity >= 1.0f)) { gfx_display_draw_quad( userdata, video_width, video_height, x_position, ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, (unsigned)ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position, ozone->dimensions.sidebar_gradient_height, video_width, video_height, ozone->theme->sidebar_top_gradient); gfx_display_draw_quad( userdata, video_width, video_height, x_position, ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px + ozone->dimensions.sidebar_gradient_height, (unsigned)ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position, sidebar_height, video_width, video_height, ozone->theme->sidebar_background); gfx_display_draw_quad( userdata, video_width, video_height, x_position, video_height - ozone->dimensions.footer_height - ozone->dimensions.sidebar_gradient_height - ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, (unsigned) ozone->animations.thumbnail_bar_position, ozone->dimensions.sidebar_gradient_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, video_width, video_height, ozone->theme->sidebar_bottom_gradient); } /* Thumbnails */ show_right_thumbnail = (ozone->thumbnails.right.status != GFX_THUMBNAIL_STATUS_MISSING) && gfx_thumbnail_is_enabled(ozone->thumbnail_path_data, GFX_THUMBNAIL_RIGHT); show_left_thumbnail = (ozone->thumbnails.left.status != GFX_THUMBNAIL_STATUS_MISSING) && gfx_thumbnail_is_enabled(ozone->thumbnail_path_data, GFX_THUMBNAIL_LEFT) && !ozone->selection_core_is_viewer; /* If this entry is associated with the image viewer * and no right thumbnail is available, show a centred * message and return immediately */ if (ozone->selection_core_is_viewer && !show_right_thumbnail) { ozone_draw_no_thumbnail_available( ozone, userdata, video_width, video_height, x_position, sidebar_width, 0); return; } /* Top row * > Displays one item, with the following order * of preference: * 1) Right thumbnail, if available * 2) Left thumbnail, if available * 3) 'No thumbnail available' message */ /* > If this entry is associated with the image viewer * core, there can be only one thumbnail and no * content metadata -> centre image vertically */ if (ozone->selection_core_is_viewer) { right_thumbnail_y_position = ozone->dimensions.header_height + ((thumbnail_height / 2) + (int)(1.5f * (float)ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding)); right_thumbnail_alignment = GFX_THUMBNAIL_ALIGN_CENTRE; } else { right_thumbnail_y_position = ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px + ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding; right_thumbnail_alignment = GFX_THUMBNAIL_ALIGN_BOTTOM; } /* > If we have a right thumbnail, show it */ if (show_right_thumbnail) gfx_thumbnail_draw( userdata, video_width, video_height, &ozone->thumbnails.right, (float)thumbnail_x_position, (float)right_thumbnail_y_position, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, right_thumbnail_alignment, 1.0f, 1.0f, NULL); /* > If we have neither a right thumbnail nor * a left thumbnail to show in its place, * display 'no thumbnail available' message */ else if (!show_left_thumbnail) ozone_draw_no_thumbnail_available(ozone, userdata, video_width, video_height, x_position, sidebar_width, thumbnail_height / 2); /* Bottom row * > Displays one item, with the following order * of preference: * 1) Left thumbnail, if available * *and* * right thumbnail has been placed in the top row * *and* * content metadata override is not enabled * 2) Content metadata */ /* > Get baseline 'start' position of bottom row */ bottom_row_y_position = ozone->dimensions.header_height + ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px + thumbnail_height + (ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding * 2); /* > If we have a left thumbnail, show it */ if (show_left_thumbnail) { float left_thumbnail_alpha; /* Normally a right thumbnail will be shown * in the top row - if so, left thumbnail * goes at the bottom */ if (show_right_thumbnail) { left_thumbnail_y_position = bottom_row_y_position; left_thumbnail_alignment = GFX_THUMBNAIL_ALIGN_TOP; /* In this case, thumbnail opacity is dependent * upon the content metadata override * > i.e. Need to handle fade in/out animations * and set opacity to zero when override * is fully active */ left_thumbnail_alpha = ozone->animations.left_thumbnail_alpha; } /* If right thumbnail is missing, shift left * thumbnail up to the top row */ else { left_thumbnail_y_position = right_thumbnail_y_position; left_thumbnail_alignment = right_thumbnail_alignment; /* In this case, there is no dependence on content * metadata - thumbnail is always shown at full * opacity */ left_thumbnail_alpha = 1.0f; } /* Note: This is a NOOP when alpha is zero * (i.e. no performance impact when content * metadata override is fully active) */ gfx_thumbnail_draw( userdata, video_width, video_height, &ozone->thumbnails.left, (float)thumbnail_x_position, (float)left_thumbnail_y_position, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, left_thumbnail_alignment, left_thumbnail_alpha, 1.0f, NULL); } /* > Display content metadata in the bottom * row if: * - This is *not* image viewer content * *and* * - There is no left thumbnail * *or* * left thumbnail has been shifted to * the top row * *or* * content metadata override is enabled * (i.e. fade in, fade out, or