/* RetroArch - A frontend for libretro. * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 - Hans-Kristian Arntzen * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 - Daniel De Matteis * * RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch. * If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "menu_common.h" #include "menu_navigation.h" #include "../../gfx/gfx_common.h" #include "../../performance.h" #include "../../driver.h" #include "../../file.h" #include "../../file_ext.h" #include "../../input/input_common.h" #include "../../input/keyboard_line.h" #include "../../compat/posix_string.h" void menu_update_system_info(void *data, bool *load_no_rom) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC libretro_free_system_info(&rgui->info); if (*g_settings.libretro) { libretro_get_system_info(g_settings.libretro, &rgui->info, load_no_rom); #endif // Keep track of info for the currently selected core. if (rgui->core_info) { if (core_info_list_get_info(rgui->core_info, &rgui->core_info_current, g_settings.libretro)) { const core_info_t *info = &rgui->core_info_current; RARCH_LOG("[Core Info]:\n"); if (info->display_name) RARCH_LOG(" Display Name: %s\n", info->display_name); if (info->supported_extensions) RARCH_LOG(" Supported Extensions: %s\n", info->supported_extensions); if (info->authors) RARCH_LOG(" Authors: %s\n", info->authors); if (info->permissions) RARCH_LOG(" Permissions: %s\n", info->permissions); } } #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC } #endif } // When selection is presented back, returns 0. If it can make a decision right now, returns -1. int menu_defer_core(void *info_, const char *dir, const char *path, char *deferred_path, size_t sizeof_deferred_path) { core_info_list_t *core_info; const core_info_t *info; size_t supported; core_info = (core_info_list_t*)info_; info = NULL; supported = 0; fill_pathname_join(deferred_path, dir, path, sizeof_deferred_path); if (core_info) core_info_list_get_supported_cores(core_info, deferred_path, &info, &supported); if (supported == 1) // Can make a decision right now. { strlcpy(g_extern.fullpath, deferred_path, sizeof(g_extern.fullpath)); strlcpy(g_settings.libretro, info->path, sizeof(g_settings.libretro)); #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC g_extern.lifecycle_state |= (1ULL << MODE_LOAD_GAME); #else rarch_environment_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_LIBRETRO_PATH, (void*)g_settings.libretro); rarch_environment_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_EXEC, (void*)g_extern.fullpath); #endif return -1; } return 0; } void menu_rom_history_push(void *data, const char *path, const char *core_path, const char *core_name) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (rgui->history) rom_history_push(rgui->history, path, core_path, core_name); } void menu_rom_history_push_current(void *data) { // g_extern.fullpath can be relative here. // Ensure we're pushing absolute path. char tmp[PATH_MAX]; rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; strlcpy(tmp, g_extern.fullpath, sizeof(tmp)); if (*tmp) path_resolve_realpath(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (g_extern.system.no_game || *tmp) menu_rom_history_push(rgui, *tmp ? tmp : NULL, g_settings.libretro, g_extern.system.info.library_name); } void load_menu_game_prepare(void *data) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (*g_extern.fullpath || (rgui && rgui->load_no_rom)) { if (*g_extern.fullpath) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; char str[PATH_MAX]; fill_pathname_base(tmp, g_extern.fullpath, sizeof(tmp)); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "INFO - Loading %s ...", tmp); msg_queue_push(g_extern.msg_queue, str, 1, 1); } #ifdef RARCH_CONSOLE if (g_extern.system.no_game || *g_extern.fullpath) #endif menu_rom_history_push(rgui, *g_extern.fullpath ? g_extern.fullpath : NULL, g_settings.libretro, rgui->info.library_name ? rgui->info.library_name : ""); } #ifdef HAVE_MENU // redraw RGUI frame rgui->old_input_state = rgui->trigger_state = 0; rgui->do_held = false; rgui->msg_force = true; if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->backend && driver.menu_ctx->backend->iterate) driver.menu_ctx->backend->iterate(rgui, RGUI_ACTION_NOOP); #endif // Draw frame for loading message if (driver.video_data && driver.video_poke && driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable) driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable(driver.video_data, rgui->frame_buf_show, MENU_TEXTURE_FULLSCREEN); if (driver.video) rarch_render_cached_frame(); if (driver.video_data && driver.video_poke && driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable) driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable(driver.video_data, false, MENU_TEXTURE_FULLSCREEN); } void load_menu_game_history(void *data, unsigned game_index) { rgui_handle_t *rgui; const char *path = NULL; const char *core_path = NULL; const char *core_name = NULL; rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (!rgui) return; rom_history_get_index(rgui->history, game_index, &path, &core_path, &core_name); // SET_LIBRETRO_PATH is unsafe here. // Risks booting different and wrong core if core doesn't exist anymore. strlcpy(g_settings.libretro, core_path, sizeof(g_settings.libretro)); if (path) rgui->load_no_rom = false; else rgui->load_no_rom = true; rarch_environment_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_EXEC, (void*)path); #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC) menu_update_system_info(rgui, NULL); #endif } static void menu_init_history(void *data) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (rgui && rgui->history) { rom_history_free(rgui->history); rgui->history = NULL; } if (*g_extern.config_path) { char history_path[PATH_MAX]; if (*g_settings.game_history_path) strlcpy(history_path, g_settings.game_history_path, sizeof(history_path)); else { fill_pathname_resolve_relative(history_path, g_extern.config_path, ".retroarch-game-history.txt", sizeof(history_path)); } RARCH_LOG("[RGUI]: Opening history: %s.\n", history_path); rgui->history = rom_history_init(history_path, g_settings.game_history_size); } } static void menu_update_libretro_info(void *data) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (!rgui) return; #ifndef HAVE_DYNAMIC retro_get_system_info(&rgui->info); #endif memset(&rgui->core_info_current, 0, sizeof(rgui->core_info_current)); core_info_list_free(rgui->core_info); rgui->core_info = NULL; if (*g_settings.libretro_directory) rgui->core_info = core_info_list_new(g_settings.libretro_directory); menu_update_system_info(rgui, NULL); } void load_menu_game_prepare_dummy(void *data) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (!rgui) return; // Starts dummy core. *g_extern.fullpath = '\0'; rgui->load_no_rom = false; g_extern.lifecycle_state |= (1ULL << MODE_LOAD_GAME); g_extern.lifecycle_state &= ~(1ULL << MODE_GAME); g_extern.system.shutdown = false; } bool load_menu_game(void *data) { struct rarch_main_wrap args = {0}; rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (g_extern.main_is_init) rarch_main_deinit(); args.verbose = g_extern.verbose; args.config_path = *g_extern.config_path ? g_extern.config_path : NULL; args.sram_path = *g_extern.savefile_dir ? g_extern.savefile_dir : NULL; args.state_path = *g_extern.savestate_dir ? g_extern.savestate_dir : NULL; args.rom_path = *g_extern.fullpath ? g_extern.fullpath : NULL; args.libretro_path = *g_settings.libretro ? g_settings.libretro : NULL; args.no_rom = rgui->load_no_rom; if (rgui) rgui->load_no_rom = false; if (rarch_main_init_wrap(&args) != 0) { char name[PATH_MAX], msg[PATH_MAX]; fill_pathname_base(name, g_extern.fullpath, sizeof(name)); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Failed to load %s.\n", name); msg_queue_push(g_extern.msg_queue, msg, 1, 90); if (rgui) rgui->msg_force = true; RARCH_ERR("rarch_main_init_wrap() failed.\n"); return false; } RARCH_LOG("rarch_main_init_wrap() succeeded.\n"); if (rgui) { // Update menu state which depends on config. menu_update_libretro_info(rgui); menu_init_history(rgui); if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->backend && driver.menu_ctx->backend->shader_manager_init) driver.menu_ctx->backend->shader_manager_init(rgui); } return true; } void *menu_init(void) { rgui_handle_t *rgui; rgui = NULL; if (!driver.menu_ctx) { RARCH_ERR("menu_init() - menu context interface not initialized.