/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef __RARCH_GENERAL_H #define __RARCH_GENERAL_H #include "boolean.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <limits.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include "driver.h" #include "record/ffemu.h" #include "message.h" #include "rewind.h" #include "movie.h" #include "autosave.h" #include "dynamic.h" #include "cheats.h" #include "audio/ext/rarch_dsp.h" #include "compat/strl.h" #if defined(__CELLOS_LV2__) && !defined(__PSL1GHT__) #include <sys/timer.h> #include "ps3/ps3_input.h" #endif #ifdef XENON #include <time/time.h> #endif #if defined(XENON) || defined(__CELLOS_LV2__) || defined(_XBOX1) #undef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETPLAY #include "netplay.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_COMMAND #include "command.h" #endif #include "audio/resampler.h" #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_XBOX) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #elif defined(_XBOX) #include <xtl.h> #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #include "msvc/msvc_compat.h" #endif #define MAX_PLAYERS 8 enum rarch_shader_type { RARCH_SHADER_CG, RARCH_SHADER_BSNES, RARCH_SHADER_AUTO, RARCH_SHADER_NONE }; // All config related settings go here. struct settings { struct { char driver[32]; float xscale; float yscale; bool fullscreen; unsigned fullscreen_x; unsigned fullscreen_y; bool vsync; bool smooth; bool force_aspect; bool crop_overscan; float aspect_ratio; bool aspect_ratio_auto; char cg_shader_path[PATH_MAX]; char bsnes_shader_path[PATH_MAX]; char filter_path[PATH_MAX]; enum rarch_shader_type shader_type; float refresh_rate; bool render_to_texture; float fbo_scale_x; float fbo_scale_y; char second_pass_shader[PATH_MAX]; bool second_pass_smooth; char shader_dir[PATH_MAX]; char font_path[PATH_MAX]; unsigned font_size; bool font_enable; bool font_scale; float msg_pos_x; float msg_pos_y; float msg_color_r; float msg_color_g; float msg_color_b; bool force_16bit; bool disable_composition; bool hires_record; bool h264_record; bool post_filter_record; bool allow_rotate; char external_driver[PATH_MAX]; } video; struct { char driver[32]; bool enable; unsigned out_rate; float in_rate; float rate_step; char device[PATH_MAX]; unsigned latency; bool sync; char dsp_plugin[PATH_MAX]; char external_driver[PATH_MAX]; bool rate_control; float rate_control_delta; } audio; struct { char driver[32]; struct retro_keybind binds[MAX_PLAYERS][RARCH_BIND_LIST_END]; float axis_threshold; int joypad_map[MAX_PLAYERS]; #ifdef RARCH_CONSOLE unsigned currently_selected_controller_no; unsigned dpad_emulation[MAX_PLAYERS]; #endif bool netplay_client_swap_input; } input; char libretro[PATH_MAX]; char cheat_database[PATH_MAX]; char cheat_settings_path[PATH_MAX]; char screenshot_directory[PATH_MAX]; char system_directory[PATH_MAX]; bool rewind_enable; size_t rewind_buffer_size; unsigned rewind_granularity; float slowmotion_ratio; bool pause_nonactive; unsigned autosave_interval; bool block_sram_overwrite; bool savestate_auto_index; bool savestate_auto_save; bool network_cmd_enable; uint16_t network_cmd_port; bool stdin_cmd_enable; }; // Settings and/or global state that is specific to a console-style implementation. #ifdef RARCH_CONSOLE typedef struct { uint32_t x; uint32_t y; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; } rarch_viewport_t; struct console_settings { bool custom_bgm_enable; bool check_available_resolutions; bool block_config_read; bool default_sram_dir_enable; bool default_savestate_dir_enable; bool fbo_enabled; bool fps_info_enable; bool frame_advance_enable; #ifdef _XBOX bool menus_hd_enable; #endif bool initialize_rarch_enable; bool info_msg_enable; bool gamma_correction_enable; bool ingame_menu_enable; bool menu_enable; bool overscan_enable; bool return_to_launcher; bool screenshots_enable; bool throttle_enable; bool triple_buffering_enable; float overscan_amount; uint32_t aspect_ratio_index; struct { rarch_viewport_t