fully * active) */ if (!ozone->selection_core_is_viewer && (!show_left_thumbnail || !show_right_thumbnail || (ozone->animations.left_thumbnail_alpha < 1.0f))) { char ticker_buf[255]; gfx_animation_ctx_ticker_t ticker; gfx_animation_ctx_ticker_smooth_t ticker_smooth; static const char* const ticker_spacer = OZONE_TICKER_SPACER; unsigned ticker_x_offset = 0; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); bool scroll_content_metadata = settings->bools.ozone_scroll_content_metadata; bool use_smooth_ticker = settings->bools.menu_ticker_smooth; enum gfx_animation_ticker_type menu_ticker_type = (enum gfx_animation_ticker_type) settings->uints.menu_ticker_type; unsigned y = (unsigned)bottom_row_y_position; unsigned separator_padding = ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding*2; unsigned column_x = x_position + separator_padding; bool metadata_override_enabled = show_left_thumbnail && show_right_thumbnail && (ozone->animations.left_thumbnail_alpha < 1.0f); float metadata_alpha = metadata_override_enabled ? (1.0f - ozone->animations.left_thumbnail_alpha) : 1.0f; uint32_t text_color = COLOR_TEXT_ALPHA( ozone->theme->text_rgba, (uint32_t)(metadata_alpha * 255.0f)); if (scroll_content_metadata) { /* Initial ticker configuration */ if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.idx = gfx_animation_get_ticker_pixel_idx(); ticker_smooth.font_scale = 1.0f; ticker_smooth.type_enum = menu_ticker_type; ticker_smooth.spacer = ticker_spacer; ticker_smooth.x_offset = &ticker_x_offset; ticker_smooth.dst_str_width = NULL; ticker_smooth.font = ozone->fonts.footer.font; ticker_smooth.selected = true; ticker_smooth.field_width = sidebar_width - (separator_padding * 2); ticker_smooth.dst_str = ticker_buf; ticker_smooth.dst_str_len = sizeof(ticker_buf); } else { ticker.idx = gfx_animation_get_ticker_idx(); ticker.type_enum = menu_ticker_type; ticker.spacer = ticker_spacer; ticker.selected = true; ticker.len = (sidebar_width - (separator_padding * 2)) / ozone->fonts.footer.glyph_width; ticker.s = ticker_buf; } } /* Content metadata */ /* Separator */ gfx_display_set_alpha(ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_border, metadata_alpha); gfx_display_draw_quad( userdata, video_width, video_height, x_position + separator_padding, y, sidebar_width - separator_padding*2, ozone->dimensions.spacer_1px, video_width, video_height, ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_border); y += 18 * scale_factor; if (scroll_content_metadata) { /* Core association */ ticker_buf[0] = '\0'; if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.src_str = ozone->selection_core_name; gfx_animation_ticker_smooth(&ticker_smooth); } else { ticker.str = ozone->selection_core_name; gfx_animation_ticker(&ticker); } ozone_content_metadata_line( video_width, video_height, ozone, &y, ticker_x_offset + column_x, ticker_buf, text_color, 1); /* Playtime * Note: It is essentially impossible for this string * to exceed the width of the sidebar, but since we * are ticker-texting everything else, we include this * by default */ ticker_buf[0] = '\0'; if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.src_str = ozone->selection_playtime; gfx_animation_ticker_smooth(&ticker_smooth); } else { ticker.str = ozone->selection_playtime; gfx_animation_ticker(&ticker); } ozone_content_metadata_line( video_width, video_height, ozone, &y, ticker_x_offset + column_x, ticker_buf, text_color, 1); /* Last played */ ticker_buf[0] = '\0'; if (use_smooth_ticker) { ticker_smooth.src_str = ozone->selection_lastplayed; gfx_animation_ticker_smooth(&ticker_smooth); } else { ticker.str = ozone->selection_lastplayed; gfx_animation_ticker(&ticker); } ozone_content_metadata_line( video_width, video_height, ozone, &y, ticker_x_offset + column_x, ticker_buf, text_color, 1); } else { /* Core association */ ozone_content_metadata_line( video_width, video_height, ozone, &y, column_x, ozone->selection_core_name, text_color, ozone->selection_core_name_lines); /* Playtime */ ozone_content_metadata_line( video_width, video_height, ozone, &y, column_x, ozone->selection_playtime, text_color, 1); /* Last played */ ozone_content_metadata_line( video_width, video_height, ozone, &y, column_x, ozone->selection_lastplayed, text_color, ozone->selection_lastplayed_lines); } /* If metadata override is active, display an * icon to notify that a left thumbnail image * is available */ if (metadata_override_enabled) { /* Icon should be small and unobtrusive * > Make it 80% of the normal entry icon size */ unsigned icon_size = (unsigned)((float)ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_size * 0.8f); /* > Set its opacity to a maximum of 80% */ gfx_display_set_alpha(ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_icon, metadata_alpha * 0.8f); /* Draw icon in the bottom right corner of * the thumbnail bar */ gfx_display_blend_begin(userdata); ozone_draw_icon( userdata, video_width, video_height, icon_size, icon_size, ozone->icons_textures[OZONE_ENTRIES_ICONS_TEXTURE_IMAGE], x_position + sidebar_width - separator_padding - icon_size, video_height - ozone->dimensions.footer_height - ozone->dimensions.sidebar_entry_icon_padding - icon_size, video_width, video_height, 0, 1, ozone->theme_dynamic.entries_icon); gfx_display_blend_end(userdata); } } }