/* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (archive_file.c). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MMAP #include #include #include #include #include #endif static int file_archive_get_file_list_cb( const char *path, const char *valid_exts, const uint8_t *cdata, unsigned cmode, uint32_t csize, uint32_t size, uint32_t checksum, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata) { union string_list_elem_attr attr; attr.i = RARCH_COMPRESSED_FILE_IN_ARCHIVE; if (valid_exts) { size_t path_len = strlen(path); /* Checks if this entry is a directory or a file. */ char last_char = path[path_len - 1]; struct string_list ext_list = {0}; /* Skip if directory. */ if (last_char == '/' || last_char == '\\' ) return 1; string_list_initialize(&ext_list); if (string_split_noalloc(&ext_list, valid_exts, "|")) { const char *file_ext = path_get_extension(path); if (!file_ext) { string_list_deinitialize(&ext_list); return 1; } if (!string_list_find_elem_prefix(&ext_list, ".", file_ext)) { /* keep iterating */ string_list_deinitialize(&ext_list); return -1; } } string_list_deinitialize(&ext_list); } return string_list_append(userdata->list, path, attr); } static int file_archive_extract_cb(const char *name, const char *valid_exts, const uint8_t *cdata, unsigned cmode, uint32_t csize, uint32_t size, uint32_t checksum, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata) { const char *ext = path_get_extension(name); /* Extract first file that matches our list. */ if (ext && string_list_find_elem(userdata->ext, ext)) { char new_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; const char *delim; if ((delim = path_get_archive_delim(userdata->archive_path))) { if (!string_is_equal_noncase( userdata->current_file_path, delim + 1)) return 1; /* keep searching for the right file */ } if (userdata->extraction_directory) fill_pathname_join_special(new_path, userdata->extraction_directory, path_basename(name), sizeof(new_path)); else fill_pathname_resolve_relative(new_path, userdata->archive_path, path_basename(name), sizeof(new_path)); if (file_archive_perform_mode(new_path, valid_exts, cdata, cmode, csize, size, checksum, userdata)) { userdata->found_file = true; userdata->first_extracted_file_path = strdup(new_path); } return 0; } return 1; } static int file_archive_parse_file_init(file_archive_transfer_t *state, const char *file) { char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; char *last = NULL; strlcpy(path, file, sizeof(path)); if ((last = (char*)path_get_archive_delim(path))) *last = '\0'; if (!(state->backend = file_archive_get_file_backend(path))) return -1; /* Failed to open archive. */ if (!(state->archive_file = filestream_open(path, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ, RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_HINT_NONE))) return -1; state->archive_size = filestream_get_size(state->archive_file); #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (state->archive_size <= (256*1024*1024)) { state->archive_mmap_fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (state->archive_mmap_fd) { state->archive_mmap_data = (uint8_t*)mmap(NULL, (size_t)state->archive_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, state->archive_mmap_fd, 0); if (state->archive_mmap_data == (uint8_t*)MAP_FAILED) { close(state->archive_mmap_fd); state->archive_mmap_fd = 0; state->archive_mmap_data = NULL; } } } #endif state->step_current = 0; state->step_total = 0; return state->backend->archive_parse_file_init(state, path); } void file_archive_parse_file_iterate_stop(file_archive_transfer_t *state) { if (!state || !state->archive_file) return; state->type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT; file_archive_parse_file_iterate(state, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } int file_archive_parse_file_iterate( file_archive_transfer_t *state, bool *returnerr, const char *file, const char *valid_exts, file_archive_file_cb file_cb, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata) { if (!state) return -1; switch (state->type) { case ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_NONE: break; case ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_INIT: if (file_archive_parse_file_init(state, file) == 0) { if (userdata) { userdata->transfer = state; strlcpy(userdata->archive_path, file, sizeof(userdata->archive_path)); } state->type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_ITERATE; } else state->type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT_ERROR; break; case ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_ITERATE: if (state->backend) { int ret = state->backend->archive_parse_file_iterate_step( state->context, valid_exts, userdata, file_cb); if (ret == 1) state->step_current++; /* found another file */ if (ret != 1) state->type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT; if (ret == -1) state->type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT_ERROR; /* early return to prevent deinit from never firing */ return 0; } return -1; case ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT_ERROR: *returnerr = false; case ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT: if (state->context) { if (state->backend->archive_parse_file_free) state->backend->archive_parse_file_free(state->context); state->context = NULL; } if (state->archive_file) { filestream_close(state->archive_file); state->archive_file = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (state->archive_mmap_data) { munmap(state->archive_mmap_data, (size_t)state->archive_size); close(state->archive_mmap_fd); state->archive_mmap_fd = 0; state->archive_mmap_data = NULL; } #endif if (userdata) userdata->transfer = NULL; break; } if ( state->type == ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT || state->type == ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_DEINIT_ERROR) return -1; return 0; } /** * file_archive_walk: * @file : filename path of archive * @valid_exts : Valid extensions of archive to be parsed. * If NULL, allow all. * @file_cb : file_cb function pointer * @userdata : userdata to pass to file_cb function pointer. * * Low-level file parsing. Enumerates over all files and calls * file_cb with userdata. * * Returns: true (1) on success, otherwise false (0). **/ static bool file_archive_walk(const char *file, const char *valid_exts, file_archive_file_cb file_cb, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata) { file_archive_transfer_t state; bool returnerr = true; state.type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_INIT; state.archive_file = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP state.archive_mmap_fd = 0; state.archive_mmap_data = NULL; #endif state.archive_size = 0; state.context = NULL; state.step_total = 0; state.step_current = 0; state.backend = NULL; for (;;) { if (file_archive_parse_file_iterate(&state, &returnerr, file, valid_exts, file_cb, userdata) != 0) break; } return returnerr; } int file_archive_parse_file_progress(file_archive_transfer_t *state) { if (!state || state->step_total == 0) return 0; return (int)((state->step_current * 100) / (state->step_total)); } /** * file_archive_extract_file: * @archive_path : filename path to archive. * @valid_exts : valid extensions for the file. * @extraction_directory : the directory to extract temporary * file to. * * Extract file from archive. If no file inside the archive is * specified, the first file found will be used. * * Returns : true (1) on success, otherwise false (0). **/ bool file_archive_extract_file( const char *archive_path, const char *valid_exts, const char *extraction_directory, char *s, size_t len) { struct archive_extract_userdata userdata; bool ret = true; struct string_list *list = string_split(valid_exts, "|"); userdata.archive_path[0] = '\0'; userdata.current_file_path[0] = '\0'; userdata.first_extracted_file_path = NULL; userdata.extraction_directory = extraction_directory; userdata.ext = list; userdata.list = NULL; userdata.found_file = false; userdata.list_only = false; userdata.crc = 0; userdata.transfer = NULL; userdata.dec = NULL; if (!list) { ret = false; goto end; } if (!file_archive_walk(archive_path, valid_exts, file_archive_extract_cb, &userdata)) { /* Parsing file archive failed. */ ret = false; goto end; } if (!userdata.found_file) { /* Didn't find any file that matched valid extensions * for libretro implementation. */ ret = false; goto end; } if (!string_is_empty(userdata.first_extracted_file_path)) strlcpy(s, userdata.first_extracted_file_path, len); end: if (userdata.first_extracted_file_path) free(userdata.first_extracted_file_path); if (list) string_list_free(list); return ret; } /* Warning: 'list' must zero initialised before * calling this function, otherwise memory leaks/ * undefined behaviour will occur */ bool file_archive_get_file_list_noalloc(struct string_list *list, const char *path, const char *valid_exts) { struct archive_extract_userdata userdata; if (!list || !string_list_initialize(list)) return false; strlcpy(userdata.archive_path, path, sizeof(userdata.archive_path)); userdata.current_file_path[0] = '\0'; userdata.first_extracted_file_path = NULL; userdata.extraction_directory = NULL; userdata.ext = NULL; userdata.list = list; userdata.found_file = false; userdata.list_only = true; userdata.crc = 0; userdata.transfer = NULL; userdata.dec = NULL; if (!file_archive_walk(path, valid_exts, file_archive_get_file_list_cb, &userdata)) return false; return true; } /** * file_archive_get_file_list: * @path : filename path of archive * * Returns: string listing of files from archive on success, otherwise NULL. **/ struct string_list *file_archive_get_file_list(const char *path, const char *valid_exts) { struct archive_extract_userdata userdata; strlcpy(userdata.archive_path, path, sizeof(userdata.archive_path)); userdata.current_file_path[0] = '\0'; userdata.first_extracted_file_path = NULL; userdata.extraction_directory = NULL; userdata.ext = NULL; userdata.list = string_list_new(); userdata.found_file = false; userdata.list_only = true; userdata.crc = 0; userdata.transfer = NULL; userdata.dec = NULL; if (!userdata.list) return NULL; if (!file_archive_walk(path, valid_exts, file_archive_get_file_list_cb, &userdata)) { string_list_free(userdata.list); return NULL; } return userdata.list; } bool file_archive_perform_mode(const char *path, const char *valid_exts, const uint8_t *cdata, unsigned cmode, uint32_t csize, uint32_t size, uint32_t crc32, struct archive_extract_userdata *userdata) { int ret; file_archive_file_handle_t handle; if (!userdata->transfer || !userdata->transfer->backend) return false; handle.data = NULL; handle.real_checksum = 0; if (!userdata->transfer->backend->stream_decompress_data_to_file_init( userdata->transfer->context, &handle, cdata, cmode, csize, size)) return false; do { ret = userdata->transfer->backend->stream_decompress_data_to_file_iterate( userdata->transfer->context, &handle); }while (ret == 0); if (ret == -1 || !filestream_write_file(path, handle.data, size)) return false; return true; } /** * file_archive_filename_split: * @str : filename to turn into a string list * * Creates a new string list based on filename @path, delimited by a hash (#). * * Returns: new string list if successful, otherwise NULL. */ static struct string_list *file_archive_filename_split(const char *path) { union string_list_elem_attr attr; struct string_list *list = string_list_new(); const char *delim = path_get_archive_delim(path); attr.i = 0; if (delim) { /* add archive path to list first */ if (!string_list_append_n(list, path, (unsigned)(delim - path), attr)) goto error; /* now add the path within the archive */ delim++; if (*delim) { if (!string_list_append(list, delim, attr)) goto error; } } else if (!string_list_append(list, path, attr)) goto error; return list; error: string_list_free(list); return NULL; } /* Generic compressed file loader. * Extracts to buf, unless optional_filename != 0 * Then extracts to optional_filename and leaves buf alone. */ int file_archive_compressed_read( const char * path, void **buf, const char* optional_filename, int64_t *len) { const struct file_archive_file_backend *backend = NULL; struct string_list *str_list = NULL; /* Safety check. * If optional_filename and optional_filename * exists, we simply return 0, * hoping that optional_filename is the * same as requested. */ if (optional_filename && path_is_valid(optional_filename)) { *len = 0; return 1; } str_list = file_archive_filename_split(path); /* We assure that there is something after the '#' symbol. * * This error condition happens for example, when * path = /path/to/file.7z, or * path = /path/to/file.7z# */ if (str_list->size <= 1) { /* could not extract string and substring. */ string_list_free(str_list); *len = 0; return 0; } backend = file_archive_get_file_backend(str_list->elems[0].data); *len = backend->compressed_file_read(str_list->elems[0].data, str_list->elems[1].data, buf, optional_filename); string_list_free(str_list); if (*len != -1) return 1; return 0; } const struct file_archive_file_backend *file_archive_get_zlib_file_backend(void) { #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB return &zlib_backend; #else return NULL; #endif } const struct file_archive_file_backend *file_archive_get_7z_file_backend(void) { #ifdef HAVE_7ZIP return &sevenzip_backend; #else return NULL; #endif } const struct file_archive_file_backend* file_archive_get_file_backend(const char *path) { #if defined(HAVE_7ZIP) || defined(HAVE_ZLIB) char newpath[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; const char *file_ext = NULL; char *last = NULL; strlcpy(newpath, path, sizeof(newpath)); if ((last = (char*)path_get_archive_delim(newpath))) *last = '\0'; file_ext = path_get_extension(newpath); #ifdef HAVE_7ZIP if (string_is_equal_noncase(file_ext, "7z")) return &sevenzip_backend; #endif #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB if ( string_is_equal_noncase(file_ext, "zip") || string_is_equal_noncase(file_ext, "apk") ) return &zlib_backend; #endif #endif return NULL; } /** * file_archive_get_file_crc32: * @path : filename path of archive * * Returns: CRC32 of the specified file in the archive, otherwise 0. * If no path within the archive is specified, the first * file found inside is used. **/ uint32_t file_archive_get_file_crc32(const char *path) { file_archive_transfer_t state; struct archive_extract_userdata userdata = {0}; bool returnerr = false; const char *archive_path = NULL; bool contains_compressed = path_contains_compressed_file(path); if (contains_compressed) { archive_path = path_get_archive_delim(path); /* move pointer right after the delimiter to give us the path */ if (archive_path) archive_path += 1; } state.type = ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_INIT; state.archive_file = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP state.archive_mmap_fd = 0; state.archive_mmap_data = NULL; #endif state.archive_size = 0; state.context = NULL; state.step_total = 0; state.step_current = 0; state.backend = NULL; /* Initialize and open archive first. Sets next state type to ITERATE. */ file_archive_parse_file_iterate(&state, &returnerr, path, NULL, NULL, &userdata); for (;;) { /* Now find the first file in the archive. */ if (state.type == ARCHIVE_TRANSFER_ITERATE) file_archive_parse_file_iterate(&state, &returnerr, path, NULL, NULL, &userdata); /* If no path specified within archive, stop after * finding the first file. */ if (!contains_compressed) break; /* Stop when the right file in the archive is found. */ if (archive_path) { if (string_is_equal(userdata.current_file_path, archive_path)) break; } else break; } file_archive_parse_file_iterate_stop(&state); return userdata.crc; }