custom_vp; } viewports; uint32_t emulator_initialized; uint32_t external_launcher_support; uint32_t screen_orientation; uint32_t current_resolution_index; uint32_t current_resolution_id; uint32_t ingame_menu_item; uint32_t initial_resolution_id; uint32_t map_dpad_to_stick; uint32_t mode_switch; uint32_t sound_mode; uint32_t *supported_resolutions; uint32_t supported_resolutions_count; uint32_t control_timer_expiration_frame_count; uint32_t timer_expiration_frame_count; uint32_t input_loop; #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB uint32_t zip_extract_mode; #endif #ifdef _XBOX uint32_t color_format; DWORD volume_device_type; #endif char cgp_path[PATH_MAX]; char input_cfg_path[PATH_MAX]; char rom_path[PATH_MAX]; char default_rom_startup_dir[PATH_MAX]; char default_savestate_dir[PATH_MAX]; char default_sram_dir[PATH_MAX]; char launch_app_on_exit[PATH_MAX]; float menu_font_size; #if defined(__CELLOS_LV2__) && !defined(__PSL1GHT__) oskutil_params oskutil_handle; #endif }; #endif enum rarch_game_type { RARCH_CART_NORMAL = 0, RARCH_CART_SGB, RARCH_CART_BSX, RARCH_CART_BSX_SLOTTED, RARCH_CART_SUFAMI }; // All run-time- / command line flag-related globals go here. struct global { bool verbose; bool audio_active; bool video_active; bool force_fullscreen; bool has_mouse[2]; bool has_scope[2]; bool has_justifier; bool has_justifiers; bool has_multitap; bool disconnect_device[2]; FILE *rom_file; enum rarch_game_type game_type; uint32_t cart_crc; char gb_rom_path[PATH_MAX]; char bsx_rom_path[PATH_MAX]; char sufami_rom_path[2][PATH_MAX]; bool has_set_save_path; bool has_set_state_path; #ifdef HAVE_CONFIGFILE char config_path[PATH_MAX]; #endif char basename[PATH_MAX]; char fullpath[PATH_MAX]; char savefile_name_srm[PATH_MAX]; char savefile_name_rtc[PATH_MAX]; // Make sure that fill_pathname has space. char savefile_name_psrm[PATH_MAX]; char savefile_name_asrm[PATH_MAX]; char savefile_name_bsrm[PATH_MAX]; char savestate_name[PATH_MAX]; char xml_name[PATH_MAX]; bool block_patch; bool ups_pref; bool bps_pref; bool ips_pref; char ups_name[PATH_MAX]; char bps_name[PATH_MAX]; char ips_name[PATH_MAX]; unsigned state_slot; struct { struct retro_system_info info; struct retro_system_av_info av_info; char *environment; char *environment_split; unsigned rotation; bool shutdown; unsigned performance_level; bool rgb32; } system; struct { rarch_resampler_t *source; #ifndef HAVE_FIXED_POINT float *data; #endif size_t data_ptr; size_t chunk_size; size_t nonblock_chunk_size; size_t block_chunk_size; double src_ratio; bool use_float; bool mute; sample_t *outsamples; int16_t *conv_outsamples; int16_t *rewind_buf; size_t rewind_ptr; size_t rewind_size; dylib_t dsp_lib; const rarch_dsp_plugin_t *dsp_plugin; void *dsp_handle; bool rate_control; double orig_src_ratio; size_t driver_buffer_size; } audio_data; struct { bool active; uint32_t *buffer; uint32_t *colormap; unsigned pitch; dylib_t lib; unsigned scale; void (*psize)(unsigned *width, unsigned *height); void (*prender)(uint32_t *colormap, uint32_t *output, unsigned outpitch, const uint16_t *input, unsigned pitch, unsigned width, unsigned height); } filter; msg_queue_t *msg_queue; // Rewind support. state_manager_t *state_manager; void *state_buf; size_t state_size; bool frame_is_reverse; #ifdef HAVE_BSV_MOVIE // Movie playback/recording support. struct { bsv_movie_t *movie; char movie_path[PATH_MAX]; bool movie_playback; // Immediate playback/recording. char movie_start_path[PATH_MAX]; bool movie_start_recording; bool movie_start_playback; bool movie_end; } bsv; #endif bool sram_load_disable; bool sram_save_disable; bool use_sram; // Pausing support bool is_paused; bool is_oneshot; bool is_slowmotion; // Autosave support. autosave_t *autosave[2]; // Netplay. #ifdef HAVE_NETPLAY netplay_t *netplay; char netplay_server[PATH_MAX]; bool netplay_enable; bool netplay_is_client; bool netplay_is_spectate; unsigned netplay_sync_frames; uint16_t netplay_port; char netplay_nick[32]; #endif // FFmpeg