/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include "shader_hlsl.h" #include "shader_parse.h" #include "../d3d/d3d.hpp" static const char *stock_hlsl_program = "void main_vertex\n" "(\n" " float4 position : POSITION,\n" " float4 color : COLOR,\n" "\n" " uniform float4x4 modelViewProj,\n" "\n" " float4 texCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n" " out float4 oPosition : POSITION,\n" " out float4 oColor : COLOR,\n" " out float2 otexCoord : TEXCOORD\n" ")\n" "{\n" " oPosition = mul(modelViewProj, position);\n" " oColor = color;\n" " otexCoord = texCoord;\n" "}\n" "\n" "struct output\n" "{\n" " float4 color: COLOR;\n" "};\n" "\n" "struct input\n" "{\n" " float2 video_size;\n" " float2 texture_size;\n" " float2 output_size;\n" " float frame_count;\n" " float frame_direction;\n" " float frame_rotation;\n" "};\n" "\n" "output main_fragment(float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0,\n" "uniform sampler2D decal : TEXUNIT0, uniform input IN)\n" "{\n" " output OUT;\n" " OUT.color = tex2D(decal, texCoord);\n" " return OUT;\n" "}\n"; struct hlsl_program { LPDIRECT3DVERTEXSHADER vprg; LPDIRECT3DPIXELSHADER fprg; D3DXHANDLE vid_size_f; D3DXHANDLE tex_size_f; D3DXHANDLE out_size_f; D3DXHANDLE frame_cnt_f; D3DXHANDLE frame_dir_f; D3DXHANDLE vid_size_v; D3DXHANDLE tex_size_v; D3DXHANDLE out_size_v; D3DXHANDLE frame_cnt_v; D3DXHANDLE frame_dir_v; D3DXHANDLE mvp; LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE v_ctable; LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE f_ctable; XMMATRIX mvp_val; /* TODO: Move to D3DXMATRIX here */ }; static struct hlsl_program prg[RARCH_HLSL_MAX_SHADERS] = {0}; static bool hlsl_active = false; static unsigned active_index = 0; static struct gfx_shader *cg_shader; void hlsl_set_proj_matrix(XMMATRIX rotation_value) { if (hlsl_active) prg[active_index].mvp_val = rotation_value; } #define set_param_2f(param, xy, constanttable) \ if (param) constanttable->SetFloatArray(d3d_device_ptr, param, xy, 2) #define set_param_1f(param, x, constanttable) \ if (param) constanttable->SetFloat(d3d_device_ptr, param, x) static void hlsl_set_params(void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned tex_width, unsigned tex_height, unsigned out_width, unsigned out_height, unsigned frame_counter, const void *_info, const void *_prev_info, const void *_fbo_info, unsigned fbo_info_cnt) { d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3d_device_ptr = (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE)d3d->dev; const struct gl_tex_info *info = (const struct gl_tex_info*)_info; const struct gl_tex_info *prev_info = (const struct gl_tex_info*)_prev_info; const struct gl_tex_info *fbo_info = (const struct gl_tex_info*)_fbo_info; if (!hlsl_active) return; const float ori_size[2] = { (float)width, (float)height }; const float tex_size[2] = { (float)tex_width, (float)tex_height }; const float out_size[2] = { (float)out_width, (float)out_height }; float frame_cnt = frame_counter; prg[active_index].f_ctable->SetDefaults(d3d_device_ptr); prg[active_index].v_ctable->SetDefaults(d3d_device_ptr); set_param_2f(prg[active_index].vid_size_f, ori_size, prg[active_index].f_ctable); set_param_2f(prg[active_index].tex_size_f, tex_size, prg[active_index].f_ctable); set_param_2f(prg[active_index].out_size_f, out_size, prg[active_index].f_ctable); set_param_1f(prg[active_index].frame_cnt_f, frame_cnt, prg[active_index].f_ctable); set_param_1f(prg[active_index].frame_dir_f, g_extern.frame_is_reverse ? -1.0 : 1.0,prg[active_index].f_ctable); set_param_2f(prg[active_index].vid_size_v, ori_size, prg[active_index].v_ctable); set_param_2f(prg[active_index].tex_size_v, tex_size, prg[active_index].v_ctable); set_param_2f(prg[active_index].out_size_v, out_size, prg[active_index].v_ctable); set_param_1f(prg[active_index].frame_cnt_v, frame_cnt, prg[active_index].v_ctable); set_param_1f(prg[active_index].frame_dir_v, g_extern.frame_is_reverse ? -1.0 : 