\n"); return NULL; } if (driver.menu_ctx->init) rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)driver.menu_ctx->init(); if (!rgui) return NULL; strlcpy(g_settings.menu.driver, driver.menu_ctx->ident, sizeof(g_settings.menu.driver)); rgui->menu_stack = (file_list_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(file_list_t)); rgui->selection_buf = (file_list_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(file_list_t)); file_list_push(rgui->menu_stack, "", RGUI_SETTINGS, 0); menu_clear_navigation(rgui); rgui->push_start_screen = g_settings.rgui_show_start_screen; g_settings.rgui_show_start_screen = false; if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->backend && driver.menu_ctx->backend->entries_init) driver.menu_ctx->backend->entries_init(rgui, RGUI_SETTINGS); rgui->trigger_state = 0; rgui->old_input_state = 0; rgui->do_held = false; rgui->frame_buf_show = true; rgui->current_pad = 0; menu_update_libretro_info(rgui); if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->backend && driver.menu_ctx->backend->shader_manager_init) driver.menu_ctx->backend->shader_manager_init(rgui); menu_init_history(rgui); rgui->last_time = rarch_get_time_usec(); return rgui; } void menu_free(void *data) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (!rgui) return; if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->free) driver.menu_ctx->free(rgui); #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC libretro_free_system_info(&rgui->info); #endif file_list_free(rgui->menu_stack); file_list_free(rgui->selection_buf); rom_history_free(rgui->history); core_info_list_free(rgui->core_info); free(rgui); } void menu_ticker_line(char *buf, size_t len, unsigned index, const char *str, bool selected) { size_t str_len = strlen(str); if (str_len <= len) { strlcpy(buf, str, len + 1); return; } if (!selected) { strlcpy(buf, str, len + 1 - 3); strlcat(buf, "...", len + 1); } else { // Wrap long strings in options with some kind of ticker line. unsigned ticker_period = 2 * (str_len - len) + 4; unsigned phase = index % ticker_period; unsigned phase_left_stop = 2; unsigned phase_left_moving = phase_left_stop + (str_len - len); unsigned phase_right_stop = phase_left_moving + 2; unsigned left_offset = phase - phase_left_stop; unsigned right_offset = (str_len - len) - (phase - phase_right_stop); // Ticker period: [Wait at left (2 ticks), Progress to right (type_len - w), Wait at right (2 ticks), Progress to left]. if (phase < phase_left_stop) strlcpy(buf, str, len + 1); else if (phase < phase_left_moving) strlcpy(buf, str + left_offset, len + 1); else if (phase < phase_right_stop) strlcpy(buf, str + str_len - len, len + 1); else strlcpy(buf, str + right_offset, len + 1); } } #ifdef HAVE_MENU uint64_t menu_input(void *data) { unsigned i; uint64_t input_state; rgui_handle_t *rgui; #ifdef RARCH_CONSOLE static const struct retro_keybind *binds[] = { g_settings.input.menu_binds }; #else static const struct retro_keybind *binds[] = { g_settings.input.binds[0] }; #endif rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; input_state = 0; if (!rgui) return 0; input_push_analog_dpad((struct retro_keybind*)binds[0], (g_settings.input.analog_dpad_mode[0] == ANALOG_DPAD_NONE) ? ANALOG_DPAD_LSTICK : g_settings.input.analog_dpad_mode[0]); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) input_push_analog_dpad(g_settings.input.autoconf_binds[i], g_settings.input.analog_dpad_mode[i]); for (i = 0; i < RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R2; i++) { input_state |= input_input_state_func(binds, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, 0, i) ? (1ULL << i) : 0; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY input_state |= (driver.overlay_state.buttons & (UINT64_C(1) << i)) ? (1ULL << i) : 0; #endif } input_state |= input_key_pressed_func(RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE) ? (1ULL << RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE) : 0; input_pop_analog_dpad((struct retro_keybind*)binds[0]); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) input_pop_analog_dpad(g_settings.input.autoconf_binds[i]); rgui->trigger_state = input_state & ~rgui->old_input_state; rgui->do_held = (input_state & ( (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP) | (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN) | (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT) | (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT) | (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L) | (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R) )) && !