//  GCControllerButtonInput.h
//  GameController
//  Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

#import "GameController.h"

@interface GCControllerButtonInput : GCControllerElement

 Set this block if you want to be notified when the value on this button changes.
 @param button the element that has been modified.
 @param value the value the button was set to at the time the valueChangedHandler fired.
 @param pressed the pressed state of the button at the time the valueChangedHandler fired.
typedef void (^GCControllerButtonValueChangedHandler)(GCControllerButtonInput *button, float value, BOOL pressed);
@property (copy) GCControllerButtonValueChangedHandler valueChangedHandler;

 A normalized value for the input. Between 0 and 1 for button inputs. Values are saturated and thus never exceed the range of [0, 1].
@property (readonly) float value;

 Buttons are mostly used in a digital sense, thus we have a recommended method for checking for pressed state instead of
 interpreting the value.
 As a general guideline a button is pressed if the value exceeds 25%. However there may be hysterisis applied
 to counter noisy input values, thus incidental values around the threshold value may not trigger a change
 in pressed state.
@property (readonly, getter = isPressed) BOOL pressed;
