#define SRC(...) #__VA_ARGS__ SRC( struct UBO { float4x4 modelViewProj; float contrast; /* 2.0f; */ float paper_white_nits; /* 200.0f; */ float max_nits; /* 1000.0f; */ float expand_gamut; /* 1.0f; */ float inverse_tonemap; }; uniform UBO global; struct PSInput { float4 position : SV_POSITION; float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; float4 color : COLOR; }; PSInput VSMain(float4 position : POSITION, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0, float4 color : COLOR) { PSInput result; result.position = mul(global.modelViewProj, position); result.texcoord = texcoord; result.color = color; return result; } uniform sampler s0; uniform Texture2D t0; static const float kMaxNitsFor2084 = 10000.0f; static const float kEpsilon = 0.0001f; static const float kLumaChannelRatio = 0.25f; static const float3x3 k709to2020 = { { 0.6274040f, 0.3292820f, 0.0433136f }, { 0.0690970f, 0.9195400f, 0.0113612f }, { 0.0163916f, 0.0880132f, 0.8955950f } }; static const float3x3 kP3to2020 = { { 0.753845f, 0.198593f, 0.047562f }, { 0.0457456f, 0.941777f, 0.0124772f }, { -0.00121055f, 0.0176041f, 0.983607f } }; /* START Converted from (Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation - Licensed under the MIT License.) https://github.com/microsoft/Xbox-ATG-Samples/tree/master/Kits/ATGTK/HDR */ static const float3x3 kExpanded709to2020 = { { 0.6274040f, 0.3292820f, 0.0433136f }, { 0.0457456, 0.941777, 0.0124772 }, { -0.00121055, 0.0176041, 0.983607 } }; float3 LinearToST2084(float3 normalizedLinearValue) { float3 ST2084 = pow((0.8359375f + 18.8515625f * pow(abs(normalizedLinearValue), 0.1593017578f)) / (1.0f + 18.6875f * pow(abs(normalizedLinearValue), 0.1593017578f)), 78.84375f); return ST2084; /* Don't clamp between [0..1], so we can still perform operations on scene values higher than 10,000 nits */ } /* END Converted from (Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation - Licensed under the MIT License.) https://github.com/microsoft/Xbox-ATG-Samples/tree/master/Kits/ATGTK/HDR */ float3 SRGBToLinear(float3 color) { float3 scale = color / 12.92f; float3 gamma = pow(abs(color + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f); return float3( color.x < 0.04045f ? scale.x : gamma.x, color.y < 0.04045f ? scale.y : gamma.y, color.z < 0.04045f ? scale.z : gamma.z); } float4 Hdr(float4 sdr) { float3 hdr; if(global.inverse_tonemap) { sdr.xyz = pow(abs(sdr.xyz), global.contrast / 2.2f ); /* Display Gamma - needs to be determined by calibration screen */ float luma = dot(sdr.xyz, float3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)); /* Rec BT.709 luma coefficients - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luma_(video) */ /* Inverse reinhard tonemap */ float maxValue = (global.max_nits / global.paper_white_nits) + kEpsilon; float elbow = maxValue / (maxValue - 1.0f); /* Convert (1.0 + epsilon) to infinite to range 1001 -> 1.0 */ float offset = 1.0f - ((0.5f * elbow) / (elbow - 0.5f)); /* Convert 1001 to 1.0 to range 0.5 -> 1.0 */ float hdrLumaInvTonemap = offset + ((luma * elbow) / (elbow - luma)); float sdrLumaInvTonemap = luma / ((1.0f + kEpsilon) - luma); /* Convert the srd < 0.5 to 0.0 -> 1.0 range */ float lumaInvTonemap = (luma > 0.5f) ? hdrLumaInvTonemap : sdrLumaInvTonemap; float3 perLuma = sdr.xyz / (luma + kEpsilon) * lumaInvTonemap; float3 hdrInvTonemap = offset + ((sdr.xyz * elbow) / (elbow - sdr.xyz)); float3 sdrInvTonemap = sdr.xyz / ((1.0f + kEpsilon) - sdr.xyz); /* Convert the srd < 0.5 to 0.0 -> 1.0 range */ float3 perChannel = float3(sdr.x > 0.5f ? hdrInvTonemap.x : sdrInvTonemap.x, sdr.y > 0.5f ? hdrInvTonemap.y : sdrInvTonemap.y, sdr.z > 0.5f ? hdrInvTonemap.z : sdrInvTonemap.z); hdr = lerp(perLuma, perChannel, kLumaChannelRatio); } else { hdr = SRGBToLinear(sdr.xyz); } /* Now convert into HDR10 */ float3 rec2020 = mul(k709to2020, hdr); if(global.expand_gamut > 0.0f) { rec2020 = mul( kExpanded709to2020, hdr); } float3 linearColour = rec2020 * (global.paper_white_nits / kMaxNitsFor2084); float3 hdr10 = LinearToST2084(linearColour); return float4(hdr10, sdr.w); } float4 PSMain(PSInput input) : SV_TARGET { float4 sdr = input.color * t0.Sample(s0, input.texcoord); return Hdr(sdr); }; )