(input_state & (1ULL << RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE)); return input_state; } bool menu_custom_bind_keyboard_cb(void *data, unsigned code) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; rgui->binds.target->key = (enum retro_key)code; rgui->binds.begin++; rgui->binds.target++; rgui->binds.timeout_end = rarch_get_time_usec() + RGUI_KEYBOARD_BIND_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000000; return rgui->binds.begin <= rgui->binds.last; } void menu_flush_stack_type(void *data, unsigned final_type) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; unsigned type; type = 0; rgui->need_refresh = true; file_list_get_last(rgui->menu_stack, NULL, &type); while (type != final_type) { file_list_pop(rgui->menu_stack, &rgui->selection_ptr); file_list_get_last(rgui->menu_stack, NULL, &type); } } void load_menu_game_new_core(void *data) { rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (!rgui) return; #ifdef HAVE_DYNAMIC menu_update_system_info(rgui, &rgui->load_no_rom); g_extern.lifecycle_state |= (1ULL << MODE_LOAD_GAME); #else rarch_environment_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_LIBRETRO_PATH, (void*)g_settings.libretro); rarch_environment_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_EXEC, (void*)g_extern.fullpath); #endif } bool menu_iterate(void *data) { unsigned action; static bool initial_held = true; static bool first_held = false; uint64_t input_state; int32_t input_entry_ret, ret; rgui_handle_t *rgui; input_state = 0; input_entry_ret = 0; ret = 0; rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (!rgui) return false; if (g_extern.lifecycle_state & (1ULL << MODE_MENU_PREINIT)) { rgui->need_refresh = true; g_extern.lifecycle_state &= ~(1ULL << MODE_MENU_PREINIT); rgui->old_input_state |= 1ULL << RARCH_MENU_TOGGLE; } rarch_input_poll(); rarch_check_block_hotkey(); #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY rarch_check_overlay(); #endif rarch_check_fullscreen(); if (input_key_pressed_func(RARCH_QUIT_KEY) || !video_alive_func()) { g_extern.lifecycle_state |= (1ULL << MODE_GAME); return false; } input_state = menu_input(rgui); if (rgui->do_held) { if (!first_held) { first_held = true; rgui->delay_timer = initial_held ? 12 : 6; rgui->delay_count = 0; } if (rgui->delay_count >= rgui->delay_timer) { first_held = false; rgui->trigger_state = input_state; rgui->scroll_accel = min(rgui->scroll_accel + 1, 64); } initial_held = false; } else { first_held = false; initial_held = true; rgui->scroll_accel = 0; } rgui->delay_count++; rgui->old_input_state = input_state; if (driver.block_input) rgui->trigger_state = 0; action = RGUI_ACTION_NOOP; // don't run anything first frame, only capture held inputs for old_input_state if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP)) action = RGUI_ACTION_UP; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN)) action = RGUI_ACTION_DOWN; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT)) action = RGUI_ACTION_LEFT; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT)) action = RGUI_ACTION_RIGHT; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L)) action = RGUI_ACTION_SCROLL_UP; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R)) action = RGUI_ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B)) action = RGUI_ACTION_CANCEL; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A)) action = RGUI_ACTION_OK; else if (rgui->trigger_state & (1ULL << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START)) action = RGUI_ACTION_START; if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->backend && driver.menu_ctx->backend->iterate) input_entry_ret = driver.menu_ctx->backend->iterate(rgui, action); if (driver.video_data && driver.video_poke && driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable) driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable(driver.video_data, rgui->frame_buf_show, MENU_TEXTURE_FULLSCREEN); rarch_render_cached_frame(); // Throttle in case VSync is broken (avoid 1000+ FPS RGUI). rgui->time = rarch_get_time_usec(); rgui->delta = (rgui->time - rgui->last_time) / 1000; rgui->target_msec = 750 / g_settings.video.refresh_rate; // Try to sleep less, so we can hopefully rely on FPS logger. rgui->sleep_msec = rgui->target_msec - rgui->delta; if (rgui->sleep_msec > 0) rarch_sleep((unsigned int)rgui->sleep_msec); rgui->last_time = rarch_get_time_usec(); if (driver.video_data && driver.video_poke && driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable) driver.video_poke->set_texture_enable(driver.video_data, false, MENU_TEXTURE_FULLSCREEN); if (driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->input_postprocess) ret = driver.menu_ctx->input_postprocess(rgui, rgui->old_input_state); if (ret < 0) { unsigned type = 0; file_list_get_last(rgui->menu_stack, NULL, &type); while (type != RGUI_SETTINGS) { file_list_pop(rgui->menu_stack, &rgui->selection_ptr); file_list_get_last(rgui->menu_stack, NULL, &type); } } if (ret || input_entry_ret) return false; return true; } #endif // Quite intrusive and error prone. // Likely to have lots of small bugs. // Cleanly exit the main loop to ensure that all the tiny details get set properly. // This should mitigate most of the smaller bugs. bool menu_replace_config(void *data, const char *path) { rgui_handle_t *rgui; rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; if (strcmp(path, g_extern.config_path) == 0 || !rgui) return false; if (g_extern.config_save_on_exit && *g_extern.config_path) config_save_file(g_extern.config_path); strlcpy(g_extern.config_path, path, sizeof(g_extern.config_path)); g_extern.block_config_read = false; // Load dummy core. *g_extern.fullpath = '\0'; *g_settings.libretro = '\0'; // Load core in new config. g_extern.lifecycle_state |= (1ULL << MODE_LOAD_GAME); rgui->load_no_rom = false; return true; } // Save a new config to a file. Filename is based on heuristics to avoid typing. bool menu_save_new_config(void) { char config_dir[PATH_MAX]; *config_dir = '\0'; if (*g_settings.rgui_config_directory) strlcpy(config_dir, g_settings.rgui_config_directory, sizeof(config_dir)); else if (*g_extern.config_path) // Fallback fill_pathname_basedir(config_dir, g_extern.config_path, sizeof(config_dir)); else { const char *msg = "Config directory not set. Cannot save new config."; msg_queue_clear(g_extern.msg_queue); msg_queue_push(g_extern.msg_queue, msg, 1, 180); RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg); return false; } bool found_path = false; char config_name[PATH_MAX]; char config_path[PATH_MAX]; if (*g_settings.libretro && path_file_exists(g_settings.libretro)) // Infer file name based on libretro core. { unsigned i; // In case of collision, find an alternative name. for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { fill_pathname_base(config_name, g_settings.libretro, sizeof(config_name)); path_remove_extension(config_name); fill_pathname_join(config_path, config_dir, config_name, sizeof(config_path)); char tmp[64]; *tmp = '\0'; if (i) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-%u.cfg", i); else strlcpy(tmp, ".cfg", sizeof(tmp)); strlcat(config_path, tmp, sizeof(config_path)); if (!path_file_exists(config_path)) { found_path = true; break; } } } // Fallback to system time ... if (!found_path) { RARCH_WARN("Cannot infer new config path. Use current time.\n"); fill_dated_filename(config_name, "cfg", sizeof(config_name)); fill_pathname_join(config_path, config_dir, config_name, sizeof(config_path)); } char msg[512]; bool ret; if (config_save_file(config_path)) { strlcpy(g_extern.config_path, config_path, sizeof(g_extern.config_path)); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Saved new config to \"%s\".", config_path); RARCH_LOG("%s\n", msg); ret = true; } else { snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Failed saving config to \"%s\".", config_path); RARCH_ERR("%s\n", msg); ret = false; } msg_queue_clear(g_extern.msg_queue); msg_queue_push(g_extern.msg_queue, msg, 1, 180); return ret; } void menu_poll_bind_state(struct rgui_bind_state *state) { unsigned i, b, a, h; memset(state->state, 0, sizeof(state->state)); state->skip = input_input_state_func(NULL, 0, RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD, 0, RETROK_RETURN); const rarch_joypad_driver_t *joypad = NULL; if (driver.input && driver.input_data && driver.input->get_joypad_driver) joypad = driver.input->get_joypad_driver(driver.input_data); if (!joypad) { RARCH_ERR("Cannot poll raw joypad state."); return; } input_joypad_poll(joypad); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { for (b = 0; b < RGUI_MAX_BUTTONS; b++) state->state[i].buttons[b] = input_joypad_button_raw(joypad, i, b); for (a = 0; a < RGUI_MAX_AXES; a++) state->state[i].axes[a] = input_joypad_axis_raw(joypad, i, a); for (h = 0; h < RGUI_MAX_HATS; h++) { state->state[i].hats[h] |= input_joypad_hat_raw(joypad, i, HAT_UP_MASK, h) ? HAT_UP_MASK : 0; state->state[i].hats[h] |= input_joypad_hat_raw(joypad, i, HAT_DOWN_MASK, h) ? HAT_DOWN_MASK : 0; state->state[i].hats[h] |= input_joypad_hat_raw(joypad, i, HAT_LEFT_MASK, h) ? HAT_LEFT_MASK : 0; state->state[i].hats[h] |= input_joypad_hat_raw(joypad, i, HAT_RIGHT_MASK, h) ? HAT_RIGHT_MASK : 0; } } } void menu_poll_bind_get_rested_axes(struct rgui_bind_state *state) { unsigned i, a; const rarch_joypad_driver_t *joypad = NULL; if (driver.input && driver.input_data && driver.input->get_joypad_driver) joypad = driver.input->get_joypad_driver(driver.input_data); if (!joypad) { RARCH_ERR("Cannot poll raw joypad state."); return; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) for (a = 0; a < RGUI_MAX_AXES; a++) state->axis_state[i].rested_axes[a] = input_joypad_axis_raw(joypad, i, a); } static bool menu_poll_find_trigger_pad(struct rgui_bind_state *state, struct rgui_bind_state *new_state, unsigned p) { unsigned a, b, h; const struct rgui_bind_state_port *n = &new_state->state[p]; const struct rgui_bind_state_port *o = &state->state[p]; for (b = 0; b < RGUI_MAX_BUTTONS; b++) { if (n->buttons[b] && !o->buttons[b]) { state->target->joykey = b; state->target->joyaxis = AXIS_NONE; return true; } } // Axes are a bit tricky ... for (a = 0; a < RGUI_MAX_AXES; a++) { int locked_distance = abs(n->axes[a] - new_state->axis_state[p].locked_axes[a]); int rested_distance = abs(n->axes[a] - new_state->axis_state[p].rested_axes[a]); if (abs(n->axes[a]) >= 20000 && locked_distance >= 20000 && rested_distance >= 20000) // Take care of case where axis rests on +/- 0x7fff (e.g. 360 controller on Linux) { state->target->joyaxis = n->axes[a] > 0 ? AXIS_POS(a) : AXIS_NEG(a); state->target->joykey = NO_BTN; // Lock the current axis. new_state->axis_state[p].locked_axes[a] = n->axes[a] > 0 ? 0x7fff : -0x7fff; return true; } if (locked_distance >= 20000) // Unlock the axis. new_state->axis_state[p].locked_axes[a] = 0; } for (h = 0; h < RGUI_MAX_HATS; h++) { uint16_t trigged = n->hats[h] & (~o->hats[h]); uint16_t sane_trigger = 0; if (trigged & HAT_UP_MASK) sane_trigger = HAT_UP_MASK; else if (trigged & HAT_DOWN_MASK) sane_trigger = HAT_DOWN_MASK; else if (trigged & HAT_LEFT_MASK) sane_trigger = HAT_LEFT_MASK; else if (trigged & HAT_RIGHT_MASK) sane_trigger = HAT_RIGHT_MASK; if (sane_trigger) { state->target->joykey = HAT_MAP(h, sane_trigger); state->target->joyaxis = AXIS_NONE; return true; } } return false; } bool menu_poll_find_trigger(struct rgui_bind_state *state, struct rgui_bind_state *new_state) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (menu_poll_find_trigger_pad(state, new_state, i)) { g_settings.input.joypad_map[state->player] = i; // Update the joypad mapping automatically. More friendly that way. return true; } } return false; } static inline int menu_list_get_first_char(file_list_t *buf, unsigned offset) { const char *path = NULL; file_list_get_alt_at_offset(buf, offset, &path); int ret = tolower(*path); // "Normalize" non-alphabetical entries so they are lumped together for purposes of jumping. if (ret < 'a') ret = 'a' - 1; else if (ret > 'z') ret = 'z' + 1; return ret; } static inline bool menu_list_elem_is_dir(file_list_t *buf, unsigned offset) { const char *path = NULL; unsigned type = 0; file_list_get_at_offset(buf, offset, &path, &type); return type != RGUI_FILE_PLAIN; } void menu_build_scroll_indices(void *data, file_list_t *buf) { size_t i; int current; bool current_is_dir; rgui_handle_t *rgui = (rgui_handle_t*)data; rgui->scroll_indices_size = 0; if (!buf->size) return; rgui->scroll_indices[rgui->scroll_indices_size++] = 0; current = menu_list_get_first_char(buf, 0); current_is_dir = menu_list_elem_is_dir(buf, 0); for (i = 1; i < buf->size; i++) { int first; bool is_dir; first = menu_list_get_first_char(buf, i); is_dir = menu_list_elem_is_dir(buf, i); if ((current_is_dir && !is_dir) || (first > current)) rgui->scroll_indices[rgui->scroll_indices_size++] = i; current = first; current_is_dir = is_dir; } rgui->scroll_indices[rgui->scroll_indices_size++] = buf->size - 1; }