////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: D3D10_1Shader.h // Content: D3D10.1 Shader Types and APIs // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __D3D10_1SHADER_H__ #define __D3D10_1SHADER_H__ #include "d3d10shader.h" /*#include <winapifamily.h>*/ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shader debugging structures //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE { D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_INPUT, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_OUTPUT, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_CBUFFER, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_TBUFFER, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_TEMP, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_TEMPARRAY, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_TEXTURE, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_SAMPLER, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_IMMEDIATECBUFFER, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_LITERAL, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_UNUSED, D3D11_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_INTERFACE_POINTERS, D3D11_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_UAV, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REG_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE; typedef enum _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE { D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_GLOBAL, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_BLOCK, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_FORLOOP, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_STRUCT, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_FUNC_PARAMS, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_STATEBLOCK, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_NAMESPACE, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_ANNOTATION, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE; typedef enum _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE { D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_VARIABLE, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_FUNCTION, D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These are the serialized structures that get written to the file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_TOKEN_INFO { UINT File; // offset into file list UINT Line; // line # UINT Column; // column # UINT TokenLength; UINT TokenId; // offset to LPCSTR of length TokenLength in string datastore } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_TOKEN_INFO; // Variable list typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_INFO { // Index into token list for declaring identifier UINT TokenId; D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE Type; // register and component for this variable, only valid/necessary for arrays UINT Register; UINT Component; // gives the original variable that declared this variable UINT ScopeVar; // this variable's offset in its ScopeVar UINT ScopeVarOffset; } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_INFO; typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INPUT_INFO { // index into array of variables of variable to initialize UINT Var; // input, cbuffer, tbuffer D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE InitialRegisterSet; // set to cbuffer or tbuffer slot, geometry shader input primitive #, // identifying register for indexable temp, or -1 UINT InitialBank; // -1 if temp, otherwise gives register in register set UINT InitialRegister; // -1 if temp, otherwise gives component UINT InitialComponent; // initial value if literal UINT InitialValue; } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INPUT_INFO; typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPEVAR_INFO { // Index into variable token UINT TokenId; D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE VarType; // variable or function (different namespaces) D3D10_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS Class; UINT Rows; // number of rows (matrices) UINT Columns; // number of columns (vectors and matrices) // In an array of structures, one struct member scope is provided, and // you'll have to add the array stride times the index to the variable // index you find, then find that variable in this structure's list of // variables. // gives a scope to look up struct members. -1 if not a struct UINT StructMemberScope; // number of array indices UINT uArrayIndices; // a[3][2][1] has 3 indices // maximum array index for each index // offset to UINT[uArrayIndices] in UINT datastore UINT ArrayElements; // a[3][2][1] has {3, 2, 1} // how many variables each array index moves // offset to UINT[uArrayIndices] in UINT datastore UINT ArrayStrides; // a[3][2][1] has {2, 1, 1} UINT uVariables; // index of the first variable, later variables are offsets from this one UINT uFirstVariable; } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPEVAR_INFO; // scope data, this maps variable names to debug variables (useful for the watch window) typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_INFO { D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE ScopeType; UINT Name; // offset to name of scope in strings list UINT uNameLen; // length of name string UINT uVariables; UINT VariableData; // Offset to UINT[uVariables] indexing the Scope Variable list } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_INFO; // instruction outputs typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTVAR { // index variable being written to, if -1 it's not going to a variable UINT Var; // range data that the compiler expects to be true UINT uValueMin, uValueMax; INT iValueMin, iValueMax; FLOAT fValueMin, fValueMax; BOOL bNaNPossible, bInfPossible; } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTVAR; typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTREG_INFO { // Only temp, indexable temp, and output are valid here D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE OutputRegisterSet; // -1 means no output UINT OutputReg; // if a temp array, identifier for which one UINT TempArrayReg; // -1 means masked out UINT OutputComponents[4]; D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTVAR OutputVars[4]; // when indexing the output, get the value of this register, then add // that to uOutputReg. If uIndexReg is -1, then there is no index. // find the variable whose register is the sum (by looking in the ScopeVar) // and component matches, then set it. This should only happen for indexable // temps and outputs. UINT IndexReg; UINT IndexComp; } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTREG_INFO; // per instruction data typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INST_INFO { UINT Id; // Which instruction this is in the bytecode UINT Opcode; // instruction type // 0, 1, or 2 UINT uOutputs; // up to two outputs per instruction D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_OUTPUTREG_INFO pOutputs[2]; // index into the list of tokens for this instruction's token UINT TokenId; // how many function calls deep this instruction is UINT NestingLevel; // list of scopes from outer-most to inner-most // Number of scopes UINT Scopes; UINT ScopeInfo; // Offset to UINT[uScopes] specifying indices of the ScopeInfo Array // list of variables accessed by this instruction // Number of variables UINT AccessedVars; UINT AccessedVarsInfo; // Offset to UINT[AccessedVars] specifying indices of the ScopeVariableInfo Array } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INST_INFO; typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_FILE_INFO { UINT FileName; // Offset to LPCSTR for file name UINT FileNameLen; // Length of file name UINT FileData; // Offset to LPCSTR of length FileLen UINT FileLen; // Length of file } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_FILE_INFO; typedef struct _D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO { UINT Size; // sizeof(D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO) UINT Creator; // Offset to LPCSTR for compiler version UINT EntrypointName; // Offset to LPCSTR for Entry point name UINT ShaderTarget; // Offset to LPCSTR for shader target UINT CompileFlags; // flags used to compile UINT Files; // number of included files UINT FileInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_FILE_INFO[Files] UINT Instructions; // number of instructions UINT InstructionInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INST_INFO[Instructions] UINT Variables; // number of variables UINT VariableInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VAR_INFO[Variables] UINT InputVariables; // number of variables to initialize before running UINT InputVariableInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INPUT_INFO[InputVariables] UINT Tokens; // number of tokens to initialize UINT TokenInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_TOKEN_INFO[Tokens] UINT Scopes; // number of scopes UINT ScopeInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPE_INFO[Scopes] UINT ScopeVariables; // number of variables declared UINT ScopeVariableInfo; // Offset to D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPEVAR_INFO[Scopes] UINT UintOffset; // Offset to the UINT datastore, all UINT offsets are from this offset UINT StringOffset; // Offset to the string datastore, all string offsets are from this offset } D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ID3D10ShaderReflection1: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interface definitions // typedef interface ID3D10ShaderReflection1 ID3D10ShaderReflection1; typedef interface ID3D10ShaderReflection1 *LPD3D10SHADERREFLECTION1; // {C3457783-A846-47CE-9520-CEA6F66E7447} DEFINE_GUID(IID_ID3D10ShaderReflection1, 0xc3457783, 0xa846, 0x47ce, 0x95, 0x20, 0xce, 0xa6, 0xf6, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x47); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ID3D10ShaderReflection1 DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3D10ShaderReflection1, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(THIS_ _Out_ D3D10_SHADER_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer*, GetConstantBufferByIndex)(THIS_ UINT Index) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ID3D10ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer*, GetConstantBufferByName)(THIS_ LPCSTR Name) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetResourceBindingDesc)(THIS_ UINT ResourceIndex, _Out_ D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetInputParameterDesc)(THIS_ UINT ParameterIndex, _Out_ D3D10_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetOutputParameterDesc)(THIS_ UINT ParameterIndex, _Out_ D3D10_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ID3D10ShaderReflectionVariable*, GetVariableByName)(THIS_ LPCSTR Name) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetResourceBindingDescByName)(THIS_ LPCSTR Name, _Out_ D3D10_SHADER_INPUT_BIND_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetMovInstructionCount)(THIS_ _Out_ UINT* pCount) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetMovcInstructionCount)(THIS_ _Out_ UINT* pCount) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetConversionInstructionCount)(THIS_ _Out_ UINT* pCount) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetBitwiseInstructionCount)(THIS_ _Out_ UINT* pCount) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetGSInputPrimitive)(THIS_ _Out_ D3D10_PRIMITIVE* pPrim) PURE; STDMETHOD(IsLevel9Shader)(THIS_ _Out_ BOOL* pbLevel9Shader) PURE; STDMETHOD(IsSampleFrequencyShader)(THIS_ _Out_ BOOL* pbSampleFrequency) PURE; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // APIs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif //__cplusplus #endif //__D3D10_1SHADER_H__