#ifndef _RGL_PRIVATE_H #define _RGL_PRIVATE_H #include "../export/RGL/rgl.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Utils.h" #ifndef OS_VERSION_NUMERIC #define OS_VERSION_NUMERIC 0x160 #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern RGL_EXPORT RGLcontext* _CurrentContext; extern RGLdevice* _CurrentDevice; extern RGL_EXPORT char* rglVersion; // only for internal purpose #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_4_4 0x4A00 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_4_4_REV 0x4A01 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_6_2 0x4A02 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_6_REV 0x4A03 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_12_4 0x4A04 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_12_REV 0x4A05 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_2_2_2 0x4A06 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_2_2_2_REV 0x4A07 #define GL_FLOAT_RGBA32 0x888B typedef void( * RGLcontextHookFunction )( RGLcontext *context ); extern RGL_EXPORT RGLcontextHookFunction rglContextCreateHook; extern RGL_EXPORT RGLcontextHookFunction rglContextDestroyHook; extern RGLcontext* rglContextCreate(); extern void rglContextFree( RGLcontext* LContext ); extern void rglSetError( GLenum error ); void rglDetachContext( RGLdevice *device, RGLcontext* context ); void rglSetFlipHandler(void (*handler)(const GLuint head), RGLdevice *device); void rglSetVBlankHandler(void (*handler)(const GLuint head), RGLdevice *device); //---------------------------------------- // Texture.c //---------------------------------------- extern int rglTextureInit( RGLcontext* context, GLuint name ); extern void rglTextureDelete( RGLcontext* context, GLuint name ); extern GLboolean rglTextureHasValidLevels( const rglTexture *texture, int levels, int width, int height, int depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLenum internalFormat ); extern rglTexture *rglGetCurrentTexture (const void *data, GLenum target); void rglReallocateImages (void *data, GLint level, GLsizei dimension); static inline rglTexture* rglGetTextureSafe (RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name) { return rglTexNameSpaceIsName( &LContext->textureNameSpace, name ) ? ( rglTexture* )LContext->textureNameSpace.data[name] : NULL; } static inline rglFramebuffer *rglGetFramebuffer( RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name ); static inline void rglTextureTouchFBOs (void *data) { rglTexture *texture = (rglTexture*)data; RGLcontext *LContext = _CurrentContext; if (!LContext ) return; // may be called in psglDestroyContext // check if bound to any framebuffer GLuint fbCount = texture->framebuffers.getCount(); if ( fbCount > 0 ) { rglFramebuffer *contextFramebuffer = LContext->framebuffer ? rglGetFramebuffer( LContext, LContext->framebuffer ) : NULL; for ( GLuint i = 0;i < fbCount;++i ) { rglFramebuffer* framebuffer = texture->framebuffers[i]; framebuffer->needValidate = GL_TRUE; if (RGL_UNLIKELY( framebuffer == contextFramebuffer)) LContext->needValidate |= PSGL_VALIDATE_FRAMEBUFFER; } } } //---------------------------------------- // Image.c //---------------------------------------- GLboolean rglIsType( GLenum type ); GLboolean rglIsFormat( GLenum format ); GLboolean rglIsValidPair( GLenum format, GLenum type ); void rglImageAllocCPUStorage (void *data); void rglImageFreeCPUStorage (void *data); extern int rglGetPixelSize( GLenum format, GLenum type ); //---------------------------------------- // FramebufferObject.c //---------------------------------------- rglFramebuffer *rglCreateFramebuffer( void ); void rglDestroyFramebuffer (void *data); static inline rglFramebuffer *rglGetFramebuffer( RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name ) { return ( rglFramebuffer * )LContext->framebufferNameSpace.data[name]; } static inline rglFramebuffer *rglGetFramebufferSafe( RGLcontext *LContext, GLuint name ) { return rglTexNameSpaceIsName( &LContext->framebufferNameSpace, name ) ? ( rglFramebuffer * )LContext->framebufferNameSpace.data[name] : NULL; } void rglFramebufferGetAttachmentTexture( RGLcontext* LContext, const rglFramebufferAttachment* attachment, rglTexture** texture, GLuint* face ); GLenum rglPlatformFramebufferCheckStatus (void *data); void rglPlatformFramebufferGetParameteriv( GLenum pname, GLint* params ); //---------------------------------------- // VertexArray.c //---------------------------------------- void rglVertexAttribPointerNV( GLuint index, GLint fsize, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid* pointer ); void rglEnableVertexAttribArrayNV( GLuint index ); void rglDisableVertexAttribArrayNV( GLuint index ); //---------------------------------------- // Device/Device.c //---------------------------------------- extern void rglDeviceInit (void *data); extern void rglDeviceExit (void); extern PSGLdeviceParameters * rglShadowDeviceParameters (void); //---------------------------------------- // Device/.../PlatformDevice.c //---------------------------------------- extern GLboolean rglPlatformDeviceInit (void *data); extern void rglPlatformDeviceExit (void); extern int rglPlatformCreateDevice (void *data); extern void rglPlatformDestroyDevice (void *data); extern void rglPlatformSwapBuffers (void *data); extern const GLvoid* rglPlatformGetProcAddress (const char *funcName); //---------------------------------------- // Raster/.../PlatformRaster.c //---------------------------------------- void* rglPlatformRasterInit (void); void rglPlatformRasterExit (void* data); void rglPlatformRasterDestroyResources (void); GLboolean rglPlatformNeedsConversion (const rglAttributeState* as, GLuint index); // [YLIN] Try to avoid LHS inside this function. // In oringinal implementation, indexType and indexCount will be stored right before this function // and since we will load them right after enter this function, there are LHS. GLboolean rglPlatformRequiresSlowPath (void *data, const GLenum indexType, uint32_t indexCount); void rglPlatformRasterGetIntegerv( GLenum pname, GLint* params ); void rglInvalidateAttributes (void); //---------------------------------------- // Raster/.../PlatformTexture.c //---------------------------------------- extern void rglPlatformCreateTexture (void *data); extern void rglPlatformDestroyTexture (void *data); void rglPlatformValidateVertexTextures (void); extern GLenum rglPlatformChooseInternalStorage (void *data, GLenum internalformat); extern void rglPlatformCopyTexSubImage3D( GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height ); void rglPlatformGetImageData( GLenum target, GLint level, rglTexture *texture, rglImage *image ); //---------------------------------------- // Raster/.../PlatformFBops.c //---------------------------------------- extern void rglPlatformReadPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLboolean flip, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels ); extern GLboolean rglPlatformReadPBOPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLboolean flip, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels ); //---------------------------------------- // Raster/.../PlatformBuffer.c //---------------------------------------- int rglPlatformBufferObjectSize (void); GLboolean rglPlatformCreateBufferObject( rglBufferObject* bufferObject ); void rglPlatformDestroyBufferObject (void *data); void rglPlatformBufferObjectSetData (void *buf_data, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, GLboolean tryImmediateCopy ); char *rglPlatformBufferObjectMap (void *data, GLenum access ); GLboolean rglPlatformBufferObjectUnmap (void *data); void rglPlatformGetBufferParameteriv( rglBufferObject *bufferObject, GLenum pname, int *params ); // this is shared in glBindTexture and cgGL code RGL_EXPORT void rglBindTextureInternal (void *data, GLuint name, GLenum target); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif