#ifdef OSX #include <OpenGL/CGLTypes.h> #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h> #endif #include "../../gfx/video_viewport.h" #include "../../gfx/video_monitor.h" #include "../../gfx/video_context_driver.h" #include "../../gfx/gl_common.h" //#define HAVE_NSOPENGL #ifdef IOS #define GLContextClass EAGLContext #define GLFrameworkID CFSTR("com.apple.opengles") #define RAScreen UIScreen @interface EAGLContext (OSXCompat) @end @implementation EAGLContext (OSXCompat) + (void)clearCurrentContext { [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil]; } - (void)makeCurrentContext { [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:self]; } @end #else @interface NSScreen (IOSCompat) @end @implementation NSScreen (IOSCompat) - (CGRect)bounds { CGRect cgrect = NSRectToCGRect(self.frame); return CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(cgrect), CGRectGetHeight(cgrect)); } - (float) scale { return 1.0f; } @end #define GLContextClass NSOpenGLContext #define GLFrameworkID CFSTR("com.apple.opengl") #define RAScreen NSScreen #endif static GLContextClass* g_hw_ctx; static GLContextClass* g_context; static int g_fast_forward_skips; static bool g_is_syncing = true; static bool g_use_hw_ctx; #ifdef OSX static bool g_has_went_fullscreen; static NSOpenGLPixelFormat* g_format; #endif static unsigned g_minor = 0; static unsigned g_major = 0; #ifdef IOS void apple_bind_game_view_fbo(void) { if (g_context) [g_view bindDrawable]; } #endif static RAScreen* get_chosen_screen(void) { #if defined(OSX) && !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) return [NSScreen mainScreen]; #else if (g_settings.video.monitor_index >= RAScreen.screens.count) { RARCH_WARN("video_monitor_index is greater than the number of connected monitors; using main screen instead.\n"); return RAScreen.mainScreen; } NSArray *screens = [RAScreen screens]; return (RAScreen*)[screens objectAtIndex:g_settings.video.monitor_index]; #endif } static void apple_gfx_ctx_update(void) { #ifdef OSX #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 && !defined(HAVE_NSOPENGL) CGLUpdateContext(g_context.CGLContextObj); #else [g_context update]; #endif #endif } static bool apple_gfx_ctx_init(void *data) { (void)data; #ifdef OSX NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes [] = { NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)16, // 16 bit depth buffer #ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 (g_major || g_minor) ? NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile : 0, (g_major << 12) | (g_minor << 8), #endif (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)0 }; g_format = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes]; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 if (g_format == nil) { /* NSOpenGLFPAAllowOfflineRenderers is not supported on this OS version. */ attributes[3] = (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)0; g_format = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes]; } #endif if (g_use_hw_ctx) { //g_hw_ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:g_format shareContext:nil]; } g_context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:g_format shareContext:(g_use_hw_ctx) ? g_hw_ctx : nil]; [g_context setView:g_view]; #else g_context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2]; g_view.context = g_context; #endif [g_context makeCurrentContext]; // Make sure the view was created [RAGameView get]; return true; } static void apple_gfx_ctx_destroy(void *data) { (void)data; [GLContextClass clearCurrentContext]; #if defined(IOS) g_view.context = nil; #elif defined(OSX) [g_context clearDrawable]; if (g_context) [g_context release]; g_context = nil; if (g_format) [g_format release]; g_format = nil; if (g_hw_ctx) [g_hw_ctx release]; g_hw_ctx = nil; #endif [GLContextClass clearCurrentContext]; g_context = nil; } static bool apple_gfx_ctx_bind_api(void *data, enum gfx_ctx_api api, unsigned major, unsigned minor) { (void)data; #if defined(IOS) if (api != GFX_CTX_OPENGL_ES_API) return false; #elif defined(OSX) if (api != GFX_CTX_OPENGL_API) return false; #endif g_minor = minor; g_major = major; return true; } static void apple_gfx_ctx_swap_interval(void *data, unsigned interval) { (void)data; #ifdef IOS // < No way to disable Vsync on iOS? // Just skip presents so fast forward still works. g_is_syncing = interval ? true : false; g_fast_forward_skips = interval ? 0 : 3; #elif defined(OSX) GLint value = interval ? 