1.0,prg[active_index].v_ctable); /* TODO - set lookup textures/FBO textures/state parameters/etc */ } static bool load_program(void *data, unsigned index, const char *prog, bool path_is_file) { d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3d_device_ptr = (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE)d3d->dev; HRESULT ret, ret_fp, ret_vp; ID3DXBuffer *listing_f = NULL; ID3DXBuffer *listing_v = NULL; ID3DXBuffer *code_f = NULL; ID3DXBuffer *code_v = NULL; if (path_is_file) { ret_fp = D3DXCompileShaderFromFile(prog, NULL, NULL, "main_fragment", "ps_3_0", 0, &code_f, &listing_f, &prg[index].f_ctable); ret_vp = D3DXCompileShaderFromFile(prog, NULL, NULL, "main_vertex", "vs_3_0", 0, &code_v, &listing_v, &prg[index].v_ctable); } else { /* TODO - crashes currently - to do with 'end of line' of stock shader */ ret_fp = D3DXCompileShader(prog, strlen(prog), NULL, NULL, "main_fragment", "ps_3_0", 0, &code_f, &listing_f, &prg[index].f_ctable ); ret_vp = D3DXCompileShader(prog, strlen(prog), NULL, NULL, "main_vertex", "vs_3_0", 0, &code_v, &listing_v, &prg[index].v_ctable ); } if (ret_fp < 0 || ret_vp < 0 || listing_v || listing_f) { RARCH_ERR("Cg/HLSL error:\n"); if(listing_f) RARCH_ERR("Fragment:\n%s\n", (char*)listing_f->GetBufferPointer()); if(listing_v) RARCH_ERR("Vertex:\n%s\n", (char*)listing_v->GetBufferPointer()); ret = false; goto end; } d3d_device_ptr->CreatePixelShader((const DWORD*)code_f->GetBufferPointer(), &prg[index].fprg); d3d_device_ptr->CreateVertexShader((const DWORD*)code_v->GetBufferPointer(), &prg[index].vprg); code_f->Release(); code_v->Release(); end: if (listing_f) listing_f->Release(); if (listing_v) listing_v->Release(); return ret; } static bool load_stock(void *data) { if (!load_program(data, 0, stock_hlsl_program, false)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to compile passthrough shader, is something wrong with your environment?\n"); return false; } return true; } static void set_program_attributes(unsigned i) { prg[i].vid_size_f = prg[i].f_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.video_size"); prg[i].tex_size_f = prg[i].f_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.texture_size"); prg[i].out_size_f = prg[i].f_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.output_size"); prg[i].frame_cnt_f = prg[i].f_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.frame_count"); prg[i].frame_dir_f = prg[i].f_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.frame_direction"); prg[i].vid_size_v = prg[i].v_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.video_size"); prg[i].tex_size_v = prg[i].v_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.texture_size"); prg[i].out_size_v = prg[i].v_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.output_size"); prg[i].frame_cnt_v = prg[i].v_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.frame_count"); prg[i].frame_dir_v = prg[i].v_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$IN.frame_direction"); prg[i].mvp = prg[i].v_ctable->GetConstantByName(NULL, "$modelViewProj"); prg[i].mvp_val = XMMatrixIdentity(); } static bool load_shader(void *data, const char *cgp_path, unsigned i) { char path_buf[PATH_MAX]; fill_pathname_resolve_relative(path_buf, cgp_path, cg_shader->pass[i].source.path, sizeof(path_buf)); RARCH_LOG("Loading Cg/HLSL shader: \"%s\".\n", path_buf); if (!load_program(data, i + 1, path_buf, true)) return false; return true; } static bool load_plain(void *data, const char *path) { if (!load_stock(data)) return false; cg_shader = (struct gfx_shader*)calloc(1, sizeof(*cg_shader)); if (!cg_shader) return false; cg_shader->passes = 1; if (path && path[0] != '\0') { RARCH_LOG("Loading Cg/HLSL file: %s\n", path); strlcpy(cg_shader->pass[0].source.path, path, sizeof(cg_shader->pass[0].source.path)); if (!load_program(data, 1, path, true)) return false; } else { RARCH_LOG("Loading stock Cg/HLSL file.