record. #ifdef HAVE_FFMPEG ffemu_t *rec; char record_path[PATH_MAX]; bool recording; unsigned record_width; unsigned record_height; #endif struct { const void *data; unsigned width; unsigned height; size_t pitch; } frame_cache; char title_buf[64]; struct { struct string_list *list; size_t ptr; } shader_dir; char sha256[64 + 1]; #ifdef HAVE_XML cheat_manager_t *cheat; #endif bool error_in_init; char error_string[1024]; jmp_buf error_sjlj_context; }; // Public functions void config_load(void); void config_set_defaults(void); const char *config_get_default_video(void); const char *config_get_default_audio(void); const char *config_get_default_input(void); #ifdef HAVE_CONFIGFILE #include "conf/config_file.h" bool config_load_file(const char *path); bool config_read_keybinds(const char *path); bool config_save_keybinds(const char *path); #endif void rarch_game_reset(void); void rarch_main_clear_state(void); int rarch_main_init(int argc, char *argv[]); bool rarch_main_iterate(void); void rarch_main_deinit(void); void rarch_render_cached_frame(void); void rarch_init_msg_queue(void); void rarch_deinit_msg_queue(void); void rarch_load_state(void); void rarch_save_state(void); void rarch_state_slot_increase(void); void rarch_state_slot_decrease(void); ///////// // Public data structures extern struct settings g_settings; extern struct global g_extern; #ifdef RARCH_CONSOLE extern struct console_settings g_console; #endif ///////// #if defined(RARCH_CONSOLE) && (defined(HAVE_LOGGER) || defined(HAVE_FILE_LOGGER) || defined(_XBOX1)) #include <logger_override.h> #else #ifndef RARCH_LOG #define RARCH_LOG(...) do { \ if (g_extern.verbose) \ fprintf(stderr, "RetroArch: " __VA_ARGS__); \ fflush(stderr); \ } while (0) #endif #ifndef RARCH_ERR #define RARCH_ERR(...) do { \ fprintf(stderr, "RetroArch [ERROR] :: " __VA_ARGS__); \ fflush(stderr); \ } while (0) #endif #ifndef RARCH_WARN #define RARCH_WARN(...) do { \ fprintf(stderr, "RetroArch [WARN] :: " __VA_ARGS__); \ fflush(stderr); \ } while (0) #endif #endif #ifndef max #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef min #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #define RARCH_SCALE_BASE 256 static inline uint32_t next_pow2(uint32_t v) { v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; } static inline uint8_t is_little_endian(void) { union { uint16_t x; uint8_t y[2]; } u; u.x = 1; return u.y[0]; } static inline uint32_t swap_if_big32(uint32_t val) { if (is_little_endian()) // Little-endian return val; else return (val >> 24) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((val << 8) & 0xFF0000) | (val << 24); } static inline uint32_t swap_if_little32(uint32_t val) { if (is_little_endian()) return (val >> 24) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((val << 8) & 0xFF0000) | (val << 24); else return val; } static inline uint16_t swap_if_big16(uint16_t val) { if (is_little_endian()) return val; else return (val >> 8) | (val << 8); } static inline uint16_t swap_if_little16(uint16_t val) { if (is_little_endian()) return (val >> 8) | (val << 8); else return val; } #ifdef GEKKO #include <unistd.h> #endif static inline void rarch_sleep(unsigned msec) { #if defined(__CELLOS_LV2__) && !defined(__PSL1GHT__) sys_timer_usleep(1000 * msec); #elif defined(_WIN32) Sleep(msec); #elif defined(XENON) udelay(1000 * msec); #elif defined(GEKKO) usleep(1000 * msec); #else struct timespec tv = {0}; tv.tv_sec = msec / 1000; tv.tv_nsec = (msec % 1000) * 1000000; nanosleep(&tv, NULL); #endif } #define rarch_assert(cond) \ if (!(cond)) { RARCH_ERR("Assertion failed at %s:%d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(2); } static inline void rarch_fail(int error_code, const char *error) { // We cannot longjmp unless we're in rarch_main_init(). // If not, something went very wrong, and we should just exit right away. rarch_assert(g_extern.error_in_init); strlcpy(g_extern.error_string, error, sizeof(g_extern.error_string)); longjmp(g_extern.error_sjlj_context, error_code); } #endif