/* Copyright (C) 2010-2017 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (libretrodb.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libretrodb.h" #include "rmsgpack_dom.h" #include "rmsgpack.h" #include "bintree.h" #include "query.h" #include "libretrodb.h" #define MAGIC_NUMBER "RARCHDB" struct node_iter_ctx { libretrodb_t *db; libretrodb_index_t *idx; }; struct libretrodb { RFILE *fd; char *path; bool can_write; uint64_t root; uint64_t count; uint64_t first_index_offset; }; struct libretrodb_index { char name[50]; uint64_t key_size; uint64_t next; uint64_t count; }; typedef struct libretrodb_metadata { uint64_t count; } libretrodb_metadata_t; typedef struct libretrodb_header { char magic_number[sizeof(MAGIC_NUMBER)]; uint64_t metadata_offset; } libretrodb_header_t; struct libretrodb_cursor { RFILE *fd; libretrodb_query_t *query; libretrodb_t *db; int is_valid; int eof; }; static int libretrodb_validate_document(const struct rmsgpack_dom_value *doc) { unsigned i; if (doc->type != RDT_MAP) return -1; for (i = 0; i < doc->val.map.len; i++) { int rv = 0; struct rmsgpack_dom_value key = doc->val.map.items[i].key; struct rmsgpack_dom_value value = doc->val.map.items[i].value; if (key.type != RDT_STRING) return -1; if (key.val.string.len <= 0) return -1; if (key.val.string.buff[0] == '$') return -1; if (value.type != RDT_MAP) continue; if ((rv == libretrodb_validate_document(&value)) != 0) return rv; } return 0; } int libretrodb_create(RFILE *fd, libretrodb_value_provider value_provider, void *ctx) { int rv; libretrodb_metadata_t md; static struct rmsgpack_dom_value sentinal; struct rmsgpack_dom_value item; uint64_t item_count = 0; libretrodb_header_t header = {{0}}; ssize_t root = filestream_tell(fd); memcpy(header.magic_number, MAGIC_NUMBER, sizeof(MAGIC_NUMBER)-1); /* We write the header in the end because we need to know the size of * the db first */ filestream_seek(fd, sizeof(libretrodb_header_t), RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_CURRENT); item.type = RDT_NULL; while ((rv = value_provider(ctx, &item)) == 0) { if ((rv = libretrodb_validate_document(&item)) < 0) goto clean; if ((rv = rmsgpack_dom_write(fd, &item)) < 0) goto clean; rmsgpack_dom_value_free(&item); item.type = RDT_NULL; item_count++; } if (rv < 0) goto clean; if ((rv = rmsgpack_dom_write(fd, &sentinal)) < 0) goto clean; header.metadata_offset = swap_if_little64(filestream_tell(fd)); md.count = item_count; rmsgpack_write_map_header(fd, 1); rmsgpack_write_string(fd, "count", STRLEN_CONST("count")); rmsgpack_write_uint(fd, md.count); filestream_seek(fd, root, RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_START); filestream_write(fd, &header, sizeof(header)); clean: rmsgpack_dom_value_free(&item); return rv; } void libretrodb_close(libretrodb_t *db) { if (db->fd) filestream_close(db->fd); if (!string_is_empty(db->path)) free(db->path); db->path = NULL; db->fd = NULL; } int libretrodb_open(const char *path, libretrodb_t *db, bool write) { libretrodb_header_t header; libretrodb_metadata_t md; RFILE *fd = filestream_open(path, write ? RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ_WRITE | RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_UPDATE_EXISTING : RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE); db->can_write = write; if (!fd) return -1; if (!string_is_empty(db->path)) free(db->path); db->path = strdup(path); db->root = filestream_tell(fd); if ((int)filestream_read(fd, &header, sizeof(header)) == -1) goto error; if (strncmp(header.magic_number, MAGIC_NUMBER, sizeof(MAGIC_NUMBER)) != 0) goto error; header.metadata_offset = swap_if_little64(header.metadata_offset); filestream_seek(fd, (ssize_t)header.metadata_offset, RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_START); if (rmsgpack_dom_read_into(fd, "count", &md.count, NULL) < 0) goto error; db->count = md.count; db->first_index_offset = filestream_tell(fd); db->fd = fd; return 0; error: if (fd) filestream_close(fd); return -1; } static int libretrodb_find_index(libretrodb_t *db, const char *index_name, libretrodb_index_t *idx) { filestream_seek(db->fd, (ssize_t)db->first_index_offset, RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_START); while (!filestream_eof(db->fd)) { uint64_t name_len = 50; /* Read index header */ if (rmsgpack_dom_read_into(db->fd, "name", idx->name, &name_len, "key_size", &idx->key_size, "next", &idx->next, "count", &idx->count, NULL) < 0) { printf("Invalid index header\n"); break; } if (strncmp(index_name, idx->name, strlen(idx->name)) == 0) return 0; filestream_seek(db->fd, (ssize_t)idx->next, RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_CURRENT); } return -1; } static int binsearch(const void *buff, const void *item, uint64_t count, uint8_t field_size, uint64_t *offset) { int mid = (int)(count / 2); int item_size = field_size + sizeof(uint64_t); uint8_t *current = ((uint8_t *)buff + (mid * item_size)); int rv = memcmp(current, item, field_size); if (rv == 0) { *offset = *(uint64_t *)(current + field_size); return 0; } if (count == 0) return -1; if (rv > 0) return binsearch(buff, item, mid, field_size, offset); return binsearch(current + item_size, item, count - mid, field_size, offset); } int libretrodb_find_entry(libretrodb_t *db, const char *index_name, const void *key, struct rmsgpack_dom_value *out) { libretrodb_index_t idx; int rv; uint8_t *buff; uint64_t offset; ssize_t bufflen, nread = 0; if (libretrodb_find_index(db, index_name, &idx) < 0) return -1; bufflen = idx.next; if (!(buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(bufflen))) return -1; while (nread < bufflen) { void *buff_ = (buff + nread); rv = (int)filestream_read(db->fd, buff_, bufflen - nread); if (rv <= 0) { free(buff); return -1; } nread += rv; } rv = binsearch(buff, key, idx.count, (ssize_t)idx.key_size, &offset); free(buff); if (rv == 0) { filestream_seek(db->fd, (ssize_t)offset, RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_START); rmsgpack_dom_read(db->fd, out); return 0; } return -1; } /** * libretrodb_cursor_reset: * @cursor : Handle to database cursor. * * Resets cursor. * * Returns: ???. **/ int libretrodb_cursor_reset(libretrodb_cursor_t *cursor) { cursor->eof = 0; return (int)filestream_seek(cursor->fd, (ssize_t)(cursor->db->root + sizeof(libretrodb_header_t)), RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_START); } int libretrodb_cursor_read_item(libretrodb_cursor_t *cursor, struct rmsgpack_dom_value *out) { int rv; if (cursor->eof) return EOF; retry: if ((rv = rmsgpack_dom_read(cursor->fd, out)) < 0) return rv; if (out->type == RDT_NULL) { cursor->eof = 1; return EOF; } if (cursor->query) { if (!libretrodb_query_filter(cursor->query, out)) { rmsgpack_dom_value_free(out); goto retry; } } return 0; } /** * libretrodb_cursor_close: * @cursor : Handle to database cursor. * * Closes cursor and frees up allocated memory. **/ void libretrodb_cursor_close(libretrodb_cursor_t *cursor) { if (!cursor) return; if (cursor->fd) filestream_close(cursor->fd); if (cursor->query) libretrodb_query_free(cursor->query); cursor->is_valid = 0; cursor->eof = 1; cursor->fd = NULL; cursor->db = NULL; cursor->query = NULL; } /** * libretrodb_cursor_open: * @db : Handle to database. * @cursor : Handle to database cursor. * @q : Query to execute. * * Opens cursor to database based on query @q. * * Returns: 0 if successful, otherwise negative. **/ int libretrodb_cursor_open(libretrodb_t *db, libretrodb_cursor_t *cursor, libretrodb_query_t *q) { RFILE *fd = NULL; if (!db || string_is_empty(db->path)) return -1; if (!(fd = filestream_open(db->path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE))) return -1; cursor->fd = fd; cursor->db = db; cursor->is_valid = 1; libretrodb_cursor_reset(cursor); cursor->query = q; if (q) libretrodb_query_inc_ref(q); return 0; } static int node_iter(void *value, void *ctx) { struct node_iter_ctx *nictx = (struct node_iter_ctx*)ctx; if (filestream_write(nictx->db->fd, value, (ssize_t)(nictx->idx->key_size + sizeof(uint64_t))) > 0) return 0; return -1; } static int node_compare(const void *a, const void *b, void *ctx) { return memcmp(a, b, *(uint8_t *)ctx); } int libretrodb_create_index(libretrodb_t *db, const char *name, const char *field_name) { struct node_iter_ctx nictx; struct rmsgpack_dom_value key; libretrodb_index_t idx; struct rmsgpack_dom_value item; libretrodb_cursor_t cur = {0}; struct rmsgpack_dom_value *field = NULL; void *buff = NULL; uint64_t *buff_u64 = NULL; uint8_t field_size = 0; uint64_t item_loc = filestream_tell(db->fd); bintree_t *tree; uint64_t item_count = 0; int rval = -1; if (libretrodb_find_index(db, name, &idx) >= 0) return 1; if (!db->can_write) return -1; tree = bintree_new(node_compare, &field_size); item.type = RDT_NULL; if (!tree || (libretrodb_cursor_open(db, &cur, NULL) != 0)) goto clean; key.type = RDT_STRING; key.val.string.len = (uint32_t)strlen(field_name); key.val.string.buff = (char *)field_name; /* We know we aren't going to change it */ while (libretrodb_cursor_read_item(&cur, &item) == 0) { /* Only map keys are supported */ if (item.type != RDT_MAP) goto clean; /* Field not found in item? */ if (!(field = rmsgpack_dom_value_map_value(&item, &key))) continue; /* Field is not binary? */ if (field->type != RDT_BINARY) goto clean; /* Field is empty? */ if (field->val.binary.len == 0) goto clean; if (field_size == 0) field_size = field->val.binary.len; /* Field is not of correct size */ else if (field->val.binary.len != field_size) goto clean; if (!(buff = malloc(field_size + sizeof(uint64_t)))) goto clean; memcpy(buff, field->val.binary.buff, field_size); buff_u64 = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)buff + field_size); memcpy(buff_u64, &item_loc, sizeof(uint64_t)); /* Value is not unique? */ if (bintree_insert(tree, tree->root, buff) != 0) { rmsgpack_dom_value_print(field); goto clean; } item_count++; buff = NULL; rmsgpack_dom_value_free(&item); item_loc = filestream_tell(cur.fd); } rval = 0; filestream_seek(db->fd, 0, RETRO_VFS_SEEK_POSITION_END); strlcpy(idx.name, name, sizeof(idx.name)); idx.key_size = field_size; idx.next = item_count * (field_size + sizeof(uint64_t)); idx.count = item_count; /* Write index header */ rmsgpack_write_map_header(db->fd, 4); rmsgpack_write_string(db->fd, "name", STRLEN_CONST("name")); rmsgpack_write_string(db->fd, idx.name, (uint32_t)strlen(idx.name)); rmsgpack_write_string(db->fd, "key_size", (uint32_t)STRLEN_CONST("key_size")); rmsgpack_write_uint (db->fd, idx.key_size); rmsgpack_write_string(db->fd, "next", STRLEN_CONST("next")); rmsgpack_write_uint (db->fd, idx.next); rmsgpack_write_string(db->fd, "count", STRLEN_CONST("count")); rmsgpack_write_uint (db->fd, idx.count); nictx.db = db; nictx.idx = &idx; bintree_iterate(tree->root, node_iter, &nictx); filestream_flush(db->fd); clean: rmsgpack_dom_value_free(&item); if (buff) free(buff); if (cur.is_valid) libretrodb_cursor_close(&cur); if (tree && tree->root) bintree_free(tree->root); free(tree); return rval; } libretrodb_cursor_t *libretrodb_cursor_new(void) { libretrodb_cursor_t *dbc = (libretrodb_cursor_t*) malloc(sizeof(*dbc)); if (!dbc) return NULL; dbc->is_valid = 0; dbc->fd = NULL; dbc->eof = 0; dbc->query = NULL; dbc->db = NULL; return dbc; } void libretrodb_cursor_free(libretrodb_cursor_t *dbc) { if (dbc) free(dbc); } libretrodb_t *libretrodb_new(void) { libretrodb_t *db = (libretrodb_t*)malloc(sizeof(*db)); if (!db) return NULL; db->fd = NULL; db->root = 0; db->count = 0; db->first_index_offset = 0; db->path = NULL; return db; } void libretrodb_free(libretrodb_t *db) { if (db) free(db); }