\n"); prg[1] = prg[0]; } return true; } static void hlsl_deinit_progs(void) { for (unsigned i = 1; i < RARCH_HLSL_MAX_SHADERS; i++) { if (prg[i].fprg && prg[i].fprg != prg[0].fprg) prg[i].fprg->Release(); if (prg[i].vprg && prg[i].vprg != prg[0].vprg) prg[i].vprg->Release(); prg[i].fprg = NULL; prg[i].vprg = NULL; } if (prg[0].fprg) prg[0].fprg->Release(); if (prg[0].vprg) prg[0].vprg->Release(); prg[0].fprg = NULL; prg[0].vprg = NULL; } static void hlsl_deinit_state(void) { hlsl_active = false; hlsl_deinit_progs(); memset(prg, 0, sizeof(prg)); free(cg_shader); cg_shader = NULL; } static bool load_preset(void *data, const char *path) { if (!load_stock(data)) return false; RARCH_LOG("Loading Cg meta-shader: %s\n", path); config_file_t *conf = config_file_new(path); if (!conf) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to load preset.\n"); return false; } if (!cg_shader) cg_shader = (struct gfx_shader*)calloc(1, sizeof(*cg_shader)); if (!cg_shader) return false; if (!gfx_shader_read_conf_cgp(conf, cg_shader)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to parse CGP file.\n"); config_file_free(conf); return false; } config_file_free(conf); if (cg_shader->passes > RARCH_HLSL_MAX_SHADERS - 3) { RARCH_WARN("Too many shaders ... Capping shader amount to %d.\n", RARCH_HLSL_MAX_SHADERS - 3); cg_shader->passes = RARCH_HLSL_MAX_SHADERS - 3; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cg_shader->passes; i++) { if (!load_shader(data, path, i)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to load shaders ...\n"); return false; } } /* TODO - textures / imports */ return true; } static bool hlsl_init(void *data, const char *path) { d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data; if (path && strcmp(path_get_extension(path), ".cgp") == 0) { if (!load_preset(d3d, path)) return false; } else { if (!load_plain(d3d, path)) return false; } for(unsigned i = 1; i <= cg_shader->passes; i++) set_program_attributes(i); d3d_set_vertex_shader(d3d->dev, 1, prg[1].vprg); d3d->dev->SetPixelShader(prg[1].fprg); hlsl_active = true; return true; } // Full deinit. static void hlsl_deinit(void) { if (!hlsl_active) return; hlsl_deinit_state(); } static void hlsl_use(void *data, unsigned index) { d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3dr = (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE)d3d->dev; if (hlsl_active && prg[index].vprg && prg[index].fprg) { active_index = index; d3d_set_vertex_shader(d3dr, index, prg[index].vprg); #ifdef _XBOX D3DDevice_SetPixelShader(d3dr, prg[index].fprg); #else d3dr->SetPixelShader(prg[index].fprg); #endif } } static unsigned hlsl_num(void) { if (hlsl_active) return cg_shader->passes; return 0; } static bool hlsl_filter_type(unsigned index, bool *smooth) { if (hlsl_active && index && (cg_shader->pass[index - 1].filter != RARCH_FILTER_UNSPEC)) { *smooth = cg_shader->pass[index - 1].filter = RARCH_FILTER_LINEAR; return true; } return false; } static void hlsl_shader_scale(unsigned index, struct gfx_fbo_scale *scale) { if (hlsl_active && index) *scale = cg_shader->pass[index - 1].fbo; else scale->valid = false; } static bool hlsl_set_mvp(void *data, const math_matrix *mat) { d3d_video_t *d3d = (d3d_video_t*)data; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE d3d_device_ptr = (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE)d3d->dev; if(hlsl_active && prg[active_index].mvp) { prg[active_index].v_ctable->SetMatrix(d3d_device_ptr, prg[active_index].mvp, (D3DXMATRIX*)&prg[active_index].mvp_val); return true; } return false; } static bool hlsl_mipmap_input(unsigned index) { (void)index; return false; } static struct gfx_shader *hlsl_get_current_shader(void) { return NULL; } const shader_backend_t hlsl_backend = { hlsl_init, hlsl_deinit, hlsl_set_params, hlsl_use, hlsl_num, hlsl_filter_type, NULL, /* hlsl_wrap_type */ hlsl_shader_scale, NULL, /* hlsl_set_coords */ hlsl_set_mvp, NULL, /* hlsl_get_prev_textures */ hlsl_mipmap_input, hlsl_get_current_shader, RARCH_SHADER_HLSL, "hlsl" };