1 : 0; #ifdef HAVE_NSOPENGL [g_context setValues:&value forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; #else CGLSetParameter(g_context.CGLContextObj, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &value); #endif #endif } static bool apple_gfx_ctx_set_video_mode(void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen) { (void)data; #ifdef OSX // TODO: Screen mode support if (fullscreen && !g_has_went_fullscreen) { [g_view enterFullScreenMode:get_chosen_screen() withOptions:nil]; [NSCursor hide]; } else if (!fullscreen && g_has_went_fullscreen) { [g_view exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:nil]; [[g_view window] makeFirstResponder:g_view]; [NSCursor unhide]; } g_has_went_fullscreen = fullscreen; if (!g_has_went_fullscreen) [[g_view window] setContentSize:NSMakeSize(width, height)]; #endif // TODO: Maybe iOS users should be apple to show/hide the status bar here? return true; } CGFloat apple_gfx_ctx_get_native_scale(void) { static CGFloat ret = 0.0f; SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(BOXSTRING("nativeScale")); RAScreen *screen = (RAScreen*)get_chosen_screen(); if (ret != 0.0f) return ret; if (!screen) return 0.0f; if ([screen respondsToSelector:selector]) { NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: [[screen class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:selector]]; [invocation setSelector:selector]; [invocation setTarget:screen]; [invocation invoke]; [invocation getReturnValue:&ret]; return ret; } ret = screen.scale; return ret; } static void apple_gfx_ctx_get_video_size(void *data, unsigned* width, unsigned* height) { RAScreen *screen = (RAScreen*)get_chosen_screen(); CGRect size = screen.bounds; gl_t *gl = (gl_t*)data; CGFloat screenscale = apple_gfx_ctx_get_native_scale(); if (gl) { #if defined(OSX) CGRect cgrect = NSRectToCGRect([g_view frame]); size = CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(cgrect), CGRectGetHeight(cgrect)); #else size = g_view.bounds; #endif } *width = CGRectGetWidth(size) * screenscale; *height = CGRectGetHeight(size) * screenscale; } static void apple_gfx_ctx_update_window_title(void *data) { #ifdef OSX static char buf[128], buf_fps[128]; bool got_text = video_monitor_get_fps(buf, sizeof(buf), g_settings.fps_show ? buf_fps : NULL, sizeof(buf_fps)); static const char* const text = buf; /* < Can't access buffer directly in the block */ if (got_text) [[g_view window] setTitle:[NSString stringWithCString:text encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; if (g_settings.fps_show) msg_queue_push(g_extern.msg_queue, buf_fps, 1, 1); #endif } static bool apple_gfx_ctx_has_focus(void *data) { (void)data; #ifdef IOS return ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] applicationState] == UIApplicationStateActive); #else return [NSApp isActive]; #endif } static bool apple_gfx_ctx_suppress_screensaver(void *data, bool enable) { (void)data; (void)enable; return false; } static bool apple_gfx_ctx_has_windowed(void *data) { (void)data; #ifdef IOS return false; #else return true; #endif } static void apple_gfx_ctx_swap_buffers(void *data) { if (!(--g_fast_forward_skips < 0)) return; #ifdef OSX #ifdef HAVE_NSOPENGL [g_context flushBuffer]; #else if (g_context.CGLContextObj) CGLFlushDrawable(g_context.CGLContextObj); #endif #else if (g_view) [g_view display]; #endif g_fast_forward_skips = g_is_syncing ? 0 : 3; } static gfx_ctx_proc_t apple_gfx_ctx_get_proc_address(const char *symbol_name) { return (gfx_ctx_proc_t)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(GLFrameworkID), ( #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 #if __has_feature(objc_arc) __bridge #endif #endif CFStringRef)BOXSTRING(symbol_name) ); } static void apple_gfx_ctx_check_window(void *data, bool *quit, bool *resize, unsigned *width, unsigned *height, unsigned frame_count) { unsigned new_width, new_height; (void)frame_count; *quit = false; apple_gfx_ctx_get_video_size(data, &new_width, &new_height); if (new_width != *width || new_height != *height) { *width = new_width; *height = new_height; *resize = true; } } static void apple_gfx_ctx_set_resize(void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height) { (void)data; (void)width; (void)height; } static void apple_gfx_ctx_input_driver(void *data, const input_driver_t **input, void **input_data) { (void)data; *input = NULL; *input_data = NULL; } static void apple_gfx_ctx_bind_hw_render(void *data, bool enable) { (void)data; g_use_hw_ctx = enable; if (enable) [g_hw_ctx makeCurrentContext]; else [g_context makeCurrentContext]; } // The apple_* functions are implemented in apple/RetroArch/RAGameView.m const gfx_ctx_driver_t gfx_ctx_apple = { apple_gfx_ctx_init, apple_gfx_ctx_destroy, apple_gfx_ctx_bind_api, apple_gfx_ctx_swap_interval, apple_gfx_ctx_set_video_mode, apple_gfx_ctx_get_video_size, NULL, NULL, apple_gfx_ctx_update_window_title, apple_gfx_ctx_check_window, apple_gfx_ctx_set_resize, apple_gfx_ctx_has_focus, apple_gfx_ctx_suppress_screensaver, apple_gfx_ctx_has_windowed, apple_gfx_ctx_swap_buffers, apple_gfx_ctx_input_driver, apple_gfx_ctx_get_proc_address, NULL, "apple", apple_gfx_ctx_bind_hw_render, };