#!/bin/bash set -e . script/build.config xcodebuild clean rm -rf build if [ -z "$NOCODESIGN" ] ; then # Fetch the UUID of the provisioning profile and install the profile # https://github.com/sharpland/mobileprovisionParser # http://idevblog.info/mobileprovision-files-structure-and-reading/ PROVISION_UUID=`script/mobileprovisionParser -f "$PROVISIONING_PROFILE" -o UUID` cp "$PWD/$PROVISIONING_PROFILE" ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/"$PROVISION_UUID".mobileprovision xcodebuild -verbose -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}" PROVISIONING_PROFILE="$PROVISION_UUID" echo "CODESIGNING DYNAMIC LIBRARIES AND BUILDING IPA" for file in $(find "$BUILD_PATH/RetroArch.app/modules/" -name "*.dylib") ; do codesign -fs "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" "$file" done xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication "$BUILD_PATH/RetroArch.app" -o "$BUILD_PATH/RetroArch.ipa" --sign "$CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" --embed "$BUILD_PATH/RetroArch.app/embedded.mobileprovision" else xcodebuild -verbose -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release echo "Building for Jailbroken system" fi echo "######### RetroArch build Complete!! #########" echo "You can find the resulting app in the $BUILD_PATH directory.\n"